Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-20-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-20-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight is Tuesday, October 20. And you're listening to the big call. I'm glad you're listening wherever you're located all over the globe, in some cases and countries that were finally getting to with the message, sometimes in their own language, which is, which is wonderful. And we thank everybody that's tuning in. We're in our 11th year. And let's hope we don't go any further than that. You know what I mean? So we're excited to be on the call tonight.

Now let’s talk about kind of what's been going on and where we stand. This is an interesting time because, you know, whereas we thought certain things would happen for us this week - It looks more like what's happening right now - today, tomorrow and Saturday, they're taking care of the bondholders accounts.

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-20-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight is Tuesday, October 20. And you're listening to the big call. I'm glad you're listening wherever you're located all over the globe, in some cases and countries that were finally getting to with the message, sometimes in their own language, which is, which is wonderful. And we thank everybody that's tuning in. We're in our 11th year. And let's hope we don't go any further than that. You know what I mean? So we're excited to be on the call tonight.

Now let’s talk about kind of what's been going on and where we stand. This is an interesting time because, you know, whereas we thought certain things would happen for us this week - It looks more like what's happening right now - today, tomorrow and Saturday, they're taking care of the bondholders accounts.

We know firsthand from people that are that are bond sellers, that their accounts are being attended to - today, tomorrow and Saturday, with access to funds for them, most likely on Monday.

Now, you say well, they've been doing that for a while. Yeah, they have been and they've been emailing these bondholders and introducers - But they're now at the point where they're taking care of these guys getting the funds put into their accounts. They're opening their quantum account, with they're quantum access card or I call it quantum account access card. Qaac - that's my name for it – and it’s not super thick credit card like titanium – with three chips in it – that has the biometric fingerprint in one of the chips - and it's designed to make it accessible to the quantum financial account.

The Quantum financial system account, which I call the quantum account, I just call it quantum for short. Okay. So, as I mentioned on Tuesday - we're gonna have these quantum accounts that don't generate any interest but we'll be able to move up to $4 billion for the first 60 days into - our I'm using LLCs for my projects - just because of the ease and that's what my attorney was recommending that I use, and that's what I did. And so I can move 4 billion per project LLC into place to be able to access those funds for the start of my project, and that's only for the first 60 days.

Beyond that - I'm not sure what the ability is for us to move those funds. They don't want to super overheat this economy. You guys. They want it to be smoothly heated and not overheated. And it's gonna be a new game - Let's face it, when people - we think next week - probably - it may not be next week but we think we are going next week. And it could be start NESARA / GESARA also kicks off in a bigger way for us next week.

So we'll see how that will keep an eye on that, but in that there will be debt forgiveness. There will be refunding of tax monies - will be refunding of interest paid on loans with banks, credit card interest on mortgage interest. All of that is going to be refunded to us - because it was considered usury and under usury laws, they're not supposed to do that stuff.

And as we come back to the restore of the Republic, you're gonna find that stuff is going away and we'll get back a lot of that money, not to mention the money that they traded on our birth certificates as a bond, or death certificates. our marriage licenses or divorce decrees, they treated with all four of those, as financial instruments or bonds

So we're gonna have the opportunity to get refunded on that. It's going to be going to be pretty cool.

The quantum accounts I'm referring to - the quantum financial system is slowly coming into play I mentioned Tuesday night and 60% of the world's currencies are gold backed or asset back and we're getting there. We're getting there. I thought more than that was 60% gold back actually on Tuesday tonight. That's pretty good 60% of the country's currencies gold backed - so we're getting there.

They're still doing major cleanup, you guys. Major cleanup, high value, target cleanup, heavy duty now through the next week, and that's going to continue on for I don't know at least through the end of the month, if not well into November,

But we know that we are coming in after the bondholders get their emails, getting them access to funds. We should get notified - the best information we got today from Redemption center personnel was pushing us to early next week. That's a Monday/ Tuesday start we think - I know we've heard about Monday, Tuesday forever. I get it, but we know that redemption center staff is on standby or on call to be called in - you know, today tomorrow, Saturday – Sunday is a big question whether they're even going to be on call or not.

So that means they're not going in yet. But if they if this is released to us, they will be called in to go in and take our appointments - so I'm not going to hold up too much hope for the rest of the week until we get to Monday, first part of next week. Monday, Tuesday, is looking very solid for us.

And I think that's really, really our start should be in a Monday / Tuesday - so that's the best information that we're getting right now - it is coming from several sources but like I know a lot of the information that I have set out there in the past that has not come to fruition. I get it - I know -

This thing is much more than a moving target - Like we said - things change - New things come up that we're not aware of - Then we find out about it. We don't like it. Okay I see why it didn’t go – I see why we have been pushed - and we have been pushed – let’s face it – we have been pushed – but - I know that this is coming. I'm very confident in it. I'm confident in the release of new technologies, like the Med Bed - like free energy, all of that is part of GESARA - that should be announced here soon - And it might be next week, in conjunction with us starting.

There's a lot going on. There's a lot going on. And it's all behind the scenes. We can't see a lot of it - like I say for example that I heard a couple days ago - a certain farmer had received a letter in the mail. I think he owed $150,000 on a property just to be just to keep it going with the bank. The bank sent him a letter.

Your mortgage is forgiven on the property. And then he got a visit from USDA and the bank the next day after he received the letter. And I think that falls into farm claims. I believe that would be a farm claim - release of the mortgage - and I'm sure that's happening - In many cases. It just hasn't happened for the majority of us.

So GESARA in the United States has been going on for several months now - in small ways - like the letter I was telling you about just now the small ways, not in a huge all inclusive, you know, here's the money type deal - that's coming - but I don't know how soon that’s going to be revealed to us. I think we could get a heads up on it as early as next week. But we'll find out when we get that.

What's mainly important is for us is to get these bondholders emails out to them giving them access to funds, which should be around Monday - and we could get notified around the same time that they get access to funds - we should be notified by Wells Fargo to set our appointments – and go set our appointments for our currencies and to redeem our Zim bonds.

Alright - So that's what's happening right now. We're getting awfully close to the end of the month

Do we get this started on the 24th / 25th like I'm hearing before the end of the month – let’s hope so because that's what I'm getting right now - And it would occur for us in October so let's just continue to pray for that and believe for that - We will we'll take it one day at a time literally – one day at a time and we'll go from there.

This could be it - this is Thursday and we start the weekend after the Big Call tonight  - I want to thank everybody for listening – we’re excited that this is coming soon and I’ve heard it coming very very soon – so = let’s see what that looks like = especially between the weekend and early next week – ok – first part of next week  - have a great night and a wonderful weekend


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins  57:27

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-18-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-18-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday October 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thanks for tuning in where ever you are located all over the globe and whether you’re listening to us live or a replay – thanks for tuning in – thanks for being here tonight - We are going to have a great call tonight and looking forward to it

This has been a good call and I look forward to bringing you guys a little bit of Intel - this intel tonight is going to be sort of bits and pieces of things that we just need to know so let's just get started with it. Okay.

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-18-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday October 18th and you’re listening to the Big Call - Thanks for tuning in where ever you are located all over the globe and whether you’re listening to us live or a replay – thanks for tuning in – thanks for being here tonight - We are going to have a great call tonight and looking forward to it

This has been a good call and I look forward to bringing you guys a little bit of Intel - this intel tonight is going to be sort of bits and pieces of things that we just need to know so let's just get started with it. Okay.

I've got several different things I want to bring and I’m thinking first thing I want to talk about is feedback that we're getting from Iraq – we’ve got contacts in Iraq that we do talk to not as often as we would like - but we do have some people there that are saying that there have been celebrations going on a few days ago.

They are celebrating I believe, their new government and the prospect of a new rate, which we have heard what the new rate might be on our screens. And if you remember what I mentioned to you several times, about what they're what Dr Shabibi, said that the dinar would support a rate of XX dollars 10 years ago at the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington DC, and our friend and contact Bluestar asked him specifically that question, and he got a very specific answer.

Well, guess what? Dr. Shabibi was projecting something that is on the screen now and in certain screens so that's a very positive thing I think for us - the prospect of a new rate and the prospect of the seating of their new form of government and the announcement of their Prime Minister, which we believe will still be Hashami if I'm pronouncing it properly, probably not.

But they're, you know, they're essentially ready to go and hit have been ready to go for quite a while. Even though it sounds like they're continuing to do things. They really aren't doing a whole lot. I think they're ready just when we say that they can say it that they can bring that rate out.

Okay, so that takes care of that - now when we go into other things, let's talk a little bit about what's coming to my mind now is the concept of a Quantum Account - meaning the account that's in our quantum computers - that is backed by the assets that we have in our treasury, which is a lot of gold and at least half of our currency is backed by gold and the other half backed by other precious metals and other assets.

Okay, gold, you know, gold, silver, palladium, platinum, metals, other metals, as well as oil, natural gas, LNG, etc. All these things, intellectual property all of that - these are assets that are backing our USN.

Now - 60% of the world's currencies are gold backed already 60% - so - the countries and we talking about 203 206 countries, are asset backed - many of those have already declared that they are asset backed. Turkey - who is an ally of the United States, or at least was - Turkey has declared that they are now part of the BRICS banking cartel, if you will, the BRICS nations, which we had that over 130 I don't know where it is now, probably 132 or 133 countries are part of the BRICS coalition, if you will, Depegging from the USD, our fiat currency which is no longer really being accepted internationally, but only being used here in North America, Canada, US and Mexico.

And pretty soon when they introduce our new currency, our USN physical paper money - folding money, when that actually comes out, that will be introduced along with the USD that we have now. Then they'll run in parallel for a while and then eventually, when all of the USD/Fiat money is taken in, turned it in to the banks or into the big box stores or wherever it goes. And it ends up going back to the bank. And then eventually it'll be shredded from there.

If we were sort of going to feather it in. It's like doing a paint job where you've got something existing painting and you want to paint something right next to it. You feather it in so that it doesn't look so it blends with the existing paint. That's the same thing, kind of the new currency is going to come in and blend with our fiat money until such time as a fiat money is completely collected and replaced totally in the United States.

Now – digitally -the USN is a digital currency as well in our accounts that we set up will be expressed digitally in USN - So what is it going to look like? Let's talk about the change. This morning on a zoom call between four major banks, HSBC, Wells Fargo, Truist bank, and Banco Santander which is Santander Bank right those three banks, Wells Fargo Truist and Santander all of them are Zim banks, that all exchanging zim in their various locations.

But in the in 48 states here of the United States that are on the mainland, as well, let's talk about Alaska and Hawaii - All right, all 50 states will have Wells Fargo as the lead bank, over the redemption centers, even as the redemption center is connected or is adjacent to another tier one bank. Okay.

Wells is in charge. They are in charge of all the Zim transactions and they will be overseeing that in every redemption center. Okay, so you got that taking place. What did this meeting occur this morning? What happened? What they did was all right, I gotta go back -- previously to this morning.

We were able to take $2.5 billion of our quantum account balance - our motherlode - if you will - and move it from the quantum into our primary account, say with Wells Fargo, right. That's how we're going to fund our projects from that primary bank account - and maybe that goes or part of it goes into a secondary bank account. Okay, even with Wells.

So for example, up until today, we were going to be at 2.5 for the first I think 90 days - Now, they decided, as of today, the banks voted that we would have the ability to take $4 billion from our quantum account and put it in - an easy example, an LLC account.

That means that you have a structure that's been set up as a limited liability company an LLC that is attached to a let's call it a secondary bank account with Wells Fargo.

Now, this is the way of taking this - the $4 billion dollars is an amount per LLC that you've set up - you know, I've told you guys I've set up four LLC for my projects for the big call. I may set up more but right now I've got four - those four LLCs will be attached to four separate bank accounts with Wells Fargo so that when I take the money from my quantum account, and move it into my primary account, it will then be divided into all four of those LLC, account for the purpose of the projects - remember we've got one for rebuild America – Veterans Retreat -Pastoral Retreat – and International Rebuild  etc

We've got veterans retreat network, we've got that strong green network, and we have international which is rebuilding at Dominican Republic and those three for right now - So I'm going to call it something like international rebuild from my account. Alright, so you've got those that would be set up. Why are we putting it in these sub accounts?

Well, these sub accounts are secondary accounts, or the primary account with Wells. Okay. you will earn interest on the money that's in those accounts.

Now you're not making a nickel on anything in the quantum account – right – that’s being held by the quantum computer system but there's no interest paid on it. The only way you're gonna make any interest is when you move some money from your quantum account into your primary Wells account

Some of  you may use the Truist bank - some might  use HSBC if you're international and some may end up usings suddenly end up using Banco Santander if you're in Latin America, Okay? Because they're gonna be a key bank in Spain and in Latin America with them some branches in the United States. We'll have some branches here, primarily in the southeast – I would think Florida, and maybe some other areas, but they're going to be a good thing. So, here's the thing about it.

When you've got your account set up an LLC is created, which you can create those in as little as a day depending on or trust attorney and your ability to set these up. I did it ahead of time. I've done it a couple of years I had about three years ahead of time, but it's something I wanted to have to be ready when this thing went.

So you're going to earn interest. And then there was some discussion on how much interest in terms of the interest rate could you earn – remember interest rate is not currency rate, right. Interest rate pays based on the balances in your account in your primary or secondary accounts – and it could pay - we don't really want to say what it could be, because it's going to be different than we thought years ago.

And it could be better or worse than we thought even recently. So that's going to be something you find out when you go to Wells, or you go into the redemption center to set your account. You'll find out by the way, what interest rate are you paying? Are you gonna pay me on my balance that I put into this primary account? Today? Today?

I'm picking up the, the whatever, let's say I've got four LLC’s I can put 4 billion in each one. I put a total of 16 billion in primary account, so I can start earning on that and then set up the secondary account for each LLC, which could be a day or two later, then I would set those up and move those funds accordingly into each one as needed.

Now it doesn't mean you have to move that much. It's just that's what they want you to use for your projects, be able to have that or an interest on it for the first 60 days, hopefully two months, two months and then it changes and I don't know what it changes to or whatever we open season whatever we need at that point.

All right. So I wanted to get that out about what the Zoom call was this morning. now you say well, what about Bank of America, Chase, and Citi? well, those guys kind of have to do the same thing.

They were more or less put in position to fall in line with the other lead banks and that’s what they did -and why wouldn't they? see the banks will benefit on this too. They all benefit by us by having  more likely instead of 2.5  but 4 billion in each of the accounts - You know, they'll benefit.

Now. Let's get beyond that. And talk about the – well - Let's just go to a few little pieces here and there - President Trump been traveling internationally - meeting I'm sure within the heads of state around the world for the last three and half days and that's really good because I'm sure he's getting a lot of things done before the rally that does this Saturday down in Corpus Christi, Texas.

And so there's a lot of things that are that are happening behind the scenes. And we just have to understand that that is what’s going on and has been going on for quite a while.

Let's see what else I can think of important for us. This is the problem when you've got six or eight different things that you want to bring out and you don’t remember each one of them necessarily in any particular order.

Timing - what is our timing?  We've got a connection that is with HSBC that indicates for us that this can go between the big call tonight and Sunday – that’s a pretty big window - with Sunday's the 23rd 22nd Saturday.

It's hard to say and I'm not going to guess – we have had a little bit that leads us to believe that something With the rate change that Iraq is looking for tomorrow.

You know, it's quite possible that something happens in the middle of this week. I don't think we necessarily have to go to the weekend to get this started.

But our source that gives a lot of credibility to what's going on with the bond holders

We know for example that they introducers or intermediaries to the bonds - In other words, the people that put together their buyers and sellers of bonds together. They've received their emails of their amounts and their account. The accounts have been set up - and they've activated the accounts with the quantum access card.

And that's you know, and then use biometric fingerprint reader as part of the chip. I told you guys that's the first chip on the card holds your biometric finger or thumbprint and then the other two chips used for balances and other things. So that's going to be an important thing.

And then bond holders - people that are bond sellers have also received some emails. And they have also been in a position to see the money coming to them and up their accounts in some cases, but not all cases.

And then they're still going to wait for an activation email that will let them know when they will have access to those funds - nobody has really been paid out to the point where they have those funds readily available yet.

I still think they're trying to create a shot gun start when we get notifications and begin to set our appointments. That's when the liquidity and accessibility to those funds will take place for the tier 3 bond holders

I think tier 4A and 4B - which wells doesn't distinguish between them - they just call it tier 4 – I believe that it's gonna happen shortly, shortly is not as short as we thought it would be last week, and that's why I like words like that because they don't really tell us the when and I know you want to know the when – the rates are not going to be big deal.

If you're into date and rate and then you can forget the rates.  The rates are going to be very very strong – don’t worry about those

The date is the big question mark you know, I have a window, that's all it is, is a time window. That it may happen. It may occur in but we don't have any - They don't want us to know.

They want to keep that secret and so pretty much so far they have -

And yes, we seemingly have been pushed week by week by week but we know there are other things that needed to happen - that needs to be accomplished - maybe we’re there - where this can finally go for us. But we don't know absolutely know it – but we know for the bank that kind of calls that they had today. That's a big deal.

I know that there's a lot happening behind the scenes – that’s all I can say –

All of this depends on when we get notified - All right, because we don't know when this thing is going to hit exactly. We do have a window - Wednesday /Thursday their in the window, let’s see what happens. We just don't know and the intel has not pinned this down for us – hasn’t narrowed it down beyond what I just gave you

So I’m sure there's more things out there that I thought I would be able to do tonight but you get the gist of what we had - I wanted to talk about banking a little bit..

We'll see what happens. If we have this of course before we won't have a call Thursday night. But if we don't get it before Thursday then we will see you Thursday night. Same time, same station.

Everybody, let's pray the call out. And let's look forward to a good week this week.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins   1:31:31

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-13-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-13-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Thursday, October, the 13th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody once again, it's our pleasure to have you from wherever you're listening, whether you're live or you're listening on a replay link. Glad to have you in here from wherever you are all over the globe.

Let's go into where we stand on this intel and let's see if we can reach a conclusion from it.

First of all, we did get a lot of information out on last Tuesday night's call, but hopefully everybody caught that on the replay or live last Tuesday but tonight what we did learn today was that Iraq has a situation where they're expecting their president to what are we going to call it to say who their Prime Minister for their new republic form of government is –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-13-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight. It is Thursday, October, the 13th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody once again, it's our pleasure to have you from wherever you're listening, whether you're live or you're listening on a replay link. Glad to have you in here from wherever you are all over the globe.

Let's go into where we stand on this intel and let's see if we can reach a conclusion from it.

First of all, we did get a lot of information out on last Tuesday night's call, but hopefully everybody caught that on the replay or live last Tuesday but tonight what we did learn today was that Iraq has a situation where they're expecting their president to what are we going to call it to say who their Prime Minister for their new republic form of government is –

Now we may have a situation where we still have a parliament in Iraq, but they're constitutionally going to sort of a republic style of government like we are - back to a restored Republic. And they are supposed to announce that which I believe is going to be a Kashami - however you say it

It should be announced tomorrow. We have heard Saturday, but then later today, we have heard it was supposed to occur tomorrow either way it occurs - and the new Iraqi dinar rate should be made public - I would think by Sunday, maybe sooner but I would think by Sunday, which is their first business day of the week  - So that's something to look forward to.

They have been celebrating and they're about to celebrate their Prime Minister officially being in a position of being the head of the party and the head of the Republic  - so that is a positive step forward for Iraq and I believe this will complete what Iraq has to do for us to move forward.

Now there are other countries. Remember the goal of this Global Currency Reset, eventually not immediately like in the next few days but it will get to one on one parity with currencies all over the globe.

All currencies will be traded on an even keel on a level playing field, with parity meaning on par with one to one with our USN dollar and we believe that we have our USN digitally in place for our country. We have there the printing of our US D fiat currency, which was being printed illegally in some areas has been halted - and that was good - that happened about a week ago

We're looking to step into the idea of NESARA - we're already in the beginning of the final phase – phase 5 of NESARA that started almost a week ago on the 8th  of October in what's called the payout phase of NESARA. I mentioned that I believe on Tuesday.

So where are we now in the great picture of - in the great picture and the scope of things? We've seen some major meetings take place. And we know that decisions have been made and talked about that on Tuesday night’s call - the decisions were being made when to release this for tier 4B  which is the internet group - and the bond holders which is tier 3 their liquidity - it appears that they reached a decision to release this sometime tomorrow evening or tomorrow night or both. Tier 3 bondholders  to receive their emails of notification of liquidity and for us to receive our notifications that we can get our toll free numbers, and our SafeLink website information to set our appointments.

Now as that happens if in the timeframes that I suggest – we could be exchanging over the weekend including  Saturday and Sunday and beyond – and we would get it done –

Now in the past a few people put out something about the 15th - well, the 15th is Saturday – and I believe that would be the first day that we could consider doing exchanges and zim redemption appointments –

So this is going to be a spectacular time for us to move forward if the information I’ve received holds up - Which I have good reason to think it will because of the high level of these meetings and the people that were involved with these meetings that this will come through for us.

We know that we have the intention for one of the key figures in GESARA to come to the United States and in about a week and we've got the plan I believe for the announcement about GESARA to be made prior to that

So the next week could be a really important time for announcements, possibly the beginning of the 10 or 12 Days of Disclosure - We'll have to see what's the exact timing is on that. But the beauty of this is that we are looking forward to coming into our full humanitarian scale with this information with the advent of the toll free numbers and what the setting of our appointments and our subsequent exchanges and redemption of Zim

and when I mentioned redemption of Zim because of the high value of those bonds, which is what they are - they're bearer bonds payable to the “bearer of” - that's a major deal. And you guys know that you've known it for a long time.

So this is a great opportunity for us to do really beautiful things for other people on this earth. Yes, we'll have the money to do things that we want. But it's like Sue said earlier, you know, we don't want to be hedonic with this wealth, this blessing, and it's the idea of helping to level the playing field by doing our projects globally, starting with the United States, and then taking that same protocol around the globe. It's going to be beautiful - and we're gonna just have more fun doing that I think that anything else we can imagine.

And I'm glad so many in the big call universe are a part of it as Zim holders, they have they know what the value of what they're holding is and they can take this thing and go really, really deep. If you don't want to do projects, and you want to take all the money for yourself, you have that option.

But to me, the kind of numbers we're talking about on this would really be kind of a waste to use it on just yourself and your family. Yes, you can set up trust Yes, you can set up stuff that will go generational wealth over and over and over Yes. You can earn interest on the money that's in your primary bank account - for example, with Wells. Yes. But here's the thing. When you look back on your life, and you see an opportunity to do something major for humanity you know – this is the shot – this is it

We've got 30 currencies, as I mentioned last Tuesday night, that appear to be revaluing up upward - and some are really moving upward as you guys know - There are some that will move down slightly and some that will stay the same.   That's fine.

But what we're looking at is eventually, all world currencies actually being traded on par - one to one. Now initially, there's an increase obviously on dinar and Dong Rupiah - On Afghani, obviously the Zim that's a different animal. That's a bearer bond. And, you know, Bolivar all of these are part of it.

Okay, so I'm excited because this is an opportunity like none we've ever seen, and yes, we waited a long time for it. Yes, it's been a roller coaster ride - I get it – I’ve been on the ride for 18 years and on the Big Call for 11 and another call the year before  the Big Call - so I'm pretty much aware of what's been going on.

And I think that we're at a great point to finally see this come to fruition and we should be I mean, the new life that we've experienced and with the idea of what is coming with GESARA which is new technologies that have been suppressed to us – being revealed to us – like free energy – the Med Beds - And who knows, replicators are coming too.

So there's quite a bit that we will witness as we see the world for what it is and learn what really is our true history - and what really what we've been told, hasn't really been true in many, many, many cases.

What's going to blow my mind is how people respond to 12 Days of Disclosure, not darkness, disclosure.

And how that comes out to us - how it's actually brought out - and how people receive that. It’s going to be wild -

Now, I don't tend to go for the doom and gloom aspect that other people are seeing I'm not fear based. I’m not a fear monger. I try to be prepared. But I’m not looking for traumatic things like power outages, cell phone outages - You know, internet outages, yes, there'll be some intermittent internet. I've heard the eight minutes of disruption, some cell phone, we've had it already. We've had some cell phone disruption. I don't know if you've noticed or not

But it's only been so that the cleanup on aisle 345678 can take place in certain areas.  That's why it took place. And that's what's going to continue to take place.  There’s a lot going on. We can’t see there's a lot happening behind the scenes, but it is for our benefit and so you have to trust the system. And I hate to say trust the PLAN – but that is what we’re doing –

And the idea of getting our new money which theoretically came out last Saturday the 8th - I haven’t seen it -I haven’t gone to the bank to try to get it. I don't know if it's truly out – meaning available at the banks yet. But I know the banks have it –They certainly have it in their vaults - The Redemption centers have it.

We can take a little bit of cash and we go in to redeem our zim - .and do our currencies I don’t think they want us to try to go out with more than $3,500 in cash and you know you're going to credit / debit card - you'll have a what I call the quantum account access card to access your actual master motherlode account, which is your quantum account - a non interest bearing account that's held in the quantum computer system and that is going to be something and yes, at some point you can get they don't want us to take more than 2.5 billion for our projects in the first 90 days. So hopefully you can live with that - I think I can

You're going to have the ability to take money beyond the three months as you need it for your projects. I think the bank is going to try to help you with that. But remember whose money it is because it's right it's God’s money and you're the caretaker of it. You're the trustee of it so you get to make those decisions.

So that's about what I wanted to bring to you guys tonight. We're really looking forward to the notifications and the bondholders for receiving their emails sometime after 5 probably tomorrow night.

We could get something that happens overnight to us. Maybe we start on Saturday, but it's a really good time I think for us if everything I'm hearing is going to happen we're going to be very, very pleased and celebratory. There's no need to do a cover up going into or out of the redemption center Like we had heard, you know months and months ago, that does not appear to be an issue anymore.

So don't worry about that and facial recognition and it's all good. You guys are going to have a wonderful time – This should in all inintent and purposes this should be our final Big Call.

And as such I want to thank everybody that has helped to bring us to this point. I’m excited that we're coming to this point so what everybody needs to lean in and continue to pray this blessing through to come through for us.

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:09:09

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-11-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-11-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody, the big call tonight - it's Tuesday, October 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody for coming back - for tuning in again, to hear the latest that we have to report to you.. So thanks so much.

All right, you guys here we go again. I do have a very good piece of information and I'm going to save it for the last - save the best for last - All right. so what's been going on in the last weekend - this past weekend- is in Reno specifically - we have paymasters that have been getting their bondholders accounts, all paid into –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-11-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody, the big call tonight - it's Tuesday, October 11th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody for coming back - for tuning in again, to hear the latest that we have to report to you.. So thanks so much.

All right, you guys here we go again. I do have a very good piece of information and I'm going to save it for the last - save the best for last - All right. so what's been going on in the last weekend - this past weekend- is in Reno specifically - we have paymasters that have been getting their bondholders accounts, all paid into –

We know too - specifically - that did they did this Saturday starting at 9:30 in the morning and then went on from there -  and these bondholders are getting their accounts hydrated.

Now they are looking for an email to give them access to funds or access to the liquidity - just like we're looking to get emails to get us the toll free numbers and access to setting appointments -  That's gonna be what it looks like, as far as our shotgun start.

We also believe that the public may which I call tier five, the public may go when we go but they're going to go to banks, and we're going to redemption centers especially if you're Zim holders, you have to go to Wells Fargo operated redemption center, even if it's tied next to chase bank, or another tier one bank. We'll have a Wells Fargo representative there to oversee everything.  That's a good thing.

So beyond that, we did hear in terms of the Admiral and what he was doing and getting his paymasters all of the accounts that the paymaster of the admirals accounts in a admirals group, or groups – because there are multiple groups - have been from what we understand, but boots on the ground there have also hydrated all of those accounts and in most cases, with the Admiral’s group, the individuals don't even have their account information. But they will be getting emails to confirm that they have accounts that they can get access to.

And usually there's going to be involved codes and access codes, account codes to be able to get into those accounts. And then of course, we've got the credit /debit card which is designed - as a what I call it - is a quantum account access card. And I know that spells “qaac” - But this is the card that is three times thickness of a normal credit card, got three chips in it, one for a biometric fingerprint that you give when you get this card that is put into this chip that's on the in the quantum access card.

And then you also have two other chips in there which I think contain balance information or Entry information and exit and whatever. It's got all the stuff on.

Okay, now, my understanding is that quantum access account access card is to do just that - is to get into that quantum account and then it allows you to move funds from your quantum account into a primary or secondary Wells Fargo account.

Or if you've had other accounts that you've set up, subsequent to the exchange, you can move funds when you're indicated that you can move them from the quantum account, which is a non interest bearing account in the quantum computer world.

When you move those into a primary or secondary bank account, and in most cases they will be interest bearing accounts.  Now that's going to be really really interesting and very different from anything we've ever really known.

And that's why most of the banks are still around after this goes because Chase is reducing approximately 42 to 40% their bank branches and I think a lot of the other banks are doing similar things.

But what's happening is the banks that remain, yeah, there'll be some normal banking procedures done at some branches, but most of the branches like 60% of the branches that are left over are going to deal with high net worth individuals. Oh, by the way, that's you and me.

High Net Worth, they use the term - Wells does - it prepare bankers working with us, formerly known as wealth management, wherever they you call it - These are people that are there to assist us in our financial transitions , financial transactions. So that's gonna be a change – to live in that world. We may never have to hit a normal retail bank branch again -

We just it's not going to be - you know - that necessary.

So that's going to be a different world for us to get into.

And a lot of the banks that are essentially --- see the banks have lost their, normal modus operandi - they've lost their way to create income - because like for example, a bank wire might run you $35 to send the domestic wire in the United States and then 50 bucks to send to someone internationally.

Well guess what that income streams gone - If you use Zell there's no charge to move funds anywhere in the world

So there's a loss of income there for the banks. And there's other you know that interest rates are going to be far lower. If they do loans and being one maybe 2% loans - far lower than the rule of 78 mortgage rates and everything that we've had, and still have until that changes.

And then so what we're looking at is NESARA which we've been in, even though none of us can really see it. It's there. And we just entered Phase Five which was the last day NESARA this past Saturday, the 8th of October - that’s the last phase of NESARA it is the “payout phase” - payout.

We're looking for the bondholders to be paid out – Admirals group to be paid out - tier 4B to be paid out - All of us and then this will morph into at some point, this will morph into the return of funds from income taxes - Don't get me started on that - federal income taxes. The return of interest paid on loans, credit cards, mortgages, and also the trading of your birth certificate - marriage licenses, death certificate, all that stuff.

That's all included and that's going to be a nice chunk of change really, for people and I don't know how soon that's coming out. We had thought would come out in October. Maybe it will and I am not holding my breath for it. Neither should you. It's going to come when it comes. Don't worry about it.

And if you're in the currencies, you've got zim - It'll be dwarfed by whatever you exchange or whatever you redeem will be in the way of zim.

Now, there are 406 different classes of bonds. And several of those classes already been exchanged or have been transacted. Let's use that word – processed / transacted -

And those will continue to go on for a while because some of the bonds that are at the end of the line are just humongus in value

Now, there's been a certain amount of the hard assets that have been retrieved from certain places that are in safe storage - that is there and it's a big number, a big number.

It's a huge number, and it's enough to back all the Zim transactions that we are going to take and transact  - Now - Beyond that we're in a position right now as tier 4B to do our exchanges - We've had some bond transactions to take place -

We're going to transact and our currencies and our zim - get those redeemed and then after that what we do helps to set the rates for the zim platform trades so the Zim platform trade, after we start our transactions, it gives them an idea of what the actual values will be their transactions - And then you've also got private or private groups. Will go after we get started - And we're right where we need to be to get started with what is that we are going to do

we've got plans for NESARA and GESARA-  GESARA  is supposed to be we're in Phase Five, which is the last phase, the payout phase of NESARA. That's a good sign for us

GESARA  - G E S A R A is to be announced within the next two weeks, it kind of takes us all the way up to Saturday the 22nd I believe, would be in that timeframe.

We know of plans for those to be announced in this country by a certain well known individual.

And there could be some other things that are done either right before or in conjunction with that. So we're sitting in an exciting time, exciting things.

I want you guys to be careful about what you're reading In the blogs. There are some things that have been said about you need to have your budget for your projects - you need to have this and that.

Oh, that's not true. That's somebody's idea of what might be likely interesting.

They don't expect that to come in to the redemption centers in five to eight minutes days and do anything more than an outline of the project or projects that we intend to start.

They don't need budgets - I mean look, if you have spreadsheets, you know things are going to cost and you got it all planned out. Great. They don't need to see that. They don't want to see that.

They don't need for us to have that before we go - look guys we've been I've been in this 18 years – 11 years on the big call.  There's been nothing official to us officially that has come down to tell us anything - everything we've learned has been by process of questions with the right people in the right positions - In banking and treasury – bond holders and in facilitators , fiduciaries, all of these people but nobody said Oh yeah you’ve got to have budgets.

All right now let's get down into where we are

Talked about everything being completed from a from a paymaster point of view. For bondholders or Admiral’s group members. Here we are in bigger than life tier 4B. When do we get to start?

They had a meeting this afternoon. Reno time. Probably started around three I don't know how long the meeting went. But we heard it was a knockdown drag out.

What they were doing was deciding on what time to release our notifications tomorrow.

They were deciding on what time to release our notifications for tier 4B tomorrow.

That's what they were deciding on - what we're going to make the assumption that they reached an agreement in this knock down drag out and got it done. Where we should be - operative word “should” be notified tomorrow which is Wednesday the same day that Kuwait revalued 20 some odd years ago - Do you realize that when Kuwait did their re evaluation of their dinar – the day before it revalued -

Does anybody in my age group know what a double truck load add is? this is back in a newspaper. we did both pages that it was a truck load sale - It was a big tire sale -  it was the big deal for 2 full pages and opened it up and you saw that – that is called a double truck load sale –

Now that is what Kuwait said - they put in the paper - they are never going to revalue the Kuwait dinar - this was like never going to happen. Forget about it. Guess what happened Just the next day.

Right. They revalued the Kuwait dinar – I think there is great irony in that and that tells you – don’t a;lways believe what you read – unless it's my call of course - You know, I'm kidding.

Realistically you’ve got to use the discernment, with what you’re reading out there  - really - there's a lot of stuff out there that I'm hear because I can't see but I hear it - people read it to me and I just shake my ahead because I know a lot of is not true. Sorry.

Some of it is cabal based. Some of it is just false info to throw you off - and if you withstood this storm, like Ian and yes your palm trees are blown over and this and that but you know, if you are strong enough to withstand this as long as we have you're going to be better for it and I think everybody is better for it  - yes I wish this would have gone six or seven eight years ago. Yes. Not really though  not Fair - look at the relationship as a result of the last seven and half years on the big call Not to mention all the listeners over the phone - This has to go to the very end - and in God's time. I think that's where it should be.

Now, we're at a very crucial point with what's going to take place with what's going to happen. We are in the midst of many many arrests globally - talk about clean up on aisle 3-4-5-6-7 - Man, there’s incredible stuff happening.

And you wouldn't believe me if I told you so I'm not going to tell you but I can tell you this.

There are things happening behind the scenes that will be really good for us and look, don't fall for this 12 days of darkness stuff - the only darkness stuff is gonna be intermittent outages internet and cell service in areas where the Martial Law will take place in about 98 counties in certain states - and we're gonna get a total of 12 days of disclosure - Yeah, we're gonna get - probably will use the Emergency Alert System to get that started.

There could be broadcasts on to go to television believe it or or not. Guess what channel they think they're gonna go to. CNN - and why?  Because there is a new owner that is aligned with President Trump is the new owner of CNN They have cleaned house to an extent – maybe not totally but to an extent I believe that is one of the and it may happen on all channels but I know they're planning to put it out on CNN

Now, I don’t know when it’s going to start. But I believe it may start when we start our exchanges which I gave you the time frame when we were supposed to be notified so shortly after that for that - maybe the next day we would start with our exchanges and Redemption of our Zim.

Don't sweat the rate - the rates are going to be great  - and by the way there are 30 countries in the first quote unquote “basket of” currencies that are all going up in value – all 30

There are some that will stay the same and some that will go down but we know the ones that are going up and that's what we're looking forward to – being a part of -

When the public does their exchanges rates that they're going to get are going to be the rates that are obviously on the bank screens but are also on the Forex trading -

Whatever the Forex rates will be when they come out that is what the public will get  - We on the other hand We are that have zim are going to redemption centers and will have higher rates based on doing projects – we are really going to have strong rates on dinar and on dong  - and of course on the zim - so don’t worry about the rates – they are going to be fine.

Remember, you've got five eight minutes to do a presentation in outlined form not in a huge gross detail - Just an overview of what's in your project. Make sure you print it out that you can leave one with the redemption center – So I'm excited guys – I’m ready for this to go. Let's just hope and pray that the information – that we are getting late this afternoon / evening holds true and they have got it settled for us in Reno - Okay.

All right and thanks everybody that has been a contributor and supporter of the Big Call - Appreciate it


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:17:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-6-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-6-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call - it is Thursday, October 6, and you're listening to the big call- thanks for tuning in yet again, wherever you're listening from, whether you're listening live or whether you're listening on the replay link, replay number. Thanks for being here. We're glad that you're listening.

Let's go into the Intel now-and let's see where we stand now and I did to get some more information.

Here's the deal, you guys - we have heard that this is very close. We've actually been sort of half staked, I guess you would say a couple of times this week. I told you about a doozy - I believe that we were so close and, and really, it's hard to know and I don’t like the roller coaster ride guys.

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 10-6-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call - it is Thursday, October 6, and you're listening to the big call- thanks for tuning in yet again, wherever you're listening from, whether you're listening live or whether you're listening on the replay link, replay number. Thanks for being here. We're glad that you're listening.

Let's go into the Intel now-and let's see where we stand now and I did to get some more information.

Here's the deal, you guys - we have heard that this is very close. We've actually been sort of half staked, I guess you would say a couple of times this week. I told you about a doozy - I believe that we were so close and, and really, it's hard to know and I don’t like the roller coaster ride guys.

I don't like to feel like we're almost there - We're almost there - We're almost there - and then all of a sudden we're held back. It's like, oh, it's not yet. Oh, it's not Yet, I know. I get it. I've been there like this for 11 years on the big call and for 18 years total, waiting for this to happen - right.

So here's the thing. Where we are now is that we were told at phone calls that took place last night, one at 11 o'clock with Wells Fargo, Miami, and one and midnight last night pacific time with Reno, Wells Fargo, Reno.

Now, we were told last night that we  would find out this morning whether or not we were going today or tomorrow well we didn’t get that word this morning. We did not get it - You know, I thought okay, well we probably will today. But what about Friday - is Friday in play - and here's what's in play – bond holders - and we know of these things from what's happening from one of our sources.

We'll be doing transactions to a number of bondholders Saturday morning Reno time, and that these will be – should be accomplished in a couple of hours. And we're looking forward to the bondholders getting access to their funds, either Saturday or possibly Sunday.

Now we fall into this and almost a shotgun start because we are supposed to be notified over the weekend.

Now notified means the emails coming from Wells Fargo with the toll free numbers and the SafeLink website that could be used if you choose it to set your appointment.

Now what is over the weekend mean?  I think we can write off tomorrow because of what is happening in Reno on Saturday.  So I would say Saturday. And possibly Saturday afternoon might be in play.

Could they notify us on Sunday? Yeah. So either day is in play for notifications. What about exchanges?

Could we get notified and start Saturday? Yes. Could we start even Sunday? Yes, not as likely. But I say “yes”

Now what's the deal with the three day weekend on Monday - being Columbus Day and also indigenous peoples day which would be Native Americans celebrating that celebrating First Nation and Canada, celebrating the indigenous peoples of Australia and other countries, right - indigenous to those countries. So it's a cool holiday.

It’s a Federal holiday meaning US Federal offices will be closed Monday. However, it is NOT a bank holiday. Banks will be open - redemption centers are not banks, but they're sort of connected to banks in a way they can be connected to a bank.

But my point is that even though Monday is Columbus Day, and indigenous peoples day, it is not a bank holiday - banks will not be closed. So does that mean Monday is in play for us to go in to redemption centers for exchanges? I think so. I think so.

Could we even start before then? Possibly. Yeah, possibly we could – but we need the notifications to come out if we are in a shotgun start. It should be happening over the weekend - this weekend because of what I know is happening with the bond holders.

And there's some things I know about the bond holders that I haven't been allowed to share. So that's okay. The good news is this is moving forward. Boy is there ever clean up on aisle three I’ll say - it is continuing - it is big time. And I did get confirmed that there's been enough arrests done – we can still go – we could have gone last week - even though it is not all done - completely – enough of it out of the way – that we could get our exchanges going –

Well, I believe we’re – what - the sixth of October - Monday's the 10th we could very well get cranked up. Oh, my favorite day - the eighth - Saturday – hummm -the heavy day for China. They have new beginnings. You know if financial prosperity. I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if maybe something kicked in for us on Saturday. We will see – I’m looking forward to that.

However, we do feel - based on multiple source – and you’ve  got to realize -  a lot of the banks are zippered up - they're not talking.  They really are closed up with NDAs and gag orders and we're able to glean some information from other sources.

It looks for us to get notified over the weekend. That's the best way I can say it. And I'm excited about it. I'm excited about it still. I've been excited all week because  I felt like from what  I was hearing - we are really getting close.

This is - this was supposed to pop - at least we were told that this week, so and we're still being told that this is the week - we're supposed to get started. So let's believe for that. Let's just pray into that and believe for that. And we'll do that

So let's do this. Let's just stay in prayer for this to manifest to us over this weekend and see where it goes because we're basically ready

Well, thanks everybody for listening and thanks everybody else that helps us on the big call. Especially get the word out International, other languages simultaneous translators, and let's stay in tune to see what comes in over the weekend

Alright, everybody, have a great time, and we'll talk to you soon.  Good night, everybody


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 52:40

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-4-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-4-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - It's Tuesday, October the fourth, and you're listening to the Big Call. Thanks, everybody for tuning in, again tonight, from all over the globe, wherever you're listening from live or whether you're on the replay. Thank you for tuning in. You're welcome to be here.

We're happy to have Bob back from his exile from the hurricane - Hurricane Ian - he is back safe and sound and just gave us a report before we turned on the recording. So if you were here for the live show, you heard it - otherwise it's just too much to go into right now - But we still need to pray for the recovery, search and recovery of people that may still be alive in Florida that haven't been accounted for.

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday Night 10-4-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - It's Tuesday, October the fourth, and you're listening to the Big Call. Thanks, everybody for tuning in, again tonight, from all over the globe, wherever you're listening from live or whether you're on the replay. Thank you for tuning in. You're welcome to be here.

We're happy to have Bob back from his exile from the hurricane - Hurricane Ian - he is back safe and sound and just gave us a report before we turned on the recording. So if you were here for the live show, you heard it - otherwise it's just too much to go into right now - But we still need to pray for the recovery, search and recovery of people that may still be alive in Florida that haven't been accounted for.

So, guys, Sue was kind of alluding to earlier we talked earlier today and I was faked out today in a big way because I did get some very early in the day information about how close we actually were and what to possibly expected a which was in the way of the numbers. And then the day progressed, it looked more and the information was coming in that changed that perspective somewhat but not dramatically so

So overall, let's just kind of review what has been going on. Let's talk first about the Iraqi dinar. Now we knew yesterday, directly from Iraq, that they were celebrating all day with fireworks that our contract in Iraq hoped would end at 11 o'clock pm Iraq time yesterday, so that they could all go to sleep. (chuckle) and not have this Go on any longer.

So I imagined it probably they probably did - end around one o'clock last night Iraq time. Now why is that important for what's the connection? What were they celebrating? And if we found a couple of other pieces of the puzzle, and we figured out oh, I can see why they were celebrating - because the Iraqi dinar was the rate was out. And it was out for Iraqi Americans in this country in four states and to exchange their dinar here in four - in four states redemption centers that were opened specifically to exchange them yesterday.

Okay, and that was in Michigan, and Indiana -Texas and Florida. Okay, so that was cool - in addition to that, and that was through Wells Fargo. In addition to that there were 19 countries with HSBC banks, exchanging Iraqi dual citizens in those countries and 19 countries yesterday.

Now, that was really a very positive thing to hear about. And we know roughly what rate they exchanged that I'm not at liberty to discuss that but it was a very positive experience for those and I believe that is why the celebration was taking place in Iraq. Big time fireworks. Okay, so that’s Iraq, that's cool. It's not tier 4B yet, but I believe that we're next.

Now, we did hear about the bondholders. We know the bondholders are receiving correspondence, which should give them access to funds tomorrow.

Okay, and they receive some correspondence already from their paymasters, and they're moving forward with it tomorrow. So that's a very positive thing.

Now we are supposed to be on a quote unquote shot gun start with Tier 3 bondholders, which puts us pretty much in a position where we “should” - there's our operative word “should” be applied to tomorrow. And I think if we get notified early enough in the day, we would exchange tomorrow, set our appointments, and go in tomorrow

Now this is based on information that I've received, some of which I can share and some I can't, But I feel pretty good – and you know me - I'm not calling it - but I'm very close to it right now. I don't want to call it but I do feel like everything is coming to fruition finally for us to set our appointments and go

Now here's the thing -

Wells Fargo servers, have approximately 2 million emails that on them loaded for those of us who purchase currencies and zim. They will send those out. Could they happen overnight tonight. Wake up to them in the morning? It’s possible - could this go sometime before lunch tomorrow. That's also possible.

So we know that when those emails come out, they will contain a toll free number, which we call the 800 number - So that you can call and get one of four regional call centers to book your appointment for your exchange and redemption of zim. If you're a Zim holder and you call you’re supposed to get another number, which would be a direct number to the redemption Center, which is indicated by the zip code that you enter when you call.

I'm thinking you're doing that electronically with the phone initially on your keypad to let them know whether the zip code is your home zip code or one where you work. It doesn't matter - it's whatever zip code applies to you and then you can go ahead and book your appointment

Now - this is something I didn't really get the full grasp of until today -

I've been talking about the toll free numbers using the call centers and getting rerouted to the final redemption center which is going to take your appointment if you are a zim holder and you speak to somebody at that at that end at the redemption center. Probably somebody that will be working with you as you set your appointment up or if not, it's just something at that same redemption center -

But this new little piece that came to me today is supposedly there's also a SafeLink website in the emails that will allow certain people if you wish to book your appointment online through the SafeLink website. Now I haven't really learned anything about that and don't plan with it.

My intention is not to use it. I'm gonna set it up using the phone and set my exchange up that way. But some of you might want to use the SafeLink so called SafeLink website to book your appointments, its cool - whatever works, whichever works best for you. That's fine. There may be people that are hearing impaired you know would feel better using SafeLink instead of getting on the phone – you know that could be possible.

But that's a very positive thing for us. We are moving forward. We know information is going out. And we're looking strong, I think for the possibility of getting notified by certainly before lunchtime tomorrow.

It could be delayed but I feel good about that. Looks pretty good about what I'm saying. And I liked the fact that we have not a whole lot more time I don't think I think like Sue said I agree with her. I think this should be our last call is to be it. I know we're gonna have one today I really wasn't sure if we would. But we are and we did

As far as anything else - the Federal Reserve had a meeting yesterday and today but they were administrative meetings and you know why? Because the 12 Federal Reserve Banks that we have in the United States have been informed that the Federal Reserve is being rolled up into the US Treasury - it is not going to be the same - and it's certainly not going to be in control of the USN currency - our new USN currency gold backed and asset backed currency. So the Fed is dead kind of - it certainly is being minimized -

And let's see what else was I going to say about it today. The Fed banks in Kansas City in Atlanta and Miami had meetings with Stephen Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary - about what's happening in this country now, as a result of these foreign currencies, and about what we're all about - about this happening - They were brought up to speed on what's actually going down now - and realize this, Italy a couple of days ago announced that they were gold backed lira.

The euro as a currency has dropped in value to where it's on par with the US dollar and that was the Fiat dollar by the way and the British pound is now known as the gold backed Sterling.   The gold backed sterling is now on par also with the dollar -

So got the Euro which was higher - the Pound which was a little higher than the Euro and now all three of those are on par in value with the US dollar

Now - what about the stock market – we seen decline last week, we saw it go up today. And I think yesterday 600 or 700 points or so today. So the decline took place but the buyback might have exceeded the total number over them last week. Believe it did. But it I'm not watching it all the time. I see bits and pieces of it. So did the stock market crash. I wouldn’t call it a crash.

I think it had an adjustment - a realignment - will it crash after this. I don't know guys I really don't. I don't know I never really mind's eye to be something that would be would cause a crash. But you know, we know that what happened with Vanguard and BlackRock was a major deal there. - they're restructuring bankruptcy and being sold off to white hat investors – it’s a very good thing And I feel like we're moving in that direction.

I mentioned Italy as a gold backed currency also Turkey, went gold back over the weekend. And I'm sure are more aligned now with the BRICS countries.

I think we're up to 130 to 150 countries aligned with the BRICS nations - NESARA and GESARA, getting ready to be announced - we should see that possibly this week, could be over the weekend or early next week, but it's out there and it’s happening - obviously the biggest step for us is to get this these currencies exchanged and the zim redeemed and move on into the future with our project planning and so on for rebuild America.

I'm excited you guys I was excited all day because I had information suggesting that we could possibly start today so we didn't get started on our part but we know the bondholders are in good shape tomorrow. And we know that you know that the Iraqi Americans had the opportunity to exchange yesterday in four states and so did others in 19 countries with HSBC globally - internationally in 19 different countries – that’s pretty good. So we're moving in the right direction – we are there.

Some of you always say, Have we ever been here before? No, we've never been here before. This is new ground. New ground we're crossing and I believe we are in really good shape to get this done this week

And I feel like we're at that edge right now – the tip of the ice berg We're just about ready to make something happen here. So that's what I wanted to say tonight

I really hope you guys understand where I’m coming from tonight and look forward to getting our rebuild America starting with Florida.

Okay, so that's really what I wanted to say tonight. And thank you everybody, Sue. And Bob, for such a beautiful job over the last 7 ½ years - and everybody behind the scenes. And everybody out there throughout the globe - We're just excited that you've been able to hear the call been translated simultaneously. You've been able to do languages we've done that and that's where the real blessing thanks for those that have done that. Anybody taking call notes or the actual writing of the call that has been a blessing to have that so thank you for that .


 Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  59:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-29-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-29-22

Transcribed By WiserNow Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call - this is Thursday September 29th and you're listening to the big call.

We're missing Bob. A lot tonight as we did on Tuesday night. He had an evacuation that was mandatory and he's in a safe place.

We welcome everybody listening wherever you are listening from whether it's in the United States or outside somewhere anywhere else around the globe. We're excited that we have an audience that can hear us from long, far, far away. And I think because of that we're a smaller community in a smarter world, smaller world as a result of that. So glad to hear that

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday Night 9-29-22

Transcribed By WiserNow  Emailed To Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call - this is Thursday September 29th and you're listening to the big call.

We're missing Bob. A lot tonight as we did on Tuesday night. He had an evacuation that was mandatory and he's in a safe place.

We welcome everybody listening wherever you are listening from whether it's in the United States or outside somewhere anywhere else around the globe. We're excited that we have an audience that can hear us from long, far, far away. And I think because of that we're a smaller community in a smarter world, smaller world as a result of that. So glad to hear that

I'm going to do a little Intel segment and then we'll pray the call out. Okay. So this is where we stand right now, guys. I think the storm may have slowed us down a few days, to be honest –

The storm - Initially we didn't hear that that's what it was or what's going to happen. We had bondholders prepared their emails yesterday morning, - yesterday morning  what did happen - that Wednesday morning - was the paymasters of the bondholders did receive their emails at 5am in the morning, yesterday, giving them authorization to pay the individual bondholders or bond sellers and send them emails which we expected could have been as early as today. Now, they didn't get those emails - as far as we know yet.

I've heard evidence of one's gotten emails and they have the codes to put in that they still don't have access to funds.

So maybe those emails did go out. And those codes have been entered, but the banks are holding back on the funds because they don't have authorization to release yet.

That's probably the best way we can read that.

Now, what are we hearing as a result of that bond activity? We've got 2 major sources, one was military and one was treasury. Today, they were telling us almost the same thing. Treasury was telling us to look for our notifications and start our exchanges in the next three days. Meaning Friday, Saturday or Sunday

Now listen if we get notified – if it’s Sunday, which is the second of October, probably we would start on Monday. Right? But if we get notified early enough - like before noon, we could start Friday afternoon - Evening.

If we got notified Friday after four, there's always that stock market closing at four Eastern and we got notified after four we could be setting appointments for Saturday if we get notified Saturday - we could go Saturday. You know what I mean? We could go on the same day, depending on how early in the day the notifications - meaning the emails with the toll free number would come out.

So the whole thing is predicated on when Wells Fargo is going to release the emails that they have and it’s quite a few – like 2 million emails will go out for those that they have emails for

what we're trying to do on the Big Call, is take care of people who don't have email for and put the toll free number on the landing page of our website, the big call and then for those that are registered on big call they would get an email sent out with as soon as we can release those - with the toll free number in that email so that they could have that and they could go ahead and set the appointment that way.

Obviously, if you saw it on the web site landing page, you'd write it down and you're good to go. You could set your appointment that way –

Now, they've got call centers remember four regional call centers across the country. And they will be taking your calls and giving you if you're a zim holder, you'll get another number that you will call and take you directly to the redemption Center - in the zip code that you indicate when you're asked to enter your zip code for the area in which you would like to exchange. It might be your own zip code. It might be a zip code where you work, or it could be one that you know has an exchange center close.

Okay, either way, we'll enter that and then you'll be good to go. But you'll probably end up speaking to an individual when you dial that second number. you'll talk to an individual that will most likely be helping you at the redemption center - depending on the time that you set appointment for it because a lot of redemption centers are working 16 - 18 to 19 hours - when we get started there'll be long hours at least first several days. and you know, they will be working three shifts at least -  3 shifts of people working six to seven hour days with some overlap to between shifts.

So, that's from Treasury - Military source is saying tomorrow or Saturday - didn't mention Sunday - but we got a call from some of the sources if we don't have it by 11:30 in the morning

Now that doesn’t do you any good because this is the last call that we do this week. We would pick it up Tuesday if and only if we don’t have numbers and haven’t d started moving forward with our exchanges  which could possibly happen Friday Saturday or Sunday  - the next 3 days

So the other point I want to make is that a lot of banks that Chase banks are reducing their branches overall the country by about 42.3%. They're reducing closing branches. There's not gonna be quite the need for as many bank branches. In all banks, you're gonna see it for many of the banks. In the case of Wells Fargo and HSBC -they're taking 60% of their branches and turning them into wealth management offices.

Ok - 60% of Wells Fargo branches and HSBC branches will be turned into wealth management offices for high net worth people like us - to be – okay - so that the change is going to take place - and so much more of a banking now is going to be online without the use of the branch - you know – to help you -

You can already move money through Zillow on a lot of the big banks have that already set up. you can do that without having to go in and spend $35 on a bank wire - give me a break -- so the banks are gonna be losing a huge revenue source domestic bank wire $35 bucks - or international wire $50? that's good revenue for the bank. So they say sayonara to that revenue stream. That’s gone! That's why so many of the branches are going to close – Now that's all good – that’s a good thing

We're going to be able to move right into this new paradigm - this digital banking world and have digital USN in our in our quantum accounts, I call it quantum because the quantum financial system will have the bulk of our bonds deposited in a non interest bearing quantum account where it's completely backed by the United States Treasury by the assets that are backing our currency - you say – well what are those assets? Take a look 100% of our assets - 50% of those assets are gold. The other 50% represent other precious metals like silver – palladium – platinum - includes also oil - natural gas - intellectual property - and so on - other assets that make up the total that backs up our currency. The half of our - 50% of those assets are gold.

So that's something to kind of bring you up to speed on that. Other countries have different percentages – some countries maybe 100% backed by gold .

Okay, the BRICS nations move on really quickly, and there are quite a few countries that are aligned with the BRICS nations. I believe we had a total of 100 and what was it last time 30 or might have been more countries that were aligned with the BRICS and that have already been deemed as asset backed.

So our accounts as we currently have, what we have in the banks now are backed by the USN digitally and they are USN accounts. They are backed by the US Treasury and by the gold and the other assets we have in Treasury. And believe me, our treasury is loaded, they picked up a bunch of through all of this pick up and drop off - clean up on aisle 3 – they picked up enough assets that were seized - So I mean they seized a lot of things - they seized bonds, they seized other currencies and so on that nefarious sites had, and they were right to do that.

So we don't worry about that. We get the money to pay off the national debt. Are you kidding? The national debt is chump change, and it's also part of the old USA Inc anyway, so it's not even an issue, but it's a blink of an eye. So don't worry about that. There’s plenty of money coming from the Rodrigues Trust - the St. Germain trusts other accounts that have already funded the bondholders and us - we are ready to go in terms of that

The other thing is let's see what day this was. This was Saturday, I believe redemption centers – might have been later -  could have been Last Monday yep last Monday -  redemption centers had the new items including our new currency that they were putting out and they were making available - and also the information  and paperwork they needed to redeem the bonds that are gonna be coming in - other than the Zim bonds that we have and the other sheet bonds – yellow dragon - railroad bonds - all of those things that they're able to do that at the redemption centers -

Okay, and they already know a lot of the people that have bonds and the appointment for the bond holders if you have a sheet bond like a yellow dragon bond or red dragon bonds - railroad bonds or this or that bond you are going to have about an hour to an hour and 15 mins appointment – It takes a little while to go through the provenance - where the bonds came from, who owns them, how did you get them blah, blah, blah. All of that takes time to go through.

Those of us who have Zim and other currencies - they're looking to take care of us in about 35 to 45 minutes. Max. This is not a time where we're going to chat and chat it up and drink coffee and sit around – it’s just not that - it is an in and out  Get in do your exchange – make your 5 – 8 minute presentation and get out of there.

You should have – If I understand the process we’re going to have a card = now we might not get this card on day one – but we will get a what I call a quantum account access card – that sounds bad -

But we will get what I call a quantum account access card. Let's just call it an access card. Okay, that card is about three times the thickness of a normal credit card.

And it's made of titanium. It has three chips in it - one chip is a biometric fingerprint - so that when you use your biometric fingerprint reader that is put into that chip so that nobody else but you can use the card, okay. And it's designed for you to see your quantum account which is held by the treasury in the quantum computer – no banker can see it

The only banker that is going to see it is if you show it to them – if you have a screen and say hey, look at my account, but no you are not going to do that - but they go pull up your account  let’s say on a normal Wells Fargo account screen - They're not gonna see your quantum account. They may know that you have a currency exchange and got zillions of dollars in your primary account. But you know, initially you're supposed to put up to 1% of your total exchange in your Wells Fargo primary account – that will draw interest – and it’s a nice interest rate -

Okay, so that's cool now how much can you put into that primary account. I know you can put up to 1% - Now maybe more maybe less – but it will be a lot if you are a zim holder but regardless of how much 1% is it is a lot of money   

So they're gonna give us that for first I believe is 60 days - might be six months that you have that much to work with for your projects, and your personal life. Okay, they know you're gonna upgrade your cars and your home and all that good stuff. Okay, and buying some things but  for your project stuff you will be able to pull funds in from your quantum account as needed into your primary account - this is just what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna start with that primary account Wells Fargo and I have four LLCs set up-

I’m going to have separate accounts tied to so I have an account for re build America - I have one for the veterans retreat network one for the pastorial retreat – and one account for rebuild the Bahamas and rebuild Haiti and Dominica Republic  - I've been doing it that way. And that's just a suggestion.. So when I need funds in a LLC account, guess what? I go to the primary Wells account and transfer money into it –

Are you are you ready for that opportunity and presentation? To be approved by the administrator? Do you have a bonafide project presentation? Ready to go? You've read it and you're ready- Are you ready?

Now do we want these numbers to come out? Yes!!  Was it supposed to happen by the end of the month? Which by the way is tomorrow -  yes –

Are we supposed to start by tomorrow or the first of October which is Saturday? Yes

Let's hope that's exactly what happened. I know from a clean up on aisle three perspective, I can tell you. We had major arrests going on in Dallas Fort Worth, last night and today - We had arrest prior to the hurricane and even after the hurricane in Florida. Yes.

What I'm being told is the coast is clear - they have enough of the people that they needed to arrest picked up - so this can go forward. Ok I am going to hold them to that - I hope we all do. And we're looking forward to getting this thing going. Good God we're in Fall already. It's been a long time - 11 years on the big call. I think it's time to get started with our projects and humanitarian ways don’t you?

I know we don't need to have the blessing in a in a virtual sense. I know we can get started with what we have now. But it's a totally different ballgame when we've got this blessing, which allows us to do things that we never ever thought were possible before. Well, now the impossible has become possible

We're gonna do it. I want any of you guys in Florida - If you're Zim holders, especially to partner with us on rebuild America, city or town or community where you live, start there. I'll bet you instead of having 100 people, you know, in Florida, which I was looking to have, like 100 people X 50 states that we might have more like three or 400 in Florida, right? I don't know guys I don't know.

We can knock it out we can be absolutely do the very best rebuild job on Florida using solid concrete reinforced materials - using metal roofs with tie downs. – we can use Virtual hurricane proof windows, we can foam insulation. I mean, these things can be tight and strong on strong foundations. I say if we're gonna build it, let's build it to last,

 You guys can help us do it. That's what I was like. I want us to pray and stay close and stay here for Florida and the rest of the coastline wherever this hurricane Ian find this tracks up north of Florida into Georgia – South Carolina - North Carolina, Virginia etc - . Just track it up, watch it, pray for those areas – pray for the people in those areas, and that's what I'm going to do is watch the storm move forward a little bit. Okay. So that's what we’re doing no call until Tuesday if we don't have numbers - if we have numbers there won't be a call.

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK     Intel Begins  1:03:40

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Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-27-22

.Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-27-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 27 and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody, no matter where you are around this globe for tuning in, whether you're listening live, or whether you're listening on the replay, link or replay numbers. Thank you for coming into the big call tonight.

Tonight is a very special night we're going to keep an eye on this hurricane, Ian - that is coming across the Florida Keys now and working its way toward the west coast of Florida. We're gonna talk about it a little bit. And I want you to know that Bob will not be able to -- he did get our music tonight - but he's not going to be able to join us on the call. There are tornado warnings where he is - ihe has evacuated from where he lives to a safer destination for the hurricane.

Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-27-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday September 27 and you're listening to the big call. Thanks, everybody, no matter where you are around this globe for tuning in, whether you're listening live, or whether you're listening on the replay, link or replay numbers. Thank you for coming into the big call tonight.

Tonight is a very special night we're going to keep an eye on this hurricane, Ian - that is coming across the Florida Keys now and working its way toward the west coast of Florida. We're gonna talk about it a little bit. And I want you to know that Bob will not be able to -- he did get our music tonight - but he's not going to be able to join us on the call. There are tornado warnings where he is - ihe has evacuated from where he lives to a safer destination for the hurricane.

However, there are tornado warnings that happened even in the area where he is. So he said because of the sirens and the intensity of everything going on - he thought it would be best if he did not come on the call - Oh, I said Okay, Bob, that's fine. We'll pray for you and pray for the call. Pray for Florida as a whole.

Alright listen we’re having too much fun – Let’s go into a little bit of intel now and see where we are.

Now some people I know have kind of given up and maybe just stepped away for a while that happens to everybody has done that over the last eighteen years I've been involved in this, but I'm gonna say when I bring information to you I'm bringing what I think is the best Intel available. It's not always what I want to hear. It's not always the answer and timing that I have in time for the call Tuesday and Thursday nights.

But you have to believe that for me to be with this now for 11 years on the Big Call, I am interested in providing quality Intel to you. And even though the timing of this has been not what we've all wanted, we've been pushed. There have been more things that needed to be done.

There's all kinds of things out there that are being done behind the scenes that we can see that we that some of the stuff I can't even bring on the call. It's too it's just not something for public consumption yet. But I want to say if you if you think I'm not telling you the truth and take off, you take off, I'm telling you what I know to be true.

Even though this intel may not prove out exact it might be it might be something that is correct at the time and then all of a sudden in a day's time or 2 days time - something else has come up and that's been the case many times as you guys know by now.

Iraq seems to have their mess together seem to be ready to go and have put out a rate and they're ready to start.  I told you guys that last Thursday, other countries are coming with currencies and announcing that, like Japan.  It's happened in Syria. It's happening in other countries as well.

There are political changes that are taking place like in Italy, that are bringing about positive change there - in Sweden and so on would lead by ministers in both of those countries –

The British Pound is dropping. The Euro has dropped to where it's just barely over the dollar a buck three I think is where the Euro was. And you know it's going to drop to where it’s on par and then pretty soon, I believe you'll see the Euro essentially drop away and each individual country's currency come in because each country’s currency is asset backed - some buy gold, some buy other precious metals and oil and other assets. So whatever that is the country has will give strength to that asset backed currency. So we're going to see more and more of that.

But here's the thing the stock market has been taking a pretty smooth and steady decline. It dropped I believe 179 points or more today. I believe yesterday - it was I believe today it might have been 329 - Yesterday and dropped 329 points for a total of 1.11%. I don't think we've seen any 20% declines, nor I don't know if we will, but we're definitely a downward - were under - I believe we're at Dow 29,000 right around 29,000. And that's way off from where it was before.

So yeah, I think this is gonna continue to happen - our dollar event is very strong - and we have an asset backed dollar - and we're looking for an announcement to occur in conjunction with NESARA and GESARA - that all countries will announce that they have an asset backed currency - Whether they say we're back on the gold standard or not - I don't know - we know that we have at least 50% backing of our currency in gold.

The other half would be precious other precious metals, platinum, palladium, silver, and other minerals, and oil and natural gas and so on. But that's what's backing our USN - our new United States dollar.

And to tell you where we are today, we know that redemption center staff was going in for just under three hours today around noon, to put out new items, which I believe was referring to the new currency that we have our currency, the USN, as well as information, paperwork that's needed to redeem the bonds that they plan to take in and exchange from bondholders, In addition to Zim and other currencies. So that's going on today.

The other thing that is happening, the redemption centers are getting let's see how I'm gonna say this. They have a schedule, which we're calling a permanent 12 day schedule for our exchanges. That schedule I'm being told today is to start at 11 o'clock in the morning, Eastern Time tomorrow.

Now, what does that mean? Does that mean that we could get notifications after 11 tomorrow? I think that's possible. I really do. I'm also hearing from other sources, not my main sources, but under sources that we're looking to get something to start over the next three days - that would be Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. That's a little too far out for me. I'd rather see it start tomorrow - and It could very well.

Let's go to the bondholders, the bondholders were pushed 24 hours – this morning - after 2:30 in the morning - they were supposed to have received their notifications by email and have liquidity - okay to have liquidity from in their accounts from their bonds - Okay, that have already been sold.

Now, they were push 24 hours till tomorrow at 2:30 in the morning - they are supposed to have emails that give them access to those funds - tomorrow, early in the morning.

Now, we are supposed to be going along very closely with bondholders in tier three. What does that say for us? Does that mean that we would get notified in the morning and that the schedule starts at 11 and we get notified before lunch? And then we set appointments for the afternoon for the afternoon or tomorrow evening. One thing it says is unsure guys, we don't know that. We don't know - it looks good.

Let's talk about is this storm anything that could interfere with it? Ian could even create a change in this we pray against that happening -Okay.

The other thing is that certain redemption centers, have intentions to stay open quite not quite 24 hrs but 18 - 20 hours over the next three days. And what's interesting about that is that lets you think, Oh wow, they're serious about getting some exchanges done.

They want to get these banks rehydrated in new USN currency as a result of these currency exchanges and Zim redemption, they're really wanting to get this thing rolling  so will they delay  us any further, I hope not. I can't tell you it will be or not but I hope not. I think we've got enough information.

Now what about what about cleanup on aisle three? It's not done. They’re hard at it - But what I've understand is all of the bankers that were giving us problems from within the United States have already been picked up.

Now, what about the rest of the people out there? Still going hard at it? And it probably will continue through the middle of November. Now we supposedly have the security to the point where it's safe for us to go. That's what I've heard from Very good - Very good sources, that we have the safety factor ready to get started.

Will there be some some what do we want to call it? Will there be some skirmishes? Will there be some problems in certain areas, only the 98 counties that have been designated for martial law - or martial law is going into effect or has gone in areas where they suspect they might have a problem but overall any resistance to what we're doing will be snuffed out quickly and we should have safety and the ability to go in – do our exchanges - come back and be safe the entire time.

And we have to be careful that we stay smart. And that if we're under NDA if you’re a zim holder you're going to under a non disclosure agreement for at least 30 days and possibly 90 or more days, depending on who you are and how they perceive you. So obviously you want to act smart keep your mouth shut and you want to keep this quiet - private to yourself. You know loose lips sink ships and you don't want to sink your own ship.

You want to be careful who you're giving money to. You want to be wise about who you're funding and how you're doing that because every transaction that you do, will be seen by the quantum financial system and everything will be monitored by the QFS. If they suspect something is going awry there and something nefarious or something funding the wrong direction - quess what - your account gets frozen in a heartbeat – in a New York Minute.

So be aware that the smart when you go in to do exchanges, they only want you to be in there for about 30 to 35 minutes, unless you've got a ton of currency or you have bonds qnd then you are gonna go longer. It will go 45 minutes to an hour if you've got other than Zim bonds and it just takes a while to go through the provenance of those but they're trained in how to do that. They'll be able to do that hopefully pretty effectively

So we don't absolutely have this. They don’t want us to know the when but we were able to determine when the bond holders are supposed to be paid tomorrow after 2:45 In the morning, and then we should be following that – and the schedule - like I said so called permanent schedule starts at 11 tomorrow and that means they want to go through the weekend to get as much of this currency in as soon as possible

I am going to ask everybody to pray tonight on their own before they go to bed or when they hear this call prat that the storm is minimized and that the storm does not affect the start of our notifications. Or our redemption and exchange of currencies

Now you’ve got to ask yourself if we had about 7000 redemption centers throughout the United States and they increased that over the last three months to 16,950 redemption centers. Don't you think they're serious about this? Don't you think it's absolutely a plan to get this thing done? And we're heard it should get done the 28th - Is that important day that's tomorrow? Quite possibly - that's when we get our start. But they want this thing done and say what it started before the end of September

So we can go into the final quarter of the year and the new fiscal year starts October 1. So there may be something to that but we've got a new Restored Republic and there's all kinds of political ramifications that go with it.

So I'm gonna ask everybody to stay in prayer for this blessing to reveal itself in Jesus name. And tomorrow is our best hope for that to happen

So that's what I want to say tonight. Thanks for listening


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK  Intel Begins  59: 29

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Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-22-22

.Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-22-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight is Thursday, September 22nd and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in again and for wherever you're listening from whether it's outside United States and around the world, wherever you're tuned into we welcome you. We're glad you're with us, whether you're listening live, or whether you're listening on a replay thanks for being here.

Now, we don't want to go too many more calls do we? We are ready for this thing to go - We're ready for it to pop. So let's talk a little bit about it. Let's talk about what we've got in the way of Intel.

Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-22-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the big call tonight is Thursday, September 22nd and you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody for tuning in again and for wherever you're listening from whether it's outside United States and around the world, wherever you're tuned into we welcome you. We're glad you're with us, whether you're listening live, or whether you're listening on a replay thanks for being here.

Now, we don't want to go too many more calls do we? We are ready for this thing to go - We're ready for it to pop. So let's talk a little bit about it. Let's talk about what we've got in the way of Intel.

All right - I'm going to start off and it could be a little random, because I've got a few things here and there. I'm going to try to tie together - you remember how much intel we had on Tuesday night. I had about eight or nine different things that I brought in on that call - and it was it was a lot - tonight we don't have as many –

Alright, let's talk a little bit about central banks. These were banks that were tied to the Rothschilds. In other words, they own them in various countries throughout the world.

Now, most of the countries have moved away from the so called Central Bank and it moved into a new - I'm going to call it - it's hard to say - National Bank.

This is a bank that's been created for each country – individually - that would control their new currency - Because remember, all countries of the globe under GESARA will have new asset backed and some gold backed but at least  asset backed currencies that will eventually be traded on par with the USN dollar.

Okay, so what we're in a transition now, now guess what? Some countries didn't come to the party. They have not divorced themselves from the central bank that was the Rothschild Bank - And there are certain countries that are paying the price for that now -- and I'm not going to mention it.

But these countries well, let's just say this - The banks in these countries are in deep situations right now if they haven't switched over - and they're in the process of doing that, but it could take a certain country 10 days to get there - And that puts everybody in the country in jeopardy financially.

The other thing is we talk about the countries that are aligned like the B R I C S - the B R I C S - BRICS are made up of the countries, Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. That was the original BRICS nations.

There have been a few additions to that group known as BRICS. But the number of countries now that are aligned with the BRICS nations are 82 countries - 82 countries, with the BRICS that will turn into 90 countries by this weekend.

Let's talk about we know we had 22 currencies that were due to revalue in an upward state - and we know at least half a dozen of those that most of us have some of - right - well, they just added a couple of days ago, another seven countries into the so called first basket and I can't remember all seven but I know we've got Japan is one - I know India is another - Indian. Yes, we are wishing for you to, you know, to include us in the first basket, please.

All right - So you've got Japan, India. I think we're gonna go to Saudi Arabia. We're gonna go to Jordan. We're gonna go to some of the Middle Eastern countries or make up the rest of Qatar, not Qatar by the way. Cutters, a bug spray.  Q – tar is how you pronounce that country.

And yep, you've got those. So that'll round out as countries round out - the seven that are added which would be 29 countries now

Now the African nations were not included in this. They couldn't quite get all of those nations together to be part of the revaluation. So they're going to have a second go around with the second - Let's call it basket - with the African nations. And I'm thinking it could be all of Africa could be Sub Saharan Africa, that all of those countries will find themselves in a new position in the second revaluation.

Now, before you start thinking, ooh, rubbing your hands together thinking about I’m gonna double dip on this one. No, you're not. If you've got currencies, and certainly zim or anything else that you're taking to the redemption center. It is verboten for you to be part of a further - let's just say an additional exchange with other currencies. Nope, not gonna happen.

Okay, so forget about it. All right. You're gonna go for it. This is your shot. You got your one shot and it is with whatever currency you have and certainly with the zim and the zim is gonna produce big results for you, based on the fact that you are creating projects or you have projects that you can present to the redemption center in a five to eight minute period. Okay. So keep that in mind.

All right, let's go beyond where we are. We've got to talk about the NESARA, and GESARA - Now, I'm going to credit Charlie Ward because this is where it came from.

He said and we've heard through his assistants Okay, directly, that remember who you were - Remember where you were - And remember what you were doing on September 24 - On September 24, is Saturday.

Remember, who you were, where you were and what you were doing?

It's supposed to be that big of an impact day.

Now remember Charlie's been somebody who's been put in charge of getting out the word on GESARA - Simon Parks is over Africa and South America, working directly with Charlie Ward and his team.

So we're just gonna have to see what that looks like.

But I think what's ironic and I didn't really learn much about this until yesterday.

The and I believe, correct me if I'm wrong, that it's the Julian calendar that has the 24th has no last few day of the calendar year under the Julian calendar. And the New Year would start on the 25th which is Sunday.

Now I may have the calendar type wrong, but I think it might be the Julian calendar. We are under the Gregorian calendar.

Okay. And that's working fine. And I don't see us getting off of that. I don't see that being a thing. But we are respecting what the Julian calendar had with the year of Jubilee, which happened every 50 years in Israel.

And as far as I know, it may still be happening in Israel. I'm thinking so. So in those years of Jubilee, there was debt forgiveness - There was ownership, land ownership reverted back to its original owner, etc, etc. Now, we know that GESARA and NESARA include debt forgiveness – include  returning to you the individual monies that were earned trading on your birth certificate -Marriage certificate - divorce decree - second marriage certificate - I guess even death certificates.

So, those funds plus the interest that you paid on your mortgages through the years on your car loans, through the years - bank loans, etc. - and not to mention the tax money that we paid to England and the Rothschilds and the Vatican.

That is all supposed to come back to you.

And I understand from our sources, that as part of NESARA for the United States and GESARA, globally, that will happen for us in the NESARA starting in the month of October, and it's going to be a nice piece of change. Now it won't be that much compared to what the exchange totals are for us, or the Zim total that's done with with redeeming of the zim, but it's still a very large chunk of money.

And I think what's going to happen is that will you realize that when we go in for these exchanges and everything, where if you're a Zim holder, you will sign a non disclosure agreement. If you're just have currencies. What I'm being told is you won't have to sign an NDA.

We've got the public starting - theoretically, I think they're gonna get pushed back - but I think they're theoretically starting on the second or third of October.

We know that we have to get started. This has to come out for us, according to people that we've talked to by the end of this month. Well, we're getting close today the 22nd. There's only 30 days in September.

So what's that eight days away? Right. So I think we're definitely moving forward. I think what's interesting was we have heard that we should get notified this weekend.

And it's possible that we are still on that track. The latest information I got and that was this morning was telling us that our new window if you will, for us to get started in tier 4B and also I think it's going to apply to tier three bondholders is between the 25th and the 28th of September - 25 is Sunday. So that's Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, the 28th

So in that timeframe, we should get our notifications and then get started with our exchanges.

That is the latest and you know that's a change from what I had Tuesday.  That is a change.

Slightly, maybe not but a day or so. Right? Remember I said three or four days away? That was including Wednesday, three or four days? Well, it's pretty close to Sunday.

Okay, so we'll see how that works out for us.

It's really interesting that we have this opportunity to make a difference in this world as we find it now, which needs a lot of help. Everybody knows that. And we know what the main cause of the of the problem is right now.  So that's obviously something that has to have to be taken care of.

But we know or we believe we know that this absolutely must start by the end of this month which is the 30th  -  so I'm hoping against hope that this comes out with some kind of notification on Sunday. And then we start first of the week, and we go right on through but you know guys, there have been things that have slowed this down -the tier three and four banks slowed us down. The arrest of God knows how many people additionally slowed us down.

We've got banks, we've got countries that are slow to come on board with the proper bank - Their central bank, they gotta let that go and start a new national bank, I call it  - there's a lot of things that are still in flux.

But we're getting in on it every day. So we'll see how that goes. We'll see what happens. But that's what I wanted to bring to you tonight. I want you to be fit and healthy -

But that's what I wanted to bring to you tonight. And thank everybody for tuning in again, and staying faithful and moving forward boldly. As we all go together. As we go one we go all and kind of like that. Let's take it and let's run with it. So I do thank everybody for listening all over the globe. If you're somebody who's hearing it in your own language, thank you for those that are doing the instantaneous translation.

And thank you, everybody for tuning into the big call. Everybody have a beautiful weekend. Let's keep an eye out for Saturday to see what happens. Do we get an announcement about GESARA do we hear anything about NESARA  And remember who you were, where you were and what you are doing.

All right. Thanks, everybody. I love you and let's pray the call out,

Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 1:18:58

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Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-20-22

.Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-20-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, September the 20th. And you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody from wherever you're listening from, wherever you're tuning in, from. I know I'm not supposed to end that with a preposition but I did. And thank you wherever you are for catching this call, whether it's live, or whether it's on the replay. We love it. We're out there. We're getting out to quite a bit of the world. This is a global call that I've got some global information. We all have some really good stuff to give you tonight - so I'm really excited for this.

Bob, I'll take it from here. Thank you so much - appreciate it and we'll see where we go from here now - yeah, thank you - the Intel guys tonight - I'm gonna see and I talked to Bob about a few things so if I forget something Bob might prompt me on it but I think we have a really good position right now –

Bruce's Big Call Intel Tuesday 9-20-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome, everybody to the big call tonight. It's Tuesday, September the 20th.  And you're listening to the big call. Thanks everybody from wherever you're listening from, wherever you're tuning in, from. I know I'm not supposed to end that with a preposition but I did. And thank you wherever you are for catching this call, whether it's live, or whether it's on the replay. We love it. We're out there. We're getting out to quite a bit of the world. This is a global call that I've got some global information. We all have some really good stuff to give you tonight - so I'm really excited for this.

Bob, I'll take it from here. Thank you so much - appreciate it and we'll see where we go from here now - yeah, thank you - the Intel guys tonight - I'm gonna see and I talked to Bob about a few things so if I forget something Bob might prompt me on it but I think we have a really good position right now –

I did get a little bit of additional information that sort of skews and changes what I was going to bring out to you guys during Sue's segment.  I had to get off for a minute and get on and get back on the call. So it's gonna skew what I had to say a little bit.

So let's go back and talk about where we have been - really since Thursday to today - We had 8910 tier three and tier four banks that had not come into play with the quantum financial system - 8910 I'm going to change that number guys. I just gotta clear in on that - It was 9810 banks - tier three and tier four banks that were not connected to the quantum financial system 9810.

Now, why were they not connected? They got the software sent to them to connect to the QFS weeks ago, weeks and weeks ago. They got the information, but they refused to connect.

Well, I can tell you why they weren't connected because in their banks were several many accounts that were cabal or deep state accounts - that were moving funds and accessing funds that would not be picked up on the QFS because they were still using the SWIFT system - Well now the SWIFT system is no longer being used in the United States, but it is being used outside of the United States for a period of time.

But I believe that that will stop by the end of this month or October 1, no more SWIFT system used internationally by other countries, other countries banks -

So of the 9810 banks there were 3012 that came to the party and signed up on the quantum financial system.  The remaining approximately 6800 banks tier three and four banks will be shuttered closed, their assets are seized.  And those bank locations will be sold off by the by the United States Treasury - by our government.

So what does that say? That’s saying we have 3012 that actually signed up and that were okay - and that connected to the quantum financial system.

The other ones did not and their assets are seized by Treasury and those arrests have already taken place - and that was completed - I believe Thursday, Friday and Saturday all the way up until Monday morning at 9am.

So that took place for those guys, those bankers were under arrest and have been picked up - The account holders that were legitimate, were sent letters a couple of weeks prior to this activity, so that they could take the funds out of those tier three and tier four banks safely and move them to another bank.

Well, they were covered. The good account holders, account holders in good standing were able to do that so understand as of tonight, all of the bankers that needed to be arrested in the United States have been picked up.

We use the term clean up on aisle three – well aisle three is looking pretty clean right now.  All right, so that's what we have to say about the tier three and tier four banks.

Let's talk a little bit more about what is going on for us. We know that most banks tiers one and two at least and redemption centers have been receiving tranches of new money - our USN and USTN currency - folding money - Okay. They have been receiving that for quite some time - but they got extra tranches of that from Thursday to now - Extra tranches of those new bills. Okay, which would be hundreds 50s 20s 10s and fives and singles.

I don't know if they've got a new single or not a new dollar, I don't know, but I know they have the, the other bills, and they're in the teller drawers they’re in the bank vaults, they have them.

Okay, Now, not all banks are aware of what's going on and everything goes down to the teller level, they know the least, they are the last to find out about anything, the tellers. They don't want to lose the tellers.

Now -  What happened last week, when we talked on Thursday night's call, I believe I told you guys that the fiat money - meaning our non asset backed currency that we currently have in our pockets or in our wallets and purses - Okay, That money was being delivered by the Federal Reserve, all the way through last Tuesday, a week from today,  a week ago. That stopped a week ago – fiat money delivered to the US banks stopped last Tuesday

In fact, some banks because that money was only going to last so long if people needed cash in the bank and that money basically in some banks, they have run out.  And in some banks The lobby is closed.

Alright, so let's talk about what happened. The Federal Reserve, as you guys know, was tied to the USA Corporation.  The corporation is no longer in play, and the Federal Reserve went bankrupt - As well as the banks that we have.

We're in a - in a reorganization position to restructure themselves and recharter under the restored Republic of the United States, the restored Republic, so all the banks are fine, but they did restructure - this was a matter of legal paperwork to put those together as being properly organized, restructured, under the restored Republic.

So what happened starting Thursday, the US Treasury started delivery of our new asset backed currency to those banks.

Now, the banks have had deliveries of the currency, but they have not yet been able to use that money and put the new money out to the public.

And we learned today that that these new monies are there for us, for our exchanges, for the redemption centers, and also for bond holders, and also for prosperity package people.  So they're in the banks with the new money essentially held for us to do our exchanges.

So reorganization the banks this week. Some people are looking for a stock market crash. We've seen a downward trend over the last few weeks and especially this past week, and this week, we're seeing some of that movement. I don't know if it's enough to be called that caused a crash. And I don't know if we're gonna see that.

Or if it's going to be a simply a correction. Correction is when the stock market has a 10% reduction in value. And that's considered a correction in the market.

So guys, I'm not truly following it too closely, except to say that some people are thinking we're going to see the markets crash. I don't know if that's going to happen, I wouldn't worry about it. But if you're in the market, you might, if you're in the stock markets, you might want to take a look at it and see what's going on and talk with your people about it

Now, when it comes to the markets themselves - we know that there are a lot of factors beyond the idea of the stock market crashing.

We know that we've got the new money that's held ready for us to start - we know that the green light has been given from Treasury and the US Space Force to Wells Fargo to use their discretion on when they are going to release those funds. Well if those funds are held for us, for our exchanges to begin and for the bondholders It means that Wells Fargo has the green light to go ahead when they feel the timing is right to release the emails for our notifications - for our toll free numbers to be sent out.

Now, I did get a piece of Intel later on tonight. It skewed what I was going to tell you a little bit because it looked as if we would be notified tomorrow afternoon    I'm just telling you what I was hearing from two different sources that we're in a position to know.

Now the latest Intel tells me that the schedules for the redemption centers look to be to where they're not going to be open for three or four days.   That could take us to the weekend. And possibly nothing happens for us in terms of notifications until this weekend. I'm calling that Friday or Saturday.

We'll see what happens. We know the intention is to have Charlie Ward release the GESARA announcements, Global Economic Strategic and Recovery Act that announcement the 24th or 25th – that’s Saturday or Sunday? We're actually hearing the 24th.

Now  NESARA has been on a limited basis release - already in the United States - to some extent.

But obviously the real flow of NESARA has not hit us yet. That may come out at a similar time, along with GESARA - GESARA and NESARA , could get announced together this Saturday. That's only a few days away - the 24th

We know that they intend for the public - that would be tier five - to start somewhere around the second or third of October. But we also know that that has been pushed back as we have been pushed back that could move to from the second or the third.

I know that Bob how I do it. Is there anything I'm leaving out so far? We've talked a little bit about the queen I guess.

Yep. A couple things. One is yes. Counsel of three hundred.

Okay. thank you, Bob. The let's talk first about Iraq. Now, Iraq's new president or prime minister, I don't know what tiredly is going to be other than commander in chief of the armed forces. of Iraq, made a trip over to the United States and has been meeting the last two days with President Trump with Stephen Mnuchin of the Treasury with Judy Shelton, and I think two other high level individuals that are well trusted by President Trump.

Now, they met yesterday, they were meeting today by lunchtime they were still together. And this is something we know a little bit about. So that's a very positive thing.

Beyond that, we know that some of you may have followed the funeral for Queen Elizabeth. We know that there were quite a few dignitaries and people that were attending the funeral. And we also know that there was there was a definite plan for a global cleanup of aisle three after the funeral was over. That did take place.

Beyond that, that tells us that a lot is happening. Oh, the other thing I was thinking about was, you know, you guys know the Euro is the currency that's used in mostly in mainland Europe as an international currency.

Our understanding is that the Euro itself will go away and the individual countries currencies will come back as asset backed currencies. We're talking Italian lira li ra, the Italian lira, the French franc. That's f r a n c. Right. The Spanish peseta PA SETA I believe, Spanish peseta from Spain, the Belgian whatever it is -

In other words, all of these countries that have been under the euro are going to have the euro no longer - and in my opinion, that may take place as a result of GESARA‘s announcement on Saturday.

Now could anticipation about that, or could that precipitate a market crash of some kind? Maybe so, maybe that is all it would take. There's obviously something that people are anticipating this I'm not gonna say it's absolute.

Other people are saying it, I'm just watching it. I don't have that insight to say it's absolutely going to take a huge downturn, but I can see a few factors out there that could precipitate a decline in the market. Let's say it that way, a decline in the market.  Okay, so that's something to be aware of.

The Committee of 300 is a group that is highly controlling about 5000 of the world's largest corporations - and there might be some adjustments that are made with those individuals - Because of what is going on, globally, I mean, this has got to be great for us, and a lot of people are more comfortable with the old status quo.

And realize now that since the Queen died - all of those countries around the globe that were under British rule, are no longer under that situation anymore.  They have sovereignty, they have liberty that they didn't have before.

In our situation - I wonder how many of you in big call universe know this -- our federal income taxes that we've paid over umpteen many, many years.

You realize that none of that money went to our country.

That's a tough pill to swallow.

That money went to the Queen and that hierarchy.  It went to the Rothschild’s and  it went to basically the Catholic Church. Okay - It went to Rome.

And that is really amazing. If you think about the trillions of dollars in taxes that we've paid, has been used for other countries and other people's benefits, not for the United States. That's all changing.

That's completely changing under NESARA

When we go to when we go to a consumption tax - similar to a VAT - a value added tax – it’s going to be a tax of approximately 15% - that's going to be inboarded in the prices of new goods. It's not a part of food. You're not gonna get taxed on food. You're not getting taxed on any medicines, or anything like that. But it is on new items that you buy. But there'll be no more federal income tax and really no more state income tax.

The states will get approximately half of that 15% that's collected in each state through the retail environment and other ways that that items are purchased.

Half would go to the state approximately, and half would go to the federal government.

So you're gonna see a major reduction of US Government Offices and Services, and so on. That that we have done that's what's happened in Washington, DC. That's why the IRS has been dramatically reduced and is in boarded or in brought into the US Treasury.

And you'll see other US agencies taking I think, major reductions, major hits - as this gets put together.

So there's going to be a lot of things that we see changes in in our country and around the globe.

Starting now, but really seeing it hopefully announced Saturday.

That's supposed to be the days that it's announced. We'll have to keep an eye on it. And I really think a lot of the things that are going to be announced will start taking place as of October 1, because that would be the true start of our fourth quarter and the end of September - the end of our fiscal f I s c a l year from an accounting point of view for accounting purposes.

So we're open and ready for a lot of change. A lot of things are going to happen. And I think that's the majority of what I wanted to bring out - that was safe to talk about. But it's really an important time

Now, what happens to us in terms of our notifications. I mentioned to you earlier that it looks like we got pushed maybe another three or four days beyond tomorrow, so it could actually be - It could be the weekend.

Maybe they're tying this in to the start of NESARA and GESARA - we thought we would be going with notifications tomorrow and starting probably Thursday - But at this point that is up in the air. To me, it's up in the air.

So we're going to have to just stay with this a little bit longer and try to absorb what's been happening and what is happening tier three and four banks are finally coming to the party and the ones who didn't are going to be shuttered. And you know, it's really an amazing time for us - that's all I can say - amazing for us to be here where we are be part of this, and witness everything that's going on.

So that's what I wanted to say tonight.  All right, so that's what I wanted to share tonight. Let's keep an eye on the next several days especially the weekend If we are delayed somewhat because the schedule might not kick in for the redemption centers. And for us, until the weekend as what we're hearing so let's see how that happens and what happens with it. All right, let's pray the call out, and then we'll go from there.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK    Intel Begins 1:22:32

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Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-15-22

.Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-15-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it is Thursday, September the 15th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody. Good to have you here, wherever you're listening, whether it's live or on the replay all over the globe. Thanks for tuning in. Well, let's all tune in to where we are in the Intel world tonight.

I told you guys Tuesday night that we were getting a lot of non response from some of our normal contacts. We've been getting a little bit of response but not necessarily from the normal people that we can talk to. So those guys have been kind of clammed up. Most of the banks have kind of clammed up.

Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-15-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it is Thursday, September the 15th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody. Good to have you here, wherever you're listening, whether it's live or on the replay all over the globe. Thanks for tuning in. Well, let's all tune in to where we are in the Intel world tonight.

I told you guys Tuesday night that we were getting a lot of non response from some of our normal contacts. We've been getting a little bit of response but not necessarily from the normal people that we can talk to. So those guys have been kind of clammed up. Most of the banks have kind of clammed up.

But we're getting some stuff from bond paymasters that are not under NDA or certain banks that are not in this country, or whatever, right? It it does come in, and we do have some idea of where we are based on that. Now, did we get an announcement today about NESARA or GESARA? Like we thought - No. However, give me get some activity that supported the NESARA and GESARA, I say yes.

Two days ago, which was Tuesday when we did our last call. That was the last time Fiat dollars our USD, cash money was transferred from the Federal Reserve, which is basically kaput, that fed is dead. And that was the last time that they delivered money to the banks. Meaning delivering the old fiat money that we have now - that was Tuesday - So we've gone Wednesday, and today without that money –

Now, what is happening is they're transitioning now through the weekend - Most of the tier one I think all the tier one and tier two banks have the new USTN currency - the folding money - in their bank vaults, and possibly already in bank drawers - teller drawers - ready to be put into service.

Now - the tier three and tier four banks, the little banks, the mom and pops, those banks are being delivered the new money this weekend. And should have that knocked out by Saturday - All right.

That is part of our new currency, our new gold backed and asset backed currency, the USN - United States Treasury notes USTN and that is occurring basically this weekend.

The other thing we're looking for is what's the status of the banks. The banks were all under an agreement - if you will, with the USA Corporation. The corporation is defunct - Okay, and these banks have declared a form of reorganization. I'm not going to use the B word - a reorganization whereby they are now restructured to the restored Republic.

So by making that transition from the old USA Corporation, to the Restored Republic, that will bring asset backed currency into the bank - It'll allow us to move forward like that

Now, people have been talking about the stock market crash for at least that two years - I can remember - that that would occur before this goes. I didn't quite understand it. I mean, I understand what that is, but I didn't quite understand why that would be necessary. I'm still not sure about it. But I can tell you on Tuesday, the market did take a drop of 5% in the Dow.

Yesterday, the market went up 20 points on the Dow. So that was people buying on the dip they saw an opportunity to buy in when stocks had taken a major hit. Today the market took a drop of about 170 points on the Dow So that's not what I would call a crash. It's not even enough to be considered a correction. A correction is a market move downward of 10% or more.

So we don't have a correction - the Dow was still just below 31,000. But does that mean that we might see a so called correction or stock market crash? I can't see it guys, but that's just maybe that's my limited vision that literally and figuratively.  HA HA HA HA So we'll see whether there's something to that.

Now, if you're looking at a timeline of events that have happened, and need to happen, I think we're just about there. I think we're just about there with everything that I can understand from the timelines.

However, we are looking for some announcements on NESARA and GESARA and we have heard, there's the possibility that those announcements won't take place until the 24th or 25th of September, and we're looking for some political change around that time too. Okay, so we're just going to have to see how that develops.

Alright, so let's cut to what the bondholders are getting - the paymasters are telling us that in two instances so far, we're hearing that - I don't like this expression.. but here's the expression, everything goes and then fill in the blank as to when --

Everything goes or everything is released - and that means emails to the bondholders, the bond sellers, emails to us for the start of our setting of appointments, etc, while the “everything goes” appears to be from one of our top Canadian banks - and one of our other sources - seems to be saying - and this is tied to the bond holder paymaster - seems to be said after 4pm Friday, “everything goes”

Now, does that mean we wake up to it Saturday? Does that mean we get notified? I don't know guys, we're gonna have to wait and see what happens. It could very well mean, other sources we've had in the last day or so. I've talked about being getting our notifications over the weekend - and possibly starting Monday or Tuesday.

Now we're just gonna have to see how that goes. I think the possibility of getting notified over the weekend is real. I think it's possible to get notified after 4pm tomorrow when the markets close and the market is closed. But we've been told from some pretty good people to look for the weekend.

Now, Monday, as I understand it is a bank holiday in the UK - and we just had a bank holiday last Monday - But remember, we're still in the 10 days of mourning for the queen - and I believe if my math is right, that morning, we found out about it on the eighth of September - and the mourning period I believe started on the ninth and that means it would end on the 18th or 19th - 18th is Sunday 19th is Monday. Perhaps this goes for us on the 20th with exchanges starting Tuesday.

Now it could be sooner. But if they're watching the 10 days of mourning and all that they may not even do it until that Tuesday coming up which would be by my math the 20th of September.

So that's the timeline that we're on. It seems as we were pushed a couple of days from when we thought we would get started and I can't get a good reason as to why other than we know that the arrests that are going on now and they are going on continually from a security point of view - we were able to go a week and a half ago, a week and a half ago - so it's not about arrest. Yes, they're ongoing but they're not going to stop. They're not something that's holding us up.

Okay, what could be well, what about the idea of issuing the new money? What about the idea of the countries around the globe announcing that they have new currencies that are asset backed - gold, silver, precious metals, oil, natural gas, whatever it is, that's for that particular country.

What about the Euro because the Euro have to to dissolve and each of the other countries in Europe start up with their own currencies again. Yes, that has to happen. I don't know exactly when - could it happen over this weekend? Yes. British the Brits have been on the British Pound sterling. Switzerland's on the Swiss franc. but the Euro that’s held by the rest of the countries in the European Union would have to dissolve and go away. Could that cause a market crash? maybe it's possible.

I just kind of considered that. So you're gonna have the French franc again. You're gonna have the Italian lira. You're gonna have the Spanish peseta, peseta, you're gonna have, you know, all these currencies, the Greek drachma. All of these countries are going to have their own currency again, and they're supposed to have announced their new currencies, their new asset backed currency today or by midnight tonight, Eastern Time, by midnight. Well, we haven't seen anything like that yet.

So this is what the IMF, which I think is becoming more and more powerless. Okay, because it's a corrupt organization. But this is what the IMF is talking about Requiring.

So we'll see whether that has happened and we don't know about it, or it is about to happen, or it's been pushed

So - a lot happening now behind the scenes. We're getting RV money in all of our tier 1234 banks. And if you think about it, what's interesting about Friday it's payday for a lot of people on Friday, and some people take a check and, deposit a check and they get some cash out. Well, what if you're almost out of fiat money?

Excuse me at the bank? What if you don't have much cash? Seems like we'd have to make a transition pretty quickly to the new asset backed currency or physical currency.

We know we're transitioning to the digital version of the USN and that's obvious, but the physical cash money that we're going to put in our wallets or purses or whatever pocket money clip, you know, that is something that should be in our banks - either Saturday, I think maybe by Saturday, or certainly by Monday, I would think, if not Saturday, so keep an eye out for that.

To get the NESARA and GESARA cranked out with all of the let's call it repatriation of funds that we paid in we've talked about before, tax money, interest paid on car loans, interest paid on mortgages, your birth certificate was used as a trading instrument – same thing with your marriage certificate - they traded on that they traded on death certificate they traded on everything.

Okay, where does that money coming back? I think it should come back shortly. And that's a word I don't really like because it's hard to define. But isn't that part of NESARA that debt, debt elimination and repatriation of our funds to ourselves? Yeah, it's part of NESARA -

So, I would look for that to take place pretty soon. Do we need an announcement? Does it have to happen as late as the 24th or 25th, that seems to be the latest timing that I'm hearing?  Maybe so, maybe so.

So we thought that would happen and start today - the 15th But I'm not so sure we're there yet. And I think it's more a function of the banks, the currency and the countries around the globe announcing their asset backed currencies. So will you know we know that several of them have announced that they are gold bank a gold backed rather that these countries currencies like the obviously the Iraqi dinar –

And the Iraqi dinar, which we know is trading upward now is close to a baker's dozen, right now is moving forward and should be internationally known meaning it should be known on Sunday that it is a restored currency. Okay, and revalue globally, internationally, even to us.

And that gives me confidence that maybe we do get this thing over the weekend.  Let's see what happens. You know, the lot to hope for - there's a lot to watch as this thing comes into fruition.

So - let's do this guy's let us stay in faith for this - believing that it is right around the corner and do what we need to do to get ready for our projects.

Everything is rolling out nicely. I think that we're just waiting for the banks and the countries to announce the fact that they've got asset backed currencies, new currencies, and maybe - maybe waiting on the euro to go away.

They may wait on the Euro a little bit. But they may they may go ahead try to dissolve that over the weekend. Because each of these countries have known for a long time that they're going to have to have their own asset backed currencies again. Well, they never really had them before, but they're going to have them now are the Italian lira, which wasn't worth much in the past will be worth much, much, much more.

Same thing with the Greek drachma. Same thing with the French Franc and the German Deutsche Mark. It's going to be good. So let's do this guys. Let's pray the call out. Let's stay in faith like we've been doing. Let's realize that many are called but few are chosen. And you guys are part of the chosen. So let's realize that.


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:18:11

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