Do You Wonder Why We Will Get Such a Big Return When the Iraqi Dinar Revalues??
.Re-Posted for our newest readers……From Recaps Archives……
If anyone is wondering how We will be getting so much money for exchanging Iraqi Dinar when we paid so little for it-Here is a GREAT explanation. Enjoy. From Recaps Archives a few years ago.
REMEMBER: The figures and procedures may have changed over the years but the basic concept will help you understand what is happening when we exchange
First off, I’ll use the exchange of a 10,000 IQD note as my example. To help explain the economics of this cash-in example, I will use a 1:1 cash-in ratio between the USD and IQD, that is given a two-tier payout, and a 2% bank spread.
What You Will Receive:
If you were to cash in your 10,000 IQD note with a bank that charges you a 2% spread, you would personally receive a net take-home of $9,800 credited to your bank account.
Re-Posted for our newest readers……From Recaps Archives……
If anyone is wondering how We will be getting so much money for exchanging Iraqi Dinar when we paid so little for it-Here is a GREAT explanation. Enjoy. From Recaps Archives a few years ago.
REMEMBER: The figures and procedures may have changed over the years but the basic concept will help you understand what is happening when we exchange
First off, I’ll use the exchange of a 10,000 IQD note as my example. To help explain the economics of this cash-in example, I will use a 1:1 cash-in ratio between the USD and IQD, that is given a two-tier payout, and a 2% bank spread.
What You Will Receive:
If you were to cash in your 10,000 IQD note with a bank that charges you a 2% spread, you would personally receive a net take-home of $9,800 credited to your bank account.
What Your Bank Will Receive:
Your Bank will receive a $10,000 credit to its Federal Reserve Account. They will also be able to add the $200 profit to their “capital account”.
If you don’t understand the “Fractional Banking“ concept that runs our country, you may want to, as that is what this is based on, and is what is behind this entire concept and plan. To learn more about this concept, I suggest you click HERE, and go to a video post I brought to the forum previously, and posted in my “Tidbits“ section.
Ultimately, the bank wins because they are able to gain $2,000 in lending power under the 10% “Fractional Banking“ model.
What the US Treasury Will Receive:
First off, the US Treasury will receive $3,500 in estimated taxes in the quarter after the exchange, because you are now in the “rich” category and get to enjoy the 35% tax bracket. This lowers the “net cost” of the IQD exchange to the US financial system to $6,500 USD (i.e. $10,000 out – $3,500 in). Furthermore, the US Treasury’s rate is higher than the banking rate (we will use in this example 1.25), thereby further reducing their “net cost” from $6,500 to $4,000.
Oil Now Enters the Picture:
At some point, a Fed-appointed agent orders $12,500 worth of oil from Iraq. Payment will consist of a $12,500 transfer from the Fed’s foreign currency reserve IQD account to the IRAQ Oil payment account at the CBI in a form otherwise known as PetroDollars/PetroDinar. Even though the world spot price of oil is defined in terms of USD, the actual transaction may take place in any internationally recognized currency agreed to by the parties. For example, Iran only accepts Yen from Japan for their oil orders, because they don’t want USD in their foreign currency reserves.
How the CBI “RECAPTURES” the Money:
The $12,500 order is filled with 250 barrels of oil based on the spot price on the date of the sale (for this example we used a $50 USD spot price). What does it cost Iraq to produce the oil to fill this order? Well they have negotiated productions agreements for approximately $1.50 USD/barrel. From that price $.50 USD goes to the national Iraqi oil company who is the partner in the field the oil came from. Out of the remaining $1.00 the other oil field partners have to pay the Iraq government a profit tax of $.35 USD (35%). The net cost to Iraq to produce a barrel of oil used in this scenario is $.65 USD. (i.e. $1.50 – .50 – .35)
What does all that mean? It cost Iraq $162.50 to bring back a 10,000 IQD note! Can they afford that? I think so! So, instead of paying out $12,500 for a 10,000 IQD note, they only pay $162.50! That doesn’t add to the money supply much at all does it! They receive their IQD back and place it in the CBI, or destroy it.
The transaction is completed with the Federal Reserve exchanging foreign reserve credits which are equal to $12,500 USD (which had a net acquisition cost of $4,000 USD for the US) for 250 barrels of oil (which has a TOTAL COST to produce of $162.50 USD for Iraq.
More completely explained, and simply put, it cost Iraq $162.50 USD from their foreign currency reserve accounts to redeem the value of 10,000 IQD, which goes into their operating accounts. At the same time the US got $12,500 worth of oil for a net cost of $4,000. That’s how it was originally planned for Iraq to RV at 1 IQD = 1 USD, with the variable being the political element (i.e. UN Sanctions, GOI actions, IMF actions, World Bank actions etc.)
Other Factors that Strengthen Iraq’s Position and Ability to RV:
• DFI Funds Returned & Other Assets: $280+ Billion USD, plus other frozen assets (estimated at $100 billion) will be returned back to Iraq and added to their foreign currency reserve, bringing it up to $430+ billion USD.
• CBI IQD Reserve Requirement Adjustment: The CBI will change the current fractional IQD reserve requirements from 100% to 15% at the appropriate time. As a result, the the total potential money supply will be raised in value to $2.8 Trillion (430 billion/15), while at the same time, the total physical IQD in circulation will be reduced by removing the large bills with the 3 zeros over a period of 2 years, as they have indicated.
• Oil Production Increased: Iraq will also execute the plan they announced to increase oil production from 2+ million barrels/day to 10 million barrels/day with the resulting revenues flowing directly to the Iraq treasury.
• Oil Futures & Forex Contracts Added: To further stir the pot, the CBI will continue to use it’s sales window to market oil futures and forex contracts. They have shown they can generate significant cash flow in the private market. Think of their impact in public markets.
There, my friends, is how this plan will be enacted and made possible. Taking NOTHING, and turning it into SOMETHING, then bringing it back to a “manageable and reasonable something” that is accepted and supported by seeming endless supplies of oil. This is how the world’s ENTIRE NEW MONETARY SYSTEM will be regenerated and supported and backed, given, in essence, a re-birth and renewed for most governments and economic regions… even by “Black Gold”.
So, here’s the summary for all the “players” involved, giving ballpark numbers, and not taking into account superfluous costs, fees, and other small details that don’t really affect the larger picture:
• Investor’s Net Gain: $10,000 – $200 = $9,800 x .65 = 6,370 for an investment that cost $10
• Bank’s Net Gain: $200 added to “capital account”, plus $2,000 they can use to loan out.
• US Treasury Net Gain: $2,500 from the .25 spread on top + $3,500 in quarterly taxes = $6,000
• CBI/GOI/Iraqi People Net Gain: $12,500 – $162.50 = $12,337.50 + Profits from “Other Factors”
• Overall Net Gain for All Involved: $6,370+$200+$6,000+12,337.20 = $24,907.20
This is the wealth that was generated from a single 10,000 IQD note that was given an original value of approximately $10! Is that amazing or what?! You tell me… can Iraq afford NOT to RV?!!! Will the IMF allow them to NOT RV their currency, but simply replace their large denoms for smaller ones?!!! LOL!!!
In this scenario, EVERYONE WINS… and the IQD is slowly (over 2 years) taken back in to the CBI… eventually destroyed, leaving a manageable M2 behind, having created HUGE WEALTH throughout the world to re-supply what was allowed to be destroyed in the “great bleed” over a period of just a few weeks a couple of years ago, even the greatest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen.
Believe it or not, it has happened for this very purpose, and it IS coming!
For the people who do not understand how this can happen $$$$ posted by FREEWAY BILL
Let me just say that I am not a guru. I do not claim to know when the RV will happen or what rate it will come in at. Does not matter. So many people have used the abundance of money involved makes it impossible for it to happen.
Let me give you some things to ponder:
There were originally 30 trillion dinar printed. Well over 80% of that amount has been accounted for and is in the hands of Iraq. That leaves 6 trillion dinar out of which US, China, Russia, Brazil and other countries hold a substantial amount of these in their countries. So let us say that there is 1 – 1.5 trillion is out in the hands of regular people, trusts, etc. How could Iraq possibly cash in this much at one time?
They can’t! Or Can They?
China and the US have signed agreements that they each will take all of their dinar and all that they cash in from their citizens in OIL @ an agreed upon rate of $32.00 per barrel for however long it takes. Now taking the total of 6 trillion that is supposedly out there which would be multiplied by the rate that we will set at $ 4 just to go from a number of some kind.
So now we have $ 24,000,000,000,000! Seems like an amount that just will not be possible? Read on.
24 trillion dollars will transform to 750 BILLION barrels of oil @ $32.00. That is what it will cost Iraq to payoff. That is still a lot of money, right? Well, considering that one barrel of oil cost Iraq less than $ 2.00 per barrel to process which means that Iraq can pay off ALL of the Dinar still out for $1,500,000,000 while coming out of sanctions, becoming a powerful country and a part of the UN and WTO and go forward.
Being that this RV would basically make it so the US will be able to pay off most or all of their national debt along with the other countries involved would be doing the same making the World Economy would get a tremendous shot in the arm and everyone would be on a better playing field meaning World trade would be enhanced and the US and China emerge as the strongest and Iraq comes out as either the richest or the 2nd richest country in the world.
So, my friends, the RV can happen and actually if you take Iraq’s assets, it could actually justify RVing at upwards of $ 8 – $ 12 and this calculation would work and still leave Iraq with a smidgen of debt compared to the assets they have.
So rest assured that there will BE NO LOP because it is not necessary and it would deflate this entire plan and not help anyone and Iraq would not emerge as a stable government or friend to anyone.
So, poke holes in this if you wish. I would be interested to see what anyone can come up with that will change these numbers. I am not a genius, just an investor that has to reason out everything I invest in to see where the return can come from and how much it can actually reasonably be…
I didn’t come up with this plan, but whoever did was a genius. This is historic. People have said to me, “How can you invest so little and gain so much?”
Well, not in our lifetime has any country been completely destroyed, government and all with the agenda to build it back up. This plan was IMO in place before the first boot hit the ground in Iraq. It all makes sense.
Please feel free to credibly pick this apart if you can. I have studied this to no end and I keep coming up with the same numbers.
Cheat Sheet From Fleming-Appointments, Terms, Rates, Definitions and more...Good For Newbies
.Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest: Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team
Cheat Sheet from Fleming-Appointments, Terms, Rates, Definitions and more......Good for Newbies
This was originally posted on May 21, 2021….Procedures may have changed since then……consider everything as a “tip” or rumor until we are at the banks….
The information in this document is based on the most recent information available. It is not intended to be the authority on the GCR/RV or appointment process.
It is expected that there may be changes once final instructions are received.
Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest: Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team
Cheat Sheet from Fleming-Appointments, Terms, Rates, Definitions and more......Good for Newbies
This was originally posted on May 21, 2021….Procedures may have changed since then……consider everything as a “tip” or rumor until we are at the banks….
The information in this document is based on the most recent information available. It is not intended to be the authority on the GCR/RV or appointment process.
It is expected that there may be changes once final instructions are received.
This information is based on exchanges/ redemptions done in the USA. Each country will have its own process and information should be available for all once notifications have been issued.
The redemption/exchange process is streamlined and will be easy and straightforward. The appointment will only be about 15-20 minutes. You will be in and out quickly.
The current understanding (and subject to change) is there will be a “Safe Web Link” or 800# sent to those who purchased currency/bonds online with a registered dealer. This would include: Banks, Travelex, Great American Coin or with the aggregating sites (example: Dinar Recaps, Dinar Chronicles et al). Currently there are approximately 2 million email addresses.
Emails should be coming from Wells Fargo, HSBC, Chase, Bank of America and possibly Fifth Third.
If you do not receive an email, the information will be posted on aggregating sites and/or with those who provide RV Intel.
If you receive an email directly, you may forward it to anyone you gifted currency and/or bonds.
If you received as a gift, you may get the email forwarded to you.
Follow the instructions provided in the email.
You may be asked to verify who you are by answering questions based on publicly available information. This process is similar to when you apply online to open a bank account or a loan.
You may be required to electronically sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). Read carefully so you understand what you are agreeing to. The NDA is to protect you. Print a copy for your records and for future reference. At the appointment, you will be signing a paper copy of the NDA.
You may be given an 800# or a unique 800# to schedule an appointment. The number may be to a specific location or you will be giving your Zip Code, to be directed to the closest location.
When you call you may be asked if you have Zim, Currency or both. This is because not all locations will be able to redeem Zim. NEVER say how much you have, and they cannot legally ask.
Remember that bonds (Zim) is redeemed, and Currency is exchanged.
You are free to redeem anywhere inside the United States. You are not required to exchange in your home state. It is recommended that if you live in a small town, that you go far enough from home, so you are not recognized. This is for your safety. There are no restrictions if you want to go to another state. You cannot go to another country to exchange. If you are a US citizen living abroad, check with place of exchange on what options you have available to you.
What to bring to appointment:
2 picture IDs – driver’s license, passport, government ID or anything with your picture
2 recent utility bill statements – this verifies your address
If homeless or no permanent address explain this at appointment.
Social Security card and/or Birth certificate. These may not be necessary, but bring especially if you have no picture ID.
If you have a bank account with a Tier 1 bank (HSBC, Chase, WF, Bank of America) bring your account number and routing number (a blank check will have that info.).
If you have a trust, bring the cover and indemnification pages (notarized pages). You may bring the entire trust, but they should only need copies of those pages.
Currencies/Bonds – Separate by country and denomination, large to small, facing in same direction. Place each currency into a small plastic bag.
If you have a lot of currency, recommend you create a tally sheet of how much of each currency/bond you have.
On day of appointment dress professionally. Do not dress to a point that you are uncomfortable.
Allow yourself plenty of time. Know where you are going and where to park if in a large city/urban area. Do not use Uber or Lyft type services. You might consider hiring a professional security company for transportation if safety is a concern.
Do not share with anyone purpose of your appointment or what you are doing.
Make a list of anything that you need in the first 10 days. Do you have any emergency needs like housing or medical, etc.
If you are redeeming Zim, make a 3-6-month budget. Budget does not include existing debt. Zim proceeds will be placed into a structured payout. Structured payouts take approximately 3 months to set up. By having a budget, you can have funds available for living expenses during that 90-day window.
It is expected that close of appointment that you will receive a debit card with 1-2% of Zim proceeds. Unless you have a large amount of currency you should have access to those funds the same day or within 24-36 hours. Large currency holders may have to put a portion of their funds into a structured payout.
Rates on currencies are based on Street rate, International and Contract rate. Not all currencies have a Contract rate. You can ask if there is one. You will want to know if there are conditions for receiving the contract rate and what they are. *See supplemental information for definitions.
The Redemption Centers will have a default package. This package includes rates, fees, services and benefits/perks. The default rate will be the International rate. If this is agreeable, you simply will follow through on signing all documents.
Leave with copies of all signed documents and any business cards.
Banks are reporting that there will not be time to create a skeleton trust at appointment. If possible, set up appointment for immediately after exchange to meet with a trust attorney or Trust Co. representative to have a trust created. Be prepared to have a unique trust name picked out. Also, who your beneficiaries will be and a successor trustee (person who will take over for you should you not be able to manage duties). Trust name should not be something associated with you directly.
When you get to the actual exchange process:
They will run your currency/bonds through the DE LaRue machine. This machine counts and verifies the authenticity of your currency.
If you do not like what is being offered, you can ask if any portion is negotiable.
You may be asked what you plan to do with funds. If you are redeeming Zim, the expectation is that you would do humanitarian projects, but is not required. At end of this document is a list of projects that you can choose from to support if you wish. (No longer 80/20 requirement on the Zim)
Historically, they have been looking for the following things in projects:
i. Projects are global in nature – start local and grow outward
ii. Job creation
iii. Duration – multigenerational
iv. Improves economy and helps businesses impacted by Covid
The best way to talk about your projects is to explain a problem and then how you want to fix it. Example: Homelessness – want to build safe affordable housing.
Your project should be typed up in a 1-3-page format with bullet points. This just makes it easy for them to read. Attached at end of this document is a cover sheet for your project. A copy of your project write up will be left at Redemption Center.
If you do not like the default package (rates, fees, services and perks) you may be able to request to talk to someone about what you plan to do and why you need something different than being offered. You may be given a Safe Keeping Receipt (SKR). This is where your currency/Bonds are recorded, and you are given the SKR. You will then work with a Trust company and/ or Wealth Manager to assist with negotiations and preparing the needed information.
Discuss what fees they are charging for exchange. It may be that the fees have been calculated in the rates. It is ok to ask if you can negotiate fees. In many cases, you may be further ahead to just pay the fees. This is something you can ask about. The same is true for services and perks.
If all is agreeable, sign and get copies.
Remember that any agreements can be rescinded within 72 hours/3 days by law. You may ask if that time can be extended to allow you time to meet with professionals and to come back and renegotiate in your best interests.
You may want to open a new bank account for each currency and/or bond you are redeeming/ exchanging. These accounts will be under trust account name if you have one.
Each person will be (allegedly) given a US Treasury Account and be in the QFS.
You can take your spouse to appointment or not. You do not want to take anyone who is not familiar with this process as they may end up slowing everything down with too many questions.
Below are some questions to ask and some may not be necessary under the new QFS:
a. Do the funds from each currency/bond need to be in separate accounts?
b. What about fund protection: Does FDIC still apply, or do I need a Lloyds or Cdars Insurance for amounts over $250,000? Is this something they can assist with?
c. I have been told that these transactions are non-taxable, if not, should that not be true, will you provide in writing that I will have access to the funds to pay taxes.
Ask for a full explanation of what the CAP’s and restrictions are and how they work. How are they scaled and what are the benchmarks for restrictions to be removed?
Read everything they give you including the NDA. If you do not understand, ask until you do. OR if you feel you need help, ask if there is an attorney available who can help.
Be respectful – they are not trying to trick you or deceive you.
Discuss Bank Perks – on the private banking side there are perks that you can request. Understand that you will be paying for them. They typically are tiered – so the more AUM (assets under management) you have, the more options you have.
Let them know you are aware that there will be a number of essential tasks to be addressed in the next 10-15 days. Tell them you will be needing help in setting appointments and managing those tasks. Ask if they can provide you with someone who can help.
Below is a list of possible tasks and list of professionals for short term and long term.
a. Establish primary irrevocable trust and any additional trusts or structures. Basic trust components may include:
i. Complex
ii. Non-grantor
iii. Discretionary
iv. Spendthrift
v. Asset protection
b. Meet with Security and Risk management team
c. Wealth Management Team
d. Attorneys and CPAs
e. Establishing short- and long-term priorities
f. Education for self and family – ask what time frame is for completion
There will be a number of decisions that will need to be made post-exchange appointment including meeting with or hiring professionals to assist you. The list below is intended only as a guide.
a. Accounting / Tax
b. Acquisitions
c. Administrative Assistant
d. Art/Advisory Collection
e. Asset Management
f. Aviation Safety Training
g. Brand Identity / Web Design
h. Charity / Philanthropy
i. Compliance / Oversight
j. Concierge
k. Consultancy
l. Precious Metals
m. Digital Privacy / Cyber Security
n. Education Consultancy / Private Tutor
o. Employee Screening
p. Hiring Advisors / Human Res. Search Team
q. Events/ Lifestyle Management
r. Family Office / Software Solutions
s. Family Video Biographies
t. Genealogy / Family History
u. Governance Specialists
v. Home Entertaining / Party Service
w. Ind. Wealth Mgmnt
x. Insurance
y. Interior Design/ Consultancy
z. Intern. Foreign Exchange
aa. Legal
bb. Medical / Health
cc. Mobile/ Telecomm
dd. Private Banking Adv/instructor
ee. Multi-Dimensional Governance
ff. Family Office
gg. Public Relations/ Comm
hh. Private Aircraft Mgmt/Charter
ii. Property / Hotel / Comm &Res
jj. Security / Risk Mgmt
kk. Security / Protection Services
ll. Succession Estate Planning
mm. Training / Wealth Transition Adv
nn. Trust/Fiduciary
oo. Venture Capital Investments
pp. VIP Travel
Supplemental Information
Many are new to this and often terms are used incorrectly, switched, or interchanged. It is more important that you understand what terms mean when you get to your appointment.
Tier 1 Bank: Tier 1 banks are those that hold the highest assets. They include: include: HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America.
Full-Service Banks: Banks that offer a full range of services including a foreign exchange department. Credit Unions are not usually Full-Service.
Types of Rates:
Front screen/Street Rate: This is the rate you see when you look to purchase or sell currency. The buy rate is higher than the sell rate and the bank always includes a fee. The fee includes the bank portion and the UST portion.
International Rate/ Back Screen/ Default: This is the rate that is used for trading. It is higher than the front screen/street rate. Example: Street rate per million Dong: $1180. International rate: $470,000. To receive international/default rated does require that you sign an NDA. This protects you and the bank.
Contract Rate: This is a rate that is agreed to between countries. Any contract rate is a written agreement between two parties. When you hear “contract rates” associated with the RV, it is often being misused.
Unless you have a written agreement with another, you do not have a contract rate.
If you negotiate for something different than the default, then you will be signing a written agreement and that would be your contract rate.
In the context of the US, it has written agreements with other countries, specifically Iraq and Vietnam.
With Iraq, it is sometimes referred to as “contract for oil”. This is an agreement between governments. The US holds Iraqi Dinar and will receive that contract rate.
Not all currencies have contract rates.
Currently, if you hold Zim, contract rates will not be available. This is because you will receive more from the Zim than you will with a contracted currency rate.
NDA – Non-disclosure agreement
The NDA is a written agreement between two parties that specifies what cannot be disclosed or shared. Usually there is a time limit, 90 days +. As relates to the RV, you are agreeing to not discuss what rate you received for your currency and Zim. The RV transaction is a private transaction. The UST does not want you talking to the public about your private transaction.
If you choose not to sign an NDA, you will go with the public (Tier 5) and will receive Street Rate.
Who can participate? Generally speaking, you can participate in the RV if you are not and have not participated in gangs, legalized crime, murder, human trafficking etc. If you are unsure, make appointment and ask when you get there.
RV Tiers:
T1 = Governments
T2 = Military, those who put this together, groups
T3 = Humanitarian Organizations/Groups and SKR groups
T4 = Internet group – those who follow what is going on with the RV
T4A = Individuals with SKRs, now part of T3
T4B – Individuals, Internet Group
T5 = Public
SKR: Stands for Safe Keeping Receipt. This is where someone who is licensed and authorized to be a Paymaster (usually an attorney) represents a group of currency holders (were originally done prior to Zim being in the offering). They sign a contract and agree to a specified rate. There are not and have not been any new SKR groups for several years.
Prosperity Packages: These cover a very wide area. Includes funds from large trusts such as St. Germain, Rodriguez, Heritage and Mitterrand Trusts will be used to assist the Common Man and help with some debt relief.
Adjudicated Packages: These are lawsuits where plaintiffs won the legal cases. The largest are: CMKX, Native American Claims, Farm Claims, and others. You will know if you are already a part of these.
CMKX: A diamond mine that oversold stock with the help of the SEC. They were sued by key stockholders and won – often referred to as an Adjudicated Package.
Farm Claims: Lawsuit that involved farmers who were unfairly taken advantage of by bankers. They sued and won.
Currency Basket: Originally there were a few baskets with different countries’ currencies revaluing approximately six months apart. There are 22 currencies that are scheduled to go initially.
Once all currency are asset backed, that currency will be exchanged at 1:1 and it will not matter if it is a Mexican Peso or a Dinar. The RV is about creating a level playing field. Not all currency rates will rise in value and some will fall.
List of currencies:
• US
• UK
• Kuwait
• Canada
• Mexico
• Russia
• China
• Venezuela
• Iranian Rial
• Indonesia Rupiah
• Malaysia
• Vietnamese
• Brazil
• Saudi Arabia
• Qatar
• United Arab Emirates
• Turkey
• Afghanistan
• India
• Libya
• Japan
If you do not have a project but wish to help, below is list of 15 categories of projects from which you can choose. Each category is associated with an Executive Order (EO). You can look up the EO to learn what the focus is. This will help if you do not have an existing project.
• Infrastructure – (There are 5 EOs related to infrastructure. One is #13807 8/15/2017 – Review purpose and what is needed)
• Energy
• International and American business
• Security
• Violence and criminals
• American Indians, refuges and pacific islanders
• Housing
• Technology and space
• Agriculture, oceans, water
• Health
• Spiritual
• Terrorists
• Education
• Financial and money
• Veterans
Project Cover Sheet
Name of Project
Name of Submitter
Phone number
Email Address
Date of Submission
Description of the project – give as much detail as possible. (If you have a plan or outline prepared, attach this form to front of that plan)
"Keep Beleivin' In The Unbeleivable" by Dr. Dinar
.Keep Believin' In The Unbelievable!
by Dr. Dinar
Sheesh. They can put a man on the Moon. Or at least we think they can anyway.
Could've been Hollywood magicification for all we know.
Without a doubt the lighting situation was highly suspect.
But let's go ahead and give 'em the benefit of the doubt, just for the sake of discussion.
What we do know is they can put shampoo and conditioner in the same bottle.
Well, according to the label anyway.
Even if we're unable to see inside the bottle itself, that much we can see.
However, based on the results, it certainly appears we're being fed some serious misdisinfo.
Would the shampoo company intentionally deceive us?
Naw... they wouldn't do that.
From Recaps Archives
Keep Believin' In The Unbelievable!
by Dr. Dinar
Sheesh. They can put a man on the Moon. Or at least we think they can anyway.
Could've been Hollywood magicification for all we know.
Without a doubt the lighting situation was highly suspect.
But let's go ahead and give 'em the benefit of the doubt, just for the sake of discussion.
What we do know is they can put shampoo and conditioner in the same bottle.
Well, according to the label anyway.
Even if we're unable to see inside the bottle itself, that much we can see.
However, based on the results, it certainly appears we're being fed some serious misdisinfo.
Would the shampoo company intentionally deceive us?
Naw... they wouldn't do that.
Or would they.
The all-in-one results certainly aren't anything even close to those derived from implementing them in a two-step process. Shampoo first, then conditioner.
Matter of fact it almost feels (and looks) as if there's been no conditioner applied whatsoever.
Once again, we're left with two options. Believe or don't believe.
Moving on, let's go with something a bit more visible. Like a sandwich.
We know they can put peanut butter and jelly in the same jar.
How do we know that? Because we can see it.
Yes, thanks to something as simple as a clear glass jar, we're able to see the two key ingredients in all their swirlicious glory.
We know what Peanut Butter looks like. We know what Jelly looks like.
Especially when both are applied to two separate slices of bread.
Both easily recognizable, totally different colors as well as tastes.
So when you see them both swirlified in the same clear glass jar, it's pretty much a no-brainer.
No need to be a believer in the unseen, the evidence is unmistakably clear.
So it only stands to reason that if they can do all of those things, then why on Earth can't they get this GCR done.
Yeah, yeah, I get it. This is a biggie.
A never previously been attempted, once in anybody's lifetime, one for the history books, global sized event.
Yet, isn't that exactly why they assigned this task to only the most intelligent folks on the planet.
If it were up to me and my goal was to make this GCR thing happen, I know I would do everything possible to ensure I had assembled the best Team available. Wouldn't you?
Isn't that sort of Rule No.1, hire those more intelligent than yourself.
It only makes sense.
Keeping all that in mind, we also have endless amounts of trendsetting technology at our fingertips.
From talking clones to flying drones, without a doubt we're wise beyond on years.
And still, with all that at their disposal, they still can't seem to get this done.
We're constantly being told that they've been working on getting this thing done for the past fartoomany years.
However, with no visible proof, one can't help but begin to wonder if this thing truly is getting done.
As in making forward progress of any sort.
Not to point fingers but if any of us were to be appointed to a similar position, we'd have been fired long ago.
And rightfully so.
After all, you're hired for one reason. To do a job.
One job. Complete a desired task.
Basically, to git 'r done.
And I don't know about you but from where I stand, they ain't got it done.
Not yet anyway.
Close? Maybe. But done?? Not so much.
I don't care how many hundreds of times I hear "It's done... we're just waiting for the release."
Until they release it, it ain't done.
Until it's liquid and spendable, it ain't done.
Until I can buy groceries and pay the electric bill to keep those groceries cold in the fridge, it ain't done.
Until I can buy the groceries for the person behind me in the grocery store line, it ain't done.
So please, if you're one of those continually saying "It's done, but... .", please check to see how important that add-on but is.
I believe you'll come to find that one little but makes all the difference.
Which brings me back to my original thought.
That being if any of us were in charge of getting it done, regardless of what "it" is, yet we continually fell short in accomplishing our goal, we'd surely be excused from our place of employment.
And our replacement would be hired (or recharged, depending on if we were to be replaced by a Robot or not) post haste.
Hmmmmm... replacement. That's it!
What if we seek out replacements for whomever the heck it is that's responsible for completing this task.
Whomever's job it is to make this RV / GCR thing happen. To git 'r done.
The one's that don't appear to be getting it done. Yeah, them folks.
Would it be a group such as the A-Team, with all of their battle-hardened skills?
Or a bunch such as Charlie's Angels, with their super-stealthish abilities among their many attributes.
Surely they could get the job done.
And no, I didn't refer to any of them as Shirley.
Heck, at this point I wouldn't care if it was The Brady Bunch.
As long as we're assured they're on our side and want the best for humanity, I'm okay with it.
But wait. Let's think about this for a second.
What if I'm wr... wro... mistaken in my thought process.
What if the people assigned to completing this task actually do want it done.
What if they are in fact doing their very best to get it released.
What if they are indeed on the good side, wanting the best for humanity.
After a decade of feeling as if it's entirely possible we've been duped, I think it's only natural to be more than a bit skeptical.
To begin to question everything and everyone involved in this situation.
Especially when we're all too aware of the many folks that don't want this to happen.
Yet, at some point you have to have faith.
In both the people in charge as well as the ongoing process itself and the supposed progress being made towards completing the process.
Think about it. Doesn't matter how long you've been involved in this exchange endeavor, if you're anything like me, then you've yet to see any factual signs of progress.
After hearing words such as Article 140, the HCL Law, new Prime Minister seated, Erbil Arbil Gerbil ramblin' by our monitors for over a decade now, one becomes quite numb to all of that delirium.
Meaning all of the supposed results are just as intangible as the forward progression of the process itself.
As Bruce Springsteen often says, we're runnin' on empty, runnin' blind, unable to see any progress nor the process itself.
He must be a currency holder.
Come to think of it, looking back, hasn't it pretty much been that way since the very start.
Runnin' on faith, believing in the unbelievable.
For the most part none of us had ever been to Iraq.
Yet we were so anxious to connect with someone that had (or had a connection to someone that had) that we were easily swept up by people that continually made claims of having connections in places we could never have imagined.
Were we idiots for believing them? Hmmm... perhaps. Let's hope not.
Believers in the unbelievable? Without a doubt.
And who could blame us.
If you're going to get involved in anything like the RV/GCR and you refuse to believe in the unseen, I wish you all the luck in the world.
You're gonna need it.
This whole thing runs on the unverified and unseen.
Believing in the unbelievable is key to surviving this journey.
So at this point in the process we're pretty much stuck believing that the people in charge of this RV/GCR thing, whomever they may be, have only the best of intentions.
Believing that they're working with much more intelligence and knowledge than we tend to give them credit for.
Or at the very least hoping they are well aware of Google and aren't afraid to use it.
Who knows, they might be just like us.
Fed up with the seemingly endless broke weekends and want this done and completed just as much as we do.
Perhaps even more.
They've still got time to get this done.
Let's hope this is a season of miracles after all.
And let's hope our Christmas in July Bonus isn't just enrollment in another year of the RV/GCR "Rumor Of The Month" Club.
The global economy ain't got time for that.
And neither do we.
Hang in there folks and keep on believin' in the unbelievable.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer: Please consider everything in this post as my opinion. I’m not a professional Wealth Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, 'Rumor Of The Month' Club Salesman, etc.. I’m simply someone that chooses to believe in the unbelievable, including but not limited to, the possibility that they truly do want to get this thing done. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions you make now and in the future.
Exchange Appointment Tips and Possible Bank Perks
.Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest: Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist
Bank Name_________________________________________
Bank 800#__________________________________________
“I am calling to schedule a foreign currency exchange”
My name is___________________________________________
My zipcode is__________________
My e-mail address is (If they ask for it)________________________________
Occasionally Dinar Recaps will be posting Exchange Tips and information from our archives for our newest readers that may be helpful for you at our exchange appointments and Post RV. Not all information may apply to you and your personal situation…..Take what you like and leave the rest: Some you may want to save for your own personal records! We hope all our dreams come true very soon ~ Your Dinar Recaps Team
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist
Bank Name_________________________________________
Bank 800#__________________________________________
“I am calling to schedule a foreign currency exchange”
My name is___________________________________________
My zipcode is__________________
My e-mail address is (If they ask for it)________________________________
For your own information: Noone is supposed to ask how much currency you have until you are at the exchange appointment.
I have________________________ IQN (Iraqi) currency
I have________________________VNN (Vietnamese) currency
I have________________________ IDN (Indonesian) currency
I have_________100Trillion,________50Trillion,_______20Trillionand_______10Trillion
2008AA notes of ZWN (Zimbabwe) currency
FILL IN THE BLANKS for EXCHANGE appointment information that you get from the call
center representative:
Your appointment Information:
The Location____________________
The Day of Your Appointment- Things To Do
1. Make sure you know where you are going. Arrive early so you can “get yourself together, take a deep breath”.
Do not loiter. If you are too early, stay SECURELY in the general area but not in the bank parking lot!
2. Remember to get in and get the EXCHANGE done, there a lot of other people behind you in line so be thoughtful of their time as well.
You will have time for questions at your second appointment with your new Private Banker/Wealth Manager.
3. Be discrete, be professional, and be alert and aware of your surroundings. BREATHE! Seriously consider hiring security to accompany you to your appointment or bring a trusted friend.
4. Collect business cards from everyone or take their name and phone numbers as well as the location of their regular branch office.
5. Read and Sign the NDA. If it is simple and states you cannot tell anyone except your spouse, lawyer, or CPA (These are the people that need to know how you came about your money for tax purposes) how you came about all of your new found wealth, sign it and move forward with your exchange.
Be prepared to uphold it!
If you break the terms, you could lose your newfound wealth.
If the NDA is more complex and you are not comfortable with it, simply let them know you would like to explore your options with another banking institution. They may or may not waive the NDA.
The Day of Your Appointment Things NOT To Do
Do not demand anything while at the bank or act like a lunatic, you will be escorted out.
Remember the Golden Rule “Treat others the way you wish to be Treated”!!!
Items to Bring to the EXCHANGE Appointment
(Check off the list as you put all items needed together to make sure you remember everything)
“Driver’s License
“Second form of ID (accredit card or passport)
“Your most recent utility bill (Water, power, etc.) to confirm residency in case you have never held an account with the bank you will be exchanging with or for another form of ID
“Power of Attorney Paperwork (If you are exchanging for someone else)
“A pad, pen to take notes, calculator
“Receipts for all currency purchased or gifting letter if they were a gift in case they are needed (Do not offer them, only do so if they are requested)
“IQN / VNN / IDN / ZWN currency
“Have your TOD designees (Transferable on Death) full legal names, phone numbers, addresses and Social Security Numbers written down that you want listed on your accounts.
You can have multiple TOD designations per account (Wife/Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Nieces/Nephews, etc.)
“Have a list of Cashier’s Checks you will need, if any, along with the exact amounts and who they need to be Payable to
“Decide in advance if you will be requesting cash for “Pocket Money” beforehand and how much.
“Know the ceiling rate!!! Make sure you do not get hit with a Spread Fee! If you do not like the spread fee they are charging simply let them know (In a Professional manner) you will go to another bank.
New Account Numbers for each Currency EXCHANGED (If You decide to have separate accounts)
Name of Bank Exchanger____________________________________________
IQN Checking Account Number__________________________________________
IQN Checking Routing Number__________________________________________
IQN Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________
Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts (Checking and Savings)
“Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information
“Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)
“Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive
“Get ATM card if you want one
“Set up Online Banking if wanted
“Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds __________
VNN Checking Account Number__________________________________________
VNN Checking Routing Number__________________________________________
VNN Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________
“Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts ( Checking and Savings)
“Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information
“Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)
“Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive
“Get ATM card if you want one
“Set up Online Banking if wanted
“Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds____________
Zim Checking Account Number__________________________________________
ZIm Checking Routing Number__________________________________________
Zim Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________
“Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts ( Checking and Savings)
“Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information
“Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)
“Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive
“Get ATM card if you want one
“Set up Online Banking if wanted
“Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds
(Use the same format for Rupiah and Rial or other currencies if they are also exchangeable at this time)
Set second appointment with a Private Banker or Wealth Manager (The bank will guide as to who you need to speak with based on your EXCHANGE/deposit amount
This appointment will be the one in which you discuss all of your options for investment and
your “perks”
Private Banker Name__________________________
Telephone Number____________________________
Appointment time______________
Notes: ___________________________________________________________________
(Dinar Recaps Note: You may also want to have a list of "perks" with you so you know which ones are important to you)
Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .
AUM - Assets Under Management
1. No fees ever for foreign currency exchanges
2. Provide a Private Banker/Wealth Manager at the time of exchange to initially park the funds in an non-interest-bearing account overnight and sweep those funds into other non-interest bearing accounts within your bank the following day; until I meet with bank advisers and other financial professionals and make some general guidelines for the management of these funds and the distribution of a portion of these funds through your bank, trust, and LLCs.
3. Family Office Services
4. Perks can be based on AUM (Assets Under Management) in a tier grid
5. Discounts on AUM fees
6. No fees ever - no fee to deposit/wire transfer money
7. No Broker fees ever
8. Free Safe Deposit Box, Certified Checks, Notarized, Courier Services
9.Provide Excess Deposit Insurance (i.e. Lloyds of London and/or Travelers) or Abbott Downing
10.Provide Senior Wealth Managers/Investment Bankers for selection
11.Tax/Business/Estate Attorney & CPA
12. Private transactions representation –assistance in buying a house/car/anything ( my trustee will purchase through my bank) 13.
Free Due Diligence Services provided for outside investment opportunities(research on any person or service) they will get it
14.100% funding availability (immediate Funds) before we leave
15. Unlimited Platinum or Black Visa Signature Debit & Credit Card with no ATM fees
16. Line of Credit available
17. Group Health Insurance - to cover the signers and families of depositors
18. Guarantee 12-15% interest per year on deposits
19. Bank Trading Platforms & Repurchase Agreement Sweep Accounts
20. Short Term/High Yield Interest Rates
21. Assist in opening an offshore bank account with affiliate bank for foreign investments
22. Access to information on great investment opportunities
23. Pre-IPO deals
24. Provide free Executive Privacy Plus subscription with Reputation.com
25. Sports tickets in suites and on the floor (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Tennis, Golf, NASCAR & etc.) Also, special events like the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, College Bowls, NCAA Final Four, World Series &the Olympics. Based on AUM in a tier grid
26. Entertainment & Concert tickets in suites and on the floor (Music Concerts, Entertainment Awards Shows, Premier Movie Screenings, TV Show tickets & etc.) Based on AUM in a tier grid
27. Limousine & VIP transportation based on AUM in a tier grid
28. Private Jet Travel (5-25 flight hrs. per mo.) based on AUM in atier grid on flight hours per month
29. First Class seats/commercial airlines based on AUM in a tier grid
30. Private Yacht access/usage (40 hrs. annually) based on AUM in a tier grid on access/usage hours per year
31. Donations to our favorite charities (Banks matching a certain percentage)
32. Prime seats at charity events
33. Suites at Luxury Hotels & VIP Dinners at Restaurants based on AUM
34. Membership fee & Annual fees to Inspirato Core resorts & residences
35. Membership fee & Annual fees to Exclusive Resorts & Residences for 60 days with Priority Holiday Access annually
36. ClubCorp Private Membership based on AUM
37. Spa & Massage Club Membership based on AUM in a tier grid
38. Concierge Services 24/7 based on AUM
39. Provide a free Vertu Ti cell phone & concierge subscription service for members with $1 million and over AUM
40. Free Family Financial Education provided for group family members
41. Provide any and all other perks that was not mentioned
Some "Blasts From the Past" from Dinar Recaps Archives
.Note From Dinar Recaps:
To our newest readers,
If you are new to the Dinar and Currency investment and wish to educate yourself further please go to www.Dinarrecaps.com . At the top of our blog page click on the categories button and go to The Dinar Recaps Archives or Post RV Categories for all our past posts on history of past RV’s, Exchange tips, Security and other valuable information.
We hope all of our dreams come true very soon.
Your Dinar Recaps Team
Note From Dinar Recaps:
To our newest readers,
If you are new to the Dinar and Currency investment and wish to educate yourself further please go to www.Dinarrecaps.com . At the top of our blog page click on the categories button and go to The Dinar Recaps Archives or Post RV Categories for all our past posts on history of past RV’s, Exchange tips, Security and other valuable information.
We hope all of our dreams come true very soon.
Your Dinar Recaps Team
New York Time Kuwait Revalues it’s Currency
NY TIMES(Kuwait RV): Published: March 25, 1991
It still has no water and little electricity or food, but Kuwait revived its banking system today, introducing a new currency......Banks reopened for the first time since Iraqi occupation forces shut them down in December.
Thousands of people lined up to exchange their old Kuwaiti dinars for crisp new ones and to withdraw a limited amount of money.....The Central Bank is canceling the value of Kuwaiti dinars that were seized from the Central Bank and put into circulation by the Iraqis.
The invalid serial numbers were posted today in front of all banks in the city....All other old dinars can be exchanged for new ones on a one-to-one rate until May 7, when the old dinars become invalid.
The new official exchange rate is 3.47 American dollars for one new Kuwaiti dinar.
From March 18, 1975 to January 4, 2003 the dinar was pegged to a weighted currency basket. From January 5, 2003 until May 20, 2007, the pegging was switched to 1 U.S. dollar = 0.29963 dinar with margins of ±3.5%.[2] The central rate translates to approximately 1 dinar = 3.33745 dollars. From June 16, 2007, the Kuwaiti dinar was re-pegged to a basket of currencies,[3] and is now worth about US$3.609 (€2.686). It is the world's highest-valued currency unit
What is Nesara???? Many sites are talking about it……here is some information
NESARA ...Forgives all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities..
Information about NESARA:
Source: http://www.ashtarontheroad.com/nesara-flyer-2-8-16.html
A law was passed in the United States in March 2000 and signed into law in October of 2000. This law is called N.E.S.A.R.A. – National Economic Security and Reformation Act. All politicians and media members are under a gag order to not speak of it publicly until it is officially announced. This new law will first be enacted in the United States and eventually will be rolled out across the world. The law provides:
· Forgives all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities
· Dissolves the IRS and ends all income tax
· Creates flat rate non-essential “new items only” sales tax (food, medicine and all used items will not be taxed)
· Increases benefits to senior citizens
· Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters – re-trains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
· Provides for new representational elections within Constitutional Law.
· Monitors elections and prevents illegal activities of billionaires and special interest groups
· Ends the Federal Reserve System and begins a new US Treasury bank system that follows Constitutional Law
· Creates new US Treasury currency backed by gold, silver and precious metals,ending US Government bankruptcy. This will initiate global economic reform.
· Restores financial privacy
· Ceases all aggressive US Government military action worldwide
· Leads to peace throughout the world
· Enables release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies and enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
The provisions of the National Economic Security and Reformation Act have been composed by visionaries who wish to correct past wrongs against the people in the United States. It is supported and inspired by statesmen around the world, as well as off-world, as a vision for global peace, freedom and prosperity.
Further information about N.E.S.A.R.A. history at these sources:
For Dinar - What you will see on Forex or CBI WHEN IT RVs
$ RATE = What you will see on Forex or CBI
$ .86 = 1.162
$ 1.00 = 1.000
$1.17 = 0.854
$1.86 = 0.537
$2.00 = 0.500
$2.50 = 0.400
$3.00 = 0.333
$3.22 = 0.310
$3.46 = 0.289
$3.50 = 0.285
$3.86 = 0.259
$4.00 = 0.250
$4.10 = 0.243
$4.40 = 0.227
$5.00 = 0.200
$5.25 = 0.190
$5.50 = 0.181
$6.00 = 0.166
$7.00 = 0142
$8.00 = 0.125
$8.25 = .0121
$8.50 = .0117
$9.00 = 0.111
In The Beginning Many Years Ago Today !!! Need I Say More???
Exchange Appointment Tips and Possible Bank Perks
.Reposted for our newest readers…………..
Note: All items on the checklist may or may not apply to your own individual circumstances…some of the items listed may or may not still be applicable at your exchange apt....ask your banker at the time of your appointment.
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist
Bank Name_________________________________________
Bank 800#__________________________________________
“I am calling to schedule a foreign currency exchange”
My name is___________________________________________
My zipcode is__________________
My e-mail address is (If they ask for it)________________________________
Reposted for our newest readers…………..
Note: All items on the checklist may or may not apply to your own individual circumstances…some of the items listed may or may not still be applicable at your exchange apt....ask your banker at the time of your appointment.
Bank appointment for Currency EXCHANGE Instructions/Checklist
Bank Name_________________________________________
Bank 800#__________________________________________
“I am calling to schedule a foreign currency exchange”
My name is___________________________________________
My zipcode is__________________
My e-mail address is (If they ask for it)________________________________
I have________________________ IQN (Iraqi) currency
I have________________________VNN (Vietnamese) currency
I have________________________ IDN (Indonesian) currency
I have_________100Trillion,________50Trillion,_______20Trillionand_______10Trillion
2008AA notes of ZWN (Zimbabwe) currency
FILL IN THE BLANKS for EXCHANGE appointment information that you get from the call
center representative:
Your appointment Information:
The Location____________________
The Day of Your Appointment- Things To Do
1. Make sure you know where you are going. Arrive early so you can “get yourself together, take a deep breath”.
Do not loiter. If you are too early, stay SECURELY in the general area but not in the bank
parking lot!
2. Remember to get in and get the EXCHANGE done, there a lot of other people behind you in line so be thoughtful of their time as well.
You will have time for questions at your second appointment with your new Private Banker/Wealth Manager.
3. Be discrete, be professional, and be alert and aware of your surroundings. BREATHE! Seriously consider hiring security to accompany you to your appointment or bring a trusted friend.
4. Collect business cards from everyone or take their name and phone numbers as well as the location of their regular branch office.
5. Read and Sign the NDA. If it is simple and states you cannot tell anyone except your spouse, lawyer, or CPA (These are the people that need to know how you came about your money for tax purposes) how you came about all of your new found wealth, sign it and move forward with your exchange.
Be prepared to uphold it!
If you break the terms, you could lose your newfound wealth.
If the NDA is more complex and you are not comfortable with it, simply let them know you would like to explore your options with another banking institution. They may or may not waive the NDA.
The Day of Your Appointment Things NOT To Do
Do not demand anything while at the bank or act like a lunatic, you will be escorted out.
Remember the Golden Rule “Treat others the way you wish to be Treated”!!!
Items to Bring to the EXCHANGE Appointment
(Check off the list as you put all items needed together to make sure you remember everything)
“Driver’s License
“Second form of ID (accredit card or passport)
“Your most recent utility bill (Water, power, etc.) to confirm residency in case you have never held an account with the bank you will be exchanging with or for another form of ID
“Power of Attorney Paperwork (If you are exchanging for someone else)
“A pad, pen to take notes, calculator
“Receipts for all currency purchased or gifting letter if they were a gift in case they are needed (Do not offer them, only do so if they are requested)
“IQN / VNN / IDN / ZWN currency
“Have your TOD designees (Transferable on Death) full legal names, phone numbers, addresses and Social Security Numbers written down that you want listed on your accounts.
You can have multiple TOD designations per account (Wife/Husband, Children, Grandchildren, Nieces/Nephews, etc.)
“Have a list of Cashier’s Checks you will need, if any, along with the exact amounts and who they need to be Payable to
“Decide in advance if you will be requesting cash for “Pocket Money” beforehand and how much.
“Know the ceiling rate!!! Make sure you do not get hit with a Spread Fee! If you do not like the spread fee they are charging simply let them know (In a Professional manner) you will go to another bank.
New Account Numbers for each Currency EXCHANGED (If You decide to have separate accounts)
Name of Bank Exchanger____________________________________________
IQN Checking Account Number__________________________________________
IQN Checking Routing Number__________________________________________
IQN Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________
Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts (Checking and Savings)
“Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information
“Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)
“Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive
“Get ATM card if you want one
“Set up Online Banking if wanted
“Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds __________
VNN Checking Account Number__________________________________________
VNN Checking Routing Number__________________________________________
VNN Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________
“Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts ( Checking and Savings)
“Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information
“Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)
“Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive
“Get ATM card if you want one
“Set up Online Banking if wanted
“Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds____________
Zim Checking Account Number__________________________________________
ZIm Checking Routing Number__________________________________________
Zim Savings Account Number (Deposit 50% of your Exchange for Taxes just in case and do not touch until Tax Time)_________________________________________
“Add TOD (Transferable on Death) Names to Accounts ( Checking and Savings)
“Make sure you receive copies of the deposit slips and all account information
“Get Clean and Clear Certificates – at least 10 or more (Documentation that your money is not tied to anything illegal)
“Get starter checks if needed until your checks arrive
“Get ATM card if you want one
“Set up Online Banking if wanted
“Inquire about Extra Insurance for your funds
(Use the same format for Rupiah and Rial or other currencies if they are also exchangeable at this time)
Set second appointment with a Private Banker or Wealth Manager (The bank will guide as to who you need to speak with based on your EXCHANGE/deposit amount
This appointment will be the one in which you discuss all of your options for investment and
your “perks”
Private Banker Name__________________________
Telephone Number____________________________
Appointment time______________
Notes: ___________________________________________________________________
(Dinar Recaps Note: You may also want to have a list of "perks" with you so you know which ones are important to you)
Possible Bank Perks to ask for at your Exchange Appointment .
AUM - Assets Under Management
1. No fees ever for foreign currency exchanges
2. Provide a Private Banker/Wealth Manager at the time of exchange to initially park the funds in an non-interest-bearing account overnight and sweep those funds into other non-interest bearing accounts within your bank the following day; until I meet with bank advisers and other financial professionals and make some general guidelines for the management of these funds and the distribution of a portion of these funds through your bank, trust, and LLCs.
3. Family Office Services
4. Perks can be based on AUM (Assets Under Management) in a tier grid
5. Discounts on AUM fees
6. No fees ever - no fee to deposit/wire transfer money
7. No Broker fees ever
8. Free Safe Deposit Box, Certified Checks, Notarized, Courier Services
9.Provide Excess Deposit Insurance (i.e. Lloyds of London and/or Travelers) or Abbott Downing
10.Provide Senior Wealth Managers/Investment Bankers for selection
11.Tax/Business/Estate Attorney & CPA
12. Private transactions representation –assistance in buying a house/car/anything ( my trustee will purchase through my bank) 13.
Free Due Diligence Services provided for outside investment opportunities(research on any person or service) they will get it
14.100% funding availability (immediate Funds) before we leave
15. Unlimited Platinum or Black Visa Signature Debit & Credit Card with no ATM fees
16. Line of Credit available
17. Group Health Insurance - to cover the signers and families of depositors
18. Guarantee 12-15% interest per year on deposits
19. Bank Trading Platforms & Repurchase Agreement Sweep Accounts
20. Short Term/High Yield Interest Rates
21. Assist in opening an offshore bank account with affiliate bank for foreign investments
22. Access to information on great investment opportunities
23. Pre-IPO deals
24. Provide free Executive Privacy Plus subscription with Reputation.com
25. Sports tickets in suites and on the floor (Football, Basketball, Baseball, Boxing, Tennis, Golf, NASCAR & etc.) Also, special events like the Super Bowl, NBA Finals, College Bowls, NCAA Final Four, World Series &the Olympics. Based on AUM in a tier grid
26. Entertainment & Concert tickets in suites and on the floor (Music Concerts, Entertainment Awards Shows, Premier Movie Screenings, TV Show tickets & etc.) Based on AUM in a tier grid
27. Limousine & VIP transportation based on AUM in a tier grid
28. Private Jet Travel (5-25 flight hrs. per mo.) based on AUM in atier grid on flight hours per month
29. First Class seats/commercial airlines based on AUM in a tier grid
30. Private Yacht access/usage (40 hrs. annually) based on AUM in a tier grid on access/usage hours per year
31. Donations to our favorite charities (Banks matching a certain percentage)
32. Prime seats at charity events
33. Suites at Luxury Hotels & VIP Dinners at Restaurants based on AUM
34. Membership fee & Annual fees to Inspirato Core resorts & residences
35. Membership fee & Annual fees to Exclusive Resorts & Residences for 60 days with Priority Holiday Access annually
36. ClubCorp Private Membership based on AUM
37. Spa & Massage Club Membership based on AUM in a tier grid
38. Concierge Services 24/7 based on AUM
39. Provide a free Vertu Ti cell phone & concierge subscription service for members with $1 million and over AUM
40. Free Family Financial Education provided for group family members
41. Provide any and all other perks that was not mentioned
"We're All In This Together" by Dr. Dinar
.Thank you Dr. Dinar
We're All In This Together by Dr. Dinar
Okay, so where are we now.
Where exactly do we stand in this seemingly never ending journey to the GCR.
Honestly, I have absolutely no idea.
And as far as I can tell, nobody else really knows either.
Yes, they continually give their best guesses but time and time again, these guesstimations are anything but correct.
Not to fault them.
After all, they're doing the best they can with what they have to work with.
Thank you Dr. Dinar
We're All In This Together by Dr. Dinar
Okay, so where are we now.
Where exactly do we stand in this seemingly never ending journey to the GCR.
Honestly, I have absolutely no idea.
And as far as I can tell, nobody else really knows either.
Yes, they continually give their best guesses but time and time again, these guesstimations are anything but correct.
Not to fault them.
After all, they're doing the best they can with what they have to work with.
Having said that, and as much as I'd love to know how close to the finish line we truly are, it makes complete sense that nobody knows the date.
Nor the rate.
For some reason that still doesn't prevent me from wanting just an inkling of info in regards to where we are on the Checklist To Completion.
If such a thing exists. Which I highly doubt it does.
Sure, they have things that need to get be accomplished.
But it always seems as if while they're working on one thing, two other must completes pop up in the meantime.
So with the one forward, two back routine always seemingly in play, how are we ever supposed to reach a conclusion.
All we can do is continue to hope that eventually circumstances will dictate that things must make a change, otherwise everybody loses.
And if you're anything like me, that script-flip can't come a minute too soon.
I recently had cause to reflect on a time when things were so much simpler.
A time when all we were dealing with was the RV of the IQD.
It was a two day trip, two weeks at the most.
We'd done the research, endlessly scowered the map, we couldn't have been better prepared.
All of our gear in order, everything laid out in front of us, To Go bag by the door.
What could possibly go wrong.
Well, as it turns out, quite a few things could go wrong. And did.
First of which was getting banned from one of the very few (at the time) reliable RV sites.
For the second time no less.
Why was I banned?
Well, silly me.
Who knew you weren't allowed to speak your mind.
To give your opinion.
To question authority.
After all, it was an open Forum format, was it not.
Apparently, contrary to popular belief, it was not.
So, after experiencing my second banishment, I determined that if I was to remain connected to the going's on in Dinarland, it was I and not them that was going to have to make a few changes.
With that in mind, I decided it was best to take on an entirely new persona, as well as a new demeanor, if I had any hopes at all of staying connected.
And staying connected, for me, was Job #1.
Armed with a new identity, as well as a new email address, I gave it the ol' college try.
Fortunately for me, the third time was the charm.
I was, as they say, in like Flynn. Whomever Flynn is.
Back in the know.
Back in with the in crowd as it were.
Up close and personal with all the best intel.
Or so I was led to believe anyway.
And you better believe I wasn't going to question it.
Nope, not this time.
I quietly sat in the back of the room, training myself to become a great listener.
As time rolled on I did become just a bit more vocal, connecting with those I resonated with, but I also paid more attention to keeping my questions, as well as my opinions, under wraps.
I will add that at the time I was also connected to a couple other private situations which afforded me an even better glimpse into the supposed behind the scenes happenings .
Keeping in mind that this was a decade or so ago and as it turns out we really hadn't a clue as to what was going on.
Not as far as the GCR was concerned anyway.
The GCR was never really spoken of, and if it was, it was only in the context of something else that was in the works but it in no way would have any affect on the RV.
What I will say though is the history lessons I received while attending those other classes was and is something I'll always be grateful for.
They served as the concrete that created my unwavering foundation, solid in the knowing that this entire GCR thing really is real.
Knowing the initial reasoning behind the RV itself, who some of the major players were, and why they were there really helps to make sense of so much of what we see today, all these years later.
Although most of the folks I've connected with throughout the years have chosen their own ways of making it through to the finish line, at the end of the day we're all heading in the same direction.
Not necessarily in the same boat, but most definitely on the same river.
I'm willing to bet that nobody that has been involved in this endeavor over 5 years ever thought things would go this way.
That it would take this long.
With so many crazy twists and turns.
That so many last broke Friday's would fall by the wayside, leaving us with far too many still broke Monday's.
Yet, here we are and it is what it is.
Nothing we can do about all the time that has passed other than cherish the Economics education we've received, as well as the like-minded friends we've made along the way.
At this point in the game, from here on out we're all paddling down the same river, heading for the same destination.
All of us looking forward to the day we can reach the shore, exchange our paddles for Porsche's (or whatever flavor of fun you desire), and move on to the life of our dreams.
Until then, please continue to do your best to hang in there.
And whatever you do... KEEP ON PADDLIN'!
Remember, we're all in this together.
Dr. Dinar
Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the owner of a canoe, nor a banjo for that matter. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.
From Dinar Recaps Archives
Keep Watering Your Bamboo Tree
.From Recaps Archives
Keep Watering Your Bamboo Tree
Eric Aronson
In the Far East, there is a tree called the Chinese bamboo tree. This remarkable tree is different from most trees in that it doesn't grow in the usual fashion. While most trees grow steadily over a period of years, the Chinese bamboo tree doesn't break through the ground for the first four years.
Then, in the fifth year, an amazing thing happens - the tree begins to grow at an astonishing rate. In fact, in a period of just five weeks, a Chinese bamboo tree can grow to a height of 90 feet. It's almost as if you can actually see the tree growing before your very eyes.
From Recaps Archives
Keep Watering Your Bamboo Tree
Eric Aronson
In the Far East, there is a tree called the Chinese bamboo tree. This remarkable tree is different from most trees in that it doesn't grow in the usual fashion. While most trees grow steadily over a period of years, the Chinese bamboo tree doesn't break through the ground for the first four years.
Then, in the fifth year, an amazing thing happens - the tree begins to grow at an astonishing rate. In fact, in a period of just five weeks, a Chinese bamboo tree can grow to a height of 90 feet. It's almost as if you can actually see the tree growing before your very eyes.
Well, I'm convinced that life often works in a similar way. You can work for weeks, months and years on your dream with no visible signs of progress and then, all of the sudden, things take off. Your business becomes profitable beyond your wildest dreams. Your marriage becomes more vibrant and passionate than you ever thought it could be. Your contribution to your church, social organization and community becomes more significant than you have ever imagined.
Yet, all of this requires one thing - faith. The growers of the Chinese bamboo tree have faith that if they keep watering and fertilizing the ground, the tree will break through. Well, you must have the same kind of faith in your bamboo tree, whether it is to run a successful business, win a Pulitzer Prize, raise well-adjusted children, or other important endeavors and business you have been nurturing..
You must have faith that if you keep making the calls, honing your craft, reading to your kids, reaching out to your client base, that you too will see rapid growth in the future.
This is the hard part for most of us. We get so excited about the idea that's firmly planted inside of us that we simply can't wait for it to blossom. Therefore, within days or weeks of the initial planting, we can become discouraged and begin to second guess ourselves or outside influence can slow or impair our dream.
Sometimes, in our doubt, we dig up our seed and plant it elsewhere, in hopes that it will quickly rise in more fertile ground. We see this very often in people who change jobs every year or so. We also see it in people who change churches, organizations and even spouses in the pursuit of greener pastures. More often than not, these people are greatly disappointed when their tree doesn't grow any faster in the new location.
Other times, people will water the ground for a time but then, quickly become discouraged. They may even start to wonder if it's worth all of the effort. This is particularly true when they see their neighbors having success with other trees. They start to think, "What am I doing trying to grow a "bamboo" tree? If I had planted a lemon tree, I'd have a few lemons by now." These are the kind of people who return to their old jobs and their old ways. They walk away or abandon their bamboo dream in exchange for a more common "sure thing."
Sadly, what many people fail to realize is that pursuing your dream will be a "sure thing" if you never give up. So long as you keep watering and cultivating your dream, it will come to fruition. It may take weeks, months, years or even much of a lifetime, but eventually, the roots will take hold and your tree will grow. And when it does, it will grow in remarkable ways.
We've seen this happen so many times. Henry Ford had to water his bamboo tree through five business failures before he finally succeeded with the Ford Motor Company.
Richard Hooker had to water his bamboo tree for seven years and through 21 rejections by publishers until his humorous war novel, M*A*S*H became a runaway bestseller, spawning a movie and one of the longest-running television series of all-time.
Another great bamboo grower was the legendary jockey Eddie Arcaro. Arcaro lost his first 250 races as a jockey before going on to win 17 Triple Crown races and 554 stakes races for total purse earnings of more than $30 million.
Remember, we all have a bamboo tree inside of us just waiting to break through. Keep watering and believing and you too can be flying high before you know it.
How to Deal With Sudden Wealth Syndrome and Manage Newfound Riches
.From Recaps Archives
How to Deal With Sudden Wealth Syndrome and Manage Newfound Riches
By Amy Livingston
A lot of people have fantasized about suddenly striking it rich. They imagine that a financial windfall – inheriting a fortune from a distant relative, collecting royalties for a best-selling novel, or even winning the lottery – would make all their dreams come true. They picture themselves traveling the world, lounging on beaches, sipping champagne under blue skies while palm trees wave in the breeze.
But when this dream of sudden wealth actually comes true, it often turns into a nightmare. Instead of feeling happy and carefree, people who get rich quickly tend to become stressed and anxious. Their relationships often suffer too, as the money creates distance between them and the people they were once close to.
Sometimes, the newly wealthy try to comfort themselves by going on a wild spending spree. Unfortunately, this often makes matters worse. If the money isn’t as limitless as they thought, their newfound wealth quickly disappears, leading to even more stress.
From Recaps Archives
How to Deal With Sudden Wealth Syndrome and Manage Newfound Riches
By Amy Livingston
A lot of people have fantasized about suddenly striking it rich. They imagine that a financial windfall – inheriting a fortune from a distant relative, collecting royalties for a best-selling novel, or even winning the lottery – would make all their dreams come true. They picture themselves traveling the world, lounging on beaches, sipping champagne under blue skies while palm trees wave in the breeze.
But when this dream of sudden wealth actually comes true, it often turns into a nightmare. Instead of feeling happy and carefree, people who get rich quickly tend to become stressed and anxious. Their relationships often suffer too, as the money creates distance between them and the people they were once close to.
Sometimes, the newly wealthy try to comfort themselves by going on a wild spending spree. Unfortunately, this often makes matters worse. If the money isn’t as limitless as they thought, their newfound wealth quickly disappears, leading to even more stress.
These problems are so common that psychologists have given them a name: “sudden wealth syndrome.”
Now, maybe you think that if you came into a fortune, you’d be able to avoid these problems – or at least that you’d love the chance to try. But sudden wealth syndrome can happen to anyone, and it’s important to be aware of the problem. That way, if you ever find yourself with a windfall, you’ll know what symptoms to watch out for and how to head them off.
What Sudden Wealth Syndrome Means
Sudden wealth syndrome can damage your life in several different ways. It can lure you into reckless investments or overspending, which can leave you worse off financially than you were before the windfall. It can also cause mental and emotional stress as you struggle to adjust to your new lifestyle. And finally, it can put a strain on your relationships with others – both old and new.
Effects on Finances
Ironically, gaining too much wealth too quickly can hurt your finances in the long run. People who acquire large sums of money all at once, rather than building it up over time, often lack the skills needed to manage it wisely. They don’t have a good sense of what things really cost or how much they should expect to pay in taxes. They simply assume they can spend as much as they want – and by the time they realize they’re wrong, they’ve often run through most or even all of their new fortune.
This problem shows up with all different kinds of financial windfalls, including:
Lottery Winnings. A famous 2010 study in the Review of Economics and Statistics looked at nearly 35,000 people who won between $50,000 and $150,000 in the Florida lottery. It found that within five years after their wins, more than 1,900 had filed for bankruptcy. This made the bankruptcy rate for lottery winners in Florida nearly twice as high as regular Florida residents.
Inherited Wealth. A 2012 study in the Journal of Family and Economic Issues found that people who inherit large sums in their twenties, thirties, and forties only save about half the money. They either spend the rest or lose it through poor investments.
Short-Term Income. Even people who earn their riches don’t always know how to put them to good use. A 2015 paper in the American Economic Review looked at NFL players drafted in the late 1990s and early 2000s, who earned more in a six-year career than most people do in a lifetime. It found that 15% of them had filed for bankruptcy within 12 years after retirement. Depending on how you measure, that rate is either close to or much higher than the typical bankruptcy rate for men their age – most of whom earn much less.
Effects on Emotions
Even when people know how to handle a windfall financially, they can’t always handle it emotionally. Sudden wealth often brings with it a range of new and unpleasant feelings, such as:
Shock. The newly rich have trouble believing the money is really theirs. Sometimes, they’re afraid to tell anyone about their good fortune because they don’t quite believe it.
Guilt. They feel like they don’t truly deserve the money. Often, they notice that others envy their good fortune, and this makes them feel upset and lonely.
Uncertainty. Instead of feeling empowered by their new wealth, they feel paralyzed. They have trouble making even the smallest decisions about what to do with the money.
Anxiety. They fear their newfound wealth will somehow vanish just as suddenly as it appeared. They often develop what therapist Stephen Goldbart calls “ticker shock” – watching the stock market obsessively to make sure their new fortune isn’t losing value.
Goldbart, who often works with the wealthy, says in an interview with WebMD that the newly rich often face an “identity crisis” – especially if they’re still fairly young. Because they no longer need to work for a living, they feel cut off from their peers in the workforce. They aren’t sure how to see themselves as “retired” when their working lives have hardly begun. By contrast, people who strike it rich in their fifties and sixties often handle it better, partly because it’s seen as normal for people to accumulate wealth as they age.
Effects on Relationships
Just as the newly wealthy begin to feel uncertain about themselves, others in their lives often act differently towards them. Close friends and family members often resent their good fortune and treat them with rudeness or disdain, and the newly wealthy feel lonely and isolated as their old friends pull away.
Meanwhile, other people in their lives start acting more friendly and affectionate than before. Instead of easing the loneliness, this show of affection often makes it worse, because they suspect these people are interested in the money and not in them.
They imagine these people are hoping their newly wealthy friend will choose to lend money to family and friends, handing it out to anyone who asks. The newly wealthy tend to pull away from these “friends” as well and feel even more isolated as a result.
In many cases, their own behavior is part of the problem, as well. Their new wealth gives them the freedom to enjoy travel and other luxuries that some friends can’t. If they decide to take off for a week in the Bahamas, most people they know won’t be able to drop everything and tag along – even if their wealthy friend is picking up the tab.
Sometimes, the newly rich try to fill the hole in their lives by forming new friendships with people who share their lifestyle. But even with other wealthy people, it can be difficult to tell if these friendships are genuine or opportunistic.
How to Deal With Sudden Wealth
The above makes it sound like striking it rich could be the worst thing to happen to someone, rather than the best. But it doesn’t have to be. When you are aware of the signs and symptoms of sudden wealth syndrome, you can take steps to protect yourself. You can also learn how to handle your new wealth so it adds to your life, rather than detracts from it.
Protect Your Wealth
The first thing you need to know when you come into a large sum of money is how to protect that money so you don’t lose it all. Here’s what experts recommend:
Keep It Quiet. Financial planner Robert Pagliarini, writing for Forbes, says that when it comes to sudden wealth, “the fewer people who know the better.” By keeping your good fortune a secret, you can avoid the pressure from swarms of people – friends, businesses, and charities – seeking a piece of it. You can also avoid being bombarded with financial advice, which, even if it’s well-intentioned, isn’t necessarily welcome.
Avoid Hasty Decisions. Don’t rush into any decisions about how you’ll spend or invest your new wealth. Avoid making any promises – financial or otherwise – until you know exactly how much you have and how much you can afford to spend.
Financial expert Susan Bradley, author of “Sudden Money: Managing a Financial Windfall,” recommends spending your first few weeks, or even months, as a wealthy person in a “decision-free zone.” This gives you time to process your feelings about your situation before you to decide to act.
Figure Out What You Have. Before you can start putting your money to use, you need to work out how much you really have. This isn’t always obvious at the outset. For instance, as this CNN article explains, a New York City resident who wins a $1.5 billion lottery jackpot and chooses to take the money as a lump sum will actually end up with only $577 million after taxes.
Similarly, if you’ve inherited money, you’ll need to read the exact terms of the will and find out what form the money comes in and what limits there are on how you can use it. So, before you spend a dime, go through all the legal papers tied to your cash windfall, fine print and all. Highlight any terms you don’t understand and look them up, taking care to use only reliable sources.
Set Goals. Once you know how much money you have, start figuring out what you want to do with it. Think about both short-term and long-term goals. You can break these down into four areas: lifestyle, family, future, and charitable donations. This exercise will help you figure out how to spend your windfall wisely.
Hire an Advisor. Once you know what your specific goals are, you can work out how much money you need to put towards each one. This is where a professional advisor can be a big help. A qualified financial advisor can help you figure out how much you can afford to spend each year so your money will last.
They can also steer you towards sensible investments to make the most of your money. To find a financial advisor, start by asking for referrals from friends, family, and professionals you trust, such as a family accountant. Then take the time to vet all the candidates, looking into their background, philosophy, references, and fees. Don’t rush this step; having a financial advisor you can trust is well worth the wait.
Keep Your Guard Up. A financial advisor can also help you in another way: by protecting you from requests for handouts. Refusing to lend money to friends and family can be awkward, but it’s easier when you can say, “I can’t make any loans without checking with my advisor.”
Your advisor can also handle other types of money-seekers, from charities looking for aid to people trying to squeeze money out of you via threats or frivolous lawsuits. You can tell all these people to send their requests to your advisor, which will help shield you from constant pressure.
Control Your Access to the Cash. There’s one more person you need to protect your wealth from: yourself. If you know you won’t be able to resist blowing through your money, then it’s best to stash it away where you can’t get at it easily. For instance, you could use some of the money to buy a house with cash, put some into college savings funds for your kids, and sequester some in retirement funds.
Get Used to Your New Wealth. Finally, take some time to adjust to your new position. Don’t start thinking of yourself as a rich person and spending willy-nilly, or you probably won’t stay rich for long.
Instead, get used to the new income level you’ve worked out with your financial advisor and do some experimenting to see how much it can buy. If you’re really itching to spend some of the money, experts suggest allowing yourself one clearly defined splurge, such as a vacation or a new car.
Enjoy that one luxury and get it out of your system, then settle down and live sensibly on your new income.
Protect Yourself Emotionally
Taking it slow with your newfound wealth can help you financially, as well as emotionally. It lets you process your feelings about your new situation, instead of trying to adjust to a new identity overnight.
The time you spend in the “decision-free zone” will ease you through the shock of suddenly being wealthy. It will allow you to get over your uncertainty and figure out how to invest your money in ways that fit in with your goals and values. This, in turn, will help relieve you of the anxiety about possibly losing your wealth and convince you that you really do deserve to have it.
However, many people need a little more help getting over the emotional stress of going from rags to riches overnight. Bradley says most people dealing with sudden wealth syndrome should consult a therapist. It’s much easier to get through this transition with the help of a professional than to do it all on your own. After all, you can certainly afford it.
Protect Your Relationships
Protecting your new wealth is paramount, but protecting your relationships with others is important too. Experts say one of the biggest mistakes newly wealthy people make is to retreat from the people who were once close to them. Often, they do this because they’ve become insecure and suspicious, fearing that everyone around them is only after their money. Whatever the reason, this behavior only leads to loneliness.
To avoid this problem, experts advise that you make the effort to stay close with your friends. Continue to take part in the same activities you’ve always enjoyed with them, whether that’s a weekly yoga class or a poker night. Holding on to established friendships will help you stay grounded, and having an active social life will cut down on your stress level.
It’s also important to avoid pushing friends away by accident. When you’re suddenly wealthy, it’s easy to get carried away with spending behaviors that your friends can’t easily keep up with. If you suggest replacing that casual poker game with a trip to Monte Carlo, you’ll probably end up leaving your friends behind. So, make a point of remembering their financial limits when you get together.
Finally, remember that while you don’t have to give money to everyone who asks for it, it’s a nice gesture to share the wealth in ways of your choosing.
For instance, flight-attendant-turned-entrepreneur Sandy Stein shares in a BBC interview about how she took one of her best friends from her airline days on a polar bear expedition. Gestures like this – treating your friends to a trip or a social outing – are a way to show your true friends that you still care about them.
Final Word
One of the biggest problems for people with sudden wealth syndrome is that they don’t get much sympathy from others. To a person who’s still struggling along on minimum wage, it’s hard to imagine that a neighbor who just won the lottery could actually be having a difficult time dealing with the change. Many newly rich people don’t dare talk to their friends and family about the problem, because they think it makes them seem obnoxious.
If you’ve just come into money, one of the most important things you can do for yourself is to acknowledge that it is stressful, and it’s okay to need help to process it. When you understand that gaining money is a real source of financial stress, it becomes easier to deal with it like you would any other kind of stress.
Talk with friends, get some exercise, and, if necessary, see a therapist – and don’t feel embarrassed about doing so. Being stressed out about a financial gain is no more shameful than being stressed out about a financial hardship.
Do you know anyone who’s suffered from stress due to sudden wealth?
Cheat Sheat from Fleming-Appointments, Terms, Rates, Definitions and more......Good for Newbies
.Reposted for Our Newest Readers
This was originally posted on May 21, 2021….Procedures may have changed since then……consider everything a rumor until we are at the banks….
Cheat Sheet for Appointment with Supplemental Information, Fleming (Rev. 5.21.2021)
The information in this document is based on the most recent information available. It is not intended to be the authority on the GCR/RV or appointment process.
It is expected that there may be changes once final instructions are received.
This information is based on exchanges/ redemptions done in the USA. Each country will have its own process and information should be available for all once notifications have been issued.
Reposted for Our Newest Readers
This was originally posted on May 21, 2021….Procedures may have changed since then……consider everything a rumor until we are at the banks….
Cheat Sheet for Appointment with Supplemental Information, Fleming (Rev. 5.21.2021)
The information in this document is based on the most recent information available. It is not intended to be the authority on the GCR/RV or appointment process.
It is expected that there may be changes once final instructions are received.
This information is based on exchanges/ redemptions done in the USA. Each country will have its own process and information should be available for all once notifications have been issued.
The redemption/exchange process is streamlined and will be easy and straightforward. The appointment will only be about 15-20 minutes. You will be in and out quickly.
The current understanding (and subject to change) is there will be a “Safe Web Link” or 800# sent to those who purchased currency/bonds online with a registered dealer. This would include: Banks, Travelex, Great American Coin or with the aggregating sites (example: Dinar Recaps, Dinar Chronicles et al). Currently there are approximately 2 million email addresses.
Emails should be coming from Wells Fargo, HSBC, Chase, Bank of America and possibly Fifth Third.
If you do not receive an email, the information will be posted on aggregating sites and/or with those who provide RV Intel.
If you receive an email directly, you may forward it to anyone you gifted currency and/or bonds.
If you received as a gift, you may get the email forwarded to you.
Follow the instructions provided in the email.
You may be asked to verify who you are by answering questions based on publicly available information. This process is similar to when you apply online to open a bank account or a loan.
You may be required to electronically sign an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). Read carefully so you understand what you are agreeing to. The NDA is to protect you. Print a copy for your records and for future reference. At the appointment, you will be signing a paper copy of the NDA.
You may be given an 800# or a unique 800# to schedule an appointment. The number may be to a specific location or you will be giving your Zip Code, to be directed to the closest location.
When you call you may be asked if you have Zim, Currency or both. This is because not all locations will be able to redeem Zim. NEVER say how much you have, and they cannot legally ask.
Remember that bonds (Zim) is redeemed, and Currency is exchanged.
You are free to redeem anywhere inside the United States. You are not required to exchange in your home state. It is recommended that if you live in a small town, that you go far enough from home, so you are not recognized. This is for your safety. There are no restrictions if you want to go to another state. You cannot go to another country to exchange. If you are a US citizen living abroad, check with place of exchange on what options you have available to you.
What to bring to appointment:
2 picture IDs – driver’s license, passport, government ID or anything with your picture
2 recent utility bill statements – this verifies your address
If homeless or no permanent address explain this at appointment.
Social Security card and/or Birth certificate. These may not be necessary, but bring especially if you have no picture ID.
If you have a bank account with a Tier 1 bank (HSBC, Chase, WF, Bank of America) bring your account number and routing number (a blank check will have that info.).
If you have a trust, bring the cover and indemnification pages (notarized pages). You may bring the entire trust, but they should only need copies of those pages.
Currencies/Bonds – Separate by country and denomination, large to small, facing in same direction. Place each currency into a small plastic bag.
If you have a lot of currency, recommend you create a tally sheet of how much of each currency/bond you have.
On day of appointment dress professionally. Do not dress to a point that you are uncomfortable.
Allow yourself plenty of time. Know where you are going and where to park if in a large city/urban area. Do not use Uber or Lyft type services. You might consider hiring a professional security company for transportation if safety is a concern.
Do not share with anyone purpose of your appointment or what you are doing.
Make a list of anything that you need in the first 10 days. Do you have any emergency needs like housing or medical, etc.
If you are redeeming Zim, make a 3-6-month budget. Budget does not include existing debt. Zim proceeds will be placed into a structured payout. Structured payouts take approximately 3 months to set up. By having a budget, you can have funds available for living expenses during that 90-day window.
It is expected that close of appointment that you will receive a debit card with 1-2% of Zim proceeds. Unless you have a large amount of currency you should have access to those funds the same day or within 24-36 hours. Large currency holders may have to put a portion of their funds into a structured payout.
Rates on currencies are based on Street rate, International and Contract rate. Not all currencies have a Contract rate. You can ask if there is one. You will want to know if there are conditions for receiving the contract rate and what they are. *See supplemental information for definitions.
The Redemption Centers will have a default package. This package includes rates, fees, services and benefits/perks. The default rate will be the International rate. If this is agreeable, you simply will follow through on signing all documents.
Leave with copies of all signed documents and any business cards.
Banks are reporting that there will not be time to create a skeleton trust at appointment. If possible, set up appointment for immediately after exchange to meet with a trust attorney or Trust Co. representative to have a trust created. Be prepared to have a unique trust name picked out. Also, who your beneficiaries will be and a successor trustee (person who will take over for you should you not be able to manage duties). Trust name should not be something associated with you directly.
When you get to the actual exchange process:
They will run your currency/bonds through the DE LaRue machine. This machine counts and verifies the authenticity of your currency.
If you do not like what is being offered, you can ask if any portion is negotiable.
You may be asked what you plan to do with funds. If you are redeeming Zim, the expectation is that you would do humanitarian projects, but is not required. At end of this document is a list of projects that you can choose from to support if you wish. (No longer 80/20 requirement on the Zim)
Historically, they have been looking for the following things in projects:
i. Projects are global in nature – start local and grow outward
ii. Job creation
iii. Duration – multigenerational
iv. Improves economy and helps businesses impacted by Covid
The best way to talk about your projects is to explain a problem and then how you want to fix it. Example: Homelessness – want to build safe affordable housing.
Your project should be typed up in a 1-3-page format with bullet points. This just makes it easy for them to read. Attached at end of this document is a cover sheet for your project. A copy of your project write up will be left at Redemption Center.
If you do not like the default package (rates, fees, services and perks) you may be able to request to talk to someone about what you plan to do and why you need something different than being offered. You may be given a Safe Keeping Receipt (SKR). This is where your currency/Bonds are recorded, and you are given the SKR. You will then work with a Trust company and/ or Wealth Manager to assist with negotiations and preparing the needed information.
Discuss what fees they are charging for exchange. It may be that the fees have been calculated in the rates. It is ok to ask if you can negotiate fees. In many cases, you may be further ahead to just pay the fees. This is something you can ask about. The same is true for services and perks.
If all is agreeable, sign and get copies.
Remember that any agreements can be rescinded within 72 hours/3 days by law. You may ask if that time can be extended to allow you time to meet with professionals and to come back and renegotiate in your best interests.
You may want to open a new bank account for each currency and/or bond you are redeeming/ exchanging. These accounts will be under trust account name if you have one.
Each person will be (allegedly) given a US Treasury Account and be in the QFS.
You can take your spouse to appointment or not. You do not want to take anyone who is not familiar with this process as they may end up slowing everything down with too many questions.
Below are some questions to ask and some may not be necessary under the new QFS:
a. Do the funds from each currency/bond need to be in separate accounts?
b. What about fund protection: Does FDIC still apply, or do I need a Lloyds or Cdars Insurance for amounts over $250,000? Is this something they can assist with?
c. I have been told that these transactions are non-taxable, if not, should that not be true, will you provide in writing that I will have access to the funds to pay taxes.
Ask for a full explanation of what the CAP’s and restrictions are and how they work. How are they scaled and what are the benchmarks for restrictions to be removed?
Read everything they give you including the NDA. If you do not understand, ask until you do. OR if you feel you need help, ask if there is an attorney available who can help.
Be respectful – they are not trying to trick you or deceive you.
Discuss Bank Perks – on the private banking side there are perks that you can request. Understand that you will be paying for them. They typically are tiered – so the more AUM (assets under management) you have, the more options you have.
Let them know you are aware that there will be a number of essential tasks to be addressed in the next 10-15 days. Tell them you will be needing help in setting appointments and managing those tasks. Ask if they can provide you with someone who can help.
Below is a list of possible tasks and list of professionals for short term and long term.
a. Establish primary irrevocable trust and any additional trusts or structures. Basic trust components may include:
i. Complex
ii. Non-grantor
iii. Discretionary
iv. Spendthrift
v. Asset protection
b. Meet with Security and Risk management team
c. Wealth Management Team
d. Attorneys and CPAs
e. Establishing short- and long-term priorities
f. Education for self and family – ask what time frame is for completion
There will be a number of decisions that will need to be made post-exchange appointment including meeting with or hiring professionals to assist you. The list below is intended only as a guide.
a. Accounting / Tax
b. Acquisitions
c. Administrative Assistant
d. Art/Advisory Collection
e. Asset Management
f. Aviation Safety Training
g. Brand Identity / Web Design
h. Charity / Philanthropy
i. Compliance / Oversight
j. Concierge
k. Consultancy
l. Precious Metals
m. Digital Privacy / Cyber Security
n. Education Consultancy / Private Tutor
o. Employee Screening
p. Hiring Advisors / Human Res. Search Team
q. Events/ Lifestyle Management
r. Family Office / Software Solutions
s. Family Video Biographies
t. Genealogy / Family History
u. Governance Specialists
v. Home Entertaining / Party Service
w. Ind. Wealth Mgmnt
x. Insurance
y. Interior Design/ Consultancy
z. Intern. Foreign Exchange
aa. Legal
bb. Medical / Health
cc. Mobile/ Telecomm
dd. Private Banking Adv/instructor
ee. Multi-Dimensional Governance
ff. Family Office
gg. Public Relations/ Comm
hh. Private Aircraft Mgmt/Charter
ii. Property / Hotel / Comm &Res
jj. Security / Risk Mgmt
kk. Security / Protection Services
ll. Succession Estate Planning
mm. Training / Wealth Transition Adv
nn. Trust/Fiduciary
oo. Venture Capital Investments
pp. VIP Travel
Supplemental Information
Many are new to this and often terms are used incorrectly, switched, or interchanged. It is more important that you understand what terms mean when you get to your appointment.
Tier 1 Bank: Tier 1 banks are those that hold the highest assets. They include: include: HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America.
Full-Service Banks: Banks that offer a full range of services including a foreign exchange department. Credit Unions are not usually Full-Service.
Types of Rates:
Front screen/Street Rate: This is the rate you see when you look to purchase or sell currency. The buy rate is higher than the sell rate and the bank always includes a fee. The fee includes the bank portion and the UST portion.
International Rate/ Back Screen/ Default: This is the rate that is used for trading. It is higher than the front screen/street rate. Example: Street rate per million Dong: $1180. International rate: $470,000. To receive international/default rated does require that you sign an NDA. This protects you and the bank.
Contract Rate: This is a rate that is agreed to between countries. Any contract rate is a written agreement between two parties. When you hear “contract rates” associated with the RV, it is often being misused.
Unless you have a written agreement with another, you do not have a contract rate.
If you negotiate for something different than the default, then you will be signing a written agreement and that would be your contract rate.
In the context of the US, it has written agreements with other countries, specifically Iraq and Vietnam.
With Iraq, it is sometimes referred to as “contract for oil”. This is an agreement between governments. The US holds Iraqi Dinar and will receive that contract rate.
Not all currencies have contract rates.
Currently, if you hold Zim, contract rates will not be available. This is because you will receive more from the Zim than you will with a contracted currency rate.
NDA – Non-disclosure agreement
The NDA is a written agreement between two parties that specifies what cannot be disclosed or shared. Usually there is a time limit, 90 days +. As relates to the RV, you are agreeing to not discuss what rate you received for your currency and Zim. The RV transaction is a private transaction. The UST does not want you talking to the public about your private transaction.
If you choose not to sign an NDA, you will go with the public (Tier 5) and will receive Street Rate.
Who can participate? Generally speaking, you can participate in the RV if you are not and have not participated in gangs, legalized crime, murder, human trafficking etc. If you are unsure, make appointment and ask when you get there.
RV Tiers:
T1 = Governments
T2 = Military, those who put this together, groups
T3 = Humanitarian Organizations/Groups and SKR groups
T4 = Internet group – those who follow what is going on with the RV
T4A = Individuals with SKRs, now part of T3
T4B – Individuals, Internet Group
T5 = Public
SKR: Stands for Safe Keeping Receipt. This is where someone who is licensed and authorized to be a Paymaster (usually an attorney) represents a group of currency holders (were originally done prior to Zim being in the offering). They sign a contract and agree to a specified rate. There are not and have not been any new SKR groups for several years.
Prosperity Packages: These cover a very wide area. Includes funds from large trusts such as St. Germain, Rodriguez, Heritage and Mitterrand Trusts will be used to assist the Common Man and help with some debt relief.
Adjudicated Packages: These are lawsuits where plaintiffs won the legal cases. The largest are: CMKX, Native American Claims, Farm Claims, and others. You will know if you are already a part of these.
CMKX: A diamond mine that oversold stock with the help of the SEC. They were sued by key stockholders and won – often referred to as an Adjudicated Package.
Farm Claims: Lawsuit that involved farmers who were unfairly taken advantage of by bankers. They sued and won.
Currency Basket: Originally there were a few baskets with different countries’ currencies revaluing approximately six months apart. There are 22 currencies that are scheduled to go initially.
Once all currency are asset backed, that currency will be exchanged at 1:1 and it will not matter if it is a Mexican Peso or a Dinar. The RV is about creating a level playing field. Not all currency rates will rise in value and some will fall.
List of currencies:
• US
• UK
• Kuwait
• Canada
• Mexico
• Russia
• China
• Venezuela
• Iranian Rial
• Indonesia Rupiah
• Malaysia
• Vietnamese
• Brazil
• Saudi Arabia
• Qatar
• United Arab Emirates
• Turkey
• Afghanistan
• India
• Libya
• Japan
If you do not have a project but wish to help, below is list of 15 categories of projects from which you can choose. Each category is associated with an Executive Order (EO). You can look up the EO to learn what the focus is. This will help if you do not have an existing project.
• Infrastructure – (There are 5 EOs related to infrastructure. One is #13807 8/15/2017 – Review purpose and what is needed)
• Energy
• International and American business
• Security
• Violence and criminals
• American Indians, refuges and pacific islanders
• Housing
• Technology and space
• Agriculture, oceans, water
• Health
• Spiritual
• Terrorists
• Education
• Financial and money
• Veterans
Project Cover Sheet
Name of Project
Name of Submitter
Phone number
Email Address
Date of Submission
Description of the project – give as much detail as possible. (If you have a plan or outline prepared, attach this form to front of that plan)
Do You Wonder Why We Will Get Such a Big Return When the Iraqi Dinar Revalues??
.Re-Posted for our newest readers……From Recaps Archives……
If anyone is wondering how We will be getting so much money for exchanging Iraqi Dinar when we paid so little for it-Here is a GREAT explanation. Enjoy. From Recaps Archives a few years ago.
REMEMBER: The figures and procedures may have changed over the years but the basic concept will help you understand what is happening when we exchange
First off, I’ll use the exchange of a 10,000 IQD note as my example. To help explain the economics of this cash-in example, I will use a 1:1 cash-in ratio between the USD and IQD, that is given a two-tier payout, and a 2% bank spread.
What You Will Receive:
If you were to cash in your 10,000 IQD note with a bank that charges you a 2% spread, you would personally receive a net take-home of $9,800 credited to your bank account.
Re-Posted for our newest readers……From Recaps Archives……
If anyone is wondering how We will be getting so much money for exchanging Iraqi Dinar when we paid so little for it-Here is a GREAT explanation. Enjoy. From Recaps Archives a few years ago.
REMEMBER: The figures and procedures may have changed over the years but the basic concept will help you understand what is happening when we exchange
First off, I’ll use the exchange of a 10,000 IQD note as my example. To help explain the economics of this cash-in example, I will use a 1:1 cash-in ratio between the USD and IQD, that is given a two-tier payout, and a 2% bank spread.
What You Will Receive:
If you were to cash in your 10,000 IQD note with a bank that charges you a 2% spread, you would personally receive a net take-home of $9,800 credited to your bank account.
What Your Bank Will Receive:
Your Bank will receive a $10,000 credit to its Federal Reserve Account. They will also be able to add the $200 profit to their “capital account”.
If you don’t understand the “Fractional Banking“ concept that runs our country, you may want to, as that is what this is based on, and is what is behind this entire concept and plan. To learn more about this concept, I suggest you click HERE, and go to a video post I brought to the forum previously, and posted in my “Tidbits“ section.
Ultimately, the bank wins because they are able to gain $2,000 in lending power under the 10% “Fractional Banking“ model.
What the US Treasury Will Receive:
First off, the US Treasury will receive $3,500 in estimated taxes in the quarter after the exchange, because you are now in the “rich” category and get to enjoy the 35% tax bracket. This lowers the “net cost” of the IQD exchange to the US financial system to $6,500 USD (i.e. $10,000 out – $3,500 in). Furthermore, the US Treasury’s rate is higher than the banking rate (we will use in this example 1.25), thereby further reducing their “net cost” from $6,500 to $4,000.
Oil Now Enters the Picture:
At some point, a Fed-appointed agent orders $12,500 worth of oil from Iraq. Payment will consist of a $12,500 transfer from the Fed’s foreign currency reserve IQD account to the IRAQ Oil payment account at the CBI in a form otherwise known as PetroDollars/PetroDinar. Even though the world spot price of oil is defined in terms of USD, the actual transaction may take place in any internationally recognized currency agreed to by the parties. For example, Iran only accepts Yen from Japan for their oil orders, because they don’t want USD in their foreign currency reserves.
How the CBI “RECAPTURES” the Money:
The $12,500 order is filled with 250 barrels of oil based on the spot price on the date of the sale (for this example we used a $50 USD spot price). What does it cost Iraq to produce the oil to fill this order? Well they have negotiated productions agreements for approximately $1.50 USD/barrel. From that price $.50 USD goes to the national Iraqi oil company who is the partner in the field the oil came from. Out of the remaining $1.00 the other oil field partners have to pay the Iraq government a profit tax of $.35 USD (35%). The net cost to Iraq to produce a barrel of oil used in this scenario is $.65 USD. (i.e. $1.50 – .50 – .35)
What does all that mean? It cost Iraq $162.50 to bring back a 10,000 IQD note! Can they afford that? I think so! So, instead of paying out $12,500 for a 10,000 IQD note, they only pay $162.50! That doesn’t add to the money supply much at all does it! They receive their IQD back and place it in the CBI, or destroy it.
The transaction is completed with the Federal Reserve exchanging foreign reserve credits which are equal to $12,500 USD (which had a net acquisition cost of $4,000 USD for the US) for 250 barrels of oil (which has a TOTAL COST to produce of $162.50 USD for Iraq.
More completely explained, and simply put, it cost Iraq $162.50 USD from their foreign currency reserve accounts to redeem the value of 10,000 IQD, which goes into their operating accounts. At the same time the US got $12,500 worth of oil for a net cost of $4,000. That’s how it was originally planned for Iraq to RV at 1 IQD = 1 USD, with the variable being the political element (i.e. UN Sanctions, GOI actions, IMF actions, World Bank actions etc.)
Other Factors that Strengthen Iraq’s Position and Ability to RV:
• DFI Funds Returned & Other Assets: $280+ Billion USD, plus other frozen assets (estimated at $100 billion) will be returned back to Iraq and added to their foreign currency reserve, bringing it up to $430+ billion USD.
• CBI IQD Reserve Requirement Adjustment: The CBI will change the current fractional IQD reserve requirements from 100% to 15% at the appropriate time. As a result, the the total potential money supply will be raised in value to $2.8 Trillion (430 billion/15), while at the same time, the total physical IQD in circulation will be reduced by removing the large bills with the 3 zeros over a period of 2 years, as they have indicated.
• Oil Production Increased: Iraq will also execute the plan they announced to increase oil production from 2+ million barrels/day to 10 million barrels/day with the resulting revenues flowing directly to the Iraq treasury.
• Oil Futures & Forex Contracts Added: To further stir the pot, the CBI will continue to use it’s sales window to market oil futures and forex contracts. They have shown they can generate significant cash flow in the private market. Think of their impact in public markets.
There, my friends, is how this plan will be enacted and made possible. Taking NOTHING, and turning it into SOMETHING, then bringing it back to a “manageable and reasonable something” that is accepted and supported by seeming endless supplies of oil. This is how the world’s ENTIRE NEW MONETARY SYSTEM will be regenerated and supported and backed, given, in essence, a re-birth and renewed for most governments and economic regions… even by “Black Gold”.
So, here’s the summary for all the “players” involved, giving ballpark numbers, and not taking into account superfluous costs, fees, and other small details that don’t really affect the larger picture:
• Investor’s Net Gain: $10,000 – $200 = $9,800 x .65 = 6,370 for an investment that cost $10
• Bank’s Net Gain: $200 added to “capital account”, plus $2,000 they can use to loan out.
• US Treasury Net Gain: $2,500 from the .25 spread on top + $3,500 in quarterly taxes = $6,000
• CBI/GOI/Iraqi People Net Gain: $12,500 – $162.50 = $12,337.50 + Profits from “Other Factors”
• Overall Net Gain for All Involved: $6,370+$200+$6,000+12,337.20 = $24,907.20
This is the wealth that was generated from a single 10,000 IQD note that was given an original value of approximately $10! Is that amazing or what?! You tell me… can Iraq afford NOT to RV?!!! Will the IMF allow them to NOT RV their currency, but simply replace their large denoms for smaller ones?!!! LOL!!!
In this scenario, EVERYONE WINS… and the IQD is slowly (over 2 years) taken back in to the CBI… eventually destroyed, leaving a manageable M2 behind, having created HUGE WEALTH throughout the world to re-supply what was allowed to be destroyed in the “great bleed” over a period of just a few weeks a couple of years ago, even the greatest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen.
Believe it or not, it has happened for this very purpose, and it IS coming!
For the people who do not understand how this can happen $$$$ posted by FREEWAY BILL
Let me just say that I am not a guru. I do not claim to know when the RV will happen or what rate it will come in at. Does not matter. So many people have used the abundance of money involved makes it impossible for it to happen.
Let me give you some things to ponder:
There were originally 30 trillion dinar printed. Well over 80% of that amount has been accounted for and is in the hands of Iraq. That leaves 6 trillion dinar out of which US, China, Russia, Brazil and other countries hold a substantial amount of these in their countries. So let us say that there is 1 – 1.5 trillion is out in the hands of regular people, trusts, etc. How could Iraq possibly cash in this much at one time?
They can’t! Or Can They?
China and the US have signed agreements that they each will take all of their dinar and all that they cash in from their citizens in OIL @ an agreed upon rate of $32.00 per barrel for however long it takes. Now taking the total of 6 trillion that is supposedly out there which would be multiplied by the rate that we will set at $ 4 just to go from a number of some kind.
So now we have $ 24,000,000,000,000! Seems like an amount that just will not be possible? Read on.
24 trillion dollars will transform to 750 BILLION barrels of oil @ $32.00. That is what it will cost Iraq to payoff. That is still a lot of money, right? Well, considering that one barrel of oil cost Iraq less than $ 2.00 per barrel to process which means that Iraq can pay off ALL of the Dinar still out for $1,500,000,000 while coming out of sanctions, becoming a powerful country and a part of the UN and WTO and go forward.
Being that this RV would basically make it so the US will be able to pay off most or all of their national debt along with the other countries involved would be doing the same making the World Economy would get a tremendous shot in the arm and everyone would be on a better playing field meaning World trade would be enhanced and the US and China emerge as the strongest and Iraq comes out as either the richest or the 2nd richest country in the world.
So, my friends, the RV can happen and actually if you take Iraq’s assets, it could actually justify RVing at upwards of $ 8 – $ 12 and this calculation would work and still leave Iraq with a smidgen of debt compared to the assets they have.
So rest assured that there will BE NO LOP because it is not necessary and it would deflate this entire plan and not help anyone and Iraq would not emerge as a stable government or friend to anyone.
So, poke holes in this if you wish. I would be interested to see what anyone can come up with that will change these numbers. I am not a genius, just an investor that has to reason out everything I invest in to see where the return can come from and how much it can actually reasonably be…
I didn’t come up with this plan, but whoever did was a genius. This is historic. People have said to me, “How can you invest so little and gain so much?”
Well, not in our lifetime has any country been completely destroyed, government and all with the agenda to build it back up. This plan was IMO in place before the first boot hit the ground in Iraq. It all makes sense.
Please feel free to credibly pick this apart if you can. I have studied this to no end and I keep coming up with the same numbers.