Humor, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Humor, Special Dinar Recaps 20

"I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday......." by Dr. Dinar

.Thank you Dr. Dinar

I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday by Dr. Dinar


And by finally, I mean... well, FINALLY!

Finally, after all these years, I've finally seen something with my own eyes that I consider to be a huge piece of the GCR puzzle actually become a part of the public awareness.

Something they can't simply make disappear as they do with everything else that doesn't serve their best interests.

I'm referring, of course, to last Monday's shocking collapse of the oil futures market.

That had to be a tough one for anybody to miss.

Thank you Dr. Dinar

I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday….. by Dr. Dinar


And by finally, I mean... well, FINALLY!

Finally, after all these years, I've finally seen something with my own eyes that I consider to be a huge piece of the GCR puzzle actually become a part of the public awareness.

Something they can't simply make disappear as they do with everything else that doesn't serve their best interests.

I'm referring, of course, to last Monday's shocking collapse of the oil futures market.

That had to be a tough one for anybody to miss.

.april dr. dinar.jpg

As far as importance in the way it affects their everyday lives, that's pretty much anybody's guess.

Sure, for many people this more than likely just flew right over their heads, never even thinking twice about it.

Except for those few that equated it to lower prices at the pump.

Low and behold, in most states, that did seem to happen just a few short days later.

Yes, they can and do manipulate fuel pricing so I'm more of a believer in their making it appear as if it had an instant affect on fuel prices but to be honest, these were oil futures.

So this once in a lifetime drop in oil prices didn't actually have an immediate impact.

But at least it appeared that way.

And at this point, that's good enough for me.

And hopefully it did for anybody else looking forward to seeing the end of this whole RV/GCR soap opera.

I'm just so overwhelmingly excited to finally see something tangible.

Something we can sink our few remaining teeth into.

Something some of us have been waiting and hoping for over the past decade.

That being something that feels real.

At least as real as real can feel in this whole RV/GCR thing anyway.

Up to this point everything that's supposedly happening has always been according to secret sources behind the curtain and we're continually being tested on our ability to believe in the unbelievable.

And taken to task if we refuse to follow along with all those that believe in the unseen.

But this... this is different.

Not only is it happening in our local public's eye, it's affecting the global markets as well.

And that has to be a huge signal of some form of progress.

A sign that things are changing in our global economy and that just has to be working in our favor.

Like it or not, it's becoming increasingly clearer that they won't step in and fix this economic situation until the very last minute.

Until the last straw is truly at its breaking point.

Is that part of the plan? Who knows.

At this point I'm still unconvinced that they even have a plan.

Unless you consider expecting the unexpected, thereby making the unexpected the expected, as being their plan.

If so, then they very well could be sticking to their plan.

Otherwise, as far as any plan goes, I believe they're working more in a reactionary mode as opposed to an actionary mode.

Especially when you add in all of this other global chaos that we're being submersed in as of late.

Any way you choose to look at it, things are getting crazy (crazier?) and I truly believe things will eventually reach a point to where they can no longer simply print their way out of a corner and will have to make the switch.

And that will signal our time to shine.

Our time to execute our plans.

The plans we've been working on for far too long.

So please folks, hang in there.

Don't allow all the chaos we're currently surrounded by to in any way dissuade you from reaching the finish line.

We just have to be getting close.

Anyone can see that.

If you've made it this far, you'll make it to the end.

Then we can all celebrate in whatever way we deem fit.

Be it a Tuesday or any other day ending in "Y".


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, an owner of a currently empty oil taker nor am I a speculator in the oil futures market. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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Chats and Rumors, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Special Dinar Recaps 20

"The Gold Standard vs. Gold-Backed" by Ron Giles 4-14-2020

.Thank you Ron

"The Gold Standard vs. Gold-Backed" by Ron Giles - 4.14.20

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 6:57 PM EDT on April 14, 2020

It is rumored by well-meaning individuals that the USD is now on the Gold Standard. What does that mean? If the US does go on the Gold Standard does that give “value” to the US dollar? There are those who would say yes. I ask, how so?

The term “Gold Standard” does mean something but the definition of, Gold Standard is not readily available to help us understand what it means and how it adds value to the currency. I’d like to know HOW it does add value if indeed, it does add value to the currency.

My mistrust of the Gold Standard exists because I have found out that when we were on the Gold Standard, the gold in Ft. Knox was no longer there. Then we were taken off the gold standard and all of sudden, the supposed gold in Fort Knox is no longer needed to back our USD. Imagine that!

If that is so then can someone tell me how any newly recovered gold put into a secure vault somewhere can be used to say, we are now back on the Gold Standard?

Thank you Ron

"The Gold Standard vs. Gold-Backed" by Ron Giles - 4.14.20

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 6:57 PM EDT on April 14, 2020

It is rumored by well-meaning individuals that the USD is now on the Gold Standard. What does that mean? If the US does go on the Gold Standard does that give “value” to the US dollar? There are those who would say yes. I ask, how so?

The term “Gold Standard” does mean something but the definition of, Gold Standard is not readily available to help us understand what it means and how it adds value to the currency. I’d like to know HOW it does add value if indeed, it does add value to the currency.

My mistrust of the Gold Standard exists because I have found out that when we were on the Gold Standard, the gold in Ft. Knox was no longer there. Then we were taken off the gold standard and all of sudden, the supposed gold in Fort Knox is no longer needed to back our USD. Imagine that!

 If that is so then can someone tell me how any newly recovered gold put into a secure vault somewhere can be used to say, we are now back on the Gold Standard?

.a bird.jpg

Does the USD, you know the Fiat currency, now have value because the corporate government said a pile of gold exits somewhere and is now backing our USD and that claim of gold somewhere has now put us back on the Gold Standard as if saying it, magically creates value for the USD.

Color me a little skeptical of this maneuver, because the gold at Fort Knox was sold off by the Federal Reserve while we used the middle east oil to give value to what is now the Petrodollar. The USD was taken off the Gold Standard and with the whisk of a pen and some underhanded tricks by certain individuals, the fiat USD became the reserve currency for the world.

All this because Nixon said the gold market was being manipulated by investors. (Guess who) So, we are led by Nixon to believe that gold could no longer be used to back currency because the price fluctuation made it unstable to use gold to back our currency. Is this accurate?

I also thought that the Gold Standard means the Fed cannot just simply print as much money as they wanted because there was only so much gold backing it. So much gold backing equals so much gold-backed money. But then so much gold going up in value as a result of inflation means we can print more money. Conversely, if the price of gold goes down, do we take money out of circulation? This is a dichotomy, a Central Bank dichotomy. We all know the answer.

Now then, if what took place back in 1971 when Nixon took us off the gold standard that made it so we did not need the gold to back our currency, what has changed today so that all of a sudden we will be getting a new USN (United States Note) and it is backed by the Gold Standard like before.

Meaning that there is a pile of gold somewhere that all of a sudden gives our currency value, just because somebody said it is now back on the Gold Standard? Could this be a Cabal Central Bank scam to mess with our currency again? So if the whole world of nations does the same thing, whose currency can be trusted? Really trusted? No wonder the world needed a reserve currency.

Is this just another round of the sleight-of-hand deception to trick us into believing that our new currency is backed by the Gold Standard that supposedly gives it value beyond the Fiat system? Why should we believe in such an un-verifiable claim as we move into a new financial system? Should we believe that each country in the world will claim the same thing? History is not on the credibility side of that potential scam, especially communist countries like China who lie, as a way of life.

Are we being set up again for the rug to be pulled out from under our financial system by some unscrupulous Rothschild plunderers from the past? Could this really be what the Alliance is putting our soldier’s lives at risk for so that we are set up to go through all this Cabal crap again? I don’t think so! We need to nail down a secure way for all the world currencies.

If a pile of gold over there gives our currency value then why can I not put a couple of gold coins in my pocket and claim what I have in my other pocket as Federal Reserve Notes, is now on the Gold Standard? So when we officially go on the Gold Standard, I can say that I am already on the Gold Standard with my Fiat dollars because I have gold in my pocket ... says one country to another.

If you call me absurd, I have no defense. It is absurd to claim that a pile of gold over there gives added value to a nation's currency when in fact, there is no physical tie from the pile of gold to the currency. So how does that pile of gold that can be sold away as a commodity, secure our currency? Is this important? Yes, it is important.

How can I make that pile of gold over there actually give value to the currency? There is a way.

The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) comes with a process that actually ties physical gold to currency by the use of Digital Gold Certificates. How so, you ask?

That pile of Gold over there happens to be located in an energetically secured vault that contains Kilo bricks of registered gold. Meaning that each Kilo has an identifiable serial number on it that identifies it from the others.

That pile of gold in that vault over there (wherever it is) was accumulated by the Chinese Elders over many hundreds of years. It was intended to be used in this time period when the new financial system was to be ushered in to replace the old Central Bank system set up by the Rothschilds.

That old debt system has built-in obsolescence where it will no longer work for society. That time period is now. It is failing and failing fast. The Federal Reserve has been merged with the US Treasury here in the United States to where the Treasury Department Secretary is now in charge of the issuing ofmoney for the Government. The Treasury comes under the Executive Branch and is controlled by President Trump. Trump is the new Fed.

So what is going to happen to the Gold Standard? Is it going to be the same as before? The answer is no. The concept of the Gold Standard to back a currency has no verifiable link to currency except in the new QFS. How so?

As stated above, each identified gold kilo brick has a serial number. The value of the gold brick goes up and down with the present market price as a commodity. Once the Global Currency Reset takes place, the value of each kilo brick is determined by the market value of gold at that snapshot in time. If you divide that value of the brick by the number of dollars it takes to buy it, you have established the value of the increments of the currency that each brick can sustain. That increment is given a digital gold certificate that identifies the increment of currency that links back to the kilo serial number that is used to “back” that increment of currency. Gold backing with this process creates security and thus, TRUST, in the new financial system.

The QFS keeps track of the gold certificates as a digital signature for the increment of currency and can then be transferred as a digital gold certificate from one account to another. Once the QFS is activated the price of gold in the secured vault is set in stone with the result that the value of all currencies will never change in relationship to each other's currency regardless of the fluctuation of the market price of gold.

To facilitate the gold-backed national currencies of the world in the QFS, each increment of currency will have to be on par value with increments of currency for each nation. The gold certificate will keep track of the increments and label them as dollars or pounds or yen, etc. But in reality, the par value of each increment, regardless of the national origin, will be the same. You can see that the QFS gold-backing has nothing to do with the gold reserves of any nation (the Gold Standard). This means that there is no need to verify the gold reserves in a nation because their gold is not used to create value for their currency.

In effect, the accounting system within the QFS will become a worldwide currency repository with the national names of the currency being the only difference between the gold certificates. Doing business internationally or private, is just transferring gold certificates from one QFS account to another QFS account. Is this the precursor to a worldwide currency? May be.

This process within the QFS was agreed upon by all countries of the world at the Paris Accord on Climate Change summit meeting as an adjunct to the meeting. With all nations being represented at the summit, this was the time to set the new financial system in order. It had nothing to do with the climate change agreement, it was separate.

The Alliance is in charge of the QFS process and the activation of the new financial system. My understanding is that the Activation took place a few weeks back and is presently in the transition phase of the implementation. We are the beneficiaries of the new system with its genius way of gold-backing of all the world currencies. It is a much better and more secure system than what we had with the Central Bank system, which should be obvious.

Blessings to all, and to all, be a blessing

Ron Giles

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Misc., Special DINARRECAPS8 Misc., Special DINARRECAPS8

25 Quotes That Are Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face ​

.25 Quotes That Are Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face ​

Country Living April 8, 2020, 6:39 PM EDT

Just keep smiling From Country Living

A smile with love behind it has so many positive effects on us: It stimulates the brain, makes you come across as friendly, and brings joy to the people around you.

Whether you say hello to a stranger you pass in the grocery store or wave to your neighbor while you’re on a run, adding a smile to these simple acts of kindness can make someone’s day go from drab to fab.

We’ve rounded up some cute, famous sayings to remind you that a smile goes a long way. Also, keep the good vibes going with these quotes about sunshine, best Disney quotes, and blessed quotes that will warm your heart!

Marilyn Monroe

“Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.”

Rashida Jones

“Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.”

25 Quotes That Are Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face ​

Country Living   April 8, 2020

Just keep smiling  From Country Living

A smile with love behind it has so many positive effects on us: It stimulates the brain, makes you come across as friendly, and brings joy to the people around you.

Whether you say hello to a stranger you pass in the grocery store or wave to your neighbor while you’re on a run, adding a smile to these simple acts of kindness can make someone’s day go from drab to fab.

We’ve rounded up some cute, famous sayings to remind you that a smile goes a long way. Also, keep the good vibes going with these quotes about sunshine, best Disney quotes, and blessed quotes that will warm your heart! 

Marilyn Monroe

 “Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.”

Rashida Jones 

 “Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.”

Maya Angelou 

 “If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love.”


 “Smile while you still have teeth.”

Tom Wilson

 “A smile is a facelift that’s in everyone’s price range!”

Yoko Ono

 “Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning, and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.”

"Smile," John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons

“When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by if you smile through your fear and sorrow.”

Evan Esar

  “You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.”

Dalai Lama  

"A simple smile. That's the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others

William Shakespeare 

 "When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew."

Nelson Mandela 

 "Remember to smile."

George Eliot 

  "Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles."

Anthony J. D'Angelo

  "Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart."

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:

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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

See Ya Later Alligator

.Old Expressions

There are some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases included "Dont touch that dial," "Carbon copy," "You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie. Wed put on our best bib and tucker just to straighten up and fly right.

Hubba-hubba! Wed cut a rug in some juke joint and then go necking and petting and smooching and spooning and billing and cooing and pitching woo in hot rods and jalopies in some passion pit or lovers lane.

Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumpin Jehoshaphat! Holy moley! We were in like Flynn and living the life of Riley, and even a regular guy couldnt accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China !

Old Expressions

There are some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases included "Dont touch that dial," "Carbon copy," "You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie. Wed put on our best bib and tucker just to straighten up and fly right.

Hubba-hubba! Wed cut a rug in some juke joint and then go necking and petting and smooching and spooning and billing and cooing and pitching woo in hot rods and jalopies in some passion pit or lovers lane.

Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumpin Jehoshaphat! Holy moley! We were in like Flynn and living the life of Riley, and even a regular guy couldnt accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China !

Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but whens the last time anything was swell?

Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers. Oh, my aching back. Kilroy was here, but he isnt anymore.

Like Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle and Kurt Vonneguts Billy Pilgrim, we have become unstuck in time. We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we can say, Ill be a monkeys uncle! or This is a fine kettle of fish!

We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed omnipresent as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards.

Poof, poof, poof go the words of our youth, the words weve left behind. We blink, and theyre gone, evanesced from the landscape and wordscape of our perception, like Mickey Mouse wristwatches, hula hoops, skate keys, candy cigarettes, little wax bottles of colored sugar water and an organ  grinders monkey.

Where have all those phrases gone? Long time passing. Pshaw.

The milkman did it. Think about all those starving kids in China. Bigger than a bread
box. Banned in Boston . The very idea! Its your nickel. Dont forget to pull the chain. Knee high to a grasshopper. Turn-of-the-century. Iron curtain. Domino theory. Fail safe. Civil defense. Fiddlesticks!

You look like the wreck of the Hesperus. Cooties. Going like sixty. Ill see you in
the funny papers. Dont take any wooden nickels. Heavens to Murgatroyd! And
awa-a-ay we go (not to mention humunah, humunah, humunah!)

Oh, my stars and garters! It turns out there are more of these lost words
and expressions than Carter had liver pills.  This can be disturbing stuff,

This winking out of the words of our youth, these words that lodge in our
hearts deep core. But just as one never steps into the same river twice,
one cannot step into the same language twice. Even as one enters, words are
swept downstream into the past, forever making a different river.

We, of a certain age, have been blessed to live in changeful times. For a
child, each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age.

We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there
are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted
their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more, except in our
collective memory.

Its one of the greatest advantages of aging. We can have our cake and eat it, too.

See ya later, alligator!   

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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

"When Dogs Can Fly" by Dr. Dinar 3-14-2020

.Thank you Dr. Dinar

When Dogs Can Fly by Dr. Dinar

Well, they did say it would get crazy at the end.

And if you don't think things are getting crazy, then you're living in an entirely different reality than I am.

Although I will admit it's been crazy for quite some time now.

Like about the last 10 years or so.

At least that's the way it seems anyway.

And we were always hoping it was the end but alas, it wasn't.

Thank you Dr. Dinar

When Dogs Can Fly by Dr. Dinar

Well, they did say it would get crazy at the end.

And if you don't think things are getting crazy, then you're living in an entirely different reality than I am.

Although I will admit it's been crazy for quite some time now.

Like about the last 10 years or so.

At least that's the way it seems anyway.

And we were always hoping it was the end but alas, it wasn't.

Nope, not even close to the end.

.a dr dinar dogs fly.jpg

For as long as I can recall we've been hearing some of the craziest stuff one can imagine.

But it's not like what we have going on right now.

Especially not on such an all-encompassing global scale.

It's as if the two "Stephens", both King and Spielberg, got together to collaborate on a mind blowing mashup in tribute to Gene Roddenberry.

We often hear the saying "You can't make this shtuff up."

Yet, it's more than obvious they can. And do.

Consistently, on a week to week, month by month, basis.

It seems as if they're never at a loss for crazy.

Back in the day it was all about Iraq and the seating of their government.

That game of musical chairs has gone on for years, one regurgitated article after another.

Occasionally they'd get so ahead of themselves that they'd forget to change the date and once their cover was blown, they'd be forced to create an even bigger lie to outdo their previous ridiculousness, hoping to conceal the unreal.

All the while banking on a serious lack of attention span on the part of your everyday currency holder.

Like a runaway freight train that's lost its Engineer, everyone asleep at the wheel.

They'd simply allow it to run its course until they could imagineer the next latest, greatest delay.

Yet another hitch in a long list of glitches that would once again prevent Iraq from ever reaching a point of posting anything in the Gazette.

Even crazier yet, they've pretty much come full circle with their current cast of characters.

Almost all of these folks currently in the articles are all the same names from the past.

Talk about an unforgettable flashback.

Although back then Sadr was the ultimate bad guy, always threatening to have all of "his" people riot if they didn't get things done ASAP.

By "things" I'm referring to laws passed, Budget revealed, HCL implemented, Article 140, Erbil, Arbil, Gerbil whatevered.

The list goes on, add infinitum.

Then post it in the Gazette, announce it in the Mosques and RV the IQD.

The only thing I see as currently missing is the announcement that Talibani, Barzani, Maliki and Shabibi have been spotted at Baghdad Country Club sneaking out for a quick 18 holes before they release the Budget.

That will be the confirmation, for me at least, that they too have reached an entirely new level of crazium.

So here we are, some 10 years later, not knowing for certain if any of that is, has, or ever will be accomplished.

Likely we never will.

But one thing we do know is none of that matters.

Nope, not a factor in any of this RV/GCR process.

They can and will continue to do whatever they do as they twitter... oops, I mean twittle their thumbs, waiting for the official "GO" signal.

Just like the rest of us, waiting impatiently in the queue.

Matter of fact, I'll bet they're all equally as amazed at just how everything is playing out on a global scale and have plenty of popcorn on hand.

I mean, who could've even begun to imagine all that's currently going on.

We've successfully navigated through a myriad of misconceptions throughout the years but nothing even comes close to what we're dealing with right now.

For those that have only been around for the past 5 or so years, although you might have missed out on most of the Iraq outrageousness that used to serve as our daily dose of crazium, you've managed to get up close and personal with plenty of lunacy.

They've done their very best to not only match but to surpass the previous level of impossibilities.

From Clones wearing gold ties and ankle boots on their feet to security Drones to Aliens conducting NDA... oops, I mean DNA probes while they laser-off our fingerprints.

It's been crazy, personified.

And yet, here we sit, not really remembering any of that.

Things seem to have taken on a surreal feeling.

It's almost like an out of body kinda thing.

It's as if we're watching this whole thing play out but not actually experiencing it for real.

Could that be because I've become so jaded after all these years of nothing coming true.

Or could it be the exact opposite.

Because I'm beginning to see so many of the rumors of our past actually playing out right before my very eyes.

So many things that I just about threw my neck out shaking my head from side to side in sheer disbelief when I first heard them, now coming forth as reality.

I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong.

And lemme tell ya', I've been wrong on more than a few occasions during this seemingly never ending journey.

I've been forced to open my mind to the possibility of their implementing an entirely new banking system.

Which I've always felt was needed but wasn't entirely convinced was possible.

And yet, welcome to the QFS.

Consider me convinced.

Same with the whole "rates" thing as well.

No, I'm not a believer in these so called "Contract" rates being anything us regular folks will ever be near or dear to.

While they might be a reality for the higher-up's, I seriously doubt they will be a factor at our level.

But neither am I a believer in the $0.10 rate that had everyone so excited a mere decade ago.

I guess I'm more middle-of-the-road, believing we'll do very well.

Whatever that means.

Speaking of opening my mind, if you've been around for half a decade or so then you'll surely remember Zap and his Flying Purple Pig "Snuffles".

Part of his weekly updates.

And by "updates", I mean rebuttals as he continually received plenty of flak for his predictions that never materialized.

Welcome Zap, join the crowd.

Up to this point, everybody's been wrong.

It goes without saying Zap's a lively character and I believe he's still out there somewhere.

Through no fault of his own he truly thought he had a handle on how things were going and where we stood in the world's slowest rollout.

Unfortunately he wasn't any closer than anyone else on the GCR Guesstimation Gauge.

Had he been, we'd already be oot 'n aboot, enjoying the "Pay It Forward" lifestyle that we're all looking oh so forward to.

Who knows, with all the other outrageous stuff that's come true after all these years I won't be the least bit surprised to get word of a Flying Purple Pig sighting in the near future.

Even better yet, I'd love to see a Flying Dog or two land on my window sill.

I'll bet they could slide in under the recently imposed travel restrictions.

That could very well be the missing sign we're all so anxiously awaiting.

The tipping point.

The signal telling us we've finally reached the necessary level of crazy.

Crazy enough for them to finally release the RV/GCR.

Buckle up folks because things could get a bit bumpy.

While I don't believe we've actually reached maximum crazium level just yet, one can't help but be extra encouraged by the level of crazy we're now experiencing.

We've got to be getting close.

Please don't bail out now.

You've made it this far, you can make it to the finish line.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I in any way connected to Wall St., the NASDAQ, the Stock Market, day trading, nor am I the owner of a Flying Dog-Bird. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

"Why Not Now!?!" by Dr. Dinar 3-7-2020

.Thank you Dr. Dinar

Why NOT Now!?! by Dr. Dinar

I woke up this morning pretty much like every other morning over the past decade, relatively secure in the knowing that I would still be broke.

Yet, at the same time, hoping that I somehow missed the notification of some sort and that my pre-planned schedule for the day would require an alteration of sorts.

A last minute redirect sending me down the Yellow Brick Road to an undisclosed Exchange Center located within 80 miles of my home.

Or perhaps a "Heads Up" of some sort, notifying me of the possibility of a complete change of plans occurring over the next few days.

Thank you Dr. Dinar

Why NOT Now!?!  by Dr. Dinar

I woke up this morning pretty much like every other morning over the past decade, relatively secure in the knowing that I would still be broke.

Yet, at the same time, hoping that I somehow missed the notification of some sort and that my pre-planned schedule for the day would require an alteration of sorts.

A last minute redirect sending me down the Yellow Brick Road to an undisclosed Exchange Center located within 80 miles of my home.

Or perhaps a "Heads Up" of some sort, notifying me of the possibility of a complete change of plans occurring over the next few days.

.a dr dinar 3 7.jpg

And once again, just as I suspected, nothing.

Nothing happened.

Nothing new.

Nothing I haven't already heard a thousand times over.

I wouldn't say I'm jaded.

Oh, who am I kidding.

Let's get real here.

At this point I'm totally jaded.

And if you ask me, rightfully so.

I've heard the boy cry "Wolf!" more times than I've heard Bob Barker scream out "Come On Down!"

And if I had a 25K note for every time I've heard Bob say that, I wouldn't need an RV.

Oh wait, yes I would.

Because without the RV, the IQD is only worth 1/10th of a penny.

So an RV of the IQD is still required.

Anyway, as I was saying.

After hearing these same rumors for a decade or more I feel I'm completely justified in my being jaded.

In not believing most of what I'm hearing about this or that is happening behind the scenes, everything's in place, ready to go.

It's all done, all we're waiting on is the "Go" signal.

Yada yada, rinse & repeat.

Having said that, it leaves me in this weird space.

The middle ground between light and shadow.

Between science and superstition.

Like I'm in some sort of a Twilight Zone.

That weird place between not believing it's going to happen and knowing it HAS TO happen and WILL eventually happen at some point.

Which leaves me wondering how on earth I'm ever going to reconcile the two.

How do both sides of my brain mutually agree to meet somewhere in the middle.

I'm not one to subscribe to the whole "They're waiting until the entire global economy crashes before they'll introduce the new QFS banking system and release the new USN's" theory.

Sure, I can see them wanting to do a bit of housekeeping, removing a few "wrenches" from the hands of those continually throwing wrenches in the spokes of this thing.

That makes complete sense.

But the need to crash the entire global banking system prior to the release of the GCR doesn't compute.

Not to me anyway.

If they do that, it will take a heck of a lot more than a simple flip of a switch to get the new system up and running.

Let alone get people to renew their confidence enough to believe in it.

If the entire global economy comes crashing down, people will be too freaked out to spend any money.

Choosing instead to hang on to every penny.

At least the few pennies they have left.

And with global spending coming to a screeching halt, nobody wins.

Not the good guys, nor the bad.

It would take months to get people to empty their piggy banks.

Therefore, if I had to call a back wall of some sort to this never ending circus, that would be mine.

They won't allow the global economy to completely crash.

Just short of that... sure.

But not a complete economic system meltdown.

Again, that's simply my opinion based on the world as I see it.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

If they can't manage to get their act together in time and this Circus does fold up its tent, it's gonna get mighty ugly.

For everyone.

Let's hope that doesn't happen.

For everybody's sake.

Therefore, having said all that, the only other option is for this thing to eventually happen.

Leading to all of us Dinarians finally being able to exchange our currency.

Which means that at some point at least one side of my brain is going to have to accept the fact that the GCR has indeed reached the point where we have been given the "Go" signal and we're finally able to schedule our exchange appointments.

And it's at that time that I will have to pick myself up off the floor, dust myself off and attempt to get my wits about me because I will have just fainted.

Passed out in sheer disbelief, yet somewhat relieved in the knowledge that just this once the boy that has continued to cry wolf for all of these years has finally been vindicated.

Shown not to be the liar, the bringer of false hopium we all thought him to be.

I have a feeling he might even be more shocked than any of us.

Chances are he'll be the first person you see running down the street, hair ablaze, jumping for joy in celebration.

And rightfully so.

He never faltered, trusting his sources to the Nth degree.

Sticking to his story until the bitter end.

Hopefully we were able to do the very same thing.

Sticking to our foundation of knowledge, keeping us strong in the face of years of gale force winds.

Never giving up, seeing this thing through to the bitter end.

All those times thinking it was just another false alarm until we too were proven wrong and it was indeed the real deal.

It really did happen.

So, if we know it has to happen.

And it does have to happen.

They've done too much to prepare for its eventually happening not to have it happen.

Why NOT now!

Now seems as good a time as any to release this thing.

Matter of fact, I can't think of a better time than now.

Not later.

Right now.

Now works for me.

I'd like to believe most folks would rearrange their schedules to fit in an exchange appointment if need be.

Okay, now that they know we're ready to rock and get this thing done in a calm and courteous manner, let's hope they too got the message and decide to release this thing.

Like NOW!

If not a minute sooner.

Hang in there folks, it's going to happen.

Now would be a great time to start training your brain to accept it.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I in any way connected to Wall St., the NASDAQ, the Stock Market, Day Trading, FOREX, nor am I a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

"You'll See It When You Believe It" by Dr. Dinar

You'll See It When You Believe It by Dr. Dinar

Good morning!

Well, it is morning.(somewhere)

And it's great to be alive.

Unfortunately, like many of you, my Bank account is still runnin' on empty.

Which isn't so great.

Not that I'm surprised.

Sure, all week long we've been hearing that this is our week.

Actually since last week we've been hearing that THIS will be our week.

What am I thinking.

You'll See It When You Believe It  by Dr. Dinar

Good morning!

Well, it is morning. (somewhere)

And it's great to be alive.

Unfortunately, like many of you, my Bank account is still runnin' on empty.

Which isn't so great.

Not that I'm surprised.

Sure, all week long we've been hearing that this is our week.

Actually since last week we've been hearing that THIS will be our week.

What am I thinking.

We've been hearing the very same thing for many many years now.

.a DD okie pic.png

That we're in the window, it has to happen now, everybody (except of course the Bad Guys) wants it to happen now.

It HAS TO happen now, or else this or that will happen.

And if this or that happens, then that will be really bad and "they" (whoever they are) don't want this or that bad thing to happen so they will definitely do it this week so this and that don't happen.

Well, they didn't do it.

It didn't happen.

So, shockingly enough, this and that IS (are?) happening.

Which makes one wonder, even though we continue to hear they don't want this and that to happen and are supposedly doing everything possible to avoid this and that happening, perhaps they actually do want all this and that bad stuff to happen.

What is this, like Day 5 of the 2008 Stock Market Meltdown Flashback.

Back to a time when the markets crumbled so horribly that many, like myself, still have yet to recover.

Sure, they threw tons of money at the Banks to keep that shaky House of Cards visibly afloat.

And as difficult as it is to believe, they've managed to keep that facade floating for over a decade now.

Perhaps you can get a pig to hold still long enough to apply lipstick to it after all.

Worked for Arnold Ziffel so why not the entire Banking industry.

In reality, that charade will have to end at some point.

You can only throw so much bad money after bad before you run out bad money to throw.

And what will happen when the smoke dissipates and the entire world finds out that nothing was ever fixed.

Nothing was ever made better.

No problems we ever solved.

They were simply covered in cotton candy and all that candy melted.

And when it melted it did so in global proportions.

One thing's for certain, it won't be pretty.

And eyes will be opened to the magnitude of all that's been going on for far too long.

Which brings me back to my original thoughts behind this post.

That being the RV/GCR and how it relates to all of this global meltdown stuff.

For better or worse, I'm still a believer.

I believe the GCR will happen.

And when it does, the RV will follow soon after.

I have absolutely no idea when but I do believe it will.

The question for me now is when it does happen, will I actually believe it has happened.

And that it's okay to finally get a bit excited.

After hearing that it's about to happen, on the verge of happening and yet nothing ever happens for far too many years, I'm not so sure I'm gonna believe it when it really does happen for real.

Even if I were to see it.

And that has me a bit nervous.

Will I miss the Cash Out oops, I mean EXCHANGE window?

Or will I sleep right through the entire process, refusing to get duped yet again.

I certainly hope not.

Crazy as it may seem I'm not at all sure of what it's going to take to convince me that the release is real.

Will it be released at night?

Why not during the day?

Are weekends better?

What about during the week when all the Banks are open.

Do all the Banks need to be open?

Or should they be closed during that illustrious Saturday night "all Banks are closed" window.

All we know is that it's always 5:00 somewhere.

And the release will happen on a day ending in "Y".

Beyond that, the release date is anybody's guess.

I don't think even those that are supposedly releasing this thing have an idea of when that will be.

I doubt we'll ever get any sort of advanced notice.

None that we'll ever believe anyway.

Which, on one hand, I completely understand.

If they were to announce anything in advance, that would make this whole thing appear as if it's real.

And they can't have that happening.

And I get that.

People would scurry to buy each and every piece of "basket-worthy" currency available.

But on the other hand, it makes little to no sense at all.

It would seem to me that they'd want to eliminate the pandemonium that's been created by all of the "get to the Bank ASAP so you don't miss out on your 10 day cash out window" hype that's been floating around Dinarland for far too long.

If you were around maybe 8 or 9 years ago then you'll surely recall all of the trouble caused by the folks stating week after week that beyond a doubt "This will be your LAST BROKE FRIDAY!"

Sure enough, first thing Monday morning numerous Bank parking lots across the country were filled with busloads of folks banging on the glass doors, demanding to be "Cashed Out".

Claiming that a certain well known Guru had promised them on Friday that the RV was going to happen over the weekend and they could simply show up at the Bank first thing Monday morning, dinar in hand.

Needless to say the Banks were on fire!

And rightfully so.

From that point on the Banks started their Recorded Ridiculousness Campaign stating "We never have, never will, not now, not ever, never have anything to do with the dinar" followed by a loud "Click!".

Only problem with that was many of us had purchased our first dinar from those very same Banks.

So we weren't as easily swayed as others that were to arrive later in the game.

Yet, with the way things are headed, with a long rumored short exchange period looming, seems to me they're heading in the same direction.

Should they clarify things just a bit better, as far as the slowest roll-out in history is to play out.

Not only for our benefit but for theirs as well.

Hmmmm... I'm not sure.

Yes, it would be nice but at the same time, it might open up an entirely new can of worms.

Which at this point would likely be twisted into yet another delay.

The last thing we need right now is another last ditch hitch or glitch to slow this thing down any further..

So I guess all we can do is roll with it.

To wait it out.

I don't believe they think we're simply going to fade away.

It's much too late for them to hope for that at this point.

Even if they do, good luck with that.

No way us Toothless Crackheads are giving up that easily.


We've come much too far to bail out now.

We have to see this thing through 'til the end.

Even if we don't recognize the actual "end" when we see it.

Perhaps it's what Churchill meant when he said "This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning".

Whether it's the end or the beginning or somewhere in between, I only hope that it's closer to the end than it is the beginning because honestly, I'm pretty much done with this thing.

This adventure lost most of its allure many years ago.

At this point it a seemingly endless, cuticle grinding, uphill marathon and I feel like Forrest Gump in the middle of the desert.

I'm worn out.

I'm tired.

I just want to cross the finish line and get rolling on my new "Pay It Forward" path.

I feel as if I've been in a time loop for the past decade and I'm ready to jump off this mind altering Merry-Go-Round before I lose my cookies.

Please continue to keep your eyes peeled for a sign.

A signal of some sort.

Something that will finally convince us that this part or the journey is over and that we can finally begin our new lives.

Lives filled with hope.

Filled with dreams.

Dreams of enriching the lives of others.

It's gonna happen.

I can only hope we believe it when we see it.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the owner of a vintage Bi-Plane, an old Crop Duster, nor a very large "tow-behind" banner. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.



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Special, Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps 20 Special, Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps 20

Message from Dinar Recaps 2-25-2020

Public Service Announcement

Note: Dinar Recaps was contacted by the leader in the Private Group mentioned on MarkZ’s 5pm est call tonight . The information given regarding this group by MarkZ and his mods was incorrect.

The Private Group will NOT be opening up for new members at this time.

Please do NOT call, email or try to contact DebTarHeelGirl (or Dinar Recaps) on this matter.

MarkZ has agreed to pull his video tonight because of the mis-information .

Thanks to all for correcting this misunderstanding..~ Dinar Recaps

Public Service Announcement

Note: Dinar Recaps was contacted by the leader in the Private Group mentioned on MarkZ’s 5pm est call tonight . The information given out regarding this group by MarkZ and his mods, that info was incorrect.

The Private Group will NOT be opening up for new members at this time.

Please do NOT call, email or try to contact DebTarHeelGirl (or Dinar Recaps) on this matter.

MarkZ has agreed to pull his video tonight because of the mis-information .

Thanks to all for correcting this misunderstanding..~ Dinar Recaps

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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

"Don't Shoot The Messenger" by Dr. Dinar

.Thank you Dr. Dinar

Don't Shoot The Messenger by Dr. Dinar

As I listened to a replay of one of the recent Dinarland conference calls, I couldn't help but notice a definite downer vibe amongst many of the Caller's.

That been there, done that, got the T-shirt, the T-shirt shrank in the dryer and now I got nothin' to show for all that money I spent kinda vibe.

Yeah, that kinda vibe.

For the most part, that's nothing new.

And when I say it's nothing new, by that I mean I've heard it at the start of every year.

For the last 10 years or so.

Thank you Dr. Dinar

Don't Shoot The Messenger  by Dr. Dinar

As I listened to a replay of one of the recent Dinarland conference calls, I couldn't help but notice a definite downer vibe amongst many of the Caller's.

That been there, done that, got the T-shirt, the T-shirt shrank in the dryer and now I got nothin' to show for all that money I spent kinda vibe.

Yeah, that kinda vibe.

For the most part, that's nothing new.

And when I say it's nothing new, by that I mean I've heard it at the start of every year.

For the last 10 years or so.

.a dr dinar.jpg

The previous year always ends in stressful anger, drowning in the disappointment of having experienced the letdown of yet another broke Holiday season.

Another 365 days of hoping they could finally get their act together and make this RV/GCR happen.

Only to once again fail at the one yard line.

How can they continually be soooo close to this happening, week after week, month after month, year after year, and yet they still can't seem to get their ducks to stay in a row long enough to cross the finish line.

If any of us Dinarians were this inept at our jobs (those fortunate few that do have jobs anyway. Many of us aren't as lucky), we would have been fired long ago.

And might I add, rightfully so.

How long can you go on failing to produce any tangible results before you're handed a small pink piece of paper suggesting you clean out your cubicle, given a cardboard file box with which to gather your belongings and being escorted to the door.

One would have to think it wouldn't take all that long.

Certainly not decades anyway.

From what we've been told this whole GCR dealio has been in the works since we were kids.

Of course, we had no idea any of this was going on.

How could we.

It was all kept neatly under the radar, strictly on a need to know basis and it goes without saying very few folks, if any, needed to know.

Not to mention our biggest dream at the time was the possibility of getting an awesome new Schwinn bicycle for Christmas.

The one we'd spent months drooling over, dropping hints about wanting, every chance we got.

The one we never got.

Did that stop us from wanting it?

You better believe it didn't.

It wasn't until we outgrew that dream that we finally replaced that dream with a new dream.

A dream that included 4 wheels as opposed to two.

Point being we never stopped dreaming.

Our dreams just evolved into bigger and better dreams.

And as I continued listening to the replay of the call, the monotony of the Callers began to take its toll.

Taking its toll to the point where I was spending more time checking out the insides of my eyelids (in between eye rolls) than I was focusing on the call.

If there's one thing this Call is known for, at least by me anyway, is having the very same 25 Callers calling in each and every M/W/F.

Yep, like clockwork, even if you haven't quite learned all of the phone numbers by heart, the minute they begin to speak you can pretty much ask their question for them without hearing them utter a word.

But it's not their questions I'm curious about nearly as much as the possible answers.

Because it's in those answers that I hope for the possibility of a new nugget of nourishment.

Something said that might coincide with other things I'm hearing and between the two, perhaps may lead to a bit of confirmation of sorts.

Sure, there's a very good chance it could be your everyday standard circletel (rumors passed on from one Conference Call to the next, repeated enough times to where it's distorted just enough to not sound exactly the same, while still making it sound plausible enough to be a confirmation of sorts).

However, in this case, I feel relatively confident in the confidence these guys have in their sources and the uniqueness of who they speak with and what they share.

Continuing to listen, all while doing other stuff to keep my mind preoccupied, something strange erupted from my computer speaker.

Yes, speaker.

As in one singular speaker.

The other speaker kicked the bucket many moons ago.

Yet another reason I need this GCR to pop.

My computer is Fred Flintstone era, and the hamster that powers it is literally on its last legs, having filed for a leave of absence long ago.

I'm praying it hangs in there long enough to reach the finish line.

Anyway, as I listened a bit more intently, I noticed an unfamiliar voice coming across the airwaves.

It wasn't as much the voice that caught my attention as it was the content of his comment.

He started off by saying he was rather new to this adventure, only been involved for the past few months, and was doing all the research he could to catch up to speed.

I was like, kudos to you dude.

First off, congrats for being fortunate enough to discover this endeavor.

Secondly, good on you for wanting to do some homework on the subject.

One thing I can say for certain is that if you were open to it, this thing has given us an education in Global Economics that none of us saw coming when we placed our first currency order.

I see so many folks that have been angry since the start (or close thereabouts), thinking this thing should have happened long ago and that somehow they got ripped off along the way.

Well, to those folks all I can say is no one, not one of us, was promised it would be an overnight thing.

Sure, we'd all heard the Hurry up, order your dinar ASAP, you've only got a few days before it pops hypium right from the start.

But after the first year or so you begin to realize that simply isn't the way this thing's gonna go down.

It's so much bigger than that.

As I continued on listening to the recording it made me realize that I too had lost much of that newness.

That spirit of hope.

That It's gonna happen, I KNOW it's gonna happen, I just don't have a dang clue when feeling.

And I want that back.

In the worst way.

Without a doubt I'm like everyone else in Dinarland in that I fully admit to my confidence level being tested at times, not always passing the test

For the most part I'm able to reel it back in, many thanks to my Vent Buddy.

Lately though it's been getting increasingly difficult to reign in my feelings, staying hopeful for sooner rather than later.

Mostly because this year is starting off like every other year.

All too familiar.

One more year we shouldn't be here.

And I'm not in the best position to survive this ride until the very end.

Whenever that may be.

Not that I'm quitting.

Not selling out.

Not bailing.

Simply struggling more than I'd like.

I always saw this playing out quite differently.

Seeing myself with more than enough currency to take care of business.

Which is no longer the case, having to sell back a bunch of it to keep afloat.

But I'm still in the game and that's what counts.

Am I angry it hasn't happened yet?

Honestly, yes and no.

I'm much more disappointed than anything else.

It's difficult to be angry when you don't have any factual proof that this thing should've already happened and that someone is indeed stopping it from happening.

Which I definitely haven't ruled out as being the case.

But again, I have no way to verify it.

No proof.

Without verification, it's simply another rumor.

Another rumor, like every other rumor we're bombarded by on a daily basis.

So, to all our fellow Dinarians out there that are drowning in anger and wanting to lash out at someone.

Or something.

Why not step back for a minute and look at the bigger picture.

Think about how fortunate you are to even be involved in this thing.

To even have a shot at becoming wealthy.

Many people will never be offered this opportunity.

Even crazier, think of all those people that we offered the opportunity to get involved and without doing their own due diligence, automatically labeled us a lunatics and wanted nothing to do with us nor the adventure.

Sure sucks to be them.

Well, not so much right now because so far we're pretty much living up to the lunatic label.

Someday though.

Some random day.

Or night... who really knows which.

At some point we're gonna wake up to an entirely new reality.

One in which we can finally move forward and live the lives we've always dreamed of.

Please hang in there.

If you're struggling, doing your best to keep it together, just know that you're not alone.

There are many of us in that same boat.

Barely afloat, surrounded by 25K... oops, I mean 25ft waves, ready to capsize at any second.

Do I think we're close?

Who knows.

That's really anybody's guess.

Do I think we're closer than we've ever been?

To that, I shout a resounding YES!

But what do I know.

I'm simply the Messenger.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the owner of a pitchfork, nor a torch. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

"What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been" by Dr. Dinar

.What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been

by Dr. Dinar

To be honest, that's putting it mildly.

Whether it be ten months or ten years, if you've been on this ride for any length of time, then I'm sure you can definitely relate.

At this point I'd be willing to say that a long, strange trip is putting it mildly.

This roller coaster ride of an adventure has taken us through more ups and downs than a kid eating cotton candy while riding a pogo-stick on an ice rink.

What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been

by Dr. Dinar

To be honest, that's putting it mildly.

Whether it be ten months or ten years, if you've been on this ride for any length of time, then I'm sure you can definitely relate.

At this point I'd be willing to say that a long, strange trip is putting it mildly.

This roller coaster ride of an adventure has taken us through more ups and downs than a kid eating cotton candy while riding a pogo-stick on an ice rink.

With that being said, when it comes right down to it, regardless of how stressful this journey has been, I couldn't be more grateful to have been made aware of this opportunity oh so long ago.

.a dr.dinar pic.jpg

Having been involved for a decade or so, my two week stress test of hoping my first batch of Dinar would arrive in time for the RV seems beyond a mere memory.

Yet the angst is forever fresh in my mind.

Will my money order arrive in time?

Did I send the right amount?

What did I use for a shipping address?

Heck, did I even remember to put a stamp on it?

All of that brain bending mumbo jumbo, basically freakin' out that I might have somehow made a mistake on my order and my two week pre RV window will have slammed shut before I can repair the damage.

Luckily none of those issues were a problem and my order arrived right on time.

Actually, closer to about a decade or so too early.

But who's counting.

To date we've gone through more windows than the Trump Tower NYC has and as of now, still no GCR.

So much for my purchasing a warehouse full of Windex.

These windows don't last long enough to need cleaning.

At this stage of the game, with all of the false alarms along the way, the highs definitely aren't as high.

Then again, the lows aren't nearly as low either.

That's not to say that I don't still experience some of the ups and downs of this ride but nowhere near to the same extent I used to.

Most of those ups and downs are now created by life itself and its seemingly endless barrage of bummers.

No need to add the stress of the as yet to happen RV/GCR to the list.

I wouldn't say I'm completely jaded, thinking the RV will never happen, but I will say that I no longer fall for the "it's goin' down this weekend" every weekend hypium that used to drain me week after week.

I now find myself in a place of extreme gratitude.

Frustratingly mind numbing gratitude?

Yes, I'll grant you that.

Yet, gratitude nonetheless.

Now, you may be thinking I've lost my mind?

Face it, you've got to be a bit crazy to even be involved in this thing

But hear me out.

Sure, this has been anything but a walk in the park.

Not even close to fun.

As the ol' saying goes, If it was fun, everybody would do it.

At the same time I can't help but think about all of the people that don't have the slightest idea any of this stuff is even going on.

And for that reason alone, I'm grateful to belong to this Secret Society of the Toothless Crackheads.

I'd have to believe I'm not the only one that tends to get wrapped up in Dinarland, thinking that everyone in the outside world must know about the currencies and the RV/GCR.

Yet, if you step back a bit, you soon begin to realize that very few people truly have a clue about any of this.

They continue to be so wrapped up in who's going to be eliminated next from Dancing With The Stars and wondering who's going to be the next Masked Singer.

The global economy, foreign currency and anything that goes along with that world couldn't be any further from their minds.

And that's easy for me to relate to as I too used to be one of those same out of the loop, comfortably numb people.

Much more concerned with how I was going to rebuild my life after having lost everything in the Econocrash of 2008 than anything going on in some dusty sandbox half way around the world.

Yet, for better or worse, through an extremely strange set of occurrences, here I am.

Smack dab in the middle of Dinarland.

Without a paddle no less.

Could I have imagined myself in this very spot over a decade ago?

Heck no.

I had absolutely no clue whatsoever about any funny money other than Monopoly money.

And let me tell you, I was never any sort of a Monopoly whiz.

But if it wasn't for this crazy colored wallpaper, I wouldn't have any hope whatsoever of rebuilding my life.

I'm continuing to drown in ever increasing debt, yet I still consider myself to be one of the lucky ones.

Yes, you read that correctly.

The lucky ones.

As you shake your head from side to side, just think about that for a second.

Think about the millions and millions of people around the world swimming in that same debt, losing more and more of their lives with each passing day, having no real hope of rebuilding their lives.

No RV/GCR to look forward to.

Now, ask yourself, how lucky do you feel?

Do I wish the RV would have happened years ago?

You better believe I do.

Let's hope the rumors of higher rates due to an extended wait also become a reality.

Luckily for me I KNOW it will happen eventually and I couldn't be any more grateful that I'll be there, front and center, bangin' down... oops, I mean waiting patiently outside the Abbot Downing door when it does.

So if I can make a suggestion to anyone else out there who may be struggling with the weekly letdowns, relentless rumors and beginning to lose hope in this ever happening.

Just hang in there a bit longer.

Think about all those weekends you thought you'd never make it through and low and behold, you're still here.

Still in the game.

Stronger for having gone through it.

Hungrier than ever for a short, not so strange trip to one of the rumored 4,000+ Exchange Centers located within an 80 mile radius of our homes.

And not a minute too soon.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the owner of the awesome RV in the photo. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it. 

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Tip of the Day, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Tip of the Day, Special Dinar Recaps 20

Why Having a "Vent Buddy" is Important to Your Health

.Do you have a Dinarland “Vent Buddy”?

Why having a ‘vent buddy’ is important to your health

May 20, 2019 Kristine Beth Mabini

Having a vent buddy is so important to one’s well-being

It’s that someone you consider a reliable friend whom you can go to whenever you want someone to talk to whom you know won’t judge you

Having a friend who listens to you no matter how overwhelming your rants or situations in life are is undeniably good for you and your health. So, keep that friend.

As a woman, especially when you’re already a mom, it is inevitable that at some point, you go through a series of tough situations which you try to bottle up until you could no longer handle them.

Do you have a Dinarland “Vent Buddy”?

Why having a ‘vent buddy’ is important to your health

May 20, 2019   Kristine Beth Mabini

Having a vent buddy is so important to one’s well-being

It’s that someone you consider a reliable friend whom you can go to whenever you want someone to talk to whom you know won’t judge you

Having a friend who listens to you no matter how overwhelming your rants or situations in life are is undeniably good for you and your health. So, keep that friend.

As a woman, especially when you’re already a mom, it is inevitable that at some point, you go through a series of tough situations which you try to bottle up until you could no longer handle them.

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This is when calling a friend or a “vent buddy” comes in. A vent buddy is someone you consider a reliable friend whom you can go to whenever you want someone to talk to whom you know won’t judge you. That someone is the person who would listen to your woes no matter how serious or petty they are; a friend, a relative or even a sibling. Who comes first in your mind?

According to experts, having a “vent buddy” is good for your mental health. Here are some of the reasons why:

It will help you cope

With a vent buddy you are able to release your bottled up emotions and rants in life. A study in 2009 showed that opening up to someone and disclosing your thoughts and struggles to that trusted someone would help you cope and lower the tensions you feel within. Notice how someone’s mere presence could already calm you? 

Most of the time when we are emotionally wrecked and physically tired, we feel that we are alone in the battle but having someone to talk to would instantly make us feel that we’re actually not alone.

Someone out there will be willing to help and listen with empathy. There will always be that buddy friend who understands and cares for you…even when you’re at your worse mood.

You will see a new perspective

Talking to a vent buddy would help you see things through a new perspective. Your vent buddy can simply help you realize what you have been doing wrong (if there are) without having to sugar-coat their words.

You will be able to practice empathy

Remember that you are not just the one experiencing tough things in life; your vent buddy might also be going through something and being able to interact with him/her helps you practice empathy. As each other’s vent buddy, you are able to help each other in staying mentally healthy.

And if you’ve got more than one, that’s good! An extra pair of ears would be just fine.

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