Cutting Out These 24 Expenses Will Save You Over $15,000 a Year
Cutting Out These 24 Expenses Will Save You Over $15,000 a Year
John Csiszar Sun, May 7, 2023
When it comes to living expenses, the truth is that most Americans subsist on a very thin margin, even if their earnings are solid. A recent survey from LendingClub and PYMTS revealed that about 51% of Americans who earn over $100,000, are living paycheck to paycheck.
The good news is that if you take a closer look at how you live, you'll likely find many areas where you can trim expenses and give yourself an extra buffer.
Cutting Out These 24 Expenses Will Save You Over $15,000 a Year
John Csiszar Sun, May 7, 2023
When it comes to living expenses, the truth is that most Americans subsist on a very thin margin, even if their earnings are solid. A recent survey from LendingClub and PYMTS revealed that about 51% of Americans who earn over $100,000, are living paycheck to paycheck.
The good news is that if you take a closer look at how you live, you'll likely find many areas where you can trim expenses and give yourself an extra buffer.
See what expenses you could cut from your budget, how you can save thousands of dollars in the process and how you can better invest the money instead.
1. Credit Card Interest
Monthly Savings: $64.47
Annual Savings: $773.61
Every month that you don't pay your full credit card balance you'll be charged interest. That's essentially money you're throwing away. The average American has a monthly credit card balance of $7,279, according to a recent report from LendingTree. With an average annual percentage rate of 19.07%, many Americans can save big on fees by getting rid of their credit card debt.
Let's assume you've built up the average amount of credit card debt and want to pay it off over the course of a year. By the end of that year, you'll have paid $773.61 in interest, according to Credit Karma's debt repayment calculator.
2. Life Insurance
Monthly Savings: $33
Annual Savings: $430
Life insurance is an essential benefit for many because it provides protection for spouses and heirs in case the primary breadwinner dies unexpectedly. This can be especially important if the family has a mortgage or other debts to pay off. The annual premium for a healthy 35-year-old male for a $500,000, 20-year term policy is about $430, according to CNN.
But if you have no dependents, you likely don't need life insurance and might consider canceling your policy. Another option is to look for a job with employer-paid life insurance.
3. Brokerage Commissions and Fees
To continue reading, please go to the original article here:
Urgent Message From Freeway Bill And DebTarHeelGirl Thursday 7-22-2021
From Freeway Bill and DebTarHeelGirl Regarding the Wells Fargo Private Group
Regarding the erroneous information from Nick Fleming who has no authority whatsoever to speak/post on behalf of the Wells Fargo Private Group, Nick Fleming’s statements regarding the WF group is 100 % false!!
Please understand and reread this….. Nick's statements are 100% false!!!
Nick is not a part of, nor in any position, or in any contact with the Wells Fargo private group leadership.
Long standing trusted front runners DebTarHeelGirl and Freeway Bill spoke to those in authority regarding the “reported WF group information” released by Nick Fleming. They were instructed by those in authority in the WF Private Group to report that ALL IS WELL with the Wells Fargo Private Group. It is still intact and the protocols are still in place, awaiting GCR activation permissions as we all are.
From Freeway Bill and DebTarHeelGirl Regarding the Wells Fargo Private Group
Regarding the erroneous information from Nick Fleming who has no authority whatsoever to speak/post on behalf of the Wells Fargo Private Group, Nick Fleming’s statements regarding the WF group is 100 % false!!
Please understand and reread this….. Nick's statements are 100% false!!!
Nick is not a part of, nor in any position, or in any contact with the Wells Fargo private group leadership.
Long standing trusted front runners DebTarHeelGirl and Freeway Bill spoke to those in authority regarding the “reported WF group information” released by Nick Fleming. They were instructed by those in authority in the WF Private Group to report that ALL IS WELL with the Wells Fargo Private Group. It is still intact and the protocols are still in place, awaiting GCR activation permissions as we all are.
Understand that Bankers WILL NOT put out GCR exchange protocol’s to third party “people/guru’s”.
Remember to NEVER give up your currency to anyone until sitting across from an exchange officer.
Freeway Bill and DebTarHeelGirl
Solid Wisdom From DebTarHeelGirl Friday 4-30-2021
PLEASE if you have ever been given a sincere word of advice to prevent Grave circumstances, I want you to read this and I humbly ask you to please take heed! The consequences could be detrimental.
It doesn't matter if they have a foreign accent that makes them "seem legit" PLEASE TRUST THIS.
IF you are asked to do so, ask them to show their SEC license and their UST registration to LEGALLY have a group. And if you are told by joining their group, you will be able to exchange early other perks but you will be charged 5%, 3% etc. RUN RUN RUN! This is illegal!!!
PLEASE if you have ever been given a sincere word of advice to prevent Grave circumstances, I want you to read this and I humbly ask you to please take heed! The consequences could be detrimental.
It doesn't matter if they have a foreign accent that makes them "seem legit" PLEASE TRUST THIS.
IF you are asked to do so, ask them to show their SEC license and their UST registration to LEGALLY have a group. And if you are told by joining their group, you will be able to exchange early other perks but you will be charged 5%, 3% etc. RUN RUN RUN! This is illegal!!!
Please trust this word of wisdom. You are a part of this wealth transfer of biblical proportions. We all will have the same opportunity.
God bless each of you and your goals and future endeavors!
Thursday Night X22 Reports News Flash and X22 Report Spotlight 9-24-2020
.V Recovery Continues, Economic Foundation Being Built, Watch The Market & Gold - Episode 2285a
X22 Report News Flash: Sep 24, 2020
Nothing can stop this recovery, the UK is seeing a bounce back, as soon as the lockdown rule was dropped, what happened, retail started to jump back, same thing will happen here in the US.
The number of people who are filing first time unemployment is continually dropping.
Housing market is in a V recovery with new homes sales bouncing back.
The foundation is being built, the battle continues, watch the market and gold.
V Recovery Continues, Economic Foundation Being Built, Watch The Market & Gold - Episode 2285a
X22 Report News Flash: Sep 24, 2020
Nothing can stop this recovery, the UK is seeing a bounce back, as soon as the lockdown rule was dropped, what happened, retail started to jump back, same thing will happen here in the US.
The number of people who are filing first time unemployment is continually dropping.
Housing market is in a V recovery with new homes sales bouncing back.
The foundation is being built, the battle continues, watch the market and gold.
The Hunt Is On, [CF] Comes Into Focus, Crimes Against Humanity - Episode 2285b
X22 Report News Flash: Sep 24, 2020
The plan is now coming together, the [DS] has taken the bait, they are trapped there is no way out.
They are planning chaos right after the election, they have already projected what they are going to do.
Durham is let loose, the [CF] comes into focus.
The hunt is on, get ready for October.
People Are Waking Up To [DS] Events, The [DS] World Control Agenda Is Failing: Claudio Grass
X22 Report Spotlight: Sep 24, 2020
Claudio discusses the virus event. That the people are not buying it anymore, the hospitalization rate is close to zero, the death rate is close to zero and this less harmful than the flu.
The [DS] is now pushing their agenda for total control, but the people are waking up and the people are banning together.
Claudio also discusses on how the [CB] are using the crisis to cover up the global economy implosion.
Gold will continue to move up, but the [CB] will try to push it down.
"General Questions to Ask Wealth Advisers" from DebTarHeelGirl
.Thank You DebTarHeelGirl
From DebTarHeelGirl:
General Questions to Ask Wealth Advisors
Choose the questions that are most relevant for your situation When interviewing a wealth advisor, it is important to ask the right question and know how to interpret the answers.
Here are select questions to get you started. In a formal selection process the family should come up with additional relevant questions that will isolate important criteria.
Thank You DebTarHeelGirl
From DebTarHeelGirl:
General Questions to Ask Wealth Advisers
Choose the questions that are most relevant for your situation When interviewing a wealth advisor, it is important to ask the right question and know how to interpret the answers.
Here are select questions to get you started. In a formal selection process the family should come up with additional relevant questions that will isolate important criteria.
Firm Background and Ownership
When was the firm founded?
When did the firm begin providing wealth advisory services? What was the impetus behind the creation of the multi-family office business, if applicable?
What is the firm's organizational structure? If family-owned, what is the percentage of the family s interest?
What is the firm's ownership structure? If family-owned, what is the percentage of the family's interest?
Does the firm develop an annual strategic plan? If so, what are primary initiatives for the firm in the next two years?
What is the firm's stated mission?
Is the firm a Registered Investment Adviser under the 1940 Act of the Securities and Exchange Commission? Please provide a copy of the firm's ADV Parts I & II filed annually with the SEC.
Describe your expertise in each of the following service areas:
wealth transfer planning
financial planning
foundation and philanthropic planning
investment planning
investment management
performance analysis
tax planning and tax compliance
bill paying and cashflow management
client education process
What are your areas of greatest strength when providing wealth advisory services?
What new services/service enhancements are you planning to introduce in the next year?
What aspects of your business distinguish you from your competition?
Do you work with outside investment consultants to enhance your research?
Client Relationships
How many family relationships does your wealth advisory business have? What is the distribution of clients by type (business owners, wealth owners, wealth inheritors, foundation, etc.)?
How many new clients have you added/lost in each of the past three years?
What percentage of your clients are full-service relationships? What services do you typically provide to the clients that don't use your firm for all services?
How do you get new business? Do you have an active new business development effort?
What are current assets under management?
Please provide a breakdown of:
growth in new assets due to new client business over the past three years
growth in assets due to new assets from existing clients
loss of assets due to client attrition in the past three years
Provide references from three clients that have worked with your firm for at least three years?
What were the reasons why former clients terminated your services in the past three years?
How many employees do you have in each major department? Provide a breakdown of employees in the following categories:
senior relationship managers
investment professionals
tax and accounting professionals
philanthropy specialists
information technology professionals
marketing professionals
operational/back-office personnel
administrative staff
How is the typical relationship management team structured? And how is technical expertise provided to support the relationship team?
How are the relationship managers compensated? If they are paid incentive compensation, what is that based upon? Do they share in firm profits?
What is the typical account load for a relationship manager?
Please provide the biographies for senior management and key personnel who would service my account.
Provide the number of employee hires and terminations/resignations for the past three years.
Client Servicing and Reporting
How do you most frequently communicate with clients?
Do you have regularly scheduled client meetings? If so, what is the frequency and who typically represents the firm?
How do you interact with the clients' other key advisers?
Do you provide electronic versions of client reports? Do clients have on-line access to their reports?
What is the website address?
Client Education and Research
What kind of client education do you provide?
Do you offer formal seminars or other educational opportunities?
Do you publish research or newsletters for your clients benefit? Please include a list of research papers distributed to clients with the date of publication.
Pricing and Fees
Do you have a published fee schedule? If so, please provide. If not, please describe how you determine a fee for a new client.
Is there a minimum account size or minimum fee requirement?
How does the fee structure differ for different client types?
Do you offer any performance-based fees? As an alternative to basis points?
Do you accept soft dollars from any product providers?
Do you accept fees of any other type of service providers? If so, under what circumstances?
DebTarHeelGirl "Rest in Truth-It's Coming!"
.Emailed to Recaps:
DebTarHeelGirl: So many of you are calling, emailing and asking me WHY when folks are posting that the RV is tomorrow, we can exchange at a large rate, 5,000 exchange centers are there waiting for us to come in, you are SO crushed that it never happens when the postings say it was to happen....
DO NOT GROW WEARY IN WELL DOING... you are doing so well to keep the faith - I know it’s hard, believe me, you would CRY if you knew why I needed finances right now.
We ALL need this blessing to manifest so I am right there with you. So let’s read this together as I type this. I am taking this Word of Faith and allowing this FAITH DOWNLOAD to remain in me today too... It's for you too!
Emailed to Recaps:
DebTarHeelGirl: So many of you are calling, emailing and asking me WHY when folks are posting that the RV is tomorrow, we can exchange at a large rate, 5,000 exchange centers are there waiting for us to come in, you are SO crushed that it never happens when the postings say it was to happen....
DO NOT GROW WEARY IN WELL DOING... you are doing so well to keep the faith - I know it’s hard, believe me, you would CRY if you knew why I needed finances right now.
We ALL need this blessing to manifest so I am right there with you. So let’s read this together as I type this. I am taking this Word of Faith and allowing this FAITH DOWNLOAD to remain in me today too... It's for you too!
Let me remind you this day - DELAY IS NOT DENIAL - if we could only see our future, we would be able to rest, or would we? If we could see our future workings, we would be right in there trying to make it come to pass.
Therefore, Faith in GOD is the only source to have assurance, written in His word and spoken word, that WHAT HE PROMISES HE WILL DO.
God has promised this wealth transfer and it is in process to be given unto us at any time. Until that manifests, walk the walk of faith, try not to take in what all the guru and gossips and so called "right intel" to the point it effects your daily faith.
Now that is not to say that some things are visual but the real internal matters of this world joint venture, CANNOT be put out there to allow the wrong people to stop it... Thus far no one has and can't...
When this is over LOTS will be revealed as to what the actual Global Currency Reset really is, what the revaluation of many foreign currencies really is, and the WHOLE PROCESS as to why it really took that long to complete...
Remember this has NEVER been done before and all the intricacies to this process is so very sensitive it most has to be hidden and not tainted by falsehoods or allowed to be shown and gotten into the wrong hands.
REST IN TRUTH - It's coming!
All My Best Debbie