Friday Evening Update with MarkZ 5-6-2022

Friday Evening News with MarkZ 05/06/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Prayers something happens soon! GOD IS GOOD!!! Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there!

Member: Captains log star date 5/6/2022.3, Spock tracking increased chatter in the RV sector, Ohura not convinced, but Checkov is hopeful. Not convinced Klingon's are not trying to throw us off. Kirk, out.

MZ: I am suddenly getting a lot of news out of the Reno area with great expectations over the next 4 days.

MZ: Military contacts are saying that mid –month is still their timeframe….so the Reno folks are a little ahead of the military contacts.

MZ: Iraqi contacts are squarely looking at the start of next week as well. …It’s all positive. We don’t know the exact timing but it appears we are exceptionally close….this is from all kinds of different sources..not just one.  

Member:  In my opinion the boards are quiet except for prepping for appointments which is awesome!

Member: I’m hearing Iraq has permission to go!!

MZ: I am hearing the same thing.

MZ: The IMF made a statement earlier this week and are pushing for Iraq to increase their rate or strengthen their currency. Give it a higher value….so we know that it is imminent…we just don’t know the exact time.

Member: Mark, usually Mr C never gives dates. But today he said he expects action by mid month. Pretty strong, eh?

Member: Bruce mentioned we should exchange next week.

MZ: I believe he could be accurate.

MZ: And there is so much going on in the world news that gives us a great indicator of our timing…

Member:  Fleming said a code was going to be kicked out this weekend to start the RV.

Member: Rumor out there we will have to go to Iraq to exchange???????

Member: I believe this is misinformation being  put out there saying we have to go to Iraq to exchange… the Americans who exchanged the Kuwaiti dinar didn't have to go there to exchange!


Member: some gurus say we need a Lobster wallet to exchange?

MZ: That is utter BS….You do not need a lobster wallet or any kind of wallet to exchange currencies…..If we needed a wallet that would mean the QFS doesn’t work.

Member: I heard Zimbabwe went gold backed.

MZ: is in the process of going gold backed….but I think it already is there- personally…and just waiting for it to be announced.  

Member: Anything change on rates?

Mod: Estimated Rates: Dong - $2.25 (up to $4.00???), Dinar - $6.00 (up to $11.00???), Zim - .30 (per million) without projects, higher rate with projects only for projects, Indo Rupiah $1.47 ***

Member:  I feel something will happen soon! It would be a FABULOUS Mother’s Day gift!! God is GOOD!

Member: Everyone have a good Friday night….

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

The next stream is tomorrow at around 9:45- 10Am est……..


Keep Watering Your Bamboo Tree


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