Frank26, Pimpy, Currency365 and more Tuesday PM 9-22-2020
Samson: Iraq is the fourth largest oil reserve in OPEC
22nd September, 2020
Venezuela ranked first in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) as its largest reserves of crude oil out of 13 members, and Iraq ranked fourth
Venezuela, which is one of the founding members of OPEC, has proven oil reserves of 303.81 billion barrels, while Saudi Arabia, the founding member, also comes second with proven reserves of 258.60 billion barrels, and then Iran, the founding member, comes third with proven reserves of 208.60 billion barrels
Iraq comes in fourth place and it is one of the main founding members of the organization, which was founded in Baghdad in 1960 and has proven reserves of 145.02 billion barrels. Kuwait is fifth, and it is the last founding member of the organization and has proven reserves of 101.50 billion barrels
Samson: Iraq is the fourth largest oil reserve in OPEC
22nd September, 2020
Venezuela ranked first in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) as its largest reserves of crude oil out of 13 members, and Iraq ranked fourth
Venezuela, which is one of the founding members of OPEC, has proven oil reserves of 303.81 billion barrels, while Saudi Arabia, the founding member, also comes second with proven reserves of 258.60 billion barrels, and then Iran, the founding member, comes third with proven reserves of 208.60 billion barrels
Iraq comes in fourth place and it is one of the main founding members of the organization, which was founded in Baghdad in 1960 and has proven reserves of 145.02 billion barrels. Kuwait is fifth, and it is the last founding member of the organization and has proven reserves of 101.50 billion barrels
The UAE ranked sixth with proven reserves of 97.80 billion barrels, then Libya seventh and proven reserves of 48.36 billion barrels, then Nigeria eighth and proven reserves of 36.89 billion barrels. Algeria comes ninth with proven reserves of 12.20 billion barrels
Angola comes tenth with reserves of 7.78 billion barrels, Congo ranked 11 with proven reserves of 2.88 billion barrels, then Gabon is ranked 12 with proven reserves of 2 billion barrels, and finally Guyana comes in 13th place with proven reserves of 1.10 billion barrels LINK
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Frank26 ...what Donald Trump did in the Middle East is for your investment. A lot of people said, 'Wow, that Frank is really stretching it. That's stupid. Really? The Middle East Peace Accord? That's for the Iraqi dinar?' Yeah. Remember when [community member Bluestar] asked Shabbibi in Washington D.C 'When are you going to do it? When are you going to lift the value of the currency?' And what did Shabbibi say? When we have security and stability. Well guess what we have - security and stability because of the Peace Accords. All the middle eastern countries are going ballistic right now. All the middle eastern countries are happy with the Untied States of America. They are all onboard with the basket. They are onboard with the accords...
Delta ...we are all waiting for the CBI. It looks like the new governor he's really doing an excellent job. It looks like he's in a hurry to accomplish the stuff that we are all waiting for...they had an emergency meeting on Saturday...with the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Iraq...there is more confirmation they're going forward. They adopted the banking reform. IOO they are going to bring us to the rate...he's moving forward with the reforms.
Iraqi Dinar News 09/22/20
Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Sep 22, 2020
Iraq CBI Prepares Papers For Banking Sector Reforms
Currency365: Sep 22, 2020
Iraq Currency Auction Window "Gateway of Corruption"
Currency365: Sep 22, 2020
KTFA Monday Night CC with Frank26 and more....9-21-2020
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank27 and Team: 9-21-20. WHITE SUIT.......WHITE PAPERS
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank27 and Team: 9-21-20. WHITE SUIT.......WHITE PAPERS
Samson: Global banks transfer "suspicious" money estimated at more than $ 2 trillion
21st September, 2020
Leaked documents from the Financial Crime Agency at the US Treasury Department published by the International Federation of Investigative Journalism on its website revealed suspicious banking operations, whose value exceeds about $2 trillion.
The US Financial Crime Agency files consist of more than 2,500 documents, most of which were files that banks sent to US authorities between 2000 and 2017 that raised concerns about what their customers might do.
Banks transferred money to people or entities who were unable to identify them, and in many cases failed to provide required STRs for years afterward.
Jim Richards, former head of anti-money laundering at Wells Fargo & Co said . And Bank of America Corp. It is "the nature of the banking business that they move money", and despite all efforts to eradicate this, there will always be some criminal money moving through the banking system. It's a tiny fraction of the trillions of dollars that they deal with every day." LINK
Samson: An Iraqi ministry reveals thousands of double wages and recovers billions of dinars
21st September, 2020
The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs revealed, on Monday, thousands of double-payers who exceeded the social protection benefit, noting that more than (5) billion dinars were recovered from the transgressors.
The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Adel Al-Rikabi confirmed, in a statement received by Shafaq News, that "the ministry will deal legally and firmly with double-wage workers who overstep the social protection benefit and the salary of a full-time employee, who numbered about 20,000 employees from the state ministries and agencies.
Al-Rikabi directed, during a meeting with the Vice President of the Authority for People with Disabilities and Special Needs, the Vice President of the Social Protection Authority, the General Director of the Social Protection Fund, the General Director of the Department of Planning and Studies, and the Director of the Information Technology Center to "recover the sums from the employees of double salaries as soon as possible to allocate them for the inclusion of citizens Renewed from the deserving poor." He pointed out that "the deductions will be in the form of one batch or batches according to the ministries, provided that the time limit for returning the amount does not exceed five years, otherwise the employee will bear penalties according to the discipline of state employees."
In turn, Director General of the Social Protection Fund at the Ministry of Labor, Jacqueline Salioua, said, “The fund, with direct follow-up from Minister Adel Al-Rikabi, was able to recover five billion and (452) million dinars from the beginning of the year until mid-September, despite the circumstances of the Corona pandemic and the curfew and health curfew and the work stopped in Some times".
She added that "the cadres of the social protection departments and the fund have intensified their efforts to implement the minister's directive to follow up on state funds that have been exceeded, recover them and return them to the state treasury with a view to preserving public money." LINK
Samson: An economist warns of a financial method that the government may resort to to overcome its crisis
08:31 - 09/21/2020
The economic expert, Wissam Al-Tamimi, warned of a financial option related to raising the value of the dollar against the dinar to reduce the financial crisis, pointing out that this method will increase the value of goods, goods and all consumer materials.
Al-Tamimi said to "the information", that "the government does not find alternatives to overcome the financial crisis, it may resort to a plan to reduce the value of the dinar against the dollar, which is an option that increases the suffering of the citizen and raises the price of all foodstuffs and goods."
He added that "the salaries of employees will also be affected in the event of raising the dollar exchange rate against the dinar, although the employee will not make any change to his monthly salary, but its value will decrease greatly."
And that "the government's resort to such an option will be considered a robbery for the people, but legally, and the best is to follow the method of alternatives, support the national product, open the door to investment in infrastructure, release lands and empty spaces for investment and sell them to citizens in order to provide the necessary money to overcome the crisis." LINK
Bluwolf, Judy, Sabickford and more Friday PM 9-18-2020
Bluwolf message - For those that have eyes to see
Sent to Dinar Recaps
There are most of us who share information whom never have taken a dime for feeding you the rv information. We do it because it is the correct thing to do, we do it because we care, we do it because after 20 years we have become now family or just like me I am doing it obeying a mandate from our God Jehovah.
I am anxious to see this RV come in and me going into action with the rest of God's army to make the changes that this world needs, to feed our fellow man, to rebuild our country and in my case my people and my island nation.
To be able to have the opportunity to sit down with our President and schedule the efforts in rebuilding North America and all the Americas which does include the Caribbean.
Can't wait to see a smile on the face of all the people that we will help. Giving someone a home seeing their hopes and dreams come to be. Securing economic stability for the generations to come. Making both education and free healthcare possible in the United States, hey if in other places this is already a given, why can't it be possible here.
If we eliminate and take away the powers from the bigots we can restore back America to what it was intended to be, to what it should be
God is telling me that now is that time and for all to stop beating around the bush.
Na'mastes Bluwolf
Bluwolf message - For those that have eyes to see
Sent to Dinar Recaps
There are most of us who share information whom never have taken a dime for feeding you the rv information. We do it because it is the correct thing to do, we do it because we care, we do it because after 20 years we have become now family or just like me I am doing it obeying a mandate from our God Jehovah.
I am anxious to see this RV come in and me going into action with the rest of God's army to make the changes that this world needs, to feed our fellow man, to rebuild our country and in my case my people and my island nation.
To be able to have the opportunity to sit down with our President and schedule the efforts in rebuilding North America and all the Americas which does include the Caribbean.
Can't wait to see a smile on the face of all the people that we will help. Giving someone a home seeing their hopes and dreams come to be. Securing economic stability for the generations to come. Making both education and free healthcare possible in the United States, hey if in other places this is already a given, why can't it be possible here.
If we eliminate and take away the powers from the bigots we can restore back America to what it was intended to be, to what it should be
God is telling me that now is that time and for all to stop beating around the bush.
Na'mastes Bluwolf
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Fri. 18 Sept. 2020
Compiled Fri. 18 Sept. 2020 12:01 am EDT by Judy Byington
Judy Note: Around 7 am EDT Fri. 18 Sept. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact: “About ten min. ago one of my government contacts informed me that funds were in the process of being prepared for release next week as indicated to me a few weeks ago, but be ready if they surprise us and start Tier 4B on Fri. 18 Sept., or Sat. 19 Sept.
The timing was for release no later than six weeks prior to the Nov. 3 Election Date to give the best chance to positively influence voters prior to Election Day. My contact said arrests were ongoing and mostly independent of the RV release. The Global Currency Reset was on a pre-set schedule for a Shotgun start. For the sake of security, no one outside of the Powers That Be was privy to when it would actually occur.
On Tues. 15 Sept Charlie Ward said, “As far as revaluations of currencies around the world…..they started with Iraq and its happening as we speak…It’s happening right now. Tier 4a is already happening in Hong Kong.” On that Tues. 15 Sept. overnight into Wed. 16 Sept. payouts continued worldwide of adjudicated accounts, SKR holders, etc. It was rumored that by Wed. afternoon 16 Sept. Tier 3-4a Core Groups and the Admiral’s Groups were fully funded and awaiting Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) for activation of the Shotgun Start.
The Shotgun Release included sending out notification emails to currency and Zim holders that contained a 800# Safe Link Website – that would also be given to Bruce, MarkZ, Fleming, Dinar Recaps, TNT, Dinar Chronicles and a few other Intel providers for publication on their websites.
We would have until Wed. 30 Sept. to exchange currencies at the Contract Rates and redeem Zim Bonds. By the next day Thurs. 1 Oct, the general public would begin exchanging at International Rates and Zim could no longer be redeemed.
On the Restored Republic Front:
Q had indicated that the Israel-Middle East Peace Agreements would be the last event to happen before the RV – and it occurred at the White House on Tues. 15 Sept.
According to Q, Mon. 14 Sept. through Fri. 25 Sept. was a two-week window in which to watch for events related to Spygate or Obamagate. These disclosure soft-leak-events would be coordinated with the RV release of exchanges / redemptions over the next two weeks.
On Thurs. Oct. 1 a formal announcement of both the Restored Republic and Global Currency Reset was expected, plus Oct. 1 was the first day of “Ten Days of Disclosure.”
A. Fri. 18 Sept. 2020 6:59 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:
1. The Military Intel Contact said that Fleming has a network of reliable sources, was not under investigation and was not a fraud.
2. We in Tier4B could start any day, any time between now and Tues. 22 Sept, though more likely on Fri. 18 Sept. or Sat 19 Sept.
3. The timing for Tues. 22 Sept. was a behind the scenes deadline that would only leave nine days for us in Tier 4B to finish our exchanges/ redemption.
4. Please keep these things in prayer and be ready as this was the last week of waiting. The plan was always to leave at least six weeks between the Shotgun Release and the Nov. 3 Election for maximum economic impact.
5. Military Intel Contact: “About ten min. ago (around 7 am EDT Fri. 18 Sept.) one of my government contacts informed me that funds were in the process of being prepared for release next week as indicated to me a few weeks ago. The timing was for release no later than six weeks prior to the Nov. 3 Election Date to give the best chance to positively influence voters prior to Election Day. My contact said arrests were ongoing and mostly independent of the RV release. Be ready if they surprise us and start Tier 4B on Fri. 18 Sept., or Sat. 19 Sept.
B. Global Currency Reset/ Restored Republic Schedule:
Last Thurs. 10 Sept. 2020 President Trump mandated that the Global Currency Reset begin, which it did as scheduled on 9/11 with initiation of RV liquidity just after 12 midnight Reno time Fri. 11 Sept. Overnight payouts followed, including those to certain Tier 3-4A SKRs.
Mon. 14 Sept. through Fri. 25 Sept. 2020 was a two-week window in which to watch for events related to Spygate or Obamagate according to Q. These disclosure soft-leak-events would be coordinated with the RV release of exchanges / redemptions over the next 2 ½ weeks.
On Wed. 16 Sept. 2020 John Durham finally ordered subpoenas on Obama officials. On 28 Oct. 2017 President Trump had appointed Durham to lead a criminal investigation into the origins of the Obama Administration’s phony Russia investigation, “Obamagate” – the same 28 Oct. 2017 date as the first “Q” post.
Sun. 20 Sept. 2020 would be another major Satanic Holiday entitled “Midnight Host Blood Celebration” where local Satanic covens would be torturing, raping and killing children. Beware of possible Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save the children by reporting suspicious activities to police.
Wed. 30 Sept. 2020 was the deadline to exchange foreign currencies and redeem Zim Bonds at the Contract Rates.
On Thurs. 1 Oct. 2020:
The Quantum Financial System and asset-backed USN would be fully online for the start of the Restored Republic federal govt fiscal year and the Restored Republic Federal fiscal year would begin.
The General Public would start exchanging at banks at the International Rates. Contract Rates would no longer be available. Zim could no longer be redeemed.
“Ten Days of Disclosure” would start with brief public service announcements where Trump would reference a need to move away from the fiat dollar to asset-backed, gold-backed currency, go over NESARA/GESARA measures, plus explain debt relief and political aspects of a transition to the Restored Republic.
Later details of those “Ten Days of Disclosure” would be filled in through educational sessions, or media broadcasts that Trump and the White Hats would regulate. Google, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook were being brought under control of AG Barr and the Department of Justice so they could no longer censor the will of the people.
The Thurs. Oct. 29 to Sun. Nov. 1 2020 “All Hallows Eve Blood Sacrifice, Sexual Climax Assoc. with Demons, Any Age, Human Male or Female” was the most important Satanic Human Sacrifice Holiday of the year. Children were not only kidnapped and forced to participate, but were tortured, raped and killed over the three day celebration. Be aware of Satanic activities in your community and help save the children by reporting suspicious activities to police.
***Must Watch Videos***
Civil War in America 2020, Glenn Beck:
Charlie Ward on the Quantum Financial System, Trump, Financial Reset: Final Version:
Read Full Post Here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Frank26 ...there is a lot of things that are going on with the Iraqi dinar and they're being very forward about it...what was the article that came out today? 'Hi, I'm an economist from Iraq, I'd like to talk to you about the Iraqi dinar and the American dollar about them being 1 to 1.' ...the citizens are going ballistic...
Jeff Article: "KRG Delegation To Discuss Budget With Federal Official On September 20" I kept telling you that parliament would not start the approval process of the budget until after the 20th. I said IMO the reason why is because the numbers were going to change in that budget from trillions to billions. That's the step that happens when the rate changes...for example if they were to change the rate say this Sunday morning for Iraq then the numbers would transition from trillions into billions. So they would not want any parties to see those figures publicly before the rate does change...IMO they're not going to let anyone see those figures or numbers within the real 2020 budget until after the rate has already changed...They already said the real true numbers inside the budget have not been shown...
Footforward Article: "100 US dollars is equivalent to 100 Iraqi dinars...Is it possible? An economic expert answers." [That article describes a lop scenario say 1 new Dinar would be equal to 1000 old dinars. Hope that’s not what they do.] It won't be. Expect to see alot of crap like this...My point is we don't get shaken. A revaluation is the only way to fix their economic hardship. They aren't going to come out and tell us when they will do it. In my opinion anyways. So we have to watch the signs. ...The fact that corruption is being dealt with in Iraq at a very rapid pace is very good for us...These guys being arrested is a good sign. We need to watch what they do. Not what they say so much. It's helpful to take a much bigger picture...
Humor While We Wait
Sabickford: Dealing with the RV is like trying to nail Jello to the Wall…
Is it rude to look at somebody and start singing "If I only Had a Brain" at them?
Life is too short to worry about want other people think or say about you. Go Have Fun and give them something to talk about.
Due to rising costs, dirty deeds are no longer done dirt cheap. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Whoever said "Out of Sight, Out of Mind" never had a spider disappear in the bedroom.
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. I only exist when you need something.
May you live to be so old that your driving terrifies people.
If you see me talking to myself, just move along. I'm self employed and we're having a staff meeting
Rich people stay rich by living like they're broke. Broke people stay broke by living like they're rich.
When I get a headache, I take 2 aspirin and keep away from children just like it says on the bottle.
Breaking News: The Earth revolves around the sun! This may upset some people who think it revolves around them.
I Do not have a screw loose. It fell Out!
About to pull the steaks off the grill. It's my neighbors grill but he's inside and I don't think he can see me.
No, I will not take the road less traveled. I Live in the South. Have you seen Deliverance?
Yes COVID19 is pretty Scary, but have you ever flooded the toilet at someone else's house?
I went outside to check on my plants. I felt something cold and wet on my arm. I looked down and saw a mosquito using a wet wipe before he bit me
I'm making a Prozac, morphine, chocolate chip cookie dough, vodka, rum, whiskey, beer and moonshine martinis. Anyone else want one?
I try to avoid things that make me fat, like scales, mirrors, and photographs.
Is it OK to pull the bag out of the box of wine & stab w straw in it like a giant Capri Sun? Asking for a Friend,
Alcohol is not the answer! It just makes you forget the question
I never make the same mistake twice. I make it five or six times, just to make sure
I wasn't planning on going for a run today…But those cops came out of nowhere.
You can tell a lot about a woman's mood just by her hands. If they are holding a gun, she's probably very unhappy.
You know that tingly little feeling you get when you really like someone you've just met? That's common sense leaving your body.
Old age is not as bad as I thought. It's a good feeling when you just don't give a hoot anymore and you feel happy just to wake up in the morning.
Money cannot buy happiness, but it’s more comfortable to cry in a Corvette than on a bicycle.
It's ok to swallow your pride, You won't gain a pound.
My wife got 8 out of 10 on her driver's test--the other two guys managed to jump out of her way.
I was going to wear my camouflage shirt today, but I couldn't find it.
PIR and Frank26 Thursday Night 9-17-2020
.Patriot Intel Report
PIR 09 Q 20
I’ve been offline all week… was a equiptment and sortware failure with our provider…..gone for 8 days.
I’m back
Happy Constitution Day.
We are in a time period that had been rumored for things to happen….for economic announcements.
A lot of people are anticipating some big economic changes. I believe we are on the precipice of that. Sept 30th ends the fiscal year for 2020 in the US.
So be positive and upbeat about the economic situation right now.
Patriot Intel Report
PIR 09 Q 20
I’ve been offline all week… was a equiptment and sortware failure with our provider…..gone for 8 days.
I’m back
Happy Constitution Day.
We are in a time period that had been rumored for things to happen….for economic announcements.
A lot of people are anticipating some big economic changes. I believe we are on the precipice of that. Sept 30th ends the fiscal year for 2020 in the US.
So be positive and upbeat about the economic situation right now.
9-17-20. .......
This Video is in Frank’s Opinion
Monday Night KTFA CC with Frank26 and Team 9-14-2020
KFA Monday Night CC 9-14-2020
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 9-14-20 ......relaxing
With Delta, Walkingstick, MilitiaMan and petra
KFA Monday Night CC 9-14-2020
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 9-14-20 ......relaxing
With Delta, Walkingstick, MilitiaMan and petra
Monday Night KTFA CC with Frank26 and more 9-7-2020
Monday Night KTFA CC
Frank26: 9-7-20.......RELAXING
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Monday Night KTFA CC
Frank26: 9-7-20.......RELAXING
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 9-7-20 ........THE CLEAN OPERATING ROOM
Samson: MP: Any attempt to keep the "Bametroite" system away from the elections will lead to the confiscation of the will of the voters
11:45 - 07/09/2020
MP Intisar al-Gharibawi confirmed, Monday, that any attempt to keep the pammetric system away from the elections would lead to the confiscation of the will of the voters in Iraq.
"The upcoming elections are important for the Iraqi people, and strive to be transparent and fair is the demand of the masses in order to preserve the will of the electorate and prevent it from being confiscated by any party," said al-Gharibawi, a deputy from the State of Law coalition.
Al-Gharibawi added, “The adoption of the pammetric system in the elections is of great importance and we stress the election commission in this regard, especially with the presence of influential forces trying to circumvent this matter in order to achieve certain interests, stressing that the pammetric system guarantees the integrity of the elections and gives real results that express the will of the Iraqi street.” To choose his representatives ”.
Two days ago, the House of Representatives resumed its sessions to approve important laws, including the election law. LINK
Samson: A deputy sets the date for Parliament to receive the 2020 budget
14:49 - 09/07/2020
Al-Fateh Alliance MP Fadel Jaber set, Monday, the date for the House of Representatives to receive the draft federal budget law for the year 2020 after sending it from the Ministry of Planning to the government.
Jaber said in a statement to / information /, that "the draft federal budget law for the year 2020 will be sent by the Council of Ministers to the House of Representatives next week after the completion of its reading by the government," noting that "the provisions of the budget include the operational part only."
He added that "the House of Representatives will vote quickly to the federal budget for 2020 as it is preparing to receive the 2021 budget," indicating that "the 2021 budget will include the operational and investment parts and will be different from previous budgets."
And the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced yesterday, Sunday, that it will receive the special budget for the remainder of the year 2020.
The Ministry of Planning referred the budget for the year 2020 to the Council of Ministers for approval, and then referred it to the House of Representatives for approval so that the borrowing law could be approved in order to release the entitlements of employees and citizens for the remaining months of the current year, confirming work with the relevant authorities to prepare the 2021 budget. LINK
Samson: Iraq and America stress the importance of achieving an effective partnership that respects the country's sovereignty
09/07/2020 17:31:28
Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein assured, on Monday, the Ambassador of the United States of America to Baghdad, Matthew Toller, the importance of achieving an effective partnership that is characterized by respect for the country's sovereignty.
According to the ministerial statement, Al-Furat News received a copy of it that "during the meeting, ways to improve the prospects for bilateral and strategic relations between Baghdad and Washington were discussed."
He added, "The two sides also discussed the importance of activating means of bilateral cooperation in order to achieve the interests of both friendly countries."
The statement continued, "The two sides also touched on the results of the visit of the prime minister and his accompanying delegation to Washington, while stressing the importance of moving forward in achieving an effective partnership that is characterized by respect for Iraq's sovereignty and devotion to common interests." LINK
Samson: Digital economy
7th September, 2020 by Muhammad Sharif Abu Maysam
Despite the conceptual intertwining between the terms digital economy and the Internet economy, specialists in information technology sciences see the first more advanced and complex than the second, which is the economic value of using the Internet only, by reducing the sagging rings in performance and stimulating exchanges and exchanges, and reducing opportunities Corrupt practices, which means that this Internet economy is based on the outputs of digitization only
While the concept of the digital economy implies a business space based on a huge digital structure, as it is not sufficient to use the information network to perform the tasks that are traditionally performed by workers in the public or private sector. The tasks are done better and with high quality in a short period of time, then the outputs are completely different from before.
What requires, in addition to the digital infrastructure, which is one of its most prominent features is access to a high-speed Internet service at a cost commensurate with the individual's rate of income, raising the level of skills of individuals and expanding the scope of the digital system for entrepreneurship, as well as the importance of having economic and scientific institutions concerned with digital treatments and development, and otherwise Talk is limited to an economy based on the Internet only
Many countries have managed to catch up with the developed world and out of the economic recession by adopting a sober strategy towards digital transformation with ease, after it has been proven that digital power is the main driver of economic growth at this stage in history
In this context, there are global experiences under this approach, and they were able to break the traditional bottleneck in dealing with the circles of economic sectors, depending on the scientific approach that establishes the business environment for entering the digital economy space
From here it can be said that highlighting the importance of digital transformation in the country has become an urgent need, in view of the tremendous jumps that the world is witnessing in this regard, and to get out of the state of economic confusion resulting from adherence to traditional tools in the process
As long as we are here in the context of establishing an electronic environment aimed at reaching a knowledge environment that establishes governance applications, including e-government applications and the pursuit of working with the fourth generation network, this establishment can be employed in the context of a national will based on a scientific approach and a solid strategy, to form the starting point for a digital economy In which the scientific institutions are integrated with the public sector and the private sector on the basis of a true partnership
In which human energies and financial resources are employed in a manner in which the state is the one who is based on this strategy and the official sponsor of it, while leaving the private sector the freedom to invest in light of banking and tax facilities within the framework of obligating work method controls And employ specializations in information technology sciences exclusively.
And exit from the method of work based on the reactions of the need to contract with companies to perform specific services only LINK
KTFA Monday Night CC with Frank26 and Friends 8-31-2020
Monday Night CC
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 8-31-20 RELAXING
Monday Night CC
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 8-31-20 RELAXING
Samson: Weights to host Al-Kazemi .. Saeron: Parliament will hold its session Thursday or Saturday
13:44 - 31/08/2020
The Sairoun Alliance confirmed, on Monday, that the House of Representatives will invite its members to the first session of the new legislative term next Thursday or Saturday, likely hosting Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi.
Member of the coalition, Representative Riad Al-Masoudi, said in a statement to /information/, that “the Presidency of the House of Representatives will invite members to a first session of the new legislative term on Thursday, and if it is not possible due to the end of the week, it will be next Saturday, the fourth of September,” indicating that “the upcoming sessions of the House of Representatives It will be open sessions.”
Al-Masoudi added, "It is likely that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi will host the next session in order to explain the discussions that took place regarding his visits to Washington and Amman." He continued: “The next session will include open discussions of election laws and the Federal Court in addition to the draft budget law for 2021,” noting that “the current election law cannot be amended until after it is issued in the Official Gazette because the law is voted on as a whole, and thus it is considered an approved law.” LINK
KTFA Monday Night CC and Member News 8-24-2020
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 8-24-20....RELAXING
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 8-24-20....RELAXING
Frank26 and Team: 8-24-20....DISSOLVE
Samson: Next Wednesday .. Plasschaert will brief the UN Security Council on developments in Iraq
24th August, 2020
The United Nations Mission in Iraq (UNAMI) announced that the head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq, Jeanine Plasschaert, will brief the UN Security Council on the latest developments in Iraq.
"On Wednesday (26 August), the UN Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) Jeanine Hennes-Plasschaert will brief the United Nations Security Council on the Secretary-General's recent report on UNAMI and the latest developments in Iraq," the mission stated in a statement. LINK
Samson: Parliamentary Finance : The International Monetary Fund's support for Iraq is subject to two conditions
24th August, 2020
A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, announced today, Monday, two conditions for the International Monetary Fund to support Iraq with important loans and projects.
"The meeting that the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, conducted during his visit to Washington with the Director General of the International Monetary Fund, Kristalina Georgieva, is very important to the Iraqi state," Cougar said in a press interview, followed by the National News Center.
He added, "The meeting held between Al-Kazemi and the International Monetary Fund is very important, in general, because when there is direct interaction from such institutions and the World Bank, it means that the situation is stable, which prompts these institutions to encourage countries that have relations with them to support Iraq with projects or loans." Or investments or charitable projects such as donations.
Cougar explained, "We hope that Al-Kazemi has been able to persuade these institutions to support Iraq and obtain infrastructure projects from them," noting that "the International Monetary Fund announced a while ago that it was ready to support Iraq with an amount of about $ 2.2 billion."
Cougar continued, "But so far, the amount of money from the International Monetary Fund to support Iraq has not been determined."
And a member of the Finance Committee stated that "there are two conditions for the International Monetary Fund to support Iraq, namely:
The first is for that money to go to infrastructure projects, not to salaries and the operating budget, and the second is for the atmosphere to be appropriate for the establishment of those projects, meaning providing an appropriate security and investment environment. LINK
Samson: Imprisonment for a convict who embezzled 1.5 billion dinars from Nineveh reconstruction funds
24th August, 2020
The Integrity Commission revealed the issuance of a 15-year prison sentence for embezzling 1.5 billion dinars of Nineveh reconstruction funds
A statement of the commission reviewed by Al-Iqtisad News stated, “The department indicated, in the course of talking about the details of the case that it investigated and referred to the judiciary, that the convict had embezzled an amount (1,500,000.00) billion dinars from the funds allocated for the reconstruction and stability of Nineveh Governorate after Edit it
He added that "the criminal court specialized in integrity cases in Baghdad after reviewing the evidence obtained in the case represented by the statements of the legal representative of Nineveh Governorate who requested the complaint against the accused, and the report of the External Audit Department at the Integrity Commission that contained irregularities in the exchange value and purchase receipts, in addition to the statements of witnesses, and the minutes. The administrative investigation that includes the convict’s negligence and his referral to the judiciary, as well as the presumption of his escape from justice
The statement clarified that “the court issued a sentence in absentia with a term of fifteen years imprisonment against the convicted person in accordance with the provisions of Article (316 / Part One) of the Penal Code, issuing an arrest and investigation order against him, while supporting the seizure of his movable and immovable property, while giving the right to the Nineveh Provincial Council to claim compensation. Before the civil courts after acquiring the judgment to the final degree LINK
Samson: Their thefts are estimated at about $ 300 billion .. Will the Iraqis accept making deals with the corrupt?
24th August, 2020
The Iraqis were divided over the calls of some politicians to conclude deals with the corrupt figures, who stole project funds and operational budgets in the country, which represent the return of up to 90% of the stolen funds in exchange for dropping all international lawsuits and prosecutions against them
The size of corruption in Iraq is estimated at about $ 300 billion, as more than 4 thousand projects were halted, according to the Ministry of Planning, as a result of the theft of funds allocated to them after withdrawing financial advances without any significant action or very limited achievement
Iraq ranks 162 out of 180 countries in Transparency International's corruption indicators, and it is the sixth in the Arab world. Corruption is rampant in it despite its possession of oversight bodies, including the Supreme Council for Combating Corruption, the Integrity Commission, Parliamentary Integrity Committee, the Financial Supervision Bureau, the Public Prosecution office, and the offices of public inspectors. Which was canceled last year by a parliamentary decision
Iraq has witnessed large demonstrations since 2011 until now, calling for fighting corruption, but the matter is still without radical solutions, and there is no political desire to fight it. Because most of the rampant corruption in Iraq is covered politically
Proposal details
A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Jamal Cougar, recently presented a proposal to return the stolen Iraqi funds represented by returning 90% of it to the state treasury in exchange for dropping the charges against them. It bears an actual confirmation from those accused of stealing public money by returning 80 to 90 percent of the money in their possession to the state treasury
Couger explained that "returning the defendants the bulk of the money they have in order to drop the charges brought against them is a sign of regret they feel," noting that "the matter remains dependent on the defendants' intention to return the money to the state treasury but this proposal has faced a torrent of criticism from specialists in the issue of integrity, as it is a lifeline for the corrupt and the waste of great efforts by institutions that fight corruption in Iraq
The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, responded to this invitation, during his visit to America, specifically when he met businessmen, saying that the government had held talks with a number of international legal institutions to track down corrupt people and corruption deals and hold accountable everyone who tampered with state funds, explaining that the government is working to reconsider legislation To fill the loopholes that allow the corrupt to exploit
Iraq has become a repellent environment for investors because of the rampant corruption in the joints of the state, and the investor is exposed to extortion and death threats if he does not give money to some political, partisan and armed parties
Contrary to common sense
A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Jawad Al-Saadi, commented on this call, saying: "It represents support for and defense of money thieves, and it is not a rational logic to fight corruption," noting that "the stolen money is the property of all Iraqis, and it is not the property of this person or a specific political party, and therefore All must be returned, and the corrupt will be punished
Al-Saadi noted that "a few days ago, the Integrity Committee referred 10 corruption files to the competent authorities related to the waste of public money," noting that "corruption is a major scourge that harms the country and everyone must support the competent authorities to eliminate it
On the other hand, the head of the Al-Nahrain Foundation to Support Transparency and Integrity in Iraq, Muhammad Rahim, said, "The goal behind these calls is to return the funds withheld from the corrupt in other countries to Iraq, and then steal them from the Iraqi state again under political pressure." That "this is a method of manipulation practiced by some corrupt parties in Iraq and that "some electronic armies have recently begun to support this trend," considering that "the corrupt's acquisition of 10% means millions of dollars out of the stolen money.
He explained, "This call needs legal legislation, especially as the government has a strong will to fight corruption and work to recover these funds LINK
KTFA Monday Night CC with Frank and Friends and more 8-17-2020
KTFA Monday Night CC
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 8-17-20.....RELAXING
KTFA Monday Night CC
PLAYBACK IS: 605.313.5163 PIN: 156996#
Frank26: 8-17-20.....RELAXING
Samson: Economist: The government must use the exchange rate of the dollar to overcome the financial crisis
08:50 - 17/08/2020
The economic expert, Wissam Al-Tamimi, stressed the need to exploit the dollar exchange rate in government banks to maximize budget resources and contribute to overcoming the financial crisis, pointing out that selling millions of dollars per day enters the state huge sums after increasing the exchange rate.
Al-Timi said to / the information /, that "the dollar exchange rate witnessed stability 6 months ago from today, but it rose slightly, and this increase came after the emergence of the financial crisis in the country due to the drop in oil prices."
He added that "the increase in the exchange rate in government banks contributes to eliminating the current crisis and maximizes state resources, at a time when Iraq needs to make a boom in the banking sector."
And that "many countries depend on the banking sector in investment, achieving revenues, building budgets, launching loans and achieving benefits from them to provide the government with the necessary sums to provide the salaries of its employees." LINK
Samson: Al-Nasiri identifies the reasons for the exit of hard currency from Iraq and suggests how to preserve it
16th August, 2020
The economic and banking advisor, Samir al-Nusiri, confirmed, on Sunday, that hard currency in Iraq is still vulnerable to leakage outside the country without return due to unplanned and uncontrolled imports of goods and consumer and unnecessary goods and of poor origin and outside the Iraqi standard specifications, revealing a set of proposals that would preserve the currency The difficult situation that Iraq needs in the current crisis it is going through
Al-Nusiri said in an interview with "Al-Eqtisad News", that "imports in every country are traded in hard currency, while in Iraq since 2003 and until now, local production has not been supported, which is the basis for determining imports," indicating that "import is complementary to local production and not As a substitute for it, but after the opening of the borders and markets, and the introduction of inferior consumer products and at low prices compared to the local product, due to the insecurity of raw materials and government support, this led to the exit of hard currency, mainly through imports of the private sector
Al-Nasiri added, "The best solution to preserving hard currency is for the government to support local production and activate the laws on protecting the domestic product and protecting the consumer, which are laws that have been on the shelves for years and have not been activated," stressing the importance of providing raw materials and electricity to the factories and structuring government factories. And the participation of the private sector in its management
And he continued, "Iraq without local products comparable to the importer cannot maintain its hard currency as required," noting "the need for the government to address the structural imbalance in the economy, activate the productive sectors and address the deficit in non-oil revenue and the deficit in the balance of payments and the trade balance
Al-Nusiri concluded his speech by saying: "We are a country. We do not have a clear economic approach, and the private sector has not been involved in making economic decisions, which requires and must meet with support from the government LINK
Samson: US National Security Adviser: Saudi Arabia Next to Normalization
10:20 - 17/08/2020
The American National Security Adviser, Robert O'Brien, confirmed that Saudi Arabia could be the next one in the normalization of relations with (Israel).
He said in a statement to "Fox News", America: "We are optimistic ... we have to see what will happen ... We are talking with a number of countries in addition to Saudi Arabia."
O'Brien affirmed the confidence of President Donald Trump's administration that a number of other countries will conclude agreements with (Israel) after announcing the normalization of relations with the UAE, praising the courage of Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed.
He indicated that there are talks with many other Middle Eastern countries to implement a similar peace agreement with (Israel), stressing that “Trump” has ended talks with other leaders (he did not name them) in the region about joining the agreement.
He continued, "We hope that we can build on this momentum," expressing his confidence that there are two other countries that will work to normalize relations with (Israel) soon. LINK
Samson: Russia and China abandon the dollar in their trade
14:04 - 17/08/2020
Moscow and Beijing are moving towards abandoning the US currency, and the dollar’s share in trade operations between Russia and China has reached a minimum.
In light of that, economists expressed confidence that this cooperation will ultimately end with a "financial alliance", in which there will be no place for the American currency. Economic data showed that the dollar’s share in the commercial accounts between the two countries in the first quarter of this year fell below 50% to 46%, for the first time to launch.
The share of the yuan and ruble during the aforementioned period was 24%, while the share of the euro was 30%. This shift is part of a Russian strategy aimed at "reducing" the dependence of the Russian economy on the dollar and making it more flexible in the face of the threat of new US sanctions.
In 2014, Moscow and Beijing signed a three-year currency swap agreement worth 150 billion yuan ($ 24.5 billion). Experts say that efforts by Russia and China to abandon the dollar is one of the main reasons for the decline in demand for the dollar. Also, the International Monetary Fund warned, in a report last August, that printing trillions of dollars to fight the crisis and extremely low interest rates undermine the dollar's position as a reserve currency.
The US debt, which has reached $ 26 trillion, is a heavy burden on the US economy, and according to Swiss bank UBS, this will hurt the dollar in the end.
Judy, Frank, Lynette and more Wednesday PM 8-12-2020
.Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Wed. 12 Aug. 2020
Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Judy Note: The US Treasury processing of the multi-trillion TTM Bonds was completed on Tues. 11 Aug, though because of need to tie up loose ends for higher level accounts, they estimated another 24-48 hours to release liquidity to Tier 4b (the Internet Group). President Trump was not happy, but understood reasons for the potential delay.
On Mon. 10 Aug. the new Tier 4b Contract Rates activated on Bank Screens. The RV Shotgun Release and liquidity started overnight that Mon. night 10 Aug. into Tues. morning 11 Aug.
Implementation of at least 10 of 16 GESARA / NESARA Jubilee Debt Forgiveness measures has begun. President Trump told the Banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit card and other forms of personal debt next Mon. 17 Aug. All debts--individual and national debts--would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Aug – the same deadline we in Tier 4b would see an end to exchanges/ redemption at Contract Rates. The next day Tues. 1 Sept. the IMF would start the general public Tier 5 currency exchanges at the new international rates.
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Wed. 12 Aug. 2020
Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
Judy Note: The US Treasury processing of the multi-trillion TTM Bonds was completed on Tues. 11 Aug, though because of need to tie up loose ends for higher level accounts, they estimated another 24-48 hours to release liquidity to Tier 4b (the Internet Group). President Trump was not happy, but understood reasons for the potential delay.
On Mon. 10 Aug. the new Tier 4b Contract Rates activated on Bank Screens. The RV Shotgun Release and liquidity started overnight that Mon. night 10 Aug. into Tues. morning 11 Aug.
Implementation of at least 10 of 16 GESARA / NESARA Jubilee Debt Forgiveness measures has begun. President Trump told the Banks to begin zeroing out mortgage, credit card and other forms of personal debt next Mon. 17 Aug. All debts--individual and national debts--would begin to be fully paid off by the end of Aug – the same deadline we in Tier 4b would see an end to exchanges/ redemption at Contract Rates. The next day Tues. 1 Sept. the IMF would start the general public Tier 5 currency exchanges at the new international rates.
***Must Watch Video*** How Donald J. Trump, the NSA & JFK Jr. took down the Cabal / Illuminati / Deep State against all odds:
A. Wed. 12 Aug. 7:49 am EDT Fleming Military Intel Contact Report:
1. Some loose ends in the Dragon bond TTMs and the Blue ZIM TTMs were tied up on Tues. 11 Aug. Though the TTM processing of multi-trillion bonds was done, they were now estimating 24-48 hours to finish.
2. The UST RV teams have been working around the clock and thought they could get the paperwork for all the TTMs processed to release the liquidity for access to all the bond accounts by Wed. 12 Aug. They did not know it would take a huge amount of work to finish processing the TTM paperwork to release the liquidity to ALL the other necessary higher level accounts.
3. This must happen before they release Tier 4b notifications because downline liquidity for Tier 4b was coming from the bond liquidity release process being executed by the UST.
4. This and other updates were NOT recycled news from last week. We have NEVER BEEN WHERE WE ARE NOW.
5. Trump wanted the liquidity on ALL the Dragon bonds RELEASED with Tier 4b notifications on Tues. 11 Aug. in Trump’s words, “no matter what.” Trump was not happy, but sees the huge amount of work the UST has to slog through to get the liquidity released.
6. Technically the Dragon bond liquidity release started Tues. afternoon 11 Aug. to meet Trump's deadline, though the completion may take 24-48 hours.
7. The UST and RV teams were "pushing like hell" to get this out.
8. When Trump said he needed liquidity to be released for debt forgiveness and zeroing out of debtors' debt, this was not bizarre Intel as some claimed. When the debt was zeroed out it would be followed by refunds by Treasury/IRS through direct deposit to debtor accounts. That required liquidity from Treasury to the banks to execute the refund payouts.
9. The Military Contact was sorry to report the 24-48 hour potential delay but confirmed Mr. Fleming's info that the Treasury and RV teams were “pushing like hell” to get this out now.
B. Tues. 11 Aug. Quantum Financial System Up and Running, Tellinger , Freak, Ward:
1. On Aug. 2 they sent out pings to every bank in the world and every bank responded.
2. They tried to launch it all of last week and had “issues” because Nancy Pelosi and her team had hired hackers to stop them doing it.
3. It’s gone public today Tues. 11 Aug. The government Federal Reserve website itself announced that the system is operational.
4. The new Financial System replaced the Federal Reserve’s SWIFT system for the fiat currency and was now the Quantum Financial System – a blockchain system for instant settlement.
5. The power has now been completely taken away from the old fiat system, the SWIFT system, which was controlled by the Federal Reserve, Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
6. Trump launched it... but it was planned way before he ever got into power... by the people behind the scenes... some people call them The Alliance, also referred to as the White Hats or Q Team. They're the team of geniuses who've put this whole plan together.
7. The Alliance, POTUS and John F. Kennedy Jr... 90% or 95% of the people recognize that JFK Jr. was alive.
Read Full Post Here:
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Frank26 Trump right now is working with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait concerning the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar. It's getting done. It just has to include many in the Middle East...It is not just Iraq...IMO Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are playing an important part in the monetary reform of the Iraqi dinar. And they've done a very good job by the way...Saudi is playing a very very big part family in what is going on with our study...the contracts that they're going to have with Saudi to rebuild Iraq is amazing. It's huge. It's big...
Pimpy Trump Quote: "We're looking at also considering a capital gains tax cut which would create a lot more jobs so we're looking very seriously at a capital gains tax cut..." Yeah we'll take a capital gains tax cut. That means when the RV wouldn't pay no capital gains on them if he cuts the taxes on would only pay state tax. So make sure you move to a state that has no state tax...he's going to get what he wants... [Note: Some gurus feel the dinar will be taxed at regular income and not capital gains. Speak with your tax professional at the appropriate time. We love hearing possibilities and strategies but the only opinion that matters when it comes to tax liability is the IRS's.]
YOUR RISK, THEIR REWARD: Don't Be Fooled by The Suckers Lynette Zang
Streamed live 68 minutes ago
For those who study currencies and economics, it's no longer a secret that we are witnessing the largest wealth transfer in global history.
The big question is, will your wealth be included in that transfer, or would you like to hold onto it?
As you know, I recommend holding on to it -in specific types of gold & silver, so it can't be hyper-inflated to zero like what's happening to the dollar right now.
But here's the problem, millions of people are being fooled by the biggest ponzi-scheme on the planet. When the markets are manipulated with fake money and false hope, you get what's called a "suckers rally". And that's where we are now. This video will expose the truth of what's currently happening in the markets, and it will arm you with the information needed to keep your wealth in your possession.
Mike Maloney
The Gold Silver Show - Inflation, Deflation or Crisis?
Premiered 3 hours ago
Are you planning on inflation, deflation or crisis? That’s the question answered by Mike Maloney, Jeff Clark and Chris Martenson in today’s video update.
Also covered - the precious metals pullback, increasing strains on the global economy, the latest insane actions by the Fed, and most importantly…Mr Jeff Clark throws down some serious trash talk. Enjoy.
TNT, Frank, Pimpy and Santa Surfing Tuesday Night 8-11-2020
MRiles: IMO this will RV before the PM comes to the US…..7 days until he arrives (Iraqi PM) ... so 6 days and counting Tues Thurs & Fri are Days Tony likes .. so I like them too
Billnmas: Remember that when a delegation comes to D.C that most agreements and meetings were already done before the big guys get in front of the cameras
Offgrid: today is the 11th ... PM comes to DC on the 20th-21st ... that still give the banks 10 days to get us through processing ... fingers crossed ;)
MRiles: IMO this will RV before the PM comes to the US…..7 days until he arrives (Iraqi PM) ... so 6 days and counting Tues Thurs & Fri are Days Tony likes .. so I like them too
Billnmas: Remember that when a delegation comes to D.C that most agreements and meetings were already done before the big guys get in front of the cameras
Offgrid: today is the 11th ... PM comes to DC on the 20th-21st ... that still give the banks 10 days to get us through processing ... fingers crossed ;)
Soma: Could they be in preparation for us?
ScienceGuy: 7 Secrets Smart Professionals Use to Choose Financial Advisors
Courtesy of Dinar Guru
Frank26 ...Angel1...sends me this [from so-and-so converter site. -Image] IQD/USD - IQD 1 = $.0.8700 IQD = $.0.008. hmmm. [Frank says] 'Let me know if you see anymore'...five minutes later ring-a-ding-ding "Frank I just got another text." [Image from converter site text notification] "Sunday August 9 Currency Alert! IQD/USD 0.8700$ = 1 .0008$ = 1...this time it came through as a "ping" [Text Notification]...5 minutes later he did it again. What?! goes on and on...but my friend gets 11 pings from a specific clearinghouse...It's showing that the IQD is at .0008 but then on top you can see that the ping that came through was showing that 1 IQD is now equal to .87 American cents. And we saw it happen 11 times in a row. What does it mean?
Frank26 When I called [guru] Walkingstick and I told him about this he says keep your eye on it...we've been seeing this for a while now haven't we. Shoot for the last year and a half at least. For the last almost 2 months we've been seeing massive amounts of the dinar moving and I told you not at a program rate but at a different rate...I do not believe that this is something that is labeled as a coincidence, as an accident...I see this as a movement. I see this as the Iraqi dinar being positioned internationally. I believe you're gonna see an awful lot more of it... [Post 2 of 2]
The future of Quantum Technology
Pimpy’s Investment Chat: Aug 11, 2020
Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast
Durham to drop bombshells before Labor Day! Trump named names!
Aug. 11, 2020
Read Transcript here: