Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Evening 6-12-22

Zig’s Place Chatroom News Sunday Evening 6-12-22

Zig: Welcome to Zig's Place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish

Sergio   Just a FYI The IQD rate back in 2004 or so was 10000.00 Dinar was worth in US dollars about 5.00 Today 6.81

UNEEK   It’s interesting how money is accepted as an inevitable force in our lives, -- How does something with no intrinsic value become the universal determinant of value? And what are the implications this has on human behavior as a whole?

Discussions of money usually come with the implicit understanding that money is valuable, so they revolve around how one could accumulate more of it, or why it introduces all kinds of strange behaviors. But in this post, we’re going to take one step back and actually look at the concept of money itself: why we need it to represent value, how it impacts our goals, and how it reconstructs our idea of individuality.

UNEEK    Money’s greatest achievement is its ability to standardize value across otherwise incomparable realities. For example, there’s no way I could tell you how many clocks I’d give for your car, or how many clocks I’d give for your house. But communicate those objects of desire through the language of money, and I’ll be able to calculate some relationship between the two.

UNEEK   This ability to create value relationships between every object or service is what allowed money to build a web through every corner of life. Before money, goods stood on their own because they were simply bartered for another object of desire. But after money, the value of goods were always calculated based on a third-party: some currency that was agreed upon by all the members of that society.

The question here then becomes: how was that currency determined?

UNEEK   In money’s early history, it needed to have some sort of value inherent in it for people to trust it as an intermediary.

Its first iteration appeared in Sumer around 3,000 BC, where it manifested in the form of barley grains, which were measured in units called the sila (about 0.25 gallons). Despite the fact that they were quite burdensome to carry around, they were accepted as a form of money because they had intrinsic biological value: they could be eaten, which made it a legitimate currency.

UNEEK   To read more: https://moretothat.com/how-money-forever-changed-us/

Sheila   Sah How long did you say you were in this speculation?

Sah   @Sheila In the Sierra Mountains in California. Have to move this year, too much snow. I have been in this for about 15 years. It started with Dinar and then I bought four more currencies over the years. I have enjoyed doing the research. It made me more worldly.

Sah   I was an economics and accounting major in college till I switched to design school. I have enjoyed digging into each country I researched.

Sheila   Sah 12 plus years... same here. started with dinar, then dong, zim, bolivar. have no extra funds. holding steady.

Sheila   Sah Me, business, management, computer degrees. Forgotten so much in these retirement years.

Sah   @Sheila What is with the bolivar?

Sah   I have Dinar, Dong, Indonesia Rupiah.

sheila    Sah I started buying it because no one else was buying. Venezuela was our biggest supplier of oil, even over ME countries. And their precious metals, rare earth minerals (REM), coffee, etc. Very rich country ready to come back on world stage with new banking system.

sheila   Sah Started buying over 2 years ago. 1M was about 1 per note. Now those are selling for 8-20 per note?

sheila   1 dollar

Sah   I hears that because of Russia and other countries boycotting them that they need oil. US is discussing with other countries about lifting some of the sanctions on Venezuela so they can sell and export their oil. That would be good for the bolivar. They have had such high inflation in their country that this would help bring it down.

Sheila   Sah Exactly. Basic economics. Supply and Demand.

Sah   Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pressed Congress to approve $80 billion in funding for the Internal Revenue Service to assist the agency in reducing a huge backlog of tax returns and enable it to go after $600 billion in unpaid tax bills."The IRS is under siege. It is suffering from huge underinvestment,” Yellen explained to a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the Treasury’s budget request for fiscal 2023.

Sah   Yellen announced that the agency was dealing with massive issues, including a “huge backlog” in working through tax returns, and lacked the personnel required to carry out complicated audits of higher-earning taxpayers.

As of May 27, the IRS had 10.2 million unprocessed individual returns, including 8.2 million paper returns waiting to be examined and processed, according to IRS.gov.

Sergio   Sah I do not belive her

Sah  No wonder I have not got my tax return yet.

Sergio   They want to hire more people to track anything under 400.00 being put into bank-accounts

Sergio   They want to go to a cashless society so no one can hide from taxes, thats why the push for direct deposits

Sah   Easier for them to go after the little people than to go after the wealthy. What do they track now $3000 deposits. Iraq is changing laws on real estate right now to end corruption. All sales money is to be transferred digitally to stop corruption and under reporting sales to avoid paying more taxes.

Sergio   In some places if you have more then 1 yard sale year they want you to report your earnings

sergio   Sah Yes the little guy can not afford a lawyer where the rich person can an fight and cost them money and time

Sah   If I sell something at garage sale, as long as it is less than I bought it for there is no tax unless I sell off business items.

Sah   I got audited once years ago. They owed me $45. I had found a couple receipts after I filed and threw them in with taxes. They haven't bothered me since.

NORV   Sah zThey could solve the problem if they would start the wells and pipelines in the US back up. Idiots!

Sah   I got audited at a business I was running for someone else. Pulled everything out they asked for. The owner said that the person doing his books and running his companies has everything documented and he passed. I got a raise.

Sah   @Norv All these oil wells that have been capped and not used should be operational and pumping what the US needs right now.

Sheila   Sah Wonder when the masses are going to wake up and realize the truth about the IRS?

NORV   Sah not because of the exchange rate. Its probably as a result of speculators wanting it and paying more. I had it back in 2008 for about .000048 sold it for almost double due to speculators on ebay paying more. But today, technically it is worth the same.

NORV   Sah of course. what the point of helping other countries when we dont help ourselves

Sheila   Sah Heard recently Louisiana is starting back pumping wells that Brandon told them to shut down.

Sah   I know when I was in my thirties and raising a child by myself and lived paycheck to pay check that they took a lot out of my check and I got hardly any back. Did not seam fair.

Sah   I hope they start pumping. I have some oil stocks that sat idle for a long time and are now going up and would like to see them go thru the roof.

NORV   Sah unlikely. he dont give a *

Sah   They are pumping but they are limiting right now the ones to be uncapped.

NORV   $10 gas coming soon  as my stock broker says...elections have consequences.

Sah   I have cars that get 45 to 50 miles to the gallon, but when I move those trucks get 4 to 6 miles to the gallon. Going to cost a fortune to move.

NORV   have fun sunday.. later

Sah   We need someone new that has good morals and a great economy. Good luck finding them this year in either party.

Sah   Senator Robert Casey, a Democrat, announced the IRS had all though stopped auditing tax returns of wealthy private business owners, who were eligible for a 20% tax write-off on their personaltaxes, while lower-earning recipients of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) were five times more likely to be audited.Yellen announced that those statistics were appalling, and underscored her concern regarding the estimated tax gap, which she stated was mostly because of wealthier taxpayers with opaque sources of income.

Sah   “The resources of the IRS have been cut to the point where they’ve largely cut back on the complicated audits, the ones that are harder, of high-income taxpayers,” Yellen explained to the committee. “The fact that such a large share goes to audit the EITC is very unfair.” pproving the Treasury’s budget request for $80 billion over 10 years, Yellen stated, would enable the IRS “to be able to ... make sure that people are paying the taxes that are due.

“It's very unfair to workers in lower-income households the way things work now,” she stated.

Meanwhile, Yellen conceded on Tuesday that inflation is at “unacceptable levels,” but she further sought to underscore that this is not a problem only for the United States.

Sah   Speaking during a Senate Finance Committee hearing, Yellen pointed to the Biden administration’s record-setting release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.influences. Given the global nature of these markets, it’s virtually impossible for us to insulate ourselves from shocks like the ones that are occurring in Russia that move global oil prices,” Yellen announced. She continued that it is critical that the United States become “more dependent on the wind and the sun that are not subject to geopolitical influences.”

Throughout her prepared comments, Yellen acknowledged that the United States faces “macroeconomic challenges, including unacceptable levels of inflation.”

Sheila   @TWW Wondering where you've been lately?

TWW   sheila At the capitol bizy. except on weekends...how r u doing??

Sheila   TWW living the dream, lol lol

TWW   sheila Again as well

Sheila   TWW seriously. happy to be here, waiting for the changes

TWW   sheila VES??

Sheila   TWW bolivar?

TWW   sheila yes

Sheila   TWW one of few to change

TWW   sheila Change??

Sheila   TWW revaluations

TWW   sheila yes indeed, we touched on ex on Friday closing

Sheila   TWW more good news. signs, signs, everywhere signs.

TWW   sheila ...do this, do that cant u read the signs...

Sheila   TWW we be on the right path

TWW   In my state we hav peep from 148 countries. Most state, cities, counties paperwork ayr in min of 58 languages. How will the ex work with so many here??

Sheila   TWW English

TWW   sheila oh sure

TWW  they arre not assimulating

TWW   Their curr'y is not even traceable

Sheila   TWW money will buy a lot of assimulating

TWW   sheila a problem we r working on for the con/con

Sheila   TWW con/con?

Sheila   TWW best question is When?

TWW   sheila yes con/con...I em it to u a few wks ago, not here

TWW   sheila 1.00 US Dollar =  5.2455501 Venezuelan Bolívares

Sheila   ‘Embarrassing omission’: General Motors’ electric vehicle mishap June 10, 2022 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPY3En10M6c

Sheila   Military Source for this video: "There was an unexpected 40% increase in 'all cause deaths' in 2021" Feb 2, 2022 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GXvV6Pybns

Sah   @Sheila Good article about where the electricity comes from to charge the cars. $50,000 for a car that actually is not green, and sometimes catches on fire and only goes 300 miles on a charge and then what, wait 6 hours for it to charge and also if everyone had electric cars half would not have batteries to run their cars because a shortage in materials. No thank you, I will wait for the nano battery, 9500 miles on one charge and under 10 minutes to recharge and not made of Lithium that will run out and have to throw battery away. Not very green at all.There is not enough electricity for this.

Sheila   Sah And... Household electrical is typically 100 amp. Charge stations draw 75 amps. Power grid not scaled for that kind of drag on the grid. I believe I read that information in a recent published article.

Sah   @Sheila I was doing research on the batteries on the cars because I say a guy blow up his Tesla on UTube that was a few years old. He said to replace the batteries and fix his car was over $20,000. Another guy said just the batteries for his were almost $6,000. We are going to end up with hardly any lithium on the planet and no way to recycle it. Bad stuff.

Sah   say saw

Sah   When I buy a car I always think about what it will cost to repair it. Usually the more expensive the car the more expensive the repair.

Sheila   Sah Exactly. Going to stick with solid built gas powered until technology proves itself. My rule of thumb - if Politicians are pushing something, then they have ulterior motives and not to be trusted. Follow the money.

Sheila   time to pray. time to sleep. good night all.

Sheila   In Midst of Energy Crisis, Mysterious Explosion in Texas Takes One of World's Largest Fuel Plants Offline

By Mike Landry June 10, 2022 at 1:12pm https://www.westernjournal.com/midst-energy-crisis-mysterious-explosion-texas-takes-one-worlds-largest-fuel-plants-offline/

Sheila June 12, 2022 - U.S. gas prices hit $5 per gallon for the first time today, setting the 31st record in 33 days amid surging inflation.


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