China’s Qing Dynasty Collapsed For Reasons That Feel Eerily Familiar

China’s Qing Dynasty Collapsed For Reasons That Feel Eerily Familiar

BRIEFING #195  whitehatauxiliaries   September 13, 2023

Guest Feature  Qing dynasty ruler  Qing ruler Dorgon.

Salve Citizens,

As we close the 3rd quarter or 2023, most would agree that the general state of society is decaying and is in need of a serious change. Central to this for our purpose, is, of course, the natural curiosity about the Global Settlements. As much as we would love to have unrestricted news on the matter, such a thing is just not possible. What you see released here, to greater or lesser degree, is as good as it can be. And it’s far more accurate and reliable than what is claimed elsewhere.

Case in point. Here is a brief comment and description of a backchannel communication between the key London GS trustee and an eager bureaucrat who felt entitled to demand a timetable on his terms:

In a world where silent hands steer the fate of nations, the Elders of Asia who live in China and Taiwan have spoken. Backed by their Trusted Brit, even Xi has to answer, and is under their watchful eyes.

 “Because you don’t see it doesn’t mean its not happening”, as I responded to a pushy Lord today, when I asked who XXXXX are YOU? It’s done when we say its done. We say, we pay. Until then you XXXXX well go away!  Hardball, or we take them!

So, please remember, the highly sensitive nature of this process is requiring very guarded news concerning its progress and status. But, but no means are you to think that such tacitness is due to inactivity or failure.

China is not immune to the vagaries of world economics. They have a similar history of turmoil akin to that experienced by most other empires of the past. Today, however, the stakes are much higher and the penalties for failure are severe and swift. To maneuver such a hugely populated world from beneath a general collapse, while achieving and maintaining sensitive political consensus is going to take careful timing and skill. Such responsibilities are not placed in the hands of unproven, unaccomplished parvenus.

We can learn from this past example in China that great empires can falter if they do not act swiftly to events which require intelligent planning and execution. Take this as a reason that the present ongoing GS matters must be guided and implemented with great care, or we risk a collapse of unimaginable magnitude, in a world where thermonuclear thunderclaps may be the last sounds heard by man before our history disappears forever. – WHA

 To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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