Welcome To The Unknown Zone  By Dr. Dinar

From Recaps Archives:  Well- here's to all of us who are frustrated, depressed and wondering if we are all idiots for believing in the RV/GCR........Maybe a little humor will help today . 

Welcome To The Unknown Zone  By Dr. Dinar

How on Earth can we still be here? And by "here", I mean on this journey. This journey to a place no one has ever been. To a destination that doesn't exist on any map. At least not on a map that we can purchase. Certainly not at our pay grade anyway.

Nope. Whatever is (or isn't) going on here, either in front of or behind the scenes, is rated GCRCO (Global Currency Reset Committee Only). Yep, like it or not, the GCR Committee has cranked up the Parental Controls to full on "No Peeking - No Speaking" mode.

Strictly a "need to know" basis and apparently, there must be a bit of confusion because for some strange reason, they're under the impression we don't need to know. Oh, if they only knew how wrong they are, I just know they'd change their minds. Well, I'd like to think so anyway.

As we eek into the supposed final stretch of this far too long, get rich not all that quickly, not quite overnight journey, all of the so-called "Sources" have basically clammed up. Shut down, zipped their lips, gone the way of the NDA and I must admit; the silence is deafening. And if left unchecked, a bit disheartening as well.

Sure, we continue to hear that everything's done, the Bank's are on RED alert, security is in place and this thing could pop at any minute. One minute it won't be; and the next minute, it will be.

That "suddenly", without notice, all of a sudden everything will change. That those of us fortunate enough to be aware of the GCR/RV opportunity will go from the "have not's" to the "have plenty's". But just how often can we continue to hear that same ol' stuff and still believe it.

Have we all been duped? Including the Banks! They've been hearing it for years, just like we have. At some point even those of us with the strongest of foundations wouldn't be frowned upon for at some point questioning our own thoughts. Our own beliefs. Our own foundations.

Yes, we did our due diligence, our own research. Otherwise why on Earth would we still be involved. But that alone can only be relied on for so long.

When I first jumped on board, even though we didn't know it at the time, things were oh so much easier. And by easier, I mean there were quite a few less "thing's" we had to keep our eyes on.

Back then the name of the game was RV. Simple as that. The RV of the IQD. All RV... all Iraq... all the time. That was it. Even the VND was just a faint rumor at best. Nothing worth paying any attention to.

All they had to do was oust Maliki, keep Sadr from following through on his dastardly deeds, let Shabibi take the reins, release them from the "Program" rate, pop their "deenar" up to the new rate and BOOM, we were done. Pretty simple, huh?

And when we saw the first hint of the sanctions against Iraq being lifted late in 2010, we just knew we were there. Next thing would be the removal of Iraq from the OFAC List. Add them to the WTO. Presto change-o, post it in the Gazette, declare their new fangled currency Internationally tradeable and we were done. On the bus and off to the Bank we would go.

But hang on there Dinarland, not so fast. Best to keep your hands, feet, as well as your camel in the corral. At least until this ride comes to a complete stop. Turns out there were still a couple more steps to complete before we reached the Station.

That was confirmed at the end of June, 2011, when all of Shabibi's promises went down the drain and we all hunkered down in the knowing that this thing was likely to drag out just a bit further.

Sure, we'd heard rumors of another train runnin' down the tracks. Luckily it was a different train, on a different set of tracks. Something called The Marshall Plan. But no worries. Once again, just another rumor. A rumor that we were assured wouldn't affect us. Stay focused, it's nothing we need to pay attention to.

After all, rumors were our bread and butter. We lived on 'em... we thrived on 'em. We'd already heard plenty of stuff from the "Sandbox" and all the Contractors in the "Green Zone" getting paid the "RV Rate", so we were quite accustomed to rumors never panning out. Good or bad.

Still we were told to fold our trays and return our seats to an upright position because we'd be landing very soon. And although the plane was continually circling, it was bound to land at some point in the very near future.

I mean a plane's fuel tank is only so large, so logically it can only remain in the air for so long. Problem is they somehow forgot to mention the plane was continually being refueled by a Tanker circling very nearby.

The rumors of another set of tracks began to increase, getting louder with every "Chug" of the train. Those "tracks", although they were initially running parallel to our track to prosperity, to paying it forward, to living the lives we all dreamed of, surely would never affect our track to the RV. Or would they.

Unfortunately we can all see now just how that original "plan" worked out. It didn't. And it was at that point that most of us began to pay more attention to all those GCR rumors and to the impact they could possibly have on us reaching our goal of a simple RV of the IQD any time soon. Maybe there was more to this thing after all.

While some of us might have originally taken this leap of faith, risking our entire everything, our future's, our relationships with family and friends, even our own sanity by jumping on board the Insane Train, with little to not a whole lot of prior research, that would be completely understandable.

After all, I would have to believe that when many of us first became aware of this here RV thing, we only had two weeks before it was going to "pop" and it could take a week or more just to receive our currency. So it was kind of a now or never, believe or don't believe, get in at your own risk kind of thing.

And so we jumped in, phone's always on, alarm clocks set for two weeks, readier than ready. But as the months and weeks continued to tick by, we began to do more and more of our own due diligence. Anything to prove, even if only to ourselves, that this thing was indeed real. And was really going to happen.

I dug deep and when I began to discover names like Haliburton being granted huge contracts, Citibank being offered the first Bank Charter, China signing contracts to build thousands of homes, and a huge laundry list of "biggies" all chomping at the bit to get a piece of Iraq, for reasons both known and unknown, I was convinced that this thing was real.

If "they" were so eager to pay to play, I knew I really wanted to be a part of it as well. Never having to look back and wonder "What if?"

As time went by I also began to realize that although the original intention of this whole RV deal was indeed a "behind the scenes", get rich quick scheme for the "Big Boys Club" as it were, that wasn't going to stop me from wanting a piece of the pie as well. In fact, it only added to my motivation.

Upon seeing that their plan wasn't working out as they'd hoped, yet they weren't in any hurry to "cash out" and walk away, further convinced me to stay. Oh no, they were in it for the long haul. Therefore, so was I. Right to the bitter end. As long as I still held one note, I'd be in it to win it.

If at some point I came to the realization that I no longer believed in what I've spent the past "far too long" believing in, then chances are very good I'd already be hanging out with Elvis, outside some random building somewhere East of the Las Vegas Strip wondering how I could've been so wrong. Questioning every thought I ever had pertaining to the validity of this RV/GCR thing.

But I'm not hangin' with The King. Not yet anyway. Nope, I'm still right here, right now. And hopefully I'll continue to be until I reach the finish line. Wherever and whenever that may be.

Okay, so yes, maybe the Banks have been told to be ready so they don't have to get ready to be ready for going on, I don't even know how many years now. So long in fact that I've basically lost count, which is a good thing.

And while I'd like to think that's all part of their "Boy who cried wolf until he was old enough to be put into an Assisted Living facility" Plan, chances are there was no plan after all and they are simply "wingin' it", making up the rules as they go along. Up against something so huge that there is absolutely no way to put a "date" on this moving target. And it has nothing to do with us whatsoever.

And while they might have timelines, deadlines, and "windows", not a one of them are cast in stone. Therefore they can all be stepped over, crossed and broken as needed. I have the distinct feeling they flip their own script quite often.

Either way, I don't think we're ever going to know for sure. In the old days I wanted nothing more than to know (after the fact) what was truly going on behind the scenes this entire time. When we thought they were "zigging", were they actually "zagging", and were they ever truly in control of the situation or was it just uncontrolled chaos at its finest.

Mellowing with wisdom gained through time and research, at this point I'm much more content to leave the unknown alone, looking forward to the future as opposed to deciphering the past. Any thoughts of Dinarland and this journey will happily be left in my rear view mirror. And might I add, not a minute too soon.

I'm more than anxious to be done and movin' on, getting my new life in gear. I have quite a bit of paying it forward I'd like to accomplish and there's no time like the present to get started.

They always said it would get crazy near the end. Well, the crazy part has been going on for over a decade, so I'm not too sure about when the crazy part actually started. Or when it will officially end.

They also mentioned that as we got closer, everything would go quiet. Not a peep, not a sound. I'm not so sure they thought that "sound of silence" would be NDA induced but whatever. I tend to believe that's our current stage.

It seems as if lips are zipped and not a word can be heard from in front of, nor from behind the scenes. Which, when you think about it, as agonizing as it may be, makes total cents. Ooops, I mean sense.

So, if at all possible, please do your best to enjoy the silence. I know it's not easy but relish the unknown. The middle ground between the not yet and the RV/GCR, between back screens and Teller screens, between the pit of rumors and the summit of fruition.

This is the dimension of imagination, the place we've dreamed of reaching for far too long. The time when all of our thoughts, our beliefs, our faith in our own due diligence will truly be tested like never before. It is an area which I affectionately call, The Unknown Zone.

All my best,

Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I a time traveler from the Twilight Zone. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.



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