Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-15-22
Bruce's Big Call Intel Thursday 9-15-22
Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps
Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight it is Thursday, September the 15th and you're listening to the big call. Thanks for tuning in everybody. Good to have you here, wherever you're listening, whether it's live or on the replay all over the globe. Thanks for tuning in. Well, let's all tune in to where we are in the Intel world tonight.
I told you guys Tuesday night that we were getting a lot of non response from some of our normal contacts. We've been getting a little bit of response but not necessarily from the normal people that we can talk to. So those guys have been kind of clammed up. Most of the banks have kind of clammed up.
But we're getting some stuff from bond paymasters that are not under NDA or certain banks that are not in this country, or whatever, right? It it does come in, and we do have some idea of where we are based on that. Now, did we get an announcement today about NESARA or GESARA? Like we thought - No. However, give me get some activity that supported the NESARA and GESARA, I say yes.
Two days ago, which was Tuesday when we did our last call. That was the last time Fiat dollars our USD, cash money was transferred from the Federal Reserve, which is basically kaput, that fed is dead. And that was the last time that they delivered money to the banks. Meaning delivering the old fiat money that we have now - that was Tuesday - So we've gone Wednesday, and today without that money –
Now, what is happening is they're transitioning now through the weekend - Most of the tier one I think all the tier one and tier two banks have the new USTN currency - the folding money - in their bank vaults, and possibly already in bank drawers - teller drawers - ready to be put into service.
Now - the tier three and tier four banks, the little banks, the mom and pops, those banks are being delivered the new money this weekend. And should have that knocked out by Saturday - All right.
That is part of our new currency, our new gold backed and asset backed currency, the USN - United States Treasury notes USTN and that is occurring basically this weekend.
The other thing we're looking for is what's the status of the banks. The banks were all under an agreement - if you will, with the USA Corporation. The corporation is defunct - Okay, and these banks have declared a form of reorganization. I'm not going to use the B word - a reorganization whereby they are now restructured to the restored Republic.
So by making that transition from the old USA Corporation, to the Restored Republic, that will bring asset backed currency into the bank - It'll allow us to move forward like that
Now, people have been talking about the stock market crash for at least that two years - I can remember - that that would occur before this goes. I didn't quite understand it. I mean, I understand what that is, but I didn't quite understand why that would be necessary. I'm still not sure about it. But I can tell you on Tuesday, the market did take a drop of 5% in the Dow.
Yesterday, the market went up 20 points on the Dow. So that was people buying on the dip they saw an opportunity to buy in when stocks had taken a major hit. Today the market took a drop of about 170 points on the Dow So that's not what I would call a crash. It's not even enough to be considered a correction. A correction is a market move downward of 10% or more.
So we don't have a correction - the Dow was still just below 31,000. But does that mean that we might see a so called correction or stock market crash? I can't see it guys, but that's just maybe that's my limited vision that literally and figuratively. HA HA HA HA So we'll see whether there's something to that.
Now, if you're looking at a timeline of events that have happened, and need to happen, I think we're just about there. I think we're just about there with everything that I can understand from the timelines.
However, we are looking for some announcements on NESARA and GESARA and we have heard, there's the possibility that those announcements won't take place until the 24th or 25th of September, and we're looking for some political change around that time too. Okay, so we're just going to have to see how that develops.
Alright, so let's cut to what the bondholders are getting - the paymasters are telling us that in two instances so far, we're hearing that - I don't like this expression.. but here's the expression, everything goes and then fill in the blank as to when --
Everything goes or everything is released - and that means emails to the bondholders, the bond sellers, emails to us for the start of our setting of appointments, etc, while the “everything goes” appears to be from one of our top Canadian banks - and one of our other sources - seems to be saying - and this is tied to the bond holder paymaster - seems to be said after 4pm Friday, “everything goes”
Now, does that mean we wake up to it Saturday? Does that mean we get notified? I don't know guys, we're gonna have to wait and see what happens. It could very well mean, other sources we've had in the last day or so. I've talked about being getting our notifications over the weekend - and possibly starting Monday or Tuesday.
Now we're just gonna have to see how that goes. I think the possibility of getting notified over the weekend is real. I think it's possible to get notified after 4pm tomorrow when the markets close and the market is closed. But we've been told from some pretty good people to look for the weekend.
Now, Monday, as I understand it is a bank holiday in the UK - and we just had a bank holiday last Monday - But remember, we're still in the 10 days of mourning for the queen - and I believe if my math is right, that morning, we found out about it on the eighth of September - and the mourning period I believe started on the ninth and that means it would end on the 18th or 19th - 18th is Sunday 19th is Monday. Perhaps this goes for us on the 20th with exchanges starting Tuesday.
Now it could be sooner. But if they're watching the 10 days of mourning and all that they may not even do it until that Tuesday coming up which would be by my math the 20th of September.
So that's the timeline that we're on. It seems as we were pushed a couple of days from when we thought we would get started and I can't get a good reason as to why other than we know that the arrests that are going on now and they are going on continually from a security point of view - we were able to go a week and a half ago, a week and a half ago - so it's not about arrest. Yes, they're ongoing but they're not going to stop. They're not something that's holding us up.
Okay, what could be well, what about the idea of issuing the new money? What about the idea of the countries around the globe announcing that they have new currencies that are asset backed - gold, silver, precious metals, oil, natural gas, whatever it is, that's for that particular country.
What about the Euro because the Euro have to to dissolve and each of the other countries in Europe start up with their own currencies again. Yes, that has to happen. I don't know exactly when - could it happen over this weekend? Yes. British the Brits have been on the British Pound sterling. Switzerland's on the Swiss franc. but the Euro that’s held by the rest of the countries in the European Union would have to dissolve and go away. Could that cause a market crash? maybe it's possible.
I just kind of considered that. So you're gonna have the French franc again. You're gonna have the Italian lira. You're gonna have the Spanish peseta, peseta, you're gonna have, you know, all these currencies, the Greek drachma. All of these countries are going to have their own currency again, and they're supposed to have announced their new currencies, their new asset backed currency today or by midnight tonight, Eastern Time, by midnight. Well, we haven't seen anything like that yet.
So this is what the IMF, which I think is becoming more and more powerless. Okay, because it's a corrupt organization. But this is what the IMF is talking about Requiring.
So we'll see whether that has happened and we don't know about it, or it is about to happen, or it's been pushed
So - a lot happening now behind the scenes. We're getting RV money in all of our tier 1234 banks. And if you think about it, what's interesting about Friday it's payday for a lot of people on Friday, and some people take a check and, deposit a check and they get some cash out. Well, what if you're almost out of fiat money?
Excuse me at the bank? What if you don't have much cash? Seems like we'd have to make a transition pretty quickly to the new asset backed currency or physical currency.
We know we're transitioning to the digital version of the USN and that's obvious, but the physical cash money that we're going to put in our wallets or purses or whatever pocket money clip, you know, that is something that should be in our banks - either Saturday, I think maybe by Saturday, or certainly by Monday, I would think, if not Saturday, so keep an eye out for that.
To get the NESARA and GESARA cranked out with all of the let's call it repatriation of funds that we paid in we've talked about before, tax money, interest paid on car loans, interest paid on mortgages, your birth certificate was used as a trading instrument – same thing with your marriage certificate - they traded on that they traded on death certificate they traded on everything.
Okay, where does that money coming back? I think it should come back shortly. And that's a word I don't really like because it's hard to define. But isn't that part of NESARA that debt, debt elimination and repatriation of our funds to ourselves? Yeah, it's part of NESARA -
So, I would look for that to take place pretty soon. Do we need an announcement? Does it have to happen as late as the 24th or 25th, that seems to be the latest timing that I'm hearing? Maybe so, maybe so.
So we thought that would happen and start today - the 15th But I'm not so sure we're there yet. And I think it's more a function of the banks, the currency and the countries around the globe announcing their asset backed currencies. So will you know we know that several of them have announced that they are gold bank a gold backed rather that these countries currencies like the obviously the Iraqi dinar –
And the Iraqi dinar, which we know is trading upward now is close to a baker's dozen, right now is moving forward and should be internationally known meaning it should be known on Sunday that it is a restored currency. Okay, and revalue globally, internationally, even to us.
And that gives me confidence that maybe we do get this thing over the weekend. Let's see what happens. You know, the lot to hope for - there's a lot to watch as this thing comes into fruition.
So - let's do this guy's let us stay in faith for this - believing that it is right around the corner and do what we need to do to get ready for our projects.
Everything is rolling out nicely. I think that we're just waiting for the banks and the countries to announce the fact that they've got asset backed currencies, new currencies, and maybe - maybe waiting on the euro to go away.
They may wait on the Euro a little bit. But they may they may go ahead try to dissolve that over the weekend. Because each of these countries have known for a long time that they're going to have to have their own asset backed currencies again. Well, they never really had them before, but they're going to have them now are the Italian lira, which wasn't worth much in the past will be worth much, much, much more.
Same thing with the Greek drachma. Same thing with the French Franc and the German Deutsche Mark. It's going to be good. So let's do this guys. Let's pray the call out. Let's stay in faith like we've been doing. Let's realize that many are called but few are chosen. And you guys are part of the chosen. So let's realize that.
Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK Intel Begins 1:18:11