"Money Is Not Special - Living Life Without Pain Is Special"
."Money Is Not Special - Living Life Without Pain Is Special"
'Happiness as a Second Language' Valerie Alexander Author
Prior to changing paths and moving to Hollywood, I had a whole other life in the Silicon Valley as a securities lawyer, a consultant, an investment banker and an Internet executive. I've spent a lot of time around a lot of money.
The one thing I learned is that money, in and of itself, is not special. It is merely an escalator. Whatever you have going on, money will escalate that. If you're naturally generous and happy, money can make you more generous and happier. If you're naturally a jack*, money will make you more of a jack*.
I was once again reminded of this yesterday when "news" broke that Amanda Bynes would be allowed supervised outings from rehab. I read the story on a popular gossip site, and of course, it was coupled with dozens of comments, almost all of which were unkind.
"Money Is Not Special - Living Life Without Pain Is Special"
'Happiness as a Second Language' Valerie Alexander Author
Prior to changing paths and moving to Hollywood, I had a whole other life in the Silicon Valley as a securities lawyer, a consultant, an investment banker and an Internet executive. I've spent a lot of time around a lot of money.
The one thing I learned is that money, in and of itself, is not special. It is merely an escalator. Whatever you have going on, money will escalate that. If you're naturally generous and happy, money can make you more generous and happier. If you're naturally a jack*, money will make you more of a jack*.
I was once again reminded of this yesterday when "news" broke that Amanda Bynes would be allowed supervised outings from rehab. I read the story on a popular gossip site, and of course, it was coupled with dozens of comments, almost all of which were unkind.
One comment in particular caught my eye, saying: "I am so sick of all these spoiled, rich celebrities. She has all the money in the world, so there's no reason for her to behave this way." To start with, this young woman clearly has mental health issues, so blaming her for the way she behaves is like blaming a diabetic for being unable to control her insulin levels. Second, none of these young celebrities making news with their behavior are anything close to spoiled.
Amanda Bynes started working when she was 7 years old. Miley Cyrus starting earning a paycheck at 10, and by the age of 11, Lindsey Lohan, who went to work at 3, was the primary breadwinner in her family.
How many of us can say that? And whether it seems glamorous or not, acting and modeling is work. It is not an extended trip to Chuck-E-Cheese, it's learning lines and being ready to perform at a moment's notice and spending hours getting your hair and makeup done, which is not nearly as much fun as it sounds.
How many things did you take up as a child, then decide you didn't like anymore and quit? Karate? Ballet? Guitar? Dungeons & Dragons? Did your parents let you quit, or was that activity supporting your entire family?
Money is not special -- getting to walk away from something you might not want to do anymore is special, especially if it's something you never chose to do in the first place. There is so much more to enjoying life than having millions of dollars, and what we would trade off for money can tell us so much about ourselves.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Randy Koonce Update "Iraq is finally ready to be DONE!"
.Randy Koonce Update "Iraq is finally ready to be DONE!"
Emailed To Dinar Recaps
Well, once again, we have had another long pause since I last gave an update to everyone. But, we have just now had a window open up, giving us another opportunity to finish up this investment. We are all weary!! This has been the longest 'wait', and none of us ever thought it would be this long.
Many have asked me if I had gotten out. The answer is: NO!! I have not sold my dinar. And I have not exchanged any dinar. I know from different people writing to me that this rumor has been floating around out there in Dinarland. It is NOT true. I am still in the game with everyone else.
I felt that since I was not being paid to keep everyone updated every week, along with the fact that I needed to actually work to put food on my own table - well working came first.
Randy Koonce Update "Iraq is finally ready to be DONE!"
Emailed To Dinar Recaps
Well, once again, we have had another long pause since I last gave an update to everyone. But, we have just now had a window open up, giving us another opportunity to finish up this investment. We are all weary!! This has been the longest 'wait', and none of us ever thought it would be this long.
Many have asked me if I had gotten out. The answer is: NO!! I have not sold my dinar. And I have not exchanged any dinar. I know from different people writing to me that this rumor has been floating around out there in Dinarland. It is NOT true. I am still in the game with everyone else.
I felt that since I was not being paid to keep everyone updated every week, along with the fact that I needed to actually work to put food on my own table - well working came first.
Answering every person who has emailed me, texted me, called me, then emailed me again, texted me again, and called me again - well, responding to the mountains of requests for information was just not as great a priority as food was. I do like to eat regularly. It was never in my heart to rudely ignore everyone, but it did cross my mind a time or two when the 2:00am texts came in. Sorry. (Not sorry!)
However. I am writing this letter to let everyone know - we have another window opening up. And this time, it is my opinion that the window will remain open until . . . we are done.
"At least, if ALL the political parties keep playing nice." The story of this journey would make the greatest political thriller novel of all time!
This time, it looks like the HCL is nearly done. If you have been keeping up with the articles coming out recently, then you know that Iraq has been signaling that they are going to pay people.
And in the last week, they have let us know that the census that has been finished recently is on employees who will get paid. So what that means is . . . Iraq is finally ready to be DONE! The US and the IMF wanted them to get the borrowing law ready. The articles coming out have also been saying that this is done.
It appears that Iraq has now done what everyone wanted done, and there is nothing left to be done. Except. . . (repeat with me) The Rate. The date.
(Too bad our own government can't get it done!)
I normally joke at the beginning of my updates about the Nigerian princesses and lottery. But we've been in this thing so long that all the lottery money has been spent and the princesses have died. So, it's not funny anymore.
With the Covid out there, there might be a few extra challenges in the exchange process, so be sure and call your bank, make an appointment, and ask them what their requirements are for coming in.
All of the major banks will exchange for us, but it might take a bit of extra planning. Just stay calm. Be polite. Breathe. Do. Not. Get. Hysterical.
Breathe. Several times. Be wise. Be smart. Do not be rash. Make good decisions.
Do not give your dinar to anyone except a bank. Get professional advice. Invest wisely. Learn to say 'No'.
God bless all of you. It has been a journey none of us ever expected, but we should all be grateful to have been included in it.
Check www.cbi.iq every day to see if it has changed... do not take a guru or a post about in country RV or any thing else do not be fooled just check the CBI
Do not let your emotions get to you.
Blessings. Randy Koonce koonce@randykoonce.com
"Q and A Charlie Ward Video: ZIM, RV, GESARA etc."
."Q and A Charlie Ward Video: ZIM, RV, GESARA etc."
by Kat - 6.27.20
6/27/2020 04:24:00 PM Emailed, GESARA, Kat, NESARA, Q&A, Thoughts
Hi Dinarlandia,
I have many thanks to write and am composing that post later today.
To those who reached out to me through Patrick, you are Divine angels. You lifted me up when I was so very down: Charles, Don, Candice, Gemma, Dyan, my dear friend BV who calls me Kit-Kat which I LOVE—each one of you are radiant Divine Lights. Blessings and love unceasing.
Enclose below my today's transcription of Charlie Ward’s answers to questions.
I posted an earlier vid of Charlie’s on IDC and I think you all enjoyed it. I certainly did.
"The Future is Bright, a Charles Ward Video" by Kat - 6.25.20
"Q and A Charlie Ward Video: ZIM, RV, GESARA etc."
by Kat - 6.27.20
6/27/2020 04:24:00 PM Emailed, GESARA, Kat, NESARA, Q&A, Thoughts
Hi Dinarlandia,
I have many thanks to write and am composing that post later today.
To those who reached out to me through Patrick, you are Divine angels. You lifted me up when I was so very down: Charles, Don, Candice, Gemma, Dyan, my dear friend BV who calls me Kit-Kat which I LOVE—each one of you are radiant Divine Lights. Blessings and love unceasing.
Enclose below my today's transcription of Charlie Ward’s answers to questions.
I posted an earlier vid of Charlie’s on IDC and I think you all enjoyed it. I certainly did.
"The Future is Bright, a Charles Ward Video" by Kat - 6.25.20
Transcribed By Kat here: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/06/the-future-is-bright-charles-ward-video.html
A little background about Charlie Ward which comes from another video, but just FYI and in his own words:
Charles Ward: I’ve been moving money around the world for a number of private clients which range from the super-rich to government officials to other officials around the world for many many years now. I tend to work in the Middle East mainly. I live in Southern Spain but I commute between Spain and Dubai most of the time.
From a 6-22-20 video with Charlie, Ole Dammegard and Jason Goodman re the RV
So for me, Charlie’s got excellent credentials and an informed outlook regards global money.
As with everything, take what you can use and leave the rest.
I wholeheartedly agree with Charlie — with the RV, GCR and NESARA/GESARA, we are moving into a beautiful miraculous New World: A pristine clean sparkling Gaia, gorgeous healthy restored Kingdoms, Divinely restored Humanity, Healthy, Happy, Abundant, Creative, Innovative, Kind, Peaceful, NO MORE HARM, reverence for all life, all good and wondrous things and far better than I can list here.
With blessings unceasing - we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free, xo, Kat
Video: Charlie’s Answers, June 27, 2020 Transcription by Kat
0:40 Good beautiful morning, it’s a beautiful Saturday morning, lovely and warm here on the Costa del Sol (Spain.) I’ve had a tremendous amount of questions in the last twenty-four hours and I’m going to answer the first 8.
I’m going to answer more questions as we go through the 1000 questions I’ve been asked and hopefully we can establish the TRUTH as we go along…
1:15 The first question we’re going to address is one of the first ones that came through… is about the ZIMs: Zimbabwe money, Zimbabwe Bonds.
Now most people know who’ve been following me for a while, I spent €60 Euros buying 10 10-Trillion-dollar Zimbabwe notes… now if it’s going to turn into money, great, if it doesn’t matter it’s 60 quid, not my life savings, I’ve just done it as a bit of fun.
1:51 When it comes to exchanging those, because they have no value at the moment anyway that’s why you can buy them on eBay for next to nothing…
But if it becomes a value to them, it’s not that simple to just go into an exchange bureau and change them for any other currency…
2:10 They will be issuing free phone numbers in America where based on:
How you are as a person and what your intentions are… and whether your heart is pure…will depend very much on whether they’re willing to exchange them and what they’re going to exchange them for.
And this is why the 1-800 #’s are being issued and there’s guidelines that will be issued as to what you can and cannot spend them on… because the whole idea of this is to increase the quality of everybody’s life in the world and countries like Zimbabwe have been oppressed for many many years.
2:55 It may well mean… that they’ll give you a good value but it will have to be spent in Zimbabwe… maybe?
3:03 Or maybe (?) our job, once we have (exchange) them, will be to share our experiences and share our skills to try and help educate people climb the ladder of life… The one thing that we all have is experience and if we can share that with people [because] we’ve learnt an awful lot in our lives…
3:28 So we’ll know more about the exchange mechanisms for the ZIMs, as they’re called, and we’ll know more as to the value of them DEPENDING on the value of you as a person, and me as a person…
3:45 We’re moving into a whole different world… we’re leaving behind the world of dominance of money… we’re moving into a new place, it is a great awakening, and there will be a Financial Reset, a Revaluation of Currency and I’ve said this for the whole way during the journey… and it’s now starting to become clearer…
4:09 There are those completely in the dark, who don’t believe a word of it, but we have some very very good inside information…
4:20 But look, as I’ve said millions of times, I’m not a messiah, I’m just Charlie… I choose to believe and it gives me a certain peace knowing what I’m being told makes sense…
4:32 And if you go back to the start of this journey I was told at the end of last year that this was all going to happen, this is why I believe it now… because what I was told is now happening… so this is not a fantasy…
4:44 I was told this was going to happen 6-years ago… then I was told 2-years ago… and then in December last year (2019) they told me they were going to start this year…
And I thought it was a joke, to be honest, but then when it started to happen (virus vaccines, 5G, riots as smokescreen for the Alliance) I started to wake up and realize it’s not a joke, things are happening…
5:00 So that was the first question… about the ZIMs. The more information we get, the more I’ll share with you…
5:15 As well as ZIMs I’ve also got some VND (Vietnamese Dong…) because there’s talk that those will have value… I don’t know... I didn’t spend a lot of money on them, it’s one of those little gambles, if it pays off great, it not, OK…
Gold and Silver always very very good investments and solid… I personally have a preference for Gold, there is no right there is not wrong… it’s how you feel… the theory is that Silver will go up a lot faster…
Gold is always a solid commodity and now that it’s going to be backing our Currencies it becomes even more valuable, but both are very very good…
6:20 Now we get on to the Third question which I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of questions about and that is NESARA / GESARA…
Well, the last 2-times they tried to roll this out tragic things happened… [First JFK was killed and second, 9-11]… so this time they’re making no mistakes… I’m pretty confident that we will move into the world of NESARA and GESARA… pretty confident on what I’m hearing…
You can go onto the website and study about NESARA… there’s a good amount of information… I also put on my wall a link which is the documentation that lays out the technical side… there’s a huge amount of information there… that’s how I feel we are moving…
GESARA http://www.blissfulvisions.com/articles/GESARA-NESARA.html
NESARA http://intothelight.news/knowledge-base/nesara/
7:16 I am more confident now than I was 14 weeks ago with NESARA/GESARA… 209 countries have signed up to it… if 209 countries have signed up to it, it must be serious, you don’t sign up to something just for a joke… and we’re dealing with serious, serious countries… you know, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Canada, America’s obviously NESARA, the rest of the world, ‘Global’ is GESARA… all these countries have signed up so we’re in a good place for that…
8:00 Look, it’s like going to the beach you what to know what it’s like… but when we get there, you’ll enjoy the beauty of it… we’re still on the journey… still on the journey…and it’s an amazing journey, I’m just looking forward to getting on the other side but I’m incredibly peaceful, incredibly calm about it, KNOWING THAT WE’RE MOVING INTO A BETTER PLACE…
8:34 The 4th question was about Bill Gates… most of you know my thoughts on Bill Gates… Bill Gates created the Microsoft Computer, did an amazing job, but they were all incredibly reliable and that’s not good for business…
8:50 So he created in the computer, a virus, and then he created an anti-virus… and he made an absolute fortune out of it…
So then he starts pumping money into the WHO-World Health Organization, and the CDC-Center For Disease Control, the Imperial College in London, and he starts paying some big big-name players, politicians, giving them big big lumps of money…
9: 30 So that he can infiltrate the human world and create a virus and a vaccine… and without even knowing it, we all fell for it… Or did we?
9:44 Some of us woke up. Some of us woke up to what he was up to… You don’t need to be a genius to work where somebody’s at… he’s got NO qualifications in the medical world, none at all, and yet everyone’s listening to him on the medical side because he’s got money, he’s got power…
10:08 Things are changing, and he WILL be held accountable… he has been responsible for the death of many people… now if I was found guilty of killing one person I’d go to prison for life, for murder… so don’t think for one minute that he’s going to get away with it just because he hides behind a vaccine… He will be held accountable for what he’s done…
10:43 I pointed out a very interesting fact—fact—about the people who died from Covid-19… every single person—EVERY SINGLE PERSON—that died of Coronavirus Covid-19 HAD a VACCINE, a flu vaccine… and nobody died from Covid-19 who had NOT had the flu vaccine… surely that must ring alarm bells with you, surely!! Surely it must wake people up to the truth you can look at that as factual factual evidence…
11:23 And then you look at these trials in India, these trials in Africa, and HE’S KILLED THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN, THOUSANDS, there are law suits against him… and yet we all listen to him…
11:41 But don’t worry. Put your faith in God. He’ll handle him.
It’s a shame he’s not Russian really because Putin has that wonderful line, “It’s not my job to judge you, it’s my job to send you to a man who will judge you.” (laughter) It’s a bit cheeky, it’s a bit naughty, but it does make me smile. But his day will come… I promise you Trump does have him in his sights, 100%
12:16 Question #5, what about Boris? [Boris Johnson, PM of UK]… Well, Boris, bless him, he’s a bumbling buffoon, isn’t he?...
But it’s very difficult to bumble and bumble for 14 weeks, he was told like the rest of the leaders in Europe and the world, to create confusion and fear… and he’s done a very very good job of that… he’s created complete and utter confusion and complete and utter fear and he looks completely incompetent...
But that was what his mandate was to do by Trump… Trump has total control over him, I promise you, I promise you he knows what he’s doing…
12:51 Trump, the more I’m hearing the more I’m seeing is so much in control of this journey… it’s an absolute privilege to live in this time and watch what’s happening… and he’s the only President I’ve seen in a very very long time who looks younger after 4 years of service than the rest of them… he’s doing an AMAZING JOB in DRAINING THE SWAMP…
13:22 But we’re in a very dangerous period right now… because the swamp… are like a boxer on his last legs… they’re very very dangerous… all arms and legs throwing out punches from every which way and ANTIFA is the boxer that’s out on its feet… and they’re fighting like dogs and they’re causing chaos… but Trump will show them for what they really are…
13:49 We’re moving into a far better time… but to get there we’re having to go through a difficult time… I know that…
13:55 Seventh question: Talking about Italy and the autopsies that were done in Italy… showed that (the deaths) weren’t Covid-19 but a Thrombosis [Thrombosis: A local coagulation or clotting of the blood in a part of the circulatory system.]
The questions have been, if it was a Thrombosis, what was the cause of the Thrombosis?
14:20 First of all, there had to be complete confusion and chaos and lockdown… a really big lockdown in Italy for a number of reasons… to clean out the Vatican, to clean out the Mafia bosses, the cabal, the deep state, deeply deeply imbedded so that’s why there was so much pressure right at the start to get them out cuz there was loads of them there…
14:41 And that was actually done by 5G, which tells you how dangerous it can be… it stimulated the Thrombosis… so Mark Steele is absolutely bang-on right, we need to be very very careful in what we’re doing because they can adjust it to stimulate Thrombosis… and that’s dangerous…
Mark Steele British Weapons Expert and Chief Technology Officer 5g Activist 4-19-20
15:12 And if you look at where the 5G towers were, you don’t need to be a genius to see how it was done… because the bases where it needed to be done all had 5G towers… so we need to keep our eyes opened because into the wrong hands that becomes incredibly dangerous… the question is, who’s the right hands?
15:35 The Eight Question I'm going to cover now is one of my favorites… this is the world we’re moving into, it’s beautiful… we’re moving away from the corruption of the WHO and the CDC, NATO, UNICEF, all these corrupt, awful organizations that have been blocking cures…
There’s over 6000 patents that have been blocked for curing cancer, Alzheimer’s, dementia etc… for curing so many things, and they’ve been blocked by the Big Pharma groups funded by Bill Gates cuz he wants to get his vaccine out there…
16:19 Once he’s out of the way and they get these patents out (implementation of GESARA) that the WHO have blocked on Gates' say so, then we move into a brighter world… he’s killed enough people with the vaccines… but he’s also allowed people to die where there was cures for them…
16:45 That will all come out, that’ll all come out so that things are a lot clearer and a lot better… but we’re moving into a much better world…
17:00 On a Spiritual level… this weekend is the start of something extremely big that’s happening that will probably take 7 to 10 days to roll out but will start to make a lot of sense and hopefully by the 8th - 9th of July, we’ll have a far clearer picture of what’s happening…
But let’s see… and as I’ve said I’m not a messiah, I’m just Charlie… I’m just trying to find out the TRUTH and I have a lot of good sources to establish what is right and what is not right…
Anyway, you have a wonderful weekend and know in your heart that we’re moving to a better world and a better place…
And remember Jesus loves you even if everybody else thinks you’re a twat…
David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! Part 2
.David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! Part 2
June 26, 2020 by Kat
Spaceships” by Gilbert Williams
David Wilcock is a best-selling author, professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter.
His books The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key and The Ascension Mysteries were New York Times bestsellers.
Wilcock is also a consulting producer for and appears regularly on The History Channel’s hit show, Ancient Aliens. He’s been in over 600 television episodes in total.
Dannion Brinkley is world-renowned for having four near-death experiences.
His books outlining his experiences in the afterlife Saved by the Light and At Peace In The Light, were New York Times and international bestsellers. He has sold more than twenty-two million books.
In Part 1 of the 6-21-20 Wilcock/Brinkley video, Brinkley revealed that he’s worked in the Intelligence Community since the 1970’s and held a Security Clearance for forty-eight years.
Brinkley’s Security Clearance was just upgraded to a High Counter-Intelligence Level in the last few days.
David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! Part 2
June 26, 2020 by Kat
Spaceships” by Gilbert Williams
David Wilcock is a best-selling author, professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter.
His books The Source Field Investigations, The Synchronicity Key and The Ascension Mysteries were New York Times bestsellers.
Wilcock is also a consulting producer for and appears regularly on The History Channel’s hit show, Ancient Aliens. He’s been in over 600 television episodes in total.
Dannion Brinkley is world-renowned for having four near-death experiences.
His books outlining his experiences in the afterlife Saved by the Light and At Peace In The Light, were New York Times and international bestsellers. He has sold more than twenty-two million books.
In Part 1 of the 6-21-20 Wilcock/Brinkley video, Brinkley revealed that he’s worked in the Intelligence Community since the 1970’s and held a Security Clearance for forty-eight years.
Brinkley’s Security Clearance was just upgraded to a High Counter-Intelligence Level in the last few days.
I found this an inspiring quote from Brinkley’s book “Saved by the Light:”
“…I had gained the knowledge that I could use to correct my life.
I could hear the Being’s message in my head as if through telepathy:
Humans are powerful Spiritual Beings meant to create good on Earth.
This good isn’t usually accomplished in bold actions but in singular acts of kindness between people.
It’s the little things that count because they are more spontaneous and show who you truly are.
I was elated.
I now knew the simple secret to improving Humanity.
The amount of love and good feelings that you have at the end of your life is equal to the love and good feelings you put out during your life.
It was just that simple.” ~ Dannion Brinkley (1.)
As a child of the ‘60’s, I’ve heard that beautiful idea in song:
“And in the end The love you take Is equal to the love you make.” ~ The Beatles, The End, 9-26-69
I present Part 2 of my transcription of the 6-21-20 Wilcock/Brinkley video and I wholeheartedly concur with what they say: It is time for the official Disclosure of Extraterrestrials on Earth.
It is time for the Truth about what’s really been going on for the last millenniums on Earth, who exactly the deep state/cabal/illuminati are and why they have been systematically destroying Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity.
It is time for Humanity to wake-up to our Divinity and Immortality; to understand who we are and where we came from.
It is time for the implementation of GESARA and the immediate release of 6000 patents of technologies that have been suppressed by the deep state for over a hundred years, that will vastly improve the quality of life for Earth, her Kingdoms and Humanity.
I hope you enjoy David and Dannion. They are fascinating, informative and helpful, especially in this topsy-turvy now moment during the Ascension of Gaia, Kingdoms, Humanity and Galaxy.
David Wilcock has a rare gift of being able to sift through cabal-deception and come up with facts and plans behind the illuminati veil. He’s brilliant at it.
These men inspire me to realize, to absolutely know without a doubt, that we can have right this minute, a miraculous, pristine and exciting World: Cities of Light, Rainbow skies, Peace, Truth, Happiness, Health, Abundance, Brilliance, Creativity, Innovation, Kindness, Reverence for all life, NO MORE HARM, Inter-dimensional, Time and Space travel by craft or thought, and more wonders than I can imagine. I’m so grateful to them both.
With blessings of Peace, Health and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free. xo, Kat
David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! Part 2
Transcribed by Kat
36:55 David Wilcock reading from President Trump’s remarks at the World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland on January 21, 2020: This totally sounds like Disclosure…
“But the wonders of the last century will pale in comparison (David: includes smart phones and all that stuff) to what today’s young innovators will achieve because they are doing things that nobody thought even feasible to begin.
We continue to embrace technology, not to shun it. When people are free to innovate, millions will live longer, happier, healthier lives.” (3.)
37:00 David: What else could it be but anti-gravity and free energy? (GESARA!!) (4.)
37:20 Dannion Brinkley: Think how wild this is in my 70 years to where it was a spoof and then in the ‘50’s we started talking about Extraterrestrials … we had movies… that’s all driven from Roswell… understand there were 2 crashes like 4 days apart… there was another one… (5.)
When you look at the innovation of what’s happening… we have electrical cars… a car company taking us to the space station and back and landing on its own landing pad… on a barge in the Atlantic Ocean… and it just did it again and took 50 more satellites…
38:08 This is so remarkable and the remarkability about what he’s describing and bringing forth… come on everybody… all that stuff that you’ve been made fun of… and that people don’t believe what we’re talking about… and the innovations that we’re capable of… we have plasma weapons… we have laser weapons… Nikola Tesla death rays… we have all of these things in the arsenal… do you hear anything about it? No… But do they exist? Yes….
39:02 David: Well you have personally met an insider, who we’re not making public at this time, and had long conversations with him and with me here in this house… a guy who personally worked at Area 51… who personally built 8 different types of working anti-gravity systems… and we’re trying to get this going now and we appear to have the approval to do so… what is your opinion of this insider from having personally spoken to him for hours?
39:26 Dannion: There’s literally no doubt that this guy’s telling the truth, David. And not only that, the nonsensical approach that he takes to Inertia Driven Craft… he doesn’t say anti-gravity… [David: Right, it’s called Inertial Propulsion]…how he describes it and how he compares it to craft we now have… and how much fun, I won’t say cynical… but what he knows equal to what we are presenting as weapons of war, is silly…
You can go all the way back to the Germans and the bell…. (6.)
I’ve never been into UFO stuff… I only know these couple of things and I have a couple of pictures that defy it… but when the President of the United States says “it’s interesting”… and he’s making these kind of statements… there is an interaction without any question that’s going on … but we, once again, must push it.
40:29 David: Well let’s go into this for just a second… we have a lot of slides I want to get to…
41:00 Dannion: I’d like to say this before we start diving in.. come on everybody, please, through the course of this program, please pay attention to your BREATHING… it becomes so important that right now we pay attention to how shallow or how deep we’re breathing…
So as we’re celebrating the Beginning of Summer and we’re celebrating Father’s Day… let’s all celebrate and have gratitude about our BREATH… so please take a deep breath… please settle in… and as you listen, feel this information…
41:43 David: Well Dannion, I find it kinda’ strange… that basically what you’re saying is everybody in the Intelligence Community above middle management knows that we have reverse engineered flying craft that would be able to take us… apparently they’re Interstellar capable because they would have had to come from somewhere else to get here…
42:00 Dannion: ‘Hyperdrive’ was the term… I don’t really know what hyperdrive is… but I remember the term and remember once asking what was Hyperdrive?… only once… somebody said “jump time and space…” somebody who, like the guy who was here, this nuclear physicist… very factual…
42:47 Dannion: (David: You’re talking about the guy who builds Inertia Driven Craft)… he keeps reinforcing the fact that we are so close… based on the things that comes from the boxes of knowledge… we’re so close of expanding who we are…
Now think of this… last week NASA came to a conclusion that there’s at least 36 planets in our galaxy the Milky Way that has intelligent life… (7.)
Think of them to say that… realizing that there are 40 BILLION possible Earth-like planets…. First, it makes me realize just how stupid they think we are…
And Second, the fact that they will now go on record that there’s 36… how in the world and what would make them come to that conclusion?!? Because they see water? Intelligent life is not amoebas, OK?… so that in itself last week reinforces communication…
44:06 David: Well it definitely looks like there’s a plan in place to get this going… but to get back to the question I was setting up here… if you have everybody from mid-levels on higher in the Intelligence Community that knows that this is going on clearly we can see the benefit to this planet if this technology was declassified…
Why do people think it is being kept secret? Or is it a general understanding that there’s a force in place that will keep it secret…
44:40 Dannion: Well this is just a personal reflection… and this is things I hear old-timers say… you listen to them and you think “well why are they not telling people this?”…
He said think about this, Dannion… If you can jump through space and you have a craft, how many miles per gallon do you think it’s getting? And how much gasoline do you think that fool holds?… (laughter)
Now this is a guy, I was in my ‘30’s he was in his ‘60’s, so he’s been around, (David: And he’s done lots of these classified missions) yeah… been around… and a good ol’ boy from Tennessee… and he says “How many miles per gallon a jumping through space ship gets?”… and the fact that there are craft that have this kind of propulsion systems…
What happens to the oil industry? What happens to the electrical energy? What happens to the forces that control us and the powers that we think moves us into the modern age if it’s not petrochemically driven, or gas or oil driven…
Well the very moment that we knew there was a craft, OK? [Roswell]… look at what our rockets are… Hydrogen… liquid hydrogen… look at the stupidity… we’re using hydrogen now… what is taking SpaceX (Elon Musk’s rocket) is liquid hydrogen and water… it’s what the propulsion is… (8.)
Elon Musk’s SpaceX Falcon 9 blast-off with NASA astronauts Dough Hurley and Robert Behnken 5-30-20
47:48 Dannion cont.: …The Russians was nothing but heavy fuel burning enormous amounts of fuel… oil, petro-driven… So what happens to who controls our life if you knew there was an engine… what Nikola Tesla described and even did drawings on it… and that there were more than us out there…
What happens to Religion? You have Religion that has to face the fact that we’re not the only ones here, which is devastating, number one… Number two, the oil industry disappears… the control mechanism that drives the economy and the growth of us…
I just saw they’re launching a test on an airplane that works off electricity, that moves based on the wind moving over the top of the wing… the wave of the air moving over the top of the wing is enough at above 40,000 feet… when you start hearing that kind of stuff… that you’re going to have an electrical plane that you’re gonna fly on… What’s next?
Inertia Driven is the only thing next… And this is something else funny… I happened to meet the guy who invented the Rodin coil… (David nodding: Yeah, Marco Rodin)… (8.)
48:30 Dannion cont.: Probably one of the craziest people I ever met… but I saw this coil operate by myself at 68 years old, saw Free Energy… I saw Inertial Driven Coil… he had it… it was easy to start up… he could do it with a 9 volt battery… I saw it operate…
Once you stand and you see something like that and then you read about it… everything becomes possible in this side of the veil… where I know that on the other side of the veil even MORE is possible… but as it moves forward on this side of the veil, I have seen it…
49:26 David: So if everybody in the mid to upper levels of the Intelligence Community knows that we are hiding this technology because it would damage the economy, it would damage the use of oil, then clearly, there would also be a widespread understanding of a control system. That there is some sort of control system that is keeping us from going to this next level… (Dannion: And Religion)… well they’re afraid of upsetting Religion…
Dannion: But this is another thing I just discovered… you know, when you start looking at all this stuff you’ve been talking about for years…
50:00 Who is the main funder of all the observatories on the Earth that looking into telescopes into space?… The Catholic Church… (David: The Vatican was what I was going to say, yeah )… the Catholic Church knows something from all of those things that have been gathered through the thousands of years by the Church… (10.)
50:30 Dannion cont.: One of the coolest things that made me come to realizations… I was in India once, David, on a “project” (Intelligence project)…
(David: You gotta learn how to talk in a new way.. you can’t just say what really happened… Dannion: Well I have to… I know what an NDA is… my [Security] upgrade on my clearance was Counter-Intelligence… (these were asides on being careful about what to say on a public video)
They took me to a temple that was carved out of a single rock… (In India) and they carved from the top down… there is absolutely no way it could be done… there is no way… like all this stuff I’ve seen in my life, now that I’ve put Extraterrestrials into my domain as a concept…
I mean, I’ve been all over Central and South America… I’ve been all over everyplace where there’s anything that resembles a pyramid… because I’ve been fixated on that for years and years…
But once you start incorporating that they were here (ET’s) and you see these monuments that are carved so distinctly… and you see these chambers like in Malta and in Turkey… they are identical… the same chamber cut in such a way… that the harmonic sound is in a perfect pitch… (David: Like Cappadocia, Turkey)
52:28 David: There are multiple floors underground that are all right on top of each other like they had some kind of GPS or something… and why would they need to live underground?… Why would they do all that work? To carve out these huge areas underground for multiple-thousands of people to live in?
52:47 Dannion: And how? (David: How did they do it, right?) You have a piece of copper, some wood and a rock… when you start to look at all these structures that existed that is no way they are explaining it… I’ve been in 94 countries and 48 states…
So I’ve seen stuff that no matter what you try to tell me at the time and the tools they were supposedly using there is no way possible they could have built that… especially in Northern Bolivia and on the Peruvian, Bolivian border… there is absolutely no way….
I was there doing National Geographic… and it’s colder than he*l on this mountain… and there’s holes drilled through these rocks 2 to 4 feet (David: Oh yeah, the bore holes that are laser control perfect)… they were shooting lasers down through those holes… they had to be at least 20,000 years old…
they had to have been built… then something would have had to happen to create ruins… they figured that those holes they drilled was how they moved the stones… which makes sense until you shoot a laser beam down the hole and the hole is perfect…
54:44 (David: Right, the laser shows up the whole way down.)… It’s perfect… it’s perfect… We have no device that exists on the Earth today, not even a diamond drill, that is capable of drilling that 20,000 year old hole…
55:01 David: Well on Ancient Aliens, on History channel, we covered these amazing, amazing underground caves that have been found in China that you hardly ever hear about… and you can see that it looks like everything was drilled and considering how tight space would be and space would be at a premium if you’re building an underground base… the ceilings are like well over 20 feet tall… everything was carved out of the solid rock… it’s huge…
55:32 Dannion: Unbelievable but the best part, David, is when you go… I want people to understand there is no way you could build it today… no matter how much talk, no matter what you say, it could not happen… and they started from the top of the rock… it sits in a rock… (India) no way we could do it today… it is magnificently carved…
56:13 So all of a sudden for me, being around you and listening to the kind of conversations that go on in the world of David Wilcock… I promise you everybody you cannot believe the stories that I get a chance to eavesdrop on and listen to… Nothing like what you’re being heard here, even greater and more phenomenal…
But what it’s done for mis is it’s opened my mind to the potential of a broader viewpoint… not only the magnificence of us who are here… but the magnificence that is being kept from us for reasons that they say we’re not capable of handling… (Kat note: Grrrrrrr!!)
57:02 Dannion cont.: Well… I’m capable of handling Inertia Energy… I’m capable of reviewing my Religious viewpoint because I had to review my Religious viewpoint from being dead, OK?… so a few Aliens, and a couple of Spacecraft and a fleet in 1954… a fleet of designed Spacecraft cigar shaped, kilometers long, going to Mars in 1954… [written about in William Tompkin’s “Selected By Extraterrestrials Volume 2”…] Why would he [Tompkin’s] lie?….
58:00 It becomes important that we get the chance to look at this kind of stuff and know that it’s real… and that I can hear it in a coffee shop from a guy that’s going back to his teenage years… but this is something else…
58:10 Dannion cont.: For everybody who is listening to this, if you have an NDA because I know I have an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement)… if you have an NDA and you’re old… (David: Uh oh, don’t get us in trouble now!)… and you’re old like me… and I really have nothing to use… literally nothing to lose… come forward… come and tell us… you don’t have to tell David, just come and tell me… because I don’t care what they do… I’m going to tell you…
58:41 David: Well I appreciate that… it is always great when we get new whistleblowers… and Tompkin’s book is the biggest new whistleblower development we’ve had this year… it’s really exciting I can’t wait to read it… I know I’m going to find all kinds of cool stuff in there that I’ve seen and heard from other people…
59:00 As you know Dannion, the anti-gravity guy that you met through me and you’ve had hours and hours of conversation with now… came directly through Pete Peterson, who I met in 2009… and when I met Pete Peterson in 2009 he was always talking about this guy…
59:21 And he was describing how he had been in Antarctica, that he’d worked with Extraterrestrials, and worked in Area 51, he had 8 different ways to make Anti-Gravity…
59:30 David cont.: The story is really interesting because we are moving forward, there are contracts being put out now for Hover-Cars and our company is the only one offering Inertial Propulsion Solution… so this is actually happening…
We’re right in the process of getting money lined up for these things to take place… I’m just not going to be more specific until we know we actually have it… because that’s the big key…
David cont.: Suffice it to say our goal is to have commercially available, affordable Hover Cars that you can park in your garage, that’s the size of a car, they don’t go above a 1000-foot altitude… we’re getting the zoning regulations then…
But seriously affordable Hover Cars are the goal and it’s much much closer than we think and I know because I’m working in that vein and you’ve seen this (Dannion)… not only can you visualize what I’m talking about, cuz you’ve seen it…
Renault Hover Car named “The Float”
1:00:29 Dannion: Not only can I visualize it everybody, but let me tell you something… because I’m not going to give up any information… I can guarantee you what he’s saying… I’ve listened to the 6 and 7 people on the Board members and the interaction between the Billionaires and how they’re all jockeying for position…
1:00:55 David: Good Billionaires! We’re not taking any cabal deep state illuminati money whatsoever…
1:00:57 Dannion: And I’ve seen them get eliminated… I’ve seen those people collectively, mostly pushed by David and this physicist, to drive and not take Billions of dollars from certain people… and to say NO!… when other people on the Board says Yes, why don’t we do it..
But it’s trying to stay pure and trying to stay clean and keep it from being controlled and there are people who are trusting enough to see this…
1:02:07 I’m kind of excited about it everybody because the fact that Donald Trump in a campaign sponsored and paid for and interview made it where we can openly talk about it… we can openly push for Disclosure… and please, make it a part of your life…
Go to your elected official… they gotta come home to go back to Washington… we gotta take this piece of information and we need to push it on them… make the representatives know we want to know… they cannot keep it from us if they make it part of an election cycle…
‘Spaceship’ by Erial Art
End of Part 2
(1.) Saved by the Light: The True Story of a Man Who Died Twice and the Profound Revelations He Received, pg. 20, by Dannion Brinkley, Harper Collins 1994
The Beatles lyric from The End, released 9-26-69
Dannion Brinkley NDE! Dead and back 4 times! Interview 5-26-19 “EXPLORING THE HUMAN JOURNEY S2 E21: Dannion Brinkley has died 4 times and has come back to talk about it! Struck twice by lightning, his first NDE happened in 1975 and is the most complete Near Death Experience on record!
Dannion is an International best-selling author and his books include Saved By The Light. In this episode we talk about religion, THERE IS NO HELL, Trace Minerals, how he is functioning on a heart that is only at 15% capacity and so much more! For more info about Dannion go to www.dannion.com
Muhammad Ali CurrencyExchangePlanner.com
We have all heard the stories of Kuwait’s drop and raise in value. That was almost 30 years ago. An opportunity missed. I would like to share and add some commentary of another opportunity missed that happened in 2009, a little closer in time.
This is about Turkmenistan; they went thru a revaluation process, identical to what Iraq is going thru today. IDENTICAL!
So this is really interesting to study and to learn from their process as it will add confidence to all of you holding Dinar or other currencies.
Now what is important to highlight, is that this article was not from the New York Times paper or some other tabloid but it was on the IMF’s website, written by one of the IMF’s senior consultants.
So you cannot deny what happened.
Muhammad Ali CurrencyExchangePlanner.com
We have all heard the stories of Kuwait’s drop and raise in value. That was almost 30 years ago. An opportunity missed. I would like to share and add some commentary of another opportunity missed that happened in 2009, a little closer in time.
This is about Turkmenistan; they went thru a revaluation process, identical to what Iraq is going thru today. IDENTICAL!
So this is really interesting to study and to learn from their process as it will add confidence to all of you holding Dinar or other currencies.
Now what is important to highlight, is that this article was not from the New York Times paper or some other tabloid but it was on the IMF’s website, written by one of the IMF’s senior consultants.
So you cannot deny what happened.
I will highlight some points in the article and add my own commentary in brackets [ ] and compare the process to Iraq and to other countries.
Hope this helps you.
New Money
FINANCE & DEVELOPMENT, December 2013, Vol. 50, No. 4 Åke Lönnberg
Introducing a new currency is a complex process—one that Turkmenistan completed successfully
[Alright, we’re told that introducing a new currency is a complex process. So we need to bear this in mind and treat this investment, not as a get rich quick scheme, but as an investment. We need to think as investors and act as investors.]
A popular destination for visitors to the IMF’s Washington, D.C., headquarters has long been a 40-foot-long display of each member country’s currency.
Most countries have their own currency, which is an important part of their national identity, though some belong to a monetary union and share a common currency with the union’s members; others use that of another, often larger, country.
On occasion, a country must introduce a new currency. Turkmenistan, the former Soviet republic in central Asia, decided in 2008 to undertake a currency reform.
A major gap between the official exchange rate and the informal or market rate meant that Turkmenistan’s price system had become complex and inefficient. This, in turn, created complexities in accounting and statistical reporting.
So the government decided to introduce a new currency before launching market-oriented reforms. Currency reform was regarded as the foundation for further strengthening the macroeconomic framework, particularly monetary transmission: the more the population relies on the local currency rather than U.S. dollars, the more control the government has over macroeconomic policy.
The total and orderly overhaul of Turkmenistan’s currency system in 2008–09 in many respects serves as a model for other countries.
[A lot of great information in the above statements, such as, a country MUST introduce a new currency and currency reform is the foundation to strengthening the country. Also interesting to note, Turkmenistan’s currency system serves as a model to other countries. So maybe the IMF is hinting that there will be other countries to follow.]
Big Decisions
The introduction of a new currency is not undertaken lightly. The motivation could be hyperinflation, exchange rate collapse, massive counterfeiting of the existing currency, or even war. Or it could be an intentional change—for example joining a monetary union, such as the European Monetary Union.
[We are seeing inflation and hyperinflation in some of the countries of the currencies we hold.]
Changing a national currency is a highly political decision. Sometimes the existing currency does not meet the economy’s needs. The typical economy in need of currency reform is cash based and highly dollarized, with multiple currencies circulating at the same time.
[This MCP – Multiple Currency Practice is something we’ve seen in Iraq as well. We know that it was a challenge for them to overcome but they did and made the citizens revert back to using the Dinar.]
The single most important price in any economy is the price of its currency vis-à-vis other currencies. Countries that assign non-market-based exchange rates for different goods or services—or for imports versus exports—tend to have significant distortions in their economy.
Over time, this usually leads to slower growth overall. Eventually, the general public, the business community, and politicians may start pressing for currency reform and the introduction of a new currency.
[We’re seeing this in Iraq and Iran where the Government has passed laws for the monetary reform and seeing the general public protesting for changes and in reforms.]
Currency reforms are typically complex and risky: global experience confirms that a successful outcome is never guaranteed. The main ingredient in the successful introduction of a new currency is a strong commitment by the central bank together with the government to take the steps needed to ensure that the new currency is perceived as stable by companies, the general public, and the international community.
[We see a lot of support towards Iraq to make sure they will not fail.]
Introduction of a new currency comprises four phases. First, the necessary preconditions—sound macroeconomic policies and strong financial sector legislation—should ideally be in place or under way. Next, careful preparation is required, setting up the policies and processes behind the reform and drafting a detailed budget for the entire currency reform (including the cost of printing and minting the new cash currency). Then comes the production of the new currency, and finally the most challenging phase: implementation.
[And not to forget mentioning the propaganda phase of purposely misleading the local and international community during the initial phases of the process. This was mentioned by Dr. Shabibi during a conference.]
Setting The Stage
A government facing currency reform often has limited ability to pursue macroeconomic policy. If the country is suffering from hyperinflation, its macroeconomic policies to date by definition were unsound. In some cases, a currency reform must be implemented despite a difficult macroeconomic situation.
Currency reform alone is unlikely to resolve such problems and will yield its benefits only if underpinned by fiscal and monetary action. But psychologically, introducing a new currency can itself facilitate the stabilization of an economy. It is sometimes combined with exchange rate unification—to eliminate the complications of both an official exchange rate and unofficial market rate.
Turkmenistan was able to achieve favourable macroeconomic conditions before it implemented exchange rate unification and currency redenomination. During 2006–07, the economy was growing more than 11 percent a year, inflation was in single digits, and fiscal and external balances were strong.
[In Iraq’s case we know their inflation is also in single digits]
A currency reform must be supported by financial sector legislation. Existing legislation—including the law establishing the central bank and regulation of banks and other financial institutions—should be reviewed to ensure consistency with international best practices.
A law and regulations on the specific currency reform are also necessary, and other legislation—for example, governing accounting and financial reporting—may require updating. This work can be supported by technical advice from the IMF and other countries’ central banks. Such technical assistance includes initial general guidance as well as detailed recommendations based on currency reforms in other countries.
[Both Iraq and Iran has undergone changes in their legislation with the implementation of laws on the monetary reform.]
In a crisis situation, the government has little, if any, control over the circulation of different currencies. For that reason, the economy tends to be highly dollarized—that is, many transactions are made with a foreign currency, often the U.S. dollar. Moving forward, the government should favour a currency regime that supports open trade and free markets—one that allows international competition and is not overly protectionist.
The central bank is the arm of the state responsible for introducing a new currency, but it is not necessarily in a position to do so. It may lack staff with relevant experience, or sufficient branches throughout the country from which to operate, or even the funds necessary to finance a reform.
Strengthening the institutional capacity of the central bank and ensuring it has the resources needed are critical preconditions for currency reform.
Private banks also play a key role in currency reform. But the banking sector may be weak or, in some cases, virtually non-existent. In some parts of the world, informal funds transfer systems such as hawala and hundi are more vibrant or have nationwide networks that surpass those of banks. In such cases, collaboration between the central bank and these payment system operators is critical to the success of the reform.
The central bank must assess the extent to which counterfeit banknotes circulate. Together with the ministry of finance and the commercial banks, it should formulate a strategy to avoid an increase in counterfeit currency during the critical implementation stages of the currency reform.
[We have heard through various articles that Iraq has been dealing with the counterfeit situation.]
The central bank should prepare a budget for the entire currency reform early on and revise it as necessary over time. The IMF can offer technical advice on preparing such a budget.
[We have seen evidence of IMF’s help in the past. This was done thru IMF’s case studies in Iraq and conclusion of the studies. This tells us that IMF has completed their study of Iraq, Iran, and Viet Nam, once the study was completed, recommendations were given. I have personally seen the study on each of these 3 countries.]
Introducing a new national currency is a highly complex project, which requires a well-functioning accounting system. Throughout the various stages, tested systems must be in place for independent auditors to safeguard the integrity of the currency reform, by ensuring correct reporting and accounting of the currency exchange. Failure in this area is not only costly but also potentially devastating to the currency reform’s reputation.
[We have heard on numerous occasions, that auditors such as Ernst and Young and Moody have given countries like Iraq, Iran and Vietnam country ratings.]
Important as all these preparations are, the success of a currency reform depends just as much on a successful public education campaign. The central bank needs to coordinate this campaign with other agencies, financial sector representatives, merchants, and the general public.
A delicate balance must be struck between providing sufficient public information and the need for confidentiality to avoid releasing clues to counterfeiters that could be used to undermine the integrity of the new currency. The information campaign should encourage people to deposit their cash currency in accounts at banks.
The campaign must make it clear that once the currency reform is initiated, account holders can withdraw their money in the form of new banknotes. A second important point for the public education campaign is timely information on the stages of the currency reform to discourage a run on banks with temporary liquidity problems.
[In the case of Iraq, we have seen major banking advertisements, media campaigns via Bill Boards taking place. All promoting the citizens to deposit their Dinars and the issuance of debit/credit cards.]
In Turkmenistan, the central bank conducted a proactive public communications strategy that began early in the currency reform. The terms of the redenomination were carefully defined and announced in advance. An awareness campaign was carried out throughout the country.
Booklets, illustrating the new banknotes to be distributed, were published in national and local newspapers along with explanatory articles. In addition, pocket-size cards comparing the denomination of old and new Manat were distributed to the public. And the Central Bank of Turkmenistan set up a phone hotline to answer questions from businesses and the public.
[This is something that we have not seen in Iraq, that is, pictures of the new notes. We have seen new notes in Zimbabwe and I have seen pictures of the new notes in Indonesia. I haven’t seen for Iran nor Viet Nam, so this may be the case of them keeping this hidden from the public or international view]
Lights, Camera, Action
A new currency’s name is a psychologically important decision for the government. One option is to emphasize continuity with the old currency by retaining the old name or adding “new” to it. Alternatively, the government may choose to underscore a break with the past by giving a completely new name to the currency to mark the start of a new monetary era.
In Turkmenistan, the government decided to keep the name “Manat” for the redenominated currency. However, in line with an international convention among countries and central banks, the International Standards Organization changed the three-digit ISO 4217 code from TMM for the pre-2007 Manat to TMT for the new Turkmen Manat.
The banknote printer and the minter of coins should be selected competitively and in the international market. Even if domestic producers are available, they should be required to compete for the contract. It is not uncommon, by the way, for various banknote denominations to be produced by different international firms.
Turkmenistan’s banknotes were printed by the British firm De La Rue, and the coins were minted by another U.K. company, the Royal Mint. De La Rue is now testing production of the banknotes from paper produced with local raw materials—Turkmen cotton, renowned since ancient times for its high quality.
[Whether Iraq remains as IQD or will change it, is still to be determined. We have heard in the past the reference to IQN. So we’ll wait and see on this. Another thing that we do know is that Thomas De La Rue was contracted to design the 2003 series of the Iraqi Dinar and also the NEW Iraqi Dinar currency.
The new currency was initially designed around 2010 and the NEW currency was printed in 2012. The new Iraqi Dinar boasted 3 languages, English, Arabic and Kurdish. Also interesting to note, Alaq as the Central Bank Governor, he had an entire new set of currency printed in order to have his name on the new currency. I believe the date of printing was 2018.]
Decisions on the artistic design of banknotes are almost always complex and time consuming. The design must be integrated with necessary security features: the higher the denomination, the more advanced security features are required. These often include watermarks, security threads, see-through registers, and hidden numerals.
Decisions also need to be made on the size of banknotes—a uniform size as for U.S. banknotes or a different size for each denomination as for euro banknotes. Finally, the colour scheme should be determined—again, uniform colours, like U.S. banknotes, or clearly different colours as for most other banknotes.
Hyperinflation and exchange rate collapse slash the value of a national currency, forcing the issuance of banknotes in ever higher denominations. In Yugoslavia in 1993, a banknote reached 500 billion dinars, and Zimbabwe’s highest banknote issued was 100,000 trillion Zimbabwe dollars in 2008.
In such situations, a redenomination of the currency is not only appropriate but also necessary. Redenominating a currency means administratively changing its face value. In itself, a redenomination makes no one richer or poorer.
Technically most redenomination of currencies are undertaken by using factors of 10, 100, or 1,000 and simply moving the decimal point a certain number of steps to the left to establish a new value. Such a change is simple to explain to the general public and easy for companies to implement. It also represents a clear way of monitoring whether price gouging is taking place.
[This process was referenced to as the Delete the 3 zero project. Which, in itself, caused confusion and was a means of propaganda to discourage people from buying Iraqi Dinars.]
The first step in the Turkmen currency reform was to unify the exchange rate. In the past, because of a shortage of foreign exchange, there had been a dual exchange rate system made up of an official rate pegged at 5,200 Manat per U.S. dollar and an informal parallel market rate of about 23,000 Manat per U.S. dollar.
Later, the government devalued the official rate to 6,250 Manat per dollar and introduced a commercial rate of 20,000 Manat per dollar at which banks could trade freely with the public. The two markets were successfully unified on May 1, 2008—at the rate of 14,250 Manat per dollar, a level consistent with the country’s strong external position.
Currency exchanges were located wherever customers might want to exchange dollars for Manat, offering easy and official access at close to the informal rate, thus killing off demand for the informal market.
At the beginning of June 2008, the Turkmen government issued new foreign exchange regulations under which the Central Bank of Turkmenistan began providing banks and authorized currency changers ready access to foreign exchange, which in turn became available to the market-oriented private sector.
Previously the central bank had been propping up the official, unrealistically low, exchange rate by restricting access to dollars. The provision of sufficient foreign exchange to an extensive network of exchange bureaus across the country eliminated the black market rate.
[Alright, again we have seen evidence of the Central Bank of Iraq controlling the access of foreign currencies to their licensed exchangers and to the banks.]
While unifying the exchange rate is important, the authorities must also modernize the national currency for a currency reform to be comprehensive. In Turkmenistan, the modernization entailed issuing a new family of banknotes that were smaller in size than the unnecessarily large old banknotes.
It also included the reintroduction of coins. The Turkmen economy had been cash oriented for a long time, and the U.S. dollar was extremely popular. The weakness of the Manat to the dollar, which required thousands of Manat in an exchange conversion, was deemed unacceptable. One way to correct this was to redenominate the national currency.
[I’ve seen two articles from the Central Bank of Iraq with specific reference to the reintroduction of coins. These articles were back in 2014.]
After the successful exchange rate unification, the authorities moved forward with the introduction of the new Manat, revaluing the currency by a factor of 1 to 5,000. The pegged exchange rate of 14,250 Manat per dollar resulted in an exchange rate of 2.85 new Turkmen Manat to the dollar.
[You know, what is fascinating, if you purchased the Manat back in 2008, 1,000,000 Manat would have costed about $60 USD and in 2009 it would have been worth $285,000 USD. The Manat had an exchange rate of 0.00005 (4 zeroes – similar to Iran) and the latest rate on the Manat is 0.29 cents.
So this was truly another lost opportunity. Unfortunately back in 2008/2009 we did not have Dinar Recaps to provide us the intel on Turkmenistan. But Thank God we have them now to provide us the intel on these other countries and many thanks to all those involved in getting us the intel.]
A presidential decree issued August 27, 2008, announced the introduction of the redenominated Manat on January 1, 2009.
[There will be an official announcement, whether public or international is not relevant but there must be a declaration and in most cases will be thru the Central Bank. We know, in the case of Iraq, it will begin with the change of the Dinar rate on the Central Bank’s website.]
Even without redenomination, the denomination structure of a new cash currency is worth considering. Usually, lower denominations are eliminated and higher denominations added. There is generally a shift into coins from denominations that were previously issued in banknotes.
Cultural and sociological preferences must be considered. For example, in some countries, such as Somalia and South Sudan, coins are not popular. In other countries, such as Germany, people want access to very high-denomination banknotes. A rule of thumb often applied in developing economies is to set the highest denomination of the national currency no lower than the equivalent of 20 dollars.
[So these are things that we must keep in mind when it comes to analysing the countries in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th baskets. I have produced 6 page report of the 4 Currency Baskets. If you would like advanced knowledge of these currencies in order to start your research, you can obtain the list via my website.]
Money In Hand
Turkmenistan issued six new banknote denominations on January 1, 2009: 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 new Manat. This was a major expansion of the upper denominations—the previously highest denomination, 10,000 old Manat, now corresponded to a mere 2 new Manat.
The six newly issued banknotes each differed in size and were all shorter and narrower than previous banknotes. The design of the front of the banknotes presented prominent historic Turkmen personalities. The reverse side, as in the past, portrayed new key buildings and monuments of modern Ashgabat, the Turkmen capital.
[We have been informed and I had posted the website link in one of my past articles as reference, that the Iraq since 2012 printed new denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 Dinars.]
In parallel, new coins were issued in the following denominations: 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, and 50 tenge; and the following year, two more coins were circulated with 1 Manat and 2 Manat denominations. This represented a de facto reintroduction of coins after high inflation and intense exchange rate pressure had rendered the previously issued coins valueless.
[We know that Iraq had 3 coin denominations printed in 2003, a 25, 50 and 100 Dinar coin. The coins were recalled in 2004 due to the citizens melting the coins and selling off the scrap mental. The new coins will be lower in face value.]
Once the design and denominations of a new currency are selected, the central bank must decide how much to produce, based on research on the demand for money in general and on various cash currency denominations in particular.
Data on past orders of banknotes and coins should give reasonable estimates, which must be assessed in light of recent changes in public demand for the currency compared with other currencies. Technical advice is available from international banknote printing firms such as De La Rue and Giesecke & Devrient, and for coin denominations from mints such as the Royal Mint.
[In the past, a lot of physical cash was needed to be printed; however, I would say that now the exchange process will be more digital based. For example, Iraqi citizens will take their own dinars to the bank and the bank will change them to the new currency by depositing the new funds into their bank account. Therefore, they will not need to print an excessive amount of cash.]
The next phase of currency reform is the conversion from old cash currency to new. The authorities must decide—at first privately—when the currency exchange will begin, when it will end, and whether or not to cap, in absolute terms, the amount to be exchanged.
Then, decisions on the announcement of and publicity for the currency exchange must be made. Other essential decisions include the conversion rate and how financial assets, resident/non-resident accounts, and existing currency contracts will be treated in the currency exchange.
[So again, there must be a full declaration of the introduction of the new currency along with the demonetization period. Right now, as it is, we have un-official dates. Dinar will be 10 years, Rial will be 2 years, Zimbabwe Dollar will be 90 days and the time frames will start from the time declared by their respected Central Banks.]
In addition to the guidance of the central bank and the ministry of finance, the views of the ministries of justice, commerce, and defense; the police force; the chamber of commerce; bank representatives and representatives of the informal payment system (if it plays an important role in the country); the general public; nongovernmental organizations; and key media outlets should be considered.
The key stakeholders, under the leadership of the central bank, should develop a detailed plan for distribution of the new currency.
They must identify exchange points (places where the public can exchange the old money for new and where cash currency can be stored temporarily); establish facilities for more permanent storage of currency, such as vaults and strongboxes; and address various logistic issues, including exchange point staffing.
[It is with strong assumptions that this has already been laid out and planned out. They will use the banks and the money changers.]
In its plan for the currency reform, the central bank must decide how to handle the soon obsolete cash currency. Old banknotes that have been exchanged for new currency should be immediately invalidated via ink markings or holes drilled in the currency.
After a second counting, the then invalidated banknotes should be destroyed by shredding or burning. Routines should also be established for the collection and transportation of old coins, which may be sold by the central bank for scrap metal and ultimately melted down.
[All of this is not our concern but that of the Central Banks, how and when this dispose of the old currency does not affect us, whatsoever. All we care about is that the local banks in our countries, accept the currency, exchange it, deposit the funds into our bank accounts and we go on our happily merry way.]
In line with common international practices, the Turkmen central bank allowed the two sets of banknotes to be circulated during 2009. By 2010, all banks were expected to exchange the old currency for new Manat. And after that, the old currency was demonetized and retained only numismatic value.
[In the case of Turkmenistan they had a period of 1 year to exchange the old currency for the new one. After which, it became ‘wallpaper’ to the citizens and numismatic value to the collectors.
Here is a screen shot of an article from the Central Bank of Iraq, stating that the new currency and the old currency will trade together for a period of 10 years. The article was originally in Arabic and Google translated.]
The IMF’s currency display was recently dismantled to allow for repairs to the building. If and when the display is restored and updated, there will be several new currencies for visitors to view, including the new Turkmen Manat.
Åke Lönnberg was until his recent retirement a Senior Financial Sector Expert in the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department and is now an advisor to central banks and a consulting expert to the IMF.
Here is the direct link to the article on the IMF’s website.
Alright, I was extremely happy to read the above article, and as I stated above, when it comes to this or any investment, we need to stop complaining and blaming others on dates and timing and act and treat this as investors. We need to study, read articles, and understand the process of our investment.
We have our intels and they have provided a lot of great insights but we should be aware and have the knowledge for ourselves. So when, people come around and tell you, that the Dinar is just a scam, you can sit them down, slap their face and educate them on what’s right and what’s wrong about their statement.
As I said at the start, we learned about Kuwait, after the fact, we’ve learned about Turkmenistan, after the fact, but we can use this knowledge and apply it to these countries, such as Iraq, Iran, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe, Indonesia and others, through our own studies of these countries. Do your own due diligence.
I have just released a 6 page report of a Full List of countries in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th baskets. You can get this report thru my website. Part and partial of being an investor is planning, and planning your currency exchange could not be any easier with my Currency Exchange Planner and the new Companion Edition. My software is designed to help you plan your exchange and help you manage your money for the short and long term.
So hang in their guys, I truly believe the finish line is in sight and with seeing other country models and comparing to what is taking place in the countries that we are invested in, we can be rest assured that we’re on the right path and all is well.
Here is to our success! I hope you have benefited from my article.
Thank you and I wish you all the success in your currency exchange.
Muhammad Ali www.CurrencyExchangePlanner.com
The No. 1 Planning Tools for the Dinar community. Available in Desktop PC/MAC and Mobile App (Android & IOS) versions
Ten Wild Ways to Spend $10,000
.Ten Wild Ways to Spend $10,000
By Nate Herpich
Call them crazy or reckless, but here are some suggestions -- if you dare.
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Let's say you have an extra $10,000 lying around and aren't sure what to do with it. Your debts are pretty much paid off, your 401(k) is being fully funded and your mutual funds are doing just fine, thank you.
Sure, you could put the money into the roller-coaster ride called the stock market and set yourself up for an extra dose of market volatility. Or you could do the sensible thing and make extra payments against your mortgage. But if just this once you'd rather do something off the wall with the money?
Here are 10 suggestions:
1. Give to Charity
Ten Wild Ways to Spend $10,000
By Nate Herpich
Call them crazy or reckless, but here are some suggestions -- if you dare.
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Let's say you have an extra $10,000 lying around and aren't sure what to do with it. Your debts are pretty much paid off, your 401(k) is being fully funded and your mutual funds are doing just fine, thank you.
Sure, you could put the money into the roller-coaster ride called the stock market and set yourself up for an extra dose of market volatility. Or you could do the sensible thing and make extra payments against your mortgage. But if just this once you'd rather do something off the wall with the money?
Here are 10 suggestions:
1. Give to Charity
You can even find a charity that matches up with your interests, by visiting a website like Charity Navigator Then you know that the money is going to use for something that you care about, and you can even check ratings based on criteria like organizational efficiency and revenue versus expenses.
Plus, thinking in April terms, charitable donations are tax deductible (although it's too late for this year). Just remember that you must itemize your deductions, and that there may be a limit on what you can deduct. You may also require specific forms from the IRS and you do need a receipt from the organization stating the charity's name, how much you donated, the date and a statement that no goods or services were received in return for your gift.
2. Take a Plastic Surgery Safari
Medical tourism is fast becoming a way for clients to take advantage of quality health care at cheaper prices, while combining often aesthetic procedures with relaxing vacations in exotic locations. Plus, the time away provides one with an opportunity to begin to heal. South Africa's Surgeon and Safari provides services ranging from cosmetic orthopedic to dental to sports medicine.
Safari options include bush, wine and train safaris, among others. Surgical Attractions also offers cosmetic procedures.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! Part 1
.David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! Part 1
6-21-20 Part 1 June 23, 2020 by Kat
It’s time for the truth about who we are and what has actually been going on. It’s time for the official Disclosure of ‘Galactics, Extraterrestrials or Star People,’ however you wish to call Beings from other civilizations in the Multiverse who have ALWAYS lived and worked alongside Humanity and influenced what happens on Earth.
It’s time for the reveal of Space, Time and Multi-dimensional Travel, which has been going on forever without our knowing about it.
It’s time for big changes and upgrades on Gaia that will immediately improve all life and that is what (I pray) is being organized right now under the cover of the Covid-19 lockdown.
Lord knows it’s time. Some would say (me) long past time.
David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! Part 1
6-21-20 Part 1 June 23, 2020 by Kat
It’s time for the truth about who we are and what has actually been going on. It’s time for the official Disclosure of ‘Galactics, Extraterrestrials or Star People,’ however you wish to call Beings from other civilizations in the Multiverse who have ALWAYS lived and worked alongside Humanity and influenced what happens on Earth.
It’s time for the reveal of Space, Time and Multi-dimensional Travel, which has been going on forever without our knowing about it.
It’s time for big changes and upgrades on Gaia that will immediately improve all life and that is what (I pray) is being organized right now under the cover of the Covid-19 lockdown.
Lord knows it’s time. Some would say (me) long past time.
In past videos, David Wilcock suggested that some of the following changes are coming to Gaia:
The rewiring of the internet and spyware removed. Banks will have been revamped and will operate under a Quantum Financial System, an off-planet technology that cannot be hacked. There is to be a Financial and Economic Reset via a Revaluation of Currencies and a Global Currency Reset.
As well, a global debt jubilee via GESARA [Global Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act,] and the release of a tsunami of abundance for all. Along with the implementation of GESARA will be the release of 6000 patents of miraculous technologies that will clean and heal Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity. (1.)
Technologies, according to Mike Quinsey, that have been hidden from Humanity for more than a hundred years.
We shouldn’t have “incurable” diseases, old age, death, poisons, atomic bombs, drugs that kill the Earth, Kingdoms and Humanity, nuclear power plants that leak radiation into the ocean, dirty energy that destroys all life, etc.
Humanity doesn’t have to be sick and aging—according to Paramahansa Yogananda we are Youth, Health, Strength, Immortal. Gaia should be healthy, lush, sparkling and pristine. This is possible right this minute with the implementation of GESARA.
In this video, David Wilcock suggests that Disclosure and wondrous technologies are coming very soon. He points out that President Trump started telegraphing the reveal during his speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland in January 21, 2020. (2.)
According to Wilcock, at the official end of the Covid-19 lockdown, 8-hours of information has been prepared to be continuously broadcast to the entire planet on all screens.
The information will reveal the truth about who we are, where we come from and what’s really been happening behind the illusion perpetrated by corrupt governments, their propaganda MSM, and whoever else has been controlling this planet that has kept Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity enslaved for millennia.
It is more than likely that many of the revelations contained in the 8-hour presentations will be nearly impossible to fathom and agonizing to learn but I have faith that the Truth will set us free.
Once we hear it, grapple with it, understand it and release it, we can move into a beautiful New Age unencumbered by nightmares and the perpetrators of those nightmares.
It is wonderful that Q-Anon has released the truth bit by bit, either directly or in code, but as far as I’m concerned? Let’s have the entire truth already.
I pray Alliance ducks are in a row so we can finally learn what has actually been going on here. Let ‘er rip. Bring it on. There has never been a more optimum time for the Truth than with most people still at home affording us the time to comprehend it.
This video is a fascinating 4-hour discussion between David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley. There is nothing I enjoy more than two people who know a lot chatting easily and telling fascinating stories about their experiences and the facts/truth behind the veil/false matrix.
I’ve transcribed as much as I can for today. Will get back to it tomorrow. I hope others find it as interesting as I did. With blessings of Peace, Health, Happiness and Abundance unceasing – We are Goddess, Sovereign, Free. xo, Kat
David Wilcock and Dannion Brinkley video: Prophecies Fulfilled! 6-21-20 Part 1 Transcribed by Kat
2:20 David Wilcock: Dannion Brinkley… the world’s preeminent near death experiencer… has died 4 times in the most horrific ways only to come back… to do it all over again… (laughter) (3.)
As we speak “Disclosure is breaking wide open”… POTUS, in a Father’s day interview with his son Don Jr., saying he’s hearing “interesting things about Roswell [the city in New Mexico known for its proximity to the most famous UFO event] but he’s not sharing even with his eldest child…” Trump said “I won’t talk to you about what I know about it, but it’s very interesting.” June 18, 2020
4:50 When POTUS was asked what the heck is going on with Roswell? POTUS said, “I WON’T talk to you about what I now about it…” which clearly indicates he is under some non-disclosure National Security thing… “but it is VERY interesting!” Isn’t that something right there?
5:17 Dannion Brinkley: By the time the conversation, David, gets to this point, there is so much MORE that either Don Jr. is hearing or all of us are hearing… and if you’re in this house (David Wilcock’s home) you hear some of the most amazing, almost impossible thought patterns going on as regular conversations.
5:38 I think it becomes really important that we push this issue, we push for Disclosure. It’s now.
I know from working with the government that until the President says it you cannot talk about it. No matter what it is you cannot talk about it. But NOW that he’s talked about it we can push that issue.
I think it becomes important in a Presidential election year that each of us look at who are representatives are and we force this issue. If this stuff is half as true as the stuff I hear in this house—everything that we think we know is NOT real.
And what is real is an enormous amount of space travel and inner-active, inner-dimensional travel. Even to the thing I heard the other day about Time Travel.
6:40 So we have an opportunity everybody, with where the world is and how fast we are changing, we have an opportunity because the President mentioned it, that we can push it into an election campaign strategy to get more Disclosure.
Don’t hesitate to get information to your Senator or Congressman, I won’t use the term ‘demanding’ but really asking for more information because once he (POTUS) said it, it’s public.
7:10 David: You and I are launching this class called PATH OF LIGHT… one of the things that we’re debuting for the first time is that you have an interesting background in the Intelligence Community… you shared this with me about 7 years ago… I don’t know what you’re comfortable saying on a you-tube video…
we can probably say more while we’re doing the class cuz it’s not public… but one of the things I remember you telling me a long time ago is regarding the subject of Roswell and crashes like that…
What was your personal experience as a contractor for multiple Intelligence Agencies in very classified situations… What was your experience with the overall knowledge or lack thereof of Roswell and things like that? (4.)
8:00 Dannion: There is absolutely no doubt that Roswell happened… and it’s general knowledge amongst the Intelligence Communities that I operated in from the ‘70’s, ‘80’s, ‘90’s and early 2000’s… it is general knowledge that we have been reverse-engineering this technology… NO QUESTION ABOUT IT… (We have 19 Intelligence Agencies)…
9:09 Dannion: In the course of, and for once in my life, looking for an LZ (landing zone, a drop zone) I came across information… when you look at everything that’s happening in a drop zone or LZ… I saw a piece of graphic at the Reconnaissance Information, that they had cited an object that could make a 90 degree turn above 40,000 miles an hour… (saw in the mid ‘90’s)
David: NOTHING can make a 90 degree turn… that’s insanity… you’d totally rip apart everybody inside…
10:15 Dannion: Unless the craft was designed that way… and knowing that it was not one of our craft but because I needed that information so nothing went wrong, I got access to it…
10:30 David: In one of our interviews we have that story… (Dannion: And it’s a TRUE story) You came into contact with a radar trace…
Dannion: A radar tracking… a satellite… in National Reconnaissance Agency in Chantilly, VA…
10:45 David: So NRO – that’s one of the most interesting Intelligence Agencies once you really get your hands dirty here… (Dannion: There are NO SECRETS)… If you listen to NRO and you listen to intel from NRO you’re on the right track… that and the DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) lets you know you’re on the right track… You got a big old Security upgrade yesterday so we probably can’t even talk about anything anymore…
11:25 Dannion: Well, in private… I see nothing wrong with telling people, David… I don’t care. I have nothing to lose…
11:30 David: The fact that you just got this solicitation and you got your Security Clearance heavily upgraded just 2-days ago (Dannion: Counter-Intelligence?) suggests that they’re getting ready to leak something through you to us which I’m hoping will happen.
11:45 Dannion: It gives me greater access… this is a Security Clearance I’ve held for 48-years… they Emailed me at 11 o’clock at night and then at 5 a.m. I had to be on the phone (for his Security upgrade 2-days ago.)
12:04 But this is what’s happening and this is why it’s so important… the programming… When we look at prophecy, from my point of view, we’re now at a juncture everybody, and it is so very very important that we get a grip on who we really are… what we’re really doing here… so we don’t fall for all the traps that’s occurring…
All the people that do Politics, I grew up in Politics, we know that NOTHING THAT YOU SEE IS REAL AND NO STORY THAT YOU HEAR IS REAL, because it’s a Presidential election and there is a war for one side to beat the other side…
Both sides play by a set of rule-books, and we know who the creator was of the great political action committees, which was Lee Atwater (He’s from South Carolina, I’ve known him since we were kids) but when you start to look at it there’s nothing true or real it’s all made-up… it’s all going to be made up based on which party has to win or lose…
EXCEPT THIS CONVERSATION BETWEEN DON JR. AND HIS DAD… it might have been flippant… but if it was put on by the campaign by direction of the President… that should make you stop in your tracks and realize it was brought into public purvey by the campaign…
13:44 David: I want to circle back on this one thing… you just dropped an absolute bombshell… Dannion Brinkley you’ve been very famous since 1993… you’ve been on Oprah 5-times, you’ve sold 22/23 million books, you were always at these conferences with me… we met each other and got to know each other by speaking live in front of audiences on panels together… we’ve known each other for 20 years now…
Nobody’s ever heard you say before that you were in the Intelligence Community… nobody’s ever heard you say before that everybody from the mid-levels on up knows [in the Intelligence Agencies] that we have already reverse-engineered Extraterrestrial-technology…
Dannion: And who killed Kennedy.
14:22 David: I don’t know if you’d want to say that… it’s LBJ, we all know it’s LBJ…
14:35 Dannion: I’d also like to say this too, David… I was driving with Kathryn, coming out of our home in Nevada… and she said STOP! And I stopped and she said, What is that?… and it was a light… I said, oh it’s just a light from the hills… she said there are no hills around here… so on my phone I have a Mother Ship and 5 small ships not 200 yards away… so I have videos of it…
15:05 So now, from my non-UFO viewpoint… and being around you and having this identifiable… it only reinforces the fact that… this Ascension and the information that’s being given us and being fed out is even more important than ever… and that’s why I wanted to come together and create a program where I could just tell people the rest of the story… as opposed to just being the dead guy (who comes back from death-experiences.)
15:50 David: …If we knew in the mid-1990’s… and that everybody in the Intelligence Communities knew that we had reverse-technology… wouldn’t it stand to reason… that they have at least done some degree of build-out on places like the Moon and Mars…
16:35 Dannion: I would have no doubt about it… look at from a vacuum tube to a transistor… and you look at the information… how did we go from vacuum tubes to transistors and all of a sudden it happened after 1947 (the Roswell crash…) because once everybody knows these stories… I heard it from old-timers… when I was first coming into employment…
These old guys would sit around and talk about blue green men… little different colors and shapes… I heard a couple of conversations David about a guy meeting or seeing 2 or 3 different types of Extraterrestrials or Interdimensional beings… but those conversations weren’t important to me…
17:50 David: It’s interesting at the time Trump was scoffing at it… but it seemed like it was a political necessity so he wouldn’t get attacked… but now he can say it… This interview with Trump and Trump Jr. literally just came out on Fox 2 days ago (June 19, 2020)
19:40 David: Now here’s something very interesting at Davos on January 21, 2020, The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting… the speech that POTUS made… we can dial in a lot more… what is he driving at when he says it’s ‘very interesting…’
21:41 David: So even right here we have the President (in January ’20) telegraphing that we’re going to be getting answers about something we’d never believe possible…. and in a very short period of time… and then he says, 6-months later, “Oh, we found something interesting in Roswell…”
21:51 Dannion: And now he’s framing the Roswell story. He’s keeping it pinned to New Mexico… the potential of what is happening and us not knowing about it… when we heard Star Wars with Reagan and they say Star Wars is what broke the Soviet Union… now when you start to think about what Donald Jr. is asking his Dad… maybe it was true (Reagan)… like William Tompkins said in “Selected By Extraterrestrials Volume 2”…
23:30 David: What Tompkins said was… here’s a guy from WWII, right in the middle of the Eisenhower Administration… right during this time when we hear the warning of the Military Industrial Complex… during WWII Tompkins was reporting to top generals… briefings from 23 different spies of America that were in a German secret space program…
24:18 What was so astonishing was that Tompkins came forward with a gigantic wealth of INTEL… he talked about the idea that there were Reptilian beings… that the Reptilians were taller than we were… that they were running the base in Antarctica for the Germans (a base under the ice)…
He talked about the fact that there were other ET’s, that were angelic types, from our future that looked just like us or very similar… maybe white hair and different colored irises… an ability to travel through time… splice people back into the time they left… the maximum I guess was 20 years… you could be taken away, go do a contract and then be spliced back into your time… and the 20 years is erased…
27:23 Dannion: I have no doubt about Tompkins’ info and that it is real… Elizabeth (Wilcock, David’s wife) and I met a guy at a coffee house… who told me that in 1965 @17 years old… his father worked at JPL here in CA… (NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)… and we were talking and I just asked him, “Do you believe in UFO’s?” because he has a career in the Military and he cares about Veterans which is a big cause of mine… And he said, “No.” Then we didn’t say anything else…
Then about 3 or 4 minutes passed… and he said, “You know what… when I was a kid my Dad would go to these dinner parties…” and he named the guy whose dinner party it was… Elizabeth and I looked him up and that’s exactly who was the Head of the Division that he described…
28:30 He said that, “’Aliens’ came to work at JPL laboratories in 1965 through beams of light from other worlds and left at the end of work through beams of light going home… and that everybody knew that they were walking among us and helping us develop technologies that are in craft that we do not know about in existence…” …’Everybody’ meaning the Intelligence Community…
Erial Art
29:45 Dannion: The thing that is important… and you know how I am. I don’t believe anything… so I went and checked and he told about a dinner party he went to, that his Dad took him to a dinner party, and these guys were talking about how odd they looked… so I asked who was the boss and who was head of the dept.? And he named their names…
This guy’s 73 year old a retired Veteran… not somebody full of cr*p, David… very logical, very sane… but the 2 people he described I went and looked them up…
Look what it makes you stop and think… Here’s a guy in California… how many NDA’s have people signed that you cannot talk?
David: Hundreds of thousands of people are under NDA and if any of them could talk we would know so much more than we do now and it’s so frustrating…
31:18 Dannion: I’m 70 years old and there are guys that I worked with in my early years in this kind of stuff… sure, NDA’s, but people talk… people talk around the water cooler I would say… but they talk… and I would listen to them to listening to the news and make fun of what you were hearing on the news as opposed to what they knew…
32:53 David: What was an example of something you saw in this book that just defied common sense that he could NOT have faked it? [William Tompkin’s “Selected By Extraterrestrials Volume 2”…]
32:00 Dannion: How he’s framing events, in the time frame from his pov equal to what we were told… one of them was in 1946 when Admiral Bird went down to Antarctica to clean up the last of the Germans so-called submarine base there… Well, to clean up after the war you’re going to take a Carrier group which is 13 ships… Bird took 40 ships…
32:39 [it was called] Operation High Jump… As he frames Operation High Jump in this book it was a disaster…we were defeated by round high speed craft that could go from the South Pole to the North Pole in less than an hour…
Another thing… Reagan exposed to the Soviets the potential threat from one of the groups… the Russians were working with one group, the Americans were working with another group… and the potential threat of the power of the group that we were working with had over the Soviet Union is what really caused the [Berlin] Wall to come down… (5.)
33:28 The way that Mr. Tompkins puts it… knowing I was alive and active in that period of time… things made more sense to me… you’re not going to tear down a wall and the Soviet Union’s not going to collapse cuz somebody’s putting a satellite up in space… but if you have an arsenal or an armada that’s more powerful than the other armada…
and the only way that you’re going to take the Cold War and bring it to a place where we are literally right now… cuz of this system that’s been put into place… and we’re at war in so many places in the country… from breaking the Presidency, to impeachment, to the virus, to shutting down the economy… you could call it a battle for the souls of humankind…
34:45 When I look back… what [Tompkins] is saying in this book makes how the logistics operate clearer than ever… When you live In that business (Intelligence) there are things that you take for granted:
First – Nobody else knows what you know
Second – Everybody’s being manipulated
Third – You pass propaganda laws… you pass laws that we can lie to the American people
35:30 The thing that got me the most… to pass a Bill through congress takes months and sometimes years… The Patriot Act was on the shelf waiting to be implemented and it was done in 2-days… knowing that… knowing that it had to have been structured and put into place for years… they just needed a Pearl Harbor… (so created 9-11)
Same thing that Mr. Tompkins is describing… we’re closely moving towards an era where we better be smart, conscious and we better find out what the truth really is…
36:21 David: Alright, going back to our slide what Trump said in Davos… “We’re continuing to work on things that you’ll be hearing about in the near future that, even today, sitting here right now, you wouldn’t believe it’s possible that we have found the answers… You’ll be hearing about it…
But we have found answers to things that people said would not be possible — certainly not in a very short period of time.” POTUS, Davos, Switzerland, 1-21-20 This totally sounds like disclosure…
37:16 David: What else could it be but anti-gravity and free energy? (GESARA!!)
37:20 Dannion: Think how wild this is in my 70 years to where it was a spoof and then in the ‘50’s we started talking about Extraterrestrials … we had movies… that’s all driven from Roswell… understand there were 2 crashes like 4 days apart… there was another one… (6.)
When you look at the innovation of what’s happening… we have electrical cars… a car company taking us to the space station and back and landing on its own landing pad… on a barge in the Atlantic Ocean… and it just did it again and took 50 more satellites…
38:08 This is so remarkable and the remarkability about what he’s describing and bringing forth… come on everybody… all that stuff that you’ve been made fun of… and that people don’t believe what we’re talking about… and the innovations that we’re capable of… we have plasma weapons… we have laser weapons… Nikola Tesla death rays… we have all of these things in the arsenal… do you hear anything about it? No… But do they exist? Yes.
39:02 David: Well you have personally met an insider and had long conversations with him and with me here in this house… a guy who personally worked at Area 51… who personally built 8 different types of working anti-gravity systems… and we’re trying to get this going now and we appear to have the approval to do so… what is your opinion of this insider from having personally spoken with him for hours?
39:26 Dannion: There’s literally no doubt that this guy’s telling the truth, David. And not only that, the nonsensical approach that he takes to Inertia Driven Craft… he doesn’t say anti-gravity… [David: It’s called Inertial Propulsion]…how he describes it and how he compares it to craft we now have… and how much fun, I won’t say cynical… but what he knows equal to what we are presenting as weapons of war, is silly…
You can go all the way back to the Germans and the bell…. I’ve never been into UFO stuff… I only know these couple of things and I have a couple of pictures that defy it… but when the President of the United States says “it’s interesting”… and he’s making these kind of statements… there is an interaction with all this going on … but we must push it.
End of Part 1.
(1.) GESARA The End of Poverty, the End of Debt, the Beginning of a New Golden Age
(2.) Remarks by President Trump at The World Economic Forum, Davos, Switzerland 1-21-20
(3.) Dannion Brinkley
Dannion Brinkley Books:
Interview: 10 Things To Know Before You Go with Dannion Brinkley
(4.) Roswell UFO Incident, 1947
What Really Happened at Roswell, Dec. 17, 2019
(5.) Berlin Wall
(6.) Roswell UFO Crash: There Were 2 Crashes, Not 1, Says Ex-Air Force Official
“There were actually two crashes at Roswell, which most people don’t know,” French told HuffPost. “The first one was shot down by an experimental U.S. airplane that was flying out of White Sands, N.M., and it shot what was effectively an electronic pulse-type weapon that disabled and took away all the controls of the UFO, and that’s why it crashed.” 8-6-12
Source: Golden Age of Gaia
From Cowboy DownUnder - "Written from the Heart", sent to Recaps
.Been awhile since I picked up a pen and wrote down my thoughts. I've been standing on the sidelines, watching everything from the cheap seats, staying out of the frey, because it has seemed like the only way I could keep my sanity for the last few years.
10 years I've been in this and I know others who have been in it three times longer then that. Sure does seem like long long time to wait just to help so many in such dire need that we have met along this road to the RV. Yet when I look back over that road many of us have traveled together,
I see nothing but rich and amazing personalities who have entered my life, become my friends and truly woven themselves into the fabric of my life. I know many of you know who you are and believe me when I tell you I am so happy for our friendship, for your writing, for your post, for your truths, for your visits in the chat rooms we have shared, for our conversations on the calls and for the times we have held each other up and cheered each other on! I feel truly blessed for our connection, for our friendships, for our agreements and even for our disagreements.
Been awhile since I picked up a pen and wrote down my thoughts. I've been standing on the sidelines, watching everything from the cheap seats, staying out of the frey, because it has seemed like the only way I could keep my sanity for the last few years.
10 years I've been in this and I know others who have been in it three times longer then that. Sure does seem like long long time to wait just to help so many in such dire need that we have met along this road to the RV. Yet when I look back over that road many of us have traveled together,
I see nothing but rich and amazing personalities who have entered my life, become my friends and truly woven themselves into the fabric of my life. I know many of you know who you are and believe me when I tell you I am so happy for our friendship, for your writing, for your post, for your truths, for your visits in the chat rooms we have shared, for our conversations on the calls and for the times we have held each other up and cheered each other on! I feel truly blessed for our connection, for our friendships, for our agreements and even for our disagreements.
Over the years we have had a lot of ideas about how this journey might someday end but I am sure that no one here would have predicted the world events we would endure to get to the final day we stand in the redemption center and do our exchange. How strong and weak we have all been, pushed to our limits, patients tried, resources exhausted, hearts broken while watching others here pass away. Many of us reaching the end of rope multiple times as we wait and wait and wait together. All the while having to put up with those incessant Trolls, sent here with one mission, to get us to give up on our dream and just go away, to separate from each other for good.
Yet through it all here we still stand, believing in the good things coming, believing in ourselves, believing in each other, believing that our amazing projects will someday see the light of day, believing that together we will enter that promised land, where we will truly be called to step up and do the right thing. That our humanitarian projects big and small will make a difference for future generations to enjoy life in a better world, made that way because we stayed here and we did not loose faith. They threw everything they could at us, fear, hate, anger, jealosy, resentment, lies and more lies yet here we are, still standing in love, arm in arm, with I pray only our desire to "Do No Harm." Do not fall for their calls to pick up your weapons and harm each other. Do not believe that hate will win the day. Trust in the guiding light of God's greatest plan to light our way forward. You are all here for a reason that only you know. Trust that!
My own project H.E.A.L. (Heal Earth And Life) has so defined itself in the waiting, it has grown into a clear, concise, absolute and completely manageable project. Over the years of waiting the right people have entered the picture to make my task easier, the right political environment has developed, the need for it has only gotten greater and the clarity of why it is needed has completely shaped my view on what the world can be. Never in my Short Sweet Life have I felt more ready, more willing and more able to bring this project to a reality!
So for all of us and all of our projects, let's get this party started, I'll supply the music!
Cowboy on a beach in Waikiki ready for the perfect wave.
Forrrest Fenn’s 5 Million Dollar Hidden Treasure -- FOUND
.Forrrest Fenn’s 5 Million Dollar Hidden Treasure -- FOUND
Dinar Recaps’ Original Post: September 16 2019
A treasure chest hidden in the Rocky Mountains for a decade has finally been found
By Alicia Lee, CNN Updated 12:28 PM ET, Mon June 8, 2020
There's a Treasure Chest Worth Millions Hidden Somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Searchers are dedicating their lives and savings to finding it
(CNN)Thousands of brave souls have ventured into the Rocky Mountains for the past decade, searching for a treasure chest filled with gold, rubies, emeralds and diamonds.
But that adventure has finally come to an end. The treasure has been found.
Forrrest Fenn’s 5 Million Dollar Hidden Treasure -- FOUND
Dinar Recaps’ Original Story Post: September 16 2019 LINK
A treasure chest hidden in the Rocky Mountains for a decade has finally been found
By Alicia Lee, CNN Updated 12:28 PM ET, Mon June 8, 2020
There's a Treasure Chest Worth Millions Hidden Somewhere in the Rocky Mountains. Searchers are dedicating their lives and savings to finding it
(CNN)Thousands of brave souls have ventured into the Rocky Mountains for the past decade, searching for a treasure chest filled with gold, rubies, emeralds and diamonds.
But that adventure has finally come to an end. The treasure has been found.
Forrest Fenn, the 89-year-old art and antiquities collector who created the treasure hunt, made the announcement Sunday on his website.
"It was under a canopy of stars in the lush, forested vegetation of the Rocky Mountains and had not moved from the spot where I hid it more than 10 years ago," Fenn wrote in his announcement. "I do not know the person who found it, but the poem in my book led him to the precise spot."
The treasure was found a few days ago by a man who did not want to be named, Fenn told the Santa Fe New Mexican. He noted, however, that the man was from "back East" and that he confirmed his discovery by sending Fenn a photograph of his newfound riches.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
What Is Power In International Relations?
.What Is Power In International Relations?
Global Meltdown, United States
By Vladislav B. SOTIROVIĆ 18/05/2020
Power is the ability to make people, states, movements, organizations, or things to do what they would not otherwise have done. It is a matter of fact that politics is seen to be about might rather than right.
It can be said that, in essence, politics is power or in other words, the ability of some international actor to get desired results of his/her political behavior by using whatever instruments (legal or not, moral or not, etc.). In the very broadest sense of its meaning, power can be understood as the ability to influence the results of certain political/historical events, from the point of view to have or control power to do something on the arena of world politics and international relations.
The notion of power in world politics is usually attached to the nation-state and, therefore, power as an ability is prescribed to the country to direct its affairs but without the interference of other states or other international actors. As a consequence of such an understanding of the term, power in politics is, basically, very close term if not even the synonym to autonomy or independence.
What Is Power In International Relations?
Global Meltdown, United States
By Vladislav B. SOTIROVIĆ 18/05/2020
Power is the ability to make people, states, movements, organizations, or things to do what they would not otherwise have done. It is a matter of fact that politics is seen to be about might rather than right.
It can be said that, in essence, politics is power or in other words, the ability of some international actor to get desired results of his/her political behavior by using whatever instruments (legal or not, moral or not, etc.). In the very broadest sense of its meaning, power can be understood as the ability to influence the results of certain political/historical events, from the point of view to have or control power to do something on the arena of world politics and international relations.
The notion of power in world politics is usually attached to the nation-state and, therefore, power as an ability is prescribed to the country to direct its affairs but without the interference of other states or other international actors. As a consequence of such an understanding of the term, power in politics is, basically, very close term if not even the synonym to autonomy or independence.
Nevertheless, in academic literature, power in international politics is mostly understood as a relationship as the real ability to influence the behavior of other actors (states, organizations, movements, parties, persons, etc.) in a manner, not of their choosing. That is the reason why the term power over others is becoming more and more used as a proper one.
In other words, power in politics can be understood as a phenomenon that is exercised when one actor gets another actor to do something that, in fact, the latter would not otherwise have done. However, from the very practical points of view, distinctions exist between potential and actual power, relational and structural power, and finally between hard and soft power.[1]
Power is for sure a property of a structure what means that it is an ability to control the political moves and shape how things are going to be arranged of the others influenced by key factors through which one actor may influence another one or several of them at the same time (for instance, the relations between the USA and the rest of the member states of the NATO).
For decades, power in international relations has been seen through the prism of capabilities, and consequently, power as a phenomenon was understood either as an attribute or possession. From this point of view, power was often reflected in attempts to make a list of components of the power of a nation-state.
However, those components usually are seen, in fact, as the real capabilities of one actor to achieve its aim by using some sort of power.[2] The focal capabilities of nation-states in direct relation to their potential or real power are the next five:[3]
Military capability: It is the question of how large military forces does one actor has, how many weapons and of what kinds of weapon, and of what quality? In other words, the greater the military capability of one actor taking into consideration all of these dimensions, the greater is its real political and military power in the international arena.
Many Great Powers reduce their army’s size when they get more sophisticated weaponry. The realist school understands the power in international relations almost exclusively attached to the military capacity of a nation-state. Military capacity is a basic force of power as it enables a state to protect its own borders, people and territory from external aggression but as well as to impose its interests across its borders by a policy of occupation and expansion.
From a very military viewpoint, the crucial factors are, therefore, the size of the army, its effectiveness in terms of morale, training, discipline, command, and its possession of the most advanced weaponry and equipment.
Economic resources: From an economic standpoint, the power of nation-state depends on how large is a GNP, how much nation-state is industrialized and technologically developed, and how much its economy is diversified? In other words, the weight of the nation-state in the international arena is closely connected to its wealth and economic resources.
We cannot forget that in practice, military power directly depends on economic development of the actor for the very reason that economic wealth enables nation-states (and other actors in international relations) to develop large military forces, possess sophisticated weapons, pay for the mercenaries or wage costly wars (for example, the US military intervention in Iraq in 2003).
Modern technology with advanced industry is as well as expressions of economic wealth of a nation which gives political power in relation to trading and other partners. It is true particularly in those cases when national currencies are very strong and stable to the extent that other nations are using them as tools of international exchange.
Natural resources: It means, how much an actor has access to natural resources for the sake to support its own economic capabilities in general and in particular its military?
Population resources: The power of a nation-state very much depends on its population number what is of extreme importance for both national economy and military as a large population usually contribute to a larger military and labor force.
However, in this respect, it is necessary to respect a population’s age, gender, level of literacy, skills, health, and education as all of these factors have a direct influence on the actor’s economy, technological advantage, and military strength. Modern economic, especially industrial, development require mass literacy and certain levels of work-related skills.
Today, a higher-level of scientific and technical skills became a crucial requirement for national economic success. However, politically, it is a question is the population of nation-state united around its Government, or there are political, ideological, confessional, etc. cleavages which are threatening internal national cohesion?
Geographic features: The chief significance of geographical elements as land area, location, climate, topography, and natural resources, are always stressed by human geographers and geopolitics to be of extreme importance for the national power.
In other words, from a geographical point of view, it is important how large territory of a nation-state is, does it possess direct access to the sea/ocean, does the terrain of the state can provide natural defenses (mountains, marshes or rivers, for instance)? Finally, it is as well as a question do climate, geographic features, and terrain in general permit agriculture and strengthening a defense system in general?[4]
How Many Powers?
We can say that almost all forms of politics are about power and, therefore, politics as an academic discipline is usually understood as the study of power. Contemporary politics studies raise two focal questions concerning power: 1) Where power is located or who has it?; and 2) How many powers exist? That is the question regarding the changing nature of power.
G20-Sumit-2019The actors in international relations, especially those who belong to the Great Powers[5], can use capabilities in different ways in order to increase their political, economic, military or so influence on the others.
There are eight different and basic natures (types) of power used by actors in global politics and international relations but especially by those from the group of Great Powers in order to reshape World order:[6]
Hard Power: This is the ability of an actor (in fact, a nation-state) to influence another actor or actors by using threats or rewards. The actor using hard power is involving military “sticks” (punishment) or economic “carrots” (reward). The policy of hard power predominantly focuses on the use of economic sanctions, military threats, and even military deployment in order to coerce the compliance of others.[7]
Soft Power: This is the ability to influence other actors by convincing them by different means to follow or agree to certain norms, aspirations, and politics that produce the desired behavior. The term soft power is used in the studies of international relations to mark the use of economic, cultural, and diplomatic measures for the sake to attract and shape the actions of other actors toward the desired direction.[8]
Smart Power: The policy of smart power is to combine both hard power and soft power to reinforce one another in the international arena. In other words, the main instrument used by smart power is, in fact, compelling that is a tactic/strategy used to force an actor to make concessions against its will by combining military threats with economic/financial rewards.
Relational Power: It means the ability of one actor to influence another actor or several of them in a direction that originally was not of their wish and choosing.
Structural Power: It is an ability to shape the frameworks within which actors in global politics relate to one another. Therefore, the structural power used by the supreme actor determines how politics is going to be done for the rest of the group. Structural power operates through structures that shape the capacities and interests of actors in relation to one another.[9]
Compulsory Power: Such power allows the actor to establish direct control over another by implying military, economic or financial instruments.
Institutional Power: It is used when the actors exercise indirect control over as, for example, when states establish international institutions that work to their own long-term advantage and to the disadvantage of others (NATO, the EU, etc.).
Productive Power: This power is in essence inter-subjective power as it is the power that operates through the ability to shape an actor’s own traditional beliefs, values, or perceptions. Productive power is influenced by social constructivists, poststructuralists, and feminist thinking and works by defining the so-called “legitimate” knowledge and by determining whose knowledge matters.[10]
Closing remarks
Politics, either domestic or international, in essence, is a power that means the ability to achieve desired results by using different instruments and policies. The quest for power and influence are basic points of any politics. Power as a phenomenon was all the time central to studies of conflict and security.
Nevertheless, power is a very complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon. From a purely academic point of view, power as a concept is extremely disputed as there is no agreed notion of power, only exist different rival notions coming from different schools.[11]
However, almost all schools in global politics and international relations agree that power has to be understood in terms of capability – an attribute which an actor (mostly nation-state) possess; relationship – the exercise of influence over other actors; and property of structure – the ability to control the political agenda and direct things to the proper direction.
To conclude, regarding global politics and international relations, power is “the ability to convince another state to do what it would not normally do”.[12] The first move of the state is to organize power domestically, and the second is to accumulate power internationally.[13]
[1] Andrew Heywood, Global Politics, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, 210.
[2] Richard W. Mansbach, Kirsten L. Taylor, Introduction to Global Politics, Second Edition, London−New York: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2012, 253.
[3] These five capabilities or the focal elements of national power are usually taken into consideration to rank nation-states within a global hierarchy especially those from the club of Great Powers.
[4] See more in [Paul Cloke, Philip Crang, Mark Goodwin, Introducing Human Geographies, Second Edition, Abington, UK: Hodder Arnold, 2005].
[5] Originally, in the 18th century, the term Great Power was related to any European state that was, in essence, a sovereign or independent. In practice, it meant, only those states that were able to independently defend themselves from the aggression launched by another state or group of states. Nevertheless, after WWII, the term Great Power is applied to the countries that are regarded to be of the most powerful position within the global system of international relations.
Those countries are only countries whose foreign policy is „forward“ policy and therefore the states like Brasil, Germany or Japan, who have significant economic might, are not considered today to be the members of the Great Power bloc for the only reason as they lack both political will and the military potential for the Great Power status.
One of the fundamental characteristics and historical features of any member state of the Great Power club was, is, and will be to behave in the international arena according to its own adopted geopolitical concept(s) and aim(s). In other words, the leading modern and postmodern nation-states are „geopolitically“ acting in the global politics that makes a crucial difference between them and all other states.
According to the realist viewpoint, global or world politics is nothing else than a struggle for power and supremacy between the states on different levels as the regional, continental, intercontinental, or global (universal). Therefore, the governments of the states are forced to remain informed upon the efforts and politics of other states, or eventually other political actors, for the sake, if necessary, to acquire extra power (weapons, etc.) which are supposed to protect their own national security (Iran) or even survival on the political map of the world (North Korea) by the potential aggressor (the USA).
Competing for supremacy and protecting the national security, the national states will usually opt for the policy of balancing one another’s power by different means like creating or joining military-political blocs or increasing their own military capacity. Subsequently, global politics is nothing else but just an eternal struggle for power and supremacy in order to protect the self-proclaimed national interest and security of the major states or the Great Powers.
As the major states regard the issue of power distribution to be fundamental in international relations and as they act in accordance to the relative power that they have, the factors of internal influence to states, like the type of political government or economic order, have no strong impact on foreign policy and international relations. In other words, it is of „genetic nature“ of the Great Powers to struggle for supremacy and hegemony regardless of their inner construction and features.
It is the same „natural law“ either for democracies or totalitarian types of government or liberal (free-market) and command (centralized) economies. About Great Powers, see more in [Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers: Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000, New York: Vintage Books, 2010; Matthew Kroenig, The Return of Great Power Rivalry: Democracy versus Autocracy from the Ancient World to the U.S. and China, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2020].
National interest is foreign policy goals, objectives, or policy preferences to be benefited by society. Public interest is basically a synonym for the national interest.
[6] World order can be understood as the distribution of power between and/or among Great Powers or other focal actors in global politics by different means establishing a relatively stable framework of relationships and behaviours in international relations. See in more detail in [Stephen McGlinchey, Rosie Walters, Christian Scheinpflug (eds.), International Relations Theory, Bristol, England: E-International Relations Publishing, 2017].
[7] NATO’s military aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1999 illustrates how hard power works in the practice as the Yugoslav army stopped fighting primarily because of the threat of use of additional and more effective NATO’s strategy and military actions.
[8] As one of the effective instruments used within the framework of soft power is, for instance, the NGOs [Karen A. Mingst, Essentials of International Relations, Third Edition, New York−London: W. W. Norton & Company, 2004, 180−185].
[9] Garrett W. Brown, Iain McLean, Alistair McMillan (eds.), The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Politics and International Relations, Fourth Edition, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2018.
[10] See more in [Sorin Baiasu, Sylvie Loriaux (eds.), Sincerity in Politics and International Relations, London−New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2017].
[11] See in more detail in [Stephen McGlinchey (ed.), International Relations, Bristol, England: E-International Relations Publishing, 2017].
[12] Steven L. Spiegel, Jennifer Morrison Taw, Fred L. Wehling, Kristen P. Williams, World Politics in a New Era, Third Edition, Thomson Wadsworth, 2004, 702.
[13] John Baylis, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens, The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations, Fourth Edition, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, 100.
5 Lies You’ve Been Told About Generational Wealth
.5 Lies You’ve Been Told About Generational Wealth
By Pavithra Mohan
From TNT -- Ify: This Article explains why RayRen continues to say NOT to gift large monies but to Educate your children, grandchildren... Article on Generational Wealth:
Here’s what you have wrong about people who inherit money.
5 Lies You’ve Been Told About Generational Wealth
The markers of generational wealth are manifold, from the promise of a good education to the security of homeownership. Wealth begets further wealth, but not always through inheritance of assets.
“Much of the transmission of wealth to the next generation goes through these earlier life processes, such as supporting children’s education, supporting their ability to purchase a home, or to get married,” researcher Fabian Pfeffer wrote in a recent study at the University of Michigan. “All of these—education, homeownership, marriage—in turn help you accumulate wealth.”
5 Lies You’ve Been Told About Generational Wealth
Posted in Dinar Recaps Archives on 7/20/2019
By Pavithra Mohan
From TNT -- Ify: This Article explains why RayRen continues to say NOT to gift large monies but to Educate your children, grandchildren... Article on Generational Wealth:
Here’s what you have wrong about people who inherit money.
5 Lies You’ve Been Told About Generational Wealth
The markers of generational wealth are manifold, from the promise of a good education to the security of homeownership. Wealth begets further wealth, but not always through inheritance of assets.
“Much of the transmission of wealth to the next generation goes through these earlier life processes, such as supporting children’s education, supporting their ability to purchase a home, or to get married,” researcher Fabian Pfeffer wrote in a recent study at the University of Michigan. “All of these—education, homeownership, marriage—in turn help you accumulate wealth.”
But the extent to which family money helps future generations retain and build on their wealth—or acquire financial literacy—is less marked than you might imagine. Here are some of the commonly held misconceptions about the beneficiaries of generational wealth.
1. Their Wealth Lasts Many Generations
We don’t have to look further than one Donald Trump to see how wealth can trickle down and set up future generations for success. But generational wealth is actually harder to maintain than America’s richest families might lead you to believe: About 70% of wealthy families lose their wealth by the second generation, and 90% do by the following generation.
One reason that happens is the next generation may not be equipped to manage the money they inherit. But it’s also that family wealth can be diluted as it is divided amongst children, especially if each has a different stance on how to invest or manage the family finances. (Think of the family jockeying on Succession.)
Some financial experts even recommend that—not unlike businesses—families come up with a “mission statement” to establish financial values and goals, in an effort to preserve wealth across future generations
2. Their Parents Talk To Them About Money
You might think parents with money share their financial know-how with their offspring. But that’s not necessarily the case. “Some parents don’t want their kids to feel like they have a huge landing pad or that they may not need to work,” says Emily Green, a financial adviser at Sallie Krawcheck‘s investment platform, Ellevest.
To continue reading, please go to the original article at