"Send in the Replacements!" by Dr. Dinar 11-1-2020
.Thank you Dr. Dinar!
Send In The Replacements! by Dr. Dinar
Let's face it... we've all done it.
At least to some extent.
By "it" I'm referring to fudging just the slightest bit on a job application.
Or four.
Adding just a lil' "extra" somewhere on our resumés.
Whether it be delivering pizza's or piloting the Space Shuttle, it never hurts to be the best you can be.
Or even better than that, if possible.
Even if it's only on paper.
Thank you Dr. Dinar!
Send In The Replacements! by Dr. Dinar
Let's face it... we've all done it.
At least to some extent.
By "it" I'm referring to fudging just the slightest bit on a job application.
Or four.
Adding just a lil' "extra" somewhere on our resumés.
Whether it be delivering pizza's or piloting the Space Shuttle, it never hurts to be the best you can be.
Or even better than that, if possible.
Even if it's only on paper.
If not, our work history would be exceedingly boring.
Which is almost always the case, even with the occasional "embellishment" added on.
Even if it's only eliminating a job here or there along the way, simply to portray a bit more stability in your career choices.
Nobody wants any "gaps" in their work history.
There's nothing wrong with climbing the ladder.
Matter of fact, last I checked that type of improvement is encouraged.
It's the falling off of the ladder, followed immediately by the tumbling all the way back down to the ground that isn't always the best to put a spotlight on.
What's the harm in a little polishing here 'n there.
I mean, I highly doubt anyone out there is completely innocent.
Regardless of where you sit on the pay scale, top to bottom, nobody's immune to wanting to make a great first impression.
And after all, you only get one chance to make a great first impression.
So it's always best to make it a great one.
Unfortunately the whole over promise and under deliver thing can come back to haunt you, despite your best intentions.
Or in the case of us Dinarians, perhaps it's the actions (or rather, the inactions) of some overpromising under-deliverers behind the curtains that are causing us all the harm.
The folks that obviously lied on their job applications and yet, be it through attrition, good fortune, family ties or whatever, were somehow able to secure their jobs anyway.
Yes, I'm referring to all the fine folks supposedly working feverishly behind the scenes to get this whole GCR thing wrapped up.
Signed, sealed, and delivered.
Let's face it, we all see it.
At this point it's extremely obvious they aren't in any way qualified to do the job.
At least not the job as it was assigned to them.
If that weren't the case, it only stands to reason the job would have been completed quite some time ago.
Not that they were or weren't qualified some 35 years ago when the process first began but it pretty much goes without saying that they're extremely underqualified for the current task at hand.
In all fairness, perhaps they weren't given the option to opt-out along the way.
Maybe their contribution to the GCR was simply assigned to them as another part of their daily duties.
Type this, file that, and oh yeah, completely recreate as well as restructure the entire global banking system before you head home today.
Who knows.
Chances are, after all this time they probably can't remember either.
Have they intentionally been endlessly dragging their feet, all in an effort to create job security?
Or simply perfecting their wrench throwing abilities, all in hopes of keeping their Cornhole skills on point.
Whatever the case may be, they've certainly had more than plenty of time to get this thing done.
And to date, all efforts resulting in a big nothing.
Even with the earlier eight year pause-in-processing-progress, they've still had the past four years to more than make up for lost time.
To at least show some sign of progress in processing of the process.
Yet, here we sit, once again presumably progressless.
Basically broke & beyond befuddled.
Sound familiar?
Well, it should.
After all, it's the same feeling we've had each and every November 1st for the past fifteen November 1st's.
How could we have been so delusional as to fall for it yet again.
To fall for the endless "It's happening tomorrow's".
For the "they want us out there shopping up a storm before the Holidays" rumor redundancy.
The one thing in all of this constant confusium that brings me just the slightest peace of mind is the knowing that I'm not alone.
That we're not alone.
Alone in our feeling of having been decidedly duped.
And if we feel taken, can you imagine how the HR peeps that hired these incompetent folks must feel.
I'll bet they aren't all that happy either.
How could they be.
They were hired to do a job.
They've had more than enough time to get it accomplished, and they've failed.
And might I add, miserably at that.
If any of us had been as inept in our daily duties we'd have been terminated many years ago.
And I'm sure you'll agree, rightfully so.
Which begs the question, how did these people get hired in the first place.
Was there an RV/GCR Job Fair?
If so, I didn't get the memo.
Keep in mind when all these supposedly outstanding individuals were brought on board to complete their assigned duties, online job search giants such as Indoubt, Monstrosity, and Linked Out were nowhere to be found.
Nope, they, along with the world wide interwebs, had yet to be created.
In those days the hiring process likely involved numerous hand-written applications, hand-typed resumés, copious amounts of Cover Sheets, culminating in numerous nerve wracking face to face interviews.
And for the fortunate few that made it through, surviving the interview process, resulting in a win, combined with a "Please report to Karen McFiddlebuster in HR at 9am Monday morning" goodbye, followed by a quick handshake, and they were off.
Excitedly on their way home to iron their upcoming week's workwear and prepare for their magical future in the IT world to unfold.
As time passed, somehow these people managed to rise up through the ranks of the officially employed employees.
Not too sure exactly where they were first employed, but logic says it had to be somewhere semi important.
Which leads me to wonder how, if they did indeed fudge a bit on their resumés, how then were they able to reach the heights needed to be considered for such hugely important tasks as completing the GCR global redo.
That had to take some doing.
Or quite a bit of the ol' "it's not what you know as much as it is who you know" going on.
That's not to say there wasn't also a bit of luck involved along the way.
People quitting, leaving with little warning, creating openings that needed to be filled last minute with very little notice.
Along with a bit of planned obsolescence, combined with the usual turnover associated with any business and you can begin to see how a few folks might be able to squeeze through the cracks while remaining under the radar and slide up the employment ladder without much notice.
But an entire group of people, all of whom are basically assigned to complete one main task, all seriously inept and void of competency?
That's still a tough pill to swallow.
And yet, here we are.
And there they are, for all we know fully preparing to go on yet another year-ending Holiday vacation.
All while the rest of the world continues to dangle ever so dangerously on the edge of a colossal cliff.
An absurdly high, rock filled, moss covered, straight up slope of scary proportions.
Teetering on the edge of a cliff the likes of which the world has never seen.
And there they are, acting all like whatever, no biggie.
C'est la vie, it is what it is.
Let the world crash, we'll still have our jobs in one form or another.
Different cubicle but nevertheless still employed.
At least it seems that way anyway.
Sure, we continue to hear lots of rumors of them supposedly being in a hurry, working feverishly to bring this thing to closure prior to a global crash, but to be honest, I'm not seeing a whole lot of evidence to back it up.
Yes, there have been a few banking infrastructure changes over the past couple years.
I'll give 'em that.
A few altercations... oops, I mean alterations in trade agreements with other countries.
But nothing concrete.
Nothing that says beyond a doubt this "change" or that "action" is directly connected to the completion of the GCR process, leading to what we all want, the actual release of the asset-backed USN.
And honestly, at this point, that's pretty much all I'm looking for.
That's where my focus is these days.
On the release.
The "GO" signal.
Something that tells (as well as shows) me that once and for all we've finally gone asset-backed and we've made the change.
That's when I'll begin to get excited.
When I know my appointment at the Exchange Center is only a few short days away.
Until that day comes, I'm going to continue to hope they send out more than a few pink slips.
A bunch of "Enjoy your weekend... don't bother coming back on Monday!" emails being sent out.
Followed by a flood of job opening listings flooding all the internet sites leading to a long line of possible replacement recruits.
It's time to face facts.
The folks responsible for getting this GCR done ain't gettin' it done.
Because despite all the rumors of it being done, it ain't done.
Otherwise we'd be done reading the rumors and instead we'd be off making the world a better place for all involved.
So let's continue to hang in there folks.
You never know, perhaps this message will help light a fire under whomever's butt needs a nudge.
Even better, maybe it will send a message to the Head of Butt Nudging and he or she will send a mass email to all concerned.
Either way, I feel better knowing I did my fair share to shed a bit of light on a glaringly obvious problem.
And while I'm at it, I'd be remiss if I didn't send a quick shout out to my Brother in Law for making the most of his quarantine lockdown time by graduating in the top 99.8% of his class and receiving his (printable) online IT degree from ITT University.
It's amazing what can be achieved over a years time, putting in 4 short hours per week combined with 12 easy payments of $49.99 per month.
Hmmm... come to think of it, let's hope that if by some strange set of circumstances an opportunity does open up in the GCR release crew, that they keep my Brother in Law in mind.
Despite his more than likely being extremely overqualified for the position, I'm fairly certain he would entertain the offer and indeed consider it an honor to even be considered for such an important mission.
Anyway, please continue to hang in there folks.
This ride's about to get a little crazy and we don't wanna be blindsided by the insanity.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I an ITT University recruiter. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
"Enough Talk...Let's See Some Action!" by Dr. Dinar
.Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!
Enough Talk... Let's See Some Action! by Dr. Dinar
I don't know about you but I'm pretty much done.
To the point where I'm done hearing it's done.
As in everything's done.
Done... duh duh duh DONE!
Like, really done.
Done to the point where there's nothing left to do.
Nothing left to do because it truly is done.
Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!
Enough Talk... Let's See Some Action! by Dr. Dinar
I don't know about you but I'm pretty much done.
To the point where I'm done hearing it's done.
As in everything's done.
Done... duh duh duh DONE!
Like, really done.
Done to the point where there's nothing left to do.
Nothing left to do because it truly is done.
That's definitely closer to my definition of the word done.
Admittedly, I like everything I eat to be well done.
Even to the point of refusing to eat Sushi unless it's well done.
So, perhaps I'm a bit more demanding when it comes to the true definition of the word done.
Nevertheless, it shouldn't be all that difficult to determine the difference between done and close to done but not actually done, therefore it's not done.
First place to start might be with the persistent rumors continually permeating all throughout Dinarland.
Rumors of everything being done.
How long have we been hearing that.
Seems to me, according to my Dinarland calendar, it's been done for at least the last two years.
And yet, here we are.
Not done.
Would we be hearing all these rumors if indeed everything truly were done?
Not likely.
On second thought, we might still be drowning in rumors but chances are they'd have a more post-process, after the GCR kind of feel to them as opposed to the same ol' this is our week or it's gonna pop this Saturday night or we're only expecting to do one more call, our Celebration call kinda rumors.
So please, don't get me wrong.
I'm not expecting Dinarland to go completely rumorless overnight.
i mean, let's not get crazy here.
But wouldn't it be nice to hear a different batch of rumors for a change.
An extremely welcome change to say the least.
Well, I for one would certainly love it anyway.
Even better yet, I'd enjoy seeing that it's done based solely on the number of zero's in my bank account.
That's the kind of proof I'd enjoy seeing.
As it is now I'm still unable to make a trip through the In-N-Out drive thru and order a Double Double with grilled onions, well done, and have any means of paying for it when it's done cookin', all wrapped up and ready for release.
Until that day comes, it's still not done.
And while I'm on the subject of phrases I can hardly wait to never hear again, let's start with it CAN happen today.
Sheesh, give it a rest.
As far as I'm concerned it could've happened any day over the past one thousand days.
Yes, I'm more than aware that they needed to reinvent the current banking system to accept the GCR formula as well as numerous other changes required to release the GCR.
But you get my drift.
Enough with the talk.
I'm ready for some action.
I want to know it WILL happen!
As in today.
Or any other day ending in "y".
Even better yet, I'd love to hear that IT HAS HAPPENED!
As in past tense, check your emails, make your appointment, grab your "To Go" bag and get to the Exchange Center ASAP!
Is that too much to ask.
Just a factual confirmation of completion, in whatever form it comes.
Be it an email, a barrage of posts all throughout Dinarland or a Piper Cub draggin' a giant banner across the sky with a 1-800-CALLNOW number plastered on it.
At this point, I'm not about to be picky.
I'm open to most any form of communication.
Make it a fortune cookie.
Why not a clever saying on a Starbucks cup.
Heck, at this point I'll settle for a homing pigeon with a Post-it note taped to its leg.
What I'm trying to say is I'm flexible.
Whatever it takes, just send me a for real signal of this thing having reached the end of the line.
Of actually reaching a conclusion.
Actually being concluded.
As in DONE.
Talk is cheap.
No more rumors.
We don't need any more stinkin' rumors, regardless of whose super secret source supplies 'em.
We need action.
Action, leading to results.
Results resulting in our receiving our exchange instructions.
I've pretty much had enough of the boy crying wolf.
To the point where I'm ready to sic the wolf on him and let him eat, just to get the kid to shut up.
As I mentioned earlier, enough already.
We've lived through the rumor stage of this adventure for far too long.
It's time to begin the action phase.
As we've always been told, actions speak louder than rumors.
And after all, isn't that exactly what a rumor is.
A bunch of words lined up in the form of a sentence, completely void of all action.
In other words, just words.
And words don't pay the bills.
So to whomever it may be that's supposedly working feverishly on completing the GCR, forever claiming we're close, please feel free to call it "close enough" and dispatch the "GO" email ASAP!
And to those out there rumored to still be throwin' wrenches, please feel free to close the lid on your toolboxes and call it a day.
You have to know when enough is enough.
And let's face it, enough is enough.
We all know this GCR thing is going to happen eventually, the rest of the world has committed to it.
Why not do the right thing by all involved and go ahead and release it.
Then we can all move on to something much more interesting.
Like life beyond Dinarland.
Hang in there folks.
According to the latest rumors, we're right on top of this thing and it has to happen soon.
If not, the entire global economy will crash.
And supposedly they don't want that to happen.
Or do they.
Who knows what they want.
Who even knows who "they" are.
Chances are they don't even know who they are, nor what they want.
Maybe that's why they can't seem to get anything accomplished.
They have no idea what it is they're supposed to be doing.
This thing is so compartmentalized that they forgot to create the "GO Signal" Department.
At this point, anything's possible.
Anyway, don't let the rumors get you down.
Just do your best to hang in there, no matter what it takes.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, a Federale of the Spanish Mounted Police, nor am I in search of the treasure of the Sierra Madre. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
News, Rumors and Humor Sunday Afternoon 10-25-2020
CarolBeth: Yada, What's your thoughts on this week ?
Yada: Considering we've heard in the past of a Sunday release because the markets start back up and also Monday we've been told is the reconciliation day for the weekend transactions,, Monday into to Tuesday works. Now through Tuesday is consistent. We know all the international deals Kazimi has been securing in the region,,,
SouhernGuy: Frank26 said last week Monday will be a celebration
CaptWillie: Any updates on rioting in Iraq? Are we still expecting something today? It’s nighttime in Iraq and I haven’t been able to get any intel..
Briona: As of now, it is a peaceful protest….. There has been a lot accomplished in Iraq, and I am sure, even though everything is not done, the people are not going to mess with the progress by rioting. I believe they will continue to protest, until they are satisfied.
CarolBeth: Yada, What's your thoughts on this week ?
Yada: Considering we've heard in the past of a Sunday release because the markets start back up and also Monday we've been told is the reconciliation day for the weekend transactions,, Monday into to Tuesday works. Now through Tuesday is consistent. We know all the international deals Kazimi has been securing in the region,,,
SouhernGuy: Frank26 said last week Monday will be a celebration
CaptWillie: Any updates on rioting in Iraq? Are we still expecting something today? It’s nighttime in Iraq and I haven’t been able to get any intel..
Briona: As of now, it is a peaceful protest….. There has been a lot accomplished in Iraq, and I am sure, even though everything is not done, the people are not going to mess with the progress by rioting. I believe they will continue to protest, until they are satisfied.
Roman4Freedom: https://www.thetelegraph.com/news/article/Thousands-rally-in-Iraq-to-mark-one-year-of-15673403.php
RVA;ready: At this point, I’d like to hear Mnuchin on Monday’s conference call, to explain the lack of an RV today…..If today was not reason to have an RV, I cannot imagine anything else. Is there another window, and what is the reason for it. Not that I expected to go to the bank today, but I did expect 800 numbers…..I do know people who said this would not happen until after the election. But their reasoning seemed no good to me. If we are waiting for another event, it is certainly later than any plan I have ever heard about.
Tishwash: A source reveals the death toll from today's clashes in Baghdad
A source reveals the death toll from today's clashes in Baghdad
So it seems no deaths yet and just a few injuries
On Sunday, a security source revealed the death toll from today's clashes between security forces and demonstrators in Baghdad.
The source said in an interview with Alsumaria News, "The total number of injuries between the security forces and demonstrators since the start of the demonstrations this morning until the moment has reached more than 15 injuries from the demonstrators and security forces."
He added, "Among the injuries of the security forces are officers with the ranks of colonel, lieutenant colonel and captain." link
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Frank26 CBI Video "A video of the Central Bank of counting and sorting the Iraqi currency and destroying it." You know why they're destroying it? ...because they're about to introduce the new small category notes...
Footforward [ I know you don't care about the protest...but I woke up this morning and...the whole country is protesting... The people of Iraq gave the Gov until the 25 to start the reforms... but what a surprise Iraq couldn't follow through on another date...] ...the Iraqi people...have been asked to do something and they aren't doing their part. The issue is not the Iraqi PM. ...this Iraqi PM has done alot actually...The issue is not the Iraqi PM. At all. ...I don't care about protests going on...I absolutely believe this is going to happen. And nothing shakes me. At all. I don't change my mind because of the protests...
Kadhimi Will Hold Special Meetings To Assess Reforms
Currency365: 2 hours ago
Iraq Gets International Approval For Reforms (First Time)
Currency365: 2 hours ago
Humor While We Wait:
Sabickford: I know what you’re thinking, and you should be ashamed of yourself.
I know milk does a body good, but DAMN, how much have you been drinking?
I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
I souport publik edekasion
I used to be indecisive; now I'm not sure.
I was worried that my mechanic would rip me off, so I was relieved when all I needed was blinker fluid.
I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you
I’m out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message
If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?
If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is it considered a hostage situation?
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked?
If at First you Don't Succeed, Skydiving Isn't For You!
If It Wasn't For The Running Joke, We Wouldn't Get Any Exercise
If you swim in a creek and a eel bites your cheek, that's a moray.
If you are sending someone Styrofoam, what do you pack it in?
If you can remain calm, you just don't have all the facts.
If you get to thinking' you're a person of some influence, try ordering' somebody else's dog around.
I'm not what I ought to be, wish to be, hope to be; But thank God I'm not what I was
"Dinarland- The Land of Confuse-Zim" by Dr. Dinar
.Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!
Dinarland - The Land Of Confuse-Zim By Dr. Dinar
Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!
Here we are, on the verge of yet another Holiday shopping season and we're still sitting here, broker than broke.
Without an RV.
Without a completed GCR.
Still unsure the GCR process has actually started processing.
Sure, we've hear a thousand times the process has started.
But, as with everything else in Dinarland, as it stands, that's just another unprovable rumor.
How can that be.
Thank you Dr. Dinar!!!
Dinarland - The Land Of Confuse-Zim By Dr. Dinar
Well, surprise, surprise, surprise!
Here we are, on the verge of yet another Holiday shopping season and we're still sitting here, broker than broke.
Without an RV.
Without a completed GCR.
Still unsure the GCR process has actually started processing.
Sure, we've hear a thousand times the process has started.
But, as with everything else in Dinarland, as it stands, that's just another unprovable rumor.
How can that be.
Who in their right mind ever imagined we'd still be here.
Three quarters of the way through yet another year.
And might I add, the weirdest year on record.
A year that, like so many others that came before, began with such promise, only to be left with that same ol' Dinarja Vu feeling we've been dealing with for the past decade plus.
Yep, back at the end of 2010, throughout Dinarland all we heard was we'd never get to 2011 without "cashin' out our dee-nars".
Oh how wrong they were.
And how wrong we were for not knowing how wrong they were.
And to make matters worse, back then all we had to concern ourselves with was the simple RV of the IQD.
That's it.
Nothin' crazy about that.
How much easier could it be.
Wham, Bam, Thank You #43!
Even if they didn't originally intend for the RV to include you and me, which shouldn't come as any big surprise to any of us playing along, by that point they begrudgingly rewrote the rule book, thereby allowing us to play along.
Say hello to the new, renewed & reimproved #13303.
And Thank You too, Dr. Shabinabibi.
Most of us are well aware of your boasting of Iraq's ability to support a $15 to $17 fantasy rate and all the reasons behind your making such an insanely unrealistic statement.
And how your statement has been taken completely out of context for far too many years.
Having said that, those of us living in the real world will gladly take our $3.41 and bow out gracefully.
Off to the various Auto Dealerships and Zillow we will go.
On our way to making our dreams come true.
But hang on there fellow Dinarians, not so fast.
Turns out there was something else in the works.
Much more "stuff" lurking behind the curtain than we were aware of.
At least not at that time anyway.
It was around that time we began to hear the rumors of the "Rise of the Dong".
Say what!?!
Now we have Vietnam involved in all this?
Whose crazy idea was that anyway!
Talk about a surprise.
They quickly explained it away, saying China was going to move all of their manufacturing to nearby Vietnam, thereby creating more "living space" for their ever expanding population.
Who could argue with that kind of logic.
Not to mention all of the newly discovered precious metals lying dormant under all the Vietnamese rice fields.
Talk about Fields of Dreams.
That stuff couldn't fit any better into this storyline if they tried.
Almost as if they made it up.
But they wouldn't make this stuff up, would they?
Nah. Not even if they could.
Do I even need to mention all of the as yet unfracked oil sitting just offshore, awaiting future fracking.
Who knew.
Believe it or not, it all made total sense.
Which, when you think about it, is more than confusing.
At that point, as it is now, making sense was anything but the "norm" in Dinarland.
So that alone was plenty crazy.
Which fits right in with the rest of this scheme.
But that was pretty much the last of the craziness we heard about the VND.
Well, besides the rates of course.
Don't even get me going on the insanity of all the rate rumors.
You'll think I'm crazy.
Street rates.
Market rates.
Sovereign rates.
Contract rates.
And don't even get me going on the whole Demand-Your-Own-Rates thing.
Since then, the VND has calmed down quite a bit, yet remains a "regular" in the first basket.
No questions asked, just another crazily concocted piece of the GCR puzzle.
Sure, they said it would get crazy at the end and it was definitely getting awfully crazy at that time, what with numerous people saying this would be our last broke weekend, week, after week, after crazy-filled week.
Therefore, it must finally be the end.
After all, it couldn't get much crazier than it already was, could it?
Well, not so quick there, Currencyhopper.
It was about to get a whole lot crazier.
Enter the Zim.
Aka; Level 3 Crazy.
That crazy, kooky, silkscreened on 20# standard office copy paper, festooned with "I Promise To Pay Whomever Is Crazy Enough To Believe In This Lotsofzero's Stuff..." in the upper left hand corner, Triple Rock covered, multi-purpose Monopo-money.
And heeeeerrre we go again!
Cue the crazy rumor factory, workin' overtime on the late shift.
Highest numerical value in the history of currency. Check!
Demonitized back in 2009, currently sold as a "collectible", recently "reimagined" as a Bond. Check!
A James Bond.
Shaken, as well as stirred.
Zero's on, zero's off, a multiplyerin' we will go. Check-mate!
You name it, rumor upon rumor, the Zim is awash in it.
The only thing we haven't seen (yet) is an actual photo showing an Alien Clone wearing a gold tie having recently arrived "on planet" from his home on Mars, with his "to go" bag securely by his side, full of Zim notes and receipts, heading off in an electric-powered Uber, on his way to an Exchange Center somewhere in Area 51.
And believe me, I won't be the least bit shocked when we do see it.
Or at least hear about it anyway.
After all, we've pretty much seen and heard everything else.
The one semi-consistent rumor in all this, having been shouted from the rooftops for the past decade plus, is that this RV/GCR thing really is real.
And that it will happen.
And that, when it happens, it will happen "suddenly".
As in one second it won't be there, and without any prior warning whatsoever, poof, there it will be.
That kind of suddenly.
Any day.
Any time.
Almost as if they have it all planned out.
Which, to be honest, I highly doubt they do.
I think they'd like to think they have it all planned out and that everything is working out according to their plan.
But honestly, at this point I think they're pretty much just wingin' it.
Attacking each day's obstacles as they come.
And right along with that statement is that this so called "suddenly" will happen when we least expect it.
Least expect it?
How is that even possible.
At this point I think all of Dinarland is fully expecting it.
Each and every second of every minute of every day.
And night.
We're even expecting the unexpected, just in case they try to slide one by us on the down low.
Like, totally unexpected or something.
Yep, basically we've got all the bases covered.
So that when it finally does happen, and I firmly believe it will, it will happen on somebody's watch.
Perhaps they should change "when we least expect it" to "when we least believe it".
By that I mean it could very well happen tomorrow, but we've heard that so many times that 99% of us no longer believe tomorrow even exists.
Let alone that this RV/GCR thing will happen tomorrow.
Yeah, if there is a tomorrow, the sun will more than likely come out somewhere but the RV/GCR, that's still up in the air.
Aloft among the great unknowns
And believe me, it will take quite a bit of convincing to get us to believe otherwise.
Hopefully, after having given it some time, allowing it to sink in, we'll all get the surprise of our lives, shouting "GAAA-LEE... SHA-ZIM!" as we exit one of over 6,500 Exchange Centers, none of which are located any further than an hour's drive away from our drone-surveillanced homes.
In spite of all that, I still believe it's not a matter of "if" but of "when".
So above all else, be sure to enjoy the ride.
No matter how crazy it gets from here on out.
And remember, the dronified "eye in the sky" will be watching you all the way from your home to the Exchange Center.
So be sure to leave extra early for your scheduled appointment and be certain to obey all traffic laws.
Last thing we need are any last minute surprises.
Other than those unexpected ones we're totally expecting.
Hang in there folks, this ride's about to get a little bumpy and we don't wanna be caught by surprise.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, a U.S.M.C. recruiter nor am I the Mayor of Mayberry. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
"A Source is a Source" by Dr. Dinar 10-14-2020
.Thank you Dr. Dinar
A Source Is A Source By Dr. Dinar
We've all heard the song "Whatever Gets You Thru The Night" by the amazing John Lennon.
Combined with the talent of Elton John on backup vocals and piano, that song had all the ingredients.
A recipe for a "win" if ever there was one.
After nearly a decade on this journey to the RV/GCR, it's pretty much come down to just that.
Whatever it takes to help get you through the night and on to the next day.
The next week... the next month.
To simply hang in there, especially during the toughest of times.
Thank you Dr. Dinar
A Source Is A Source By Dr. Dinar
We've all heard the song "Whatever Gets You Thru The Night" by the amazing John Lennon.
Combined with the talent of Elton John on backup vocals and piano, that song had all the ingredients.
A recipe for a "win" if ever there was one.
After nearly a decade on this journey to the RV/GCR, it's pretty much come down to just that.
Whatever it takes to help get you through the night and on to the next day.
The next week... the next month.
To simply hang in there, especially during the toughest of times.
When hanging in there feels like the last thing you have the strength to do.
Yet somehow we all have to muster the strength to hang in there and cross that finish line, shoe box full of funny money held high overhead.
Having received yet another email "update" pertaining to the latest going's on in Dinarland, I commented to a friend.
A friend who has been involved in this thing even longer than I have, on how this or that Guru had lost not only their luster, but their believability as well.
For me, anyway.
After years of hearing the exact same intel, post after post after post, there comes a point where the definition of insanity begins to weigh heavy on your mind.
And you begin to question your own sanity most of all.
Through the process of attrition, over time you begin to whittle away at your list of "sources" that you allow into your sphere of influence.
And those that have earned a "No Access" pass.
I know my List has dwindled to the point of not even needing a list.
It's highly likely we all have trust issues revolving around this endeavor.
After all, it's been 8 or 9 years since we first heard the UST was in lockdown.
Cell phones taken away, eating delivered pizzas and sleeping on cots.
No one allowed to leave until it's signed, sealed and printed in the Gazette.
And try as we might to believe it, here we still sit, poor and pizzaless.
Is this RV/GCR thing for real or is it just like your brother in law's second cousin's Barber told him it was from the very start.
A scam, simply too good to be true.
Even though, deep down we all know in our hearts this RV/GCR thing is indeed real, I have a feeling that at one point or another we've all questioned our own sanity, wondering if "they" were right after all.
Her response to me concerning who to pay attention to and whose info to let go of wasn't a shock to me by any means.
I've known all along that we tend to disagree on whose source is right and whose is wrong.
Which Guru is to be believed and which isn't.
After all, they've all made predictions at one time or another and most are sitting with a strong 99.9% average.
Unfortunately, that's in the "strongly wrong" column.
That's not to say that some of their "stuff" isn't true and correct.
Chances are they all bring a nugget or two of truth in what they post.
But I wish you the best of luck in deciphering which is which and what is where and who is when.
Especially at this point of the game, where nearly everybody is in "Zip Your Lips" NDA mode.
Mostly because nearly everything that either has or hasn't happened isn't able to be verified, yay or nay.
Mostly because the Lamestream Media isn't a trust based point of reference, overflowin' with integrity.
Between you and me, if I saw (or read) in the regular news that the sky was blue, I'd immediately make an appointment with an optician, in hopes of determining if I was indeed color blind or not because honestly, the sky looks blue to me as well.
And that would scare me.
Like they say, trust but verify.
And knowing we can't trust the "normal" news, the next logical choice would be the "not so run of the mill behind the scenes" news sources.
Which, to be honest, when someone labels them as Conspiracy Theorists, I tend to view them with even more credibility than their Nightly News counterparts.
That's not to say the Intel gatherer's, the so called Guru's, haven't played a very important part in all of this.
Because I for one believe they've played an extremely important part in keeping 95% of us in the game.
Regardless of whether that was their intention or not.
Chances are very high that had we not had anything to chew on all these years, nothing to keep our flames burning ever so brightly, many of us would have sold out and jumped ship long ago.
So for that alone we are eternally grateful.
For those choosing to rely solely on a foundation based upon their own research, knowing the world will never survive on its current path without a complete makeover of the global economic infrastructure, the intel flowing throughout Dinarland won't play as large a role in their hanging on.
But I have strong doubts that even for those "knowledge based" folks among us, that the length of this journey hasn't at one time or another caused them to question their own belief structure in some way.
It's only natural.
After all, many, if not most "facts" are simply rumors repeated again and again.
How many times have we heard the rate will be in the budget.
They are waiting on the HCL.
Or Article 140 still needs to be settled.
That everything will... wait for it... be printed in the Gazette and then announced in the Mosques.
Like a thousand?
And yet, even to this day it still continues to be the news.
Even worse, people are still falling for it.
Big name people no less.
Anyway, back to my friends response, which was nearly opposite to my thoughts.
Meaning those Guru's that I no longer pay any attention to, she tends to believe in the best in people, giving them the benefit of the doubt.
Not that she doesn't believe the one or two I pay any attention to, but she's more of an equal opportunity employer.
Choosing to believe they all bring something good to the table, in one form or another.
While I don't share her opinion on some points, at some level I can't help but applaud her openmindedness.
I wish I still held a bit of that brand newish "it's goin' down tonight" feeling.
I lost most of that on my way down to Jaded Avenue.
I'm sure there are many folks out there that can relate to this very situation.
Not in agreement with their family or friends as to the who's, how's, what's, why's and when's of this thing.
Only in the knowing that it must happen.
That it WILL happen.
And without a doubt, the sooner, the better.
I say all this in hopes of letting everyone know that there are others out there that share your thoughts.
Whatever they may be.
That feel the same way you do.
And that we're all on this amazing journey together, basically with one thing in mind.
To reach the finish line, sanity intact.
So, whatever "source" it is helping you to remain positive, enabling you to remain in the game, despite everything around you saying run, as fast as you can, in any direction, at the end of the day a source is a source.
Unless, of course... well, you know the rest.
Hang in there folks.
The signs are everywhere that we're really gettin' close.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the owner of the Yellowstone Ranch or a believer in talking horses. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
"In It To Win It" by Dr. Dinar 10-4-2020
.In It To Win It By Dr. Dinar
Is this thing for real?
No... really. Is it?
Yeah, this dinar RV deal.
This entire GCR "thing".
Is any of this really and truly going to happen? Like, ever??
Or are we existing in some kind of an alternate universe, alternating between reality and who knows where.
I'll bet there are quite a few folks asking themselves those very same questions right about now.
In It To Win It By Dr. Dinar
Is this thing for real?
No... really. Is it?
Yeah, this dinar RV deal.
This entire GCR "thing".
Is any of this really and truly going to happen? Like, ever??
Or are we existing in some kind of an alternate universe, alternating between reality and who knows where.
I'll bet there are quite a few folks asking themselves those very same questions right about now.
Not just family and friends of those afflicted with RV/GCR-itis.
Heck, they've had our Rubber Rooms reserved for us for many years now.
It's no shock to them that this once in a lifetime pipe dream has yet to materialize.
To them it's no surprise whatsoever that we aren't celebrating our new lives as millionaires.
Heck no.
They knew from the very beginning that this pie-in-the-sky, too-good-to-be-true Ponzi Scheme was just a scam perpetrated by the banks, the ABC Agencies and the self-proclaimed behind the screens Guru's.
And so far, they're feelin' pretty good about their predictions.
And they won't hesitate to continue to remind us of that fact either.
"Are you rich yet?"
"Did your ship finally come in?"
"How's that new Ferrari workin' out for ya?"
"Enjoying your new Beach House?"
I'm pretty sure we've all been on the receiving end of those jabs.
And more.
The naysayers that continue on with their relentless doubt filled statements, all in an effort to prove themselves right, at the expense of our being wrong.
Which all serves to undermine your foundation, if even just a little bit.
Completely understandable.
For those of us that have been involved in this made for TV spectacle for many years, those that have done the research and built a foundation based on history and how it's extremely likely that history will repeat itself in one form or another, I have a feeling we're fairing a bit better than those that have recently jumped on board the Insane Train.
Yes, I have a strong feeling that those folks among us that are relatively new to this game are going through those initial stages of serious doubt right about now.
Could the naysayers be right?
Could this all be a scam?
Did I fall for yet another Pyramid Scheme, just like my Brother in Law said I did?
We all have those twinges every once in a while, even us RV/GCR veterans.
It's only natural.
At the end of the day it comes down to this being a currency speculation.
There are no guarantees, one way or another.
Absolutely none.
We paid our money, we bought our currency, we all (well, most of us anyway) verified that we were over 48in. tall, which means we're "officially" tall enough to ride this ride.
Basically, we're committed (some believe we should have been committed long ago but that's another story for a different day) to this journey, however long it may take.
Long term investment?
Yeah, we know.
Believe me... we know.
After all, how many times have we heard that.
Not quite as many times as we've heard "It's goin' down tomorrow!" but probably pretty darn close.
Which doesn't bode well for those that thought this was a guaranteed Lottery Ticket win.
Once they realized that this ordeal was going to take some time, they've had to do quite a bit of digging to create foundations of their own.
A means of hanging on and hangin' in there by any means available.
And I feel sorry for those that have yet to go through the initial reality check.
We all got "in" shortly after hearing we only had a few days before this thing popped and suffering through the not-knowingness of whether our shipment of IQD would arrive in time or not.
Yep, been there, done that.
And got the faded Fed Ex envelope to prove it.
Yet, here we are, weeks, months, some of us years later.
Still amazed at how we could still be waiting.
Wondering how all of these endless drop-dead dates and deadlines could have slid by without as much of a provable peep of factual facts to show for it.
Last I checked all the economies around the world should have crumbled at least five years ago.
And yet, here we are, with a world seemingly no worse for wear.
Well, besides the mandatory wearing of the masks, anyway.
Go figure.
And now we're back to the sounds of silence.
Which, I ain't gonna lie, can really be kind of a drag sometimes.
Yep, Dinarland has once again been hushed into submission and to be honest, the silence is deafening.
We've all picked our faves along the way and whether you're a fan of the Newshounds or the Rumtellers, you've surely felt there was someone in Dinarland strummin' the right banjo.
Playin' your tune.
Unfortunately, at the end of the day, here we sit with boxes of funny money and seemingly none of the all-knowing Guru's being any more right or wrong than any of the others.
We're all on the same playing field, left wondering who has the ball.
All part of the Plan? Perhaps.
Maybe all this confusion was just part of a well executed plan of deception.
Myself, I lean more towards the uncontrolled chaos of the situation creating most, if not all, of the confusion.
Not to mention all the behind-the-scenes corruption adding to the confusionism as well.
Mix it all together and you pretty much have the scenario we're currently experiencing.
I'm not so sure they had to add any extra ingredients to spice up the mix.
Does that mean we give up? Heck no!
Does it mean we aren't any closer than we were when Iraq was released from Chapter 7 oh so many years ago?
Again, not necessarily.
Maybe so. Maybe not.
Heck, at this point, everything's a guess because nobody really knows.
One thing's for certain though, we HAVE to be getting closer. Don't we?
I'd sure like to think so anyway.
Unfortunately, closer doesn't necessarily mean close.
Then again, it doesn't mean that we're not close.
It only means that despite how often we might forget, things are happening, things have happened, and things are being done.
Just not on our schedule.
Nor anybody else's for that matter.
And not the one thing we want so emphatically to be over and done, which of course is the GCR.
Therefore, it comes down to making a choice.
Do we bail out early, sell our currency back, and say a quick Adios to Dinarland?
I say Heck No!
I vote we continue to stay strong, to fight the good fight, and to prove, not only to ourselves, but to our family and friends, that we were right.
That "they" were wrong.
That this deal IS real.
That we aren't just plain looney.
That we aren't simply one dim Crayon short of a sharp tool shed.
I know I'm not going anywhere.
I'm in it to win it!
And hopefully you are as well.
We've been in this thing for far too long to give up now.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the Dog Whisperer or in any way involved with the SPCA or the promoting of buying or selling of foreign currency. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
"When The Going Gets Tough" by Dr. Dinar 9-30-2020
.Thank you Dr. Dinar for writing this for those of us who are feeling “down” today!!!
When The Going Gets Tough ...By Dr. Dinar
We've all heard the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get to keepin' on going."
Well, like it or not, for those of us that live full-time in Dinarland, most have likely been living that mantra for quite some time.
At least since Dr. Shabs told everyone back in 2011 that this RV would without a doubt "pop" no later than the end of June.
Of 2011.
No if's, and's, or Malarki's.
Well, what is it they say about the best laid plans?
Thank you Dr. Dinar for writing this for those of us who are feeling “down” today!!!
When The Going Gets Tough ...By Dr. Dinar
We've all heard the saying, "When the going gets tough, the tough get to keepin' on going."
Well, like it or not, for those of us that live full-time in Dinarland, most have likely been living that mantra for quite some time.
At least since Dr. Shabs told everyone back in 2011 that this RV would without a doubt "pop" no later than the end of June.
Of 2011.
No if's, and's, or Malarki's.
Well, what is it they say about the best laid plans?
Wasn't it something about the first mouse gets the trap, the second mouse gets their cheese moved, the third mouse is forced to create an entirely new plan.
Something like that.
Whatever it was, apparently they were right.
At least so far anyway.
I'm sure we've all been forced to make a change of plans more than once along the way.
As the sands in the sandbox continue to blow by like the days in Dinarland, we're constantly being forced to invent numerous ways of remaining inspired.
Doing our very best to continue to hang in there.
To remain in the game.
To ride this thing out until the very end.
Lately the numerous rumors of more and more Dinarians losing hope, giving up, bailing out and selling their currency back have been flooding in from all over Dinarland.
Like Banksters from tall buildings, rumors of folks packing their bags and jumping from the windows of the RV "Insane Train" have become an almost daily occurrence.
Even some Dinarland "notables" have fallen victim as of late, declaring if this goes beyond such 'n such a date, I'm packin' it in, sellin' out and goin' fishin'.
Of course, he started backpedaling almost as quickly as the statement left his lips, knowing full well there isn't, nor will there ever be, another opportunity such as this RV.
If anything it just shows to prove that everyone is vulnerable.
That no one is immune, despite their claims of a solid, unwavering foundation in their "knowers", knowing just how imminent this RV/GCR truly is.
And it's even more mind-blowing when one considers that according to both the articles, as well as the rumtel, that we're closer than we've ever been to seeing our dreams come true.
Now, how close that is is truly anyone's guess.
Yet, at the end of the day, it's more than likely closer than we were yesterday.
Or at least closer than we were the day before yesterday.
It's unfortunate that those Dinarians that have packed their bags and headed for greener pastures weren't able to weather the sandstorm of supposition that runs rampant throughout Dinarland.
And pretty much has since the very beginning.
Further proof that this circus of made for tv confusion, created to lead everyone astray, is obviously working its magic.
Just as "they" intended.
One look at the smorgasbord of opinions throughout Dinarland proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that no one really knows all the in's and out's of the who's, how's, why's, and why not's of the supposed holdups, distractions and countless delays and why we're all still sitting here, broke and waiting.
Week after week.
After month.
When I think back on all those supposedly "in the know" folks that have forcefully spread their opinions throughout Dinarland over the past decade plus, then slowly faded off into the sunset, never to be heard from again, it boggles the mind.
Consider at least my mind extremely boggled anyway.
For so many that screamed from their soapboxes that they held the final piece to the puzzle, only to have them completely disappear from the RV scene as if they never even existed, is amazing in itself.
We're waiting for a new budget.
We need more laws to be passed.
The security needs to be securely secured in an extremely secure manner.
The PTB need to surrender their power.
We need our Banks asseted.
We still need one more Purple Pig to jump over a Blue Moon.
The laundry list of "To Do's" not yet done is staggeringly endless.
And for me, that never-ending nonsense only helps to support the theory that this "Plan" has and does change time and time again.
We know for certain it has changed at least since 2009 as the original "Plan" has already been released for public consumption.
And we've come a long way since then.
A very long way.
And still no RV/GCR.
Not that we can see anyway.
Therefore, the Plan can and more than likely will continue to change.
In fact, it's probably part of the plan.
Plan on it. I do.
So many times throughout the years, we knew there was just no way they could do this, that, or the other, no way they could survive without first having an internationally tradable currency.
And yet, sure enough, they did survive and have continued to kick the can down the road.
Tinkle, tinkle, clink, clink, down the road it goes.
Low and behold, sure enough this big blue ball kept on spinnin' 'round 'n' 'round.
On its axis of feeble.
Right on schedule, just like they planned.
It's about the only thing that has remained on schedule.
Of course, still without an internationally tradable currency.
Imagine that.
I don't know about you but crazy as it may sound, at this point in the game, all those insignificant dates have helped me deal better and better with all of the supposed smokium filled deadlines never panning out.
The "must happens" and "back walls" that have come and gone along the way.
The simple distraction of a possible maybe has helped me get through many a stressful weekend.
Yes, I want this to happen.
In fact, I NEED this to happen.
Like yesterday.
Actually, about 3,546 yesterdays ago.
Maybe more. But who's counting.
And last time I checked I didn't have the Easy Button waiting for me in my desk drawer.
Nor in my titanium briefcase.
Which unfortunately means that at the end of the day I don't have any more control over when this thing happens than anyone else does.
Where does that leave me?
It leaves me waiting, that's where.
Myself, along with everyone else in Dinarland that makes the decision on a daily basis that they will continue to stay strong and ride this thing out, assured to be there at the finish line.
Still waiting.
After all, what else can I do in a situation that I simply have zero control over anything but my feelings.
My emotions.
My actions.
I'm basically left with only one option.
Because, believe it or not, we're the lucky ones.
The chosen ones.
The people that know about this wonderful opportunity.
And I consider myself lucky that I'm lucky enough to realize that.
And yes, the ride can be brutal at times.
Often feeling as if we're drowning, gasping for our last breath.
But again, we're luckier than lucky to even be on this ride.
Remind yourself of all those that aren't as lucky as we are and that right there should be enough to help you stay focused on the end of this amazing journey.
Whether it's selling used car tires, Grandma's antique salt & pepper shakers or recycling bottles and cans, you gotta do what you gotta do to make it through.
Hang in there folks, this thing is gonna happen.
It's merely a matter of time.
You've made it this far.
Now is not the time to give up.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I in any way involved in the promoting of buying or selling of Grandma's antiques, collectibles, heirlooms or foreign currency. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
"Humor While We Wait" Saturday Night 9-26-2020
.Humor While We Wait!
Sabickford: Home every day and not going out. Drinking too much coffee in the morning. Eating too much all day. Watching too much TV. Drinking too much at night. Then the Pandemic struck.
"Stop eating out and cook at home, and you'll lose weight." Quarantine has determined that was a lie.
I put the thingamabob inside the whatchamacallit, turned the doohickey and the wuteveritis doesn't work. Any Suggestion?
Bought a chicken to make sandwiches. It Doesn't. It Poops on the Floor.
Laughter is the best medicine. But a shot of Fireball Whisky never hurts.
They Say you can't Fix Stupid. Turns out you can't Quarantine it either!
I think I still have some unfinished Procrastinating to do from yesterday.
Humor While We Wait!
Sabickford: Home every day and not going out. Drinking too much coffee in the morning. Eating too much all day. Watching too much TV. Drinking too much at night. Then the Pandemic struck.
"Stop eating out and cook at home, and you'll lose weight." Quarantine has determined that was a lie.
I put the thingamabob inside the whatchamacallit, turned the doohickey and the wuteveritis doesn't work. Any Suggestion?
Bought a chicken to make sandwiches. It Doesn't. It Poops on the Floor.
Laughter is the best medicine. But a shot of Fireball Whisky never hurts.
They Say you can't Fix Stupid. Turns out you can't Quarantine it either!
I think I still have some unfinished Procrastinating to do from yesterday.
Got Bored today so I put on a Hazmat Suit and went around Chalking a Big Red "X" on random Peoples driveways.
Who knew that the hardest part of being an adult is figuring out what to cook for dinner every single night for the rest of you life , until you die?
Y'all enjoy those 20's, 30' and 40's, because in your 50's that check engine light gonna come on.
Don’t irritate old people. The older we get, the less “Life in prison” is a deterrent.
I really don’t mind getting older, but my body is taking it badly.
I thought getting old would take longer.
It turns out that being an adult now is mostly just googling how to do stuff.
Have you ever listened to someone for a minute and thought “Their cornbread isn't done in the middle.”
I miss the 90’s when bread was still good for you and no one knew what kale was.
Life is too short to worry about want other people think or say about you. Go Have Fun and give them something to talk about.
I am swift as a Gazelle! With Arthritis. An Old One. Run over by a land rover. Seven Days Ago.
Don’t take life too seriously, you won’t get out alive.
Don't count your weasels before they pop
Don't regret growing old, It's a privilege denied to many
Don't sneeze when someone is cutting your hair.
Early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.
Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.
Even if you understood women, you'd never believe it
Everybody repeat after me..We are all individuals.
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat drinking beer all day.
Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
He is the reason some village is missing it’s idiot
He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down.
HEARSAY: What toddlers do when anyone mutters a dirty word.
Here I am! Now what are your other two wishes?
I am a deeply superficial person
He who laughs last-thinks slowest.
How come abbreviated is such a long word?
How can there be self-help "groups"?
How do they get the deer to cross at that yellow road sign?
How do you know when it's time to tune your bagpipes?
How do you tell when you run out of invisible ink?
How do men sort their laundry? Filthy and filthy but wearable?
How many roads must a man travel down before he admits he is lost?
How many of you believe in telekinesis? Raise my hand...
Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense
Hollywood is the place where they shoot too many pictures and not enough actors.
I am having an out of money experience.
I can remember when nostalgia was worthwhile
I Didn't Start the Fire, I just poured Gas on It!
I don't believe in miracles I rely on them.
I don't suffer from stress. I'm a carrier.
I feel like I’m diagonally parked in a parallel universe
(1) Fine : This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
(3) Nothing : This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with "nothing" usually end in "fine."
(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing.
(Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)
(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. "That's okay" means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
(7) Thanks : A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome'.. That will bring on a 'whatever').
(8) Whatever : Is a woman's way of saying... Go to H***...
(9) Don't worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.
* Send this to the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology.
* Send this to all the women you know to give them a good laugh, cause they know it's true!!!
Men Teaching Classes for Women at THE ADULT LEARNING CENTER
Class 1
Up in Winter, Down in Summer - How to Adjust a Thermostat
Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.
Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hrs beginning at 7:00 PM..
Class 2
Which Takes More Energy - Putting the Toilet Seat Down, Or Bitching About It for 3 Hours?
Round Table Discussion. Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.
Class 3
Is It Possible To Drive Past a Wal-Mart Without Stopping?--Group Debate.
Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.
Class 4
Fundamental Differences Between a Purse and a Suitcase-- Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.
Meets Saturdays at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.
Class 5
Curling Irons--Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Bathroom Cabinet?
Examples on Video.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning At 7:00 PM
Class 6
How to Ask Questions During Commercials and Be Quiet During the Program
Help Line Support and Support Groups.
Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM
Class 7
Can a Bath Be Taken Without 14 Different Kinds of Soaps and Shampoos?
Open Forum ..
Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.
Class 8
Health Watch--They Make Medicine for PMS - USE IT!
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.
Class 9
I Was Wrong and He Was Right!--Real Life Testimonials.
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM Location to be determined.
Class 10
How to Parallel Park In Less Than 20 Minutes Without an Insurance Claim.
Driving Simulations.
4 weeks, Saturday's noon, 2 hours.
Class 11
Learning to Live--How to Apply Brakes Without Throwing Passengers Through the Windshield.
Tuesdays at 7:00 PM, location to be determined
Class 12
How to Shop by Yourself.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours
"Relax...It's Done" by Dr. Dinar 9-25-2020
.Relax... It's Done By Dr. Dinar
It's done? Did you say IT'S DONE!?!
As in the process has reached completion, everything is finished, it's actually done?
Yeah, right!
I'll see it when I believe it.
And based on my most recent bank statement, they don't believe it either.
How many times have we heard that it's done, there's nothing else that needs to be completed, just sit back, relax and wait for it to show over the next 24/48/72 hours.
Like... a hundred trillion, including all the zero's.
Relax... It's Done By Dr. Dinar
It's done? Did you say IT'S DONE!?!
As in the process has reached completion, everything is finished, it's actually done?
Yeah, right!
I'll see it when I believe it.
And based on my most recent bank statement, they don't believe it either.
How many times have we heard that it's done, there's nothing else that needs to be completed, just sit back, relax and wait for it to show over the next 24/48/72 hours.
Like... a hundred trillion, including all the zero's.
Almost as many times as we've heard that it's close and they want it completed by the end of the quarter.
By the end of the fiscal year.
Sooner, rather than later.
Or that it's imminently imminent.
Or that the rates are on the back screens and we're just waiting for them to show up on the front screens.
Basically, far too many times to count.
Way too many times to still fall for it, right!?!
Seriously though, if it's done, then why can't we see it.
Why aren't we currently sitting in one of the over 6,000 Exchange Centers, each of them within a 80 mile radius of our homes, signing 28 page NDA's, redeeming our ZIM, validating our VND or exchanging our IQD.
Spoiler alert... because it's NOT done.
And we certainly don't need Cap'n Obvious to tell us that.
At least I don't anyway.
It's more than embarrassingly obvious to both me as well as my friendly local bank teller that I'm still broke.
Okay, so most of us can agree that despite what we're hearing, it's not done.
However, having said that, there's one thing we can all agree on and that is they're hard at work, working on getting it done.
"They" being the so called GCR Committee.
That the process is rapidly progressing, deeply embedded in the process of processing, there's no stopping it, too late to turn back now.
I mean, they are working on it, right?
Please tell me they are, even if it's only a rumor and chances are pretty good they aren't.
I at least need to think they are, if only for my own insanity.
Now that I think about, what if they aren't. What if they aren't actually working on it.
What if they forgot to put anybody in place at the very top of this pyramid.
People that truly are in charge of all this stuff.
The so called Release Committee.
Not to be confused with the GCR Committee.
What if they forgot to appoint an actual group of folks that have been nominated to be the be all, end all, of all of this.
What if this entire thing is so compartmentalized that they forgot to create the one compartment to top all the other compartments.
The Release Committee compartment.
A place for all the button-pushing trigger-pullers to get together and do their thing.
Sure, they remembered all the Facial Recognition software and the Security Drones.
That's the kind of stuff dreams are made of.
Stuff like that you simply can't make up, let alone forget.
Can you?
Nope, not even if you wanted to.
Call me crazy but with as long as this thing has been going on and with all of the relentless glitches popping up along the way, I can easily see them forgetting the key ingredient.
That being someone to sign on the dotted line.
Or even worse, what if there actually is an RV/GCR Release Committee in place and like all the supposedly sequestered Exchange Center employees, they're still awaiting a particular "ping" or who knows what type of a notification, that everything is ready to be released but due to the thickness of the plexiglass on the Cone of Silence, the messages simply can't get through.
Sheesh, for all we know they too got so wrapped up in all the Dinarland rumors that they already received the "GO" signal to release the codes long ago and they blew it off, thinking it was just another flse start
Maybe they're waiting for actual visible proof in the form of a link to a YouTube video showing Aliens wearing gold ties, standing in front of fringeless flags, waving their seven-fingered jazz hands, giving them the "four thumbs up" signal to release the codes.
Heck, at this point, there's not much they could say that would surprise many of us, least of all me.
Oh, other than that it's done and to have it actually BE done when they said it was done.
Now THAT would be one heck of a surprise, wouldn't it.
A surprise to me, anyway.
A surprise I'm more than ready for.
All I can say is please continue to hang in there.
It's ALMOST done. Almost.
They've only missed it by that much.
One of these tries they won't miss.
All my best,
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor in any way connected with C.O.N.T.R.O.L. or K.A.O.S.. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
"The Definition of Insanity" by Dr. Dinar 9-20-2020
.The Definition Of Insanity by Dr. Dinar
As I think back on the show Survivor I can't help but notice the similarities between that "game" and its players and all of us fortunate folks playing the RV/GCR game.
In fact, I was actually astounded by how similar the two endeavors truly are.
Admittedly quite a few of those folks have a huge head start on us.
Most of them claiming to be nearly life-long fans of the show, which, considering how long that show has been on TV, is easy to imagine.
Knowing they've been able to watch numerous seasons, endless episodes, award ceremonies, all helping them gain an edge over us in just how to play the game.
What to do... and what not to do.
And when or when not to do it.
The Definition Of Insanity by Dr. Dinar
As I think back on the show Survivor I can't help but notice the similarities between that "game" and its players and all of us fortunate folks playing the RV/GCR game.
In fact, I was actually astounded by how similar the two endeavors truly are.
Admittedly quite a few of those folks have a huge head start on us.
Most of them claiming to be nearly life-long fans of the show, which, considering how long that show has been on TV, is easy to imagine.
Knowing they've been able to watch numerous seasons, endless episodes, award ceremonies, all helping them gain an edge over us in just how to play the game.
What to do... and what not to do.
And when or when not to do it.
Strangely enough, even with all that prior knowledge at their fingertips, more often than not many of them play as if they've never seen a single episode prior to first jumping ship and swimming to shore.
I mean, how else can you explain people showing up in sport coats and ties, summer dresses and high heels, only to spend the next 39 days (if they're lucky enough to survive) in their underwear.
Who does that! ?
Well, apparently many Survivor contestants do.
I enjoy watching all of the games within the Game play out.
Always amazes me how people won't think twice about saying this and promising that and in the very next breath, grab a bamboo covered felt pen and do exactly what they promised they wouldn't do.
Yes, I'm referring to the good ol' Tribal Council.
My absolute fave part of the show.
I can't help but pick out the many similarities between the two journeys.
For them, it's a trip from Sandville to the CBS studio.
For us, it's from Dinarland to Exchange Center.
Let's delve a bit further into the similarities between the two journeys.
Stranded on a deserted island? Check!
We're basically stranded, sometimes feeling all alone, on RV/GCR Island.
Our family and friends long ago having declared us clinically insane and from there forward choosing to keep their distance, straight-jacket at the ready.
Crazy weather? Check!
The mood-altering, hopium induced "weather" on RV/GCR Island changing just as quickly as the next piece of crazy intel hits all the "boards" and websites throughout Dinarland.
Left with only the clothes on our back? Check!
Sure, we all have a closet full of clothes but chances are, we're all still wearing the same clothes we were wearing when we purchased our first batch of currency a decade ago.
Yes, some of us still have our "Cash Out" bags sitting by the front door, ready to go at a moments notice.
After all, we've gotta be ready to make the mad dash to the Bank Bus as quickly as possible once we receive our notification that it's finally time to bum-rush the Banks and demand the Contract Rates.
But honestly, after sitting next to the front door all these years, chances are the clothes in our Cash Out bags are super crusty and wrinkled beyond repair.
In serious need of a shower, shave and a haircut? Check!
Yeah, we take the random shower when necessary but we simply can't afford to be away from the computer for too long, otherwise we risk missing the "announcement" that the USD has now "officially" become the USN and it's time to start scouring our Inbox's for an email.
And FYI, I've made the mistake on more than one occasion of bringing my phone with me into the shower and trust me on this one, they're not as waterproof as one might think.
Extremely limited food supply? Check!
Unfortunately for many of us our "Menu's" are extremely limited.
Be it because of a low money supply or simply not having any desire for a large meal.
Whatever the case may be, we've long ago given up eating healthy, opting instead for just enough to get by on for now.
Surrounded by people we don't really know? Check!
By now most of our family and friends have made it known they think we've pretty much lost it.
Global lockdown or not, choosing to keep their distance in case whatever it is we have just might be contagious.
Yes, we've basically gravitated to our chosen "Tribes" as it were.
Those believing it's a global thing, those still thinking it's all about Iraq, and those that couldn't care less who or what is responsible for us still waiting, they just wanna cash out!
Not quite sure who our friends are... and aren't? Check!
At this point our only "friends" are people we've never actually met in real life, only online.
Similar to Tom Hanks in "Cast Away", for all we know we're conversing with volleyballs posting as if they're real people.
All we know is that they're currency holders just like we are, all headed in the same direction, with the exact same goal in mind.
To exchange our currency, once and for all.
Limited contact with the outside world? Check!
Pretty much the only contact we have with the outside world is what we read on the boards or hear on the various conference calls.
That's pretty much the extent of our "outside the box" thinking.
As far as "limited" goes, we've been hearing basically the same rumtel for so many years now that what we are hearing is limited at best.
Not sure who we can or can't trust? Check!
All of the people that tend to share their opinions, passing along intel from their "sources", all of which has to be taken with a huge dose of sea salt.
The mis-disinfo is rampant, especially this late in the game.
Very little, if any of it, has ever proven itself to be true.
Not to say that it wasn't true at the time it was posted but there's not much of a chance of proving it, one way or another.
Faced with weekly Challenges? Check!
As every week passes, timelines passing by, more and more "windows" being slammed shut, we face a new challenge.
The challenge of continuing to hang in there, to see this journey through, to make it to the finish line, currency held high in victory.
Those are just a few of the similarities that immediately come to mind.
I'm sure if I thought more about it, there would be quite a few more "links" between the two games.
To be honest, that's more than enough.
The one thing they have going for them that we don't is they have a Back Wall.
Thirty nine days and they're done.
A point that, no matter what, they will know they've reached their finish line.
And whatever the results are, they'll be able to shower, shave, grab a burger and get back to life.
Us Dinarians? Nope.
We don't have that luxury.
We don't have that working in our favor.
Actually, when you really sit back and think about it, that puts us a Tier or two above them.
On an entirely different level.
That's proof positive that we really are the true Survivors.
The one's that will win big time in the end.
And deservedly so.
Thirty-nine little ol' days?
Huh! We could do that standing on our heads.
And at this point, most of us have.
If only to help take the swelling in our ankles down.
Talk about brutal, that's what you get for spending too much time on the computer.
Fat ankles.
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Well, if by doing the same thing, they're referring to giving it all I've got, day in and day out, doing my best to make sure I'm there at the finish line.
Whenever that may come.
Then that's fine. Guilty as charged.
Please feel free to call me insane.
I'll wear that badge with honor.
Hang in there friends.
Every day we survive puts us one day closer to our own version of an Immunity Idol.
All my best,
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor in any way connected with the show Survivor or Hollywood in general. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
Bluwolf, Judy, Sabickford and more Friday PM 9-18-2020
Bluwolf message - For those that have eyes to see
Sent to Dinar Recaps
There are most of us who share information whom never have taken a dime for feeding you the rv information. We do it because it is the correct thing to do, we do it because we care, we do it because after 20 years we have become now family or just like me I am doing it obeying a mandate from our God Jehovah.
I am anxious to see this RV come in and me going into action with the rest of God's army to make the changes that this world needs, to feed our fellow man, to rebuild our country and in my case my people and my island nation.
To be able to have the opportunity to sit down with our President and schedule the efforts in rebuilding North America and all the Americas which does include the Caribbean.
Can't wait to see a smile on the face of all the people that we will help. Giving someone a home seeing their hopes and dreams come to be. Securing economic stability for the generations to come. Making both education and free healthcare possible in the United States, hey if in other places this is already a given, why can't it be possible here.
If we eliminate and take away the powers from the bigots we can restore back America to what it was intended to be, to what it should be
God is telling me that now is that time and for all to stop beating around the bush.
Na'mastes Bluwolf
Bluwolf message - For those that have eyes to see
Sent to Dinar Recaps
There are most of us who share information whom never have taken a dime for feeding you the rv information. We do it because it is the correct thing to do, we do it because we care, we do it because after 20 years we have become now family or just like me I am doing it obeying a mandate from our God Jehovah.
I am anxious to see this RV come in and me going into action with the rest of God's army to make the changes that this world needs, to feed our fellow man, to rebuild our country and in my case my people and my island nation.
To be able to have the opportunity to sit down with our President and schedule the efforts in rebuilding North America and all the Americas which does include the Caribbean.
Can't wait to see a smile on the face of all the people that we will help. Giving someone a home seeing their hopes and dreams come to be. Securing economic stability for the generations to come. Making both education and free healthcare possible in the United States, hey if in other places this is already a given, why can't it be possible here.
If we eliminate and take away the powers from the bigots we can restore back America to what it was intended to be, to what it should be
God is telling me that now is that time and for all to stop beating around the bush.
Na'mastes Bluwolf
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Fri. 18 Sept. 2020
Compiled Fri. 18 Sept. 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington
Judy Note: Around 7 am EDT Fri. 18 Sept. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact: “About ten min. ago one of my government contacts informed me that funds were in the process of being prepared for release next week as indicated to me a few weeks ago, but be ready if they surprise us and start Tier 4B on Fri. 18 Sept., or Sat. 19 Sept.
The timing was for release no later than six weeks prior to the Nov. 3 Election Date to give the best chance to positively influence voters prior to Election Day. My contact said arrests were ongoing and mostly independent of the RV release. The Global Currency Reset was on a pre-set schedule for a Shotgun start. For the sake of security, no one outside of the Powers That Be was privy to when it would actually occur.
On Tues. 15 Sept Charlie Ward said, “As far as revaluations of currencies around the world…..they started with Iraq and its happening as we speak…It’s happening right now. Tier 4a is already happening in Hong Kong.” On that Tues. 15 Sept. overnight into Wed. 16 Sept. payouts continued worldwide of adjudicated accounts, SKR holders, etc. It was rumored that by Wed. afternoon 16 Sept. Tier 3-4a Core Groups and the Admiral’s Groups were fully funded and awaiting Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) for activation of the Shotgun Start.
The Shotgun Release included sending out notification emails to currency and Zim holders that contained a 800# Safe Link Website – that would also be given to Bruce, MarkZ, Fleming, Dinar Recaps, TNT, Dinar Chronicles and a few other Intel providers for publication on their websites.
We would have until Wed. 30 Sept. to exchange currencies at the Contract Rates and redeem Zim Bonds. By the next day Thurs. 1 Oct, the general public would begin exchanging at International Rates and Zim could no longer be redeemed.
On the Restored Republic Front:
Q had indicated that the Israel-Middle East Peace Agreements would be the last event to happen before the RV – and it occurred at the White House on Tues. 15 Sept.
According to Q, Mon. 14 Sept. through Fri. 25 Sept. was a two-week window in which to watch for events related to Spygate or Obamagate. These disclosure soft-leak-events would be coordinated with the RV release of exchanges / redemptions over the next two weeks.
On Thurs. Oct. 1 a formal announcement of both the Restored Republic and Global Currency Reset was expected, plus Oct. 1 was the first day of “Ten Days of Disclosure.”
A. Fri. 18 Sept. 2020 6:59 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:
1. The Military Intel Contact said that Fleming has a network of reliable sources, was not under investigation and was not a fraud.
2. We in Tier4B could start any day, any time between now and Tues. 22 Sept, though more likely on Fri. 18 Sept. or Sat 19 Sept.
3. The timing for Tues. 22 Sept. was a behind the scenes deadline that would only leave nine days for us in Tier 4B to finish our exchanges/ redemption.
4. Please keep these things in prayer and be ready as this was the last week of waiting. The plan was always to leave at least six weeks between the Shotgun Release and the Nov. 3 Election for maximum economic impact.
5. Military Intel Contact: “About ten min. ago (around 7 am EDT Fri. 18 Sept.) one of my government contacts informed me that funds were in the process of being prepared for release next week as indicated to me a few weeks ago. The timing was for release no later than six weeks prior to the Nov. 3 Election Date to give the best chance to positively influence voters prior to Election Day. My contact said arrests were ongoing and mostly independent of the RV release. Be ready if they surprise us and start Tier 4B on Fri. 18 Sept., or Sat. 19 Sept.
B. Global Currency Reset/ Restored Republic Schedule:
Last Thurs. 10 Sept. 2020 President Trump mandated that the Global Currency Reset begin, which it did as scheduled on 9/11 with initiation of RV liquidity just after 12 midnight Reno time Fri. 11 Sept. Overnight payouts followed, including those to certain Tier 3-4A SKRs.
Mon. 14 Sept. through Fri. 25 Sept. 2020 was a two-week window in which to watch for events related to Spygate or Obamagate according to Q. These disclosure soft-leak-events would be coordinated with the RV release of exchanges / redemptions over the next 2 ½ weeks.
On Wed. 16 Sept. 2020 John Durham finally ordered subpoenas on Obama officials. On 28 Oct. 2017 President Trump had appointed Durham to lead a criminal investigation into the origins of the Obama Administration’s phony Russia investigation, “Obamagate” – the same 28 Oct. 2017 date as the first “Q” post. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/senate-homeland-security-committee-authorizes-subpoenas-for-testimony-from-obama-officials-as-part-of-russia-probe
Sun. 20 Sept. 2020 would be another major Satanic Holiday entitled “Midnight Host Blood Celebration” where local Satanic covens would be torturing, raping and killing children. Beware of possible Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save the children by reporting suspicious activities to police.
Wed. 30 Sept. 2020 was the deadline to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim Bonds at the Contract Rates.
On Thurs. 1 Oct. 2020:
The Quantum Financial System and asset-backed USN would be fully online for the start of the Restored Republic federal govt fiscal year and the Restored Republic Federal fiscal year would begin.
The General Public would start exchanging at banks at the International Rates. Contract Rates would no longer be available. Zim could no longer be redeemed.
“Ten Days of Disclosure” would start with brief public service announcements where Trump would reference a need to move away from the fiat dollar to asset-backed, gold-backed currency, go over NESARA/GESARA measures, plus explain debt relief and political aspects of a transition to the Restored Republic.
Later details of those “Ten Days of Disclosure” would be filled in through educational sessions, or media broadcasts that Trump and the White Hats would regulate. Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook were being brought under control of AG Barr and the Department of Justice so they could no longer censor the will of the people.
The Thurs. Oct. 29 to Sun. Nov. 1 2020 “All Hallows Eve Blood Sacrifice, Sexual Climax Assoc. with Demons, Any Age, Human Male or Female” was the most important Satanic Human Sacrifice Holiday of the year. Children were not only kidnapped and forced to participate, but were tortured, raped and killed over the three day celebration. Be aware of Satanic activities in your community and help save the children by reporting suspicious activities to police.
***Must Watch Videos***
Civil War in America 2020, Glenn Beck: https://www.theblaze.com/glenn-beck-special/civil-war-in-america-2020?rebelltitem=1#rebelltitem1
Charlie Ward on the Quantum Financial System, Trump, Financial Reset: Final Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpgyJ9YC1NI
Read Full Post Here: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/09/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_18.html
Courtesy of Dinar Guru https://www.dinarguru.com/
Frank26 ...there is a lot of things that are going on with the Iraqi dinar and they're being very forward about it...what was the article that came out today? 'Hi, I'm an economist from Iraq, I'd like to talk to you about the Iraqi dinar and the American dollar about them being 1 to 1.' ...the citizens are going ballistic...
Jeff Article: "KRG Delegation To Discuss Budget With Federal Official On September 20" I kept telling you that parliament would not start the approval process of the budget until after the 20th. I said IMO the reason why is because the numbers were going to change in that budget from trillions to billions. That's the step that happens when the rate changes...for example if they were to change the rate say this Sunday morning for Iraq then the numbers would transition from trillions into billions. So they would not want any parties to see those figures publicly before the rate does change...IMO they're not going to let anyone see those figures or numbers within the real 2020 budget until after the rate has already changed...They already said the real true numbers inside the budget have not been shown...
Footforward Article: "100 US dollars is equivalent to 100 Iraqi dinars...Is it possible? An economic expert answers." [That article describes a lop scenario say 1 new Dinar would be equal to 1000 old dinars. Hope that’s not what they do.] It won't be. Expect to see alot of crap like this...My point is we don't get shaken. A revaluation is the only way to fix their economic hardship. They aren't going to come out and tell us when they will do it. In my opinion anyways. So we have to watch the signs. ...The fact that corruption is being dealt with in Iraq at a very rapid pace is very good for us...These guys being arrested is a good sign. We need to watch what they do. Not what they say so much. It's helpful to take a much bigger picture...
Humor While We Wait
Sabickford: Dealing with the RV is like trying to nail Jello to the Wall…
Is it rude to look at somebody and start singing "If I only Had a Brain" at them?
Life is too short to worry about want other people think or say about you. Go Have Fun and give them something to talk about.
Due to rising costs, dirty deeds are no longer done dirt cheap. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Whoever said "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" never had a spider disappear in the bedroom.
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. I only exist when you need something.
May you live to be so old that your driving terrifies people.
If you see me talking to myself, just move along. I'm self employed and we're having a staff meeting
Rich people stay rich by living like they're broke. Broke people stay broke by living like they're rich.
When I get a headache, I take 2 aspirin and keep away from children just like it says on the bottle.
Breaking News: The Earth revolves around the sun! This may upset some people who think it revolves around them.
I Do not have a screw loose. It fell Out!
About to pull the steaks off the grill. It's my neighbors grill but he's inside and I don't think he can see me.
No, I will not take the road less traveled. I Live in the South. Have you seen Deliverance?
Yes COVID19 is pretty Scary, but have you ever flooded the toilet at someone else's house?
I went outside to check on my plants. I felt something cold and wet on my arm. I looked down and saw a mosquito using a wet wipe before he bit me
I'm making a Prozac, morphine, chocolate chip cookie dough, vodka, rum, whiskey, beer and moonshine martinis. Anyone else want one?
I try to avoid things that make me fat, like scales, mirrors, and photographs.
Is it OK to pull the bag out of the box of wine & stab w straw in it like a giant Capri Sun? Asking for a Friend,
Alcohol is not the answer! It just makes you forget the question
I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times, just to make sure
I wasn't planning on going for a run today…But those cops came out of nowhere.
You can tell a lot about a woman's mood just by her hands. If they are holding a gun, she's probably very unhappy.
You know that tingly little feeling you get when you really like someone you've just met? That's common sense leaving your body.
Old age is not as bad as I thought. It's a good feeling when you just don't give a hoot anymore and you feel happy just to wake up in the morning.
Money cannot buy happiness, but it’s more comfortable to cry in a Corvette than on a bicycle.
It's ok to swallow your pride, You won't gain a pound.
My wife got 8 out of 10 on her driver's test--the other two guys managed to jump out of her way.
I was going to wear my camouflage shirt today, but I couldn't find it.