"We're All In This Together" by Dr. Dinar

Thank you Dr. Dinar

We're All In This Together by Dr. Dinar

Okay, so where are we now.

Where exactly do we stand in this seemingly never ending journey to the GCR.

Honestly, I have absolutely no idea.

And as far as I can tell, nobody else really knows either.

Yes, they continually give their best guesses but time and time again, these guesstimations are anything but correct.

Not to fault them.

After all, they're doing the best they can with what they have to work with.

Having said that, and as much as I'd love to know how close to the finish line we truly are, it makes complete sense that nobody knows the date.

Nor the rate.

For some reason that still doesn't prevent me from wanting just an inkling of info in regards to where we are on the Checklist To Completion.

If such a thing exists. Which I highly doubt it does.

Sure, they have things that need to get be accomplished.

But it always seems as if while they're working on one thing, two other must completes pop up in the meantime.

So with the one forward, two back routine always seemingly in play, how are we ever supposed to reach a conclusion.

All we can do is continue to hope that eventually circumstances will dictate that things must make a change, otherwise everybody loses.

And if you're anything like me, that script-flip can't come a minute too soon.

I recently had cause to reflect on a time when things were so much simpler.

A time when all we were dealing with was the RV of the IQD.

It was a two day trip, two weeks at the most.

We'd done the research, endlessly scowered the map, we couldn't have been better prepared.

All of our gear in order, everything laid out in front of us, To Go bag by the door.

What could possibly go wrong.

Well, as it turns out, quite a few things could go wrong. And did.

First of which was getting banned from one of the very few (at the time) reliable RV sites.

For the second time no less.

Why was I banned?

Well, silly me.

Who knew you weren't allowed to speak your mind.

To give your opinion.

To question authority.

After all, it was an open Forum format, was it not.

Apparently, contrary to popular belief, it was not.

So, after experiencing my second banishment, I determined that if I was to remain connected to the going's on in Dinarland, it was I and not them that was going to have to make a few changes.

With that in mind, I decided it was best to take on an entirely new persona, as well as a new demeanor, if I had any hopes at all of staying connected.

And staying connected, for me, was Job #1.

Armed with a new identity, as well as a new email address, I gave it the ol' college try.

Fortunately for me, the third time was the charm.

I was, as they say, in like Flynn. Whomever Flynn is.

Back in the know.

Back in with the in crowd as it were.

Up close and personal with all the best intel.

Or so I was led to believe anyway.

And you better believe I wasn't going to question it.

Nope, not this time.

I quietly sat in the back of the room, training myself to become a great listener.

As time rolled on I did become just a bit more vocal, connecting with those I resonated with, but I also paid more attention to keeping my questions, as well as my opinions, under wraps.

I will add that at the time I was also connected to a couple other private situations which afforded me an even better glimpse into the supposed behind the scenes happenings .

Keeping in mind that this was a decade or so ago and as it turns out we really hadn't a clue as to what was going on.

Not as far as the GCR was concerned anyway.

The GCR was never really spoken of, and if it was, it was only in the context of something else that was in the works but it in no way would have any affect on the RV.

What I will say though is the history lessons I received while attending those other classes was and is something I'll always be grateful for.

They served as the concrete that created my unwavering foundation, solid in the knowing that this entire GCR thing really is real.

Knowing the initial reasoning behind the RV itself, who some of the major players were, and why they were there really helps to make sense of so much of what we see today, all these years later.

Although most of the folks I've connected with throughout the years have chosen their own ways of making it through to the finish line, at the end of the day we're all heading in the same direction.

Not necessarily in the same boat, but most definitely on the same river.

I'm willing to bet that nobody that has been involved in this endeavor over 5 years ever thought things would go this way.

That it would take this long.

With so many crazy twists and turns.

That so many last broke Friday's would fall by the wayside, leaving us with far too many still broke Monday's.

Yet, here we are and it is what it is.

Nothing we can do about all the time that has passed other than cherish the Economics education we've received, as well as the like-minded friends we've made along the way.

At this point in the game, from here on out we're all paddling down the same river, heading for the same destination.

All of us looking forward to the day we can reach the shore, exchange our paddles for Porsche's (or whatever flavor of fun you desire), and move on to the life of our dreams.

Until then, please continue to do your best to hang in there.

And whatever you do... KEEP ON PADDLIN'!

Remember, we're all in this together.


Dr. Dinar

Disclaimer; I'm not a Wealth Manager, Financial Advisor, CPA, Tax Attorney, RV/GCR Committee member, nor am I the owner of a canoe, nor a banjo for that matter. I'm simply someone that chooses to believe in the power of positive thinking and on the odd chance this thing truly is real, I want to make sure I'm there at the finish line to enjoy it.

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