Zig’s Place Chat and News Wednesday AM 3-31-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Wednesday AM 3-31-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

xyz  Deputies began arriving in Parliament to attend the session to vote on the budget

BAGHDAD - Mawazine News, parliamentary sources reported, on Wednesday, that members of the House of Representatives began arriving at the Parliament building to attend the session to vote on the budget.

In an interview with Mawazine News, the sources said, "Members of Parliament have started arriving at the Parliament building in preparation for the session of the Council today, which is decided to vote on the general federal budget law for 2021."

The sources added, "It is expected that a quorum will be achieved for the session for the purpose of passing the budget law," indicating that "there are indications of the imminent end of the crisis related to the region's share in the law." Ended 29 / p4 https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=147762

Butterfly   Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, said, "Passing the budget depends on consensus within the Shiite home."

Cougar said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA /: "It was agreed on the paragraph on the Kurdistan region, if no new developments were made by the Shiite blocs."

He added, "Passing the budget depends on achieving consensus within the Shiite home."

Butterfly    https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896429

Representative Bloc: We are committed to boycotting the vote on the General Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 15:26 The National Approach / Parliamentary Bloc reaffirmed its commitment to boycotting the vote on the 2021 budget bill due to the articles it contained, describing it as catastrophic, threatening the economic and social stability of the country.

The head of the bloc, MP Ammar Tohme, read in a joint press conference, the most important demands and proposals of his bloc, which are:

1- Restoring the exchange rate of the dollar to what it was previously, as the damages of this decision became clear early and the Finance Committee suggested allocating (500) billion dinars as compensation for contractors contracting with the government Regarding the price difference, the first is to notice the harm to millions of Iraqis, including the poor, covered by the social welfare network, and those with limited income, and all of these damages necessitate restoring the exchange rate to what it was previously.

butterfly  2- Abolishing Article (38) which permits the privatization of all the state’s production and service sectors and permits the participation of investors and contractors in the ownership of oil and gas fields, power stations, Iraqi Airways aircraft and government banks.

3- Abolishing the two articles (42 and 41) that allow the sale of state-owned agricultural lands to those who have the right to dispose of them at a value much less than its actual value, which will create widespread social conflicts.

4- Abolishing Article (47) that permits the sale of the state’s financial assets, including industrial, infrastructure, and others.

5- That the deficit does not exceed 3% of the GDP, meaning that it does not exceed 7 trillion Iraqi dinars.

6- Expanding the titles of sovereign expenditures to include (the Ministry of Oil, Transport and Water Resources, and the inclusion of the security and defense sector in all its ministries and institutions, as well as the emergency reserve).

7- We reject the proposal to withhold the ration card for a family whose monthly income is one million dinars, and we demand that it be increased to include withholding only those whose monthly income exceeds two million dinars.

8- We present the proposal of the Al-Nahj bloc regarding the region's articles ...

A - Abolishing the first paragraph of Article (11) that calculates the Kurdistan Region's dues for previous years from 2014 to 2019 despite not delivering oil and non-oil revenues.

B - Paragraph Second - A of Article (11) is amended to be (obligating the Kurdistan region to hand over its entire oil product to the National Marketing Company (SOMO) and all its other non-oil revenues, and we refuse to limit itself to the proposal to deliver the region only (250) thousand barrels per day and dispose of what It exceeded that in quantities exceeding (230) thousand barrels per day, which is in violation of the constitution, laws in force and social justice standards.

C- Adding Article Seven of the Current Deficit Financing Law (determines the Kurdistan region’s share of the total actual spending (current expenditures and investment project expenditures) after excluding the sovereign expenditures specified in the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2021, and adding the expenditures of the Ministry of Oil, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Resources.

Water and the inclusion of the security and defense sector in all its ministries and institutions to be included in the sovereign expenditures as well as the contingency reserve, provided that the Kurdistan region is committed to handing over at least (460) thousand barrels per day to the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) exclusively and everything that exceeds those quantities and all non-oil revenues And in the event that the region does not comply with this, the expenses may not be paid to the region, and the violator of this text bears legal responsibility. E- Article (11 - third) - reformulated (the region is obligated to pay the loans owed to the Iraqi Trade Bank)

D- Paragraph III (a, b, c) which obliges the federal authorities to pay the region’s loans and financial obligations that it has concluded in the years (2014 to 2019) is canceled )

9- Obliging the mobile phone companies to pay their fines and financial obligations within thirty days, otherwise the license is withdrawn from them and reviewing the contracts concluded with them in order to achieve the lifting of unfairness from the Iraqi state and achieve the highest economic benefit for it.

10- Canceling the oil licensing rounds and replacing them with a formula that achieves the highest benefit to the Iraqi state and eliminates previous injustice.

11- Abolishing the salary deduction for public employees and increasing the tax on senior officials, special ranks, general managers and those of their grade.

12- We oppose continuing with foreign loans, as they have far-reaching effects on the country's sovereignty and economy.

13- To oblige the Ministry of Electricity to review investment contracts for electricity production stations in a manner that guarantees the lifting of injustice against the Iraqi state.

14- We reject the proposal of the Ministry of Health to contract with private sector companies to run newly constructed hospitals.

15- We reject the additive article that obliges the Ministry of Education to invite the private sector to implement printing of textbooks, and we suggest restricting it to public state companies only.

16- We reject the article that allows the governorates to contract with developers, because they will witness secondary speculation on the one hand.

Butterfly   A group of spoiled brats that could careless about the citizens, only their pockets...........Maybe April 1st they will pull the biggest joke on everyone and finally do something.

butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896477

The House of Representatives votes on Article 2 of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 17:39 The House of Representatives, in its session held this evening, Wednesday, voted on Article 2 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896480

Parliament votes on 4 other articles of the budget law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 18:00 The House of Representatives, in its session held this evening, Wednesday, voted on Articles 6-7-8-9 of the draft Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896481

Women MPs from different blocs boycotting the session to vote on the general budget

Wednesday 31, March 2021 18:06 Representatives from the Al-Fateh Alliance, the State of Law Coalition and the Iraqi Forces Alliance announced their boycott of the voting session on the draft General Budget Law 2021 held this evening Wednesday, in protest against the failure to include proposals related to changing the exchange rate of the dollar, external borrowing, selling state assets and provincial allocations in the draft Law.

EYEGUY  Yea – I said the same thing. But this is the news and many are saying they will still come back and vote.  It’s still early for them so we shall see what they do next.

Al-Halbousi leaves the hearing room because the quorum is not complete   l

Parliament Speaker Mohamed Al-Halbousi left the chamber due to incomplete quorum for the vote on the budget bill, a parliamentary source said on Wednesday.

The source told Shafq News, that the quorum for today's session is not yet complete as the number of deputies present in the chamber does not exceed 150 deputies, which prompted Speaker Mohamed Al-Halbousi to leave the hall, without explaining whether the departure of Halbousi in protest against the incomplete quorum or to invite deputies to enter the hall or for some other reason.

Earlier in the day, a parliamentary source revealed to Twilight News that the draft budget bill for 2021 was distributed to the deputies, and the presidency of parliament re-read the names of the deputies to register attendance and absence and confirm the existence of a quorum to start the session and vote on the budget and the decision to dissolve parliament.

"There are still differences over some paragraphs," he said, adding that there are blocs and deputies who intend to boycott the session, including the State of Law Coalition, the National Approach Bloc and deputies from different political blocs.

On Tuesday, the Presidency of the House of Representatives announced the date of the vote on the 2021 budget bill, and the dissolution of the House of Representatives, at 1 p.m. on Wednesday.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896482

The House of Representatives votes on Article 11 of the General Budget Law related to the region’s share

Wednesday 31, March 2021 18:08 The House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening, Wednesday, on Article 11 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021, relating to the share of the Kurdistan region.

butterfly  EYEGUY I've been trying to post as soon as something is said.

butterfly  The reporter must be right in the room and watching/listening to everything.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896485

The House of Representatives votes on Articles 12, 13, 14 and 15 of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 18:25 The House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening, Wednesday, on Articles 12-13-14-15 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

butterfly  Like I did the other day up till they went to bed, nothing has changed as far as I can see.....the drama continues.......they want their arguments all to be on the books.

EYEGUY  I dont know what all the articles are and how many but I think 11 had to do with the Kurds %

EYEGUY  all these rep`s have $ and everthijng and play games while people still are struggling

butterfly  Workers have not been paid for months.........how do these people even feed their families.

EYEGUY  I would loose weight over there

butterfly  Electricity! That was a big problem when I got involved with this craziness years ago AND they still have the same problem. Can you imagine all of those wires here in the US? Lordy the calls that would be made.

butterfly  It is 6:30 over there so they have many hours to argue and deny..............


Doug_W  EYEGUY I have been saying that for so many years I have run out of fingers to count them on

EYEGUY  at least they seem to be moving forward ....maybe it is the threat of dismantling Parliment

Butterfly  They have a federal court now and who knows how long that will last before someone doesn't like what one of them says or votes on.

EYEGUY  amazing how long we have been keeping an EYE on this

EYEGUY  got to be over 10 yrs for me let me look    Sept 2010

Butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896488

The House of Representatives votes to delete Article 20 on imposing an income tax and withholding from the salaries of employees and retirees

Wednesday 31, March 2021 18:49 Parliament voted to delete Article 20 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the fiscal year 2021, related to imposing an income tax and withholding the salaries of employees and retirees.

butterfly  The House of Representatives votes on Articles 21-22-23-24-25 of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 18:51 The House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening Wednesday, on Articles 21-22-23-24-25 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

EYEGUY  how many articles are there  lol

butterfly  I hope they get it done tonight because I will be gone most of the day tomorrow.

butterfly  The House of Representatives votes on Articles 26, 27 and 28 of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 18:57 The House of Representatives voted on Articles 26, 27 and 28 of the Budget Law.

Butterfly  Approval of a parliamentary request to activate the China Agreement and include it in the general budget   Wednesday 31, March 2021 19:00 The Presidency of the House of Representatives agreed to add a parliamentary request signed by 35 deputies from different blocs to activate the Iraqi agreement with China and include it in the draft General Budget Law 2021.

In a joint press conference, the deputy for the Badr Uday Abu al-Joun bloc indicated that the signatures of deputies from different blocs were collected to activate the Iraqi-Chinese agreement that was concluded in the mandate of the resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, which was procrastinated and not focused on it throughout the previous period for many reasons.

Abu El-Jon called on the government to cooperate with the House of Representatives and coordinate efforts in order to activate this agreement, pointing to the need to support the government in all parliamentary legislation that it needs to achieve this goal, warning against standing firmly in the face of any attempts to disrupt this agreement in the service of the agendas of other parties seeking to continue their hegemony On the Iraqi economy and the country's capabilities.

butterfly  They say they voted but nothing to say they approve of what they voted on.

Butterfly  The House of Representatives votes on Articles 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of the General Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 19:03 Representatives voted on Articles 31, 32, 33, 34 and 35 of the General Budget Law.

Butterfly  The House of Representatives, in its session held this evening, Wednesday, voted on Articles 36-37 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

butterfly  The House of Representatives votes to delete Article 38 in the entirety of the Budget Law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 19:22 The House of Representatives voted to delete Article 38 in general from the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

Butterfly  Article 28

• Tax bills First

No taxes or fees shall be levied, amended, collected, or exempted, except by law.


Low income earners shall be exempted from taxes in a way that guarantees the

preservation of the minimum income required for living. This shall be regulated by law.

butterfly  This is how many articles: Article 144

This Constitution shall come into force after the approval of the people thereon in a general referendum, its publication in the Official Gazette, and the seating of the government that is formed pursuant to this Constitution

butterfly  https://www.constituteproject.org/constitution/Iraq_2005.pdf

butterfly  The House of Representatives decided to postpone the vote on Article 41 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

Zig  Postpone is their favorite word

butterfly  Well it looks like it ain't gonna happen today....

butterfly  The House of Representatives, in its session held this evening, Wednesday, voted to delete Articles 42-43 from the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021, and voted on Article 44 of the General Budget Law.

butterfly  Lets hope they don't go through all 144 articles. It will be 2022 before they approve the 2021 "draft" budget.

butterfly  The House of Representatives voted on Articles 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 and 54 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021. The House of Representatives voted to delete Article 47 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021 and voted on Articles 45-46 of the General Budget Law.

butterfly  The House of Representatives voted on Articles 55, 56, 57 and 58 of the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021.

butterfly The House of Representatives voted on the new articles added to the Federal Budget Law of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2021./

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896524

/ NINA / publishes the texts of the four articles deleted from the budget law

Wednesday 31, March 2021 20:05 The Iraqi National News Agency publishes the texts of the deleted articles from the draft General Budget Law 2021, which the House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening Wednesday to delete, which is 38 -42-43-47.

butterfly  The House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening, Wednesday, on a new article in the draft General Budget Law 2021 regarding termination of positions in the proxy no later than June 30.

butterfly  The House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening, Wednesday, on a new article in the draft General Budget Law 2021 related to selling lands to citizens.

butterfly The Ministry of Interior announced the deportation of (713) persons of various nationalities for violating the terms of the Iraqi Foreigners Residence Law.

A ministry statement said today that the cadres of the Residency Affairs Directorate / Baghdad deported (713) people of various nationalities, who were arrested in separate areas of the capital, Baghdad, for violating the terms of the Iraqi Foreigners' Residence Law No. 76 of 2017.

Butterfly  The House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening, Wednesday, on a new added article in the draft General Budget Law 2021 concerning missing persons from the liberated areas.

butterfly  The Iraqi National News Agency publishes the texts of the new additives on the draft General Budget Law 2021, which the House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening Wednesday to add, which are 12 new added articles.

butterfly Deputies from the Al-Fateh Alliance blocs began collecting signatures to request the Presidency of the House of Representatives to re-vote on Article 21 and delete it from the draft General Budget Law 2021 at its session held this evening Wednesday.

butterfly  The House of Representatives voted in its session held this evening, Wednesday, on a new added article concerning the retirement rights of those covered by the amendment of the Unified Pension Law No. (9) of 2014./

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896533

Ziyadi: We will vote on the budget as a whole after we voted on its paragraphs

Wednesday 31, March 2021 20:56 Deputy for Saeron Badr Al-Ziyadi said that we will vote on the budget in general after we voted on its paragraphs.

Al-Ziyadi said in a televised statement: "Minutes will be voted on the 2021 budget in general, indicating that the dialogue is continuing to calculate a barrel of oil in the budget, either in dollars or dinars."

butterfly  A deliberative meeting for the Presidency of Parliament and leaders of the blocs inside the Great Hall

Wednesday 31, March 2021 21:12 The Presidency of the Council of Representatives held a joint deliberative meeting with the heads of parliamentary blocs inside the great official hall, to agree on some attached additions, in conjunction with the end of the vote on the articles of the draft Federal Budget Law 2021 this evening, Wednesday.

Butterfly  Qubad Talabani: We will be happy if the budget law has been fully voted on

Wednesday 31, March 2021 21:30 Vice President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, said that we will be happy if the budget law is fully voted on.

He called on Talabani in a press statement in the parliament building , according to the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan , "to wait until the vote on the draft full budget law.

He continued:" I have been voting on Article 11 , the special province of Kurdistan , but we have to wait until the vote on the whole law , and then we can talk

butterfly  Signing of five joint agreements and memoranda of understanding between the Iraqi and Saudi sides

Wednesday 31, March 2021 21:31 The Iraqi delegation headed by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, today, Wednesday, during his official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, signed a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding with the Saudi side, whose delegation was headed by the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Prince Muhammad bin Salman.

Butterfly    Come on sign the bill.

butterfly  Taking the constitutional oath of a new female deputy

Wednesday 31, March 2021 21:43 Mrs. Duha Rida Hashem Alwan was sworn in in the parliament session held this evening, Wednesday, in place of Representative Abdul Elah Al-Naeli, who was assigned to head the Political Martyrs Foundation.

Butterfly  The parliamentary committee to follow up on the implementation of the government program and the parliamentary strategic planning revealed that there is no explicit provision to install the free lecturers in the draft General Budget Law 2021, which the House of Representatives voted on in its evening session held today, Wednesday.

The head of the committee, Deputy Hazem Al-Khalidi, stated in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / that "what is related to contract and wage employees and Resolution 315, Article 12, paragraph 2 thereof, obliges the Ministry of Education and the transferred directorates affiliated with it to pay the wages of the lecturers, administrators and free workers in the education sector that were issued They have direct administrative orders previously, and the Council of Ministers determines those wages, which means that this is not a job appointment for the permanent staff. "

He added that "these wages are temporary grants or payments, and even the legal text did not specify clear and explicit wages according to the decision of 315 for contracts, except for specifying those wages from the funds allocated in the 2021 budget." Or setting a specific amount that the free lecturer would receive, because they were supposed to be fixed on permanent staff in the General Budget Law 2021.

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


Zig’s Place Chat and News Early Wed Afternoon 3-31-21


Fleming, TNT and Lynette Zang Wednesday PM 3-31-2021