Dinar Recaps Archives, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps Archives, Special Dinar Recaps 20

My Mother Taught Me............

From Recaps Archives…..

My Mother Taught Me…………

1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
'If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished

2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
'You better pray that will come out of the carpet.'

3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
'If you don't wise up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next

From Recaps Archives…..

My Mother Taught Me…………
 1. My mother taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE.
 'If you're going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished

 2. My mother taught me RELIGION.
 'You better pray that will come out of the carpet.'

 3. My mother taught me about TIME TRAVEL.
 'If you don't wise up, I'm going to knock you into the middle of next
 4. My mother taught me LOGIC.
 'Because I said so, that's why.'

5. My mother taught me MORE LOGIC.
 'If you fall out of that swing and break your neck, you're not going
 shopping with me.'

6. My mother taught me FORESIGHT..
 'Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you're in an accident.'
 7. My mother taught me IRONY
 'Keep crying, and I'll give you something to cry about.'
8. My mother taught me about the science of OSMOSIS.
 'Shut your mouth and eat your dinner.'
 9. My mother taught me about CONTORTIONISM.
 'Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck!'
 10. My mother taught me about STAMINA.
 'You'll sit there until those vegetables are gone.'
 11. My mother taught me about WEATHER.
 'This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it.'
 12. My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY.
 'If I told you once, I've told you a million times. Don't exaggerate!'
 13 My mother taught me the CIRCLE OF LIFE.
 'I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.'
 14.My mother taught me about BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION.
 'Stop acting like your father!'
15. My mother taught me about ENVY.
 'There are millions of less fortunate children in this world
 who don't have wonderful parents like you do.'
 16. My mother taught me about ANTICIPATION.
 'Just wait until we get home.'
 17. My mother taught me about RECEIVING.
 'You are going to get it when you get home!'
 18. My mother taught me MEDICAL SCIENCE.
 'If you don't stop crossing your eyes, they are going to stick that
 19. My mother taught me ESP..
 'Put your sweater on; don't you think I know when you are cold?'
 20. My mother taught me HUMOR.
 'When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me.'
 21. My mother taught me HOW TO BECOME AN ADULT.
 'If you don't eat your vegetables, you'll never grow up.'

 22.My mother taught me GENETICS.
 'You're just like your father.'

23. My mother taught me about my ROOTS.
 'Shut that door behind you. Do you think you were born in a stable?'

 24. My mother taught me WISDOM.
 'When you get to be my age, you'll understand.'
 25. And my favorite: My mother taught me about JUSTICE
 'One day you'll have kids, and I hope they turn out just like

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Dinar Recaps Archives, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps Archives, Special Dinar Recaps 20

A Mother's Dictionary

From Recaps Archives

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms reading this.....hope it makes you smile.....

A Mother's Dictionary

AIRPLANE: What Mom impersonates to get a 1-yr.-old to eat strained beets.

ALIEN: What Mom would suspect had invaded her house if she spotted a child-sized creature cleaning up after itself.

APPLE: Nutritious lunchtime dessert which children will trade for cupcakes.

BABY: 1) Dad, when he gets a cold. 2) Mom's youngest child, even if he's 42.

From Recaps Archives

Happy Mothers Day to all the moms reading this.....hope it makes you smile.....

A Mother's Dictionary

AIRPLANE: What Mom impersonates to get a 1-yr.-old to eat strained beets.

ALIEN: What Mom would suspect had invaded her house if she spotted a child-sized creature cleaning up after itself.

APPLE: Nutritious lunchtime dessert which children will trade for cupcakes.

BABY: 1) Dad, when he gets a cold. 2) Mom's youngest child, even if he's 42.

BATHROOM: a room used by the entire family, believed by all (except Mom) to be self-cleaning

"BECAUSE": Mom's reason for having kids do things which can't be explained logically.

BED AND BREAKFAST: Two things the kids will never make for themselves.

CARPET: Expensive floor covering used to catch spills and clean mud off shoes.

CAR POOL: Complicated system of transportation where Mom always winds up going the furthest, with the biggest bunch of kids, who have had the most sugar.

CHINA: Legendary nation reportedly populated by children who love leftover vegetables.

COOK: 1) Act of preparing food for consumption. 2) Mom's other name.

COUCH POTATO: What Mom finds under the sofa cushions after the kids eat dinner.

DATE: Infrequent outings with Dad where Mom can enjoy worrying about the kids in a different setting.

DRINKING GLASS: Any carton or bottle left open in the fridge.

DUST: Insidious interloping particles of evil that turn a home into a battle zone.


EAR: A place where kids store dirt.

EAT: What kids do between meals, but not at them.


ENERGY: Element of vitality kids always have an oversupply of until asked to do something.

"EXCUSE ME": One of Mom's favorite phrases, reportedly used in past times by children.

EYE: The highly susceptible optic nerve which, according to Mom, can be "put out" by anything from a suction-arrow to a carelessly handled butter knife.

FABLE: A story told by a teenager arriving home after curfew.

FOOD: The response Mom usually gives in answer to the question, "What's for dinner tonight?" See "SARCASM"

FROZEN: 1) A type of food. 2) How hell will be when Mom lets her daughter date an older guy with a motorcycle.

GARBAGE: A collection of refuse items, the taking out of which Mom assigns to a different family member each week, then winds up doing herself.

GENIUSES: Amazingly, all of Mom's kids.

GUM: Adhesive for the hair.

HAMPER: A wicker container with a lid, usually surrounded by, but not containing, dirty clothing.

HANDI-WIPES: Pants, shirt-sleeves, drapes, etc.

HANDS: Body appendages which must be scrubbed raw with volcanic soap and sterilized in boiling water immediately prior to consumption of the evening meal.

HINDSIGHT: What Mom experiences from changing too many diapers.

HOMEMADE BREAD: An object of fiction like the Fountain of Youth and the Golden Fleece.

ICE: Cubes of frozen water which would be found in small plastic tray if kids or husbands ever filled the darn things instead of putting them back in the freezer empty.

INSIDE: That place that will suddenly look attractive to kids once Mom has spent a minimum of half an hour getting them ready to go outside.

"I SAID SO": Reason enough, according to Mom.

JACKPOT: When all the kids stay at friends' homes for the night.

JEANS: Which, according to kids, are appropriate for just about any occasion, including church and funerals.

JOY RIDE: Going somewhere without the kids.

JUNK: Dad's stuff.

KETCHUP: The sea of tomato-based goop kids use to drown the dish that Mom spent hours cooking and years perfecting to get the seasoning just right.

KISS: Mom medicine.

LAKE: Large body of water into which a kid will jump should his friends do so.

LEMONADE STAND: Complicated business venture where Mom buys powdered mix, sugar, lemons, and paper cups, and sets up a table, chairs, pitchers and ice for kids who sit there for three to six minutes and net a profit of 15 cents.

LIE: An "exaggeration" Mom uses to transform her child's papier-m‚chÈ volcano science project into a Nobel Prize-winning experiment and a full-ride scholarship to Harvard.

LOSERS: See "Kids' Friends."

MAKEUP: Lipstick, eyeliner, blush, etc. which ironically make Mom look better while making her young daughter look "like a tramp."


MILK: A healthful beverage which kids will gladly drink once it's turned into junk food by the addition of sugar and cocoa.

"MOMMMMMMMY!": The cry of a child on another floor who wants something.

MUSH: 1) What a kid loves to do with a plateful of food. 2) Main element of Mom's favorite movies.

SWEATER: Magically charmed article of clothing that can ward away colds, flu and even pneumonia.

SUNDAY BEST: Attractive, expensive children's clothing made of a fabric which attracts melted chocolate and grape juice.

TEACHER CONFERENCE: A meeting between Mom and that person who has yet to understand her child's "special needs."

TERRIBLE TWO'S: Having both kids at home all summer.

"THAT WAY": How kids shouldn't look at moms if they know what's good for them. Also applies to how they talk.


TRAMP: A woman with two kids and no stretch marks.

TROUBLE: Area of nonspecific space a child can always be sure to be in.

UMPTEENTH: Highly conservative estimate of the number of times Mom must instruct her offspring to do something before it actually gets done.

UNDERWEAR: An article of clothing, the cleanliness of which ensures the wearer will never have an accident.


VACATION: Where you take the family to get away from it all, only to find it there, too.

VITAMINS: Tiny facsimiles of cave people Mom forces you to swallow each morning as part of her sinister plot to have you grow up to be "just like Daddy."

WALLS: Complete set of drawing paper for kids that comes with every room.

WASHING MACHINE: Household appliance used to clean blue jeans, permanent ink markers, loose change, homework, tissues and wads of gum.

"WHEN YOUR FATHER GETS HOME": Standard measurement of time between crime and punishment.

XOXOXOXO: Mom salutation guaranteed to make the already embarrassing note in a kid's lunch box even more mortifying.

XYLOPHONE: Small toy musical instrument often given as gifts to children who show their appreciation by playing the stupid thing constantly, over and over, all day long! See also "DRUMS"

YARD SALE: Heart-wrenching emotional process wherein Mom plans to sell kids' outdated toys and clothing that she decides at the last minute are treasured mementos she can't bear to part with.

"YIPPEE!": What Mom would jump up and shout if the school year was changed to 12 months. See also "YAHOO!"

ZILLION: Amount of times Mom must have gone to the supermarket already this week.

ZUCCHINI: Vegetable which can be baked, boiled, fried or steamed before kids refuse to eat it.

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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

A Tribute to Mothers - Happy Mother's Day to All of You

.A Tribute to Mothers…….Happy Mother’s Day to all of you

Job interview - World's Toughest Job Happy Mothers Day

The Day You Were Born – SNL

The Perfect Mother – SNL

Mother's Day Song: A Mother's Love- Gena Hill (Lyric Video)

Céline Dion - A Mother's Prayer (Official Audio)

A Tribute to Mothers…….Happy Mother’s Day to all of you

Job interview - World's Toughest Job Happy Mothers Day

The Day You Were Born – SNL 

The Perfect Mother – SNL 

Mother's Day Song: A Mother's Love- Gena Hill (Lyric Video)

Céline Dion - A Mother's Prayer (Official Audio)

Job interview - World's Toughest Job Happy Mothers Day


The Day You Were Born – SNL  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRiGtHTJb0A

The Perfect Mother – SNL  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrEkNj8NKco

Mother's Day Song: A Mother's Love- Gena Hill (Lyric Video)


Céline Dion - A Mother's Prayer (Official Audio)


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Mother’s Day Origin

.Mother’s Day Origin

The Origin of Mother’s Day: 5 Surprising Facts About the Holiday

Good Housekeeping April 13, 2020

These days, Mother's Day is all about greeting cards and flowers — but the history is more complex than you might know.

The Origin of Mother’s Day: 5 Surprising Facts About the Holiday

For many people, Mother’s Day is simply a joyous occasion each May, a time to spend with our children and our mothers — marked by flowers, cards, and maybe some mimosas over brunch. So you might be surprised to learn that its cheerful greeting card messages belie a much darker, more complicated origin story. In fact, Mother’s Day traces its roots back to wartime traumas, and includes plenty of controversy.

Here are five surprising facts you may not have known about Mother’s Day and its complex origins.

Mother’s Day Origin

The Origin of Mother’s Day: 5 Surprising Facts About the Holiday

Good Housekeeping        April 13, 2020

These days, Mother's Day is all about greeting cards and flowers — but the history is more complex than you might know.

The Origin of Mother’s Day: 5 Surprising Facts About the Holiday

For many people, Mother’s Day is simply a joyous occasion each May, a time to spend with our children and our mothers — marked by flowers, cards, and maybe some mimosas over brunch. So you might be surprised to learn that its cheerful greeting card messages belie a much darker, more complicated origin story. In fact, Mother’s Day traces its roots back to wartime traumas, and includes plenty of controversy.

Here are five surprising facts you may not have known about Mother’s Day and its complex origins.


The white carnation is the official Mother’s Day flower.

Jarvis compared that flower’s shape and life cycle to a mother’s love. “The carnation does not drop its petals, but hugs them to its heart as it dies, and so too, mothers hug their children to their hearts, their mother love never dying,” she said in a 1927 interview, cited in Nat Geo.


1) Mother’s Day officially began as a tribute to one woman.

Anna Reeves Jarvis is most often credited with founding Mother’s Day. After her mother Ann (pictured here) died on May 9, 1905, Jarvis set out to create a day that would honor her and moms as a group.

 She began the movement in West Virginia, which prides itself on hosting the first official Mother's Day celebration three years later at Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church, according to CNN. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill recognizing Jarvis' idea as a national holiday to be celebrated each second Sunday in May.

2) But before that, Mother’s Day started as an anti-war movement.

Although Jarvis is widely credited as the holiday’s founder, others had floated the idea earlier — with a different agenda in mind, according to National Geographic. The poet and author Julia Ward Howe (pictured here) had aimed to promote a Mothers’ Peace Day decades before.

For her and the antiwar activists who agreed with her position — including Jarvis’ own mother — the idea of Mother’s Day should spread unity across the globe in the wake of so much trauma following the Civil War in America and Franco-Prussian War in Europe.

“Howe called for women to gather once a year in parlors, churches, or social halls, to listen to sermons, present essays, sing hymns or pray if they wished — all in the name of promoting peace,” West Virginia Wesleyan College historian Katharine Antolini noted, as cited by National Geographic.

These early attempts to create a cohesive peace-focused Mother’s Day eventually receded when the other concept took hold.

3) Mother’s Day is a $25 billion commercial holiday.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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Chats and Rumors, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Special Dinar Recaps 20

Thoughts From DJ 5-4-2020 "The Petro Dollar"


After the collapse of the Bretton Woods gold standard in the early 1970s, the United States struck a deal with Saudi Arabia to standardize oil prices in dollar terms.

Through this deal, the petrodollar system was born, along with a shift away from pegged exchanged rates and gold-backed currencies to non-backed, floating rate regimes (Fiat).

The effect of steering to the petrodollar is what maintained the USD as the global currency reserve.

By "agreeing" to have its currency used as a reserve currency, a country can pin its hands behind its back. To keep the global economy chugging along, it may have to inject large amounts of currency into circulation, driving up inflation at home.


After the collapse of the Bretton Woods gold standard in the early 1970s, the United States struck a deal with Saudi Arabia to standardize oil prices in dollar terms.

Through this deal, the petrodollar system was born, along with a shift away from pegged exchanged rates and gold-backed currencies to non-backed, floating rate regimes (Fiat).

The effect of steering to the petrodollar is what maintained the USD as the global currency reserve.

By "agreeing" to have its currency used as a reserve currency, a country can pin its hands behind its back. To keep the global economy chugging along, it may have to inject large amounts of currency into circulation, driving up inflation at home.

The more popular the reserve currency is relative to other currencies, the higher its exchange rate and the less competitive domestic exporting industries become. This causes a trade deficit for the currency-issuing country (U.S.) but makes the world happy.

If the reserve currency country instead decides to focus on domestic monetary policy by not issuing more currency, then the world becomes unhappy. So a country that issues a reserve currency must balance its interests with the responsibility to make monetary decisions that benefit other countries. Issuing a reserve currency means that monetary policy is no longer a domestic-only issue, it's international.

The U.S. Government has to balance the desire to keep unemployment low and economic growth steady with its responsibility to make monetary decisions that will benefit other countries. If another currency were to become the world's reserve currency of choice the dollar would likely depreciate relative to other currencies, which could boost exports and lower the trade deficit.

The bigger issue would be an increase in borrowing costs as demand for a constant flow of dollars tapered off, which could have a severe impact on the ability of the U.S. to repay its debt or fund domestic programs.

The U.S. kind of fell into its reserve currency role from the aftermath of a war torn world. The U.S. had a stable political climate, did not experience the ravages of world wars like Europe had, and had a steadily growing economy that was large enough to absorb shocks.

As it stands today what used to be a beneficial allure to being a reserve currency has lost its appeal to other nations, such as China, who have become content with the U.S. holding the status.

Thus, it allows their sovereign currency to depreciate relative to other currencies while boosting and maintaining their exports and keeping trade deficits balanced. (Trade deficit, simply put, means you have more product going out then you have coming in or more coming in then you have going out).

The more balanced the trade cycles, the better an economy can stabilize. When that balance is drastically different, one way or the other, importing countries find themselves reliant on the goods from exporting countries and the exporting countries, in order to maintain their manufacturing base, find themselves reliant on the importing nations. Oil being the most traded commodity.

So again we are faced with another strange coincidence. The oil wars began March 8, 2020 and a week or so later the WHO declared the pandemic. So imagine that phone call to Saudi Arabia. “ Look guys, we are going to announce a global pandemic prohibiting air travel and ordering everybody to stay home, Just a thought, but you might want to dump as much of your oil as you can, cause ain’t nobody going to be buying it”.

Coincidence? Yeah right!

How does basic commodity production work? Since the topic is “oil”, we’ll dissect it. The oil is pumped from wells-it then is shipped and stored in holding tanks via pipelines trucks and trains .From the holding tanks, it is moved to shipping tankers and the ships then deliver it to other destination holding tanks.

From those holding tanks, it is sent to refineries who process the oil into all fossil based products, gas, diesel, asphalt, kerosene, plastics and a slew of other byproducts. All of which are then sold to the retail markets.

When people quit buying the products, (no demand) the whole thing goes back down the supply chain all the way to the oil wells who then need to shut down. The wells shut down (holding tanks are full, and no place to send the freshly pumped oil, the revenues cease, and the petrodollar (supporting the USD as the currency reserve) takes a haircut and the global economy is turned upside-down.

All other commodities follow the same scenario. Grow it or mine it, store it, ship it to be processed (packaged or smelted) deliver for retail consumption.

Business 101, if you want to get something done, create a demand. Doesn’t really matter what it is, if there is a demand for it, it will get done.

In a good ole capitalistic society we call it a “sale”.

We can only guess at the future of the petrodollar and in turn the future of the USD as a global currency reserve and the ramifications to the economies if it doesn’t work itself out. But one can’t help but assume there is an alternative plan in play for global economics.



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Special, Humor Dinar Recaps 20 Special, Humor Dinar Recaps 20

"My Bags Are Packed" by Dr. Dinar 4-26-2020

.Thank You Dr. Dinar

My Bags Are Packed by Dr. Dinar

So here we are, in week 341 of this global stay-at-home shutdown thing, and if you're anything like me, you're pretty much losing your mind.

Or what's left of your mind, anyway.

I know I sure am.

All of this mandatory do-nothingness is really taking a toll on... on... on my do somethingness.

That's not to say I'd be doing anything different this weekend than I'm already doing.

But it sure would be nice to do nothing because I wanted to.

Not because someone somewhere says I have to

Thank You Dr. Dinar

My Bags Are Packed  by Dr. Dinar

So here we are, in week 341 of this global stay-at-home shutdown thing, and if you're anything like me, you're pretty much losing your mind.

Or what's left of your mind, anyway.

I know I sure am.

All of this mandatory do-nothingness is really taking a toll on... on... on my do somethingness.

That's not to say I'd be doing anything different this weekend than I'm already doing.

But it sure would be nice to do nothing because I wanted to.

Not because someone somewhere says I have to.

.a april dr. dinar 2.jpg

Well, they didn't actually say I shouldn't do anything but their suggestions of what to do aren't the most exciting.

Nor are they exactly a one-size-fits-all menu of fun filled items.

Nope. Basically it's a laundry list of items from someones imaginary Honey-Do list.

A bunch of things that would be nice to get done when time permits.

Fortunately, at least up until now anyway, I didn't have the time.

Unfortunately, now that I have the time, I no longer have the built-in excuse of not having enough time.

Funny how that works, isn't it.

Grabbing a nearby pad of paper, I began to jot down a few items.

You know, a few of the usuals.

Things like mow the lawn, rake the leaves, repaint Sheryl's She-Shed.

Basic stuff like that.

Okay, list in hand, I was off and runnin'.

Well, at least until I opened the front door, anyway.

YIKES! Major meltdown!

As Walter Matthau would say, "We're havin' a heatwave!"

Looks like they win again.

Guess it's gonna be an inside job kinda day.

Once again, pen and paper in hand, let the scribblin' begin.

Okay... let the scribblin' begin.

One more time, start scribblin'.

And... nothin'.

The more I attempted to focus on creating a list, the less things I could think of to fill the list.

Sure, there were the typicals like doing the dishes, laundering some laundry, sweeping various sweepable areas.

Once again, the usual.

Not only did everything on the list spell BORING, nearly everything inside required some part of it being done outside.

Even if only to grab a few of the necessary implements required to complete these tedious tasks, it still required a trip outdoors.

And since I had already determined outside was off limits, especially with a mandatory mask involved, it was once again time to rethink the list.

Perhaps what I needed was more of a directionally strategic approach.

As in a left to right, North to South, front to back type of thing.

But exactly how would that work, knowing there were areas that I wanted to avoid.

Didn't take me long to realize that wouldn't work.

The hodge podge randomizer method wasn't going to get it done either.

A quick glance at the clock and I realized I was already an hour into the indecision process.

Meaning if I didn't make a decision very soon, there wouldn't be a decision made.

Of any sort.

As I continued to contemplate this dilemma, I noticed that my feet were becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

Ah ha! Having previously planned to work outdoors, I'd already put on my outside shoes.

And they weren't gonna cut it on an inside job.

No way. I needed my trusty flip flops if I was gonna tackle anything indoors.

So it was off to the hall closet I went, knowing my summer slippers were waiting for me, looking forward to their time to shine.

Opening the door, first thing I noticed was just how dark it was in there.

Feeling around on the wall just inside the door sill, I quickly found the switch.

Upon flipping the switch, the light was on.

And then, even quicker than it was on, it was off.

What the hay!

Sheesh, that didn't last long.

Have you ever noticed how a light bulb never goes out during usage.

It's only a split second after it's clicked on that it goes out.

It's no wonder so many projects get sidetracked and never reach completion.

Quickly reassessing the situation, knowing that light would be mandatory, how best to go about this.

Quickly realizing those oh so high ceilings I love so much in the living room also extend to the hall closet means a bulb change will require lots of work.

Which will also require lots of time.

Time I just don't have.

Not if I want to accomplish anything at all today.

Not to mention it will require a trip out to the garage to get the ladder.

Which will require once again putting on the very same shoes I just removed.

Talk about one step forward, three steps back.

Nobody has time for that.

Especially not me.

Look how much time it's taken me to get to this point.

And I still haven't gotten anything done.

Okay, so replacing the light bulb is out.

Off to the kitchen I go in search of my trusty flashlight.

I so enjoy being prepared in an emergency and fortunately I know exactly which drawer it's in.

Sliding the drawer open, there she is, in all her glory.

Woo Hoo, back in action without a hitch, off to the hall closet I go.

Click... click... click! And... nothing.

Are you kidding me!?!

Yes, I found the flashlight.

No, I hadn't replaced the batteries in like... well, I couldn't remember in how long.

Okay, so the flashlight was out. Literally.

Thinking quickly on my bare feet, what's my next best option.

Shoes back on, a skin fried trip back outside to a garage that was pretty much guaranteed to be even hotter than it was outside in the direct sun.

Nope. There had to be a better way.

Once again, thinking fast on my feet, what about putting my phone in flashlight mode.

Not the best nor the brightest but it should work well enough to scrounge around for my flip flops.

Settings... scroll... scroll... scroll... click... click... click..., let there be light!

Okay then, I'm back in action.

Off to the closet I go. Again.

Fortunately for me, I know they're in here. Somewhere.

At least I think they are, anyway.

Let's put it this way. They should be.

So far though, no luck.

Peeling back the various jackets, coats and shirts hanging there, hoping to catch a glimpse of these elusive summer slippers that I'm oh so sure are hiding there and WHAM!

Oooouuuccchhhh... what the heck was that!

Nearly dropping my phone in excruciating pain, I quickly reach for my pinky toe, hoping it's still attached to my foot.

One... two... three... four... and five.

Woo Hoo, found it!

Thankfully it was still attached, but based on the pain, I wasn't sure how long it would be before my toe turned black & blue and fell off.

At this point finding my flip flops would have to wait.

I needed to know the source of my pain and do whatever necessary to prevent such a situation in the future.

Knowing I'm not a Bowler, although it certainly felt like it was, it wasn't likely to be a 16 pound bowling ball in a bag.

Eliminating that from the list, what on Earth could it be.

What in the world could be sitting in that closet that weighed so much, held such sharp-edged objects, yet escaped my memory.

Reaching down to the exact location of the toe jamming incident, I felt something that felt like canvas.

You know, that rough kind of heavy duty material feeling.

Grabbing hold of it, attempting to pick it up and no go.

Much too heavy.

And so I proceeded to slide it out into the light.

What in the world is this... no way!

As soon as it hit the light I knew exactly what it was.

It was my "To Go" bag!

Now, you might be asking yourself what exactly is a To Go bag.

Well, if you were around back in the day, then you'll be all too familiar with this item.

If not, please allow me to shed some light on the subject.

Those that have only been around this RV/GCR ordeal for the past few years might not be too familiar with 'em.

Back in the 2010 era, one of the big rumors floating around Dinarland at the time was you better have your To Go bag at the ready, waiting for split second notice to run to the Bank and Cash Out.

By the way, if you still hear anybody saying Cash Out or Cash In, you'll know they're Old School and have more than likely been in the game for quite some time.

Nowadays we know to say Exchange (or redeem as applies to the Zim) but back then, the nomenclature battle raged between "Cash In" or "Cash Out".

Then again, back then it was all about the RV.

The GCR hadn't really gained much traction on the rumor mill and was still a ways off in the distance.

Just another of the many changes that have taken place along the way.

Anyway, back to the bag.

It was highly suggested that we have a To Go bag at the ready, sitting by the front door.

Just as you would if you had an expectant Mother living in the house.

You'd want all of your essentials at the ready, knowing it's best to be as prepared as possible for whatever may come.

Whenever it may come.

Same goes for the RV/GCR To Go bag.

Everything at the ready, ready to grab 'n go, getting you to the Bank asap.

Yep, this was also back in the day where we thought we'd be going to a regular bank to conduct our transactions.

Once again, look how much we've learned along the way.

What's inside this bag?

That's up to each individual and over the years the rumor mill has constantly debated over how much info do we really need.

Forgive me as it's been such a long time and my memory isn't quite what it once was but I'll do my best to break it down.

In the old days it was something like 12 forms of identification... six of which required a photo.

The other six could be from various sources.

Be they utility bills, property taxes, AARP cards, Mug Shots, Christmas Cards from family members, anything that would show a connection between you and your address.

They wanted confirmation that you were who you said you were, lived where you said you did, couldn't claim anyone else as a dependent, and so on.

They also highly suggested that you bring all of your receipts for all of your purchases.

For some, no big deal.

For others, this could've been a very big deal as we weren't originally instructed that we'd need anything of the sort.

After all, this would be a simple Cash Out (or in, I forget now which was which).

And that being the case, many folks never took the time to keep track of their receipts.

No big deal, it was only going to be a couple weeks before we'd be at the Banks transacting our transactions.

And it that amount of time we wouldn't have any trouble remembering where we purchased our IQD.

The other thing we'd need, which I'm sure goes without saying, would be our currency.

Which, for most of us, would simply be a small envelope.

Sure, we'd heard all the random rumors of the Whales who'd made mega purchases but for all we knew, that was just another part of the mystery.

The mystery that was and continues to be Dinarland.

The only other ingredient in our To Go bags was our outfits.

What we would wear on the big day.

It was suggested that we dress in a Business Casual manner, leaving the jeans, t-shirts and overalls at home.

Of course, that was pretty much left up to our own discretion.

Some folks wouldn't feel comfortable being over dressed, others wouldn't hear of not looking the part.

I myself knew exactly what I'd be wearing.

It was definitely a no-brainer.

I'd already had the situation all planned out in my mind, having perfected my elevator speech down to the last nonchalant yawn.

I practiced enough in front of my bathroom mirror, knowing full well I was beyond prepared for whatever they threw at me.

Was I concerned that my outfit might be construed as being a bit too fashion forward?

No, not in the least.

I wanted them to know that for me, it was all about my making the most of the situation.

Which meant getting the best rates, a boatload of perks, and swaggering my way outta there, held held high in conquest.

And nothing says Cash Out King more than a suit covered in cash.

Am I right?

They'll see me comin'... and they'll definitely remember me goin'.

That's a fact.

Sitting there at the kitchen table, rummaging through my To Go bag, it was painfully obvious that I was in dire need of not only updating my list of Exchange Essentials but my Cash Out suit was in need of some serious dry cleaning.

After lying dormant in that bag for all these years, my suit was anything but ready to go.

Then it dawned on me, while on one hand I was happy to have rediscovered my bag of tricks, with nearly every business currently being closed down, it would be difficult, if not impossible, to get my suit dry cleaned any time soon.

Jumping on the computer I began to search for ways to achieve Dry Cleaner results during a Stay-At-Home restriction.

So far, no luck, but the search continues.

I never give up.

Did I ever find my flip flops?

As of now, no I didn't.

However, at this time I'm on to more pressing things.

I want to be ready when we finally get the GO signal.

When will that be?

Who knows. Not me, that's for sure.

All I know is both me as well as my To Go bag will be ready, willing, and waiting by the front door, ready to take off at a moments notice.

Hang in there folks and do your best to get your To Go bags in order.

It's not a matter of "if" you're going to need it, it's simply a matter of "when".


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I a Seller of To Go bags. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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Humor, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Humor, Special Dinar Recaps 20

"I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday......." by Dr. Dinar

.Thank you Dr. Dinar

I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday by Dr. Dinar


And by finally, I mean... well, FINALLY!

Finally, after all these years, I've finally seen something with my own eyes that I consider to be a huge piece of the GCR puzzle actually become a part of the public awareness.

Something they can't simply make disappear as they do with everything else that doesn't serve their best interests.

I'm referring, of course, to last Monday's shocking collapse of the oil futures market.

That had to be a tough one for anybody to miss.

Thank you Dr. Dinar

I'll Gladly Pay You Tuesday….. by Dr. Dinar


And by finally, I mean... well, FINALLY!

Finally, after all these years, I've finally seen something with my own eyes that I consider to be a huge piece of the GCR puzzle actually become a part of the public awareness.

Something they can't simply make disappear as they do with everything else that doesn't serve their best interests.

I'm referring, of course, to last Monday's shocking collapse of the oil futures market.

That had to be a tough one for anybody to miss.

.april dr. dinar.jpg

As far as importance in the way it affects their everyday lives, that's pretty much anybody's guess.

Sure, for many people this more than likely just flew right over their heads, never even thinking twice about it.

Except for those few that equated it to lower prices at the pump.

Low and behold, in most states, that did seem to happen just a few short days later.

Yes, they can and do manipulate fuel pricing so I'm more of a believer in their making it appear as if it had an instant affect on fuel prices but to be honest, these were oil futures.

So this once in a lifetime drop in oil prices didn't actually have an immediate impact.

But at least it appeared that way.

And at this point, that's good enough for me.

And hopefully it did for anybody else looking forward to seeing the end of this whole RV/GCR soap opera.

I'm just so overwhelmingly excited to finally see something tangible.

Something we can sink our few remaining teeth into.

Something some of us have been waiting and hoping for over the past decade.

That being something that feels real.

At least as real as real can feel in this whole RV/GCR thing anyway.

Up to this point everything that's supposedly happening has always been according to secret sources behind the curtain and we're continually being tested on our ability to believe in the unbelievable.

And taken to task if we refuse to follow along with all those that believe in the unseen.

But this... this is different.

Not only is it happening in our local public's eye, it's affecting the global markets as well.

And that has to be a huge signal of some form of progress.

A sign that things are changing in our global economy and that just has to be working in our favor.

Like it or not, it's becoming increasingly clearer that they won't step in and fix this economic situation until the very last minute.

Until the last straw is truly at its breaking point.

Is that part of the plan? Who knows.

At this point I'm still unconvinced that they even have a plan.

Unless you consider expecting the unexpected, thereby making the unexpected the expected, as being their plan.

If so, then they very well could be sticking to their plan.

Otherwise, as far as any plan goes, I believe they're working more in a reactionary mode as opposed to an actionary mode.

Especially when you add in all of this other global chaos that we're being submersed in as of late.

Any way you choose to look at it, things are getting crazy (crazier?) and I truly believe things will eventually reach a point to where they can no longer simply print their way out of a corner and will have to make the switch.

And that will signal our time to shine.

Our time to execute our plans.

The plans we've been working on for far too long.

So please folks, hang in there.

Don't allow all the chaos we're currently surrounded by to in any way dissuade you from reaching the finish line.

We just have to be getting close.

Anyone can see that.

If you've made it this far, you'll make it to the end.

Then we can all celebrate in whatever way we deem fit.

Be it a Tuesday or any other day ending in "Y".


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, an owner of a currently empty oil taker nor am I a speculator in the oil futures market. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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Chats and Rumors, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Special Dinar Recaps 20

"The Gold Standard vs. Gold-Backed" by Ron Giles 4-14-2020

.Thank you Ron

"The Gold Standard vs. Gold-Backed" by Ron Giles - 4.14.20

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 6:57 PM EDT on April 14, 2020

It is rumored by well-meaning individuals that the USD is now on the Gold Standard. What does that mean? If the US does go on the Gold Standard does that give “value” to the US dollar? There are those who would say yes. I ask, how so?

The term “Gold Standard” does mean something but the definition of, Gold Standard is not readily available to help us understand what it means and how it adds value to the currency. I’d like to know HOW it does add value if indeed, it does add value to the currency.

My mistrust of the Gold Standard exists because I have found out that when we were on the Gold Standard, the gold in Ft. Knox was no longer there. Then we were taken off the gold standard and all of sudden, the supposed gold in Fort Knox is no longer needed to back our USD. Imagine that!

If that is so then can someone tell me how any newly recovered gold put into a secure vault somewhere can be used to say, we are now back on the Gold Standard?

Thank you Ron

"The Gold Standard vs. Gold-Backed" by Ron Giles - 4.14.20

Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 6:57 PM EDT on April 14, 2020

It is rumored by well-meaning individuals that the USD is now on the Gold Standard. What does that mean? If the US does go on the Gold Standard does that give “value” to the US dollar? There are those who would say yes. I ask, how so?

The term “Gold Standard” does mean something but the definition of, Gold Standard is not readily available to help us understand what it means and how it adds value to the currency. I’d like to know HOW it does add value if indeed, it does add value to the currency.

My mistrust of the Gold Standard exists because I have found out that when we were on the Gold Standard, the gold in Ft. Knox was no longer there. Then we were taken off the gold standard and all of sudden, the supposed gold in Fort Knox is no longer needed to back our USD. Imagine that!

 If that is so then can someone tell me how any newly recovered gold put into a secure vault somewhere can be used to say, we are now back on the Gold Standard?

.a bird.jpg

Does the USD, you know the Fiat currency, now have value because the corporate government said a pile of gold exits somewhere and is now backing our USD and that claim of gold somewhere has now put us back on the Gold Standard as if saying it, magically creates value for the USD.

Color me a little skeptical of this maneuver, because the gold at Fort Knox was sold off by the Federal Reserve while we used the middle east oil to give value to what is now the Petrodollar. The USD was taken off the Gold Standard and with the whisk of a pen and some underhanded tricks by certain individuals, the fiat USD became the reserve currency for the world.

All this because Nixon said the gold market was being manipulated by investors. (Guess who) So, we are led by Nixon to believe that gold could no longer be used to back currency because the price fluctuation made it unstable to use gold to back our currency. Is this accurate?

I also thought that the Gold Standard means the Fed cannot just simply print as much money as they wanted because there was only so much gold backing it. So much gold backing equals so much gold-backed money. But then so much gold going up in value as a result of inflation means we can print more money. Conversely, if the price of gold goes down, do we take money out of circulation? This is a dichotomy, a Central Bank dichotomy. We all know the answer.

Now then, if what took place back in 1971 when Nixon took us off the gold standard that made it so we did not need the gold to back our currency, what has changed today so that all of a sudden we will be getting a new USN (United States Note) and it is backed by the Gold Standard like before.

Meaning that there is a pile of gold somewhere that all of a sudden gives our currency value, just because somebody said it is now back on the Gold Standard? Could this be a Cabal Central Bank scam to mess with our currency again? So if the whole world of nations does the same thing, whose currency can be trusted? Really trusted? No wonder the world needed a reserve currency.

Is this just another round of the sleight-of-hand deception to trick us into believing that our new currency is backed by the Gold Standard that supposedly gives it value beyond the Fiat system? Why should we believe in such an un-verifiable claim as we move into a new financial system? Should we believe that each country in the world will claim the same thing? History is not on the credibility side of that potential scam, especially communist countries like China who lie, as a way of life.

Are we being set up again for the rug to be pulled out from under our financial system by some unscrupulous Rothschild plunderers from the past? Could this really be what the Alliance is putting our soldier’s lives at risk for so that we are set up to go through all this Cabal crap again? I don’t think so! We need to nail down a secure way for all the world currencies.

If a pile of gold over there gives our currency value then why can I not put a couple of gold coins in my pocket and claim what I have in my other pocket as Federal Reserve Notes, is now on the Gold Standard? So when we officially go on the Gold Standard, I can say that I am already on the Gold Standard with my Fiat dollars because I have gold in my pocket ... says one country to another.

If you call me absurd, I have no defense. It is absurd to claim that a pile of gold over there gives added value to a nation's currency when in fact, there is no physical tie from the pile of gold to the currency. So how does that pile of gold that can be sold away as a commodity, secure our currency? Is this important? Yes, it is important.

How can I make that pile of gold over there actually give value to the currency? There is a way.

The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) comes with a process that actually ties physical gold to currency by the use of Digital Gold Certificates. How so, you ask?

That pile of Gold over there happens to be located in an energetically secured vault that contains Kilo bricks of registered gold. Meaning that each Kilo has an identifiable serial number on it that identifies it from the others.

That pile of gold in that vault over there (wherever it is) was accumulated by the Chinese Elders over many hundreds of years. It was intended to be used in this time period when the new financial system was to be ushered in to replace the old Central Bank system set up by the Rothschilds.

That old debt system has built-in obsolescence where it will no longer work for society. That time period is now. It is failing and failing fast. The Federal Reserve has been merged with the US Treasury here in the United States to where the Treasury Department Secretary is now in charge of the issuing ofmoney for the Government. The Treasury comes under the Executive Branch and is controlled by President Trump. Trump is the new Fed.

So what is going to happen to the Gold Standard? Is it going to be the same as before? The answer is no. The concept of the Gold Standard to back a currency has no verifiable link to currency except in the new QFS. How so?

As stated above, each identified gold kilo brick has a serial number. The value of the gold brick goes up and down with the present market price as a commodity. Once the Global Currency Reset takes place, the value of each kilo brick is determined by the market value of gold at that snapshot in time. If you divide that value of the brick by the number of dollars it takes to buy it, you have established the value of the increments of the currency that each brick can sustain. That increment is given a digital gold certificate that identifies the increment of currency that links back to the kilo serial number that is used to “back” that increment of currency. Gold backing with this process creates security and thus, TRUST, in the new financial system.

The QFS keeps track of the gold certificates as a digital signature for the increment of currency and can then be transferred as a digital gold certificate from one account to another. Once the QFS is activated the price of gold in the secured vault is set in stone with the result that the value of all currencies will never change in relationship to each other's currency regardless of the fluctuation of the market price of gold.

To facilitate the gold-backed national currencies of the world in the QFS, each increment of currency will have to be on par value with increments of currency for each nation. The gold certificate will keep track of the increments and label them as dollars or pounds or yen, etc. But in reality, the par value of each increment, regardless of the national origin, will be the same. You can see that the QFS gold-backing has nothing to do with the gold reserves of any nation (the Gold Standard). This means that there is no need to verify the gold reserves in a nation because their gold is not used to create value for their currency.

In effect, the accounting system within the QFS will become a worldwide currency repository with the national names of the currency being the only difference between the gold certificates. Doing business internationally or private, is just transferring gold certificates from one QFS account to another QFS account. Is this the precursor to a worldwide currency? May be.

This process within the QFS was agreed upon by all countries of the world at the Paris Accord on Climate Change summit meeting as an adjunct to the meeting. With all nations being represented at the summit, this was the time to set the new financial system in order. It had nothing to do with the climate change agreement, it was separate.

The Alliance is in charge of the QFS process and the activation of the new financial system. My understanding is that the Activation took place a few weeks back and is presently in the transition phase of the implementation. We are the beneficiaries of the new system with its genius way of gold-backing of all the world currencies. It is a much better and more secure system than what we had with the Central Bank system, which should be obvious.

Blessings to all, and to all, be a blessing

Ron Giles


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Misc., Special DINARRECAPS8 Misc., Special DINARRECAPS8

25 Quotes That Are Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face ​

.25 Quotes That Are Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face ​

Country Living April 8, 2020, 6:39 PM EDT

Just keep smiling From Country Living

A smile with love behind it has so many positive effects on us: It stimulates the brain, makes you come across as friendly, and brings joy to the people around you.

Whether you say hello to a stranger you pass in the grocery store or wave to your neighbor while you’re on a run, adding a smile to these simple acts of kindness can make someone’s day go from drab to fab.

We’ve rounded up some cute, famous sayings to remind you that a smile goes a long way. Also, keep the good vibes going with these quotes about sunshine, best Disney quotes, and blessed quotes that will warm your heart!

Marilyn Monroe

“Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.”

Rashida Jones

“Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.”

25 Quotes That Are Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face ​

Country Living   April 8, 2020

Just keep smiling  From Country Living

A smile with love behind it has so many positive effects on us: It stimulates the brain, makes you come across as friendly, and brings joy to the people around you.

Whether you say hello to a stranger you pass in the grocery store or wave to your neighbor while you’re on a run, adding a smile to these simple acts of kindness can make someone’s day go from drab to fab.

We’ve rounded up some cute, famous sayings to remind you that a smile goes a long way. Also, keep the good vibes going with these quotes about sunshine, best Disney quotes, and blessed quotes that will warm your heart! 

Marilyn Monroe

 “Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there’s so much to smile about.”

Rashida Jones 

 “Smiling is definitely one of the best beauty remedies. If you have a good sense of humor and a good approach to life, that’s beautiful.”

Maya Angelou 

 “If you have only one smile in you, give it to the people you love.”


 “Smile while you still have teeth.”

Tom Wilson

 “A smile is a facelift that’s in everyone’s price range!”

Yoko Ono

 “Smile in the mirror. Do that every morning, and you’ll start to see a big difference in your life.”

"Smile," John Turner and Geoffrey Parsons

“When there are clouds in the sky, you’ll get by if you smile through your fear and sorrow.”

Evan Esar

  “You are not fully dressed until you wear a smile.”

Dalai Lama  

"A simple smile. That's the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others

William Shakespeare 

 "When I saw you I fell in love and you smiled because you knew."

Nelson Mandela 

 "Remember to smile."

George Eliot 

  "Wear a smile and have friends; wear a scowl and have wrinkles."

Anthony J. D'Angelo

  "Smile, it is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart."

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

See Ya Later Alligator

.Old Expressions

There are some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases included "Dont touch that dial," "Carbon copy," "You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie. Wed put on our best bib and tucker just to straighten up and fly right.

Hubba-hubba! Wed cut a rug in some juke joint and then go necking and petting and smooching and spooning and billing and cooing and pitching woo in hot rods and jalopies in some passion pit or lovers lane.

Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumpin Jehoshaphat! Holy moley! We were in like Flynn and living the life of Riley, and even a regular guy couldnt accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China !

Old Expressions

There are some old expressions that have become obsolete because of the inexorable march of technology. These phrases included "Dont touch that dial," "Carbon copy," "You sound like a broken record" and "Hung out to dry."

Back in the olden days we had a lot of moxie. Wed put on our best bib and tucker just to straighten up and fly right.

Hubba-hubba! Wed cut a rug in some juke joint and then go necking and petting and smooching and spooning and billing and cooing and pitching woo in hot rods and jalopies in some passion pit or lovers lane.

Heavens to Betsy! Gee whillikers! Jumpin Jehoshaphat! Holy moley! We were in like Flynn and living the life of Riley, and even a regular guy couldnt accuse us of being a knucklehead, a nincompoop or a pill. Not for all the tea in China !

Back in the olden days, life used to be swell, but whens the last time anything was swell?

Swell has gone the way of beehives, pageboys and the D.A.; of spats, knickers, fedoras, poodle skirts, saddle shoes and pedal pushers. Oh, my aching back. Kilroy was here, but he isnt anymore.

Like Washington Irvings Rip Van Winkle and Kurt Vonneguts Billy Pilgrim, we have become unstuck in time. We wake up from what surely has been just a short nap, and before we can say, Ill be a monkeys uncle! or This is a fine kettle of fish!

We discover that the words we grew up with, the words that seemed omnipresent as oxygen, have vanished with scarcely a notice from our tongues and our pens and our keyboards.

Poof, poof, poof go the words of our youth, the words weve left behind. We blink, and theyre gone, evanesced from the landscape and wordscape of our perception, like Mickey Mouse wristwatches, hula hoops, skate keys, candy cigarettes, little wax bottles of colored sugar water and an organ  grinders monkey.

Where have all those phrases gone? Long time passing. Pshaw.

The milkman did it. Think about all those starving kids in China. Bigger than a bread
box. Banned in Boston . The very idea! Its your nickel. Dont forget to pull the chain. Knee high to a grasshopper. Turn-of-the-century. Iron curtain. Domino theory. Fail safe. Civil defense. Fiddlesticks!

You look like the wreck of the Hesperus. Cooties. Going like sixty. Ill see you in
the funny papers. Dont take any wooden nickels. Heavens to Murgatroyd! And
awa-a-ay we go (not to mention humunah, humunah, humunah!)

Oh, my stars and garters! It turns out there are more of these lost words
and expressions than Carter had liver pills.  This can be disturbing stuff,

This winking out of the words of our youth, these words that lodge in our
hearts deep core. But just as one never steps into the same river twice,
one cannot step into the same language twice. Even as one enters, words are
swept downstream into the past, forever making a different river.

We, of a certain age, have been blessed to live in changeful times. For a
child, each new word is like a shiny toy, a toy that has no age.

We at the other end of the chronological arc have the advantage of remembering there
are words that once did not exist and there were words that once strutted
their hour upon the earthly stage and now are heard no more, except in our
collective memory.

Its one of the greatest advantages of aging. We can have our cake and eat it, too.

See ya later, alligator!   

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Special Dinar Recaps 20 Special Dinar Recaps 20

"When Dogs Can Fly" by Dr. Dinar 3-14-2020

.Thank you Dr. Dinar

When Dogs Can Fly by Dr. Dinar

Well, they did say it would get crazy at the end.

And if you don't think things are getting crazy, then you're living in an entirely different reality than I am.

Although I will admit it's been crazy for quite some time now.

Like about the last 10 years or so.

At least that's the way it seems anyway.

And we were always hoping it was the end but alas, it wasn't.

Thank you Dr. Dinar

When Dogs Can Fly by Dr. Dinar

Well, they did say it would get crazy at the end.

And if you don't think things are getting crazy, then you're living in an entirely different reality than I am.

Although I will admit it's been crazy for quite some time now.

Like about the last 10 years or so.

At least that's the way it seems anyway.

And we were always hoping it was the end but alas, it wasn't.

Nope, not even close to the end.

.a dr dinar dogs fly.jpg

For as long as I can recall we've been hearing some of the craziest stuff one can imagine.

But it's not like what we have going on right now.

Especially not on such an all-encompassing global scale.

It's as if the two "Stephens", both King and Spielberg, got together to collaborate on a mind blowing mashup in tribute to Gene Roddenberry.

We often hear the saying "You can't make this shtuff up."

Yet, it's more than obvious they can. And do.

Consistently, on a week to week, month by month, basis.

It seems as if they're never at a loss for crazy.

Back in the day it was all about Iraq and the seating of their government.

That game of musical chairs has gone on for years, one regurgitated article after another.

Occasionally they'd get so ahead of themselves that they'd forget to change the date and once their cover was blown, they'd be forced to create an even bigger lie to outdo their previous ridiculousness, hoping to conceal the unreal.

All the while banking on a serious lack of attention span on the part of your everyday currency holder.

Like a runaway freight train that's lost its Engineer, everyone asleep at the wheel.

They'd simply allow it to run its course until they could imagineer the next latest, greatest delay.

Yet another hitch in a long list of glitches that would once again prevent Iraq from ever reaching a point of posting anything in the Gazette.

Even crazier yet, they've pretty much come full circle with their current cast of characters.

Almost all of these folks currently in the articles are all the same names from the past.

Talk about an unforgettable flashback.

Although back then Sadr was the ultimate bad guy, always threatening to have all of "his" people riot if they didn't get things done ASAP.

By "things" I'm referring to laws passed, Budget revealed, HCL implemented, Article 140, Erbil, Arbil, Gerbil whatevered.

The list goes on, add infinitum.

Then post it in the Gazette, announce it in the Mosques and RV the IQD.

The only thing I see as currently missing is the announcement that Talibani, Barzani, Maliki and Shabibi have been spotted at Baghdad Country Club sneaking out for a quick 18 holes before they release the Budget.

That will be the confirmation, for me at least, that they too have reached an entirely new level of crazium.

So here we are, some 10 years later, not knowing for certain if any of that is, has, or ever will be accomplished.

Likely we never will.

But one thing we do know is none of that matters.

Nope, not a factor in any of this RV/GCR process.

They can and will continue to do whatever they do as they twitter... oops, I mean twittle their thumbs, waiting for the official "GO" signal.

Just like the rest of us, waiting impatiently in the queue.

Matter of fact, I'll bet they're all equally as amazed at just how everything is playing out on a global scale and have plenty of popcorn on hand.

I mean, who could've even begun to imagine all that's currently going on.

We've successfully navigated through a myriad of misconceptions throughout the years but nothing even comes close to what we're dealing with right now.

For those that have only been around for the past 5 or so years, although you might have missed out on most of the Iraq outrageousness that used to serve as our daily dose of crazium, you've managed to get up close and personal with plenty of lunacy.

They've done their very best to not only match but to surpass the previous level of impossibilities.

From Clones wearing gold ties and ankle boots on their feet to security Drones to Aliens conducting NDA... oops, I mean DNA probes while they laser-off our fingerprints.

It's been crazy, personified.

And yet, here we sit, not really remembering any of that.

Things seem to have taken on a surreal feeling.

It's almost like an out of body kinda thing.

It's as if we're watching this whole thing play out but not actually experiencing it for real.

Could that be because I've become so jaded after all these years of nothing coming true.

Or could it be the exact opposite.

Because I'm beginning to see so many of the rumors of our past actually playing out right before my very eyes.

So many things that I just about threw my neck out shaking my head from side to side in sheer disbelief when I first heard them, now coming forth as reality.

I have no problem admitting when I'm wrong.

And lemme tell ya', I've been wrong on more than a few occasions during this seemingly never ending journey.

I've been forced to open my mind to the possibility of their implementing an entirely new banking system.

Which I've always felt was needed but wasn't entirely convinced was possible.

And yet, welcome to the QFS.

Consider me convinced.

Same with the whole "rates" thing as well.

No, I'm not a believer in these so called "Contract" rates being anything us regular folks will ever be near or dear to.

While they might be a reality for the higher-up's, I seriously doubt they will be a factor at our level.

But neither am I a believer in the $0.10 rate that had everyone so excited a mere decade ago.

I guess I'm more middle-of-the-road, believing we'll do very well.

Whatever that means.

Speaking of opening my mind, if you've been around for half a decade or so then you'll surely remember Zap and his Flying Purple Pig "Snuffles".

Part of his weekly updates.

And by "updates", I mean rebuttals as he continually received plenty of flak for his predictions that never materialized.

Welcome Zap, join the crowd.

Up to this point, everybody's been wrong.

It goes without saying Zap's a lively character and I believe he's still out there somewhere.

Through no fault of his own he truly thought he had a handle on how things were going and where we stood in the world's slowest rollout.

Unfortunately he wasn't any closer than anyone else on the GCR Guesstimation Gauge.

Had he been, we'd already be oot 'n aboot, enjoying the "Pay It Forward" lifestyle that we're all looking oh so forward to.

Who knows, with all the other outrageous stuff that's come true after all these years I won't be the least bit surprised to get word of a Flying Purple Pig sighting in the near future.

Even better yet, I'd love to see a Flying Dog or two land on my window sill.

I'll bet they could slide in under the recently imposed travel restrictions.

That could very well be the missing sign we're all so anxiously awaiting.

The tipping point.

The signal telling us we've finally reached the necessary level of crazy.

Crazy enough for them to finally release the RV/GCR.

Buckle up folks because things could get a bit bumpy.

While I don't believe we've actually reached maximum crazium level just yet, one can't help but be extra encouraged by the level of crazy we're now experiencing.

We've got to be getting close.

Please don't bail out now.

You've made it this far, you can make it to the finish line.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I in any way connected to Wall St., the NASDAQ, the Stock Market, day trading, nor am I the owner of a Flying Dog-Bird. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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