Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 25th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in, wherever you're located all over the globe. Thank you Sat team for getting the signal out all over the place, all over the globe, in so many different languages. We appreciate you. So let's go ahead before we go to sue for teaching another beautiful teaching that she found for us tonight. Let's go ahead and pray the call in.
Let's get into the Intel tonight and see where we stand. I know that we're getting a lot of good information in the last two or three days especially. And let's talk for a minute about rates on screens -Now the rates on the bank screens are tied to the Forex, and the rates have been blinking. They started blinking very quickly on forex and bank screens and redemption center screens too.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 25th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in, wherever you're located all over the globe. Thank you Sat team for getting the signal out all over the place, all over the globe, in so many different languages. We appreciate you. So let's go ahead before we go to sue for teaching another beautiful teaching that she found for us tonight. Let's go ahead and pray the call in.
Let's get into the Intel tonight and see where we stand. I know that we're getting a lot of good information in the last two or three days especially. And let's talk for a minute about rates on screens -Now the rates on the bank screens are tied to the Forex, and the rates have been blinking. They started blinking very quickly on forex and bank screens and redemption center screens too.
Now redemption center screens are not tied to Forex. They're tied to something that's different. They can be, they can be put at whatever rate needs to be there for that particular currency, for us and for others too. So we look at this and say, okay, the rates are all blinking very quickly.
Now, what about more recently, like, let's say, starting Friday or Saturday. Did they slow down? Yes, they slowed down. And when the rates that were blinking get slowed down to its very slowly blinking, pretty soon, you're going to have the rates stabilized. The rates will settle in a given rate, and they'll be they'll be there. And that's what we wanted to see.
We thought that might happen by Friday, you know when it actually occurred, was Monday, yesterday, at just a few minutes after 10 pm. So they settled in that's good for us. That's very good. That means the rates are there on the redemption center screens, and that's a good thing for us to move forward.
As of tonight, I'm hearing very good things about everything moving forward for us, I'm hearing that we should be getting good news we are liber toll free number, and we're also looking to get emails from Wells Fargo, and I think we're looking very closely at what will happen tomorrow for us, and it could be a Wednesday, Thursday type thing, or we might actually end up getting notified on Wednesday and yesterday, but we don't know that absolutely, and we may end up, You know, on Charlie Ward’s Thursday realistically, everything is moving forward –
It’s in the situation now, from what I understand this has moved through the various chambers, and I'm sure Department of Defense, for example, is looking at this from a security point of view, making sure everything is all set. All the P's are crossed in the eyes are dotted before the green light and Treasury gets the green to release those emails from Wells Fargo to all the currency holders that we know up here in let's just call it North America for sure, the US and probably Canada.
But all that is being positioned for release, and I think that that's going to be very much welcome for all of us to receive that and to know that we can record our exchanges with the redemptions in and go forward with pre destruct with tier three and tier four, tier three being the bond holders, and they get their access to funds pretty much with an email to tell them they have access.
And then we should be getting our notifications telling us that we can set our appointments and begin setting appointments for the redemption centers and going in for our exchanges.
So I think to the extent that the shotgun start is those two things, you know, the bondholders getting access to their liquidity in their accounts, and us getting access to the toll free numbers to set our appointments for our exchanges, seem to me that's pretty much the term shot gun start with a plan in that sense. Other than that, it looks like everything is moving in the direction we want it to be in.
I think today being Tuesday, it's hard to say for sure, but maybe Thursday, we have these numbers and we have our appointments set, and hopefully we can do a celebrate call on Thursday. And if that is the case, then it might not be a long call. It could be a 20 to 30 minute celebration call.
But I'm excited about that. I'm excited about the potential that we have to move forward with this and help level the playing field around the globe. And, you know, help give back to humanity for everything that God's given us. But we look at this blessing as an opportunity to help in rebuild America, which my number one project, rebuild America.
Number two, rebuild inational we were talking about starting with the Bahamas and the Dominican Republic Haiti, and working in three areas to start with. And then, of course, we'll take it from there beyond that, but to work with rebuild America.
And I know that we're not going to be saying the new infrastructure, per se, that's something the NESARA was going to be over, just like internationally GESARA is going to take that in in South America and Latin America and Africa and other parts of the world, but we'll concentrate on homes, rebuilding homes that are in need of it. I want to see community gardens in these rebuild America, cities and towns.
I'm excited about where we are. I think we're extremely close release of everything. And at least from what I'm hearing, things are really moving forward, and we should, we should get this. I would think pretty soon, this couple of days, is what I'm hearing. So we'll see about that.
April Trump has a lot on his plate. He's got a lot of things to bring out on April 2. So I believe we're going to get started with what we have prior to that, at least that's what I'm hearing that we still have to get that done. I really believe our Social Security increase and our dose checks will come out for the peak of April. That's the latest update I had since our last fall, Thursday night.
And I think that we're going to get the restitution reconciliation allowance, the R and R, as I call it, I think that is there for us that it changed. It will be at the redemption center, and they'll either volunteer or do us a little asset.
Otherwise, you guys know the drill on the quantum financial system and how the funds will go into that quantum account, and you'll move a certain amount of funds into your primary wells account or secondary wells account, if you have those set up, and it's going to be that'll have to hold you for 60 days, and then you'll be up for 60 days, you'll be able to move freely into one or more of those accounts.
So I think it's really interesting everything that's happened out behind the scenes, and I'm looking forward to a new update on that, and maybe tomorrow I'll have that. But in meantime, everybody will look forward to seeing what happens now on Thursday, and hopefully we have numbers, and we'll put those on the website, our homepage on big calluniverse.com and we will send out a we'll send out an email with the number to those that have registered for that purpose on the site.
Okay, read your email. There's no cost. I'll send that out and email last number, but last but the numbers come out and we put them up. I say numbers. I expect one 800 number. After that comes out, we'll put it on the home page of the website, and then everybody just go to big call universe.com and see it okay and take it I appreciate everybody out there. We thank you for calling.
Want to give a special thanks out to the satellite team for getting a call all over the globe. And thank you big call universe for listening to me for almost 14 years here. Thank you for everything that you've done, and thank you Bob and thank you Sue for CO hosting the call with me. And also thank you Jeannie and everyone else that had input to the big call Thank you everybody. Thank you and the loyalty for the big call. Thank you for everything you've done and all out. And then we'll look forward to to talk guys.
Well, good night, everybody. We'll talk to you. Keep an eye on your emails, and sometime maybe tomorrow, check it out. Let's see. Let's see if we get this before the next call. All right. All right, everybody. Good night.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:11:11
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:10
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:17
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:01
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 36:36
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, March 20. Happy first day of spring to everybody and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again all over the world. We're glad to have you, and we're looking forward to having a good call tonight.
So let's do this. Let's talk about where we are on the Intel front.
And I don't have quite as complete the intel that I was hoping to get this afternoon. We've lost connection with my one of my sources that I don't know, I will probably from tonight after the call, that is typical, sometimes, if we lose contact during the day.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, March 20. Happy first day of spring to everybody and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in again all over the world. We're glad to have you, and we're looking forward to having a good call tonight.
So let's do this. Let's talk about where we are on the Intel front.
And I don't have quite as complete the intel that I was hoping to get this afternoon. We've lost connection with my one of my sources that I don't know, I will probably from tonight after the call, that is typical, sometimes, if we lose contact during the day.
But here's the thing, what we have is what we were expecting was for everything to start this day with notifications. Now, here's what appears to be happening. At our last discussion about rates and about screens, we had the Forex with the new currencies that are all up in value. There's 18 total that are going up in value. Those rates were populating on all screens.
Forex with the rates linking, moving up and down, populating coming in, going up and all that. And then same thing on bank screen, same thing on redemption center screens.
And what we had understood was, if those rates are solid by last night, before midnight, then we would be good to go today. Well, I'm not sure that they all filled in to solid rates. Okay?
So then we thought, Well, okay, let's see what happens today, and let's see if those rates become solid during the day or by midnight tonight. All right?
And then we had information that showed, okay, yeah, the Forex rates directly are tied to and affect the rates at the banks, but redemption center rates, which is what we're all going for, redemption center rates are not directly tied to the forex and therefore can be put up at whatever rates the countries decide when the redemption centers are going to have for us, not necessarily the same as are on forex or on the bank screens.
And we know that's the case. We know that redemption center rates, for the most part, can be higher than those at the banks.
Okay, we've talked about rate of the dinar. We've talked about the Iraq Dinar Contract rate being way higher than bank screen rates. Even thought about getting to and they will be, it would be quite a bit higher. And I've told you guys roughly where expected to be, and I told you that several times, so that's still in play. It's still looking good.
We know the zim is on par with the USN dollar, and we know that the Dong is probably the only one we know of for sure that should be the same on bank screen says it is on redemption center screens.
However, if you have Dong only, we still recommend this call and center appointment for the redemption centers, because there are additional perks and information that you should get when you go in and exchange the Dong so we'll see how all that comes together.
Now, we had heard earlier today that our timing may be tied to a period which would introduce the currencies as new currencies, if you will, to the Forex no longer exotic currency, like what they are right now, but the revalued currency numbers would show up and be posted either Wednesday or Sunday.
And we thought, if we don't have anything by today, it looks like we could be delayed all the way till the weekend, which is only a couple days away, until Saturday. So we could be there. We could get notifications as early as tomorrow and start exchanges Saturday, or we could get pushed all the way to Sunday and get going Monday or Tuesday.
All of this is in play right now because we don't know exactly where the rates stand as being solid on redemption center screens yet, if they are solid now or solid tomorrow, it looks good that we would be notified tomorrow, but we don't have that confirmed yet, so I'm going to try to get that confirmed, which won't help this call tonight, but I'll try to help it, or I'll Try to confirm it after the call tonight, providing that can happen.
The other thing is that bond holders are looking to get their access to funds at the point, I'm going to say probably Saturday. It could be tomorrow, but it could also be on Saturday, and now bonds are only being transacted in two cities in the US, Reno and Miami, both at Wells Fargo locations Reno and Miami, no longer in New York, no longer Atlanta, not in Zurich or Geneva Switzerland, but only in Reno and Miami.
And we have sources on the ground in both those areas, Reno and Miami, and reporting on the number of flights that are coming in every hour into those two cities to transact their bonds. But guess what?
These bond holders are all international. They're coming from other places around the world to do this here, that's the activity that people are seeing in Reno, with extra flights going in six, seven an hour in and out of Reno, but we might have maybe three flights an hour coming in and out by the International Airport, private side, for bondholders.
So for Wells Fargo, sort of and so, so that's what's happening. So bondholders are held back just like we are, until everything is ready to go.
Now, President Trump made a very short address that was taped for a crypto currency summit today. He made a little blurb from the Oval Office. I got to hear it today after he made that and it was recorded, and so it was played for this crypto currency Summit.
And what was interesting is he talked about the value of five of these crypto coins, and I think we know which they are. We've got Bitcoin. We've got oh gosh, let's see which ones they've got, Solano garden XRP, which is ripple, XRP, and Etherium. I think you're five right there.
Those five will actually add value to the US dollar, but in a very real sense, it's the gold back US dollar we call the USN that is adding value to those crypto coins. So they both are working together in conjunction.
And as I mentioned on Tuesdays call, I believe it's gold Donald and and Bitcoin already have a relationship that's tied together by blockchain technology, where they can interact between those two coins, I predict they'll all be interactive, where they'll all be tradable, movable, sellable, viable on each of those coin platforms moving forward.
We’ll see if there's a consolidation, if there's elimination, right? I don't think any of those five will be limited, at least that's what it looks like now –
So as zim holders. I've been told I don't think we have to worry about that one up that for ourselves. It's good for people that maybe don't have currency or don't even know about the currency - to be involved in and President Trump's in favor of them, and has spoken about it several times, and here he addressed the summit, if you will, cryptocurrency summit today, so I’m encouraged by where that's going.
And also I've heard that more and more IRS agents we're getting ready to and I want to see us move into NESARA for this country, and GESARA for the global economic security (Strategic) and reformation act, global economic security (Strategic) and reformation act. And this NESARA our national economic security (Strategic) and reformation act.
But I'm looking forward to occur in this country for us, because we know what's included in it. We know that we have a 14% consumption tax. We know that state income taxes, which are not happening in seven of our states right now, but Florida and Texas and Massachusetts and Wyoming, there are several states don't have state income tax. There won't be state income tax in any state.
But the Consumption Tax will be collected and monitored by quote, unquote, IRS agents in each state. But it's going to be like decentralized, just like education is going to go to the states and being part of the state will manage, will manage and manage education in each state.
The same thing is going to be true about collecting consumption tax on new items that we purchase, but it won't be affected on used items that we buy or a lot of other things, and it's not so we're not having our federal income tax or state income tax, and I'm not sure how real estate taxes are affected. I think they may go away too, but we'll have to see about that.
So when the NESARA does fully kick in, not only do we get debt relief and R and R, and, you know, everything that we're looking to receive from it, but we go to the consumption tax, which is going to be way better for everybody, including us. It'll be so much better. So I'm looking forward to that.
Now when is it going to kick in? Gosh, we thought it would kick in by now. I was told within 15 days of the 10th of the month. Well, tomorrow's the 25th and it hasn't kicked in yet. I'm going to say we're going to have to see what happens, because right now, we're looking to have information come in that's about the Social Security increase, also information that confirms the tax structure.
Everything else, there's quite a bit that has to come out. Will it happen before in the month, which today is, what the 20th that's eight days away, 11 days away, to the 31st it could, it could. We could still get our increase of social added on as an extra payment this month.
I've told, been told that would, that would probably be the case, because it hasn't had any. Nobody's had an increase in their social security on the Wednesdays.And we’ve hit three Wednesdays as of yesterday, right? The fifth, the 12th and 19th, and the last Wednesday is the 26th so we'll get that. You know, when we get it - would it be this month? We'll just have to wait and see,
But we know that r and r for us when we go in for our exchanges will be there when we go in to exchange and redeem our zim, two of the four that should be there as soon as we get numbers and set appointments and go -- Will tomorrow come into play for numbers, where we would start on Saturday. Don't know that was what we got yesterday. Now that may have changed.
That's the thing about this intel guys, as you know, it has changed more times than not, and maybe we're not there until the weekend and and, you know, Monday or Tuesday next week, I really don't know. I'm sorry. I wish I could be more definitive.
At this point, we kind of lost connection actually to get that information. I will say this, there has been an effort for certain bond pay masters in Reno and in Miami to no longer make calls out of that area. They've got major things happening that are keeping those calls from going.
So this shows how close we are, the fact that they're restricting their own pay masters from Wells Fargo, from speaking on their phone. And so that's what we have to look at and say, Okay, well, I guess that means that we're very, very close. And that's exactly what it means.
So everything else is moving in the direction that we wanted to go behind the scenes, President Trump has a great job of contacting President Putin of Russia, and they had a good hour and a half call two days ago. And then yesterday, President Trump had a call or so close to an hour with President Zelensky, they're agreeing in principle to the terms that President Trump has come up with for a cease fire, at least a temporary cease fire, and a work toward a lasting treaty of peace.
And of course, way Hamas is going down there in Israel. Things are, things are not quite peaceful down there right now, but I'm sure that we're working to try to establish that and get that done.
My understanding is we're not to have war under the GESARA treaty or the GESARA Act, and hopefully we're moving toward getting that put into place, putting it into effect. I know, for example, that Iraq has revalued their currency, and it's been put out their in country rate, their international rate. Same thing's true for Vietnam.
They put their rate out yesterday, and the rest of the countries were looking to have do the same thing. I believe it was going to be the Afghanistan, Afghani, Indonesia rupiah, and maybe a couple of others had their rate out as revalued. I haven't heard that that had happened, but that was next, of course, the rest of the currencies, which are totally 17 or 18 total that are coming up substantially in value.
That's all those rates that are being put on the Forex and on bank and redemption center screens that are fluctuating up and down right now, trading and hopefully that will solidify, possibly by midnight tonight, if so, we got a good chance of getting notified tomorrow, but we'll have to see you guys are gonna have to have to just watch this along with us. Watch for emails. Watch for your email from Wells Fargo with the toll free number in it – also check big call universe.com see if we put up the 800 number over the weekend or whatever it is that I slash. We get it soon as I get it and validate it verify it.
Bob and Raleigh put it up on big call universe.com be sure that you are registered mentorship site will send you an email with number in it - we'll be in touch with you after this goes to know we're doing with our projects, and we'll it'll take us a while to get websites up and running to where you can go
So that’s what I have to say, we're very close on and we'll keep you prized on that we have a call Tuesday. We don't know at this point whether we will or not. If we do it should be hopefully it'll be a celebration call.
Okay, so let's hope for that, in which case we would do it and have the recorded celebration call ready for you. We could do the call sooner. We get the numbers sooner, and we started setting appointments and exchange. Then we'll probably do a recorded celebration call.
So anyway, I'm excited about where we are guys. I wish I could give you an exact timing for this, but just hang in there and know that it's very, very close, and we'll, we'll be in touch with all right, so see, and let's pray the call out,
Well, good night everybody, and have a good night and keep an eye on our emails.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:17
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:01
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 36:36
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it's Tuesday, march 18th and you're listening to the big call thanks everybody for tuning in wherever you're located all around the globe. Thank you for that. All right, thank you, Bob again, two days until the vernal equinox at five something in the morning on the 20th which is Thursday. Interesting timing.
Okay, now let's talk about one or two other things before we get into our timing. One, let's talk about med beds - We brought that up earlier tonight, and there was a question as to, what about the dates we're hearing about med beds? 25th 26th 27th 28th of this month?
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight - it's Tuesday, march 18th and you're listening to the big call thanks everybody for tuning in wherever you're located all around the globe. Thank you for that. All right, thank you, Bob again, two days until the vernal equinox at five something in the morning on the 20th which is Thursday. Interesting timing.
Okay, now let's talk about one or two other things before we get into our timing. One, let's talk about med beds - We brought that up earlier tonight, and there was a question as to, what about the dates we're hearing about med beds? 25th 26th 27th 28th of this month?
Those are the dates, and it could vary from the 25th or the 26th to the 27th or the 28th when the public is supposed to be notified and start their ability to get access to the med beds, 25th or the 26th or the 27th or the 28th one of those four days. That's the latest that we've heard about that.
Why does it keep getting moved back? Because the RV keeps getting moved back. We have been pushed and pushed and pushed, as you guys know. So So what about us?
We were told that once the first exchange is done in this country, that the med beds would be available for us anytime after that first exchange is done. And I'll tell you about when that first exchange is supposed to be done in a minute.
So that is telling us that we and I hate to say that I am I don't hate to say it. I love to say that I am one that will be an early adopter into the med bed because I have a dire need, and I'm also a zim holder. Your zim holder and you’re in dire need, you kind of go to the top of the list.
So keep that in mind if you are a zim holder, especially if you have dire need, especially -- and you let them know when you go into the redemption center, that's when you let them know. Hey, I'd like to get into the med bed. I've got issues, this issue or that. Blah blah blah, by the way, I'm a zm holder blah blah blah.
They'll know that very quickly, and they'll make a couple keystrokes to get you in the system so that they're aware of you. In my case, I'm going to have them call me. They may do email too but because I can't read email right now. I'm just looking forward to a phone call to get that done, to get that set up pretty quickly after I exchange.
The other thing is, there's a thing called the COMEX, C, O, M, E, X. It's a commodity of metals exchange. The COMEX has sort of artificially manipulated the price of gold and silver for a long time. It's traded, but it's not traded quite as freely, maybe as it should have been.
The word manipulation comes into play. Well, the COMEX is about being dismantled, and the free market of supply and demand will control the pricing of precious metals, including gold, silver, platinum, palladium, other metals, like copper and so on these some of them are commodities - some are precious metals, and that is all going to be open to, proper trading - like, as of today / tomorrow we're starting to see some movement already on the metals, taking it up.
And like anything else, you know you're going to have ups and you have dips, and then you up and dips, just like buying stock, the smart money, if you will, buys on the dips when the prices are lower, and then you hold it until the prices go up. And that's sort of the theory with precious metals.
And so I wanted to mention that. Mention about the med beds, and let's talk about what we're hearing about us – Now we have several sources. We did get here from three different categories of sources so far today, and I'm excited to say that it appears they're all in alignment. They're in consensus.
One might be a redemption center leader. One might be someone who has very close ties to President Trump and his organization, and so they're all saying the same thing right now, and that is that we should be notified - I'm going to say should - “should” be notified tomorrow with our 800 numbers in the emails that are coming from Wells Fargo and we should set our appointments tomorrow for Thursday, and then exchanges would begin on Thursday, the first day of spring, the vernal equino - Interesting timing.
Now I've got one source redemption center that is saying that notification would happen anytime after 1030 in the morning tomorrow. The other source is saying, don't be so time sensitive - it could happen. the times tend to change for this kind of a thing, but don't put a time on.
But it is supposed to be tomorrow that we get our notifications and set appointments for this to start on Thursday, and then you go Thursday - Friday, Saturday, Sunday, money all the way through. All the way through. Most redemption centers would be open every day, including Sunday for 14 days, some will go longer - 18 /19, days, some will be shorter.
They don't have that many currency holders in their area, or that many zim holders, they might go eight or nine days, but most markets will go about two weeks. So that's good.
If you know anybody traveling, they'll be able to set their appointment and catch that when they get back, whether they're in the hospital, whether they're traveling and they're on a cruise or whatever, they'll be able to make an appointment, and then, of course, allow for the time that they need to get home and get settled and then get to their appointment the next day or whatever.
So it's very encouraging, because Lord knows, we've we've waited very patiently for everything to manifest. I was telling Sue today that, you know, today makes 20 years and three days that I have been invested and owned these currencies.
You know who thought? Who would have thought? 20 years later, this is about to go and you know, guys, I tell you what I hear. I don't doctor it. I don't try to change what I'm hearing, I just try to give you what I'm getting, so that you're essentially getting the same thing I see, they say that I hear.
And I'm excited about where we are and the timing of this, and I find it interesting that a lot of good things have happened already today, and a lot of good things should be happening for us tomorrow and then Thursday should be an absolute Abu and danza of activity for us.
I don't think there's anything I need to bring up about the exchange itself, other than make sure that you call set your appointment, D no more than 10 minutes early to your appointment, and don't be late your appointment, or you might get taken to the back of the line. You missed your appointment time.
Man, you don't want to be that person, but just don't get there more than 10 minutes before your appointment time. Okay? Because that way. Push them that way. If you can get a couple minutes early, they can do it. Otherwise, you come at your point in time and get it done and go
They're allotting about 30/40, minutes for us to get all of these things done. And I think that's going to be adequate, unless you've got a box or two of bonds. And there are people that are going to be bringing in bonds to the redemption center.
Let them know when you call to set your appointment, when you get transferred from your the call center to the redemption center, and you talk a live, living, breathing person that, oh, by the way, not only do I have blah, blah, blah currencies, but I also have bonds. And tell them, which ones you got dragon bonds. I've got German bonds. I've got such and such bonds etc
Let them know approximately how many you have, and they could prepare for that. Make sure they have a bond back there that can handle those for you.
Okay, the other good thing that's happening is the crypto coins you know, are being integrated into the QF System and the Starlink satellite system. And there is a rhyme & reason to the cryptos being there to help back the value of our USN, and there's a relationship between some of the couple of the coins that is allowing for more accessibility and transfer and so on, using this blockchain technology that will allow them to be more convertible. I believe.
I'm not sure how all five are going to come together, but it may be, there may be a consolidation in the future, all five states stand on their own that are integrated through the blockchain technology to be usable as a means of exchange. But we'll see that all comes together.
We know that there's a crypto currency reserve, and that is part of what President Trump brought out, like what two weeks ago or so, it can be utilized to help back the value of our currency, talking about the United States Treasury notes, USTN our physical spending folding money and the US digital version, which is what will be on the screens USN - so we have quite a bit to look forward to, I think the exchanges are going to be, don't blink miss something.
There's a lot of steps in this thing to get done in 30 / 40 – 35 minutes Max, that's what they're thinking. Maximum, it's not a time to tell your life story. It's only a time to if you have time to do your presentation. It might not be five to eight minutes. It could be three to five minutes.
So work on getting it consolidated clear. And I think they will appreciate it, and you'll appreciate the rapidity of how quickly they're going to move quickly through this thing.
You are not changing stations. People have said in the past, you are staying put, they're coming to you. And you should have four people, pretty much three or four people that you're going to be working with, and then bring a new person here, a new person there, as you move through the different steps in the exchange.
We got the Q phone that they should be giving you for free at the end. Take it home, learn about it, set it up. There's a, what do you call it? It's a you should have a sheet of perks, p, e, r, k, s, perks, benefits that the bank will want you to know about. Maybe you'll take advantage of some of them.
They're not supposed to be taxable to you. There are supposed to be free to you for being, you know, a valued currency holder and essentially, a strong bank account holder with Wells, Fargo and other banks will have perks too, if you decide that you want to put them up to three different banks connected to your quantum account card.
Okay, that's going to be the biggie, and maybe you want to shorten the process just a little bit by coming up with a brand new username and password for your quantum card. What I don't know is, how many characters does it need to be? Got to be at least eight, the password and maybe more. And then you for your password and your username.
I don't know how long that's going to be. Going to be, too, but if you want to practice on that, going your five digit pin, that's not a big, big thing. You can come up with that right away. And then, of course, your new email, they will like a new gmail email for you, and your password for that, and you’re your biometric thumb or fingerprint, there's six steps really six points of the quantum account that you're setting up getting a quantum access card with a three times the thickness of it of a credit card with three chips in it, one, I'm sure it'll store your biometric and some other personal information, the other two I think, are account related.
So it'll be something that you'll you'll want to keep very safe, very safe and in a safe place. You don’t Bring it out to use it except to move money from your quantum account, to primary bank accounts. So initially, you'll move money on day one at redemption center that will hold you for 60 days. After that you've got per se, and you'll be able to more money, as you need
Remember, you're being paid interest on the money that's in your primary or secondary Wells Fargo accounts. Using Wells Fargo, because they're the ones that are over the exchanges in the United States, in Canada, you're using HSBC Scotia Bank, and I believe they have merged with Royal Bank of Canada, RBC. So you've got those two main banks.
And then, of course, globally, you've got HSBC in most and in Latin America you have Santander Bank. Okay, Santander, believe is also in Mexico and all the rest of Latin America, and they are a tier one bank good bank to work with in Latin America. A lot of people already know that. Know that bank down there, but that's really the bulk of the information.
Gosh, I'm excited about this possibility of tomorrow. I really am, and I hope, I hope this goes through just like we've heard. So let's do this. Let's pray the call out, seal it.
Well, everybody. have a great night tonight. Let's see what happens tomorrow, Thursday. If we get our numbers, tomorrow, and we set appointments, we start on Thursday, a short celebration, call on Thursday night. All right, everybody. Take care and have a great day. God bless you.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:10
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:17
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:01
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 36:36
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. it's Thursday, march 13th and you're listening to the big call. thanks, everybody around the Globe, that's sharing my three seconds after I say it in your own language or English, whichever you're listening to. But we really appreciate the SAT team getting the word out. Let's, let's pray the call in
All right, let's talk about where we stand in the whole thing. Do you realize Sue told me listen to Bruce's Intel. She said it four times, and I thought, (chuckle chuckle) no pressure. No pressure. Ha Ha Ha
Actually, you know, guys, I've told you, maybe not every time that I've done a segment, but I've told you that we I do the best to listen to and combine puzzle pieces and try to create timeline for us, usually, and that works pretty well. And then I let you know this is what I'm hearing
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. it's Thursday, march 13th and you're listening to the big call. thanks, everybody around the Globe, that's sharing my three seconds after I say it in your own language or English, whichever you're listening to. But we really appreciate the SAT team getting the word out. Let's, let's pray the call in
All right, let's talk about where we stand in the whole thing. Do you realize Sue told me listen to Bruce's Intel. She said it four times, and I thought, (chuckle chuckle) no pressure. No pressure. Ha Ha Ha
Actually, you know, guys, I've told you, maybe not every time that I've done a segment, but I've told you that we I do the best to listen to and combine puzzle pieces and try to create timeline for us, usually, and that works pretty well. And then I let you know this is what I'm hearing.
It doesn't mean everything is done or it's going to happen or whatever tomorrow, but I'm very excited, because I can see these puzzle pieces coming together. Let me start off this way. I heard tonight, right before sunset, I was out on the deck with one of the kitty cats, and I heard that the admiralty law is dead.
Admiralty law, that's the BAR British Admiralty Rule, admiralty law, what we've been under, is dead. And the other thing is the USA Corporation is dead. That's gone. And with that, some of the other institutions that we have are in the process of decline and removal.
But we did hear that common law, which is the style of law and things are lawful, as opposed to legal. For the most part, common law is coming in over this weekend, and that means Saturday, Sunday, common law, that's a part of NESARA, one of the pieces of NESARA
So we're going to get little bits and pieces, like, for example, when we go do our exchanges, the USTN which is the United States Treasury note, physical currency of the United States, replacing the USD, a Fiat dollar, is already in the redemption centers, is in the banks and will be put out when we will get it when we go in for our exchanges.
So that aspect of the new USN, the new USTN, is about ready to be revealed. I don't know how soon they'll announce a gold backed currency in this in President Trump's golden age that he says we're in now we're starting that's a sign that we're essentially going back on the gold reserve, or the sense is that we have a gold backed currency –
Now we know it as asset backed with one of the assets is gold, one of the assets is silver. There are other precious metals, there are gems, there is oil, there is natural gas. There are other assets that the United States has that backs the value of our new USN digital dollar,
For example, the digital currencies, the crypto currencies, since we have a crypto reserve now with five crypto coins as part of it.
And note that is has been established as an asset class that is also backing up our USN dollar, the new US dollar, not Fiat backed which is Fiat base, which means nothing backs except the full faith and credit of the United States, where that's gotten us. This got us in debt.
Now, what about this $36 trillion national debt? I don't think it's going to be paid back. It's owed to the it's owed by the USA Corporation. I think since the corporation is defunct and no longer, since we are a restored Republic, not a corporation based in Puerto Rico, I have a feeling that you're gonna hear something that say that we've wiped out / cleaned up the national debt or whatever.
However, it said, I don't think we I don't think this, the country pays it back. We'll see what happens. The Federal Reserve, the Fed, is dead. The IRS is being whacked seriously, and President Trump said something that one of the guys at lunch said today, taxes are going to be no longer. No longer if you make $175,000 or less, you pay income taxes.
Well, none of us are going to have to pay income taxes. Under NESARA, the income tax goes away. I think President Trump has just given us a hint on what's going to be happening.
He hasn't said, you know, now other people have come on certain new shows, like on Newsmax, and explained a consumption tax. That's exactly what is going to be in NESARA, a 15% consumption tax. Some call it fair tax. Consumption tax, it's only payable on new items that you buy, but your income is not going to be taxed.
And it's that's going to be incredible when we finally get that, and I hope we get that before April 15, tax day. I've heard that we will, but I'm telling you, if it does come out, it should come out either over this week or next week. I believe it'll come out this month if that happens.
I can't tell you guys exactly where the DOGE checks are and the DOGE direct deposits, but I was told from one of our people in the know about it, that checks went out, those checks and went out, and I believe they went out on Sunday night and Monday morning. They say some have received some checks in the amount of over 7000 or between seven and $8,000 and this, it's hard to say that this is a DOGE check or not because there are retirement benefits from pension funds that have also paid out, and that's been in the news for about the last four or five weeks, but some people have received it.
I don't know whether it's been from a pention fund, you know, or whether it's something like a dose check. So just keep an eye on your your emails, and I to see if anything comes in your account.
Social Security increase has not happened on the first or second Wednesday, and I don't know exactly when that's going to happen, but maybe they'll pay everybody the regular amount of Social Security, then that last few days of this month, they may put the additional payment in.
You know, guys, we've been told about Social Security, the R and R and all these things for months now, and we haven't seen anything now the r and r to be fair - is going to come out for those currencies to exchange and zim to redeem.
Ours is going to be at the redemption center, okay? So that will not be a direct deposit, as I understand it, into an account where we normally receive our social security.
So R&R at the redemption center. Okay? Now, if you're not exchanging currencies, you don't have currencies, and you're just concerned about the R and R, I'm sure they'll direct deposit it - In most cases, they'll do a direct deposit and let us know about it. Somehow - we'll know about it.
Let's talk about one other thing before we get into where we are right now in the Intel, because the I've got to get my thought right here on this. Guys, hold on one sec.
There have been people that have seen things online about redemption centers. Ai, is it safe? Blah, blah, blah.
Now there are certain people that even are doing calls that are putting out incorrect information to dissuade listeners from using the redemption centers in favor of the banks. I'm just going to say it that way. I know a lot more about it, but I don't feel like I want to put that out on the call tonight. I'm going to be nice.
And this is not good, because, you know, the redemption centers have a higher rate on way higher on dinar with a contract rate that the banks don't even think about having, and they have to zim, and you can't take zim to any willy nilly bank. They're not in a position to to redeem it.
Now the dong I've understood just this last week will have a rate that will be the same at the redemption center as it is at the bank. I have heard that it's not going to make me go the bank though. I'm going to go to the redemption center get it all done at the same time.
I would recommend that for you, for all of you, there are other benefits that you'll have at the redemption center that you wouldn't have at the banks anyway, plus the amount that you have with all your currencies and with your Zim is requiring a quantum account.
And remember, the quantum account is where the money is stored, basically under the US Treasury. And then you move funds that only you can see this account only you are supposed to know how much is in it - and then you can move funds from your quantum account into your primary or secondary Wells Fargo account, or other bank account as you set them up on your quantum card,
You need - just review it very quickly - Username, first, you need a biometric fingerprint or thumb. There's six things that make this thing up, biometric fingerprint or thumbprint, username and password for the quantum account, a five digit PIN code, a new email and a password to get onto your email.
Those are the six things that you come up with to activate your quantum account. Okay, so let's get that let's get that started, and that'll be very important, and I believe, under pretty good authority that the admirals funds - coming from the admirals group, groups will be put into a quantum account, and then people in the admirals group will go a redemption center to activate their quantum account, just like we're going to do for our exchanges. And they'll move money into their bank account like Wells Fargo - from the quantum account. Okay, so that's something that's that I think they're going to be looking forward to.
I think some of the people in the Admirals groups are having are getting a lot of money from the currencies that they put up years ago. I mean, many of them, eight, 9, 10, years ago, that it's too much to pop into a regular bank account. That's why, I think and what I've been told is they would be deposited into a quantum account and then notified about that, just like we will
Alright. Now, let's talk about bondholders. I've heard that we're going to be on what I call a modified shotgun start.
That means that we will have bondholders getting notified that they have funds in their bondholders accounts, and that they will have access to it on such and such a date. They'll get an email to tell them when they are to access those funds. When can they get good money?
Now, as of yesterday, at four o'clock pm in the afternoon Bond holders have been flying in to Reno Sparks, Reno Sparks airports and Miami International Airport to get with their bond pay masters there, or the leaders of whoever's handling the bonds for them at Reno and at Miami, both Wells Fargo
Now they've been doing that. Yesterday, they started taking more traffic in, flying in. I don't have a count on how many jets are coming in per hour, take offs and landings. I don't have that count today, but they're supposed to be funding Bond holders accounts, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Five days. Tuesday, the 11th, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Bond holders are being funded now that may take care of them, that should take care of everybody that's a bond holder, and it should be, well, that's, that's what I'm saying.
Now, how does that tie into us? Bond holders receive notification of access, accessibility to their funds in their accounts when we get our notifications to set our appointments to exchange currency and redeem zim.
This is what I'm hearing. This is the crux of the matter what we've heard is that we could be notified, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, we can write today off I think. And that brings Friday into play because redemption center leaders, I've heard from two of them so far, redemption center leaders are going into the redemption Center at 930 in the morning on Saturday, and one of the two told us that they would be doing exchanges starting at 930 in the morning on Saturday, the 15th two days from now,
Now for that to occur, we believe we're going to be notified sometime tomorrow, and another source has told us that we would get notifications either after banks close or after the markets close, which I think is more likely tomorrow. Well, the markets close at four o'clock Eastern time. New York Stock Exchange, NASDAQ, those two, they shut down at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon.
Now, could we get it before then? Yeah, I think it's possible we'd get notified before then. Could it be after four? After five? Yes, it could be. And this is what I'm hearing. So I'm going to tell you that is looking good. It looks good for us to get notified, let's say tomorrow afternoon, and set our appointments for exchanges to begin on Saturday.
They'll go right through the weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. So on, they'll go right through go for at least 14 days in most areas, some areas that don't have many zim holders or they don't have that many currency holders and I know some of these areas are going to be lucky to go seven or eight days maybe nine days.
And this is a really good time to set your appointment and do an exchange, even if you're out of town or on vacation or in the hospital, just make sure you set your appointment for when you expect to be out -and you should be you should be covered on that -- some areas, based on demographics, will stay open longer than 14 days, But that's an approximate average of how long the redemption centers will be open.
All right, so you know the timing mechanism of this, the rough timeline, is looking like we're really getting down to the wire on this, and that means it's really getting down to the wire
The money is going to be great. We're going to be able to do a lot of things. For a lot of people really looking forward to that. But for my life, I'm looking forward to seeing again, seeing color again, and see and doing, doing tennis with Sue and other people, and playing golf with Bob, and going snow skiing and everything to do. And more and maybe better than I used to, I hope so. That's, that's the interesting thing.
We did have a special dispensation to find out a little bit more about that. I'll tell you the med beds after the first exchange is done, using the 800 numbers at the redemption center after the first one is done, which I'm going to suggest would be on the east coast because of the time zones, med beds all across the country will be activated for use.
Now we expect to have the numbers to put on the website, big call universe.com, you should register for it, because we're going to keep in touch with you after there are no money law, no more live big calls. After this goes, we may have a celebration call the right way between Thursday night and five days till next Tuesday night. So chances are that we would record a celebration call.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:17:17
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:01
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 36:36
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 11th and you’re listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, wherever you're located, around this globe. We're excited that you're here. We're looking forward to having a really good call tonight. I'm excited for what Sue is going to have for us, and what Bob going to bring to us, and even what I have to bring to you..
Okay. Well, I thank you very much. Let's get into the Intel portion right now. What I'm happy about is when we get information that lines up with other sources. That is very cool, when we can get new puzzle pieces and they seem to fit well together, for example, Iraq over the let's say, when we got Sunday that Iraq had a new rate.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, March 11th and you’re listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, wherever you're located, around this globe. We're excited that you're here. We're looking forward to having a really good call tonight. I'm excited for what Sue is going to have for us, and what Bob going to bring to us, and even what I have to bring to you..
Okay. Well, I thank you very much. Let's get into the Intel portion right now. What I'm happy about is when we get information that lines up with other sources. That is very cool, when we can get new puzzle pieces and they seem to fit well together, for example, Iraq over the let's say, when we got Sunday that Iraq had a new rate.
This is prior to the Forex opening at five o'clock Eastern time on Sunday. We heard this earlier in the day that there was a new dinar rate, and that new rate jumped up about would have been 15 cents in a short period of time and so on and so on – and it’s moving up –
I'm pretty sure it's going to be really, really good. Well, it ends up that that particular information that we got directly from Iraq from a source that speaks to the President of Iraq, also the head of - what they call the CBI – Central Bank of Iraq, which we think changed the name Sovereign Bank of Iraq, either one that most people still use CBI -- but it's a sovereign bank, and they set the rates for the dinar and so on.
Well, what's really cool is we find out that the information we got is also saying for us here to get our paperwork together and get ready for exchanges to start very soon, I will get into that timing in a minute here, very soon.
And I thought, Oh, that's pretty cool. It's first time that source has ever said that, talking about our getting our paperwork ready for exchanges.
Okay, so then we find out that today from the same source to another source in the states that they are they're about to pay out back pay for three months. That would be December, January and February. They're paying everything you think of, military, contractors, educators, people that were prisoned under Saddam Hussein, all of these different things they're loading up and about to pay them on their debit cards. They have these debit cards. They're about to pay them tomorrow, which is Wednesday, the 12th of March. So they're gearing up for that. Loading those cards up and those are going to be happening tomorrow.
And the people that we talked to that are Iraqi are very happy about this, because this is, this is finally they're catching up now. Listen, they've caught up before, but this catches the last three months, December, January and February, at the new rate that they just established Sunday.
Of course, it gets traded up on the Forex since then on Sunday night, Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday. You know, it's been trading, and that's a good thing for us and for them.
Now, what I'm going to tell you tonight – I am going to be a little bit cautious, because I was informed that they don't really want me to go into much detail or depth when it comes to anything about rates or where the money is coming from or anything regarding that.
So I'm going to honor that and stay away from it, and talk through general terms. And you know, like I said, I was advised, and so I'm not going to want to say anything that will get any of us in trouble, including me
Sso what we're getting is that the bond holders, and sometimes it comes back, and I like talking about bond holders, which are tier three -- bond holders, they started paying into their accounts - the individual bond holders started today, Tuesday, the 11th and are going to pay out for the next five days, and should be complete, 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th , okay, which is Saturday, right? Yeah.
So they're putting the funds into those bond holders accounts over the next five days. So what - How does that affect us?
We've been told we're going to go right behind bond holders, but in front of others. I mean, listen, we're supposed to be receiving our notifications in the next 24 to 48 hours, and even more recently, this afternoon, evening before the big call I heard it's more than likely going to be in the next 24 hours, today, Tuesday night.
This was obtained earlier in this afternoon. Could very well be notified tomorrow, which could be great. We could get notified tomorrow, and start exchanging Thursday or we could get notified and still exchange on Thursday
The thing that we've heard from our redemption center leaders is when the toll free numbers come out to us we’re calling to set our appointments, they would be ready to exchange us and redeem our Zim – within three hours after we receive those numbers, that’s as soon as they are ready at the redemption center to take us - Obviously if we get this in the morning It looks very good for us to exchange in the afternoon.
Whether it comes tomorrow, whether Thursday, we've heard from one source exchange Thursday, Friday. We've heard from another source exchanges to start before Saturday, another source said exchanges to start by Sunday, by or before Sunday, and we've heard like I mentioned - the possibility of being notified in 24 to 48 hours. So that is very good when it comes to our timing, and trying to create some kind of a time line that we can adhere to.
There was also something that had to be completed by this past Monday, which was by yesterday morning, and that was that banks all over the country needed to be completed, as far as the digital currency was the digital currency reserve was concerned because there is a number of digital currencies, so called tokens or digital coins that are of value and will stay in value and be used to back up the USN, as far as its value is concerned, as part of the asset backing of our new currency.
I've also heard that. I've heard from a very good source that the USN does not have to be out, and I mean announced out for us before we go on these exchanges. Sort of the opposite of what you might think would be the case. But I’m going to take that source and say that's fine with me.
The USN can come out whenever it needs to, not going to worry about that part of it. I know we're going to get more and more and more when it comes to disclosure, when it comes to NESARA, all of that, it's hard to predict exactly when it's going to happen, but I know that's very close.
Now I'll say one thing, and that is that there have been checks that have been received, and we think these may or may not be DOGE checks, or what we're calling direct deposits. So just keep an eye on your accounts, especially if you’re retired - keep an eye and watch for those possible direct deposits, and that's all I'm going to say about that.
That's what I want to bring to you. And I do appreciate everybody that has been listening to the big call for we're in our 14th year. You realize that on the 15th of March, which would be what Saturday, I will have fulfilled 20 years of being invested.
I followed it for longer than that, but it'll make 20 years to the day that I that I invested in these currencies, and I've been following more or less every day since. So I'm ready for this. You guys are ready for this. I'm looking forward to, like, you guys. I'm excited. Let's go ahead and pray the call out
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:01:01
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 36:36
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-6-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-6-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody. The big call tonight it is Thursday, March 6th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in, everybody.
Okay, let's talk about where we stand on our intel so far. This is a little different tonight, because I had three separate sources that were saying the same thing and then this afternoon, I two additional sources said something a little bit different. So here's where we're going to go with this, the three sources that came in over the last couple of days were saying that we would be exchanging no later than Saturday, which is two days away. I’m thinking Oh, great. That means we're going to get notifications probably Friday, start exchanges Saturday, blah, blah, blah, go right through the weekend with appointments and so on.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-6-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody. The big call tonight it is Thursday, March 6th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in, everybody.
Okay, let's talk about where we stand on our intel so far. This is a little different tonight, because I had three separate sources that were saying the same thing and then this afternoon, I two additional sources said something a little bit different. So here's where we're going to go with this, the three sources that came in over the last couple of days were saying that we would be exchanging no later than Saturday, which is two days away. I’m thinking Oh, great. That means we're going to get notifications probably Friday, start exchanges Saturday, blah, blah, blah, go right through the weekend with appointments and so on.
Now that is possible - those were three very good sources - the latest thing we got this afternoon were from redemption center leaders and one of whom is over three redemption centers - the other one is over six, seven redemption centers - so these people, they're good sources. Well, these two leaders are saying we're going to get notifications over the weekend and start exchanges early next week, which would be Monday or Tuesday.
So I've got possibility of exchanging, being notified tomorrow or Saturday, and exchanging starting Saturday. Then I also have, oh, we're going to get notified over the weekend, which is probably a Saturday, could be Sunday, but we would start our exchanges early next week, which is Monday or Tuesday. So there appear to be a couple of things that might be slight hold ups.
One is dealing with the price that Iraq is selling oil. There's a little controversy on this. There's a pipeline that's coming from Kurdistan down to Baghdad, and then there's one that goes from Baghdad all the way down into Turkey, two different pipelines.
Well, the contract rate on the Iraqi dinar is tied to what Iraq is selling their oil for what they're selling it to Turkey for what they're selling it to Egypt for what they're selling it to China for any other number of countries That would buy Iraqi oil, crude oil. And so that that price needs to be settled on, in a sense, before the contract rate can be established for the dinar.
Now we've heard this also. That's part of the thing. The other thing we've heard relating to the contract rate is, the contract rate is a rate that was agreed upon already in a contract with Iraq. So that's sort of negates what I just said about worrying about the new price of what that oil might sell for.
They have a rate, and it's extremely good. I told you guys one time it was at or over a hundo. Those of you who know what a hundo is, know what I was talking about, and that would be per dinar. Well, if that was the contract rate, it was established, we should be in that range. In that range.
Now let's clarify something that was misunderstood by a few people, not very many, but a few people, and one of the people that was taking and putting out call notes from my call last Tuesday night might understood what I said.
I said, you know, we have a very high rate on Iraqi dinar, especially the contract rate, which is available at the redemption center ONLY, ONLY AT THE REDEMPTION CENTER, that alone is worth signing up and getting an 800 number and setting an appointment at a redemption center.
The Dong is a very good rate, very strong. And the other currenncy – the Zim is on par with our US dollar - USN - USN means the same as the the other currencies I was referring to was like the Afghanistan, Afghani, the Venezuelan Boulivar some of the other currencies, not Dong and not dinar, are in the range of between four and $7.00 - 4-7, not the dinar and not the Dong.
Okay, Dong's higher than that, way higher than that, and the zim is on par with the US dollar. So there has been some discussion about, when are the USN and some people refer to it as USN, which is United States note, or United States new, referring to the new dollar.
Some people, like me and there are others call it USTN, but they're referring to the folding money, which we put in our purses and money clips, or some fat wallet, which is up to you - want back pocket use a fat wallet, put your back pain, but the` USTN is United States Treasury note.
That's what should be printed on the new money, use to be Federal Reserve Note – but the Fed is dead and there is no longer a Federal Reserve - - and that's what should be printed on the money and that should be coming out shortly. It should coincide with our start at the redemption centers, because they have it there, shrink wrapped, ready for us at the redemption centers. So we should be able to get some of that up to maybe $3,000 - they did change a position of $500 to 3000 that's cash, cash money, and yes, not free. It comes out of your balance.
If you decide to take some, you don't have to take any of that new money. But if you want some cash, and you want the latest version, which is ustn, you should ask for an amount up to 3000 they don't really want you walking out with any more than because then you are a possible target. You can be robbed - whatever, depending on where you are.
Don't worry about that. But I want everybody to know that we are still hearing that they're paying DOGE checks. They're not calling it a dividend, they're calling it a dose check. Now we did call it a Doge rebate while but what is this is the money that we're supposed to get be anything anybody less than 65 gets $5,000 a month. Anybody 65 and older, it's 7500 a month, and that would be for 13 months.
Supposed to start in the first 10 or 15 days. I'm going to say not 10 anymore. I'm going to say it could be 10, but it might be the first 15 days of this month, and also supposed to have R and R at the redemption center.
If you're going into exchange currency or redeem your Zim the R and R will be there for you find out about right after you exchange your currency, so write down your ask about your retribution and reconciliation allowance. That's one of the ways to say R and R. Easier to say R and R, though I think you all know, I hope so, and you'll get that amount, whatever it is added to your quantum account and then you move funds after you exchange - your R and R is in there – you will move some of those funds, some into your primary Wells Fargo bank account.
Okay, so we'll see how that works. Social Security increases are to occur this month. So see your normal Wednesday, whether it's yesterday, whether it's the 12th, the 19th or the 26th see if you get that increase. It should be a substantial increase. If you don't get it, wait to see if it happens by the end of the month, they could do a little those all out, if they're not with your regular Social Security.
Let's see how that works. So we've talked to those checks are in our social security and our we're looking for all four of those to occur this month of March 2025, so I'm a little I was a little bit uncertain about how to bring out the Intel. And I thought, you know, I'm just going to say what I'm hearing.
I'm hearing two different things. I'm hearing exchanges by by or before Sunday, and I'm also hearing, I'm hearing to receive the 800 numbers over the weekend, and then page very early next week, which is Monday or Tuesday. Now these are all good sources. The most recent or the last two I gave you were from the redemption center leaders. Now, there is more information. There's always more.
I either get it tonight. There's some I'm going to get tomorrow morning, but that doesn't help us for tonight, for this call, this is allowed the week, but I'd like everybody to make sure that they are registered by sending their email.
So that's what I wanted to say tonight. That's what I wanted to get out to you guys. And I appreciate everybody continuing to listen and then I'm continuing to listen to everything that's going on with Ukraine and Russia. Hopefully that's going to come into a peace accord soon. I think we can get a cease fire by the weekend, hopefully, and we could be on our way.
So let's do this, guys, let me pray the call out, And let's everybody stay very positive. Watch which speak speak positively. This is coming, and we should get a positive result by the weekend, whether we exchange or not before Monday or Tuesday. Should get our numbers right. So you guys stay tuned for that, and on the other side. Everybody, have a great night and a great weekend. God bless you guys.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:14:34
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 36:36
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-4-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-4-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody the big hall tonight. It's Tuesday. Let's see March the fourth. I had to thank dinner Tuesday, March, 4, and you're listening to the big listening an hour early, if you're live on the big call, because as the email went out, hopefully everybody received it for doing the call an hour earlier. So everybody gets a President Trump addressed both houses of Congress tonight at nine o'clock Eastern, I'm going to be watching on Newsmax, but I'm sure it'll be on a lot of different channels.
All right, we're moving right along in the big call tonight. Let's I want to clarify something that a listener wrote in to Bob on, and he told me about it today, and that is the proper designation of NESARA and GESARA, I did not have it right.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-4-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody the big hall tonight. It's Tuesday. Let's see March the fourth. I had to thank dinner Tuesday, March, 4, and you're listening to the big listening an hour early, if you're live on the big call, because as the email went out, hopefully everybody received it for doing the call an hour earlier. So everybody gets a President Trump addressed both houses of Congress tonight at nine o'clock Eastern, I'm going to be watching on Newsmax, but I'm sure it'll be on a lot of different channels.
All right, we're moving right along in the big call tonight. Let's I want to clarify something that a listener wrote in to Bob on, and he told me about it today, and that is the proper designation of NESARA and GESARA, I did not have it right.
It should be for NESARA - National Economic Security and Reformation Act, national economic security, which makes a lot of sense, economic security and reformation act that's NESARA
GESARA is Global Economic Security And Reformation Act, okay, so thank you for the clarification on that. Since I haven't seen that ever in writing, it was good to see it and clarify what it is I have been saying incorrectly. Now So I appreciate that very much.
There are some people out there that are thinking that they or somebody else, might get the 800 numbers earlier than others, and from what I'm hearing from our sources, that is not the case. Nobody is going to get it and put it out any earlier than anybody else.
Now, there was a time I was informed that I was going to get the number a little bit early, and that appears not to be the case anymore. It appears everybody's going to get the number when the emails come out, and that's when it'll get out.
So there's no advantage if you're listening to someone else or you're listening to the big call, you know, you should have it in your email at approximately the same time.
Now it could come out where East Coast people get it earlier, because they have a time advantage of getting it at the time, and then maybe Central Time is an hour later, because it's leaving time as it is, but it's in a different time zone. Same thing with Mountain Time, same thing with Pacific Time, and then Alaska, Hawaii, or two other time zones.
So that's going to be that's going to be interesting to see exactly how that does come out. I was told my theory of everybody getting it at the same time in their time zone was a correct theory. So let's see how that plays out. But nobody has any advantage over anyone else to put it out any sooner - that’s not really the case.
We're going to go with this it comes to the timing. We had heard that the bond holders have received, but we haven't confirmed it yet that they have received their emails. They have received their emails.
They have received. Their emails that show they have received in other words, their accounts have been funded. Let me clarify that their accounts have been funded. Now when will they get access. That is a big question. We think they're going to receive that email that gives them access or tells them when they get access to their accounts at the same time, we get emails giving us a toll free number to set our appointments –
See they've already, you know, used their bonds, tier three bond holders, those guys have already ponied up their bonds. They've already been checked out on that and their, for instance, for those bond transactions, have already been placed in their account.
But they don't ……. They know approximately how much they're going to get, but they don't have access to the money yet. Well, they're supposed to get access to the money at about the same time that we get access to our appointments, either get notified to set up our appointments, or actually get in to begin our exchanges at the redemption center.
And remember, the rates at the redemption centers will be higher than those at the banks. The only exception that I've heard of on that has been the Vietnamese Dong, the Dong rate at the redemption center yesterday was it was the same as it was in the banks. That's the exception for the rule the dinar is going to be much higher at the redemption center, because they're going to offer us a contract rate on the dinar. I told you guys roughly where that range was okay
Zim is on par with the USN dollar and -- what else? there are other currencies and they should all be between four and seven. Between four and seven currencies that are going up in value are all going to be in that range of four to seven, and that's really exciting, too.
Let's see what else. Okay, let's talk about the timing for us to get notified, and then we'll bring in some of the other things that are that are also happening that Jeanie has in her post today,
We should -- Okay, here's the timing on this -- tonight, Trump is making his speech in front of both chambers of commerce. Set to go off at about nine o'clock. I've been told he will actually start speaking at about 9:05 tonight, Eastern Time, 9:05 -- so take a few minutes for him to go through the crowd, shake a few hands, the applause to settle, all of that - he should be getting started about five minutes after nine, so we're in good shape.
Then -- And I want everybody to watch this thing and see what all he has to say. I've heard he's going to talk about going to be very exciting. He might, hopefully he'll throw a couple surprises in there. He's not supposed to talk about our asset backed currency, or our gold backed currency, yet, not for a few days.
They don't going to happen until the weekend, when the markets are closed due to market volatility. Don't look for that part of NESARA, which it is - part of NESARA and GESARA really, to occur tonight.
I think it's going to talk quite a lot of but what I want to talk to you about is the timing.
What we've heard is during the President's speech, those emails for the bond holders would go out tonight, so they would be able to receive them overnight or in the morning tomorrow, as to when they will get access to their funds, they're supposed to go out during his speech. Now, notifications for us in tier four, A and B are supposed to come out, starting two hours after the speech ends tonight.
Now, do you think we'll get something over night tonight? I seriously doubt it. I think it'll be something in the morning, I think we will receive them tomorrow if everything goes well, because we know redemption center leaders, some of whom are going in to the redemption Center at 815 in the morning tomorrow, 8:15am and I'm thinking that makes sense, because we should be getting our notifications .
Now - Does it mean we get our notifications in the morning? Not necessarily? No. It could be that we get it anytime tomorrow. There's been no time given to me. We receive our notifications, and it could be that we receive them Wednesday tomorrow, and then we set our appointments, and we even start exchanges on Thursday. That's very possible, so they'll be faked out if the emails that are coming in with the toll free number don't be faked out if they don't come in first thing in the morning, it might be a little later on purpose.
Okay, so that's supposed to be the timing on the releases, but if you think about it, if you don't have staff in the redemption center when these come out, if they came out overnight how are you going to set appointments with somebody at the redemption center, if they're not in and they're not going to be in tonight, they're not going to be in till tomorrow, so I would look for it sometime tomorrow to come out.
All right, now, let's go into a couple other things. We were hearing that the DOGE Department of Government Efficiency. They're calling DOGE checks. Some people that are not getting direct deposits, like they do for Social Security, etc, will get a check from the US Treasury by certified mail.
Now we heard that they were to start to go out. The checks would start to go out today. I don't have confirmation time for that. They might not have gone out today, and they might not start until tomorrow or the next day, but those of us on Social Security will get our direct deposit into that same account, same bank account.
Okay, that should start any day now, we're hearing we get DOGE in the first 10 days of March, and today's only the fourth. So I think it's very possible we get some of those checks tomorrow. I don't know if President Trump's going to talk about those monies going out, but I did hear from some pretty reliable people that that is supposed to happen, not for 12 months but for 13 months straight, which is an extra bonus month, which is great. So those will be interesting to see that those come in to our bank accounts.
Let's see beyond that increase in Social Security is supposed to occur this month, and whether it'll occur on your same Social Security Day, which starts tomorrow for some people, some people are the 5th 12th 19th, 26th - those are your four Wednesdays in March, 5th , 12th , the 19th and the 26th so let's see what happens on that
I’m thinking those will happen this month as an increase, and the increase is going to be pretty substantial for most of us. The other thing is R and R, the restitution reconciliation allowance, R and R for those exchanging will be at the redemption center. We'll get it there when we exchange, and we'll tell them, they'll have social security number – they will look it up – the last four digits of your solar they'll be able to look it up and see it, and then they'll be able to tell us what that is and the amount it is, and it should go into the quantum account
It should occur if I understand the timing is right – it should occur after the currency has been exchanged, after we've done the exchange of our currencies and the redemption of our Zim notes.
Okay, then don't forget to write down on your pad to ask about R and R, okay, ask about that. Get the amount. It won't be broken down for you. You're going to get a lump sum total at the redemption center. Ask what that is, and then you'll be all set.
Okay, so we've got the RV happening. We think the notifications starting tomorrow. Okay, we've got the dose checks coming out, direct deposit for a lot of us and checks for other people. And we've got the increase in Social Security this month, and we've got, but have I forgotten anything? Increase in social DOGE - R and R and of course the RV, those four this month of March the 4t and should be an excellent month. Should be a terrific month.
All right, so let's see. I think that's everything I wanted to say, The other thing is, I'd like to pray the call out. So let's do that now, Thank you guys for coming in an hour early now, everybody. Tune in and enjoy speech tonight. God Bless.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 36:36
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody the big call tonight. It is Thursday, February 27th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for joining us, wherever you're located, around the globe. Thank you sat team for hooking everybody up around the globe to listen in. The rest of you on free conference call glad to have you, and many of you listen to the replay, which is another great way to hear us. So thanks for listening everybody.
Let's, let's get into where we where we want to be on the intel tonight. So what do I want to bring out first. The first thing that I'm thinking of is, yeah, do we do we have any new information about Social Security increases, or about R and R? Not right now, and I told you guys on Tuesday night I wasn't giving it much hope for coming by the end of this month with three days to go, that was on Tuesday night.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody the big call tonight. It is Thursday, February 27th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for joining us, wherever you're located, around the globe. Thank you sat team for hooking everybody up around the globe to listen in. The rest of you on free conference call glad to have you, and many of you listen to the replay, which is another great way to hear us. So thanks for listening everybody.
Let's, let's get into where we where we want to be on the intel tonight. So what do I want to bring out first. The first thing that I'm thinking of is, yeah, do we do we have any new information about Social Security increases, or about R and R? Not right now, and I told you guys on Tuesday night I wasn't giving it much hope for coming by the end of this month with three days to go, that was on Tuesday night.
Now we're on Thursday night with one day left tomorrow, and I don't think we're going to see this month. That's a pretty safe bet, BUT -- I am encouraged by the fact that we did receive a little bit of information, a couple of small puzzle pieces that we’re using to fill in this puzzle to try to complete the picture that we're looking for, and such is the fact that right now, I know that we had two very strong sources that were telling us that, don't worry, this is going to be the week that we receive our notifications.
And even though we only have two days left, Friday and Saturday this week, I think it's quite possible that we still will get notified and set an appointment this week.
Now, how do I say that? I know, for example, that one of our redemption center staff members is working tomorrow morning at Wells, Fargo Bank, and then goes after lunch into the redemption center tomorrow, Friday.
Why would that be? Why would a person work in the bank in the morning and go to the redemption center in the afternoon, unless they were expecting for the toll free numbers to come out in our emails, our notifications, and then we call, and this person is there on the redemption center end to help set our appointments.
That made perfect sense to me. I thought, you know, tomorrow is the 28th of February, so last day of the month? Could they notify us on Friday still this week. And could they notify us where we get our numbers and we set our appointment tomorrow? Could be tomorrow afternoon, but we set it for Saturday or Sunday or Monday or whatever next week. I think it's very possible
I’m not calling it. I'm not saying that it's definite, but it looks good for us to get notified and set our appointments for exchanges that would start on Saturday, the first of March, in a whole brand new month, 31 days of March. So that is, that is quite possible.
I really think if this is going to happen this week. And I know it's a big if, but if, what we're told was it would be this week, don't worry, then I see that as the way it's going to happen.
Now, as far as redemption centers go, we got some information about one email that was received in the morning yesterday, one was received in the afternoon, still waiting on one more, but did not come this morning, as was expected, but should be there tomorrow.
And we don't know what this email that hasn't been received will say, but what it could say is when the green light will be turned on for our notifications to be released. That's what I believe it should say. It could say. And of course, we won't know it until tomorrow, but I think I'm encouraged by the fact that that is coming.
The other thing that's interesting is or having trouble getting the word from bond holders and bond pay masters that they have money. We believe they have the funds in their accounts, and we believe some have been told how much that is, but we don't know if they have received the email to tell them when they can have access to those funds.
My feeling is, but I don't know this, but my but my feeling is that they should bond owners should get those notifications tomorrow and again, we won't have it for the big call tonight, but if they do get them tomorrow, will it say that they have access to funds on Saturday - or will give them access to funds sometime tomorrow. Either one is possible, either one is possible.
And I believe with that information which I wish I had tonight, I don't but if I knew that they would have access to funds either Friday or Saturday, tomorrow or Saturday, then I would feel really good about saying, Well, we're next. We're going to be notified post haste, and that part of the 48 hour rollout of everybody that's to receive funds, whether it's from bond holders monies, whether it's admirals groups or our Internet Group, all of us to receive funds within a modified shotgun start of 48 hours.
So I'm encouraged by that. I think that that the timing of this is really interesting. The other thing that's that's happening, I'm trying to think of a couple other things that I that I wanted to bring out to you guys tonight, and one of which is today, after the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom had meetings with President Trump, and had a press conference with President Trump, which was very good, by the way. I enjoyed both of those - right after that, President Trump signed off on BOTH NESARA and GESARA -
NESARA, our National Economic Strategic And Recovery Act, and GESARA the global economic strategic and Recovery Act. He signed off on both of those today, this afternoon, and we believe that those will probably be brought out because they weren't mentioned today. They probably will be brought out this coming Tuesday, which should be the fourth of March, or March that is something that's going to be actively in both houses of Congress the Senate as a representative.
Okay, that is a mandatory get together of both House and Senate, joint chambers, if you will, both chambers of Congress, rather a wish of commerce of Congress, and that brought out at that time, and who knows what else?
I think there's a possibility we get something about our new USN, our new our new USA Treasury notes, our new currency, our new money, totally money. And maybe something about our brand new digital currency brought out, then it is going to be, it should be a really good day –
Now could this go before Tuesday. I believe it can, at least that's what I'm hearing from all of our sources. I don't think we're waiting. In other words, I hope we are not waiting on Tuesday.
What else is happening today?
You know, we had Jeffery Epstein papers that were supposed to come out today, and they got a little smattering of some things that wasn't the big impact that our Attorney General Bondi was expecting, but she has taken charge.
She let our brand new Head of the FBI Kash Patel know about the fact that they did not get all the documents out of New York, and so they have to deliver those to Washington and Bondi’s office by 8am tomorrow morning, Eastern Standard Time, but somebody ought to be bringing those down by Jet or train tonight from Heath, from Washington, DC, and get that out and tell by surprise and body by surprise, but don't worry, they're on it. They are on it, and they will make sure FBI is held to account for these documents.
So be prepared for some news on those lines tomorrow, and let's see what else tonight. Unfortunately, there was, let's see what else I want to bring out right now,
I really hoped I would get a little bit more this afternoon and tonight, even during the call, that would indicate that we are right there and we are right there, but a little something that would give us more confirmation about tomorrow.
So I'm going to hold that it's very possible to get notified tomorrow, set appointments starting Saturday, and that would be awesome, because we get it by the end of the month, last day of the month, and then we start exchanges on the first of March. And I'm hoping that's exactly what happens to you guys.
I'm telling you, if that occurs, like I've heard, it would be a win. It'd be a definite win. And I think that we have a lot to be thankful for - things are definitely moving in the right direction.
President Trump is doing an outstanding job, along with Elon Musk and his team and Doge, I love the fact that they're saving billions of dollars a day by going in finding out where is the waste, where is the fraud?
Social Security benefits will not drop, neither will Medicare or Medicaid. If anything, they're going to find the waste in the system. They'll find people that are no longer alive getting checks in Social Security. And you know it, they seem to be really good when they're able to nail down all of those things and tighten up the list and tighten up everything in all organizations in our federal government, and they're doing an outstanding job. And of course, Elon outstanding job, by the way, he's doing it for free. Does he need the money? No, of course not. He doesn't. That is his heart is in the right place, doing doing the right thing for the American people.
Was there anything I want to bring up right now, I can’t think of it right now - if there were, I know that there are a couple of things I was thinking about. They're not coming to me right now, so I think what I'll do is thank Sue for doing an outstanding job
And I'd like to thank Bob for an outstanding job, as well for helping to co host the call and giving beautiful insight and stories that are very relevant for us, And thank you. GCK, everybody else that has contributed to big call.
I'm hoping guys that we get this this weekend and then send out a short celebration call, I think that's all I wanted to bring out tonight. Keep an eye on your emails. All right, all right, everybody, let's pray the call out
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:02:22
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, February 25th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in, wherever you're located around the globe. Thank you for coming in and being able to listen to us tonight. And I think we have a very good call planned for tonight, and I'm looking forward to it.
The next thing about current events is that the peace accord, let's call it agreement between Russia and the Ukraine. Appears to have already been agreed to by Putin and also now in principle, by Zelensky, President Zelensky of the Ukraine. And Zelensky is coming to the United States to meet with Trump to sign off on that agreement on Friday - today is Tuesday that would be on Friday, which is the 28th of February, the last day of the month
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, February 25th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in, wherever you're located around the globe. Thank you for coming in and being able to listen to us tonight. And I think we have a very good call planned for tonight, and I'm looking forward to it.
The next thing about current events is that the peace accord, let's call it agreement between Russia and the Ukraine. Appears to have already been agreed to by Putin and also now in principle, by Zelensky, President Zelensky of the Ukraine. And Zelensky is coming to the United States to meet with Trump to sign off on that agreement on Friday - today is Tuesday that would be on Friday, which is the 28th of February, the last day of the month
So that is already in the works. I'm thinking it's in the can already, because I believe the agreement has been agreed to by all parties. It's just a physical signature that Zelensky is going to make, and a press opportunity when he comes on Friday to do that. So that's good news. Peace between Ukraine, Russia and etc. Now that needs to be complete between those two countries
Okay, what I'm telling you that peace agreement is very important. Guess why? Because under GESARA there cannot be wars going on around the globe. That peace process has to happen, and is happening or has already happened now.
Now what's the other thing? I'm not 100% sure on what's going on in Gaza. I know what has been happening. I hope the cease fire has held up, but I know that President Trump had a plan for removal of Hamas, of course, and removal and helping the Palestinian people to relocate until such time as the Gaza could be completely rebuilt into a beautiful, fantastic development that only President Trump could do –
Now, I say he could do it. He has got the designs, and all of that was already given out to Bibi Netanyahu, and all of that has been talked about before when Netanyahu was here with President Trump. But we'll see.
Doesn't mean that we are going to build it. It means that the people that are going to build it down there will do it. This money from the Middle East, and not from our Treasury - That will be interesting to see it come together - for that peace agreement to become a reality –
The other thing is that a week away. Now that date is important, date because President has told all of Congress, however many are remaining in the Senate and the House to be there for that date, for a joint sentence of Congress. It's not really a State of the Union address, but it might end up sounding like one President Trump is going to address both houses of Congress at that time. I believe that because of the timing of it, it has to do with President Trump being the 19th president of the restored Republic.
The Restored Republic, he would be the 19th president of that - Now, maybe he'll talk about that. Maybe he'll bring that up. Maybe he'll talk about the restored Republic, but I know it's an important date for both chambers of Congress to be there.
Now, what could be happening at that time is that the NESARA / GESARA and GESARA is the Global Economic Strategic And Recovery Act. Nasara is National Economic, Strategic And Recovery Act. That's our form here in the United States, as NESARA, GESARA is every other country outside of the United States – global
Now, those two should be kicking off at the same time, and our sources are suggesting that it could very well be introduced on Tuesday, March the 4th which is a week from today. Now, some people are saying that this is not going to go until March 4 or until that is done - Okay, that's not what I'm hearing.
So keep that in the back of your mind. March 4. But that's not what I'm hearing and what I'm getting today. So what I'm hearing today is, and remember, we haven't had a call since last Thursday, so this is the first opportunity I share this with you.
But I believe, based on what we heard today, we are, we are one or two days from being notified. Let me clarify that -- we know the emails that go out to the redemption centers, because we know the people that are involved in sending those out.
We know they get the information from the US Treasury, the new US Treasury, by the way, and they get the information from Wells Fargo, and they usually are in agreement when they get and then they send out or forward, either forward an email or send out a custom email to The Redemption center leaders.
Well the redemption center leaders actually received three separate bills today, three. I only know about one of them, so I don't know what the effects of the other two are. And of course, I'll find out late tonight, after the big call is over.
This is what happens, especially on a Tuesday night, especially Tuesday so let me give you what I heard about the first email. The first three email is saying we got this directly from the redemption center leader said that we would receive our notifications within 24 hours. Now that was 24 hours, approximately noon today, so that would mean by noon tomorrow.
In theory, based on only one of three emails, we don't know what the other two later said. They might have said something change this. They might have said something else in addition to confirm this, I don't know, but al I know is 24 hours from noon today is noon tomorrow.
So theoretically and again, here's my here's my, just the important thing is that this is what we heard as a bloodshed today, because I got the call lunch, and it could be absolute – or it could be no longer valid – now since that time I got off the big ball for a few Minutes. but contact that I have said, one of our stronger sources said this could happen for us, either which is Wednesday or Thursday occasions,
it was added so it could be Wednesday or Thursday, not Wednesday, before noon - it could be.
And it could be, we get notified Wednesday and start Thursday. Could be. We get notified Thursday and start Thursday. It could be a lot of things. You know, it could be, we go by Thursday and start Friday for goodness sake. We don't know. We just don't know.
But I have been told, and this is a banned phrase on the big call - this is from somebody all of you know who said, don't worry. This is your week.
Well, what do I do with that, right? Do I throw it out or dismiss it out of hand? Do I say, You know what? I know who this guy is. I know he's definitely in touch with the big leagues and administration, those who speaks to President Trump and all people inside in the cabinet.
So I have to believe that this is still accurate, even though it is a banned phrase in the big ball this is, this is our week, the fact that he said, Don't worry, so and so, this is your week. All right, let's go with it. Let's go with it.
I was convinced tomorrow's our day. Now I’m thinking it is either tomorrow or Thursday, that we should receive our notifications, set our appointments and start exchanges. It could all happen one day. It could happen the next day. We just don't know. But I really think that we are that close.
I don't think we have to wait till next Tuesday, the fourth of March. I think it's going to be the introduction of NESARA and GESARA, quite possibly, from President Trump. And who knows who else in the joint session of Congress, House and Senate. And it's exciting, or should be an exciting time.
And he told he told Congress, he said this is a mandatory meeting of both houses of Congress, mandatory that came out from President Trump. So this does, this is really good.
Now let's go further. So let's say we get everything we're looking for with the RV notification setup. Appointments begin exchanges at the redemption centers all over this country this week, or certainly by Friday, we hope right Wednesday, Thursday, Friday are dates that we're looking at for notifications, latest that I got tonight. All right, so let's say that occurs.
What about Social Security increase? I would write that off. I don't see that happening this month now. I don't see it. We only have three days to go in this month. I just, I just don't see it. It could happen. But what about our Doge rebate? That's a short way of saying, US Treasury slash IRS rebate.
It's a Doge rebate in a sense, in a sense that is supposed to start. We heard this week, so it could still happen this week. But even if it doesn't, it's very, very close to happening. And if we don't get it this week, we're going to get it in the first week of March, and that's going to be nice, and you're interesting about it, why it should happen this week?
Because everybody over the age of 32 or at least, it won't be kind of like we're doing with currency. You won't be like that, but it can be a pretty good chunk of change that everyone will receive, and that will give everybody some money.
Now the DOGE rebate will give everybody money. Everybody that is, let's see, what's the age of the doge rebate, I think is also 32 and over. Yeah, it is the doge res age 32 and over. They want you to have worked for at least 10 years and to have paid taxes for 10 years before you qualify for this DOGE rebate. They should be five grand for everybody under age 65 that's Per Month.
Nobody's saying per month, but that's what our guys are saying. THAT'S WHAT OUR SOURCES ARE SAYING. And if you're 65 and older, they're saying it goes to 7500 a month. It's not supposed to be social security. I don't know if this will replace the increase for Social Security that was suggested I don't know. We're just gonna have to let that happen. And it's supposed to be direct deposit for anybody who's retired and collecting Social Security, it'll expose into that Social Security bank account.
If it's if you're not retired and not on Social Security, but you are 60 or so over, you should get it into your normal bank account. They know our bank accounts. Guys, guess what? They know a lot more best than we we think they do. That is all set up right by your social security number.
Now, if you're younger than 60, then you would receive it – they take that total would be based on your current age, and then you would receive that until the age of 61 but you'd get it monthly.
So let's say it was 20 million dollars and 40 years old. Let's say, and you would get that divided 20 mil divided by, let's say 40 / 21, years, except almost a million a year, doesn't it divided by 12, and that would be your monthly amount.
Now, That Is A Fictitious Made Up Number 20 Mill. I have no idea how much somebody that's 40 would get. Really, don't know everybody. It's the older you are your chances you live longer traded on your birth certificate longer - your marriage license, divorce, death certificate, all of that they trade, taxes, maybe pay more interest on credit, bars and mortgages.
All of that is part of this R and R, restitute and reconciliation allowance and reconciliation allowance, R and R, okay that you will receive, I don't know if it's going to come this month. It could come because it provides cover for us that are going in for exchanges and redemption of zoom, price, cover.
Maybe we'll come out this week. Maybe we'll we'll see. So be on the look out for an email, also we will have, let's get the 800 number, which I don' know if I'll get it earlier or not. I thought I was going to get it early. I may not – whatever -- We will put it out in an email.
If this thing goes tomorrow. We probably have a celebration call Thursday night. So we'll see. Okay we’ll see what happens But that’s really everything I wanted to bring to you guys as far as the intel is concerned – so be looking for notification email – with the 800 number tomorrow, I hope by noon, and if not, look for it Thursday, and then we'll see what happens on Thursday night’s call. Hopefully it's a celebration. Alright –
So listen guys - Thank you so much big call universe for listening, or we're in our 14th year now. Thank you for your faithfulness to listen. Thank everybody keeping the faith and believing for something that we're all we all know is going to happen, and we believe it is very, very soon. We'll look forward to talking to talking to you Thursday.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:27:27
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
music. welcome everybody to the big call tonight. it's Thursday, February 20th , and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in wherever you're located around the globe. We're happy to have you here. And I think we're gonna have a really good call tonight, appreciate everybody making it in. And let's do this as we call it open, prayer.
All right, let's go to Intel. Let's cut to Intel. Thank you, Bob. Very much. Appreciate everything tonight. Excellent. All right, guys, here's the deal. I'm going to start with one of the last things that I got today this evening, and that was that redemption center leaders are to have received for this past 830 now Eastern and email at 830 tonight, Eastern Time that would tell them whether or not they should go into the redemption centers tomorrow morning or Saturday morning. Tomorrow morning, probably, and I don't know what time, but I would suggest eight, 830 in the morning or Saturday morning. Now keep that in your near memory.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. it's Thursday, February 20th , and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in wherever you're located around the globe. We're happy to have you here. And I think we're gonna have a really good call tonight, appreciate everybody making it in. And let's do this as we call it open, prayer.
All right, let's go to Intel. Let's cut to Intel. Thank you, Bob. Very much. Appreciate everything tonight. Excellent. All right, guys, here's the deal. I'm going to start with one of the last things that I got today this evening, and that was that redemption center leaders are to have received for this past 830 now Eastern and email at 830 tonight, Eastern Time that would tell them whether or not they should go into the redemption centers tomorrow morning or Saturday morning. Tomorrow morning, probably, and I don't know what time, but I would suggest eight, 830 in the morning or Saturday morning. Now keep that in your near memory.
The other things that we're hearing are that things are moving well for bond holders, I heard that their emails were to go out today. I have not absolutely confirmed it, but I think they did finally go out.
But even if they didn't, they're getting ready to send those out. We know the pay masters accounts have been hydrated, and now they're ready to fund those bond holders accounts with the money so they can be notified that they have access to their funds in their bond holders accounts.
Now, in a related subject, we know who the security force is back out in Reno Sparks, Reno airport, and we know they're getting three flights an hour in and three flights an hour out of Spark Reno airport. And we also know that, oh gosh, I'm going to say two, two years or more ago, that in one of the larger buildings there, let's call it a hanger. I think it was a hanger were steel shelves that went 35 feet tall, 220 feet long, along one wall that were full of USTN shrink wrapped money, our new currency, our new physical United States Treasury notes
And today we heard from one of our contacts out there that money is moving right under our noses. And I think that, I think that is a way to say that the physical USTN currency is moving from, let's call it the sparks Reno airport - Let's call it the Treasury location that's on the Paiute reservation that it may be moving and being transported to where it needs to go.
Now I know redemption centers received additional USTN currency yesterday and today. Yesterday was Wednesday, today's Thursday. So they've received additional shrink wrap bundles of our new USTN currency in addition to what they already had a year and a half ago - The redemption centers and banks received this currency a year and a half ago.
This was to add to what they had at the redemption centers. I don't know that they need it anymore at the banks, but I know the redemption centers, which is what we're most interested in, as you know, is what those are, what received additional deliveries of those currency, new USTN currencies yesterday and today.
Now I can tell you why I think that is because, remember, a little while ago, I told you guys, they don't want us to take more than $500 in our new cash, our new folding money - USTN folding money. Well, they just upped that a couple of days ago to, well, we don't want you to take more than 3000 you can take a little bit more, maybe, if you really insist, but they want to try to keep us now to about no more than $3,000 In cash that would come out of our total at the time of our appointment, redemption of Zim and cashing or exchanging our currencies. So that's something that is interesting, that change.
The other thing that we're looking at is, what is the timing for us? We have one source so far that is confirming that we will get notified Saturday and exchange starting Monday of this coming week.
Now that's one source I don't have it confirmed from any of our normal, regular sources. They're all saying it's close. We could be notified over the weekend. Well, Saturdays part of the weekend, in it we should be notified over the weekend and blah, blah, blah, but nobody is committing to a day.
Now look at this. If the redemption center leaders that I just talked about got that email at 830 tonight, and it says, come in tomorrow morning. Okay, what if it says don't come in Friday, but Saturday morning, that looks pretty good for us to get notifications on Saturday and start on Monday. We shall see.
I think that could be the case. Listen, if it if they go in tomorrow and we get notified tomorrow, so much the better, right? We will take it. So I don't know which is going to be, but I like either one, either one to win.
All right, so keep that in your mind. Now, let's cut to some really good information that I heard, oh, yesterday, and a little bit the day before yesterday, but I didn't want to call Tuesday night, but I do want to bring it out tonight. Many of you guys have seen in the social media and on TV about some getting what they are calling a dividend, but the real title is going to be Treasury - backslash IRS - Treasury slash IRS - Oh, shoot. I can’t think of the final word, it's not dividend, it's not payout, but it's something else - I’ll think of it before we stop - It's basically like a dividend - I our US Treasury slash IRS savings account, if there is one, that's what they're calling it.
And this is coming from monies that Elon Musk and his Doge team are gaining back from for us, from all of the waste, fraud, abuse that they're finding in gov agencies such as USAID, which USAID is not US AID
It stands for the United States Agency for International Development, sounded like a good idea in the beginning years and years ago, but it's probably corrupted, and it's probably going to be completely shut down. That's my instinct on it.
But the monies that are coming, this is what Elon Musk said today on news, on an interview that I watched the entire thing on - he said approximately 20% of what they're recouping is gonna go to pay, to pay to the American people, the American citizen and the other, another 20% of what they regain will be going to pay the national debt. So that's what they're saying. They're going to do with it.
Now, those of us who know that this 36 $37 trillion national debt was tied to the USA Corporation. I'm not sure that we have to pay that back.
I believe the corporation has been dissolved, and maybe we have to pay it to someone, but maybe we don't too but this money that we're going to be getting is supposed to be approximately $5,000 per month for 12 months, for anyone aged, it's a US citizen. That's age 32 and older. Now I heard another thing that I want you guys to understand I'm giving you what I'm hearing.
This is my disclaimer. I'm telling you what I'm hearing, and I can't absolutely say I have it verified by maybe more than two sources. Right now, if you're 65 years and older, you should get $7,500 a month for 12 months.
Okay, this amount that we're going to receive, if you're on Social Security, you'll get it in your Social Security bank account. It's not Social Security, though. It's this dividend. I hate to use that word. It's not the right word. That's what this coming from - from the Treasury.
They - if you have a bank account, which most of us do - it's going to come to the bank account they have on record for you by your social security number. That's how they know it's you and it's going to you. So they're saying the average is going to be $5,000 a month when you're 65 and older, some of us are it's supposed to be 7500 a month.
Another 50% increase. So hey, that's a pretty good deal. This is not a replacement of restitution and reconciliation allowance R and R. This is not the Social Security increase. It's something completely different.
And I have heard notices my disclaimer, this is what I've heard, and I hope it's true that it's supposed to come in our first payment of this is supposed to come to our bank accounts by direct deposit over this weekend or very early next week.
Now think about the timing for this, this money is coming to every US citizen, 32 years of age and older. Why 32 because they want you to have worked and pay taxes for about 10 years, and their starting age is 32 until you're 100 years old.
Now, what really interesting is I look at the big picture - why are they doing this and why are they doing it right now? Why are they doing it this weekend? We believe, because if we get our numbers Saturday, we begin our exchanges, Monday, Tuesday, it's supposed to be Monday if we get notified Saturday, and guess what?
The entire country is being hydrated financially, everybody is going to have some money, and it's not going to look so strange for us to be going into redemption centers. Some people that are not informed, because they're not all might go to banks.
Basically everybody's going to have money. This is a cover for us going our exchanges and redemption of Zim. It's kind of giving us cover to go, I think that's another reason why this $5,000 payment is coming this weekend. Or very early next week
Or are you guys with me? You see what I’m saying? I think it's really, really interesting, and I've got to thank Elon Musk and his team of geniuses, up to 100 people working with him to find this waste, fraud and abuse in our government, and I have to thank President Trump. And I heard President Trump speak today at CPAC in the DC area. They're not saying in Washington, they're saying in the area. So I'm aware it's being held, but I heard a lot of the people that were there.
Now there's one thing that was said there today, that I thought was true, tremendous and a really good idea. They plan to have a garden of statues to denoting the leaders in our country through the years. These will be statues, and a be made of bronze, or what they'll be made of – that was not discussed. But these statues are going to highlight a lot of people in history.
Now this is Black History month, February, and President Trump did a really good job of bringing out the importance of black leaders in this country, going all the way back to Civil War days and bringing us up to modern days. He had Tiger Woods there at the C pack. He's a big supporter of Trump, and he's, you know, President Trump talked about everybody that he was talking about that was going to be in this garden of statues, most of them, I believe, have passed away.
And Tiger, I don’t know if you want to be in this garden yet or not. And tiger said, no, no, that's okay, but you've got very famous Rosa Parks. You've got Greda Scott King, you guys know all of the black leaders, the women and men will be in there. It's going to be a great thing.
And I heard two things. I've heard that President Trump said they're narrowing down the states that want to have the garden. It's only one. But then I heard tonight, there might be as many as six or eight of these in various states in the United States. Oh, that's great, too. That's fine. Frederick Douglass, gosh, there's so many leaders, white leaders too, and I hope it's well balanced, and I'm sure even number black and white leaders through history that that would be recognized with these statutes.
I was very proud of the black leaders groups that were there fat CPAC today, especially you guys remember the head of Housing and Urban Development, HUD, right, and we have a new leader for HUD. And he said, I can't remember his name. He came up and spoke very strong. You can tell he was a believer in Christ, and he said very favorable things about Trump and about what was going on people in America, as far as the benefit of having voted for Trump at the highest the highest number of black and Latino votes we've ever had a Republican nominee. It went on and on, and it was really very positive.
And I'm excited about rebuild America. I'm excited to have black and white male and female leaders working with us throughout the country. Very excited about that.
So we're looking for notifications. I hope by Saturday, that'll tell us that we can set appointments for as as soon as Monday, appointments to start exchanges as early as Monday. Now realize this, I only have that confirmed from one source, but I do have the redemption center leaders going in either tomorrow or Saturday.
Well, I'm hoping, I'm hoping it's either one, right? And we get notified as but keep an eye on your bank account balance over the weekend to see if it's 5000 or if you're 65 and over, see if it's 7500 coming in over the weekend or very early next week. It could be next week.
But when they discuss this yesterday, and I saw it referenced on Newsmax, and we've heard it's all over social media, and they're calling it 5000 or saying more. Well, the way I look at is this is a bonus. It's not R and R, the R and R is not affected by it, but this is a trial run for R and R. It's a trial run. They want to see who is going to receive these citizens are not 120 years old, because we don't have any that old.
But however old our citizens are, they want to see who they are and make sure they receive these, these the benefit of this payment. And this is a trial room to see if people that don't receive this, if they start complaining and saying, I didn't get money, let's get though I didn't get my Well, guess what?
They're going to find out who additional illegal immigrants are to this country, and they will weed them out and return them to their country of origin. So this is kind of a two fold experiment to do this, and it's one year.
Let's say you get the 5000 let's say you're 50 years old and you get five - five grand times 12 is 60,000 that's a nice annual payment to you. I mean, it sounds like I don't even know what I don't know. Say what it sounds like. But if you're 7500 a month times times 12, if my math is right, that's $90,000 a month. I mean, a year, 9000 for the year.
So this does not affect our restitution, reconciliation allowance, R and R is not the increase that we anticipate in Social Security. Now I can't tell you when the increase of social is to happen. We were hoping to hear that tonight from our Soc Sec contact, but we don't have it for the big call tonight.
Sorry to say, I'm excited for all of us, because this is showing the direction that we're going in. We're, you know, Elon Musk and his team is absolutely making a huge difference in all of our lives. Is doing the right thing by refunding this money back to the citizens, the taxpayers who paid these taxes.
Okay, so with the very, very positive thing, if you don't see the benefit of it, you need to, you need to be able to see it, it will be a stimulus. Even though it's not being called a stimulus, it will stimulate the honey. A lot of people will save us money. A lot of people will spend it or do both.
I'm hoping this is just the first roots of the R and R of the RV happening this weekend. If we get the notifications, we'll get started very early next week with exchanges I'm hearing Monday. So let's see what happens. And I just wanted you guys to hear that.
And I had five confirmations about the 5000 I saw it myself. I saw Elon Musk talking about it, and when they talk about it, or when Trump talks about something like this, it's already happened. It's already a done deal. And we're looking to see if it pops this weekend, which I've heard come over the weekend, but if not, early next week.
And if you don't have a bank account, and you're a true US citizen, you will get a check in the mail, probably certified mail to you. And now that could take a little bit of mailing time that could take - It's not coming FedEx. It should become a certified mail. So I don't know when those are going to go out. Maybe go out Friday? Saturday? Who knows? Maybe they go out Monday, but the direct deposits – which you guys know can happen very instantly that is supposed to occur over the weekend. I’m very excited for all of this We're excited for this. I'm excited to get us with our blessing, with our projects
All right, so that's what I wanted to cover today, and I just couldn't wait to tell you guys about this. US Treasury slash IRS rebate. Thank you, Lord. I ask you, rebate is what it's being called. US Treasury slash IRS rebate. It's not a tax refund.
This is a rebate, and it's because taxpayers have been paying monies in that have been abused and used and all that that Elon Musk are grabbing back, taking back, or recouping this, and this is part of what you're going to be receiving.
All right, so that's what I wanted to say. It is considered a rebate. So that's the term that should be on the memo if they're on a direct deposit, and something to that effect should be there for the physical checks that go out certified mail.
All right, so let's go ahead and thank everybody for listening to the call. Let's have a great weekend. Let’s look forward to emails. Let's also look forward into our accounts to see the funds that should have come in over the weekend or early next week from this rebate. And let's get excited about the blessing that's on its way here.
So thank you sue. Thank you Bob. Thank you GCK and Jeannie and Pastor Scott continued healing. Thank you everyone, all the satellite team, for getting a signal out all over the world. And thank you big call universe for listening as we're in our 14th year of the big call.
Have a great weekend. Not sure if we'll have a call Tuesday, but check in just in case, because it could be a celebration call. All right, we'll see what happens between now and Tuesday. All right, everybody. Have a great weekend, and we'll talk to you soon. God bless you.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:18:12
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:4O
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, February 18th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, all over the globe, wherever we're getting the call out to, which is really kind of cool, I know, let's say on last Thursday's call, we had over 11 million people listening live, and we have a number of people that listen to the replay, and that tends to put us up in that 18 to 24 million in that range. But thank you for listening, if you're out there. We appreciate you, wherever you're located all over the globe. Thanks for tuning in. And let's have a great call tonight
All right, let's talk about the Intel where we are. Now here’s my disclaimer, I should do this on every call, but I don't really think to do it. But you realize by now I have information that nobody else has - I do bring it when it's applicable, when I can share it with you guys. We have contacts - and I've told you guys in the past some of who these contacts are, and some of them are remarkable. They know things, and sometimes they tell a thing that I just can't bring out on the big call.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25
Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps
Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It is Tuesday, February 18th and you're listening to the big call. Welcome everybody, all over the globe, wherever we're getting the call out to, which is really kind of cool, I know, let's say on last Thursday's call, we had over 11 million people listening live, and we have a number of people that listen to the replay, and that tends to put us up in that 18 to 24 million in that range. But thank you for listening, if you're out there. We appreciate you, wherever you're located all over the globe. Thanks for tuning in. And let's have a great call tonight
All right, let's talk about the Intel where we are. Now here’s my disclaimer, I should do this on every call, but I don't really think to do it. But you realize by now I have information that nobody else has - I do bring it when it's applicable, when I can share it with you guys. We have contacts - and I've told you guys in the past some of who these contacts are, and some of them are remarkable. They know things, and sometimes they tell a thing that I just can't bring out on the big call.
But what I can tell you is, when I get information and it's verified, let's say, four or five different sources that don’t know each other - It's something that I take very seriously. And I think, oh, man, this is it - This is happening - from this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one, and it's looking good, looking very good.
And so when I get enthusiastic and bringing out Intel. And just like last Thursday, I was just about calling it - I didn't even call it. I know it. I know and but it didn’t happened yet, and even the information that we got from, I'm going to say, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, was indicating that we had, and this is what one of the sources said, we got a 99.9% chance of being notified today, Tuesday, today. Well, guess what? The 1/10 of a percent wonwe did not get notified today.
I think we were also told by another source that Tuesday, Wednesday would be blockbuster days for us, and Tuesday was not a blockbuster day yet. I don't think it's going to be – Now. Could Wednesday, Thursday be our blockbuster days, I think so. I think so –
We didn't get the final little push I wanted with Intel right before the big call. So I might get it before I stop talking tonight, or I might get it after the call tonight, or we might even get it tomorrow. I could tell you this much, the redemption center leader we talk to occasionally – when we’re able, was expecting an email at 715 this morning, and he got the email, and it said, “pending “ – “Be prepared to go in at a moment's notice”, that was into redemption Center as a leader.
Now, as far as I know, there was one more email that he would receive that would be an assignment email that would tell him when to go in today, or whenever. My knowledge so far, we did not hear confirmation that that second email has come out. The first one was “pending” – “be prepared to go in at a moment's notice”, but that second email giving the assignment of when to go in did NOT occur, as far as we know today
Now – could it occur overnight could it occur in the morning. Could it occur at 715 in the morning and then he goes in at eight o'clock or whatever. I think that's quite possible.
What I did hear was last Saturday. We've got sources in Iraq that we talk to - we did hear, that last Saturday, we were told that Wednesday, which is tomorrow, we should have the new revalued dinar rate in published into the official record of Iraq which they call the Gazette.
Now that would be tomorrow, early morning, if that is still on. I think that looks good for us to get our notifications tomorrow. But Some sources say that Iraq publishing the rate in the gazette has nothing to do with us getting this when we get it. I I know that Iraq has been called the lynch pin for years in terms of the RV, in terms of the GCR and everything moving forward.
So I think they're still very important, very much a part of having this go shortly after their newly revalued dinar rate makes its way into the Gazette, but I still think it's important for us. So that's what we heard last Saturday. Remember, we haven't done a call since Thursday of last week.
So beyond that, we're also hearing that the hold up today, the fact we didn't get it today, might have something to do with Treasury getting out more USTN paper, new dollar, currency, United States Treasury notes into the banks, possibly the redemption centers, although I know banks and redemption centers got USTN currency in a year and a half ago and we know who delivered it
We know when they delivered it. We know roughly how much they delivered and it's was put in the vaults. And as far as I know, it's probably still in the vaults, but that new currency should be at the levels that they want us to have when we go in. And when will the USTN be brought out?
I think it will be brought out on whatever first day it is that we go in for exchanges, which could be as early as tomorrow. It could be Thursday, if we got notified tomorrow, which is Wednesday. What did Charlie Ward’s guy Roger, say to us? Roger said, it may not be Charlie Ward's Thursday, but it might be your Thursday, reflecting from Charlie and saying it would be our Thursday this Thursday.
Now, you know, I'm hoping that's correct. I'm hoping that's right. Maybe get notified in the morning, maybe tomorrow, when we set appointments for Thursday. I don't know at this point, it's not absolute - all I'm trying to do is give you what I'm hearing and weeding out things that don’t matter or are irrelevant to us.
Now I did hear, I did not see these two reports, but I understood that on NewsMax and on Fox, there were short reports about the R&R about restitution and reconciliation allowance. Restitution and reconciliation allowance coming soon, coming very soon, and I've heard that R and R is going to be there for us that are going in for our exchanges - When we go in, we would have, when we set up our quantum account, and we're doing our exchanges that they would have the R and R money to put into our account, into our quantum accounts.
Now, for people that aren't exchanging currency, that are of retirement age, which they're considering 60 years and older, you would receive your R and R funds restitution and reconciliation allowance. You would get the R and R money by direct deposit - If you're receiving Social Security -You would get in that bank account where you get your social - Now it's not the increase in social security - that's completely separate, but we're hearing that will still be for R, and R will still be this month.
It may come down to the last week of this month, at least right now, that's what we're hearing. And the same thing is true of the increase in Social Security.
We're hearing that increase is to occur the end of February. There's only 28 days, and today is the 10 more days to go. So I think it's interesting that a report on R&R made its way into Fox News and Newsmax today, I thought that was very interesting
I have heard that the maximum amount of R and R money, this would be for older individuals that paid a lot of money in taxes, already gotten married once or twice or three times. You know, there's a lot of variables right? Besides your birth certificate trading on that they trade on marriage licenses, traded on your divorce decree - spouse death, and she died or he died, that type of thing. There's money that comes from that in our own accounts. They've got it.
So I've heard the maximum, it's going to be in around $88 million but that money might come to somebody who's not even involved in the currencies at all. I don't think that’s where most of us will be. I think most of us might be, you know, half of that, or less than half of that, but it is something that helps to hydrate our population here, especially over population
Now - Remember, we had the idea of two age groups, 30 to 45 – 45- 60 and 60 and older would get as a lump sum, right? Lump sum payment if you're 60 and over. Now they've redone that. And I think everybody that's under retirement age, which I think they're called 61 retirement age, anybody less than that from age 30 to 61 will get the R&R, whatever that total amount is for them at that age that they started at, which is 30 or 40 or 50, or whatever age you know you are, when you start getting it, you'll get it monthly until the age of 61 - you'll get it monthly. The whole amount would be broken down into monthly payments
And if you’re younger than 60? I believe 61 you have to sign something that says that you will NOT quit your job - Or if you don't have a job, you get a job. Basically, they want us to be working and not to just get this and not work for a living. You know, it's going to be a nice little stipend, really every month - It sounds to me like
I don't know how to calculate it for younger people that are 30 to 40 to 50 years old, but it's going to be a major deal, and it sounds like it still could go this month, but why would they bring on the news R and R and the news on Newsmax and Fox today? I don't know, but I think it's interesting.
I think we're very close to getting all of this - our blessing. Hopefully it's still tomorrow or Thursday that we get it the next couple of days, and then RNR would be there for us when we open our quantum account at the redemption center - we would be able to get the additional amount of the R and R.
So I think that's what I wanted to cover tonight. So guys, I wish I could do absolute on this. You know, I'd love to absolutely have it, have an 800 number to put out and call it a celebration call. That's what I was hoping today would be. But you know what might be Thursday that we have that celebration call?
It could be Thursday. I'm going to say what we need to do is stay enthusiastic for it. Have passion, be compassionate about the fact that we are that close and the fact that everything that President Trump doing and that Elon Musk is doing with Doge is for our benefit, he's finding waste, fraud and abuse in all government entities, all organizations,
I'm thinking, if there's anything else that was relevant to us and to our start. Like I said, guys, I wish I had that last minute Intel push that would tell us give us more secure feelings about the next two days, but because we had a 99.9% chance of being notified today Tuesday, and we didn't get it today.
It sort of makes it look real strong for the next two days, Wednesday and Thursday. I'm hoping that, hey, I know you all are, remember, I'm just a messenger, and I'm doing the best I can to bring most relevant information that I receive. And sometimes we get a lot, sometimes don't get much of anything, and we just do the best we can to piece it together for you.
And so I'm excited. And you know what? Maybe we get notified and we start exchange Thursdays. We'll have a celebration called Thursday night. So let's just stay tuned and see what comes in, and hopefully we get notified. We can set appointments right away. All right, so let's do this. Let's pray the call out come off the recording regarding
So let's keep an eye out. Let's see what happens tomorrow, and we'll talk to you Thursday, hopefully with celebration call. All right, everybody, let's turn off the recording.
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:00:00
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK Intel begins 1:19:20
Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:07:37
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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 44:24