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Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-27-25 

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-27-25 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, March 27th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in tonight. Good to have you again, and we look forward to having a great call. Got some interesting things to tell you when my segment comes around, but before we get there, let's go ahead and pray the call in.

All right, let's talk about where we stand on the rest of the story with the intel that we've been getting, a lot's been happening this week a lot, especially since Tuesday. And you know, it's funny, I tend to start either with Iraq or with the bond holders. And I'll start with bond holders.

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-27-25 

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight. It's Thursday, March 27th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in tonight. Good to have you again, and we look forward to having a great call. Got some interesting things to tell you when my segment comes around, but before we get there, let's go ahead and pray the call in.

All right, let's talk about where we stand on the rest of the story with the intel that we've been getting, a lot's been happening this week a lot, especially since Tuesday. And you know, it's funny, I tend to start either with Iraq or with the bond holders. And I'll start with bond holders.

Bond holders are being told they'll have access to their accounts, which has the money in the accounts already waiting for them to gain access to it. And it should be over the weekend. It could very well be Saturday. I doubt they have it before Saturday though Saturday, but they I think that's probably a safe bet, from what we're hearing from the bond pay masters.

Now, one good thing that did happen. You know what's happening is, even though bonds are only being handled out of Reno and out of Miami with  International flights coming in, resuming again to sparks Reno airport and Miami International Airport on the private side.

You know, for people that are international bond holders in tier three, some of them are whales, maybe not quite in tier two, but pretty good sized whales that are coming in and getting their bonds transacted. Well today, they went through all of the bonds out of a central location, and they report back to Wells Fargo Atlanta for this.

And so Atlanta is telling us that that well, I'll back up a minute. At 10 o'clock this morning, approximately 12% of the bond holders had been gone through in terms of the provenance  the fact that, okay, who is the owner of this bond, is the owner transacting, or is someone transacting on behalf of the owner of the bond as a second party that has a, has a, oh, you know, that has legal right to do that power of attorney over that bond, and how's that going?

Is that something that is happening lawfully and above board, or are there certain bonds and gold backed bonds that they cannot match up to, to the the actual owner of the bond, or to a power of attorney for someone who is negotiating that bond?

I mean, this type of activity was going on all day today, and maybe started yesterday, but I know I got word just before the call tonight that they actually went through and finished all of those that they were trying to find out the legitimacy of the provenance of the bonds as I described, well, that's good. So that part looks like it's complete. That's something that we actually give value to when we begin our exchanges.

It's a weird formula of how that's all working. So I guess we can say, from the bond component of everything that's happening, it looks like it's in good shape, and it's complete  but they are continuing to test other processes for the release of the revaluation  of RV, if you will, the releases of everything that we need to begin our exchanges.

The actual full revaluation is supposed to happen a little bit later, after the first week or so of April, but we don't need all the currencies to be revalued for us to begin our exchanges, because the majority what we're hearing from a very key player –

We've heard a couple of different things today, and one of the things was that the Iraqi dinar  - Okay, so that,  dinar, the Vietnamese Dong and the Zimbabwe Zim dollar. We call it the Zimbabwe dollar. It's a Zim  we call it for short, but those three currencies are the keys to the Gateway for our ex changes. So those three, the gate has been opened, those three are good to go. And because of that, we are good to get started. Okay, so that,

let's see. Beyond that they're testing, you know, we're at the highest security right now. See what's it called?

Well, where one is the lowest number is actually the highest security, and that's where we are, DEF CON, DEF CON com, con DEF CON one, DEF CON one. That's where they are right now, which is good.

That means everything's on high alert, high security, and needs to be there until this event is at least initiated.  Now, who's in control of what's going on right now?

Department of Defense,  DOD – in conjunction with President Trump, and also in conjunction with national security, what they're doing is they're going through this process, and these processes of release, is they're determining, is there anything in the way, nothing is supposed to stop it once it's initiated?

Is there anything that would interfere with this going and as it goes through those various steps, these algorithms, other things that are put in the in the pathway, to make sure that everything is above and copasetic, and that's what's happening now. So let's boil it down to what what's going on.

We believe what I'm hearing from multiple sources that I mentioned, the bondholders should get access to their funds over the weekend, and we're hoping that is Saturday. We're believing we'd get no dot i and begin to set our appointments, possibly as early as tomorrow, but more likely Saturday or Sunday.

So we're going to be pretty close to a true shot gun start - looking for the weekend right now and right and the other thing they were doing this afternoon is they were loading the 800 number, assuming it's just one. Could be more than one, but I believe the 800 is being loaded into various systems, the Starlink - QFS - the FinTech system, wherever it needs to be loaded, it's being loaded in this afternoon to get that done.

And you know, we'll see how that, how it comes out, how it manifests after that, I believe I'll be notified fairly early with the number. Get in touch with Bob and tell Bob to go ahead and place it on the website, which is big call universe, put it on the landing page of the website, and then we'll talk about when we're going to send out the email that would have that number in it to the people that have registered.

You know you could see your own email coming from Wells Fargo over the weekend, and then we could be sending ours at the same time, a little before, a little after, hard to say, the time, because I don't have the timing on the Wells Fargo emails yet.

And of course, this is our last fall of the week, so I'll have to say that we'll hopefully get this over the weekend. Maybe if we do a celebration call on Tuesday, we can regroup and talk about some things then. So in short, we're looking good as everything is  coming together.

Let's talk about dates. Remember the second of April, which helped me with, I believe it's Tuesday.

What's it called?  It's not Freedom Day -  but it's like that, and it's a it's a date that is important for us, because starting then that's when the tariffs are supposed to be made official and then put into effect on the next day, which is Wednesday.

Thank you guys - thank you Bob - freedom, liberation. Liberation Day is exactly right. That's what it is. Liberation Day. And a lot of people think, well, that's when we’re gonna start. That's where we think the RV is going to happen -  Well I think we're going to get started before that day.

But Liberation Day is the day that the doge checks and direct deposits are supposed to start, because that week, that first week of April, is when that is supposed to happen.

And in the month of April, not necessarily the first week, but in the month of April, we are supposed to see an increase in the Social Security payments that are going out. I don't know if it's going to go out as a separate payment, or whether Social Security on the Wednesday, when everybody gets it, Wednesday, first, second, third, fourth, Wednesday of the month, they might have it together, where they'll be increased on your regular Social Security  Day, which, let's see, the first Wednesday would be the third, wouldn't it? So it'd be what the 3rd  the 10th – 17th  and 25th  those would be your four Wednesdays in the month of April.

Okay, so we should see it. From what I'm being told by from sources in Soc Security – we should  see that in April. I just don't know if it's going to happen, like I said, on the third, the 10th, the 17th of the 24th, but we'll see. Keep an eye on that.

Now to deal with R and R, I've told you guys for two months now, at least, that R and R is going to happen. For those of us who are exchanging at the redemption center, it'll be there, and it's probably an amount that they would put into our Quantum account.

They are supposed to tell us what the amount is but they won't break the amount down. There will be a gross amount.  Whatever it is  single  lump sum payment for those who go into the redemption center to redeem our Zim and exchange our currencies, so we'll have that  when we go in.

I'd rather have it separate, but that's how they're going to do it. Can you move that money? You can put money from your quantum account into your Wells Fargo primary secondary accounts. At some point, you'll set up other bank accounts that are connect to your  quantum account where you'd use your quantum card and move funds from that quantum account to your primary or secondary Wells accounts or to another bank account.

My understanding was you could have three different banks associated with your quantum account, all right, so we'll learn more about that when we get there

I’m trying to think if there's anything else of value to us. So R and R at the redemption center, DOGE checks or direct deposits starting on April 2. Yes, April 2nd  is Liberation Day.

And then, of course, we go from there  Social Security and probably on the Wednesdays starting the 3rd . And we'll see how that works out, we'll see how that happens.

As far as exchanges for us, it looks like we're going to get our notifications over the weekend, and maybe  even start Saturday or Sunday and go right through Monday. Monday is still the 31st of March, so we still have a few days in which case we could get started this month, I am not hearing that we will have to wait till the second or third to do our exchanges. I'm not hearing that. I'm hearing that this could go and should be over this weekend, course.

So that's where I am on the thing right now, looking forward to it, and don't know if there's anything else of value there.

So plus, realize this, that's how when we stop doing these live calls, which could be it, this could be we might do one Tuesday, but it could be a celebration call, and we want to be able to keep in touch with everybody that wants to help us do projects together.

After all, this goes in a couple of months when we get everything settled in, websites out, and the projects that are defined for rebuild America. And I'm excited about what I'm looking into and talking with Bob about and others about and it's going to be a good thing for us to start again.

So that's what I wanted to say for tonight. Let's go ahead and pray the  call out, and then we'll have the have a great weekend. Hopefully, everything comes through for us this weekend.

Let's do that.  All right, guys, everybody, have a great weekend. Keep an eye on your emails.. Good night everybody.


Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-27-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:05:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-25-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:11:11

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-20-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:18:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-18-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:00:10

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 3-13-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:17:17

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 3-11-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:01:01

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:14:34

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   36:36

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-27-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:02:22

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-25-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:27:27

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-20-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:18:12

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-18-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:00:00

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-13-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:19:20

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-11-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   1:07:37

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Thursday Night 2-6-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel begins   1:19:4O

Bruce’s Big Call Dinar Intel Tuesday Night 2-4-25 REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins   44:24

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Friday Afternoon 3-28-25

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


For much of 2024, the BRICS alliance saw its various central banks embracing gold and investing heavily in the asset. Now, that appears to be paying off in a big way as the slew of US President Trump’s tariffs are driving the haven asset’s value to heights it had never seen.

The metal has long been viewed as a priority investment in times of economic uncertainty and geopolitical conflict. With the United States seeking to balance trade, it has adopted an increasingly aggressive economic policy. Indeed, it has seen the beginnings of a trade war begin as gold is reaching record values this year.

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


For much of 2024, the BRICS alliance saw its various central banks embracing gold and investing heavily in the asset. Now, that appears to be paying off in a big way as the slew of US President Trump’s tariffs are driving the haven asset’s value to heights it had never seen.

The metal has long been viewed as a priority investment in times of economic uncertainty and geopolitical conflict. With the United States seeking to balance trade, it has adopted an increasingly aggressive economic policy. Indeed, it has seen the beginnings of a trade war begin as gold is reaching record values this year.

BRICS Gold Buying Proving Smart as Trump Drives Value to New Heights

In late 2024, US President Donald Trump was clear in his intentions with the BRICS alliance. Specifically, he warned of impending 150% tariffs on the bloc if they continued to embrace de-dollarization efforts. What he wasn’t clear on was that a host of other nations would be subject to similar economic policies for reasons they had no way of being aware of.

That has thrown the global finance sector into a period of uncertainty and stagnation. However, it has led one asset to thrive and benefitted one interesting party. Indeed, the BRICS gold bet is paying off big in 2025 as the Trump tariffs are driving its value sky-high.

Gold has continued to shatter records throughout the year. It did so again this month, reaching a new landmark price of $3,035 per troy ounce. In early March, prices were already surpassing $2,980 per ounce, marking a 14% increase year-to-date.

That is set to benefit the economic bloc that Trump was looking to originally target with tariffs. Indeed, the BRICS economic alliance holds a collective 4,800 metric tons after a buying spree throughout 2024. The collective had sought the metal as a key hedge against the US dollar’s dominance.

In effect, gold was a key de-dollarization tool that the bloc is still utilizing to this day. Its presence allows the group to facilitate economic dealings outside of the greenback. 

Moreover, there are talks about the bloc welcoming a gold-backed stablecoinAltogether, Trump’s economic policy may fuel the very de-dollarization efforts he was hoping to halt.

@ Newshounds News™
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New Isaac Post in his Telegram Room Link 

Isaac is in the process of redeeming bonds.

Keep checking for Isaac's post of VICTORY.  We will be posting here in The Dinar Recaps Blog too.  It is getting exciting!

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Friday Morning 3-28-25

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


The U.S. SEC has officially dropped its appeal in the ongoing legal case with Ripple, bringing an end to a four-year legal battle. However, the SEC has yet to confirm the latest developments. There’s been a lot of talk about what will happen to XRP once the SEC clears the legal issues. Some experts think that when the SEC removes the injunction, Ripple will be able to sell XRP to institutional investors without any problems. However, Marc Fagel, a former SEC lawyer, explained why that’s not exactly true.

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


The U.S. SEC has officially dropped its appeal in the ongoing legal case with Ripple, bringing an end to a four-year legal battle. However, the SEC has yet to confirm the latest developments. There’s been a lot of talk about what will happen to XRP once the SEC clears the legal issues. Some experts think that when the SEC removes the injunction, Ripple will be able to sell XRP to institutional investors without any problems. However, Marc Fagel, a former SEC lawyer, explained why that’s not exactly true.

What Fagel Says About XRP Sales

Fagel pointed out that even if the SEC clears the injunction, the court’s original ruling still stands. The court had previously ruled that Ripple’s sales of XRP to institutional investors were against the law. This means that selling XRP in the same way as before would still be illegal, regardless of the injunction.

He explained that the issue is not just about specific contracts or agreements, but about how Ripple sold XRP to institutional investors. The court found that the way these sales were made made XRP an unregistered security, meaning any future sales made in a similar way could still be illegal.

Room for Legal Flexibility

Despite the legal concerns, Fagel mentioned that not all sales to institutional investors would require registration. Some sales might be allowed under special exemptions. It all depends on the details of the transactions and whether they are similar to the ones that were previously found illegal.

However, Fagel also pointed out that the SEC has been less focused on regulating the crypto market recently. This means that Ripple might not face strict consequences for its future sales of XRP, even if they are similar to previous ones.

What’s Next for Ripple and XRP?

As for Ripple, Fagel said the company’s legal team will need to carefully consider any future sales. If they follow the same pattern as the past sales, they could face legal issues. But since the SEC is less involved in crypto regulation now, Ripple may be able to move forward with fewer legal concerns.

Will Judge Torres Clarify the Ruling?

Some people asked if Judge Torres would provide more clarity on the past XRP sales to institutional investors. Fagel believes she probably won’t. The judge has already made her decision, and Ripple is likely to request that she remove the injunction entirely. The attorney thinks there’s little chance that the judge will change her ruling, as she was previously reluctant to make it more specific.

@ Newshounds News™



South Carolina has dismissed its lawsuit against Coinbase related to its staking services — joining Vermont in a move described by the firm as a victory for American consumers.

South Carolina has become the latest US state to dismiss its lawsuit against crypto exchange Coinbase over its staking services, which had accused the crypto exchange of offering unregistered securities.

The lawsuit was officially dismissed in a joint stipulation between the crypto exchange and the South Carolina Attorney General’s securities division on March 27.

“South Carolina just joined Vermont to dismiss its unfounded staking lawsuit against Coinbase,” the firm’s chief legal officer, Paul Grewal, said in a March 27 X post.

“This is not just a victory for us, but for American consumers and we hope it's a sign of things to come in the few states left that restrict staking.”

South Carolina and Vermont were two of 10 US states that took legal action against Coinbase's staking services on June 6, 2023 — the same day that the federal securities regulator filed its lawsuit against the crypto exchange.

The Securities and Exchange Commission officially dismissed that lawsuit on Feb. 27, 2025.

The other eight US states that filed enforcement action similar to South Carolina were Alabama, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, New Jersey, Washington and Wisconsin.

Grewal said he hoped to see other states follow suit and that South Carolina residents lost an estimated $2 million in staking rewards as a result of the lawsuit.

“The 52 million Americans who own crypto deserve commonsense consumer protections and clear rules,” he said. “We applaud South Carolina for standing up for justice and hope the remaining states with bans on staking will take notice.”

South Carolina introduces Bitcoin reserve bill

Meanwhile, a state lawmaker has just introduced the “Strategic Digital Assets Reserve Act of South Carolina” on March 27, which could see the state treasurer allocate up to 10% of certain state funds to cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.

Unlike most US state crypto reserve bills, South Carolina’s House Bill 4256introduced by Rep. Jordan Pacementioned Bitcoin on several occasions for the Strategic Digital Assets Reserve that the bill seeks to establish.

The bill allows South Carolina’s treasurer, currently Curtis Loftis, to establish a Bitcoin reserve that exceeds no more than 1 million Bitcoin — a high ceiling that the US federal government is also looking to reach or exceed with its recently established Strategic Bitcoin Reserve.

The treasurer would be able to add Bitcoin to South Carolina’s General Fund, the Budget Stabilization Reserve Fund any other investment fund that they manage.

While no mention of stablecoins, non-fungible tokens, Ether or any other crypto tokens was made, the House bill said the Strategic Digital Assets Reserve wouldn’t be limited to Bitcoin.

According to Bitcoin Law, 42 Bitcoin reserve bills have been introduced at the state level in 19 states, and 36 of those 42 bills remain live.

Earlier this month, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order to create a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve and a Digital Asset Stockpile, both of which will initially use cryptocurrency forfeited in government criminal cases.

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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

Delete Your Credit Card Info From Your Browser Right Now Before It's Too Late

I'm Begging You To Delete Your Credit Card Info From Your Browser Right Now Before It's Too Late

Ashley Broadwater  Wed, March 26, 2025  BuzzFeed

Whether you’re ordering dinner from Uber Eats or buying that bestselling embarrassing product you’re too humiliated to get in the store, many of us purchase things online. It’s simply too easy, the convenience too great.

Eventually, the moment comes when the app or website asks for payment information. Unless you have your card memorized (no shame), you may have to dig through your wallet and meticulously type in each random number.

I'm Begging You To Delete Your Credit Card Info From Your Browser Right Now Before It's Too Late

Ashley Broadwater  Wed, March 26, 2025  BuzzFeed

Whether you’re ordering dinner from Uber Eats or buying that bestselling embarrassing product you’re too humiliated to get in the store, many of us purchase things online. It’s simply too easy, the convenience too great.

Eventually, the moment comes when the app or website asks for payment information. Unless you have your card memorized (no shame), you may have to dig through your wallet and meticulously type in each random number.

Or you may already have that information saved on your laptop, tablet or phone. Again, why say no to such ease and convenience when it’s available?

Unfortunately, this common timesaving tool is a major no-no, according to cybersecurity experts. They have several concerns.

“Storing your credit card information in your browser might seem convenient, but it exposes you to a number of risks if your device is breached,” said Melissa O’Leary, a chief strategy officer at Fortalice Solutions specializing in impersonation, fraud and cyber scams. “Your saved payment details will be an easy target for cybercriminals to steal.”

Ahead, O’Leary, a former chief adviser to the director of the Office of Administration at the White House, and other experts explain how people can steal your card information, how you can protect yourself and how to delete that data.

The Many Ways Scammers Can Steal Your Card Information

Unfortunately, if you store your financial info, your credit or debit card numbers can be stolen in more ways than you realize. Here are some of the most common scenarios.

They steal your phone, computer or laptop.

No matter how much you keep an eye on your valuables, they can still go missing, unfortunately — and that’s an easy way for people to steal your saved information.

“If an attacker gets access to your computer, they don’t need to be a criminal mastermind to steal your payment details,” said Zulfikar Ramzan, a cybersecurity expert and chief technology officer at Point Wild.

They access your info through public Wi-Fi.


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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday Afternoon 3-26-25

Mr. Al-Hakim Assures The US Chargé d'Affaires: Iraq Is Capable Of Confronting All Security Challenges.

Time: 2025/03/27 Reading: 660 times   {Political: Al Furat News} The head of the National State Forces Alliance, Mr. Ammar al-Hakim, discussed with the Chargé d'Affaires of the United States Embassy in Baghdad, Daniel Rubinstein, developments in the local and regional situation and affairs in the region.

During the meeting, according to a statement from his office, a copy of which was received by {Euphrates News}, Mr. Al-Hakim expressed "his concern over the renewed aggression of the Israeli entity on Gaza, and we renewed our call to strengthen security and peace through dialogue and the prevalence of logic, while avoiding wars and their dangerous repercussions."

Mr. Al-Hakim Assures The US Chargé d'Affaires: Iraq Is Capable Of Confronting All Security Challenges.

Time: 2025/03/27 Reading: 660 times   {Political: Al Furat News} The head of the National State Forces Alliance, Mr. Ammar al-Hakim, discussed with the Chargé d'Affaires of the United States Embassy in Baghdad, Daniel Rubinstein, developments in the local and regional situation and affairs in the region.

During the meeting, according to a statement from his office, a copy of which was received by {Euphrates News}, Mr. Al-Hakim expressed "his concern over the renewed aggression of the Israeli entity on Gaza, and we renewed our call to strengthen security and peace through dialogue and the prevalence of logic, while avoiding wars and their dangerous repercussions."

He stressed that "Iraq has pioneering experience in combating terrorism and is capable of confronting all security challenges. We also emphasized the importance of strengthening bilateral relations between the two countries in a way that serves the interests of both parties and preserves Iraq's sovereignty and independent decision-making."

Mr. Al-Hakim also pointed to the promising opportunities Iraq possesses in all fields, and we called on American companies to invest in these opportunities to enhance the partnership between the two countries, support the Iraqi economy, and contribute to the exchange of expertise. We affirmed Iraq's keenness to develop its relations with the international community and its openness to it.  LINK

 Al-Sudani's Advisor: Iraq's Revenues Are Stable Despite Global Challenges

Money and Business  Economy News – Baghdad  The Prime Minister's Advisor for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, stated that global geopolitical fluctuations represent a complex factor that directly impacts energy markets, indicating that Iraq's public finances are hedged against price fluctuations in the oil market.

In an interview with the official newspaper, followed by Al-Eqtisad News, Saleh indicated that even the end of the Russian-Ukrainian war will not necessarily mean market stability. Rather, it will lead to what are called "peace economies," which focus on rebuilding damaged economies and increasing investment to compensate for lost opportunities.

He explained that "this phase will not lead to an economic recession, but rather to a recovery in global growth rates, which in turn will lead to increased demand for oil." He explained that "a 1% increase in global growth leads to a 0.5% increase in oil demand, which supports the stability of oil prices and reduces the downward trajectory of the oil asset cycle," expecting prices to return to "rise under the pressure of increased demand for energy."

Saleh added, "Even the United States, the world's leading crude oil producer, faces significant losses if oil prices fall below $70 per barrel, due to the high cost of shale oil production. As for Russia, the world's second-largest oil producer, it is not in its interest to sell its oil at low prices or at discounts that exceed international agreements within OPEC, especially if the Ukrainian war ends." Regarding Iraq's financial situation,

Saleh affirmed that "public finances are resilient to oil market fluctuations," noting that "the first quarter of 2025 is about to end without any financial disruptions, as fiscal policy continues to operate with high discipline to ensure the implementation of budget objectives, including securing salaries, pensions, and social welfare, in addition to continuing to implement service projects in accordance with the government program."

He pointed out that "the three-year federal budget law, issued pursuant to Law No. 13 of 2023, priced oil at approximately $70 per barrel, ensuring stable public revenues despite global economic challenges."

Oil Prices Stabilize After A Huge Drop In US Inventories

Energy   Economy News – Baghdad   Oil prices held steady on Thursday after U.S. crude inventories recorded their largest decline since December 2024, suggesting a potential supply shortage in the near term.

Brent crude was trading near $74 a barrel, after closing up 1.1% on Wednesday, while West Texas Intermediate fell below $70 a barrel.

US crude inventories fell by 3.34 million barrels last week, reaching their lowest level in a month, and gasoline inventories also declined, according to government data.

Oil prices have been rising since early March, as sanctions and tariffs imposed by US President Donald Trump have increased the likelihood of supply disruptions from producers such as Iran and Venezuela.

However, major oil trading companies, including Trafigura Group and Gunvor, remain pessimistic about crude oil prices for the remainder of the year, given the high supply, particularly from outside the OPEC+ alliance.

The alliance is also scheduled to begin restoring some of its shutdown production next month, the first in a series of planned increases.  This has prompted traders to buy bullish oil options to hedge against higher prices.

Iraq's Oil Exports Exceed 95 Million Barrels In February

Energy   Economy News – Baghdad  The Ministry of Oil announced today, Thursday, the total oil exports achieved for the month of February, which exceeded 95 million barrels of crude oil, according to statistics issued by the State Oil Marketing Organization (SOMO).

The Ministry stated in a statement received by “Al-Eqtisad News” that the total exports of crude oil amounted to (95) million, (148) thousand, and (167) barrels.

The statistics also indicated that the total quantities of crude oil exported for the month of February from the oil fields in central and southern Iraq amounted to (94) million and (375) thousand and (12) barrels.

The Ministry said, based on SOMO, that exports to Jordan amounted to (419) thousand and (846) barrels, and the quantities exported from the Qayyarah field amounted to (353) thousand and (309) barrels.

Thus, Iraq's oil exports declined by approximately 8 million barrels of crude oil in February, compared to January, when exports exceeded 103 million barrels of oil, according to SOMO statistics

For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Thursday Evening 3-27-25

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,


The Senate Banking Committee has reportedly delayed its vote on the nomination of Paul Atkins as the next chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Journalist and host of Crypto in America podcast Eleanor Terrett, shared this development via X. The former FOX Business reporter cited a Senate aide as the source of the news.  According to the aidethe committee will “not vote today on Atkins or the other nominees, as is typical practice.”

Good Evening Dinar Recaps,


The Senate Banking Committee has reportedly delayed its vote on the nomination of Paul Atkins as the next chair of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

Journalist and host of Crypto in America podcast Eleanor Terrett, shared this development via X. The former FOX Business reporter cited a Senate aide as the source of the news.  According to the aidethe committee will “not vote today on Atkins or the other nominees, as is typical practice.”

Instead, nominees will be required to submit written responses to committee questions ahead of a markup vote. A date for that vote has not yet been set.

Atkins’ nomination and the SEC’s shifting stance

Atkins, President Donald Trump’s pick to replace former SEC chair Gary Gensler, faced the Senate’s banking committee on March 27.

Lawmakers also held a confirmation hearing for Jonathan Gould, nominated to lead the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

Gensler’s time at the helm of the top securities watchdog in the US is mostly seen as negative and anti-crypto.

His regulation by enforcement action approach that saw SEC sue multiple crypto companies and launched investigations against several is one of the things the commission is looking to drop completely
. Indeed, several cryptocurrencies rallied in the wake of the ex-SEC chair’s resignation.

Despite Gensler’s exit, regulation remains a top topic in crypto. Recent moves to withdraw lawsuits and end investigations suggests this is the case.

Facing questions from the banking committee, Atkins says the SEC under his leadership will be keen on regulatory clarity.

A top priority of my chairmanship will be to work with my fellow commissioners and Congress to provide a firm regulatory foundation for digital assets through a rational, coherent, and principled approach,” he noted in a prepared testimony.

While the report is that the Senate is delaying a vote on his nomination, the anticipation around the crypto ecosystem is that his confirmation is just a matter of ‘when, not if’.

Until then, interim chair Mark Uyeda continues to point the SEC in what industry players say is the right direction

@ Newshounds News™
Crypto News



▪️JPMorgan analysts forecast that yield-bearing stablecoins could rise from the current 6% to as much as 50% of the stablecoin market cap in the future.

▪️Yield-bearing stablecoins are attracting investors similarly to traditional money market funds, particularly in today’s high-interest-rate environment, the analysts said.

Yield-bearing stablecoinsincluding tokenized Treasuryswhich offer interest returns similar to traditional financial products, could experience massive growth ahead, according to JPMorgan analysts.

Yield-bearing stablecoins currently make up just 6% of the total stablecoin market cap but could expand significantly, potentially capturing up to 50% of the market unless regulatory changes intervene, JPMorgan analysts led by managing director Nikolaos Panigirtzoglou wrote in a report released Wednesday.

The top five yield-bearing stablecoins — Ethena's USDe, Sky Dollar's USDS, BlackRock's BUIDL, Usual Protocol's USD0 and Ondo Finance's USDY— have seen rapid growth since the U.S. election in November, rising from around $4 billion to over $13 billion in combined market cap, Panigirtzoglou told The Block.

According to analyststhis growth is expected to continue. They added that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's recent approval of Figure Markets' application for a yield-bearing stablecoin, YLDS, which is registered as a security, provides further momentum to this segment.

Traditional stablecoins, such as Tether's USDT and Circle's USDC, do not share reserve yields with their users because doing so would classify these assets as securitiesaccording to the analysts

Such a classification would also impose additional compliance requirements, hindering their current seamless use as collateral within the crypto ecosystem, they said.

Why yield-bearing stablecoins are on the rise

The JPMorgan analysts identified several factors driving the rapid growth of yield-bearing stablecoins.

Firstinvestors prefer these assets because they offer interest without requiring holders to engage in risky trading or lending activities or give up custody of their assets.

Secondmajor crypto trading platforms such as Deribit and FalconX now accept tokenized Treasurys as collateral, enabling traders to earn yield on posted collateral.

Additionally, crypto investors are increasingly turning to tokenized Treasurys in decentralized finance (DeFi) to obtain higher yields, as typical DeFi yields have significantly decreased from their peak levels of 2022. Projects like Frax Finance are also adopting tokenized Treasurys as underlying assets, further fueling this growth.

Despite this positive outlookthe JPMorgan analysts noted barriers. Yield-bearing stablecoins are classified as securities, subjecting them to regulatory restrictions that limit their adoption, especially among retail investors. Moreover, traditional non-yield-bearing stablecoins continue to hold a notable liquidity advantage.

With a combined market cap of around $220 billion across multiple blockchains and centralized exchangestraditional stablecoins offer efficient, fast and low-cost transactions, even at large volumes. In contrast, yield-bearing stablecoins are newer, smaller and comparatively less liquid.

However, "This liquidity disadvantage could potentially be lessened over time as yield-bearing stablecoins gain further traction in the future in crypto derivative trading as source of collateral, in DAO treasuries, liquidity pools, and idle cash with crypto venture funds," according to the analysts.

As a result, over time, yield-bearing stablecoins could attract much of the idle cash currently sitting in traditional stablecoins, the analysts said. While the exact amount of this idle cash is difficult to estimate, it's unlikely to represent the majority of the stablecoin marketaccording to the analysts.

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Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Thursday Afternoon 3-27-25

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


Lawmakers introduce a new framework that redefines stablecoin oversight by blending traditional financial controls with digital asset practices for clearer, accountable operations in a fast-evolving market.

▪️Establishes structured guidelines for digital token issuers that stress transparency and regular record-keeping.

▪️Emphasizes clear operational rules to promote accountability without stifling innovation.

▪️Paves the way for coordinated oversight, integrating crypto with conventional finance.

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,


Lawmakers introduce a new framework that redefines stablecoin oversight by blending traditional financial controls with digital asset practices for clearer, accountable operations in a fast-evolving market.

▪️Establishes structured guidelines for digital token issuers that stress transparency and regular record-keeping.

▪️Emphasizes clear operational rules to promote accountability without stifling innovation.

▪️Paves the way for coordinated oversight, integrating crypto with conventional finance.

On March 26, 2025, U.S. lawmakers introduced the Stablecoin Transparency and Accountability for a Better Ledger Economy (STABLE) Act to advance stablecoin regulation and improve transparency for dollar-backed digital tokens.

The proposal outlines how dollar-backed stablecoins should be issued, with requirements focused on transparency and consumer protection.

Congress Pushes Stablecoin Regulation Forward with the STABLE Act

Introduced by Representatives Bryan Steil and French Hill, the STABLE Act forms part of a broader push to build a consistent regulatory structure for cryptocurrency markets.

Stablecoin issuers would need to follow financial rules and maintain clear records under the STABLE Act.

Representative Hill said the bill helps clarify financial rules and protects both consumers and the financial system.

After gaining bipartisan Senate support, the bill passed through the Banking Committee and is now under review on the Senate floor.

Representative Tom Emmer, who has long supported crypto legislation, noted that although the House and Senate bills differ in some areas, lawmakers expect to reconcile those versions as the process moves ahead.

While the Senate continues deliberations, the House is refining its version of the bill.

To move the legislation forward, the House Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology, and Artificial Intelligence held a hearing titled “A Golden Age of Digital Assets: Charting a Path Forward.

This discussion focused on strengthening the bill’s foundation before a full House vote.

During the White House crypto summit on March 7, President Donald Trump encouraged lawmakers to pass stablecoin legislation before the August 2025 recess.

Still, that timeline may prove difficult due to divisions between crypto industry leaders and banks over key aspects of the bill’s language.

In parallel, Emmer has reintroduced the Securities Clarity Act, a separate measure that would define how crypto assets are treated under existing securities law.

Co-sponsored by Representative Darren Soto, the bill reflects ongoing efforts to give the digital asset industry regulatory certainty.

STABLE Act and GENIUS Act Propose Different Paths for Stablecoin Regulation

The U.S. Senate Banking Committee recently advanced another stablecoin billthe Guiding and Establishing National Innovation for U.S. Stablecoins (GENIUS) Act.

Unlike the STABLE Act, which outlines broad federal rules for stablecoin issuers, the GENIUS Act centers on defining payment stablecoins as digital tokens pegged to a fixed value and used for transactions.

This approach would divide oversight between federal and state regulators, depending on the size and scope of the issuer.

Under the GENIUS Act, issuers managing more than $10 billion in stablecoins would fall under federal regulation. Smaller players could remain under state oversight unless they apply for a federal waiver.

The growing debate over stablecoin regulation highlights the need for consistent rules across federal and state agencies.

Gold-Backed Tokens Add Complexity to Stablecoin Regulation

As stablecoin regulation evolves, some industry figures suggest gold-backed stablecoins could see broader global use than those tied to the U.S. dollar.

Bitcoin advocate Max Keiser has argued that countries with strained ties to the U.S. often view gold as more stable than the dollar.

A recent example is Tether’s Alloy (aUSD₮), launched in June 2024. This stablecoin is backed by Tether Gold (XAU₮) instead of fiat reserves.

Some believe gold-backed stablecoins may gain traction in countries with less trust in the U.S. dollar.

From Experiment to Infrastructure

What began as a workaround to traditional banking is now being treated as financial infrastructure.

The STABLE Act’s requirements signal that the era of informal issuance is closing, while the GENIUS Act offers a looser framework for limited use.

Either path will impose real consequences on stablecoin providers.

For users and institutions, it’s time to start treating stablecoins not as novelties, but as instruments subject to the same scrutiny as any other financial product.

@ Newshounds News™



▪️President Trump announced a 25% tariff on non-U.S. manufactured cars, aiming to boost domestic production.

▪️The tariffs, effective April 3rd, exclude U.S.-made cars and USMCA-compliant parts, but face international criticism and market volatility concerns.

▪️This move is part of Trump's broader trade strategy, including "reciprocal" taxes, and is expected to impact car prices.

According to a latest Bloomberg report, President Donald Trump has announced a 25% tariff on all cars made outside the United States, a move he says will strengthen American manufacturing and bring jobs back home. The new policy, set to take effect on April 3, is one of the most aggressive trade measures targeting the auto industry in years.

Cars built in the U.S. will be exempt, along with certain auto parts that comply with the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). But for foreign automakers and consumers, this decision could mean higher prices, shifting supply chains, and major industry shake-ups.

“What we’re going to be doing is a 25 per cent tariff on all cars that are not made in the United States. This will be permanent,” Trump said from the Oval Office. “We start off with a 2.5 per cent base, which is what we’re at, and go to 25 per cent.”

So, will this plan jumpstart American manufacturing, or will it drive up costs and disrupt the market? Here’s a closer look at what the new tariff means for businesses, consumers, and the economy.

A Jump in Import Tariffs

Currently, imported cars face a 2.5% tariff. Under the new rule, that figure will jump to 25%. The tariff will apply to fully assembled vehicles as well as key components like engines, transmissions, powertrain parts, and electrical systems. However, parts produced in the U.S. will remain exempt, even if the final vehicle is assembled elsewhere. The list of affected items could expand over time.

Economic Strategy or Market Disruption?

Trump believes the tariff will reduce reliance on foreign supply chains, particularly those involving Canada and Mexico, and will help lower U.S. debt. He called the current trade system “ridiculous” and argued that this new approach will simplify trade while benefiting American workers.

The decision has raised concerns about potential market instability. Trump also clarified that Tesla CEO Elon Musk was not involved in shaping the policy, despite earlier speculation that such tariffs could be neutral or even beneficial for Tesla.

Criticism from Global Leaders

The announcement has drawn criticism from international leaders. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen called the move “bad for businesses, worse for consumers.” Canada’s Prime Minister Mark Carney also voiced strong opposition, vowing to protect Canadian workers and industries.

The stock market reacted quickly, with shares of U.S.-listed automakers dropping amid concerns that the tariffs could disrupt the global auto industry. Experts warn that higher costs for imported parts could lead to more expensive cars, fewer options for consumers, and job losses in manufacturing.

Could This Policy Drive Up Inflation?

Economists warn that the new tariffs could contribute to inflation. Trump was re-elected last year partly because voters believed he could bring down prices. If car prices rise significantly, it could create political challenges for his administration.

This tariff is part of Trump’s broader trade agendaOn April 2, a separate “reciprocal tax” policy will take effect, matching the tariffs and sales taxes that other countries impose on American goods. The administration says this is part of a long-term strategy to rebalance global trade in favor of the United States.

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This Looks Like A Divorce. And It’s Going To Be A Messy One

This Looks Like A Divorce. And It’s Going To Be A Messy One

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black)  March 25, 2025

“I think we are making a mistake,” said the Vice President, in what the media is criticizing as an unclassified text message discussion.

The administration was discussing if, when, and how to strike against the Houthi rebel group in Yemen, which has been menacing commercial ships in the Red Sea since late 2023.

The media is focusing on the fact that someone had inadvertently (or perhaps intentionally) added a reporter from the Atlantic to the chat group. But once again the media has missed the point.

This Looks Like A Divorce. And It’s Going To Be A Messy One

Notes From the Field By James Hickman (Simon Black)  March 25, 2025

“I think we are making a mistake,” said the Vice President, in what the media is criticizing as an unclassified text message discussion.

The administration was discussing if, when, and how to strike against the Houthi rebel group in Yemen, which has been menacing commercial ships in the Red Sea since late 2023.

The media is focusing on the fact that someone had inadvertently (or perhaps intentionally) added a reporter from the Atlantic to the chat group. But once again the media has missed the point.

What matters far more is how JD Vance crystalized the current situation: that just “3 percent of US trade runs through the Suez [Canal, where the Houthis strike]. 40 percent of European trade does...”

In other words, this Houthi situation is far more important to Europe than to the US... so Europe should take the lead, step up, and do something about it rather than wait for America to once again ride to the rescue.

“I just hate bailing Europe out again,” Vance says, with other administration officials in agreement about “European free-loading”.

This is a telling exchange which reflects the mood right now. The Trump team believes that the US unfairly has to shoulder the security burden for Europe. And, frankly, their position is totally valid.

But to play devil’s advocate, the Europeans would say, “Well, that’s the price you pay for the exorbitant privilege of having the world’s reserve currency.”

And that’s not a crazy assertion either. Just ask Liz Truss.

If you don’t remember Ms. Truss, she was British Prime Minister for all of 51 days; back in September 2022, her government announced its ‘mini-budget’ which proposed significant tax cuts combined with government subsidies for household energy expenses.

The result would have been higher budget deficits, which the government intended to finance by borrowing more money.

Unfortunately for Truss, her proposals were poorly received, and investors dumped their British government bonds.

Yields collapsed. The pound went into free-fall. And Ms. Truss-- the Prime Minister of one of the largest and most powerful economies in the world-- had to resign in disgrace… all because the bond market didn’t like her economic plan.

That’s what happens when you DON’T have the global reserve currency.

America, on the other hand, does have this special benefit; every foreign government and central bank on the planet has to own US dollars… which is why the US government gets away with the fiscal equivalent of murder.

America’s government runs multi-trillion-dollar deficits year after year, yet does nothing about it.

They borrowed trillions of dollars to pay people to stay home and NOT go to work. They have constant threats of government shutdowns and debt ceiling crises. They spend more money each year paying interest than they spend on national defense. And the extreme level of waste is simply appalling.

No other country in the world would get away with all of these shenanigans.

So, if we’re intellectually honest, Europe has a point. The rest of the world willingly ignores the US government’s dismal financial condition… and in exchange they expect Uncle Sam to take care of the Houthis.

In a way, both sides are right. Both sides have valid points. Yet each side also believes the other to be completely wrong and irrational. There doesn’t seem to be any room for compromise or mutual understanding.

In divorce court this is known as “irreconcilable differences”. And it’s getting messy.

The US and Europe have spent decades as the world’s ultimate ‘power couple’; they enjoyed a massive trade relationship, an iron-clad military alliance, top secret intelligence-sharing, industrial cooperation… you name it. Europe and the US have been in bed together for quite some time.

But this relationship is clearly fractured, and it’s declining at a rate not seen since World War II.

The US may still be hoping that Europe will eventually come around. And this seems to be the strategy: threaten them with tariffs until Europe’s weak leadership buckles and bends the knee.

But that doesn’t seem to be happening. Europe is finding its legs. And its backbone.

Friedrich Merz, for example, the presumptive German Chancellor, recently scored a major victory by amending his country’s Constitutional requirement to maintain a balanced budget.

He had to sell his soul and betray voters to get it done. But Merz stated (after the election, of course) that he was willing to do “whatever it takes” to Make Europe Great Again and fend off the threat of Russian invasion.

He’s now planning close to $1 trillion in government spending, almost all of it financed by more debt. It will include a massive defense buildup, plus a bonanza of the Green party’s climate initiatives.

For his part, French President Emmanuel Macron has also been planning “a new paradigm”, as he calls it.

In a recent speech, Macron spelled out Europe’s obvious problems. The border has been overrun, and their security is in shambles.

 “We have delegated everything that is strategic,” Macron complained. “our energy to Russia. Our security . . . to the United States. And equally critical perspectives [like rare earth minerals] to China.”

Even Europe’s food supplies are being imported from foreign nations, Macron laments. “Who would be foolish enough to outsource their food?”

“We must take them back. This is what strategic autonomy is all about,” he says. Bottom line, Europe is too dependent on foreign nations, including and especially the US.

He goes on to challenge Europe to fight against US “competition” and become a world leader in AI, quantum computing, space, biotechnology, and nuclear energy within five years… and to get there by deregulating and investing heavily in innovation.

Where will they get this investment capital? Well, he mused that “every year, our savings amounting to around 300 billion euros a year go to finance the Americans. . . This is absurd.” Macron believes that money should remain in Europe to fund R&D.

None of this sounds like Europe willing to accede to US demands… nor a Europe that will submit to the “Mar-a-Lago Accords” (which would, among other things, force Europe to hold 100-year US government bonds).

It looks very clearly like Europe is preparing to stand on its own… which, again, looks a lot like a divorce. And potentially quite a messy one. It’s also unfolding very rapidly, right in front of us.

Bottom line, if even Europe thinks it’s “absurd” to buy hundreds of billions of euros each year worth of US government bonds, I can only imagine what China must think.

And this leads me to believe that a new global financial system could be here sooner than anyone realizes.

To your freedom,  James Hickman  Co-Founder, Schiff Sovereign LLC

PS   We’ve been predicting for years that a new global financial system will end up displacing the US dollar. And the implications are enormous. Gold, for starters, should continue to do extremely well-- despite the fact that it is at an all-time high. So should gold stocks. Many foreign stock markets (which are significantly undervalued relative to the US) should also perform very well.

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Thursday AM 3-27-25

Financial expert: Iraq's budget deficit is due to bond issuance
Economy     Iraq     breaking     Budget     disability     Financial bonds
2025-03-24 23:01  Shafaq News/ Financial expert and former director general of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mahmoud Dagher, attributed the country's budget deficit on Tuesday to the Iraqi Ministry of Finance issuing large bonds. Dagher told Shafaq News Agency,
"The budget deficit is behind the Ministry of Finance's efforts to issue bonds worth 3 trillion dinars to obtain cash liquidity to cover its expenses."

Financial expert: Iraq's budget deficit is due to bond issuance
Economy     Iraq     breaking     Budget     disability     Financial bonds
2025-03-24 23:01  Shafaq News/ Financial expert and former director general of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mahmoud Dagher, attributed the country's budget deficit on Tuesday to the Iraqi Ministry of Finance issuing large bonds. Dagher told Shafaq News Agency,
"The budget deficit is behind the Ministry of Finance's efforts to issue bonds worth 3 trillion dinars to obtain cash liquidity to cover its expenses."

He added, "Given the difficulty of marketing bonds to the public, interest rates on bonds were raised and  they were marketed through banks this time,
given the latter's liquidity and preference for risk-free, profitable securities such as government bonds."
Dagher expects this move to attract banks, given that the interest rates offered are close to the returns generated from other activities.
The Iraqi Ministry of Finance is seeking to issue national bonds worth 3 trillion dinars (about $2.3 billion) allocated exclusively to local banks, 

according to a letter issued by the Central Bank to banks. She noted that
the bonds will be divided into two tranches: the
     worth half a million dinars per bond,
     for a two-year term, with an
     8% annual interest rate, and the
     worth one million dinars per bond,
     for a four-year term, with an
     annual interest rate of 10%.
The sale is scheduled to take place from March 20 to 29.اقتصـاد/خبير-مالي-العجز-بموازنة-العراق-بسبب-صدار-السندات    

Insurance and Credits
Economic 03/26/2025  Yasser Al-Mutawali  Article 45 of the current budget law stipulates that open documentary credits must be insured within Iraq. This procedure means that
when the state or individuals import from abroad,
the imports must be insured by companies in the country within Iraq.

This decision reflects the government's interest in activating and stimulating the insurance sector, given its
     significant role in maximizing financial resources, on the one hand, and
     in bearing risks in a balanced manner across economic sectors as a whole, by distributing them fairly.
Continuing our previous article titled "Insurance and Risk,"
it can be said that the Central Bank of Iraq has
     circulated this order to banks and
     called on them to implement it,
     indicating its support for this important decision.
However, it is noticeable that the
response from banks has been very weak, so
coordination between insurance companies and banks is required to ensure the full success of this decision.
The current government, in its efforts to support the insurance sector, is attempting to revitalize this vital and important financial sector.
These measures may be a response to what we raised here in Al Sabah newspaper, given the difficulties this essential sector is facing.It is clear here that
there is unfortunately a lack of insurance culture,
for which the insurance companies themselves and the economic media bear responsibility.
It is worth emphasizing here that , in

 this measure
     will contribute to maximizing the budget's financial resources addition to

     preserving the hard currency that goes to international insurance companies in the insurance process.
The benefit of the domestic insurance decision will therefore be to stimulate important economic sectors, such as insurance companies and banks, while providing many job opportunities in this field,
thus alleviating the widespread unemployment among young people.

Here, I believe that a partnership should be created between reputable Iraqi insurance companies and international companies, with the aim of benefiting from each other's expertise, 

similar to the partnership between our banks and correspondent banks, to ensure profitability from the outset.
We ask: What role does the Iraqi insurance company play in these changes?
It used to play a major role in insuring imports and exports and investing funds domestically and internationally.
In a related context, the government's support for this sector was not limited to requiring documentary credit insurance, but
this interest was also reflected in the new health insurance law, which encouraged insurance companies to issue insurance policies for expatriate and resident workers.
Thus, insurance companies will flourish again, but insurance companies are required to work on developing their workforce, given the expertise required by these insurance products, especially in the era of digital transformation.
This is a shared responsibility in cooperation and coordination between the Insurance Bureau and government insurance companies.  Both private and public.    

Iraqi oil refinery  energy  Economy News – Baghdad  The Prime Minister's financial advisor, Mazhar Mohammed Salih, confirmed on Wednesday that Iraq's oil exports to the United States have increased by more than 110% over two years.

"Economic cooperation between Iraq and the United States extends to diverse investment, trade, and economic areas. Economic cooperation between Iraq and the United States has witnessed remarkable developments in recent years," Salih said in a statement reported by the official news agency and seen by Al-Eqtisad News.

He pointed out that "the volume of trade between the two countries has more than doubled over the past two years, as Iraq's oil exports to the United States increased by more than 110%, and Iraq's imports from the United States increased significantly over the past two years, with the value of that trade ranging between $9 and $10 billion."

He explained that "Iraq's imports were primarily in cars, transportation equipment, engineering, and electrical equipment, but the trade balance remained in Iraq's favor, with a difference of $5.7 billion, reflecting the continued superiority of Iraqi exports to the United States, especially in the crude oil sector."

He noted that "economic cooperation between Iraq and the United States is developing, with a focus on enhancing trade exchange and supporting joint investment activities, serving the economic interests of both countries."

Saleh stated that "financial and economic cooperation is part of a positive, shared dialogue between the two countries. Since the beginning of this year, many mutual understandings have been reached in the field of economic cooperation, which are consistent with supporting stability and economic reforms outlined in the government's program, particularly the development of an attractive investment cooperation environment for investors between the two friendly countries, within the framework of the country's general economic policy to achieve sustainable development goals."


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Seeds of Wisdom RV and Economic Updates Thursday Morning 3-27-25

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


▪️Former SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins, a Trump nominee, is expected to bring a more crypto-friendly regulatory approach.

▪️Atkins' confirmation faces scrutiny due to his past advisory roles, financial ties to crypto, and potential conflicts of interest.

▪️The crypto industry anticipates Atkins' potential leadership as a shift towards clearer regulations.

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


▪️Former SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins, a Trump nominee, is expected to bring a more crypto-friendly regulatory approach.

▪️Atkins' confirmation faces scrutiny due to his past advisory roles, financial ties to crypto, and potential conflicts of interest.

▪️The crypto industry anticipates Atkins' potential leadership as a shift towards clearer regulations.

The crypto market finally has a leader at the SEC who supports digital assets. After years of strict regulations, uncertainty, and legal battles, there’s a chance for real change. Paul Atkins, a former SEC commissioner and Trump’s pick for SEC Chair, is expected to take a more crypto-friendly approach – if confirmed. Unlike his predecessor Gary Gensler, who cracked down hard on the industry, Atkins wants to introduce clear and predictable rules. He believes confusing regulations have slowed innovation and pushed businesses overseas.

His confirmation hearing today could set the stage for crypto’s next big chapter.

Senate Hearing Begins Today

Atkins will face the Senate Banking Committee today for his confirmation hearing, where he plans to push for a balanced regulatory framework. He has criticized the SEC’s past policies, arguing that complicated and politically driven rules have hurt businesses and investors. His goal is to create common-sense regulations that encourage growth while ensuring proper oversight.

Industry Support vs. Political Opposition

The crypto industry is optimistic about Atkins’ nomination, seeing it as a chance to move away from the SEC’s aggressive enforcement, which has driven innovation overseas.

But not everyone is on board. Senator Elizabeth Warren and other critics have raised concerns about his regulatory past. Warren has questioned his advisory role with FTX, his ties to major financial firms, and his decisions during the 2008 financial crisis. She recently sent him a 34-page letter demanding answers before his hearing.

Questions over Atkins’ crypto investments

Atkins’ financial records show he holds up to $5 million in a crypto investment fund and $1 million in equity across two crypto firms. His and his wife’s total assets exceed $328 million, mostly from his wife’s family wealth. These investments have raised concerns over potential conflicts of interest, which he is expected to address during the confirmation process.

What Happens Next?

Until Atkins is officially confirmed, Mark Uyeda will serve as interim SEC Chair following Gary Gensler’s resignationThe Senate will decide when to hold the final vote on Atkins. If he is approved, it could mean major changes in how the SEC regulates crypto.

While the crypto market welcomes a shift in policy, some worry that too much freedom could lead to illegal activities and fraud. Trump’s open support for meme coins like TRUMP, which remain unregulated, has added to concerns.

Over the last few months, some of Trump’s policies have backfired, and the crypto market is still recovering, far from its peak of $109K. Whether Atkins’ leadership will bring stability or new challenges remains to be seen.

Atkins might be the SEC’s new face, but in crypto, the real question is always the same – will the rules change the game or just the players?

@ Newshounds News™



A rule to scrap a U.S. Internal Revenue Service rule targeting decentralized finance platforms has cleared the Senate, setting the stage for the president’s expected sign-off.

On March 26, the Senate voted 70-28 in favour of repealing the controversial DeFi broker rule, which sought to expand tax reporting requirements for businesses in the sector.

Earlier this month, the House of Representatives passed the resolution with bipartisan support, with Republican Representative Mike Carey, a vocal critic of the bill, calling it a “massive government overreach” that would compromise the privacy of American nationals and hinder growth in the industry.

Now, the resolution heads to President Donald Trump’s desk for final approval. David Sacks, the White House’s crypto and AI adviser, has previously confirmed the administration’s support, and Trump is expected to sign it into law.

The rules, initially proposed by the IRS and the United States Treasury Department in August and finalised in December 2024, would require DeFi platforms to report user transactions—specifically, gross proceeds from crypto sales—to the IRS, similar to traditional brokers.

This would include collecting and filing personal data of users involved in these transactions, which critics say goes against the nature of decentralisation and puts unnecessary pressure on platforms that often don’t have central operators.

Supporters of the repeal argued that the rule was unworkable in practice and could drive innovation out of the U.S.

The Blockchain Association, a digital asset advocacy group, along with the Texas Blockchain Council, sued the IRS last year.

Marisa Coppel, the association’s Head of Legal, criticized regulators in a joint statement last year, claiming that the IRS and Treasury had “gone beyond their statutory authority in expanding the definition of ‘broker.”

“Not only is this an infringement on the privacy rights of individuals using decentralized technology, it would push this entire, burgeoning technology offshore,” he added.

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Iraq Economic News and Points to Ponder Wednesday Afternoon 3-26-25

Al-Nusairi: 2025 Indicators: A Strong Economy, A Recovering Dinar, And Developing Banks

Banks   Economy News – Baghdad   Economic and banking advisor Samir Al-Nusairi confirmed that his predictions, made in previous articles and statements, that our economic indicators in 2025 herald a strong and robust economy based on the availability of foreign currency reserves exceeding $108 billion and 163 tons of gold, sufficient to cover imports for 18 months.

Al-Nusairi said in an interview with Al-Eqtisad News that the local currency issued amounted to approximately 100 trillion dinars, and our dinar is recovering and gradually returning towards an exchange rate against the US dollar towards the equilibrium price targeted by the Central Bank.

Al-Nusairi: 2025 Indicators: A Strong Economy, A Recovering Dinar, And Developing Banks

Banks   Economy News – Baghdad   Economic and banking advisor Samir Al-Nusairi confirmed that his predictions, made in previous articles and statements, that our economic indicators in 2025 herald a strong and robust economy based on the availability of foreign currency reserves exceeding $108 billion and 163 tons of gold, sufficient to cover imports for 18 months.

Al-Nusairi said in an interview with Al-Eqtisad News that the local currency issued amounted to approximately 100 trillion dinars, and our dinar is recovering and gradually returning towards an exchange rate against the US dollar towards the equilibrium price targeted by the Central Bank.

Our banks are developing and proceeding at a steady pace in accordance with the Central Bank’s strategy for reform, development, digital transformation and compliance with international standards.

The number of Iraqi banks that have banking relations and accounts in solid international correspondent banks and deal with them directly in foreign transfers has reached approximately 20 banks and deal in multiple foreign currencies after leaving the electronic platform at the end of 2024.

He explained that the Central Bank is making great efforts to qualify, develop and assist other banks to join the twenty banks mentioned above, pointing out that it is closely monitoring the reality of monetary policy applications and the Central Bank’s procedures, closely monitoring international economic variables and their impact on the Iraqi economy and complying with international standards that allow Iraq to be regular in the global banking system and controlling the movement and safety of foreign currency trading.

The banks’ commitment to implementing the new foreign transfer instructions and addressing obstacles as soon as possible has refuted the extremist and pessimistic views that say the exchange rate crisis will continue and our situation will be like that of Lebanon, Iran, Syria and Turkey when the dollar devoured the local currencies of these countries.

He explained that through our precise knowledge of the Central Bank's monetary policy applications, its coverage of the entire demand for the US dollar in the trading market and through its various official outlets, and its control over the distribution of cash dollars according to a new method that the US Treasury praised and considered a globally advanced method for distributing the US dollar, and this is what I confirmed in my previous articles, that the dinar will recover and the crisis is temporary despite all the external and internal reasons.

At the end of his speech on the Central Bank, Al-Nusairi hoped that the next phase would be an evaluation and analysis phase of the achievements made in 2023 and 2024, and a re-evaluation of operating banks and licensed and unlicensed exchange offices, reclassifying them and developing their work in all fields in 2025.

He also hoped that stability would be maintained in the financial and monetary system and that important steps would be taken to stimulate and enable the banking sector to contribute to investment and development, as stated in paragraph 7 of axis twelve in the government program for reforming the financial and banking sector, because banking reform is the beginning of comprehensive economic reform.

The Ministry Of Planning Announces The Completion Of The 2025 Budget Schedules And Their Submission To The Council Of Ministers

Money and Business  Economy News – Baghdad  Minister of Planning Mohammed Tamim announced on Wednesday the completion of the 2025 budget tables and their submission to the Council of Ministers.

The office of the head of the parliamentary finance committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, stated in a statement seen by Al-Eqtisad News that "the committee, headed by Atwani, hosted Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning Mohammed Tamim to discuss maximizing non-oil revenues."

Al-Atwani emphasized that "the Finance Committee noted a clear flaw in the estimation of non-oil revenues. By amending the law of the General Authority for Monitoring the Allocation of Federal Revenues, we seek to assess the extent of revenue from investment of state assets and other revenue streams, so that we can have a clear picture when formulating the country's financial policy."

He added, "The committee is determined to activate the work of this important constitutional body and grant it broader powers so it can assume its responsible national role."

He expressed his "concern over the halt in listing projects and the delay in financing ongoing projects," noting that "these reasons are a dangerous prelude that could lead us back to the problem of stalled projects."

The statement added, "The meeting reviewed a number of proposals and ideas agreed upon between the Finance Committee and the Minister of Planning regarding adding tasks and duties to the General Authority for Monitoring the Allocation of Federal Revenues and granting it expanded powers to review revenue estimates and plan for their collection."

He pointed out that "the meeting addressed the issues of the suspension of project listings, the delay in funding ongoing projects, the governorates' financial entitlements, and the delay in announcing the results of the population census."

For his part, the Minister of Planning said, "His ministry has completed its preparation of the 2025 budget schedules, and we have sent them to the Council of Ministers." He noted that they "do not include any new projects, but do include funding for ongoing projects."

The Minister of Planning added, "The results of the general population census are fully ready, and their delay depends on the arrival of some data related to the Kurdistan Region."

Data Confirms Iraq's Pivotal Role In The Global Oil Market

Buratha News Agency1412025-03-26  SOMO today explained the importance of Iraqi oil and its vital role in global markets, while indicating that Iraq has the fourth largest proven oil reserves in the world, at approximately 145 billion barrels. SOMO emphasized the advantages of Iraqi oil, explaining,

“Global crude oils are classified and their quality is determined based on their API (specific gravity) and sulfur content. Iraqi crude oil produced on this basis is classified into (medium and heavy crude oil) based on its specific gravity.

It has a high sulfur content for both types, according to the sulfur content standard. It is considered a crude oil with specifications (required globally), and is compatible with the operational plans of refineries that wish to produce specific products according to their needs.”

She explained that "among the advantages that help attract buyers are the significant and growing demand for medium and heavy crude oils, stable production, and the availability of large, stable quantities that ensure long-term supply contracts for these refineries.

The geographic location and low shipping costs make Iraqi oil a favorite in the Asian market, in addition to the fair, competitive price based on market fundamentals."

The company continued, "Iraq ranks fifth in the world in terms of oil production, with an output of approximately 4.27 million barrels per day, making it the second-largest producer in OPEC after Saudi Arabia. Iraq also has the fourth-largest proven oil reserves in the world, at approximately 145 billion barrels."

She pointed out that "this ranking reflects Iraq's vital role in global oil markets, as it contributes significantly to meeting global energy demand. Marketing-wise, Iraqi crude oil is considered an important oil with a good market reputation, as it is relied upon by many global refineries in their refining operations and there is relatively high demand for it."

 She added, "Iraqi crude oil is in global demand for refineries in several countries, as Iraqi crude oil is exported exclusively to companies that own refineries, but most of the companies to which Iraqi crude oil is exported are Asian companies, the most important of which are China and India, at a rate of approximately 70%, and approximately 30% for the other two markets, European and American combined."

She also pointed out that "OPEC and OPEC+ policies determine production levels, which are reflected in global prices, impacting the buying and selling of Iraqi crude oil. The greater the production restrictions, the higher the prices and the lower the quantities sold, and vice versa. These policies also impact the market share and financial returns."

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