"Why Not Now!?!" by Dr. Dinar 3-7-2020

Thank you Dr. Dinar

Why NOT Now!?!  by Dr. Dinar

I woke up this morning pretty much like every other morning over the past decade, relatively secure in the knowing that I would still be broke.

Yet, at the same time, hoping that I somehow missed the notification of some sort and that my pre-planned schedule for the day would require an alteration of sorts.

A last minute redirect sending me down the Yellow Brick Road to an undisclosed Exchange Center located within 80 miles of my home.

Or perhaps a "Heads Up" of some sort, notifying me of the possibility of a complete change of plans occurring over the next few days.

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And once again, just as I suspected, nothing.

Nothing happened.

Nothing new.

Nothing I haven't already heard a thousand times over.

I wouldn't say I'm jaded.

Oh, who am I kidding.

Let's get real here.

At this point I'm totally jaded.

And if you ask me, rightfully so.

I've heard the boy cry "Wolf!" more times than I've heard Bob Barker scream out "Come On Down!"

And if I had a 25K note for every time I've heard Bob say that, I wouldn't need an RV.

Oh wait, yes I would.

Because without the RV, the IQD is only worth 1/10th of a penny.

So an RV of the IQD is still required.

Anyway, as I was saying.

After hearing these same rumors for a decade or more I feel I'm completely justified in my being jaded.

In not believing most of what I'm hearing about this or that is happening behind the scenes, everything's in place, ready to go.

It's all done, all we're waiting on is the "Go" signal.

Yada yada, rinse & repeat.

Having said that, it leaves me in this weird space.

The middle ground between light and shadow.

Between science and superstition.

Like I'm in some sort of a Twilight Zone.

That weird place between not believing it's going to happen and knowing it HAS TO happen and WILL eventually happen at some point.

Which leaves me wondering how on earth I'm ever going to reconcile the two.

How do both sides of my brain mutually agree to meet somewhere in the middle.

I'm not one to subscribe to the whole "They're waiting until the entire global economy crashes before they'll introduce the new QFS banking system and release the new USN's" theory.

Sure, I can see them wanting to do a bit of housekeeping, removing a few "wrenches" from the hands of those continually throwing wrenches in the spokes of this thing.

That makes complete sense.

But the need to crash the entire global banking system prior to the release of the GCR doesn't compute.

Not to me anyway.

If they do that, it will take a heck of a lot more than a simple flip of a switch to get the new system up and running.

Let alone get people to renew their confidence enough to believe in it.

If the entire global economy comes crashing down, people will be too freaked out to spend any money.

Choosing instead to hang on to every penny.

At least the few pennies they have left.

And with global spending coming to a screeching halt, nobody wins.

Not the good guys, nor the bad.

It would take months to get people to empty their piggy banks.

Therefore, if I had to call a back wall of some sort to this never ending circus, that would be mine.

They won't allow the global economy to completely crash.

Just short of that... sure.

But not a complete economic system meltdown.

Again, that's simply my opinion based on the world as I see it.

Nothing more.

Nothing less.

If they can't manage to get their act together in time and this Circus does fold up its tent, it's gonna get mighty ugly.

For everyone.

Let's hope that doesn't happen.

For everybody's sake.

Therefore, having said all that, the only other option is for this thing to eventually happen.

Leading to all of us Dinarians finally being able to exchange our currency.

Which means that at some point at least one side of my brain is going to have to accept the fact that the GCR has indeed reached the point where we have been given the "Go" signal and we're finally able to schedule our exchange appointments.

And it's at that time that I will have to pick myself up off the floor, dust myself off and attempt to get my wits about me because I will have just fainted.

Passed out in sheer disbelief, yet somewhat relieved in the knowledge that just this once the boy that has continued to cry wolf for all of these years has finally been vindicated.

Shown not to be the liar, the bringer of false hopium we all thought him to be.

I have a feeling he might even be more shocked than any of us.

Chances are he'll be the first person you see running down the street, hair ablaze, jumping for joy in celebration.

And rightfully so.

He never faltered, trusting his sources to the Nth degree.

Sticking to his story until the bitter end.

Hopefully we were able to do the very same thing.

Sticking to our foundation of knowledge, keeping us strong in the face of years of gale force winds.

Never giving up, seeing this thing through to the bitter end.

All those times thinking it was just another false alarm until we too were proven wrong and it was indeed the real deal.

It really did happen.

So, if we know it has to happen.

And it does have to happen.

They've done too much to prepare for its eventually happening not to have it happen.

Why NOT now!

Now seems as good a time as any to release this thing.

Matter of fact, I can't think of a better time than now.

Not later.

Right now.

Now works for me.

I'd like to believe most folks would rearrange their schedules to fit in an exchange appointment if need be.

Okay, now that they know we're ready to rock and get this thing done in a calm and courteous manner, let's hope they too got the message and decide to release this thing.

Like NOW!

If not a minute sooner.

Hang in there folks, it's going to happen.

Now would be a great time to start training your brain to accept it.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I in any way connected to Wall St., the NASDAQ, the Stock Market, Day Trading, FOREX, nor am I a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.


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