Humor, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Humor, Special Dinar Recaps 20

"WooHoo, Fed Ex is Here! (It's 2020 and We are Still Here) by Dr. Dinar

.Thanks Dr. Dinar

Woo Hoo, Fed Ex Is Here! (It’s 2020 and we are still here!) By Dr. Dinar

I'll never forget that day.

The day my very first 'batch' arrived.

And luckily for me, it arrived just in the nick of time.

Now, why do I say just in the nick of time?

Because the RV was just about to happen.

Only a couple more hours, maybe a couple more days at the most, but one thing was for sure, I had to hurry because this RV was about to go down!

Thanks Dr. Dinar

Woo Hoo, Fed Ex Is Here!  (It’s 2020 and we are still here!)   By Dr. Dinar

I'll never forget that day.

The day my very first 'batch' arrived.

And luckily for me, it arrived just in the nick of time.

Now, why do I say just in the nick of time?

Because the RV was just about to happen.

Only a couple more hours, maybe a couple more days at the most, but one thing was for sure, I had to hurry because this RV was about to go down!

About to 'pop' and luckily for me I was able to squeeze my way in and grab a seat on the Insane Train at the last possible second.

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And as I sit here now, in the very same position I was in all those many years ago, I can't help but wonder what could have possibly happened to that 'deadline'.

That 'back wall'.

That two week 'window' that I was blessed with being able to squeeze into.

Apparently it has gone the same direction as with all the other windows, all of the 'sooner than laters', all of the 'any second now's' and back wall dates that have come and gone over the many years since then.

Right out the back screen door, just another glitch from the past.

Yet, thinking back, I still hold on to that excitement, that thrill, that knowing that it was finally my time to shine.

That things were finally gonna turn around for me.

Keep in mind all this was taking place just about the same time that the Real Estate market was in the midst of a huge crumble.

As I watched the values of everything around me literally fall from the sky, right over the cliff and crash on to the jagged rocks below, all seemingly overnight no less, I knew I was only a couple weeks away from saving myself.

Because I was fortunate enough to know about the dinar and the oh so very soon to be RV.

If I could somehow manage to hang on just a little longer, I'd be able to save my home, my job, my car, pretty much everything I owned and all the rest of the stuff that I merely owned 'on paper'. 

Unfortunately that wasn't to be and off the cliff it all went.

Me included.

As the days, weeks, months and years continued to slide on by, I continued to lose one thing after another.

After another.

One by one my world began to crumble and there wasn't much I could do about it.

I'd risked it all on the real estate market and yes, I lost. Big time.

Looking back on it now, perhaps if I had swallowed my pride a bit earlier, accepted a few lowball offers here and there and 'sold out' a bit sooner, there's a chance I might not have such an exceptionally horrible credit rating currently attached to my name.

Not to mention I might not be quite as hugely in debt as I am now.

But all of that is, as they say, water under the bridge.

There's no going back, it is what it is. What's done is done.

The crazy part is that at that time I promised myself that I would never take another risk, another chance.

That I'd never gamble on anything ever again.

No way, not gonna do it.

Thankfully, this long time risk taker had learned his lesson, and had taken his last risk.

Or had I.

Suddenly, as if on a zephyr out of nowhere, I heard about the Iraqi Dinar and all of its 'too good to be true' possibilities.

To say that this dinar 'thing' piqued my interest is a complete understatement.

What if it was true? What if it WAS real?

What if, dare I say, the internet was lying to me.

Hard to believe I know.

And if the RV was indeed the real deal and I didn't take a chance on it, would that regret haunt me more than taking another risk (after I told myself never again) and the loss of the money itself?

Round an' 'round, my head was spinning.

Immediately I was faced with a huge dilemma.

Do I take every last nickle I have and spend it on some get rich quick outta nowhere scheme?

A pie in the sky, too good to be true, gotta be a scam (and no question about it, according to everything I could find on the internet regarding the dinar it was without a doubt a scam), hair brained scheme like the supposed revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar?

Not to mention I had only mere seconds to decide.

A very small 'window' to say the least.

A make or break, now or never opportunity to change my future.

One way or another. For better or worse.

I had to make up my mind and pretty darn quick, otherwise I was going to miss my one and only opportunity to save my life.

Rationalizing, to myself anyway, that I was going to be throwing that money away on bills and short term survival 'stuff' anyway, what did I have to lose.

I mean, according to my 'source' (an acquaintance that as it turns out was also in dire straits but wasn't much more knowledgeable in Dinar 101 at the time than I was), at most it was only going to be a couple short weeks before the RV popped and then I'd be set. For life.

Surely I could hang on that long, couldn't I?

Then I'd be able to pay off all my bills, purchase a Condo, a car, and destress.

So I jumped online, ordered my first batch of IQD and began to dream.

And dream I did.

A penny? Not bad. But what if it came in at 5 cents?

Crazy I know, but what if.

At that rate I could pay off some bills, find a place to rent and begin to rebuild my life.

Sounds pretty good so far.

In fact, pretty much a dream come true.

Then I decided to get risky and began to dream of a $0.10 RV.

Ahhhhh, now THAT'S more like it.

I could really get back on my feet with that kind of an ROI.

I'll never forget the day I really began to let my imagination take over and allowed my mind to drift all the way up to a $0.30 rate.

Can you say Game Changer?

Wow, that would allow me to totally start my life all over again.

As the weeks and months began to fly (ok, drag) by and still no RV, I began to spend more time doing my due diligence.

My in depth research into the RV of the IQD and the more I learned about Iraq, how it got to where it was as a country as well as its future potential, the more excited I became.

Sure, I was worried that 'it' hadn't happened yet.

That the RV hadn't occurred.

But at the same time, I was also becoming more aware of Iraq's true potential and how, if everything went according to the 'plan', my $0.30 dreams likely deserved another zero added on to the far right side as well as a slight movement of the decimal point to the right.

That's when I really began to get excited.

And that's also when I first started to dig in and began to build my foundation.

My base for everything I was to believe in going forward.

And it's that foundation that I began to build all those years ago that has kept me in the game all this time.

That combined with a whole bunch of positive thinking.

Because I know deep down that it's not an 'if' but merely a matter of 'when'.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the RV is gonna happen. It has to.

They've run out of options to save the world and the RV will be included in that game plan.

It's just the when that is the remaining unknown.

Sure, I'm human and I have those mornings when I wake up with huge disappointment over another hopium filled week ending in another stomach churning weekend but at the end of the day it's my foundation (as well as the knowledge I've gleaned from others I've 'met' along the way) that I return to time and again.

Helping me to remain in the game when I need it most.

So with all that being said, if I can make but one suggestion to all my fellow Dinarians, just hang in there a bit longer.

Will it be this coming week? Who knows.

Perhaps next weekend? Might be.

Again, that's anybody's best guess.

There's definitely no shortage of guesses floating around out there.

So eventually somebody's gonna guess it right.

One thing's for certain, it's gonna happen.

As sure as the Fed Ex truck's brakes are gonna squeal and the horn is gonna honk every time he pulls up out front of my house with each new batch of dinar he delivers.

Hang in there folks, we've never been closer than we are right now.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I connected with Fed Ex in any way, shape, or form. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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Chats and Rumors, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Special Dinar Recaps 20

"When Light Dawns, People Awaken. When Light Dawns Darkness Disappears"

.Emailed to Recaps from Anonymous

I have been singing this tune for several years now. Free energy, no more fiat currency, we are at WAR with an enemy you proudly pay your taxes to and fill your tanks with their crude oil.


When light dawns, people awaken. When light dawns, darkness disappears.

"President Trump authorized the US Treasury to take control over the Federal Reserve. This is easily one of the biggest news stories in the last 100 years, yet many are completely unaware of it, because it was not reported in any real way on mainstream news outlets.

Many know that the Fed is not a government agency, but a privately owned banking cartel, which in 1913 instituted a monetary system in which their currency, unlinked to any hard assets like gold, was loaned into existence at interest to governments, and by extension their citizens. They came quietly in the night, and usurped the power of money away from We the People.

Emailed to Recaps from Anonymous

I have been singing this tune for several years now. Free energy, no more fiat currency, we are at WAR with an enemy you proudly pay your taxes to and fill your tanks with their crude oil. 


When light dawns, people awaken. When light dawns, darkness disappears.

"President Trump authorized the US Treasury to take control over the Federal Reserve. This is easily one of the biggest news stories in the last 100 years, yet many are completely unaware of it, because it was not reported in any real way on mainstream news outlets.

Many know that the Fed is not a government agency, but a privately owned banking cartel, which in 1913 instituted a monetary system in which their currency, unlinked to any hard assets like gold, was loaned into existence at interest to governments, and by extension their citizens. They came quietly in the night, and usurped the power of money away from We the People.

The first dollar was indeed loaned into existence, but more than a dollar required in return payment. Thus, by its very model, government debt could never be repaid, since not enough money exists to repay it. More money can only be borrowed into existence to service the interest payments on the existing debt, while creating more of said debt.

The majority of funds collected by the IRS go to servicing the interest on debts to the Fed and not to any public utilities. In this respect, the Fed has more power than the US Government which it loans its money to. But not any more.

The Trump Alliance is far bigger than simply one US President, though Donald Trump is easily one of our greatest, on par with Washington and Lincoln. One day, he will be up on Mount Rushmore, and those who did not understand what he stood for while all this was actually happening can explain to the next generation the mind control aspects of popular media and how, unfortunately, it also worked on them.

Because every day it gets more obvious, as people from all walks of life break through the noise of those who might rule us, and discover the story that is playing out on the world stage. The true definition of Apocalypse, after all, is not the destruction of the world, but an unveiling or unfolding of things not previously known and which could not be known apart from the unveiling.

We have entered the unveiling stage of world history. To those who wish to know, all information is available on virtually every subject right at your fingertips, if you can get past the entertainment media complex, which is owned by 6 corporations, the members of which are all on each other's boards and the boards of the international banking conglomerate, upon which the Fed sat like a crown jewel.

But crown jewels ain't what they used to be. And in this Apocalypse all historical Titans must fall. A new world will not be birthed via the control mechanisms of the old. That means the Medical Cartels & Big Pharma must fall. Illness-for-profit is the name of their game.

Diseases can be, and sometimes are, created in labs and afterwards the non-cures promoted to the population. These non-cures keep the disease in a holding pattern long enough to extract maximum profit. After all, there is no profit in cheaply curing any disease.

In order for the people to know they must be shown, beyond any and all doubt. For most, telling alone will not be enough.

I write these posts chiefly for posterity. For those deeply ensconced in the anti-Trump world, no words will ever be enough. No article or news story will ever meet their standards of validity, and as long as they can still palm off everything they don't like or agree with as conspiracy, they will continue to do so. What is at stake are their well-cultivated illusions, upon which their cherished anti-Trump beliefs are cemented in media-justified intellectual certainty.

Trump is an ignorant racist buffoon and his followers are morons. These truths must be self evident if Jimmy Kimmel & Bill Maher repeat them every night on TV. But the TV has rarely been a fountain of truth when real power is at stake. You can detonate buildings in front of some people and they will believe it when you tell them it was hijacked planes.

Even the building that no planes hit, that was from hijacked planes, too. The laws of physics mean nothing when you have been brainwashed by the media and have Stockholm Syndrome for those who have historically led you around by the nose.

In a way, we are all still sitting inside the prison of an old history. The doors are open, however, and nothing stops us from leaving except our own hesitation regarding what might lie on the other side. True, there are yet some of the old guard left, wardens telling us we may not leave, that they are still in charge of us.

But the sun is bright in the meadows outside the prison gates, the birds beckoning us forward with song. The prison might have fed us and housed us for longer than we care to remember, but we were never truly free while in its confines.

What awaits on the other side of this historical moment is true freedom. It is the promise at the end of history's story. 5,000+ energy patents have been shelved for 'national security reasons' over the last 70 years. Nikola Tesla was one of the great geniuses of history and yet the majority of his work was suppressed.

Did you know Donald Trump's favorite uncle John Trump went to MIT with Tesla and they worked together, having a shared interest in particle acceleration? Did you know John Trump inherited the notes of Tesla upon his death? Those notes went into the right hands.

Energy is one big piece of the puzzle, but first we must start with banking. This the golden rule: that those with the gold make the rules. Can you imagine what the world would be like if Good instead of Evil was actually in charge?

The Federal Reserve will be forced to swallow its own debt and the US Treasury will institute a new gold backed currency from the ashes of the dying Fed.

The first step has already been taken for this, with many other steps concurrently behind the scenes. When it is launched it will seem as if it happened overnight.

The old petrol-based energy technologies will then be replaced by a release of new energy tech that will make our current alternative energies look like children's toys.

One of the (very many) reasons Space Force was instituted was to mine products such as Helium 3 from the moon. It is an extraordinarily rare element on earth, but exists in far greater supply on the moon.

A pound of it is worth over a billion dollars. The reason why is that it can be utilized in nuclear fusion. We currently utilize nuclear fission, splitting uranium atoms to produce steam which powers turbines to create electricity. The problem is that the end product is very dangerous nuclear waste. With nuclear fusion via Helium 3, the end product is organic and harmless.

But you thought Trump was just a big goofball instituting Space Force, didn't you? Just another goofy moron who keeps outsmarting the most entrenched and powerful cartels the world has ever known at each and every turn.

And yes, Covid19 was created and released to counter the freedom fighters of the Trump Alliance and to stop the inevitable awakening of humanity on Earth. The plan was discovered and largely mitigated, though there has been obvious fall out.

And no, they don't get to lock down the world indefinitely and inject us all with their Gates vaccine. Their plans will be used against them. The whole world is watching and they will be unmasked for all to see. Many already do see, quite clearly, but there are just as many still entranced by the spell of Hollywood & the Media.

They thought we would all follow the stars. We may follow the north star, and light our way at night by the glimmer of constellations, but the bought-and-sold 'stars' of Hollywood have never had less value. Most of them report to those who gave them their stardom, their 'special job' of prominence, and as such, that is where their allegiances can be found, even when those allegiances run counter to the benefit of humanity. Define sell-out.

Define rationalization. There are notable exceptions, of course, and you can't knock someone for wanting to work in a creative field like the arts. However, there is no excuse for steering the public wrong at such a critical juncture. And those that do are the chaff and not the wheat of this harvest. They should change their tunes while they still have the chance.

An Anon once said in regard to what Trump faces: "What's the most difficult thing in your life? Multiply that times a billion. Now try to fix that problem on a public stage with thousands of brilliant psychopathic adversaries working against you."

Eventually all will come to realize that a Divine Providence has guided the Trump Alliance's quest to rid the world of the death cult control of the old guard and free humanity. Trump is a true hero of the American People, and by extension, the entire World. Some see it now. Some will see it later. But eventually it will be a well established permanent truth.

You can tell the difference by what they promote. Trump has promoted Hydroxychloroquine. It is a generic drug that costs 63 cents. He has no stake in it, beyond the fact that it works, and for much more than just Covid. His opponents promote a thousand dollar pill that they own. And they promote a vaccine with medical chip tracking.

These are the same people that believe there are too many humans on Earth and we need to reduce the numbers. They're so in-your-face obvious about their plans at this point they might as well be wearing Dr. Evil costumes. This is what I mean when I say that people cannot be told, they must be shown.

If you haven't figured out at this point that they put things in vaccines that are not radiant products of health-promoting vitality, then you are simply not paying attention. And this is a bad time to be not paying attention. Therefore, the stage play will get more and more obvious until all but the most blind can see it.

Right now we still have a great many well-meaning people advocating for their oppressors and battling against the Trump Alliance. That very Alliance which is opening the gates of our metaphoric jails and smashing down the prison walls.

But you can't be forced out of your individual cell. Freewill is still paramount. While it is true that the Titans are going down whether they like it or not (and they most certainly do not like it) each individual must decide for themselves how to interpret events and proceed forward on their own two feet.

What awaits us? Trump himself told us in his inaugural address.

"The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action...

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow."

In order to unlock these technologies and free the Earth from disease, those that controlled the technologies and hid the cures from us must be comprehensively defeated. And make no mistake, we are here to defeat them, absolutely and at every level.

And when we are done there will be nothing left of their 'new world order' power structure. It was never the new world order anyway, it was the old, and it has literally no chance of maintaining its structure in the reality of the increasing light upon the planet.

The Aboriginals, the Natives, the great seers from the past, they knew this time was coming. And none of us are here today by accident. At one level or another, you signed up for this time, and chose to be here now. It's a heck of a wave to surf, but it will take us to a far better shore, one we can only imagine from our current vantage point. It's promise is worth whatever it takes to get there. In the end, it is only the ghosts of the past we leave behind.

As light increases, frequencies change. As light increases, what was once hidden is revealed. Again, the true meaning of Apocalypse. This is the Apocalypse for the old world order. As more of the public awakens, their control continues to slip. They will fight every step of the way, but they cannot stop what is coming, or hide what is being revealed.

So ask yourself what side of history you'd like to be on as this final series of curtains are pulled back, one after the other.

Do you still wish that somehow Trump will be stopped? You will not get your wish.

If you stand for the freedom of humanity to live in a world that supports their true health and well-being, you might ask to be shown the actual truth, hidden behind all those curtains, instead of the pretty little lies promoted by those that would control you with their banks, their medical cartels, and their old energy technology.

Do not be fooled by their claims to love the environment. They are heavily invested in oil and gas. Do not be fooled by their claims to love health care. They are heavily invested in the corrupt pharmaceutical industry. Do not be fooled by their claims to support prosperity. They foisted their banking system on us on Christmas Eve, 1913.

And sunk the Titanic beforehand to take out the 3 major bankers who were against their plan. That's how little they care about any lives lost in the fallout of their schemes. Did Hollywood tell you about that story? No, it gave you a fictional tale of a lost diamond and a touching little love story about a floating hunk of wood with room for only one.

But something else also happened once upon a Christmas Eve. A rag-tag band of freedom loving Patriots crossed the semi-frozen Delaware and hiked 9 miles in a blizzard to take on the most powerful empire on Earth. Their chance of victory in this war of Revolution, by any mathematical calculation, hovered right around zero percent. But as Washington himself said:

"The Man must be bad indeed who can look upon the events of the American Revolution without feeling the warmest gratitude towards the great Author of the Universe whose divine interposition was so frequently manifested in our behalf.”

Do not bet against President Trump and the Trump Alliance. Divine Providence guides them, like Washington and his Continental Army, in this battle. No one can tell the exact time frames while we are still in the story, but the route itself is inexorable.

The Titan known as the Federal Reserve was taken down, quietly, overnight, with a single hit from a slingshot.

What is next? When Trump mentioned that light can be used as a disinfectant for diseases in the body, did you make fun of him or choose to look into that technology? The choice, as ever, is yours. The path of ignorance or enlightenment. Both are difficult in their own ways, but only one gets to a place worth getting to.

When light dawns, people awaken. When light dawns, darkness disappears.

Darkness and its progenitors had their time for historical rule. There was a genius in their darkness and their methods of control. But when the time is up, the time is up. You don't bet against cycles whose imprimatur predates the plans of any and all mice and men.

And do not bet against Donald Trump or the Alliance that supports him. The best is truly yet to come. Where we go one, we go all.


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17 Red, White, and Blue Political Terms July 2 2020

17 Red, White, and Blue Political Terms July 2 2020

Red tape, white collars, blue laws, and more colorful words from government


Early political uses of red refer to revolutionary social movements before it became associated with adherents of Marxism-Leninism and Communism, as well as with the former Soviet Union. Besides the Soviet Red Army, formed in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917, there was the extreme left-wing terrorist organization the Italian Red Brigades, which was active during the 1970s and whose objective was to pave the way for a Marxist upheaval.

During the 1960s, the Red Guards were organized by Chinese leader Mao Tse-tung to revitalize the revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party.

Another use of red is in American politics, where it indicates that one supports Republican candidates or their policies. The term red state, for example, gained popularity during the 2000 U.S. presidential election between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore.

17 Red, White, and Blue Political Terms July 2 2020

Red tape, white collars, blue laws, and more colorful words from government


Early political uses of red refer to revolutionary social movements before it became associated with adherents of Marxism-Leninism and Communism, as well as with the former Soviet Union. Besides the Soviet Red Army, formed in the aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917, there was the extreme left-wing terrorist organization the Italian Red Brigades, which was active during the 1970s and whose objective was to pave the way for a Marxist upheaval.

During the 1960s, the Red Guards were organized by Chinese leader Mao Tse-tung to revitalize the revolutionary spirit of the Communist Party.

Another use of red is in American politics, where it indicates that one supports Republican candidates or their policies. The term red state, for example, gained popularity during the 2000 U.S. presidential election between Republican George W. Bush and Democrat Al Gore.

News coverage showed election results with a two-tone map. A red state meant it was won by the Republican candidate and a blue state meant it was won by the Democrat. That election gave momentum to the political use of both colors.

The pundits, the pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states and blue states. Red states for Republicans, blue states for Democrats.   — Barack Obama, speech, 27 July 2004

Red-baiting   black-and-white-photo-of-capitol-building

Baiting refers to a few practices that aren't nice, such as putting food on a hook or in a trap to catch a fish or animal or using dogs to anger, worry, or intimidate an animal (such as a bear or bull). Baiting can also refer to using criticism, derision, or insults to make a person angry.

In the early 20th century, the practice of harassing or persecuting a person who is known as or expected to be a Communist (or a Red) or to have Communist (Red) sympathies became known as Red-baiting.

Red baiting is primarily, it seems to me, making allegations of Communist Party membership or support that cannot be proven.  — Communist Domination of Unions and National Security, 1952

Red Book   

Red Book generally refers to an official British register—often of political, economic, or legal affairs—that is bound in red. It is also the title of a book containing information on members of the British court, nobility, or government and other people of social prominence. This Red Book was essentially a directory of "who's who" in Great Britain that faded out as the 20th century wound down.

Webster's Royal Red Book is the best Guide Book that we have met with for the Metropolis of Great Britain. An alphabetical arrangement of residences, followed by another of persons, renders it at once one of the easiest possible of reference for immediate information of that kind which is sought for, not only by strangers, but even by residents.

It is carefully done; the whole of the proper names appearing in capital letters, and those of the streets in red ink, accompanied by an almanack, evinces a degree of attention not always bestowed on these matters.    — The Nautical Magazine, May 1848

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:

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Two Presidents Died on the Same July 4th : Coincidence or Something More?

Two Presidents Died on the Same July 4th : Coincidence or Something More?

Natasha Frost Original: Jul 3, 2018 Updated: Sep 4, 2018

On July 4, 1826, America celebrated 50 years of independence as, just a few hours apart, two of its Presidents took their final breaths. At the time of his death, Thomas Jefferson was 83, while John Adams had turned 90 the year before. Though both were unwell, their deaths came as a surprise to many—particularly as they coincided with one another on this very striking date.

In the weeks that followed, Americans offered a variety of explanations for the sudden loss of these two presidents. Though some likely wrote it off as coincidence, many saw evidence of divine design at work. In a eulogy delivered the following month, for instance, Daniel Webster wondered what this “striking and extraordinary” coincidence might suggest.

Two Presidents Died on the Same July 4th : Coincidence or Something More?

Natasha Frost Original: Jul 3, 2018  Updated: Sep 4, 2018

On July 4, 1826, America celebrated 50 years of independence as, just a few hours apart, two of its Presidents took their final breaths. At the time of his death, Thomas Jefferson was 83, while John Adams had turned 90 the year before. Though both were unwell, their deaths came as a surprise to many—particularly as they coincided with one another on this very striking date.

In the weeks that followed, Americans offered a variety of explanations for the sudden loss of these two presidents. Though some likely wrote it off as coincidence, many saw evidence of divine design at work. In a eulogy delivered the following month, for instance, Daniel Webster wondered what this “striking and extraordinary” coincidence might suggest.

The men’s lives had been gifts from Providence to the United States, he said. So too were their length and “happy termination,” which he saw as “proofs that our country and its benefactors are objects of His care.”

But if it wasn’t a coincidence or divine intervention, what other explanations might there be? Modern scholars have sometimes attempted to pinpoint why such a statistically unlikely event might have taken place.

After all, Jefferson and Adams didn’t only die on the same day, with an already low probability of 1 in 365. They died on the same significant date and historic anniversary. “When appeals to coincidence are insufficient,” writes Margaret P. Battin in a 2005 Bulletin of the Historic Society report, “we must look for explanations in common circumstance or common cause, or for causation from one case to the other.”

One possible explanation proposes that Jefferson and Adams deliberately “held on” for the anniversary. The phenomenon of people keeping themselves alive until they’ve said goodbye to a loved one or experienced a significant anniversary is well-documented: It’s entirely possible that Adams and Jefferson’s “will to live” kept them going through those final days ahead of July 4th—but wasn’t enough to keep them alive after that.

 Benjamin Franklin and John Adams meeting with Thomas Jefferson, standing, to study a draft of the Declaration of Independence. (Credit: Universal History Archive/Getty Images) PICTURE

To continue reading, please go to the original article here: 

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Why Do We Celebrate July 4th With Fireworks?

.Why Do We Celebrate July 4 With Fireworks?

Sarah Pruitt Jul 3, 2019

It’s hard to imagine Independence Day without fireworks. But how did this tradition get started?

As it turns out, setting off mini-explosions of all shapes and colors (but particularly red, white and blue) on July 4 goes back almost as far as American independence itself.

Fireworks have a long and colorful history, but the story of how they became ubiquitous on July 4 dates to the summer of 1776, during the first months of the Revolutionary War. On July 1, delegates of the Continental Congress were in Philadelphia, debating over whether the 13 original colonies should declare their independence from Britain’s Parliament as well as King George III himself.

Why Do We Celebrate July 4th With Fireworks?

Sarah Pruitt  Jul 3, 2019

It’s hard to imagine Independence Day without fireworks. But how did this tradition get started?

As it turns out, setting off mini-explosions of all shapes and colors (but particularly red, white and blue) on July 4 goes back almost as far as American independence itself.

Fireworks have a long and colorful history, but the story of how they became ubiquitous on July 4 dates to the summer of 1776, during the first months of the Revolutionary War. On July 1, delegates of the Continental Congress were in Philadelphia, debating over whether the 13 original colonies should declare their independence from Britain’s Parliament as well as King George III himself.

That night, news arrived that British ships had sailed into New York Harbor, posing an immediate threat to the Continental troops commanded by George Washington.

On July 2, delegates from 12 colonies voted in favor of independence (New York would follow suit on July 9) and the motion carried.

On July 3, even as Congress revised a draft of the declaration composed by Thomas Jefferson, an excited John Adams took up his pen to write to his wife, Abigail.

“The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America,” Adams wrote. “I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival…It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” Adams was off by a couple of days.

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 Macy’s July 4th Fireworks Spectacular —See Pics From The Gorgeous Displays Across NYC:

View of fireworks from the National Mall   KCTV5 News  July 4 2020

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50 Happy 4th Of July Quotes To Celebrate The American Dream

.50 Happy 4th Of July Quotes To Celebrate The American Dream

Roman Chiarello Author Quotes July 4, 2020

'We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.' — William Faulkner

Happy 4th of July! Celebrate the birth of the American dream with the collection below of the best Fourth of July quotes you can share with your friends and family.

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six leaders of the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence. With this signing, our Founding Fathers declared themselves, along with the 2.5 million people living in the thirteen colonies, members of a new, independent nation: The United States of America.

This year's Independence Day — July 4, 2020 — marks the 244th anniversary of our country’s founding and the birth of the American dream. Every year, patriotic folks across the nation celebrate our freedom and this momentous occasion with firework displays, BBQ parties, parades, outdoor games and lots (and lots!) of American-made beer, as scores of American flags can be seen soaring across the nation.

50 Happy 4th Of July Quotes To Celebrate The American Dream

Roman Chiarello  Author  Quotes  July 4, 2020

'We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.' — William Faulkner

Happy 4th of July! Celebrate the birth of the American dream with the collection below of the best Fourth of July quotes you can share with your friends and family.

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six leaders of the Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence. With this signing, our Founding Fathers declared themselves, along with the 2.5 million people living in the thirteen colonies, members of a new, independent nation: The United States of America.

This year's Independence Day — July 4, 2020 — marks the 244th anniversary of our country’s founding and the birth of the American dream. Every year, patriotic folks across the nation celebrate our freedom and this momentous occasion with firework displays, BBQ parties, parades, outdoor games and lots (and lots!) of American-made beer, as scores of American flags can be seen soaring across the nation.

In fact, The National Retail Federation (NRF) reports that "Eighty-six percent of Americans plan to celebrate Independence Day this year, spending a total $6.7 billion on food items, according to NRF’s annual survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics. Cookouts, barbecues and picnics continue to be the most popular activity (61%), followed by fireworks and community celebrations (40%)."

Some of the most popular menu items include hamburgers, ribs, potato salad, and hot dogs.

Meanwhile, U.S. Census Bureau data released by the Department of Commerce estimates that in 2012, $368.6 million worth of fireworks were purchased from retailers across the country.

Check out this spectacular display of fireworks in New York City that took place a few years ago (pretty impressive, huh?): Displays and events like these bring families, friends, and community members together to mark the day and put their American pride on full display.

And being able to celebrate this American pride and patriotism is one of this country’s greatest hallmarks.

Over the years, many have spoken out about what makes America such a remarkable country.

The following quotes and sayings from their statements are patriotic, inspiring, and thought-provoking. They reflect on our country’s long, unique history as the land of the free and home of the brave. And they show us what it means to be an American and have pride in this country’s values, including liberty, freedom, opportunity, and honesty.

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The Flag, The Fourth, and the Eye of the Beholder

The Flag, The Fourth, And The Eye Of The Beholder

By Ethan Bauer Jul 3, 2020, 10:00pm MD

Flags can both unify and divide. This July Fourth can the American flag play a unifying role and actually bring the country together during a divisive time?

SALT LAKE CITY — Less than an hour after Neil Armstrong took his “giant leap” in 1969, he and fellow Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin unveiled a plaque. “We came in peace for all mankind,” it proclaimed, alongside a photo showing all the continents of the Earth. Moments later, they planted an American flag into the lunar dust coating the Sea of Tranquility — a decision, in light of coming for “all mankind,” that was heavily discussed and contested.

In a post on writer Bruce Watson’s American history blog, “The Attic,” he explains that debate raged at NASA over whether to plant the American flag or the United Nations flag. Perhaps even no flag at all.

The Flag, The Fourth, And The Eye Of The Beholder

By Ethan Bauer  Jul 3, 2020, 10:00 pm MD

Flags can both unify and divide. This July Fourth can the American flag play a unifying role and actually bring the country together during a divisive time?

SALT LAKE CITY — Less than an hour after Neil Armstrong took his “giant leap” in 1969, he and fellow Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin unveiled a plaque. “We came in peace for all mankind,” it proclaimed, alongside a photo showing all the continents of the Earth. Moments later, they planted an American flag into the lunar dust coating the Sea of Tranquility — a decision, in light of coming for “all mankind,” that was heavily discussed and contested.

In a post on writer Bruce Watson’s American history blog, “The Attic,” he explains that debate raged at NASA over whether to plant the American flag or the United Nations flag. Perhaps even no flag at all.


Richard Cross of Washington Terrace, Weber County, holds an American flag on the Capitol grounds in Salt Lake City on Wednesday, July 1, 2020. Laura Seitz, Deseret News

The universe beyond our planet had been declared neutral, and Americans didn’t want to be viewed as colonizing the moon. But since the lunar landing was a distinctly American achievement, made possible by thousands of people of diverse backgrounds from across the country, NASA decided the plaque would “dilute any jingoism,” in Watson’s words, and chose to go ahead with planting the stars and stripes.

Long before and since, the American flag’s history is one of unifying and dividing people. Its meaning is up to individual and changing interpretations.

Post Civil War, the banner was used to signify what it meant to be an American. In the early 1940s, veneration of the flag conflicted with religious liberty in two landmark Supreme Court cases. It was coopted by liberal and conservative causes throughout the 20th century. And this year, ahead of a presidential election, flying the flag (or not) has been read by some as a signal of partisan loyalties.

“Flags have no intrinsic meaning,” flag expert Ted Kaye said. “They’re just pieces of cloth. They only have meaning that we attribute to them.”

Flags, he added, are supposed to be “for all.” They’re supposed to unify. But this July Fourth, questions about whether the American flag is a unifier — or can become one again — swirl throughout the country.

Why Flags Matter

Kaye’s office overflows with flags. As one of the world’s most prominent vexillologists — someone who studies flags — he boasts a collection of some 300-400. He also (literally) wrote the book on flag design, and he’s consulted on redesigns from Fiji to the ongoing process in Salt Lake City. There’s perhaps no one better equipped to explain the origins of flags — a story that begins in China.


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The Principles of the Founding Fathers Are Still Worth Emulating In Our Opinion

The Principles Of The Founding Fathers Are Still Worth Emulating In Our Opinion

By the Deseret News Editorial Board Jul 4, 2020, 6:00am MDT

John Trumbull’s “The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.”

Alex Contreras, Wikimedia Commons

Although it was only first declared a federal holiday in 1941, the Fourth of July has a long tradition of celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence since its signing in 1776.

Today America is in the midst of a historical time. The year has weathered attacks on health, economy and social change. For some, it’s hard to remember why the country is worth celebrating. Though the road may be rough, the principles of the Founding Fathers are worth keeping and emulating.

Perhaps the words of those who envisioned a free America can once again inspire us to study our history and use those lessons to move forward toward that higher goal of a more perfect union.

“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” — Benjamin Franklin

The Principles Of The Founding Fathers Are Still Worth Emulating In Our Opinion

By the Deseret News Editorial Board  Jul 4, 2020, 6:00 am MDT

John Trumbull’s “The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776.”

Alex Contreras, Wikimedia Commons

Although it was only first declared a federal holiday in 1941, the Fourth of July has a long tradition of celebrating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence since its signing in 1776.

Today America is in the midst of a historical time. The year has weathered attacks on health, economy and social change. For some, it’s hard to remember why the country is worth celebrating. Though the road may be rough, the principles of the Founding Fathers are worth keeping and emulating.

Perhaps the words of those who envisioned a free America can once again inspire us to study our history and use those lessons to move forward toward that higher goal of a more perfect union.

“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.” — Benjamin Franklin

“The advancement and diffusion of knowledge is the only guardian of true liberty.” — James Madison

Founding Fathers.png

“There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism.” — Alexander Hamilton

“We have all one common cause; let it, therefore, be our only contest, who shall most contribute to the security of the liberties of America.” — John Hancock

“Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. ... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.” — Thomas Jefferson

“The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty, and the destiny of the Republican model of Government, are justly considered as deeply, perhaps as finally staked, on the experiment entrusted to the hands of the American people.” — George Washington

“Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, because if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world.” — Daniel Webster

“The foundations of our national policy will be laid in the pure and immutable principles of private morality, and the preeminence of free government be exemplified by all the attributes which can win the affections of its citizens, and command the respect of the world.” — George Washington

“It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” — Samuel Adams

“Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.” — Thomas Paine

“Posterity, you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven that ever I took half the pains to preserve it.” — John Adams

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Advice, Personal Finance, Special DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance, Special DINARRECAPS8

A father’s letter to his kid: The 9 Money and Life Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life

.A father’s letter to his kid: The 9 Money and Life Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life

Published Fri, Jun 19 2020 Morgan Housel, Contributor@MORGANHOUSEL

On June 3, 2019, my wife and I welcomed our daughter into the world. She’s barely old enough to walk, so her job (mostly eating and sleeping) hasn’t changed much. But, one day, she’ll need some money and life advice. As a father who has spent much of his career studying and writing about money, behavioral finance and business, this is what I’ll tell her:

1. Don’t underestimate the role of chance in life.

It’s easy to assume that wealth and poverty are caused by the choices we make, but it’s even easier to underestimate the role of chance in life. The families, values, countries and generations we’re born into, as well as the people we happen to meet along the way, all play a bigger role in our outcomes than most people want to admit.

While you should believe in the values and rewards of hard work, it’s also important to understand that not all success is a result of hard work, and that not all poverty is due to laziness. Keep this in mind when forming opinions about others, including yourself.

A father’s letter to his kid: The 9 Money and Life Lessons Most People Learn Too Late In Life

Jun 19 2020  By Morgan Housel, Contributor@MORGANHOUSEL

On June 3, 2019, my wife and I welcomed our daughter into the world. She’s barely old enough to walk, so her job (mostly eating and sleeping) hasn’t changed much. But, one day, she’ll need some money and life advice. As a father who has spent much of his career studying and writing about money, behavioral finance and business, this is what I’ll tell her:

1. Don’t underestimate the role of chance in life.

It’s easy to assume that wealth and poverty are caused by the choices we make, but it’s even easier to underestimate the role of chance in life.  The families, values, countries and generations we’re born into, as well as the people we happen to meet along the way, all play a bigger role in our outcomes than most people want to admit.

While you should believe in the values and rewards of hard work, it’s also important to understand that not all success is a result of hard work, and that not all poverty is due to laziness. Keep this in mind when forming opinions about others, including yourself.

2. The highest dividend money pays is the ability to control time.

Being able to do what you want, when you want, where you want, with who you want and for as long as you want provides a lasting level of happiness that no amount of “fancy stuff” can ever offer.

The thrill of having fancy stuff wears off quickly. But a job with flexible hours and a short commute will never get old. Having enough savings to give you time and options during an emergency will never get old. Being able to retire when you want to will never get old.  Achieving independence is our ultimate goal in life. But independence isn’t an “all-or-nothing” — every dollar you save is like owning a slice of your future that might otherwise be managed by someone else, based on their priorities.

3. Don’t count on getting spoiled.

No one can grasp the value of a dollar without experiencing its scarcity, so while your mother and I will always do our best to support you, we’re not going to spoil you. Learning that you can’t have everything you want is the only way to understand needs versus desires. This in turn will teach you about budgeting, saving, and valuing what you already have.

Knowing how to be frugal — without it hurting you — is an essential life skill that will come in handy during life’s inevitable ups and downs.

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Advice, Special DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Special DINARRECAPS8

The Awesome Dad Cheat Sheet: 18 Fatherhood Tips They Should’ve Handed Out at the Delivery Room

.The Awesome Dad Cheat Sheet: 18 Fatherhood Tips They Should’ve Handed Out at the Delivery Room

Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, a father of six children.

Being a father can be a wonderful thing, once you get past all the gross stuff, all the stressful events, the loss of privacy, and the bewildering numbers of ways you can screw it up.

But other than those few things, fatherhood is wonderful.

Every dad has fears that he won’t be a great dad, that he’ll mess up, that he’ll be a failure. It comes with the job. Unfortunately, what doesn’t come with the job is a simple set of instructions. As guys, we often will skip the manual, figuring we can wing it … but when things go wrong, it’s nice to have that manual to go back to. Fatherhood needs that manual.

And while, as the father of six children, you might say that I’m qualified to write such a manual, it’s not true — I’m winging it like everyone else. However, I’ve been a father for more than 15 years, and with six kids I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t, what’s important and what you can safely ignore (unlike that odd grating sound coming from your engine).

The Awesome Dad Cheat Sheet: 18 Fatherhood Tips They Should’ve Handed Out at the Delivery Room

Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, a father of six children.

Being a father can be a wonderful thing, once you get past all the gross stuff, all the stressful events, the loss of privacy, and the bewildering numbers of ways you can screw it up.

But other than those few things, fatherhood is wonderful.

Every dad has fears that he won’t be a great dad, that he’ll mess up, that he’ll be a failure. It comes with the job. Unfortunately, what doesn’t come with the job is a simple set of instructions. As guys, we often will skip the manual, figuring we can wing it … but when things go wrong, it’s nice to have that manual to go back to. Fatherhood needs that manual.

And while, as the father of six children, you might say that I’m qualified to write such a manual, it’s not true — I’m winging it like everyone else. However, I’ve been a father for more than 15 years, and with six kids I’ve learned a lot about what works and what doesn’t, what’s important and what you can safely ignore (unlike that odd grating sound coming from your engine).

What follows are the fatherhood tips I wish they’d passed out to me upon the delivery of my first child. It would have helped a ton. I hope they’ll help you become an even more awesome dad than you already are — feel free to refer back to them as a cheat sheet, anytime you need some help.

Cherish your time with them. One thing that will amaze you is how quickly the years will fly. My oldest daughter is 15, which means I have three short years with her before she leaves the nest.

That’s not enough time! The time you have with them is short and precious — make the most of it. Spend as much time as you can with them, and make it quality, loving time. Try to be present as much as possible while you’re with them too — don’t let your mind drift away, as they can sense that.

It gets easier. Others may have different experiences, but I’ve always found the first couple of months the most difficult, when the baby is brand new and wants to feed at all hours of the night and you often have sleepless nights and walk around all day like zombies. It gets easier, as they get a regular sleeping pattern.

The first couple of years are also a lot more demanding than later years, and as they hit middle school they become almost functioning, independent adults. It gets easier, trust me.

Don’t look at anything as “mom” duties — share responsibilities. While there are a lot of good things from our grandparents’ day that we should bring back, the traditional dad/mom split of parenting duties isn’t one of them. Some men still look at certain duties as “mom” duties, but don’t be one of those dads.

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History of Flag Day

.Flag Day is June 14

History of Flag Day

Flag Day is a celebration of the adoption of the American flag by Continental Congress in the First Flag Resolution of June 14, 1777. Although the 200-year anniversary of this date was celebrated by flying flags on public buildings and holding remembrances in several cities, Flag Day wasn’t officially recognized until President Harry Truman signed it into law in 1949.

Bernard J. Cigrand, known to the general public as the "Father of Flag Day," worked as a school teacher at Stony Hill School in Waubeka, Wisconsin. He held the first unofficial observance for Flag Day at that school in 1885, and today a bust of Cigrand stands in Waubeka at the National Flag Day Americanism Center.

Flag Day is June 14

History of Flag Day

Flag Day is a celebration of the adoption of the American flag by Continental Congress in the First Flag Resolution of June 14, 1777. Although the 200-year anniversary of this date was celebrated by flying flags on public buildings and holding remembrances in several cities, Flag Day wasn’t officially recognized until President Harry Truman signed it into law in 1949.

Bernard J. Cigrand, known to the general public as the "Father of Flag Day," worked as a school teacher at Stony Hill School in Waubeka, Wisconsin. He held the first unofficial observance for Flag Day at that school in 1885, and today a bust of Cigrand stands in Waubeka at the National Flag Day Americanism Center.

Cigrand delivered speeches around the country about patriotism and holding an observance for the flag on June 14. He later became the president of the American Flag Day Association and the National Flag Day Society. He continued to promote his cause with backing from those organizations.

According to amateur historian James L. Brown who wrote the booklet, "The Real Bernard J. Cigrand: Father of Flag Day," Cigrand once claimed he had given 2,188 speeches on the flag and patriotism. The Chicago Tribune noted that Cigrand "almost single-handedly" established Flag Day.

Although Cigrand is perhaps the most recognized candidate, several others have also claimed to be founders of Flag Day. In 1889 the principal of a free kindergarten, George Bolch, celebrated the anniversary of the Flag resolution at his New York City school. Soon the State Board of Education of New York, the Betsy Ross House in Philadelphia and the New York Society of the Sons of the Revolution celebrated Flag Day too.

In 1893 Elizabeth Duane Gillespie, a descendant of Benjamin Franklin and the president of the Colonial Dames of Pennsylvania, attempted to have a resolution passed deeming June 14 as Flag Day. That same year the Colonial Dames of Pennsylvania were responsible for a resolution passed requiring the American flag to be displayed on all Philadelphia’s public buildings. In 1937 Pennsylvania was the first state to make Flag Day a legal holiday.

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