Labor Day, The First Continental Congress Meets In Philadelphia

Labor Day, The First Continental Congress Meets In Philadelphia

September 5, 2022 | by NCC Staff

On September 5, 1774, the first Continental Congress in the United States met in Philadelphia to consider its reaction to the British government’s restraints on trade and representative government after the Boston Tea Party.

The group of colonial luminaries didn’t meet in Independence Hall (which, at the time, was called the Pennsylvania State House). Instead, delegates selected by colonial legislatures met next door in Carpenters’ Hall, which had just been constructed. The State House was already occupied by the Pennsylvania provincial assembly.

Labor Day, The First Continental Congress Meets In Philadelphia

September 5, 2022 | by NCC Staff

On September 5, 1774, the first Continental Congress in the United States met in Philadelphia to consider its reaction to the British government’s restraints on trade and representative government after the Boston Tea Party.

The group of colonial luminaries didn’t meet in Independence Hall (which, at the time, was called the Pennsylvania State House). Instead, delegates selected by colonial legislatures met next door in Carpenters’ Hall, which had just been constructed. The State House was already occupied by the Pennsylvania provincial assembly.

The delegates gathered on the morning of September 5 at Philadelphia’s City Tavern, near Benjamin Franklin’s home. Franklin had remained in England, and he would deliver a petition from the First Congress to King George III in late 1774. The group then walked over to Carpenters’ Hall to inspect the meeting room.

“They took a view of the room, and of the chamber where is an excellent library… The general cry was, that this was a good room, and the question was put, whether we were satisfied with this room? and it passed in the affirmative,” said John Adams.

In all, 56 delegates from 12 colonies came to Philadelphia for the meeting to address the Coercive or Intolerable Acts. The laws were meant as punishment for the activities of the Boston Tea Party, but they affected all colonies. Neither Franklin nor Thomas Jefferson attended, but in addition to Adams, the delegates included Patrick Henry, Roger Sherman, John Jay, John Dickinson, Richard Henry Lee,  George Washington, and John Adams’ cousin, Samuel Adams.

Thomas Jefferson’s cousin, Peyton Randolph, was named as the first president of the Continental Congress. Randolph was another prominent Virginia leader and Washington’s close friend.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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12 Entitled Kids Of Millionaires Who Got Humbled Really, Really, REALLY Quickly By The Real World

12 Entitled Kids Of Millionaires Who Got Humbled Really, Really, REALLY Quickly By The Real World

BuzzFeed  Sun, July 21, 2024

A while ago, Reddit user u/GhostRxm asked, "What was the best moment you've seen where the real world hit a spoiled rich kid?"

A handful of the submissions in the thread were about kids who had (or whose family) had millions. The stories ranged from funny to straight-up scandalous, so here are the best ones:

1.  "A kid I knew won a cool million off a scratch ticket when he was 19. He acted like a big shot, arrogantly buying rounds of drinks for entire bars. He didn’t do anything productive for 20 years.

Then he got the last check — an alcoholic with no savings, no assets, and no skills. He is now in and out of hospitals for alcohol poisoning. He lost his paper-hat job, his girlfriend, and everything else."

12 Entitled Kids Of Millionaires Who Got Humbled Really, Really, REALLY Quickly By The Real World

BuzzFeed  Sun, July 21, 2024

A while ago, Reddit user u/GhostRxm asked, "What was the best moment you've seen where the real world hit a spoiled rich kid?"

A handful of the submissions in the thread were about kids who had (or whose family) had millions. The stories ranged from funny to straight-up scandalous, so here are the best ones:

1.  "A kid I knew won a cool million off a scratch ticket when he was 19. He acted like a big shot, arrogantly buying rounds of drinks for entire bars. He didn’t do anything productive for 20 years.

Then he got the last check — an alcoholic with no savings, no assets, and no skills. He is now in and out of hospitals for alcohol poisoning. He lost his paper-hat job, his girlfriend, and everything else." —u/wastingtoomuchthyme

2.  "A guy from my robotics group had his entire life handed to him. His dad was stupidly rich because his own father had bought shares in an oil field that turned out to have 40 times the expected yield, turning a $100,000 investment into around $3 million. He then invested that money into real estate rentals.

The guy decided it would be fun to go on a school trip to Philadelphia, acting rich as ever. He drove his lifted, modified SUV to a school in North Philly where we were doing a robotics event, talking to younger kids about how fun it was and how their school had started offering it.

After that, we were supposed to go to the Franklin Institute from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., followed by a Phantoms hockey game. Well, at 9:30, we left the school to see our bus driver talking to cops. Five kids had driven themselves down, and guess which car was stolen? His $90,000 monstrosity was missing."

"After two months, all that was ever recovered was his stereo from a pawn shop and his laptop. The best part? He didn't have insurance on it yet because he said, 'I can just buy the other person’s car if there's an accident. Anyway, I'd win the fight.' His dad flipped out over it, cut his allowance to $200 a month, and forced him to drive a beater."   —u/suitology

3.  "A friend of mine from college, whose parents were rich enough to own multimillion-dollar homes in America and Europe, used to belittle me for being happy to go to whatever medical school I could get into. I ended up getting into my state school, and she responded by saying she could get into that school in a second because her mom had connections in the admissions department.

 She added that she would never bother applying there because it wasn't a good school. She also claimed that her mom could get her into a top 20 ranked school.

Throughout college, she had this attitude towards me, implying that even though I was doing better than her in classes, I would end up at whatever school would take me while she would go to her dream school because that's just how the world works. I checked up on her on Facebook this year, and it turns out she’s not exactly at her dream school."

"She is at her state medical school, which is actually significantly lower ranked than the one she mocked me for attending. I don't want to say I was hoping she wouldn't get in anywhere because that’s a little harsh, but I was happy to see her get put in her place a little bit."   —u/houdilini

4.  "There was this one kid, about 13 or 14 years old, who was talking online about how her family wouldn’t take her on holiday for the second time that year. We called her out for being a spoiled brat, and she responded with, 'I’m not rich, my family only makes a million a year. My summer camp isn’t even $3,000,' and other reasons why she couldn’t possibly be rich.

To Read More:  https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/people-sharing-moments-where-saw-151602814.html

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Dinar Recaps Archives, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Dinar Recaps Archives, Special Dinar Recaps 20

“Don’t Quit” From Recaps Archives


When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit- Rest, if you must, but don’t quit.


When things go wrong as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest, if you must, but don’t quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a fellow turns about
When he might have won had he stuck it out.
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow-
You may succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than
It seems to a faint and faltering man:
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup.
And he learned to late when the night came down
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out-
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems afar:
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit-
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.



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Personal Finance, Special, Humor DINARRECAPS8 Personal Finance, Special, Humor DINARRECAPS8

The Worst Case Of "Rich Kid Syndrome"

People Are Spilling On The Worst Case Of "Rich Kid Syndrome" That They Have Ever Seen, And Some Of These Might Make Your Blood Start Boiling

BuzzFeed   Thu, July 4, 2024

At some point in our lives, I am sure we all have found ourselves interacting with someone who is completely out of touch because of their wealth. And while the person might not be trying to be malicious or trying to flaunt their wealth with what they're saying, it can still leave you with a not-so-great impression of them.

Jessica Walter as Lucille Bluth says, "It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?" while holding a banana in a luxurious living room

A few months back, Reddit user WaterWire was interested in just that, in particular with people who grew up wealthy, when they asked: "What’s the worst case of “rich kid syndrome” that you’ve ever seen?"

The thread got over a thousand responses. Below are the top and best comments — which will probably make you roll your eyes a few times:

People Are Spilling On The Worst Case Of "Rich Kid Syndrome" That They Have Ever Seen, And Some Of These Might Make Your Blood Start Boiling

BuzzFeed   Thu, July 4, 2024

At some point in our lives, I am sure we all have found ourselves interacting with someone who is completely out of touch because of their wealth. And while the person might not be trying to be malicious or trying to flaunt their wealth with what they're saying, it can still leave you with a not-so-great impression of them.

Jessica Walter as Lucille Bluth says, "It's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?" while holding a banana in a luxurious living room

A few months back, Reddit user WaterWire was interested in just that, in particular with people who grew up wealthy, when they asked: "What’s the worst case of “rich kid syndrome” that you’ve ever seen?"

The thread got over a thousand responses. Below are the top and best comments — which will probably make you roll your eyes a few times:

1."I used to work with someone who proclaimed to be an environmentalist. She was very preachy. Once, I had a can of Coke on my desk. She said, 'You're going to recycle that, right?' She used her father's personal jet all the time. Once, just to fly from NYC to Boston to see a baseball game."

2."A girl I went to school with crashed and totaled six cars in three years, and her parents continued buying her better and newer cars 'cause every accident 'wasn’t her fault,' and if she had stuff like a backup camera and sensors, they 'wouldn’t have happened.' She got into a fender bender in the school parking lot, and her dad showed up with a wad of cash and paid the other student off."

3."A former friend stamping her foot and crying because 'dad sold the jet and I have to take a commercial flight to our ranch.'"

4."An 'influencer' wondering why other people in their home country don't spend their life traveling like them."

5."Not me, but a friend of mine was an assistant trainer at a Panera store. They hired a teenager who was only working there to meet people. One day, a group left a huge mess in the dining room. Apparently, the teen turned to my friend and said, 'Should we get the help to clean that?' And my friend had to explain that they were the help. He apparently quit not long after."

6."A senior rich kid in my high school was driving his dad's Jaguar when his buddy asked him what would happen if he threw into reverse at 60mph. So they tried it and essentially blew the transmission and the motor up. A few months later, he got a Porsche for Christmas."

7."Had a guy work for me in the military. He thought he didn’t have to do anything because his parents would just 'call their friends.' He ended up getting kicked out for LSD and cocaine use."

8."I have a lot of extended family out in California who I’ve never met, but I sometimes hear stories from my parents, who keep in touch with a few relatives out there. One of my distant cousins, who was, like, 17 at the time, intentionally totaled the new BMW his parents bought him because he wanted a Mercedes instead. Can't remember if they ended up buying him that Mercedes or not, but they probably did. Sadly."

To Read More:


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Dinar Recaps, Special DINARRECAPS8 Dinar Recaps, Special DINARRECAPS8

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July

The Dinar Recaps Team wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.

Due to the holiday, we will NOT have a 10pm (ET) email Newsletter Thursday night.

Please check our BLOG page for any new postings throughout the day and evening.

Happy 4th of July

The Dinar Recaps Team wishes everyone a happy and safe 4th of July.

Due to the holiday, we will NOT have a 10pm (ET) email Newsletter Thursday night.

Please check our BLOG page for any new postings throughout the day and evening.

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Humor, Special Dinar Recaps 20 Humor, Special Dinar Recaps 20

“Mothers Day Bits and Pieces” Posted by Mot at TNT


Mot:  ...... the woman at the end of the street

We live about a half mile from the bus stop.

There are nine kids (including my three) who live along the half mile stretch leading to the bus stop.

My kids love taking the bus because they love hanging out, talking and playing with their friends before the bus arrives.

There’s a family who lives right at the end of the street close to the bus stop.

The youngest daughter is about to graduate from high school and will leave for college in a couple months.

It could go either way living near the bus stop.


Mot:  ...... the woman at the end of the street

We live about a half mile from the bus stop.

There are nine kids (including my three) who live along the half mile stretch leading to the bus stop.

My kids love taking the bus because they love hanging out, talking and playing with their friends before the bus arrives.

There’s a family who lives right at the end of the street close to the bus stop.

The youngest daughter is about to graduate from high school and will leave for college in a couple months.

It could go either way living near the bus stop.

You could be annoyed that there are nine kids running around and having fun right outside your house 180 mornings and afternoons of the year.

Or you could welcome it.

The mom (already missing her daughter before she has even graduated from high school) loves having the kids around.

She lets them play with her dog whenever they want to.

She lets them play football and tag and climb the tree in her front yard.

She also lets them keep their bikes, scooters, skateboards, helmets, footballs, basketballs, frisbees, baseball gloves and whatever else they bring to the bus stop at her house when the bus arrives.

Then they can grab their stuff when they get off the bus after school and hang out and play and ride their bikes home.

So now, every morning, Kasen and Marit ride their bikes to the bus stop.

They get out the door ten or fifteen minutes earlier than they need to so they have time to ride bikes before school and have fun with their friends.

They actually rush out the door to go to school.

And they wouldn’t be able to do this if it weren’t for the amazing woman who welcomes and appreciates this group of kids every day.

There are so many ways to make this world a better place and the woman at the end of the street has mastered one of them.


Mot: .. the MOM Voice Its real

Mot: .... Beeeeeeeeee Sure and Remember!!! ~~~~

Mot: ... Yaaaaaaaaaa - She Gets the Day Off!!!!!

Mot:  . Yeppers - one day 

Mot .... Anything Left OUt????

Mot: 12 Hours of Labor

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Goldilocks, Special DINARRECAPS8 Goldilocks, Special DINARRECAPS8

 A Special Message from Goldilocks Late Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

 A Special Message from Goldilocks Late Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Good evening, it is with a deeply sad heart that I have been moved to write to you tonight. Salty, a friend to so many of us on this journey has been affected the last few days by a group of people who are going around telling people in various rooms that they have to belong to their room or they will not be able to exchange and that the law will be coming after them.  
This threatens the emotional well-being of people and disturbs their souls, and this is why I am sending this message tonight.
Folks, we live in a world whereby free speech still exists. Even though various opinions may be out there in Dinarland we all don't agree with, it is important to have them for they touch people in different ways from people who care about others. It is important for us to move into a place of higher ground with each other.  

 A Special Message from Goldilocks Late Wednesday Evening 1-31-24

Good evening, it is with a deeply sad heart that I have been moved to write to you tonight. Salty, a friend to so many of us on this journey has been affected the last few days by a group of people who are going around telling people in various rooms that they have to belong to their room or they will not be able to exchange and that the law will be coming after them.  
This threatens the emotional well-being of people and disturbs their souls, and this is why I am sending this message tonight.
Folks, we live in a world whereby free speech still exists. Even though various opinions may be out there in Dinarland we all don't agree with, it is important to have them for they touch people in different ways from people who care about others. It is important for us to move into a place of higher ground with each other.  

The ability to live in a place of coexistence through unconditional love is the place where a mature human is able to experience miracles. It is the place where transformations of the human heart become possible.  
I ask you to pray for my friend Salty and those who do not realize what they are doing to those around them in making the stress of this journey far more difficult than it has to be.  
My prayer tonight is "Father forgive them for they know not what they do." And watch over my friend Salty. You know she means so much to all of us.
© Goldilocks

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Humor, Misc., Special, Today's Smile Post DINARRECAPS8 Humor, Misc., Special, Today's Smile Post DINARRECAPS8





January 17 marks the 95th Birthday of the world’s most famous spinach loving, nautical hero — it's Popeye the Sailor Man! Today, we are taking epic strides to honor this legendary sailor who is tough and fit with tons of grit, as one of America’s most renown, pop-culture icons. After all, he yam what he yam!


Popeye is the seeming underdog with bulging forearms, a mean uppercut, and a love of canned spinach. He is a defender of the weak and protector of those he loves. As the embodiment of strength and fitness, Popeye inspires us all to work hard, care for others, be persistent, and stay strong to the finish. Of course, all with the help of a hefty amount of spinach. In 2024, we are celebrating 95 years of this iconic figure, and the timeless inspiration Popeye has brought to billions of people. 

Popeye was created by Elzie Crisler (E.C) Segar and made his first appearance in the comic strip "Thimble Theatre" on January 17, 1929. Originally created as a minor character, Popeye quickly became a super star. By 1938, the comic changed its name to “Popeye,” creating one of the most iconic cultural comic strips of all time.


 January 17 marks the 95th Birthday of the world’s most famous spinach loving, nautical hero — it's Popeye the Sailor Man! Today, we are taking epic strides to honor this legendary sailor who is tough and fit with tons of grit, as one of America’s most renown, pop-culture icons. After all, he yam what he yam!


Popeye is the seeming underdog with bulging forearms, a mean uppercut, and a love of canned spinach. He is a defender of the weak and protector of those he loves. As the embodiment of strength and fitness, Popeye inspires us all to work hard, care for others, be persistent, and stay strong to the finish. Of course, all with the help of a hefty amount of spinach. In 2024, we are celebrating 95 years of this iconic figure, and the timeless inspiration Popeye has brought to billions of people. 

Popeye was created by Elzie Crisler (E.C) Segar and made his first appearance in the comic strip "Thimble Theatre" on January 17, 1929. Originally created as a minor character, Popeye quickly became a super star. By 1938, the comic changed its name to “Popeye,” creating one of the most iconic cultural comic strips of all time.

Popeye has appeared in 1000s of comic strips, over 600 cartoon episodes, and over 100 books since his creation. Today, he has over 9.6 million followers on social media! Popeye is ingrained in pop culture and is one of the most recognizable and beloved cartoon characters in the world.

15 Fun Facts about Popeye®

  1. Popeye is 10 years younger than Olive Oyl! He walked on to her strip, “Thimble Theatre,” as a bit character in 1929 and became so popular the strip was eventually renamed “Popeye.”

  2. Before spinach became the source of Popeye’s super strength, his power came from rubbing the head of a magical Whiffle Hen named Bernice!

  3. Popeye is known as Braccio di Ferro (“Iron Arm”) in Italy, Karl Alfred in Sweden, and Skipper Skraek ("Terror of the Sea") in Denmark.

  4. Popeye made his silver screen debut on July 14, 1933 appearing in the Betty Boop cartoon entitled "Popeye the Sailor." The cartoon was produced by Fleischer Studios and distributed by Paramount Pictures. 

  5. The song "I'm Popeye the Sailor Man" was released in 1933. Composed by Sammy Lerner, the song gave birth to one of Popeye’s most famous catch phrases “I’m strong to da finich ‘cause I eats me spinach.”

  6. Popeye is recognized for his influence on America's spinach consumption, so much so that Crystal City, TX, the Spinach Capital of the World, erected a statue in his honor in 1937.

  7. The Popeye Village in Malta was developed for the 1980 Popeye movie starring Robin Williams. The village still exists today and has grown into a major tourist attraction in the Maltese Islands.

  8. Popeye has inspired many iconic pop-artists over the year, including Andy Warhol (1961), Roy Lichtenstein (1961) and Jeff Koons (2002).

  9. In Summer 1976, Tokyo based Magazine House launches the “Popeye” magazine. The magazine was the first fashion and lifestyle magazine to be published in Japan that targets young, Japanese men. The magazine is named “Popeye” because the creator’s son was a fan.

  10. In 1957, Popeye’s balloon first appeared in the Macy’s Day parade. Interestingly, Olive Oyl became the first female balloon to join the parade in the early 1980’s.

  11. Popeye was featured as the Google Doodle in 2009 to honor creator E.C. Segar’s birthday.

  12. Popeye is a clean ocean advocate and ambassador for ocean conservation and clean up organization known as The SeaCleaners.

  13. Chester, IL, the birthplace of Popeye creator, E.C. Segar, honors hometown hero the Popeye & Friends Character Trail. Every year, granite statues representing the wide cast of characters from Segar’s Thimble Theatre cartoon strips are added to the trail throughout the city.

  14. Good Housekeeping’s Nutrition Lab awarded Popeye the “Good Housekeeping Nutritionist Approved Emblem” in their January/February 2024 issue to celebrate his decades-long commitment to healthy eating, fitness as well as his efforts in ocean conservation. Popeye is the first "person" to receive this honor.

  15. New Popeye comic strips are still released weekly! You can find the latest strip by Randy Milholland at ComicsKingdom.com.

 To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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Misc., Special Dinar Recaps 20 Misc., Special Dinar Recaps 20

The Little White Envelope



"It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past ten years.

It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas. Oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it – overspending and the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma – the gifts given in desperation because you couldn't think of anything else.

Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way.



"It's just a small, white envelope stuck among the branches of our Christmas tree. No name, no identification, no inscription. It has peeked through the branches of our tree for the past ten years.

It all began because my husband Mike hated Christmas. Oh, not the true meaning of Christmas, but the commercial aspects of it – overspending and the frantic running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and the dusting powder for Grandma – the gifts given in desperation because you couldn't think of anything else.

Knowing he felt this way, I decided one year to bypass the usual shirts, sweaters, ties and so forth. I reached for something special just for Mike. The inspiration came in an unusual way.

Our son Kevin, who was 12 that year, was on the wrestling team at the school he attended. Shortly before Christmas, there was a non-league match against a team sponsored by an inner-city church. These youngsters, dressed in sneakers so ragged that shoestrings seemed to be the only thing holding them together, presented a sharp contrast to our boys in their spiffy blue and gold uniforms and sparkling new wrestling shoes.

As the match began, I was alarmed to see that the other team was wrestling without headgear, a kind of light helmet designed to protect a wrestler's ears. It was a luxury the ragtag team obviously could not afford.

Well, we ended up walloping them. We took every weight class. Mike, seated beside me, shook his head sadly, "I wish just one of them could have won," he said. "They have a lot of potential, but losing like this could take the heart right out of them." Mike loved kids – all kids. He so enjoyed coaching little league football, baseball and lacrosse. That's when the idea for his present came.

That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought an assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes, and sent them anonymously to the inner-city church. On Christmas Eve, I placed a small, white envelope on the tree, the note inside telling Mike what I had done, and that this was his gift from me.

Mike's smile was the brightest thing about Christmas that year. And that same bright smile lit up succeeding years. For each Christmas, I followed the tradition – one year sending a group of mentally handicapped youngsters to a hockey game, another year a check to a pair of elderly brothers whose home had burned to the ground the week before Christmas, and on and on.

The white envelope became the highlight of our Christmas. It was always the last thing opened on Christmas morning, and our children – ignoring their new toys – would stand with wide-eyed anticipation as their dad lifted the envelope from the tree to reveal its contents. As the children grew, the toys gave way to more practical presents, but the small, white envelope never lost its allure.

The story doesn't end there. You see, we lost Mike last year due to dreaded cancer. When Christmas rolled around, I was still so wrapped in grief that I barely got the tree up. But Christmas Eve found me placing an envelope on the tree. And the next morning, I found it was magically joined by three more. Unbeknownst to the others, each of our three children had for the first time placed a white envelope on the tree for their dad. The tradition has grown and someday will expand even further with our grandchildren standing to take down that special envelope.

Mike's spirit, like the Christmas spirit will always be with us."

For the Man Who Hated Christmas

(A true Christmas Story by Nancy W. Gavin, December 2015)

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Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps Dinar Recaps, Special Dinar Recaps

Merry Christmas from The Dinar Recaps Team

Please scroll down for new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps would like to wish all our Readers a Very Merry Christmas.

We wish that all your dreams and wishes come true this coming year.

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on all day Monday. Please check our BLOG PAGE for all new posts.

On Christmas Day we plan to have 11am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters.

Have a happy and safe holiday. The Dinar Recaps Team

Please scroll down for new posts.

All of us at Dinar Recaps would like to wish all our Readers a Very Merry Christmas. 

We wish that all your dreams and wishes come true this coming year. 

Due to the holiday, we plan to have new posts off and on all day Monday. Please check our  BLOG PAGE  for all new posts. 

On Christmas Day we plan to have 11am and 6pm (ET) email Newsletters. 

Have a happy and safe holiday.  The Dinar Recaps Team

Picture from Viktor Hanacek at Picjumbo.com

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Misc., Special DINARRECAPS8 Misc., Special DINARRECAPS8

A Brief History of How Nutcracker Dolls Became A Christmas Symbol for the Ages

A Brief History of How Nutcracker Dolls Became A Christmas Symbol for the Ages

Around the start of December, it’s not unusual to see decorative nutcrackers on store shelves, arranged on mantelpieces, hanging from Christmas trees, and even decorating holiday sweaters. For some, their colorful outfits, hand-painted faces, and tufts of white hair are the very definition of Christmas cheer. But have you ever wondered how these nutcrackers got to be so popular, and why people usually only bring them out at Christmastime? The answer involves German literature, a Russian ballet, and lots of generous American G.I.s.

From Basic to Beautiful

Humans have been using tools to crack nuts for thousands of years. The earliest designs were merely two pieces of wood joined by leather or a metal hinge, but as the centuries progressed, artisans started to create figurative designs for nutcrackers, such as brass crocodiles in India and cast-iron squirrels in England.



A Brief History of How Nutcracker Dolls Became A Christmas Symbol for the Ages

12 | 14 | 2020   

Around the start of December, it’s not unusual to see decorative nutcrackers on store shelves, arranged on mantelpieces, hanging from Christmas trees, and even decorating holiday sweaters. For some, their colorful outfits, hand-painted faces, and tufts of white hair are the very definition of Christmas cheer. But have you ever wondered how these nutcrackers got to be so popular, and why people usually only bring them out at Christmastime? The answer involves German literature, a Russian ballet, and lots of generous American G.I.s.

From Basic to Beautiful

Humans have been using tools to crack nuts for thousands of years.

The earliest designs were merely two pieces of wood joined by leather or a metal hinge, but as the centuries progressed, artisans started to create figurative designs for nutcrackers, such as brass crocodiles in India and cast-iron squirrels in England.

Wood remained a popular material, and by the 18th century, carvers in Switzerland, Austria, and northern Italy were making fanciful wooden nutcrackers that looked like human and animal heads, sometimes with moving lower jaws.

The nutcrackers best known in America today come from Germany. In fact, they often come from a particular region in Germany, the Erzgebirge — a mountain range near the border with the Czech Republic. Erzgebirge is German for “ore mountains,” and for many years the region was home to rich deposits of silver, tin, uranium, and more. Starting around the early 1700s, as some of the deposits ran out, miners began crafting nutcrackers, toys, and glass ornaments as a way of supplementing dwindling mining income.

By around 1800, the earliest versions of the toy nutcracker dolls so familiar to us today started to appear in Erzgebirge workshops. It’s said that the woodcarvers chose figures of authority for these dolls — soldiers, policeman, politicians — because the common people enjoyed putting toy versions of their overseers  “to work” by having them crack the “hard nuts of life.”


Originally, these nutcrackers had no specific association with Christmas, and it’s not clear exactly when such a link began. But the seasonal significance makes some sense when you consider they were created in workshops alongside toys and games that were often given as gifts. Some have also suggested that a link arose because nuts are an important component of German holiday baking.

To continue reading, please go to the original article here:


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