"The RV Plan" by Ron Giles 11-12-19
."The RV Plan" by Ron Giles - 11.12.19
Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 7:23 PM EDT on November 12, 2019
NOTE: For those with suspected Fake Zim Bonds - if you paid for them the NPTB will fund your Humanitarian Projects, they know who you are.
“Q,” says “Trust the Plan.” So, what is the RV Alliance plan anyway, and why is it so important to understand and trust?
These are good questions.
A plan is a set-in-motion process(s) that if followed, a person will arrive at a predetermined set of desired results. The adherence to the plan is, therefore, necessary to accomplish the results intended within the plan. If you don’t know the intended results, how can one determine the necessity to follow the plan?
This may seem a simple statement and yet why do so many people get confused and get carried around by every wind of doctrine (information) that comes along from the intel gurus they follow. There exist a set of results that must be understood so one can see for themselves the necessity of following the plan.
"The RV Plan" by Ron Giles - 11.12.19
Entry Submitted by Ron Giles at 7:23 PM EDT on November 12, 2019
NOTE: For those with suspected Fake Zim Bonds - if you paid for them the NPTB will fund your Humanitarian Projects, they know who you are.
“Q,” says “Trust the Plan.” So, what is the RV Alliance plan anyway, and why is it so important to understand and trust?
These are good questions.
A plan is a set-in-motion process(s) that if followed, a person will arrive at a predetermined set of desired results. The adherence to the plan is, therefore, necessary to accomplish the results intended within the plan. If you don’t know the intended results, how can one determine the necessity to follow the plan?
This may seem a simple statement and yet why do so many people get confused and get carried around by every wind of doctrine (information) that comes along from the intel gurus they follow. There exist a set of results that must be understood so one can see for themselves the necessity of following the plan.
The Old Central Bank, banking system…why must it be replaced?
The Central Bank's financial system is designed to create inflation that destroys the currency and the people's assets and results in the necessity to re-establish a new currency to take the place of the old system. Inflation consumes the buying power of currency over time. When the buying power of currency is lost, people will turn to loans to solve financial problems. This creates a downward spiral into debt slavery.
In 1917 when the Central Bank's banking system (CB) took over the then-existing financial system of the US, the US dollar was worth 100 cents. When inflation deteriorates the buying power of the dollar, at a Fed desired rate of 2% inflation per year, then the dollar loses 2 cents of value per year. After 50 years of 2% inflation, the dollar then loses 100% of its value when compared to when the cycle was started UNLESS it is reset and started over, which it has been.
Couple this with the interest rates charged to use the money and the economy is on a collision course with near-complete destruction. It needs to be re-set, usually by a catastrophic war scenario or some other major public event, to hide the demise of the inflation prone currency. The built-in design of the CB financial system is intended to last 50 – 70 years and then needs to be re-set to continue.
It is not hard to see why the Cabal, with their war hawks, are feverishly trying to start World War III? It is at the end of its cycle, and to continue, it needs the war to reset the CB financial system. This will not happen as the Alliance will not allow a World War to be started again. The CB financial system cannot carry the world debt without the re-set, so it will die of natural causes on its own.
The New Quantum Financial System (QFS) will replace the old Central Banking financial system.
As the last dying embers of the CB are being shown to the world, the Alliance is set to pull the trigger on the Fed and let the world know the CB is not needed anymore. They will not go peacefully into the trash, but into the trash, they will go. The Fiat system of currency backed by nothing of value will be buried and the old Gold-based, real money systems will emerge like the Phoenix rising out of the dust, but with a more secure way of using gold to back currencies of the world.
Beyond the necessity of some financial structure that supports the economy, the CB has always been the limiting factor for national and international Economic Growth. With its millstone around the neck to inhibit the financial growth of both individuals and Corporations, the CB has been the culprit that has cost the people of earth dearly.
Of necessity, Governments have been complicit in supporting the CB with their bribery and extortions and all manner of illegal activities so that career politicians can become millionaires off the backs of people they are supposed to serve. The Government must keep the CB intact as the entity to control and manipulate the Economy. It is a system that has created the DC swamp and must be returned to the Constitutional form of government that this nation was founded upon as well as the new Quantum Financial System. (GESARA for the world)
The QFS stands as a sentinel to allow the new financial system to be economically successful for the people. The "lack- mentality," of the Cabal economic system gives way to allow the people to become "Abundant" and self-sufficient with all the money they need to not only survive but to thrive.
The RV is essential to the “plan.”
The new financial system must have the financial where-with-all (cash/currency) for every person to have what they need to take care of their own requirements without needing to go on the dole or borrow money to survive. The RV supports this premise. Certain things in the new financial system will need to be held inviolable.
The home and income should never be subject to foreclosure or loss that destroys the Family Unit and its security. Zim Benefactors must create provisions to avoid this problem, because it will not come from a Socialistic government, as in the dole. (LWS's RSS program).
Becoming responsible for ourselves and others will become the social norm instead of greed, hatred, dependancy, and divisions such as Race, Religion, Politics, Gender identity, and etc. that destroys society. If you’re not willing to give up your prejudices you might not make it in this new system.
These divisions separate we humans and are part of the Cabal takeover that supports the Central Bank financial system that is being moved to the trash bin. Holding on to these divisions will be detrimental to society as a whole and will alienate individuals from full participation in a Thriving Society. Question: are we Zim Benefactors up to the task of creating a new Economic System for Society?
Society functions well when the basic structures are protected with all peoples contributing to the whole as responsible individuals. This is not Socialism, nor is it greedy Capitalism. Everyone willing to do their part for society and their family unit will add to the whole by doing things within their uniqueness to contribute to society as they desire. Lazy people will not do well, but those willing to do their part will find great opportunity and comfort in the new economic system that is coming.
What is the “Plan” and what are the desired “results?”
The PLAN is to create an economic system where every person, who is willing, can find financial success and live lives worthy of being the Sovereigns that we, as children of God, are by inheritance. Sovereigns conduct their lives according to correct principles that allow all persons to THRIVE and meet the full measure of their Creation.
The RESULTS are a Financial System that supports each individual as a viable member of society, worthy of respect and honor as each person contributes their uniqueness to the whole. Without each person participating in the bounty, the whole is not complete. The answer is to love and serve one another.
There is a PLAN that when fully implemented will produce the desired RESULTS.
When you read information, use your inner discretion and ask yourself: "How does this fit into the plan?"
It might be misinformation or disinformation or it might go against the plan:
1. If the information does not support the demise of the CB financial system post RV, then disregard, (there are no bank charges or fees in the QFS, Banks will not survive.)
2. And, if the information creates doubts in the RV process, the negotiable rates, or the amount of the funds available, then disregard.
3. And, if the information given lowers the belief you have in yourself or your ability to do your humanitarian work or if it supports any outside control or power-over-you, then disregard. (We are Sovereigns and control ourselves by adhering to Correct Principles in harmony with other Sovereigns) (Telling Zim Holders they will only receive ??? millions for a 100 T note, reflects power-over-people by un-named Shills, don't stand for it)
4. And, if the information does not support the absolute security of our funds in the QFS, then disregard.
5. And, if the information does not include a discussion of Re-Valued gold-backed currencies to be deposited into your accounts within the QFS and not in a bank, then disregard.
6. And, if the information gives any expected dates for the RV or the release of the 800#, then disregard. (We are under a strategic, military disinformation protocol, we do not have a "need to know." Surprise! Surprise!)
7. And, if the information or person gives continuing unfulfilled-expected-dates which has destroyed the credibility of all gurus who participate in this travesty, then disregard.
8. And, if the information gives any expected exchange or redemption rates, then disregard. (we negotiate on our own)
9. And, if the information talks about tranches or the movement of bank funds, then disregard. (The QFS has no need to move funds for exchanges or redemptions, it will be an account to account transfer within the QFS) (Banks use codes, QFS uses direct personal access using PIN numbers)
10. And, if the information says fake Zim Bonds will not be redeemed, then disregard. (All Zim Bonds support humanitarian projects, even if they are fake.)
11. And finally, and perhaps most importantly, if the information makes you feel uncomfortable in your heart or if it does not jive with what you already know to be correct, then disregard.
For we Humanitarians, there is a PLAN in place that is being meticulously followed with military precision. It will produce the RESULTS of a New Economic System that will inure to our benefit as we go about our Humanitarian Work.
I believe in the PLAN and expect the RESULTS to be far greater than we can presently comprehend.
Have a blessed day and "believe in things that are TRUE."
Ron Giles
A Brief History of Veteran’s Day In The United States
.A Brief History of Veteran’s Day In The United States
11 | 07 | 2019
Every year on November 11, people in the United States celebrate Veteran’s Day. It’s a special time dedicated to honoring those who have served in the armed forces. While it’s sometimes confused with Memorial Day, there are distinct differences between the two.
Veteran’s Day is more than just scoring a three-day weekend off from work. It has a significant history deeply rooted in the honor and sacrifice of those who have served. Here is a brief history of Veteran’s Day and why it’s so important.
A Brief History of Veteran’s Day In The United States
11 | 07 | 2019
Every year on November 11, people in the United States celebrate Veteran’s Day. It’s a special time dedicated to honoring those who have served in the armed forces. While it’s sometimes confused with Memorial Day, there are distinct differences between the two.
Veteran’s Day is more than just scoring a three-day weekend off from work. It has a significant history deeply rooted in the honor and sacrifice of those who have served. Here is a brief history of Veteran’s Day and why it’s so important.
The First Veteran’s Day
Historical photo of crowd in Berlin at the end of World War 1, November 10, 1918
Credit: Everett Historical / Shutterstock
The very first Veteran’s Day was celebrated in 1938 to honor the end of World War I. While the Treaty of Versailles officially ended the war in June of 1919, an armistice, or ceasefire, began earlier on November 11, 1918. Originally, Veteran’s Day was called Armistice Day in honor of the ceasefire and the end of the violence. It was created to celebrate the brave people who fought in WWI.
Changing With The Times
By 1954, the United States had participated in both World War II and the Korean War. Armistice Day was intended only to celebrate WWI veterans, and all of the new veterans didn’t have a much-deserved holiday of their own. Congress passed a bill changing Armistice Day to Veteran’s Day as a way of extending the celebration to include veterans of any war.
In 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Bill, which gave government employees the much-loved three-day weekends for historical holidays like Washington’s Birthday, Memorial Day, and Veteran’s Day. Because November 11 sometimes falls on the weekend, the act also changed Veteran’s Day to the fourth Monday of November.
This wasn’t a popular change. Not only did it confuse everyone, but it also took away the historical significance of November 11. Finally, in 1975, President Ford returned Veteran’s Day to its rightful date where it has remained ever since.
Memorial Day vs. Veteran’s Day
The main distinction between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day is that Memorial Day is for commemorating the soldiers who have lost their lives in battle while Veteran’s Day honors those who are still living.
Memorial Day was born of the Civil War when people needed a way to remember the family members that they’d lost. After WWI, it grew to include those lost in all wars. Memorial Day was celebrated differently in every state until it was made an official federal holiday in 1971.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Everything You Want To Know About Veterans Day
.Everything You Want To Know About Veterans Day And More!
By Meera Dolasia
On Friday, November 11, Americans will celebrate Veterans Day. The federal holiday honors the brave men and women of the armed forces who risk their lives to protect our freedom. They include members of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard, Air Force, and the Coast Guard.
There is often confusion between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, which is celebrated on the last Monday of May. Though both honor our military personnel, Memorial Day, is set aside to remember and pay tribute to soldiers that died in battle or from a wound sustained in one.
Everything You Want To Know About Veterans Day And More!
By Meera Dolasia
On Friday, November 11, Americans will celebrate Veterans Day. The federal holiday honors the brave men and women of the armed forces who risk their lives to protect our freedom. They include members of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard, Air Force, and the Coast Guard.
There is often confusion between Veterans Day and Memorial Day, which is celebrated on the last Monday of May. Though both honor our military personnel, Memorial Day, is set aside to remember and pay tribute to soldiers that died in battle or from a wound sustained in one. Photo Credit: Publicdomainpictures.net
Veterans Day on the other hand, recognizes ALL those who served honorably in the military, during war or peace. Its primary purpose however, is to thank the living veterans for their bravery and contribution to our national security. Image Credit: popularresistance.org
The holiday, formerly called Armistice Day, was first celebrated on November 11, 1919 to honor World War I soldiers. The date was selected because it was on this day at 11:00 AM in 1918 that the Allied Nations and Germany reached a cease-fire, or Armistice, which led to the end of the ‘Great War,’ as it often called.
US President Woodrow Wilson, who began the commemoration, encouraged Americans to celebrate the day with parades and public meetings. Businesses were also urged to suspend work for a few minutes at 11:00 am to honor World War 1 veterans. In 1954, after America’s engagement in World War II and the Korean War, US officials changed the name to Veterans Day, so that all military personnel could be honored.
Pittsburgh Veterans Day Parade (Photo Credit: By Sgt. 1st Class Michel Sauret Public domain via Wikimedia Commons
In 1968, to enable Americans to enjoy a longer weekend, US lawmakers moved three holidays — Washington’s Birthday (Feb 22), Memorial Day (May 30), and Veterans Day (November 11) — from fixed dates to designated Mondays. However, the first Veterans Day celebration under the new law, observed on October 25th, 1971, resulted in much confusion.
Additionally, most Americans were not happy with the change, due to the date's historical and patriotic significance. In 1975, President Gerald Ford finally succumbed to public pressure and reinstated the celebration back to the original November 11 date.
The US is not the only country that observes the holiday. It is also celebrated in the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Australia, Malta, and South Africa.
While each country commemorates the event differently, the purpose is the same — to thank the brave men and women who put their lives on the line to protect others. So this Friday, be sure to seek out and thank the amazing veterans whose tremendous courage and sacrifices have enabled us to maintain our freedom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqgrkeZZe3g
"Woo Hoo Fed Ex is Here!" by Dr. Dinar
Woo Hoo, Fed Ex Is Here!
by Dr. Dinar
I'll never forget that wonderful day. The day my very first batch of Iraqi dinar arrived.
And luckily for me, it arrived just in the nick of time.
Now, why do I say just in the nick of time? Because the RV was just about to happen.
Only a couple more hours, maybe a couple more days at the most, but one thing was for sure, I had to hurry because this RV was about to go down.
About to pop and fortunately for me I was able to squeeze my way in and grab a seat onboard the Insane Train at the last possible second.
Woo Hoo, Fed Ex Is Here!
by Dr. Dinar
I'll never forget that wonderful day. The day my very first batch of Iraqi dinar arrived.
And luckily for me, it arrived just in the nick of time.
Now, why do I say just in the nick of time? Because the RV was just about to happen.
Only a couple more hours, maybe a couple more days at the most, but one thing was for sure, I had to hurry because this RV was about to go down.
About to pop and fortunately for me I was able to squeeze my way in and grab a seat onboard the Insane Train at the last possible second.
As I sit here now, in the very same position I was in all those years ago, I can't help but wonder what could've possibly happened to that deadline. That back wall.
That two week window that I was blessed with being able to squeeze into.
Apparently it had gone the same direction as all the other windows.
All of the sooner than later's, all of the any second now's and back wall dates that have come and gone over the many years since then.
Right out the back screen door, just another glitch from the past.
Yet, thinking back, I still do my best to hold on to that excitement, that thrill, that knowing that it was finally my time to shine.
That things were finally gonna turn around for me.
All of this was taking place shortly after the Real Estate market first began to crumble.
As I watched the values of everything I (aka the bank) owned, as well as everything around me literally fall from the sky, right off the cliff and crash onto the jagged rocks below, all seemingly overnight no less, I knew I was only a couple weeks away from recovering my former world.
Because I knew about the dinar and the oh so very soon to be RV.
If I could somehow manage to hang on just a little longer, I'd be able to save my home, my job, my car, pretty much everything I owned and all the rest of the stuff that I merely owned on paper.
But that wasn't to be. Off the cliff and into a blazing inferno it all went.
As the days, weeks, months and years continued to slide on by, I continued to lose one thing after another. After another.
One by one my world began to crumble and there wasn't much I could do about it.
I'd gambled it all on the real estate market and yes, I lost. Big time.
As I look back on it now, perhaps if I'd swallowed my pride a bit earlier, accepted a few lowball offers here or there and sold out a bit sooner, there's a chance I might not have this exceptionally horrible credit rating attached to my name.
Not to mention I might not be quite as hugely in debt as I am now.
All of that is, as they say, water under the bridge.
There's no going back, it is what it is. What's done is done.
The crazy part is that at that time I promised myself that I would never again take another risk, another chance.
That I'd never gamble on anything ever again. No way, not gonna do it.
Thankfully, this long time risk-taker had learned his lesson, and had taken his last risk.
Or had I. I was about to be tested.
Suddenly, as if on a zephyr out of nowhere, I heard about the Iraqi Dinar and all of its too good to be true possibilities.
To say that this whole dinar thing piqued my interest is a complete understatement.
What if it was true? What if it WAS real?
Naw, it couldn't be... could it!?!
What if it was indeed the real deal and I didn't take a chance on it, would that regret haunt me more than taking another risk (after I told myself never again) and the loss of the money itself?
Round an' 'round, my head was spinning. And I was quickly running out of time.
Or so I thought.
Immediately I was faced with a huge dilemma. Do I take every last nickle I have and spend it on some get rich quick scheme?
Some pie in the sky, too good to be true, gotta be a scam (and no question about it, according to everything I could find on the internet regarding the dinar, it was without a doubt a scam), hair brained scheme like the supposed revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar?
Not to mention I had only mere seconds to decide. A very small window to say the least.
A make or break, now or never opportunity to change my future.
I had to make up my mind and pretty darn quickly at that.
Otherwise I was going to miss my one and only opportunity to rebuild my life.
Rationalizing, to myself anyway, that I was going to basically be throwing that money away on bills and stuff, basic survival for the short term, what did I have to lose.
I mean, according to my source (an acquaintance that, as it turns out, wasn't any more knowledgeable in Dinar 101 at that time than I was), at most it was only going to be a couple short weeks before the RV popped and then I'd be set. For life.
Surely I could hang on that long, couldn't I?
Then I'd be able to pay off all my bills, get back on level ground and relax.
So I jumped online, ordered my first envelope of IQD and began to dream. And dream I did.
A penny rate? Not bad. But what if it came in at 5 cents?
Crazy, I know, but what if.
With that I could pay off some bills, find a place to rent and begin to rebuild my life.
Sounds pretty good so far. Just the head start I needed.
Then I decided to get risky and began to dream of a 10 cent RV.
Ahhhhh, now THAT'S more like it. I could really get back on my feet with that kind of an ROI.
I'll never forget the day I really began to Dream Big, allowing my mind to drift all the way up to a 30 cent rate.
Can you say Game Changer? Wow, that would allow me to totally start my life all over again.
As the weeks and months began to fly (ok, drag) by and still no RV, I began to spend more time on doing my due diligence, my in-depth research.
And the more I learned about Iraq, how it got to where it was as a country, as well as its future potential, the more excited I became.
And all the talk about how this was gonna be just like Kuwait really had me enthused.
Sure, I was worried that IT hadn't happened yet but at the same time, I was also becoming more aware of Iraq's true potential and how, if everything went according to the plan, my $.30 dreams likely deserved a movement of the decimal point to the right.
That's when I really began to get excited. And that's also when I first started to really dig in and began to build my foundation.
My base for everything I was to believe in going forward.
And it's that foundation that I built all those years ago that has kept me in the game all this time.
Because I know deep down that it's not so much an IF but merely a matter of when.
I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the RV is gonna happen. It's just the when that is the remaining unknown.
There's just too much evidence out there of big time players being involved and if they're crazy enough to get involved, then so am I.
Sure, I'm human and I have plenty of those mornings when I wake up with huge disappointment over another hopium filled week ending in another stomach churning weekend but at the end of the day it's my foundation (as well as the knowledge I've gleaned from others I've met along the way) that I return to time and again.
Helping me to remain in the game when I need it most.
So with all that being said, if I can make but one suggestion to all my fellow Dinarians, just hold on a bit longer.
Will it be this month? Who knows. Perhaps next month? Maybe.
Maybe even next year. Again, that's anybody's best guess.
But one thing's for certain, it's gonna happen.
Just as sure as the Fed Ex truck's brakes are gonna be squealing and the horn is gonna honk every time he comes sliding into home porch with each new batch of dinar he delivers.
Hang in there folks. Even though it can be difficult to feel it now, we truly are the lucky ones.
Dr. Dinar
(This post was originally written some 5 years ago, prior to all of the GCR/VND/ZIM stuff running rampant in Dinarland these days, and refreshened for today's audience)
10 Powerful Quotes That Made Me A Millionaire
.10 Powerful Quotes That Made Me A Millionaire
Post From StartupCamp By Dale-Partridge
Make Your Passion Your Profession
With an overwhelming access to knowledge, this generation often finds itself ten feet wide and one inch deep. Knowing a little about everything but never enough about one thing to matter. We have no shortage of words; rather, we have a shortage of the right words.
Poetry has been defined as the best words in the best order. But I believe it goes beyond a poem.
The right words listed in concert and color can articulate a comprehensive and deep meaning in just a few characters. A meaning that can fasten your fears to the floor and allow you to step into progress.
Anchors that keep us straight and hold us tight – almost like an injection of clarity and control for our most uncertain of times.
Ultimately, words are the stones that bridge the gap to our furthest destinations. From incomprehension and overcoming indifference to closing a sale and believing in God.
Words make up how we think, what we know, and who we become.
But the right words change your life. They can change your story.
10 Powerful Quotes That Made Me A Millionaire
Post From StartupCamp By Dale-Partridge
Make Your Passion Your Profession
With an overwhelming access to knowledge, this generation often finds itself ten feet wide and one inch deep. Knowing a little about everything but never enough about one thing to matter. We have no shortage of words; rather, we have a shortage of the right words.
Poetry has been defined as the best words in the best order. But I believe it goes beyond a poem.
The right words listed in concert and color can articulate a comprehensive and deep meaning in just a few characters. A meaning that can fasten your fears to the floor and allow you to step into progress.
Anchors that keep us straight and hold us tight – almost like an injection of clarity and control for our most uncertain of times.
Ultimately, words are the stones that bridge the gap to our furthest destinations. From incomprehension and overcoming indifference to closing a sale and believing in God.
Words make up how we think, what we know, and who we become.
But the right words change your life. They can change your story.
Here are the words that have changed mine.
1. "Never get too busy making a living that you forget to make a life."
Who Said It?: My Grandmother
How It Has Helped Me: Getting lost in something you love often results in getting lost in general. We live in a culture that measures our success by how much money we make rather than the fullness of our lives.
Over the 13 years I've spent building businesses, I've learned the months that feel weighted to one side typically follow a season spent living in the absence of this quote.
2. "Speak to people how they need to hear it, not how you want to say it."
Who Said It?: My Mentor
How It Has Helped Me: Empathy is a difficult virtue to master. As an entrepreneur, the best marketing is performed by those who can step into the customer's pain. To put words to their emotions and to create products that solve their most trying problems. As leaders, we must not forget that thoughtfulness is the most effective form of communication.
3. "Your greatest weakness is often the overextension of your greatest strength."
Who Said It?: Jason Benham
How It Has Helped Me: I'm a natural teacher. Speaking, selling, and convincing others is almost instinctive to me. But far too many times I've been kicked in the leg by my wife for not shutting my mouth.
As I've matured, I'm learning that the overuse of our inherent gifting can backfire. The secret is learning to take it to the very edge, and stop.
4. "A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."
Who Said It?: Antoine de Saint-Exupery
How It Has Helped Me: A designer is someone who can make something more beautiful than someone else with the same tools at the same cost. Beauty is my secret weapon. But the more I practice design, the more I realize its purpose is not to draw our eyes to many things, but one thing.
So whenever I dislike the aesthetics of something I'm working on, whether it's landscaping my backyard or designing a new website, my first step is to take something away.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Why Successful People Have Hobbies
.Why Successful People Have Hobbies
Ryan Holiday October 1, 2019
My new book Stillness is the Key just debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller lists. The piece below is based on some of the ideas in it. Check out the book, and please leave an Amazon review—it helps a lot!
Winston Churchill was a mediocre painter and a worse bricklayer, but to these two hobbies, the world owes a great debt.
“It is a pushing age,” Churchill wrote his mother as a young man, “and we must shove with the rest.” His ambition was legendary. Multiple times, he shoved his way to the top of British politics, when Britain was the world’s dominant power. Once he was there, he did not let up. During war-time, it was not uncommon for him to work 110-hour weeks. Between 1940 and 1943, he traveled something like 110,000 miles by air and sea and car. A bodyguard once said that Churchill kept “less schedule than a forest fire and had less peace than a hurricane.”
It’s this exhausting workload that is worth examination in a time of “millennial burnout,” and digital distraction. More and more people fear that taking their foot off the gas for even a second will only cause them to fall further and further behind in a rigged economy that cares little for individual happiness. Certainly, it’s something I’ve wrestled with as I look back on my very busy twenties (six books and three careers) and look forward towards my thirties with children.
So how did Churchill manage? How did he not burn out and die early?
Why Successful People Have Hobbies
Ryan Holiday October 1, 2019
My new book Stillness is the Key just debuted at #1 on the New York Times and Wall Street Journal Bestseller lists. The piece below is based on some of the ideas in it. Check out the book, and please leave an Amazon review—it helps a lot!
Winston Churchill was a mediocre painter and a worse bricklayer, but to these two hobbies, the world owes a great debt.
“It is a pushing age,” Churchill wrote his mother as a young man, “and we must shove with the rest.” His ambition was legendary. Multiple times, he shoved his way to the top of British politics, when Britain was the world’s dominant power. Once he was there, he did not let up. During war-time, it was not uncommon for him to work 110-hour weeks. Between 1940 and 1943, he traveled something like 110,000 miles by air and sea and car. A bodyguard once said that Churchill kept “less schedule than a forest fire and had less peace than a hurricane.”
It’s this exhausting workload that is worth examination in a time of “millennial burnout,” and digital distraction. More and more people fear that taking their foot off the gas for even a second will only cause them to fall further and further behind in a rigged economy that cares little for individual happiness. Certainly, it’s something I’ve wrestled with as I look back on my very busy twenties (six books and three careers) and look forward towards my thirties with children.
So how did Churchill manage? How did he not burn out and die early?
How did a man with so many responsibilities that on a piece of notepaper he once sketched himself a pig, loaded down with a twenty thousand-pound weight, not only survive the workload of two wars, five kids, 10 million written words and live into his 80s, but do so without ever losing his trademark joie de vivre?
The answer is simple: The restorative power of a good hobby.
As it happens, Churchill believed in the power of hobbies almost as much as he believed in British exceptionalism. He was an avid practitioner too. Writing in one of his lesser known books, "Painting as a Pastime," Churchill explained that, “The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is...a policy of first importance to a public man. To be really happy and really safe, one ought to have at least two or three hobbies, and they must all be real.”
A few centuries before Churchill, Aristotle said that this was in fact the main question of life: What do we fill our non-working hours with? What do we do for leisure?
Churchill knew the power of cultivating a good hobby, because painting saved his life. In 1915, reeling from the failure of the Gallipoli campaign, which he had championed and then watched helplessly as it cost some 46,000 men their lives, Churchill had what might appear to be a nervous breakdown.
Blamed for unspeakable tragedy, his competency questioned, his name suddenly radioactive, Churchill described feeling like a “sea-beast fished up from the depths, or a diver too suddenly hoisted, my veins threatened to burst from the fall in pressure.
I had great anxiety and no means of relieving it; I had vehement convictions and small power to give effect to them.” It was in this moment of crisis that his sister-in-law handed him a toy set of oil paints. They had given her children much fun, she said. Maybe they could help him.
Churchill, and indeed Western Civilization, reaped the fruits of this sweet offer. A few years ago, a study conducted by professors at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh and published in the Psychosomatic Medicine Journal, found that people who made time for leisurely activities — defined as “activities that individuals engage in voluntarily when they are free from the demands of work or other responsibilities” — experiences increased life expectancy and life engagement.
It improved them physically, mentally and spiritually — as anyone who has pursued a hobby has experienced first hand. The research is even clearer when those hobbies are related to art in some way or another. Studies show that even just looking at art helps produce psychological resilience, but creating it is even better.
A 2016 study of 700 adults conducted by Dr. Christina Davies published in the BMC Public Health Journal found that those who recreationally engaged in some form of art (even just two hours per week) experienced significantly better mental well-being.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples Day
.Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries of the Americas and elsewhere which officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492 (Julian Calendar; it would have been October 21, 1492 on the Gregorian Proleptic Calendar, which extends the Gregorian Calendar to dates prior to its adoption in 1582).
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who set sail across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a faster route to the Far East only to land at the New World. His first voyage to the New World on the Spanish ships Santa María, Niña, and La Pinta took approximately three months.
Columbus and his crew's arrival to the New World initiated the Columbian Exchange which introduced the transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, and technology (but also invasive species, including communicable diseases) between the new world and the old.
The landing is celebrated as "Columbus Day" in the United States but the name varies on the international spectrum. In some Latin American countries, October 12 is known as "Día de la Raza" or (Day of the Race).
Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples Day
Columbus Day is a national holiday in many countries of the Americas and elsewhere which officially celebrates the anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492 (Julian Calendar; it would have been October 21, 1492 on the Gregorian Proleptic Calendar, which extends the Gregorian Calendar to dates prior to its adoption in 1582).
Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer who set sail across the Atlantic Ocean in search of a faster route to the Far East only to land at the New World. His first voyage to the New World on the Spanish ships Santa María, Niña, and La Pinta took approximately three months.
Columbus and his crew's arrival to the New World initiated the Columbian Exchange which introduced the transfer of plants, animals, culture, human populations, and technology (but also invasive species, including communicable diseases) between the new world and the old.
The landing is celebrated as "Columbus Day" in the United States but the name varies on the international spectrum. In some Latin American countries, October 12 is known as "Día de la Raza" or (Day of the Race).
This is the case for Mexico, which inspired Jose Vasconcelos's book celebrating the Day of the Iberoamerican Race. Some countries such as Spain refer the holiday as "Día de la Hispanidad" and "Fiesta Nacional de España" where it is also the religious festivity of la Virgen del Pilar.
Peru celebrates since 2009 the "Day of the original peoples and intercultural dialogue". Belize and Uruguay celebrate it as Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas). Since Argentina's former president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner officially adopted "Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural" (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity) November 3, 2010. "Giornata Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo or Festa Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo" is the formal name of Italy's celebration as well as in Little Italys around the world.
Celebration of Christopher Columbus's voyage in the early United States is recorded from as early as 1792. The Tammany Society in New York City (for whom it became an annual tradition) and the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston celebrated the 300th anniversary of Columbus' landing in the New World.
President Benjamin Harrison called upon the people of the United States to celebrate Columbus's landing in the New World on the 400th anniversary of the event.
President Benjamin Harrison proclaimed it as a one-time national celebration in 1892 — in the wake of a bloody New Orleans lynching that took the lives of 11 Italian immigrants. The proclamation was part of a broader attempt to quiet outrage among Italian-Americans, and a diplomatic blowup over the murders that brought Italy and the United States to the brink of war.
During the anniversary in 1892, teachers, preachers, poets and politicians used rituals to teach ideals of patriotism. These rituals took themes such as citizenship boundaries, the importance of loyalty to the nation, and the celebration of social progress.
Many Italian-Americans observe Columbus Day as a celebration of their heritage, and the first such celebration was held in New York City on October 12, 1866. The day was first enshrined as a legal holiday in the United States through the lobbying of Angelo Noce, a first generation Italian, in Denver.
The first statewide holiday was proclaimed by Colorado governor Jesse F. McDonald in 1905, and it was made a statutory holiday in 1907.
In April 1934, as a result of lobbying by the Knights of Columbus and New York City Italian leader Generoso Pope, Congress and President Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaimed October 12 be a federal holiday under the name Columbus Day.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
The Truth Explained About Columbus Day
.The Truth Explained About Columbus Day
Matthew Rozsa October 14, 2019
Christopher Columbus is a historical figure celebrated as a mythical hero in spite of his genocidal and racist past. There are many good reasons as to why Columbus Day is such a controversial holiday.
Like Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus is a historical figure who is celebrated as a mythical hero in the U.S. in spite of his genocidal, racist and pro-slavery legacy. As a result, a movement exists to replace the national holiday known as Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day.
Here is the truth about Columbus Day, explained:
1. Christopher Columbus enslaved the Taínos he encountered in the present-day Bahamas
When Columbus “discovered” the American continents in 1492 — millions lived there long before Europeans learned of their existence — he encountered a civilization of people known as the Taínos.
The Truth Explained About Columbus Day
Matthew Rozsa October 14, 2019
Christopher Columbus is a historical figure celebrated as a mythical hero in spite of his genocidal and racist past. There are many good reasons as to why Columbus Day is such a controversial holiday.
Like Andrew Jackson, Christopher Columbus is a historical figure who is celebrated as a mythical hero in the U.S. in spite of his genocidal, racist and pro-slavery legacy. As a result, a movement exists to replace the national holiday known as Columbus Day with Indigenous People’s Day.
Here is the truth about Columbus Day, explained:
1. Christopher Columbus enslaved the Taínos he encountered in the present-day Bahamas
When Columbus “discovered” the American continents in 1492 — millions lived there long before Europeans learned of their existence — he encountered a civilization of people known as the Taínos.
By his own description, they were curious and friendly, eager to help the new group of people who had landed on their shores.
Over time, Columbus enslaved and exploited them, thereby establishing a precedent wherein Europeans would come to the American continents, exploit natives and steal their land.
His actions also laid the foundations for the Europeans to introduce African slavery to the American continents, and Columbus is known to have had an African slave with him on his so-called voyages of discovery.
2. Columbus Was Also A Tyrant, Generally Speaking
After becoming governor and viceroy of the Indies, Columbus let the power to go to his head, becoming a brutal autocrat who was eventually loathed by his own followers. When one man was caught stealing corn, Columbus responded by having his nose and ears cut off before selling him into slavery.
When a woman claimed that Columbus was of lowly birth, his brother Bartolomé cut out her tongue, stripped her naked and had her paraded around the colony on the back of a mule.
And these are just two examples of many. Eventually, the Spanish monarchs realized that Columbus had become power mad and ordered him and his brothers to return to Spain. He never regained his power, although his freedom was eventually restored.
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Don't Stop Believin' By Dr. Dinar
.Don't Stop Believin' by Dr. Dinar
Welcome to the middle of October, 2019. The year that should've never been.
The year this GCR rollout would never see the beginning of Summer.
Let alone the end of Summer, rolling into Fall.
No way... no how.
Sure, we heard it was gonna be a slow rollout but c'mon, this is beyond ridiculous.
This slowwwwww rollout is rolling slower than a snail moonwalking backwards, uphill, in the snow.
Slow to the point of thinking it's not actually happening at all.
Don't Stop Believin' by Dr. Dinar
Welcome to the middle of October, 2019. The year that should've never been.
The year this GCR rollout would never see the beginning of Summer.
Let alone the end of Summer, rolling into Fall.
No way... no how.
Sure, we heard it was gonna be a slow rollout but c'mon, this is beyond ridiculous.
This slowwwwww rollout is rolling slower than a snail moonwalking backwards, uphill, in the snow.
Slow to the point of thinking it's not actually happening at all.
And for many among us, like it's never gonna happen.
Yeah, we continually hear rumors of all the things supposedly going on behind the scenes and yet, never actually seeing the results of any of those things actually taking place in real life, only adds to the feeling of nothing happening.
I recently received an email update of current going's on in Dinarland and despite one or two keywords here and there, it very well could've been posted in 2009.
Same redundant rumors reimagined for a new-ish crop of currency holders.
And honestly, it kinda freaked me out for a second.
Why on earth would they think we'd still fall for that stuff.
Do they really believe we haven't learned anything whatsoever. I certainly hope not.
I mean, I'd hate to think we haven't gained any ground on the knowledge front in all this time.
After all, we've all had plenty of time to review our notes.
Yes, the landscape has changed, as well as the overall mission.
But the basic game... not so much.
C'mon, don't we deserve better. A little somethin' for the effort.
The least they could do is add a little more trickery, a bit more color to the smoke they're constantly blowin' our way, helping to keep us mushrooms slightly more entertained while we attempt to stumble our way around in the dark..
I'd like to think that they think that we think we've learned something along the way.
They were regurgitating old articles a decade ago. Rinse and repeat.
Isn't it about time they came up with something new.
We've been through more than enough Blue Moons and 3 day weekends and Ramadan's and Black Friday's and ends of quarters and Crazy 8's than even the most superstitious among us can handle. And still nothing.
Nothing tangible. Nothing we can use as a "See, I told you this was real." for all of our doubting family and friends to see.
Not that we need to prove anything to them.
Nope. We did our homework and we know it's real.
Or at least we think we know it's real.
Okay, let's just say we still believe it's real-ish, with a good chance that it very well could be real.
And maybe that's all we get.
Maybe that's all we have to hang on to. Our beliefs.
Our belief in the unseen. The unprovable.
Looking back, that's pretty much the same feeling I had when I first got involved in this made for TV journey.
I really hoped it was real.
Although I must admit that I was a heckuva lot more excited way back when than I am now.
Hearing the screeching brakes of the Fed Ex truck as it pulled up in front of the house totally gave me the warm 'n fuzzies.
The sheer relief I felt knowing my recently ordered dinar arrived just in time to beat the pending last minute RV deadline was a big time rush to say the least.
Unfortunately, after a decade of being imminently ever so close, my excitement level has dropped considerably.
Same with my expectation level. It's dropped accordingly.
When I first bought in the rampant rumors of a $0.10 IQD RV emanating throughout Dinarland was a dream come true.
Sounds insanely lame now but think about it.
I'd just lost everything I owned in the R.E. market crash and somehow the Universe saw fit to introduce me to the RV of the IQD.
Talk about timing, you couldn't have scripted it any better.
Matter of fact, I'd lost more than everything because I still owed on things I no longer owned.
Call it desperation but at that point I really had next to no hope of resurrecting my life otherwise. Not any time soon anyway.
However you choose to look at it, the possibility of renting a Condo and leasing a new car post RV were simply impossible to ignore.
After all, I no longer had either, so let's just say the timing was pretty much spot on.
And with that foundation of hope, I gratefully jumped in with every last nickle I had.
Combined with the belief that I would be there at the finish line when the RV was released in the next couple weeks, guaranteed I'd be one of the lucky few.
The few believers that took a chance on that too good to be true so called scam known as the RV of the Iraqi dinar.
Yes, over the years, armed with much more knowledge in the form of a GCR, I've come to believe in a much higher rate.
Along with that, the size of my dreams have increased as well. To the point of allowing myself to dream of a large home, fully paid off, along with helping family and friends fulfill some of their needs as well.
But as time has gone on I've been subjected to situations that have forced me to sell back most of my currency, all in the name of survival.
After all, if I'm not there at the finish line, then nobody wins.
But one thing I will never do is give up and sell out completely.
Doing that only ensures that neither I nor the ones I hope to help will ever reap the rewards of this seemingly never ending journey.
Please remember that no matter how long you've been involved, and how brutal this journey can be at times, you're still one of the fortunate few.
The few lucky enough to even know about this once in a lifetime life changing event.
Whether it happens next week, next month or next year, the one thing we know for certain is that eventually it will happen.
It has to. Many countries, including ours, are depending on it.
Eventually Iraq will be released from the program rate and those of us holding dinar will finally go on to do all of our long dreamed of good deeds.
I've come too far to turn back now and I can only hope you feel the same way.
Hang in there folks, we're getting closer with each passing day.
Dr. Dinar
Funny, Short and Inspirational Retirement Quotes:
.Funny, Short and Inspirational Retirement Quotes:
I have compiled a good number of words of wisdom or better, what I like to call the best retirement quotes that will brighten your day.
This list of retirement quotes has been compiled from various people whose words of wisdom couldn’t go unnoticed.
Inspirational Retirement Quotes
Here are some of the most popular inspirational quotes on retirement that you should read before retiring as well as after.
1. “Just because you are getting older and have retired doesn’t mean that you should have less confidence in your abilities. Think about the experience and knowledge that you have gained by all the years you have worked” -Theodore W. Higginsworth
2. “Retirement: It’s nice to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to get along with less cheese.” – Gene Perret
3. “Planning to retire? Before you do, find your hidden passion. Do the thing that you have always wanted to do.” – Catherine Pulsifer
4. “Age is only a number, a cipher for the records. A man can’t retire his experience. He must use it. Experience achieves more with less energy and time.” – Bernard Baruch
5. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Lyrics from “Closing Time” by Semisonic
Funny, Short and Inspirational Retirement Quotes:
I have compiled a good number of words of wisdom or better, what I like to call the best retirement quotes that will brighten your day.
This list of retirement quotes has been compiled from various people whose words of wisdom couldn’t go unnoticed.
Inspirational Retirement Quotes
Here are some of the most popular inspirational quotes on retirement that you should read before retiring as well as after.
1. “Just because you are getting older and have retired doesn’t mean that you should have less confidence in your abilities. Think about the experience and knowledge that you have gained by all the years you have worked” -Theodore W. Higginsworth
2. “Retirement: It’s nice to get out of the rat race, but you have to learn to get along with less cheese.” – Gene Perret
3. “Planning to retire? Before you do, find your hidden passion. Do the thing that you have always wanted to do.” – Catherine Pulsifer
4. “Age is only a number, a cipher for the records. A man can’t retire his experience. He must use it. Experience achieves more with less energy and time.” – Bernard Baruch
5. “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” – Lyrics from “Closing Time” by Semisonic
6. “What does retirement mean now that there are so many opportunities for learning, for caring, for serving? We can redefine aging.” – Rachel Cowan, Wise Aging
7. “Retirement is a new beginning, and that means closing the book on one chapter to begin the next.” Sid Miramontes, Retirement: Your New Beginning
8. “Retirement gives you the time literally to recreate yourself through a sport, game, or hobby that you always wanted to try or that you haven’t done in years.” – Price, Stephen D.
9. “Shall the day of parting be the day of gathering? And shall it be said that my eve was in truth my dawn?” by Kahlil Gibran
10. “There is a whole new kind of life ahead, full of experiences just waiting to happen. Some call it ‘retirement.’ I call it ‘bliss.’” – Betty Sullivan
11. “Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
12. “Don’t simply retire from something; have something to retire to.” – Harry Emerson Fosdick
13. “Preparation for old age should begin not later than one’s teens. A life which is empty of purpose until 65 will not suddenly become filled on retirement.” – Arthur E. Morgan
14. “You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis
15. “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” – T.S. Eliot
16. “Retirement is not a life without purpose; it is the on-going purpose that provides meaningfulness” – Robert Rivers
17. “Retirement is …. a time to experience a fulfilling life derived from many enjoyable and rewarding activities.” – Ernie J. Zelinski
18. “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” – Anne Bradstreet
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
.How Lincoln Triumphed in an Era Even More Toxic Than Ours
.How Lincoln Triumphed in an Era Even More Toxic Than Ours
Allen Barra Published 09.08.19 5:32AM ET
Biographer Sidney Blumenthal talks to The Daily Beast about a pre-Civil War America where Jefferson Davis demanded both Lincoln and Douglas be lynched.
Abraham Lincoln doesn’t make much of an appearance in Sidney Blumenthal’s All the Powers of Earth: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume III, 1856-1860 until around page 180, entering his own story almost as if through a side door.
Then, with rapidly gathering momentum, he becomes the story, which is Lincoln’s masterful negotiation of the political, economic, and social currents that swept him into the White House in 1860 and inevitably took America into the Civil War.
All the Powers of Earth is the third of a proposed five volumes unique in American historical writing. focusing on the rise of Lincoln as a political animal in a national climate shaped by early 19th century giants Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, and Henry Clay with increasing tensions over slavery—tensions exacerbated by such men as Jefferson Davis, Stephen Douglas, and John Brown.
How Lincoln Triumphed in an Era Even More Toxic Than Ours
Allen Barra Published 09.08.19 5:32AM ET
Biographer Sidney Blumenthal talks to The Daily Beast about a pre-Civil War America where Jefferson Davis demanded both Lincoln and Douglas be lynched.
Abraham Lincoln doesn’t make much of an appearance in Sidney Blumenthal’s All the Powers of Earth: The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume III, 1856-1860 until around page 180, entering his own story almost as if through a side door.
Then, with rapidly gathering momentum, he becomes the story, which is Lincoln’s masterful negotiation of the political, economic, and social currents that swept him into the White House in 1860 and inevitably took America into the Civil War.
All the Powers of Earth is the third of a proposed five volumes unique in American historical writing. focusing on the rise of Lincoln as a political animal in a national climate shaped by early 19th century giants Daniel Webster, John C. Calhoun, and Henry Clay with increasing tensions over slavery—tensions exacerbated by such men as Jefferson Davis, Stephen Douglas, and John Brown.
Blumenthal has written more than a dozen books on American politics and history, beginning with the prescient The Permanent Campaign about politicians who campaign for reelection throughout an electoral cycle, leaving little time for governing. (Sound familiar?)
He has written extensively about politics for the New Yorker, the Washington Post, and the New Republic, often using insight gained from the inside of the political world as an aide to President Bill Clinton.
He took time to answer at length 15 questions on the massive (757 pages) fascinating volume.
Early in All the Powers of Earth, you write about “The great Triumvirate of Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John C. Calhoun, the representative political men of their age.” Clay,you write, “invented the power of Speaker of the House.” I did not know this—can you elaborate a bit?
Also, I like your phrase that Clay was “Lincoln’s beau ideal of a statesman.” What do you think was Clay’s biggest influence on Lincoln?
Yes, Lincoln had a hero, but then he cast him aside, and finally he vindicated him. Henry Clay, the original “self-made man” in American politics, came from a poor family in Virginia, moved to Kentucky, and proclaimed himself the “Western Star.”
Lincoln, another self-made man, emulating his “beau ideal,” dubbed himself the “Lone Star of Illinois,” but over time his hero worship became complicated even as he deployed Clay’s legacy for his own purposes.
After serving as Speaker of the House in the Kentucky legislature, Clay was elected to the U.S. House, where he was immediately chosen Speaker and became the leader of the War Hawks that engineered the War of 1812. He revolutionized the office, which previously had been a parliamentary one settling points of order.
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