Christmas Music and Norad Tracking Santa Christmas Eve 12-24-2020
.From Rodney Ingle - "We Don't Need A Reason" (Christmas Acapella 2020 Music Video)
Wishing all my friends and family a blessed Christmas and a new year full of hope!
Hope you enjoy this original composition and Christmas 2020's a cappella gift.
Please feel free to share :)
God's blessings to everyone!
From Rodney Ingle - "We Don't Need A Reason" (Christmas Acapella 2020 Music Video)
Wishing all my friends and family a blessed Christmas and a new year full of hope!
Hope you enjoy this original composition and Christmas 2020's a cappella gift.
Please feel free to share :)
God's blessings to everyone!
LIVE: Tracking Santa Claus on Christmas Eve 2020 - LIVE Santa Tracker from NORAD & Music
Thursday, December 24 2020: Watch LIVE as Santa Claus makes his way around the world to deliver gifts to children of all ages! Merry Christmas from RSBN!
"The Square Peg, The Round Hole and the Lathe" by Ron Giless 12-24-2020
."The Square Peg, the Round Hole and the Lathe" by Ron Giles - 12.24.20
Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 2:28 PM EST on December 24, 2020
You can’t fit a square wooden peg in a round hole, unless…., you knock off the edges with a lathe. You can knock off the edges of the square peg with your lathe tools and make it fit precisely. It is done all the time. To do it with people is a bit harder.
It’s not so easy when the square peg is the, fully alive, Cabal debt-based, financial system of greedy bankers. The only good thing about this OLD system lays in the core functionality that supports its use for financial transactions within the economy.
If it weren’t for the edges it might still work. But it is going away as obsolete. We have a new Master Wood Worker and a perfect lathe that is a Miracle Worker of a tool. The QFS.
"The Square Peg, the Round Hole and the Lathe" by Ron Giles - 12.24.20
Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 2:28 PM EST on December 24, 2020
You can’t fit a square wooden peg in a round hole, unless…., you knock off the edges with a lathe. You can knock off the edges of the square peg with your lathe tools and make it fit precisely. It is done all the time. To do it with people is a bit harder.
It’s not so easy when the square peg is the, fully alive, Cabal debt-based, financial system of greedy bankers. The only good thing about this OLD system lays in the core functionality that supports its use for financial transactions within the economy.
If it weren’t for the edges it might still work. But it is going away as obsolete. We have a new Master Wood Worker and a perfect lathe that is a Miracle Worker of a tool. The QFS.
The whole Human Economic system needs to be able to process the transfer of funds from a buyer to a seller in a way that is unencumbered by weighty commodities. The medium of exchange used must be something that has a perceived universal value for all parties. The exchange of acceptable funds precedes the transfer of ownership and possession of the object of the transaction.
In the old days, the simple barter system was cumbersome on a large scale. So, warehouses or clearing-houses were built to hold the commodities. A "Script" was issued for the value of the commodity left in the clearing warehouse. The script was exchanged in the market place and at the end of the day, all merchants would turn in the script and collect the goods they purchased with the script.
On a local basis, it worked well until that too became cumbersome. This left an opening for corruption to take place, and so it did. The warehouseman realized his monopoly and began to raise his fees. Without competition, he charged what he wanted and this began the manipulation that gave advantages to certain elite land-owners who used their power to gain from others who did the work. They became wealthy and more greedy.
Thus the Banksters were borne who have played society ever since with their Pyramid economic system that works for the few at the cost of the many.
The greedy opportunistic types saw a profit beyond warehousing and the banking system was borne. It would have worked well but dishonesty became the lazy man’s way to make money. That is why the manipulation of "money" and "money instruments" became the lazy man's way of making money. JUST SEE WHAT THE BANKSTERS HAVE DONE TO OUR MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE. They have truly made it filthy lucre.
The round core at the center of the banking industry is still there but, being alive, it started to grow edges that made it hard to move. The roundness gave way to edges that made the peg hard to use over time. With roundness, this core could move and the economy could roll on. But the greedy grew edges that eventually slowed down the economic machine and encumbered economic growth.
The peg became squared off. To grow the economy, the greedy edges had to be accommodated and the whole economic system morphed into the debt-based financial system that stands at the precipice of collapsing the entire world economic system today. When you mess with the medium of exchange, you eventually destroy the economy.
For the square peg to fit back into the round hole, the greedy edges have to be honed off, sanded, and inserted back into place. Does there exist such a large lathe that could be used for this purpose?
Or should we as a species create something new, a new financial system that eliminates the possibility of ever being taken over by the greedy, dishonest, unethical, system that supports the small 1% of society? A medium of exchange was never meant to be a source of income. We are going back to real money as a medium of exchange that can never be manipulated again. The QFS stands as a Vanguard for society.
The Quantum Financial System (QFS), has a built-in security system that works for 100% of the people. This is one of many, HOLES, in society that are being created to accommodate a whole new structure for society. The old square pegs won’t work anymore. The old overseers, controllers, are fighting to the death to stop us from abandoning their ship but even the cockroaches are leaving. That old ship of foolish greedy S.O.B (short on brains) lowlifes, has so many holes in it, it cannot stay afloat very much longer.
But the new QFS is sailing right next to the old ship of fools and is already taking on the good, righteous survivors and has room for all who want to survive by doing their work in harmony with correct principles of Societal living.
The problem of who gets to stay has already been solved by the gatekeeper who will not allow the cockroaches to come aboard. The square pegs must be stripped of their edges on an individual basis. If the core has not rotted and is still redeemable they must subject themselves to the individual lathe that will hone down the edges, before they will be welcomed on-board the QFS Ship-of-Glory.
There are a lot of small lathes to use on an individual basis but not one large enough to include the Cabal Debt Financial System into the QFS. That’s a Square-Peg-Tooooooo Big, it’s terminal, and the core is rotting and dying.
If you want to come on board the QFS Ship-of-Glory your baggage (edges) will be thoroughly searched, to see if your presence will infect the perfection of the love that is to be found there. The Cabal are not the only ones that have developed, “Edges.” There exists the slave mentality that works against society. This survival thinking has to change.
Doing your own lathe work now, while you have time, will ensure your inclusion as the Humane, peaceful society is created. If not, sorry, we will not let personal pollution in our new society. Take a bath, clean yourself up and your thinking, and learn to come from love in your dealings with others.
As the Societal standard of living with one another raises, those who don't belong will be naturally rejected on a personal basis. Who would want to live with or associate with a filthy person, especially one who is filthy in spirit? Yuck!
Things are changing the way we live. The abundance mentality will prevail as the old Cabal conditioning gives way to doing things in harmony with others. The way we have learned to use Capitalism must change so that all can become a part of a thriving economy. Doing things as a self-aggrandizement must give way to a more society based ethic that supports everybody.
It is our opportunity to create this type of society as we humanitarians go about our work. We get to make the changes. Are we ready to do our work in harmony with the Alliance who is our guide and our protector? When we are ready, it will happen. We will not fail.
I send my prayers to the Alliance and all involved with them, including our IDC Family of Sovereign Humanitarians. Together we are awesome; our turn will come as we finalize our preparations. WWG1WGA!!!!
Love and Light to all
Ron Giles
Tips to See Jupiter and Saturn Shine as a "Christmas Star"
.'Great Conjunction' 2020: NASA tips to see Jupiter and Saturn shine as a 'Christmas Star'
By Samantha Mathewson 21 hours ago
Jupiter and Saturn will align in the night sky on Dec. 21 in an event astronomers call the "great conjunction" — also referred to as the "Christmas Star" — marking the planets' closest encounter in nearly 400 years.
When Saturn and Jupiter converge on Dec. 21, the two planets may appear as a bright point of light that will be easily visible in the night sky. The two planets have slowly been moving closer to each other over the past few weeks.
A conjunction occurs when planets appear incredibly close to one another in the sky because they line up with Earth in their respective orbits.
'Great Conjunction' 2020: NASA tips to see Jupiter and Saturn shine as a 'Christmas Star'
By Samantha Mathewson 21 hours ago
Jupiter and Saturn will align in the night sky on Dec. 21 in an event astronomers call the "great conjunction" — also referred to as the "Christmas Star" — marking the planets' closest encounter in nearly 400 years.
When Saturn and Jupiter converge on Dec. 21, the two planets may appear as a bright point of light that will be easily visible in the night sky. The two planets have slowly been moving closer to each other over the past few weeks.
A conjunction occurs when planets appear incredibly close to one another in the sky because they line up with Earth in their respective orbits.
"You can imagine the solar system to be a racetrack, with each of the planets as a runner in their own lane and the Earth toward the center of the stadium," Henry Throop, an astronomer in NASA's Planetary Science Division, said in a NASA statement. "From our vantage point, we'll be able to see Jupiter on the inside lane, approaching Saturn all month and finally overtaking it on December 21."
Related: Get ready for the 'Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn
A rare alignment
While Saturn and Jupiter's orbits bring the planets into alignment once every 20 years or so, this year marks the first time since 1623 that the two gas giants have passed this close to one another.
This year's great conjunction also marks the first time in nearly 800 years since the planets aligned at night and skywatchers were able to witness the event. (The 1623 conjunction wasn't visible to skywatchers on much of the Earth because of its location in the night sky, so the last time the event was visible was in 1226.)
The planets will be closest to each other in the sky on Dec. 21, appearing only a tenth of a degree apart. They will remain in close alignment for a few days and will be easily visible to the naked eye when looking toward the southwest just after sunset. While the two planets may be viewed as one point of light, they will remain hundreds of millions of miles apart in space, according to the statement from NASA.
Coincidently, this year's great conjunction also falls on the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere. As a result, some have referred to the planetary alignment as forming a "Christmas star," in reference to the Star of Bethlehem, given the event falls only a few days before Christmas.
"Conjunctions like this could happen on any day of the year, depending on where the planets are in their orbits," Throop said in the statement. "The date of the conjunction is determined by the positions of Jupiter, Saturn and the Earth in their paths around the sun, while the date of the solstice is determined by the tilt of Earth's axis.
The solstice is the longest night of the year, so this rare coincidence will give people a great chance to go outside and see the solar system."
To view the astronomical event, skywatchers should point their gaze toward an unobstructed part of the southwestern sky, about an hour after sunset since the planets will set below the horizon quickly.
Leading up to the Dec. 21 conjunction, Saturn will appear slightly above and to the left of Jupiter. Then, the planets will reverse positions in the sky, NASA officials said in the statement.
Jupiter and Saturn are bright, so they can be seen in areas with clear skies and no cloud cover — and even from most cities. This also means that the event can be seen with the naked eye. However, binoculars or a small telescope may allow viewers to see Jupiter's four large moons, according to the statement.
See videos at link:
"In It To Win It" by Dr. Dinar From Recaps Archives
.In It To Win It By Dr. Dinar
Is this thing for real?
No... really. Is it?
Yeah, this dinar RV deal.
This entire GCR "thing".
Is any of this really and truly going to happen? Like, ever??
Or are we existing in some kind of an alternate universe, alternating between reality and who knows where.
I'll bet there are quite a few folks asking themselves those very same questions right about now.
Not just family and friends of those afflicted with RV/GCR-itis.
In It To Win It By Dr. Dinar
Is this thing for real?
No... really. Is it?
Yeah, this dinar RV deal.
This entire GCR "thing".
Is any of this really and truly going to happen? Like, ever??
Or are we existing in some kind of an alternate universe, alternating between reality and who knows where.
I'll bet there are quite a few folks asking themselves those very same questions right about now.
Not just family and friends of those afflicted with RV/GCR-itis.
Heck, they've had our Rubber Rooms reserved for us for many years now.
It's no shock to them that this once in a lifetime pipe dream has yet to materialize.
To them it's no surprise whatsoever that we aren't celebrating our new lives as millionaires.
Heck no.
They knew from the very beginning that this pie-in-the-sky, too-good-to-be-true Ponzi Scheme was just a scam perpetrated by the banks, the ABC Agencies and the self-proclaimed behind the screens Guru's.
And so far, they're feelin' pretty good about their predictions.
And they won't hesitate to continue to remind us of that fact either.
"Are you rich yet?"
"Did your ship finally come in?"
"How's that new Ferrari workin' out for ya?"
"Enjoying your new Beach House?"
I'm pretty sure we've all been on the receiving end of those jabs.
And more.
The naysayers that continue on with their relentless doubt filled statements, all in an effort to prove themselves right, at the expense of our being wrong.
Which all serves to undermine your foundation, if even just a little bit.
Completely understandable.
For those of us that have been involved in this made for TV spectacle for many years, those that have done the research and built a foundation based on history and how it's extremely likely that history will repeat itself in one form or another, I have a feeling we're fairing a bit better than those that have recently jumped on board the Insane Train.
Yes, I have a strong feeling that those folks among us that are relatively new to this game are going through those initial stages of serious doubt right about now.
Could the naysayers be right?
Could this all be a scam?
Did I fall for yet another Pyramid Scheme, just like my Brother in Law said I did?
We all have those twinges every once in a while, even us RV/GCR veterans.
It's only natural.
At the end of the day it comes down to this being a currency speculation.
There are no guarantees, one way or another.
Absolutely none.
We paid our money, we bought our currency, we all (well, most of us anyway) verified that we were over 48in. tall, which means we're "officially" tall enough to ride this ride.
Basically, we're committed (some believe we should have been committed long ago but that's another story for a different day) to this journey, however long it may take.
Long term investment?
Yeah, we know.
Believe me... we know.
After all, how many times have we heard that.
Not quite as many times as we've heard "It's goin' down tomorrow!" but probably pretty darn close.
Which doesn't bode well for those that thought this was a guaranteed Lottery Ticket win.
Once they realized that this ordeal was going to take some time, they've had to do quite a bit of digging to create foundations of their own.
A means of hanging on and hangin' in there by any means available.
And I feel sorry for those that have yet to go through the initial reality check.
We all got "in" shortly after hearing we only had a few days before this thing popped and suffering through the not-knowingness of whether our shipment of IQD would arrive in time or not.
Yep, been there, done that.
And got the faded Fed Ex envelope to prove it.
Yet, here we are, weeks, months, some of us years later.
Still amazed at how we could still be waiting.
Wondering how all of these endless drop-dead dates and deadlines could have slid by without as much of a provable peep of factual facts to show for it.
Last I checked all the economies around the world should have crumbled at least five years ago.
And yet, here we are, with a world seemingly no worse for wear.
Well, besides the mandatory wearing of the masks, anyway.
Go figure.
And now we're back to the sounds of silence.
Which, I ain't gonna lie, can really be kind of a drag sometimes.
Yep, Dinarland has once again been hushed into submission and to be honest, the silence is deafening.
We've all picked our faves along the way and whether you're a fan of the Newshounds or the Rumtellers, you've surely felt there was someone in Dinarland strummin' the right banjo.
Playin' your tune.
Unfortunately, at the end of the day, here we sit with boxes of funny money and seemingly none of the all-knowing Guru's being any more right or wrong than any of the others.
We're all on the same playing field, left wondering who has the ball.
All part of the Plan? Perhaps.
Maybe all this confusion was just part of a well executed plan of deception.
Myself, I lean more towards the uncontrolled chaos of the situation creating most, if not all, of the confusion.
Not to mention all the behind-the-scenes corruption adding to the confusionism as well.
Mix it all together and you pretty much have the scenario we're currently experiencing.
I'm not so sure they had to add any extra ingredients to spice up the mix.
Does that mean we give up? Heck no!
Does it mean we aren't any closer than we were when Iraq was released from Chapter 7 oh so many years ago?
Again, not necessarily.
Maybe so. Maybe not.
Heck, at this point, everything's a guess because nobody really knows.
One thing's for certain though, we HAVE to be getting closer. Don't we?
I'd sure like to think so anyway.
Unfortunately, closer doesn't necessarily mean close.
Then again, it doesn't mean that we're not close.
It only means that despite how often we might forget, things are happening, things have happened, and things are being done.
Just not on our schedule.
Nor anybody else's for that matter.
And not the one thing we want so emphatically to be over and done, which of course is the GCR.
Therefore, it comes down to making a choice.
Do we bail out early, sell our currency back, and say a quick Adios to Dinarland?
I say Heck No!
I vote we continue to stay strong, to fight the good fight, and to prove, not only to ourselves, but to our family and friends, that we were right.
That "they" were wrong.
That this deal IS real.
That we aren't just plain looney.
That we aren't simply one dim Crayon short of a sharp tool shed.
I know I'm not going anywhere.
I'm in it to win it!
And hopefully you are as well.
We've been in this thing for far too long to give up now.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the Dog Whisperer or in any way involved with the SPCA or the promoting of buying or selling of foreign currency. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
35 Thanksgiving Quotes That Capture the True Meaning of the Day
.35 Thanksgiving Quotes That Capture the True Meaning of the Day
By Annie O’sullivan And Kelsey Hurwitz Nov 19, 2020
When it comes to Thanksgiving, a lot of emphasis gets put on the food; and, rightfully so. Between the juicy turkey, savory sides, and sweet desserts, there are a lot of edible elements to focus on come Thanksgiving Day. But as you make your way through the day, it’s important to practice gratitude and give thanks for the good that’s come your way. (Yes, even in a year filled with a lot of bad.) One way to do that is to read a Thanksgiving quote — aloud or to yourself — that captures the true meaning of the holiday.
Now, to be clear, the origins of the holiday have dark historical roots that have more to do with colonization than appreciation. But over the years, Thanksgiving has become synonymous with thanks (I mean, it’s right in the name.) So make sure to take a moment from your busy day to give thanks.
These Thanksgiving quotes emphasize the role gratitude can play in your life — and not just one day a year. Even in the darkest of times, there is so much to be thankful for, and in a year that has included global pandemic and continued racial injustices, Thanksgiving can be a day to remember all of the good things, big and small. And make sure those in your life are doing the same.
35 Thanksgiving Quotes That Capture the True Meaning of the Day
By Annie O’sullivan And Kelsey Hurwitz Nov 19, 2020
When it comes to Thanksgiving, a lot of emphasis gets put on the food; and, rightfully so. Between the juicy turkey, savory sides, and sweet desserts, there are a lot of edible elements to focus on come Thanksgiving Day. But as you make your way through the day, it’s important to practice gratitude and give thanks for the good that’s come your way. (Yes, even in a year filled with a lot of bad.) One way to do that is to read a Thanksgiving quote — aloud or to yourself — that captures the true meaning of the holiday.
Now, to be clear, the origins of the holiday have dark historical roots that have more to do with colonization than appreciation. But over the years, Thanksgiving has become synonymous with thanks (I mean, it’s right in the name.) So make sure to take a moment from your busy day to give thanks.
These Thanksgiving quotes emphasize the role gratitude can play in your life — and not just one day a year. Even in the darkest of times, there is so much to be thankful for, and in a year that has included global pandemic and continued racial injustices, Thanksgiving can be a day to remember all of the good things, big and small. And make sure those in your life are doing the same.
Consider writing on of these quotes in a Thanksgiving card or incorporating them into your Thanksgiving centerpieces to bring a little extra gratitude to your meal.
“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer. And let faith be the bridge you build to overcome evil and welcome good.” — Maya Angelou
“I awoke this morning with devout thanksgiving for my friends, the old and the new.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well.” — Voltaire
“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.” — Tecumseh
“For my part, I am almost contented just now, and very thankful. Gratitude is a divine emotion: it fills the heart, but not to bursting; it warms it, but not to fever.” — Charlotte Bronte
“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.” — Epictetus
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
4 Common Thanksgiving Myths And The Real Facts Behind Them
.VERIFY: 4 Common Thanksgiving Myths And The Real Facts Behind Them
Author: VERIFY, Terry Spry Jr.
Published: 4:08 PM EST November 23, 2020
The VERIFY team separated fact from fiction on 4 popular Thanksgiving myths including who started the turkey pardoning tradition and how Black Friday got its name.
Thanksgiving is almost here and with the annual festivities also comes years upon years of myths that have developed around one of the biggest holidays of the year for Americans. The myths, misconceptions and legends around Thanksgiving predate the internet, yet have persisted in the digital world all the same. Here are four common Thanksgiving myths, all of which are false, and the truth behind the holiday weekend’s various stories.
MYTH: Thanksgiving has been celebrated every year since the nation’s founding
According to the National Archives, George Washington issued a proclamation that named Thursday, November 26, 1789 as a "Day of Publick Thanksgivin".
VERIFY: 4 Common Thanksgiving Myths And The Real Facts Behind Them
Author: VERIFY, Terry Spry Jr.
Published: 4:08 PM EST November 23, 2020
The VERIFY team separated fact from fiction on 4 popular Thanksgiving myths including who started the turkey pardoning tradition and how Black Friday got its name.
Thanksgiving is almost here and with the annual festivities also comes years upon years of myths that have developed around one of the biggest holidays of the year for Americans. The myths, misconceptions and legends around Thanksgiving predate the internet, yet have persisted in the digital world all the same. Here are four common Thanksgiving myths, all of which are false, and the truth behind the holiday weekend’s various stories.
MYTH: Thanksgiving has been celebrated every year since the nation’s founding
According to the National Archives, George Washington issued a proclamation that named Thursday, November 26, 1789 as a "Day of Publick Thanksgivin".
At that point, however, Thanksgiving wasn’t codified into law as an annual holiday. It was up to the sitting president to declare a day of “Thanksgiving and Prayer” and set the day and month for the holiday. And there were some years where no such day was declared.
For example, Thomas Jefferson opted against it while president. Monticello says Jefferson was against it because of his beliefs in separating religion from the government. Back then, Thanksgiving days were more religious-focused holidays. Thanksgiving was established as one of the first four federal holidays in 1870, when Congress passed the Holiday Act. That law established Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day and Independence Day as holidays, but Thanksgiving was the only one where the president had the discretion to set the date each year.
By that time, Thanksgiving already had an informal date. Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 proclamation set Thanksgiving as the last Thursday in November and subsequent presidents had followed that precedent.
However, Thanksgiving would have fallen on the last day of the month in 1939, so Franklin Roosevelt moved it to the month’s second-to-last Thursday because he worried a shortened Christmas season would dampen the nation’s recovery from the Great Depression. Some states defied the president’s move and made it state law that Thanksgiving was the last Thursday and so Congress sought to set a fixed date for the holiday to combat the confusion. A law was passed in 1941 that set Thanksgiving as the fourth Thursday of November.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
"Veterans Day Tribute" from TNT Wednesday 11-11-2020
BadBoy: To all our veterans and active military personnel - Thank you for your service. May the good LORD continue to bless and keep you all. Happy Veterans Day!!
DLTonkins: To all Marine Corps Veterans and other Armed service veterans who have served this country as i have,let us pray that today is the beginning of the end of the wait for the RV. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Sempre Fi !!
Lilbit: To all Veterans, Happy Veteran's Day and thank you for your service! May God bless you today and ever more!
Grace Renewed: Happy Veterans Day to those have and are serving to keep us safe.
BadBoy: To all our veterans and active military personnel - Thank you for your service. May the good LORD continue to bless and keep you all. Happy Veterans Day!!
DLTonkins: To all Marine Corps Veterans and other Armed service veterans who have served this country as i have,let us pray that today is the beginning of the end of the wait for the RV. Thank you for your service and sacrifice. Sempre Fi !!
Lilbit: To all Veterans, Happy Veteran's Day and thank you for your service! May God bless you today and ever more!
Grace Renewed: Happy Veterans Day to those have and are serving to keep us safe.
A Tribute to Veterans on Veterans Day:
MOT: Lee Greenwood - God Bless The USA (Home Free Cover)
Mot: KISS military tribute all 4 branches' songs & America the Beautiful live! ~~ Happy Veterans Day!!!
Mot: ~~~~~ Toby Keith - American Soldier ~~~~~
Mot: Awesome for Veterans Day!!! ~~~~ Anthem Veterans Memorial ~~~~~
Exchange Appointment Cheat Sheet by Fleming 11-4-2020
.Note: May be a good one to make a copy of……….It is still not definitive whether we will receive 800 numbers or a secure link to make appointments with…..the WF Private group instructions may be different…..we may not know until post RV/GCR
From Fleming 11-4-2020
Exchange Appointment Cheat sheet:
This information is based on the most recent information available. It is not intended to be the authority on the appointment process, only a guide for yourself and/or those to whom you have gifted Zim and/or currency. Due note that there may be changes once final instructions are received. This information is based on exchanges/redemptions done in the USA.
1. The Safe Web link will be sent to those who have either: purchased currency online from bank or an online registered dealer like TravelEx, Great American Coin and/or with one of the aggregating sites (Dinar Recaps, Dinar Chronicles et al).
2. The link will be emailed from one of Tier 1 (large banks): HSBC, WF, Chase, Bank of America possibly Fifth Third.
3. If you received the email directly, you may forward it to a friend or family member who you gifted currency and/or bonds.
Note: May be a good one to make a copy of……….It is still not definitive whether we will receive 800 numbers or a secure link to make appointments with….the WF Private group instructions may be different…....we may not know until post RV/GCR
From Fleming 11-4-2020
Exchange Appointment Cheat sheet:
This information is based on the most recent information available. It is not intended to be the authority on the appointment process, only a guide for yourself and/or those to whom you have gifted Zim and/or currency. Due note that there may be changes once final instructions are received. This information is based on exchanges/redemptions done in the USA.
1. The Safe Web link will be sent to those who have either: purchased currency online from bank or an online registered dealer like TravelEx, Great American Coin and/or with one of the aggregating sites (Dinar Recaps, Dinar Chronicles et al).
2. The link will be emailed from one of Tier 1 (large banks): HSBC, WF, Chase, Bank of America possibly Fifth Third.
3. If you received the email directly, you may forward it to a friend or family member who you gifted currency and/or bonds.
4. If you were gifted currency/bonds a family or friend may forward you the email.
5. When you click onto the Web link, you will verify who you are by answering questions based on publicly available information. This process is similar to when you open a bank account or apply for a loan online.
6. You will be electronically signing a NDA – Non-Disclosure Agreement. Read carefully so you understand what you are agreeing to. Print a copy for your records and for future reference.
7. You will be issued a unique 800# that can only be used once. It is unique to you.
8. You will be issued a unique code which will follow you through the process.
9. When you call the #800 to schedule appointment, you will provide the unique code, the zip code where you wish to exchange and if you have Zim and/or currency to redeem/exchange. Zim is redeemed and Currency is exchanged.
10. You are not required to exchange in your hometown. It is recommended that if you live in a small town, that you go far enough from home, so you are not recognized. This is for your safety. There are no restrictions that prevent you from going to another state. You cannot go to another country to exchange.
11. You need to provide what you will be exchanging/redeeming. Start with the Zim Bond and/or then currencies by country. This is because not all locations will have the ability to process Zim bonds. NEVER say how much you have. Legally, they cannot ask you how much you have.
12. Appointments are expected to last approximately 20 minutes.
13. What to bring to appt.
a. 2 picture IDs – driver’s license, passport, government ID or anything with your picture
b. 2 recent utility bill statements – this verifies your address
c. Social Security card and/or Birth certificate. These may not be necessary, but bring especially if you have no picture ID.
d. If you have a bank account with a Tier 1 bank (HSBC, Chase, WF, Bank of America) bring your account number and routing number (a blank check will have that info.)
14. Have all currencies in order by denomination.
15. If one was not provided and you have a number of bills, create a tally sheet noting how many of each note you have. This can be done on piece of paper or create a table or spreadsheet.
16. Put bills facing in same direction and in denomination order – does not matter if large to small or small to large. Place in small plastic bag.
17. On day of appointment dress professionally. Do not dress to point that you are uncomfortable.
18. Allow yourself plenty of time. Know where you are going and where to park if in a large city/urban area. Do not use Uber or Lyft type services. You might consider hiring a professional security company for transportation if safety is a concern. Do not share with anyone purpose of your appointment or what you are doing.
19. Make a list of anything that you need in the next 10 days. Do you have any emergency needs like housing or medical, etc.
20. If you are redeeming Zim, make a 3-6-month budget. Since it is currently unknown if Zim proceeds will be placed in a structured payout, you need to be able to say this is what I need until first payout is received. Structured payouts take approximately 3 months to set up. This should not include paying off existing debt.
21. Rates on currencies are based on Street rate, International and Contract rate. Not all currencies have a Contract rate. You can ask if there is one. You will want to know if there are conditions for receiving the contract rate and what they are.
22. The Redemption Centers will have a default package. This package will include rates, fee, perks, and benefits. If this is agreeable, you simply will follow through on signing all documents. Leave with copies of all signed documents.
23. It will be in your best interest to create a skeleton trust with the bank, if you do not currently have one. Be prepared to have a unique trust name picked out. Also, who your beneficiaries will be and a successor trustee (person who will take over for you should you not be able to manage duties). Do not use initials or your name for Trust name.
24. We have heard that rates will be on a screen at Redemption Center so you will see what is being offered.
25. There may be stations or tables to verify who you are, and a video about banking changes.
26. When you get to the actual exchange process:
a. Do not let currency out of your site
b. Ask that the DeLaRue machine be in the room and watch them run currency/bonds through. Machine verifies authenticity and counts.
27. If you do not like what is being offered, you can ask if rates are negotiable.
28. You may be asked what you plan to do with the funds. If you are redeeming Zim, you are expected to have a humanitarian project. There is also a list of possible project areas to choose from. See list at end.
a. Historically, they have been looking for the following things in projects:
i. Projects are global in nature – start local and grow outward
ii. Job creation
iii. Duration – multigenerational
e. The best way to talk about your projects is to explain a problem and then how you want to fix it. Example: Homelessness – want to build safe affordable housing.
f. Your project should be typed up in a 1-3-page format with bullet points. This just makes it easy for them to read. Attached is a cover sheet for your project. A copy of your project write up will be left at Redemption Center.
g. If you do not like the rate, ask for your request to be reviewed. You may be given a Safe Keeping Receipt (SKR). This is where your currency/Bonds are recorded, and you are given the SKR. You will then work with a Trust company and/ or Wealth Manager to assist with negotiations.
h. Discuss what fees they are charging for exchange. Do note, that fees may have been calculated in the rates. It is ok to ask about negotiating fees. In many cases, you may be further ahead to just pay the fees. This is something you can ask about. The same is true for perks.
i. If all is agreeable, sign and get copies. Remember that any agreements can be rescinded withing 72 hours/3 days by law. You may ask if that time can be extended to allow you time to meet with professionals and to come back and renegotiate in your best interests.
29. You will open a new bank account for each currency and/or bond you are redeeming/exchanging. These will be under Trust account name.
30. Below are some questions to ask and some may not be necessary under the new QFS:
a. Do the funds from each currency/bod need to be in separate accounts?
b. What about fund protection: Does FDIC still apply, or do I need a Lloyds or Cdars Insurance for amounts over $250,000? Is this something they can assist with?
c. I have been told that these transactions are non-taxable, if not, should that not be true, will you provide in writing that I will have access to the funds to pay taxes.
d. Ask for a full explanation of what the CAP’s and restrictions are and how they work. How are they scaled and what are the benchmarks for restrictions to be removed?
e. Read everything they give you including the NDA. If you do not understand, ask until you do. OR if you feel you need help ask if there is an attorney available who can help.
f. Be respectful – they are not trying to trick you or deceive you.
31. Discuss Bank Perks – on the private banking side there are perks that you can request. Understand that you will be paying for them. They typically are tiered – so the more AUM (assets under management) you have, the more options you have.
32. Let them know you are aware that there will be a number of essential tasks to be addressed in the next 10-15 days. Tell them you will be needing help in setting appointments and managing those tasks. Ask if they can provide you with someone to can help. Below is a list of possible tasks.
a. Establish primary irrevocable trust and any additional trusts or structures
b. Meet with Security and Risk management team
c. Wealth Management Team
d. Attorneys and CPAs
e. Establishing short- and long-term priorities
f. Education for self and family – ask what time frame is for completion
g. When setting up irrevocable trust it should include the following attributes:
i. Complex
ii. Non-grantor
iii. Discretionary
iv. Spendthrift
v. Asset Protection
"Send in the Replacements!" by Dr. Dinar 11-1-2020
.Thank you Dr. Dinar!
Send In The Replacements! by Dr. Dinar
Let's face it... we've all done it.
At least to some extent.
By "it" I'm referring to fudging just the slightest bit on a job application.
Or four.
Adding just a lil' "extra" somewhere on our resumés.
Whether it be delivering pizza's or piloting the Space Shuttle, it never hurts to be the best you can be.
Or even better than that, if possible.
Even if it's only on paper.
Thank you Dr. Dinar!
Send In The Replacements! by Dr. Dinar
Let's face it... we've all done it.
At least to some extent.
By "it" I'm referring to fudging just the slightest bit on a job application.
Or four.
Adding just a lil' "extra" somewhere on our resumés.
Whether it be delivering pizza's or piloting the Space Shuttle, it never hurts to be the best you can be.
Or even better than that, if possible.
Even if it's only on paper.
If not, our work history would be exceedingly boring.
Which is almost always the case, even with the occasional "embellishment" added on.
Even if it's only eliminating a job here or there along the way, simply to portray a bit more stability in your career choices.
Nobody wants any "gaps" in their work history.
There's nothing wrong with climbing the ladder.
Matter of fact, last I checked that type of improvement is encouraged.
It's the falling off of the ladder, followed immediately by the tumbling all the way back down to the ground that isn't always the best to put a spotlight on.
What's the harm in a little polishing here 'n there.
I mean, I highly doubt anyone out there is completely innocent.
Regardless of where you sit on the pay scale, top to bottom, nobody's immune to wanting to make a great first impression.
And after all, you only get one chance to make a great first impression.
So it's always best to make it a great one.
Unfortunately the whole over promise and under deliver thing can come back to haunt you, despite your best intentions.
Or in the case of us Dinarians, perhaps it's the actions (or rather, the inactions) of some overpromising under-deliverers behind the curtains that are causing us all the harm.
The folks that obviously lied on their job applications and yet, be it through attrition, good fortune, family ties or whatever, were somehow able to secure their jobs anyway.
Yes, I'm referring to all the fine folks supposedly working feverishly behind the scenes to get this whole GCR thing wrapped up.
Signed, sealed, and delivered.
Let's face it, we all see it.
At this point it's extremely obvious they aren't in any way qualified to do the job.
At least not the job as it was assigned to them.
If that weren't the case, it only stands to reason the job would have been completed quite some time ago.
Not that they were or weren't qualified some 35 years ago when the process first began but it pretty much goes without saying that they're extremely underqualified for the current task at hand.
In all fairness, perhaps they weren't given the option to opt-out along the way.
Maybe their contribution to the GCR was simply assigned to them as another part of their daily duties.
Type this, file that, and oh yeah, completely recreate as well as restructure the entire global banking system before you head home today.
Who knows.
Chances are, after all this time they probably can't remember either.
Have they intentionally been endlessly dragging their feet, all in an effort to create job security?
Or simply perfecting their wrench throwing abilities, all in hopes of keeping their Cornhole skills on point.
Whatever the case may be, they've certainly had more than plenty of time to get this thing done.
And to date, all efforts resulting in a big nothing.
Even with the earlier eight year pause-in-processing-progress, they've still had the past four years to more than make up for lost time.
To at least show some sign of progress in processing of the process.
Yet, here we sit, once again presumably progressless.
Basically broke & beyond befuddled.
Sound familiar?
Well, it should.
After all, it's the same feeling we've had each and every November 1st for the past fifteen November 1st's.
How could we have been so delusional as to fall for it yet again.
To fall for the endless "It's happening tomorrow's".
For the "they want us out there shopping up a storm before the Holidays" rumor redundancy.
The one thing in all of this constant confusium that brings me just the slightest peace of mind is the knowing that I'm not alone.
That we're not alone.
Alone in our feeling of having been decidedly duped.
And if we feel taken, can you imagine how the HR peeps that hired these incompetent folks must feel.
I'll bet they aren't all that happy either.
How could they be.
They were hired to do a job.
They've had more than enough time to get it accomplished, and they've failed.
And might I add, miserably at that.
If any of us had been as inept in our daily duties we'd have been terminated many years ago.
And I'm sure you'll agree, rightfully so.
Which begs the question, how did these people get hired in the first place.
Was there an RV/GCR Job Fair?
If so, I didn't get the memo.
Keep in mind when all these supposedly outstanding individuals were brought on board to complete their assigned duties, online job search giants such as Indoubt, Monstrosity, and Linked Out were nowhere to be found.
Nope, they, along with the world wide interwebs, had yet to be created.
In those days the hiring process likely involved numerous hand-written applications, hand-typed resumés, copious amounts of Cover Sheets, culminating in numerous nerve wracking face to face interviews.
And for the fortunate few that made it through, surviving the interview process, resulting in a win, combined with a "Please report to Karen McFiddlebuster in HR at 9am Monday morning" goodbye, followed by a quick handshake, and they were off.
Excitedly on their way home to iron their upcoming week's workwear and prepare for their magical future in the IT world to unfold.
As time passed, somehow these people managed to rise up through the ranks of the officially employed employees.
Not too sure exactly where they were first employed, but logic says it had to be somewhere semi important.
Which leads me to wonder how, if they did indeed fudge a bit on their resumés, how then were they able to reach the heights needed to be considered for such hugely important tasks as completing the GCR global redo.
That had to take some doing.
Or quite a bit of the ol' "it's not what you know as much as it is who you know" going on.
That's not to say there wasn't also a bit of luck involved along the way.
People quitting, leaving with little warning, creating openings that needed to be filled last minute with very little notice.
Along with a bit of planned obsolescence, combined with the usual turnover associated with any business and you can begin to see how a few folks might be able to squeeze through the cracks while remaining under the radar and slide up the employment ladder without much notice.
But an entire group of people, all of whom are basically assigned to complete one main task, all seriously inept and void of competency?
That's still a tough pill to swallow.
And yet, here we are.
And there they are, for all we know fully preparing to go on yet another year-ending Holiday vacation.
All while the rest of the world continues to dangle ever so dangerously on the edge of a colossal cliff.
An absurdly high, rock filled, moss covered, straight up slope of scary proportions.
Teetering on the edge of a cliff the likes of which the world has never seen.
And there they are, acting all like whatever, no biggie.
C'est la vie, it is what it is.
Let the world crash, we'll still have our jobs in one form or another.
Different cubicle but nevertheless still employed.
At least it seems that way anyway.
Sure, we continue to hear lots of rumors of them supposedly being in a hurry, working feverishly to bring this thing to closure prior to a global crash, but to be honest, I'm not seeing a whole lot of evidence to back it up.
Yes, there have been a few banking infrastructure changes over the past couple years.
I'll give 'em that.
A few altercations... oops, I mean alterations in trade agreements with other countries.
But nothing concrete.
Nothing that says beyond a doubt this "change" or that "action" is directly connected to the completion of the GCR process, leading to what we all want, the actual release of the asset-backed USN.
And honestly, at this point, that's pretty much all I'm looking for.
That's where my focus is these days.
On the release.
The "GO" signal.
Something that tells (as well as shows) me that once and for all we've finally gone asset-backed and we've made the change.
That's when I'll begin to get excited.
When I know my appointment at the Exchange Center is only a few short days away.
Until that day comes, I'm going to continue to hope they send out more than a few pink slips.
A bunch of "Enjoy your weekend... don't bother coming back on Monday!" emails being sent out.
Followed by a flood of job opening listings flooding all the internet sites leading to a long line of possible replacement recruits.
It's time to face facts.
The folks responsible for getting this GCR done ain't gettin' it done.
Because despite all the rumors of it being done, it ain't done.
Otherwise we'd be done reading the rumors and instead we'd be off making the world a better place for all involved.
So let's continue to hang in there folks.
You never know, perhaps this message will help light a fire under whomever's butt needs a nudge.
Even better, maybe it will send a message to the Head of Butt Nudging and he or she will send a mass email to all concerned.
Either way, I feel better knowing I did my fair share to shed a bit of light on a glaringly obvious problem.
And while I'm at it, I'd be remiss if I didn't send a quick shout out to my Brother in Law for making the most of his quarantine lockdown time by graduating in the top 99.8% of his class and receiving his (printable) online IT degree from ITT University.
It's amazing what can be achieved over a years time, putting in 4 short hours per week combined with 12 easy payments of $49.99 per month.
Hmmm... come to think of it, let's hope that if by some strange set of circumstances an opportunity does open up in the GCR release crew, that they keep my Brother in Law in mind.
Despite his more than likely being extremely overqualified for the position, I'm fairly certain he would entertain the offer and indeed consider it an honor to even be considered for such an important mission.
Anyway, please continue to hang in there folks.
This ride's about to get a little crazy and we don't wanna be blindsided by the insanity.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I an ITT University recruiter. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
"Enough Talk...Let's See Some Action!" by Dr. Dinar
.Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!
Enough Talk... Let's See Some Action! by Dr. Dinar
I don't know about you but I'm pretty much done.
To the point where I'm done hearing it's done.
As in everything's done.
Done... duh duh duh DONE!
Like, really done.
Done to the point where there's nothing left to do.
Nothing left to do because it truly is done.
Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!
Enough Talk... Let's See Some Action! by Dr. Dinar
I don't know about you but I'm pretty much done.
To the point where I'm done hearing it's done.
As in everything's done.
Done... duh duh duh DONE!
Like, really done.
Done to the point where there's nothing left to do.
Nothing left to do because it truly is done.
That's definitely closer to my definition of the word done.
Admittedly, I like everything I eat to be well done.
Even to the point of refusing to eat Sushi unless it's well done.
So, perhaps I'm a bit more demanding when it comes to the true definition of the word done.
Nevertheless, it shouldn't be all that difficult to determine the difference between done and close to done but not actually done, therefore it's not done.
First place to start might be with the persistent rumors continually permeating all throughout Dinarland.
Rumors of everything being done.
How long have we been hearing that.
Seems to me, according to my Dinarland calendar, it's been done for at least the last two years.
And yet, here we are.
Not done.
Would we be hearing all these rumors if indeed everything truly were done?
Not likely.
On second thought, we might still be drowning in rumors but chances are they'd have a more post-process, after the GCR kind of feel to them as opposed to the same ol' this is our week or it's gonna pop this Saturday night or we're only expecting to do one more call, our Celebration call kinda rumors.
So please, don't get me wrong.
I'm not expecting Dinarland to go completely rumorless overnight.
i mean, let's not get crazy here.
But wouldn't it be nice to hear a different batch of rumors for a change.
An extremely welcome change to say the least.
Well, I for one would certainly love it anyway.
Even better yet, I'd enjoy seeing that it's done based solely on the number of zero's in my bank account.
That's the kind of proof I'd enjoy seeing.
As it is now I'm still unable to make a trip through the In-N-Out drive thru and order a Double Double with grilled onions, well done, and have any means of paying for it when it's done cookin', all wrapped up and ready for release.
Until that day comes, it's still not done.
And while I'm on the subject of phrases I can hardly wait to never hear again, let's start with it CAN happen today.
Sheesh, give it a rest.
As far as I'm concerned it could've happened any day over the past one thousand days.
Yes, I'm more than aware that they needed to reinvent the current banking system to accept the GCR formula as well as numerous other changes required to release the GCR.
But you get my drift.
Enough with the talk.
I'm ready for some action.
I want to know it WILL happen!
As in today.
Or any other day ending in "y".
Even better yet, I'd love to hear that IT HAS HAPPENED!
As in past tense, check your emails, make your appointment, grab your "To Go" bag and get to the Exchange Center ASAP!
Is that too much to ask.
Just a factual confirmation of completion, in whatever form it comes.
Be it an email, a barrage of posts all throughout Dinarland or a Piper Cub draggin' a giant banner across the sky with a 1-800-CALLNOW number plastered on it.
At this point, I'm not about to be picky.
I'm open to most any form of communication.
Make it a fortune cookie.
Why not a clever saying on a Starbucks cup.
Heck, at this point I'll settle for a homing pigeon with a Post-it note taped to its leg.
What I'm trying to say is I'm flexible.
Whatever it takes, just send me a for real signal of this thing having reached the end of the line.
Of actually reaching a conclusion.
Actually being concluded.
As in DONE.
Talk is cheap.
No more rumors.
We don't need any more stinkin' rumors, regardless of whose super secret source supplies 'em.
We need action.
Action, leading to results.
Results resulting in our receiving our exchange instructions.
I've pretty much had enough of the boy crying wolf.
To the point where I'm ready to sic the wolf on him and let him eat, just to get the kid to shut up.
As I mentioned earlier, enough already.
We've lived through the rumor stage of this adventure for far too long.
It's time to begin the action phase.
As we've always been told, actions speak louder than rumors.
And after all, isn't that exactly what a rumor is.
A bunch of words lined up in the form of a sentence, completely void of all action.
In other words, just words.
And words don't pay the bills.
So to whomever it may be that's supposedly working feverishly on completing the GCR, forever claiming we're close, please feel free to call it "close enough" and dispatch the "GO" email ASAP!
And to those out there rumored to still be throwin' wrenches, please feel free to close the lid on your toolboxes and call it a day.
You have to know when enough is enough.
And let's face it, enough is enough.
We all know this GCR thing is going to happen eventually, the rest of the world has committed to it.
Why not do the right thing by all involved and go ahead and release it.
Then we can all move on to something much more interesting.
Like life beyond Dinarland.
Hang in there folks.
According to the latest rumors, we're right on top of this thing and it has to happen soon.
If not, the entire global economy will crash.
And supposedly they don't want that to happen.
Or do they.
Who knows what they want.
Who even knows who "they" are.
Chances are they don't even know who they are, nor what they want.
Maybe that's why they can't seem to get anything accomplished.
They have no idea what it is they're supposed to be doing.
This thing is so compartmentalized that they forgot to create the "GO Signal" Department.
At this point, anything's possible.
Anyway, don't let the rumors get you down.
Just do your best to hang in there, no matter what it takes.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, a Federale of the Spanish Mounted Police, nor am I in search of the treasure of the Sierra Madre. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
"Dinarland- The Land of Confuse-Zim" by Dr. Dinar
.Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!
Dinarland - The Land Of Confuse-Zim By Dr. Dinar
Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!
Here we are, on the verge of yet another Holiday shopping season and we're still sitting here, broker than broke.
Without an RV.
Without a completed GCR.
Still unsure the GCR process has actually started processing.
Sure, we've hear a thousand times the process has started.
But, as with everything else in Dinarland, as it stands, that's just another unprovable rumor.
How can that be.
Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!
Dinarland - The Land Of Confuse-Zim By Dr. Dinar
Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!
Here we are, on the verge of yet another Holiday shopping season and we're still sitting here, broker than broke.
Without an RV.
Without a completed GCR.
Still unsure the GCR process has actually started processing.
Sure, we've hear a thousand times the process has started.
But, as with everything else in Dinarland, as it stands, that's just another unprovable rumor.
How can that be.
Who in their right mind ever imagined we'd still be here.
Three quarters of the way through yet another year.
And might I add, the weirdest year on record.
A year that, like so many others that came before, began with such promise, only to be left with that same ol' Dinarja Vu feeling we've been dealing with for the past decade plus.
Yep, back at the end of 2010, throughout Dinarland all we heard was we'd never get to 2011 without "cashin' out our dee-nars".
Oh how wrong they were.
And how wrong we were for not knowing how wrong they were.
And to make matters worse, back then all we had to concern ourselves with was the simple RV of the IQD.
That's it.
Nothin' crazy about that.
How much easier could it be.
Wham, Bam, Thank You #43!
Even if they didn't originally intend for the RV to include you and me, which shouldn't come as any big surprise to any of us playing along, by that point they begrudgingly rewrote the rule book, thereby allowing us to play along.
Say hello to the new, renewed & reimproved #13303.
And Thank You too, Dr. Shabinabibi.
Most of us are well aware of your boasting of Iraq's ability to support a $15 to $17 fantasy rate and all the reasons behind your making such an insanely unrealistic statement.
And how your statement has been taken completely out of context for far too many years.
Having said that, those of us living in the real world will gladly take our $3.41 and bow out gracefully.
Off to the various Auto Dealerships and Zillow we will go.
On our way to making our dreams come true.
But hang on there fellow Dinarians, not so fast.
Turns out there was something else in the works.
Much more "stuff" lurking behind the curtain than we were aware of.
At least not at that time anyway.
It was around that time we began to hear the rumors of the "Rise of the Dong".
Say what!?!
Now we have Vietnam involved in all this?
Whose crazy idea was that anyway!
Talk about a surprise.
They quickly explained it away, saying China was going to move all of their manufacturing to nearby Vietnam, thereby creating more "living space" for their ever expanding population.
Who could argue with that kind of logic.
Not to mention all of the newly discovered precious metals lying dormant under all the Vietnamese rice fields.
Talk about Fields of Dreams.
That stuff couldn't fit any better into this storyline if they tried.
Almost as if they made it up.
But they wouldn't make this stuff up, would they?
Nah. Not even if they could.
Do I even need to mention all of the as yet unfracked oil sitting just offshore, awaiting future fracking.
Who knew.
Believe it or not, it all made total sense.
Which, when you think about it, is more than confusing.
At that point, as it is now, making sense was anything but the "norm" in Dinarland.
So that alone was plenty crazy.
Which fits right in with the rest of this scheme.
But that was pretty much the last of the craziness we heard about the VND.
Well, besides the rates of course.
Don't even get me going on the insanity of all the rate rumors.
You'll think I'm crazy.
Street rates.
Market rates.
Sovereign rates.
Contract rates.
And don't even get me going on the whole Demand-Your-Own-Rates thing.
Since then, the VND has calmed down quite a bit, yet remains a "regular" in the first basket.
No questions asked, just another crazily concocted piece of the GCR puzzle.
Sure, they said it would get crazy at the end and it was definitely getting awfully crazy at that time, what with numerous people saying this would be our last broke weekend, week, after week, after crazy-filled week.
Therefore, it must finally be the end.
After all, it couldn't get much crazier than it already was, could it?
Well, not so quick there, Currencyhopper.
It was about to get a whole lot crazier.
Enter the Zim.
Aka; Level 3 Crazy.
That crazy, kooky, silkscreened on 20# standard office copy paper, festooned with "I Promise To Pay Whomever Is Crazy Enough To Believe In This Lotsofzero's Stuff..." in the upper left hand corner, Triple Rock covered, multi-purpose Monopo-money.
And heeeeerrre we go again!
Cue the crazy rumor factory, workin' overtime on the late shift.
Highest numerical value in the history of currency. Check!
Demonitized back in 2009, currently sold as a "collectible", recently "reimagined" as a Bond. Check!
A James Bond.
Shaken, as well as stirred.
Zero's on, zero's off, a multiplyerin' we will go. Check-mate!
You name it, rumor upon rumor, the Zim is awash in it.
The only thing we haven't seen (yet) is an actual photo showing an Alien Clone wearing a gold tie having recently arrived "on planet" from his home on Mars, with his "to go" bag securely by his side, full of Zim notes and receipts, heading off in an electric-powered Uber, on his way to an Exchange Center somewhere in Area 51.
And believe me, I won't be the least bit shocked when we do see it.
Or at least hear about it anyway.
After all, we've pretty much seen and heard everything else.
The one semi-consistent rumor in all this, having been shouted from the rooftops for the past decade plus, is that this RV/GCR thing really is real.
And that it will happen.
And that, when it happens, it will happen "suddenly".
As in one second it won't be there, and without any prior warning whatsoever, poof, there it will be.
That kind of suddenly.
Any day.
Any time.
Almost as if they have it all planned out.
Which, to be honest, I highly doubt they do.
I think they'd like to think they have it all planned out and that everything is working out according to their plan.
But honestly, at this point I think they're pretty much just wingin' it.
Attacking each day's obstacles as they come.
And right along with that statement is that this so called "suddenly" will happen when we least expect it.
Least expect it?
How is that even possible.
At this point I think all of Dinarland is fully expecting it.
Each and every second of every minute of every day.
And night.
We're even expecting the unexpected, just in case they try to slide one by us on the down low.
Like, totally unexpected or something.
Yep, basically we've got all the bases covered.
So that when it finally does happen, and I firmly believe it will, it will happen on somebody's watch.
Perhaps they should change "when we least expect it" to "when we least believe it".
By that I mean it could very well happen tomorrow, but we've heard that so many times that 99% of us no longer believe tomorrow even exists.
Let alone that this RV/GCR thing will happen tomorrow.
Yeah, if there is a tomorrow, the sun will more than likely come out somewhere but the RV/GCR, that's still up in the air.
Aloft among the great unknowns
And believe me, it will take quite a bit of convincing to get us to believe otherwise.
Hopefully, after having given it some time, allowing it to sink in, we'll all get the surprise of our lives, shouting "GAAA-LEE... SHA-ZIM!" as we exit one of over 6,500 Exchange Centers, none of which are located any further than an hour's drive away from our drone-surveillanced homes.
In spite of all that, I still believe it's not a matter of "if" but of "when".
So above all else, be sure to enjoy the ride.
No matter how crazy it gets from here on out.
And remember, the dronified "eye in the sky" will be watching you all the way from your home to the Exchange Center.
So be sure to leave extra early for your scheduled appointment and be certain to obey all traffic laws.
Last thing we need are any last minute surprises.
Other than those unexpected ones we're totally expecting.
Hang in there folks, this ride's about to get a little bumpy and we don't wanna be caught by surprise.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, a U.S.M.C. recruiter nor am I the Mayor of Mayberry. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.