Judy, Nader and more.....Monday Morning 6-13-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 13 June 2022

Compiled Mon. 13 June 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note on the Restored Republic:

As of Sun. 12 June there was a nationwide credit card outage.

Worldwide Food Shortage Pending

10% Rise in Inflation in some countries.

Judy Note on the Global Currency Reset: Bluwolf believes Tier 4B will be notified with appointments beginning Mon-Tues 13, 14 June; Goldilocks says the greatest transfer of wealth in the world’s history will take place in the next 2 ½ weeks; Bruce’s Bank contacts say Tier 4B will be notified by Mon. 13 June. Fleming thinks it won’t happen until July, while Fulford contends that the Dinar-Dong-Zim increase in value was a scam.

Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon a life changing, earth shattering Event or Events that would eventually implode the global economy. That deadline would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.


Sun. 12 June Bluwolf (as translated): Attention P.R. and all Spanish-speaking countries – this blessing is about to begin. According to the Pentagon, we could receive the 800 numbers at any moment. Others confirm. You are on Alert. I only ask you to pray that there is no attempt to obstruct. The coffers of change will open Monday to Tuesday this week (13, 14 June 2022).

Be ready with documents in hand. All changes will be made by HSBC or WF (Wells Fargo). They need two forms of photo ID, two forms of residency identification, birth certificate. You need an area code of the state where you want to change. We are on the verge of receiving this blessing. 

Rates will be a comfortable high and I understand that the Zimbabwe will be traded without any de-zeroing and be on a 1 to 1 USTN basis.

Reno has the money in their coffers and the codes are activated. The only thing missing is a sequence that would start everything (Prosperity Packages, private placements) for the Global Currency Reset.

Everything will come out of the Saint Germaine Trust, which takes over 400 years to distribute the GCR and RV of all 209 countries.

History may forget me or Bruce, Cap, Okie, Studley, Stewart, James Mendez, even Terry K, but you know that they, like me, never sold them dreams and never lost faith in this BLESSING OF GOD for this humanity. The times of victory are drawing near now. I only recommend that you have a small package ready in the corner of your room to start your business trip. Be blessed and be on alert. But that is if you are prudent and do not despair because that is not what God expects of you. And as a spiritual being I can assure you that if you get desperate then you criticize, then you doubt and that only interrupts the arrival of this blessing, you are either the wick of light or you are the wick of destruction. Which one are you? Na’maste Bluwolf


Goldilocks: For the next two weeks and a half, we are going to see a great transfer of wealth inside the digital economy and the open market. Liquidity is going to be transferred into new hands and new pockets. During this time, upgrades into the new digital banking system will be coming to a completion. Look for new liquidity to move into the new digital financial system backed by real assets such as commodities to support this new growth.  

Goldilocks: On June 17th, option contracts are coming due. Traders are going to have an option to continue the trades they are in or purchase new opportunities somewhere else in the markets. This is a week of planning, executing, and positioning for many investors. It is a 3.2 trillion dollar choice that will be made in the next few days. 

American Patriot: Over the past three years or so the Quantum Financial System has connected to the archaic Central Bank SWIFT Computer System and obtained account information from every bank account in the world. All data including every transfer attempt through the SWIFT system has been recorded and saved. This means that every time money is transferred, the QFS has recorded the account number of where the money came from, who transferred it, when, and the account where it ended up.

X22 Report: There is a parallel system emerging that will wreak havoc on the Central Banking System. Gold will make a move during this time and the people will want accountability and the Fed is in the crosshairs. https://rumble.com/v18358f-bill-holter-a-parallel-economy-is-emerging-which-wreak-havoc-on-the-cb-syst.html

Sat. 11 June MarkZ: “Banking, Bond and Church groups promised funds released over the weekend with spendable liquid cash. Shabbi said the Dinar could go between $14 to $17. The Banking side was leaning hard on everyone to shut up on the timing and on who was coming, going and when. Bank tellers were being trained in how to validate Vietnamese Dong and Iraqi Dinar.  Bond Holders expected liquidity within the next couple of days, while Iraq believed their new Dinar Rate would be public within the next eight days. This week Redemption Center folk have had a lot of conference calls in preparation for exchanges.”

Charlie Ward: “Once I get the Green Light from the QFS Team I will inform you immediately. I will get the Green Light once the Tokens are moving. Currently it just FIAT that’s moving – to provide mobilization.”

Sat. 11 June Fleming: The banking system has seen huge movement of money represented in tiers 1, 2 and 3. Tier 1, 2 + 3 all have liquid funds dispersed all over the world including here in the United States. This is for distribution to down-line and to support humanitarian projects. This money is loaded into accounts waiting on one code to be entered. (It was Fleming’s personal opinion that completion of the GCR would be pushed into July and not happen this month).

Thurs. 9 June 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456# This week there were Conference calls between US Treasury, Wells Fargo and Redemption Centers which indicated: Tier 3 Bond Holders liquidity Fri. night 10 June. Tier 4B notified by Mon. 13 June. Tier 4B could set appointments for early next week. Fri. 10 June and Sat. 11 June Bank tellers will be trained on the Global Currency Reset. On Wed. 8 June Iraq announced their new Dinar Rate, which was expected to be around $8 at the Redemption Centers. Tier 5 the General Public, may go to the banks and exchange at the new rates starting Tues. 15 June.

Sat. 11 June Fleming:  Behind the Scenes As of 3 weeks ago something shifted – in a huge way. This something was military movement on our behalf.  ISO 18 19 and 20 establish true accountability and trade ability for digital currency. The US has a digital currency that is being used presently, representing the US dollar that is called USDT – Tether. “TETHER” is actually coming to the US from Hong Kong. It is a Hong Kong entity using US Government bonds and assets, verified and validated on the world stage. Tether has the ability to represent the US dollar for trade with countries presently using asset-backed currency. It is the bridge we’ve been waiting for. The banking system has seen huge movement of money represented from tiers 1, 2 and 3. Tier 1, 2 + 3 all have liquid funds dispersed all over the world including here in the United States. This is for distribution to down-line and to support humanitarian projects. This is desperately needed. This money is loaded into accounts waiting on one code to be entered. The Exchange Centers have been operating with small staff, still only Friends and Family. People are leaving with 1%, not spendable. Only waiting on one code. When that will be is anyone’s guess.

Sat. 11 June Wolverine: The world wide economy is on financial collapse right as we are seeing so many companies going bust. Revlon the giant cosmetic company is also filing for bankruptcy. The building industry is also suffering as there are dozen of huge building companies that have gone bust and the name goes on. Petrol prices everywhere are going through the roof and inflation in some countries have hit over 10%. Sri Lanka is a total mess as people are starving and hunting politicians and the fake media does not report it. We are heading to the final stage as this needs to give in and allow this blessing to be release any time. Once this is released it will cause a domino effect which we will soon have our freedom and meet this new world. I’m hearing great news and praying that almighty God that this is done ASAP as the world cannot hold on any longer. Wolverine

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/06/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-june-13-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Nader From The Mid East   Some people ask me what happen if lose three zeros...how they're going to change their money or what they're going to give you?  If you have 25,000 you'll get twenty five thousand small category.  That's normal.  If the rate changes 25,000 becomes 75,000.  That's correct yes.  [Post 1 of 2....stay tuned]

Nader From The Mid East   Some people asked me how they're going to change their money if they live in the United States?  I have not idea because we're not international yet.  The banks in the United States doesn't buy because I tried online.  I have an account in United States and I try to exchange money...they don't deal with Iraqi dinar or something like that.  So I have no idea how you guys gonna do it.  I hope banks start accepting it. [Post 2 of 2]

This Is Worse Than Anyone Realizes -- Stock Markets Horror on The Horizon

The Nomad Economist:  6-13-2022

REPO Madness is beginning to make the 2008 financial crisis look like a walk in the park. The FED is backstopping the panic for liquidity in the overnight REPO market with more than $1 Trillion.

The panic money printing is happening NOW. With all the misinformation circulating around about this Repo Crisis, one should question, can they really be that dumb? This is truly the Mother of all Financial Crises, which will affect the whole nine yards of what it touches.

This will make the 2008 financial crisis look like a trial run. There is no politician who will come up and talk about this crisis, nor will they brave to even ask pertinent questions for fear of what will be uncovered.

This Repo Crisis is just part II in the lead-up to Big Bang that nobody apparently understands is currently unfolding. This is the Sovereign Debt Crisis on steroids. Whatever they could have done wrong, they have done with absolute accuracy.

The expected losses for institutions will range from 40% to 60% of assets. Whoever is caught holding will not be bailed out this time around. This is the combination of the 1998 Liquidity Crisis and the 2008 Financial Crisis. So hang on to whatever you can grab ahold of. You will need it for this one.

Ten years of QE created a financial system that depends on the Fed monetizing debt in massive quantities forever; so that billionaires could swap dollars to skim profits from QE Forever. Unsaid, but likely, is that since both the ECB and BOJ are deep into endless QE, then the Fed needs to get in step.

Coincidentally, there's an FOMC meeting in play just in time to save the world from the financial crash these billionaires will cause if they don't get free money under their terms. Banks have oodles of US Treasuries debt that need to go at a profit, and the Fed is the only buyer dumb enough to buy it, so the banks earn a profit. REPO is just another banking Ponzi scheme that works with the FED's banking Ponzi scheme.

The Fed feeds the monster markets, the hedge funds, the algorithms boyz, and the high-frequency traders. Once an institution to be there in a pinch, they create webs of financial complexities and central plan, preventing free market forces and normal market cycling that flushes excesses. They feed the pot when the pot is about to go empty. They remove the discipline of the market place.

The FED needs to print more because the universe will collapse without the speculator bailout. I say F the speculators and end the FED.

 This is the most significant theft of all time. Why call it banking when it is just plain stealing. The Bankers own the world, and they own you too. Take it from them, but leave them the ability to print money out of thin air, and they will buy it back the next day. This REPO frenzy that we are witnessing was designed by the big banks as a trap for the large hedge funds.

The Forex swap market is dying. And the banks want the large hedge funds to take the hit. It makes sense that someone would try to paint this as a GSIB issue when, in fact, it has nothing to do with it.



"Tidbits From TNT" Monday AM 6-13-2022


Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Evening 6-12-22