Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-1-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-1-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 1st and you’re listening to the Big Call –glad you could come in everywhere around the globe live and on Memorex or otherwise said on the Replay – I am welcoming you to an extended version of the Big Call – why is this an extended version? (Chuckle) Because we really didn’t expect to do a call tonight – It’s not the first time

Ok I think we can do this in 12 minutes – let’s see what happens – maybe not – but we’ll try – Let’s talk about the intel and where we are – what is going on – alright - Let’s cut to Iraq because on Monday remember – yesterday – seems like 3-4 days since yesterday - but yesterday Iraq was to do their thing with their new rate and seating their government – and basically getting Iraq out of the way so everything can go –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 3-1-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday March 1st     and you’re listening to the Big Call –glad you could come in everywhere around the globe live and on Memorex or otherwise said on the Replay – I am welcoming you to an extended version of the Big Call – why is this an extended version?  (Chuckle) Because we really didn’t expect to do a call tonight – It’s not the first time

Ok I think we can do this in 12 minutes – let’s see what happens – maybe not – but we’ll try – Let’s talk about the intel and where we are – what is going on – alright - Let’s cut to Iraq because on Monday remember – yesterday – seems like 3-4 days since yesterday -  but yesterday Iraq was to do their thing with their new rate and seating their government – and basically getting Iraq out of the way so everything can go –

Now yesterday – which was the day they were to have it done – we were on a black-out from Iraq – in other words – there was no more communication from Iraq to the United States – nor was there communication we think from Iraq to other countries – they went incommunicado – and the reason is – because they did not want the rate to come out before we were getting ready to exchange because they did not want people buying up the very last of the dinar that they could find – and it’s only on one site that I know of and one / a couple other vending sites – But that is going to go away too – I believe tonight at 8 PM the other sites were going to be shut down as far as sales of any dinar – not much out there –

So we found out today (Tuesday) that there still under a black-out – we don’t have any communication from Iraq – we think they did do what they were supposed to do yesterday and I did find out that if for some reason they haven’t completed what they said they had done – or were set out to do – they have until tomorrow (Wednesday) to do it – I don’t know what time tomorrow

So this thing is going to go – you know darn well Iraq has been ready for a long time -  a lot of this is positioning – posturing – pretending – for things to be done /completed – and we believe they are – or will have been done by tomorrow

The other information that comes in is usually coming regarding the bond holders – we know bond holders / bond sellers were to be notified this afternoon and some tonight on their payouts of their bond money – and these were to be payouts in total – complete payouts where they would not have 1% or 5% etc but rather have all access to those funds sensibly as the email was received or possibly email would say starting tomorrow

A lot of things are keying on “tomorrow” – Wednesday the 2nd - and here’s some more – we heard that NESARA was going to start being rolled out more – let’s call it – this week – the first week in March –

Now one component of NESARA is our new money – our new USN – digital currency and our new USTN – US Treasury notes – physical currency – and we have heard that both will be coming out tomorrow – Wed 2nd of March

Now this is what we have heard – this means – and I know for a fact that the new currency we call the US Treasury Notes – will not have “Federal Reserve” on it – that is gone – the Fed is dead - 

The USTN will be a new currency that should be announce but may not get announced after it comes out – it might be the sort of thing you go to the bank / ATM and all of a sudden you’ve got this new money – it looks different in a sense – it has United States Treasury Note written on it

From what I understand tomorrow is supposed to be the day that happens – that we get the new currency – it’s in teller drawers – in teller trays – but a lot of those trays have been in the vaults and have not been brought out – will they be brought out tomorrow – in the banks – in the redemption centers? We’ll see – we think so – at least we’ve been told it would – we’ll see what happens – let’s just keep that one on the side burner – let’s see if that actually occurs tomorrow

What else might happen tomorrow? Hummmm? We had heard from pretty good sources that we would get notified today (Tuesday) –Didn’t happen – Did we get pushed to tomorrow (Wednesday) or tomorrow morning?

One of our bank sources said yes – tomorrow would be the day we get notified – and we may start exchanges tomorrow or we may set appointments for Thursday – now this is fairly recent this afternoon information from a pretty key banking source that is close – very close to one of the redemption centers that we talk to –

The redemption center staff is on call tomorrow – with one hour notice to be in at their desk ready to go – ready to receive phone calls to set appointments – will they go in early? Will they go in the afternoon? I don’t know – we don’t have that – we’ll see

 But if we get notified – which we heard we will tomorrow – then we will have emails with a toll free number that we call to set the appointments at – if you are a zim holder at the redemption center – one that is indicated close to you based on your zip code that you enter – I don’t know if you are going to enter the zip code with your key pad or whether you will tell them your zip code or the zip code where you want to do your exchange and zim redemption – that’s yet to be seen – I don’t know exactly how that is going to work – we just don’t know –

But we know that you will call a number and either directed and connected to that redemption center or you’ll be given from a live person – at the call center – a toll free number to call to go directly to the redemption center or a phone number – might not even be a toll free number – could be a phone number that you call directly to go to that redemption center to set your    appointment – and more than likely you are going to talk with an individual that will work with you in y our exchange and redemption of zim – that will be a connection that you’ll be making with a live individual at the redemption center – They will know you from the phone and you will know them from the phone and then you will go from there –

Now – here’s the thing about – you know I don’t do rates – I have been asked not to so I won’t – so let’s go where we are on that – Some people have said that certain zim will be worth this much or a few notes of this and a few notes of that and then the rest of it – forget about it – NOT THE CASE –

All of those zim notes are at face value and all are bonds regardless of the denomination – I don’t care if they are  50 billion – 50 million 100 Trillion – whatever they are – that denomination is going to hold at a rate – if you are doing projects the rate is going to be terrific – if you are not doing any projects it might be a little bit lower – lower - ok – but forget that noise about  so many million per hundred T – not true –

I want you to be informed and I wish I could tell you everything but I can’t – not supposed to  - so y ou just have to trust me on that deal –

I think this is really going to be an interesting week – if we get what we’re supposed to get tomorrow – this is the last Big Call - that’s done live or Memorex before this happens – it’s just that we’ve done what we said we would do – that I said I would do – and that was to take you all the way to and over the threshold of the exchange – Now when the numbers come out – Game Over –

Now – the bond holders are expecting to be notified with their availability of funds – when can they avail themselves to their funds – they may come overnight to them – they may arrive tomorrow and wake up to them – it’s possible that we do the same thing and we wake up to those emails in the morning – I have heard some intel about the release of everything as in everything goes tonight – like right around now or a little bit later -  we’ll see - we’ll see what happens – but it’s important to realize that we are in the last moments of this as far as we can tell –based on the intel we’re getting – based on the fact that we are very close – we know Iraq is doing their thing and are done – and I think it’s a matter of just hours before we get notified –

Whether we start tomorrow or Thursday – either way wins and we’ll go right through the 15th with the redemption centers – now here’s one other piece – the Public that is uninformed and not listening to the Big Call for example – is supposed to start – we call them tier 5 – supposed to start with tier 4 – we did not believe that for a long time – but just last week we were told they were going to start and go when we go – alright - fine –

The difference is that we – especially who have zim – will do our exchanges at redemption centers – if you are a  dong or dinar – rupiah  - and others – and not a zim holder – you would be routed probably to a tier 1 bank – even if you call the 800 number

But if you did not call the 800 number and you just went into a Chase or Wells or Citi – or Truist as early as tomorrow – you don’t really own very much - will you get the same rates there as we will get at the redemption centers – No you won’t – You will probably get a good screen rate but you won’t get the special rate that have been curated  for us at the redemption centers –

I am talking about other currencies than the zim – if you are a zim holder that has dong / dinar etc you will definitely do better at the redemption center just to let you know –

There are NDA’s that will last anywhere depending on who you are and how they read you probably very minimal  30 days probably all the way to 6 months or a year – depending on how they read your ability to keep your mouth shut – this is one of the most important things – is to learn about your security and keep your mouth shut – you really do have to keep it quiet – you really do –

You do not want people to notice that you have this – you better get with your security team and your attorney on how to protect yourself going forward – with even – even being a humanitarian with y our funds -  how to do that responsibly – How do I do that responsibly and do it so nobody knows where it originated – it should not come back to you

It should be from a Trust – if you want to do a non-profit that is up to you – they will help you set those up from the bank – remember the Wells Fargo is the lead dog on this thing – they are the Lead Bank in the 48 Continental United States – can’t speak for Alaska and Hawaii at this point but I know in the lower 48 the Wells Fargo will be the Lead Bank in every redemption center – even if it’s a Chase redemption center next to and part of a Chase Bank – it is run by Wells Fargo –

Can you move funds – if you do not want to be with Wells – but your mother lode account is set up at Wells – can  you move those funds? Yes if you don’t want to keep it there you can choose another bank and you can move those funds in a couple days – yes – Is it wise to do that?  You be the judge of that

I think I will part the mother lode with Wells and I have talked many many shows about the structured pay-out – that we’re going to receive – I believe they will go at least 25 and maybe 50 or 100 years with that – I am hoping they will go 300 years with the structured pay out – I’m just going to see what I can do – what I can put together –and then they will pay a certain rate of interest on y our money – taking the interest quarterly – that is my humanitarian account –

This is coming down to the wire – Stay off the news – stay away from  ---- there’s so much bad information out there – even about the SWIFT -  We know the SWIFT System is gone away – for over a  year or 2 now – and finally the news said something about it like ----  it was something a way to punish Russia –“Give me a break”  that’s not true – not the least bit true – QFS is in place – ready to go – they kept the SWIFT open for a few countries just so they could catch the bad guys – that is all it was about –

So be prepared for an interesting March


Bruce’s Big Call  REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:14:04

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-24-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-24-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 24th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we appreciate you and yessssss … we’re back and hopefully we’re going to have a really exciting and fun call for everybody – I’m excited

The intel has morphed and of course this is a moving target - we’ve used that analogy before – but even from Tuesday into yesterday we knew that new schedules were being created for the redemption center staff – we knew those would be going out or they would be seeing those –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-24-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 24th    and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we appreciate you and yessssss … we’re back and hopefully we’re going to have a really exciting and fun call for everybody – I’m excited

The intel has morphed and of course this is a moving target - we’ve used that analogy before – but even from Tuesday into yesterday we knew that new schedules were being created for the redemption center staff – we knew those would be going out or they would be seeing those –

Then we got word today that – ok – this thing – we could get notified either tomorrow and go Saturday and this is in play - I am not saying it is not in play – we could get notified tomorrow and go Saturday or we could get notified Saturday and maybe start Monday – Sunday is pretty much out of the picture –

I went – ok – alright – but guess what? The 1st of March is Tuesday and you know – how – forever we’ve gone from Monday to Tuesday or Wednesday – or so we thought – right?  So we thought – So I’m looking at March 1st being Tuesday – going – I don’t see them starting this the last day of the month –

Now – here’s the latest piece of intel that we got – Redemption center staff is on call – that means they are not going in – unless getting called to go in – but to be fair – we know – and we are talking about Fri / Sat / Sunday – they are not going in unless the call comes for them to get in there – So they are on call  - they are on standby – ok  - but we know that schedules do change - and they have been continually changing – and if they get a schedule change then BOOM -  everything changes – everything’s new –

Now here’s my theory – Let’s see if this holds up – this is my theory – not influenced by anybody else – I think it is very possible them being off - not going in the redemption center for 3 days –  Fri / Sat / or Sunday - that we would get notified on Monday (Feb 28) and start exchanges at our appointments for the start of March – which is Tuesday March 1st  

Now there are a couple reasons why I think that might be their case -  #1  we have heard from a couple different sources that NESARA and GESARA – we are concerned about NESARA here - NESARA is supposed to kick in here the first of March – well maybe they will announce it on the first  - which is Tuesday – maybe they won’t - but we’re supposed to see some evidence of it – which to me – the first piece of evidence with NESARA that matters would probably be the gold standard and the USN and the new currency  the US Treasury notes - USTN

I think that is part of NESARA and one of the first things that should come out – so that’s something - and another reason why we may get started with exchanges on the first of March – Tuesday

I’m not calling it again – we know it “almost” happened  – “almost” called it this past week – and I would have been wrong – I don’t like my intel being wrong - I don’t want to be wrong – I just want to be right – s-  sounds like a song doesn’t it?

But you know – it’s like this – we’re doing the best we can to give you what I’m hearing from quality sources and listen – some of these sources we had last week were the top of the food chain -  and they were wrong – it’s as simple as that - 

I’m excited about where we are and I also know the bond holders have started Monday or Tuesday actually paying out - pretty good amounts and by the way they got access to all of their funds – that’s really good – not 1%  or 5% or up to 15% any of that – they got access to all of it –

Now –to be fair – these bond holders have limitations on how much they can spend of that money that they have full access to – within the first 6 months for example – or 90 days whatever –

After that I think all bets are off – but they do not want to over flood the economy with too much liquidity going out at the same time – and I think what we’re going to see with the debt forgiveness of NESARA and refunding of income tax money and birth certificate bond money and all these different aspects – I believe it’s going to come in waves – it’s not all going to happen at the same time

I think again they do not want to over feed the economy with too much money because everybody is going to get this – It’s not just us – it’s everybody - so I think you will have a certain wave then March another wave of refunding and retribution or whatever in April  and May - and so on

So I think it’s going to flow out over the next several months – but it just seems like the timing is right there where ---- we’re almost ready to go with it – and really I think anything that is going on like a hot spot around the globe – it’s ok for that to happen and I’ll tell you why – like what’s going on in Ukraine and other possible hotspots you may be hearing about –

These are distractions – these are cover for us to get started with what we’re doing – cause remember the public is going when we go – John Q Public tier 5 is going to go when we go – now they have to find out about it – somehow – and then they will go – to tier 1 / 2 / 3 banks to do their exchanges – but we’re going to  use the toll free number that comes out when the emails come and then we will set our appointments and do our exchanges and zim redemption in redemption centers –

Remember all redemption centers in the United States are head up by Wells Fargo – even if it’s a Chase redemption center or Citi redemption center - or another kind of redemption center – You will have a Wells Fargo representative at each one – there are a bunch of them - like 4800 in the United States – there’s a lot –

So our initial accounts – the zim accounts I’m referring to primarily - those accounts will be Wells accounts – and you will get to move that money in 24 hours or so – part of it – some of it – I would not move all of it – maybe if you want to go to another bank – you’re going to have a lot of options – and freedoms

Freedoms that are going to come with a lot of new options – new responsibilities – new goals – new opportunities – Big opportunities - You’re going to have big opportunities – I think everybody gets it now

I hope this is it – I don’t absolutely know it – they don’t want us to know it – even the redemption centers staff doesn’t know it - - they don’t know it - they don’t know when this is going to go – but I think based on the new scheduling – unless it changes – I think it’s possible we could get notified on Monday and start on Tuesday March 1st  - let’s see what happens – let’s just hang in there -


Bruce’s Big Call  REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:11:41

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-22-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-22-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – Sort of a bonus call – if you will – Didn’t expect to do one tonight but here we are it is Tuesday February 22nd and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are whether you are getting this live or on the replay– all over the globe – we look forward to having a really neat call tonight for you

I don’t think I have a whole to tell you that I can say but here we are 2 -22 – 2022 and you remember I had major intel on last Thursday night’s call and I was saying that was probably going to be our last call – I didn’t expect to do another one – and really up until 6PM tonight I didn’t expect to do this call –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-22-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – Sort of a bonus call – if you will – Didn’t expect to do one tonight but here we are it is Tuesday February 22nd and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are whether you are getting this live or on the replay– all over the globe – we look forward to having a really neat call tonight for you

I don’t think I have a whole to tell you that I can say but here we are 2 -22 – 2022 and you remember I had major intel on last Thursday night’s call and I was saying that was probably going to be our last call – I didn’t expect to do another one – and really up until 6PM tonight I didn’t expect to do this call –

The information that we received from this past Wednesday all the way through to this afternoon was pointing to us being notified today – Now we weren’t notified today – I doubt we will be notified tonight meaning before midnight – but all of the information has been coming in saying  we would get this around lunch time  - we had it talking about an hour after lunch – we had another piece of information that said we’ll get this an hour after the market closed – which would be 4 pm and they trade for about a half hour after that -  cleaning it up – so I figured between 5 and 6 maybe we would get notified and after 6pm we knew that was not the case –

Now just to be fair – I said on Tuesday night’s call – I am going to do everything but call it and I did everything but call it -  but the information we received late this afternoon and really early this evening is saying that this could go at any minute – of course we’ve heard that kind of talk before –

We’ve also heard No 1  I’m not supposed to talk about rates – I’m just going to say that the rates are very very good – I think we all will be super pleased with the rates – so that’s positive – and what we’re hearing now bond holders .. remember we are kinda tied and linked to the bond holders getting their notifications of liquidity – access to their funds  - they have not gotten yet and we had information they were supposed to get those over the weekend – Not  yet -  so they are still waiting – just like we are –

But – the good news is Iraq was going to be released from Chapter Vll or chapter Vlll – I forget which chapter it was - cause it was 7 and we talked about it got released from Vll – from the United Nations and were already in Chapter Vlll – so let’s say whatever chapter it is – that was the last thing that needed to happen according to people that we talked to

Well, that occurred today – Iraq was released from Chapter Vll or Vlll  by the United Nations TODAY – (2-22-22) so we’re really happy – now this thing can go -  and now what we’re hearing is that the bond holders / bond sellers really - cause they are no longer holding the bonds – the bond sellers and us in tier 4 are on a double barrel shotgun start –

That means that they are going to be notified and we should get notified at approximately the same time – or during the same process – and you ask - When is that supposed to occur?  I believe that it’s very possible that this occurs overnight tonight - and we literally wake up to the emails in the morning – and maybe this things happen like that or maybe we get this in the morning tomorrow – but I think we’re right on the very edge of it occurring for both of us - the tier 3 bond sellers – and u s tier 4 – double barrel shotgun start –

I love that analogy – cause we can picture that – so that means Iraq’s done their thing – they are finally done – they’re okay – we’ve got things that are going on out there – that are there really to help us – I am going to call them diversions - there are some things out there around the globe that are just diversions for us going – and remember the public is supposed to go with us

They are supposed to go when we go – Now they are not going to redemption centers – the Public will go to a tier 1/2/3 bank 0 but they will go to whatever banks they want – and the good news is all of the tier 2 / 3 and 4 banks did get fully compliant and connected to the Blockchain technology of the QFS – everything is together – everything occurred - everything is ready to go          

So from a tech point of view – it appears everybody’s on board –and if they are not on board by tomorrow – boy – they are going to miss out – they might miss out all together – if they are not connected – but I think everybody is on – everybody’s connected

So – we should get notified overnight or in the morning - and if we get it early enough and we call the toll free number that we get – we should quite possibly get started with exchanges tomorrow afternoon –

Now if we get notified later for some reason – and it’s later in the morning around lunch or after - we might not get to start tomorrow but we might start Thursday – either way is a “WIN” for is – we know that – just getting the emails and the toll free numbers is a “WIN” for us – If we get to start our exchanges tomorrow afternoon or evening – it’s a WIN / WIN

Now here’s the other thing we know – redemption center staff are in – they were on call today  - a few people went in but tomorrow it’s a full day for 8am – 10 or 11 at night – depending on location – which redemption center fully staffed for the next 12 days -

So they are ready to rock this thing – but I have not done the math to see how long that goes but it probably takes us around into March 5th  or so with 12 days – and that’s the changes in the redemption centers –

Now some redemption centers may shut down sooner because they’ve got all the zim holders and a lot of the currency in  dinar and dong and then some redemption centers may stay open a little longer depending on the demographics – the area of town – depending on a lot of factors –ok so it’s not a cut and dried time line –for every redemption center but I believe they want most redemption centers to be available and open for the next 12 days –starting tomorrow (Wednesday) Feb 23rd  So somewhere around the 5th or 6th of March redemption centers for the most part will be shut down –

Alright – that’s all good – so consider that – if you’re traveling consider that – if you make your appointment in the first 3 – 4  days  with the toll free number you could set your appointment – with a person – on the phone – set your appointment for when you will be available to do it – even if it’s after the 12 days we’re talking about – but you better get confirmation of that appointment in writing that you can print out – for the redemption center –

I am not talking about going to any tier 1 bank – I am talking about redemption centers – cause we will have some benefits by using those – there are benefits to it – and I would say – we have covered so much of this from the NDA to the perks – to the – only thing maybe we’ve not talked about is the debit credit card that you will get – should receive this at y our redemption center appointment – it has 3 computer chips in it and thicker than normal about 3 times - pretty thick – and designed to be used when you move funds from your mother lode account to one of your other accounts or to wire it to somebody else –

It’s kind of your total access card to your account – it is not something you would use willy nilly to go to the restaurant and just buy a meal – it’s not that card – you want to get a different credit card or debit card – I think most of us will use a credit card – we have some protection with that – use credit cards and then pay them off a day or two before the due date – every month – I’ll find out about it – I will get a report on it – I will get something printed out – that way you don’t have to monkey with it – I think they will be able to help us with that – I really do - I am going to set it up with the bank where they do that for me – where they debit the balance that is owed a couple days before the due date –

I am excited and feel really good about where we are -  so let’s see what happens in the next day or so -


Bruce’s Big Call   REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  57:25

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-17-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-17-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we welcome you here tonight and thanks for being here either live or on the replay

Alright – here is where we are - I was very excited because of the intel that came in yesterday and again re-enforced with today’s intel that we got – so let me try to bring as much of this together as we can cause there is sort of a rhyme and reason to it

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-17-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 17th   and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we welcome you here tonight and thanks for being here either live or on the replay

Alright – here is where we are - I was very excited because of the intel that came in yesterday and again re-enforced with today’s intel that we got – so let me try to bring as much of this together as we can cause there is sort of a rhyme and reason to it

Let’s start first of all with – we have talked about – remember the last two calls I think -  I talked about the dates that were possible for tier 5 which is the John Q Public – the people that have stuck currency in the drawer and forgot about it  10 years ago – ok  they are not listening to the Big Call – they ae not following on the blog – they are not even paying attention – they are just – whatever – they gave up – or they are out -  whatever –

That group is not really a part of the internet group – they are the “public” – they don’t know the Big Call or are not listening to it any more - and so these people are supposed to – remember we talked about this Tuesday – are supposed to start on the 22nd  or 23rd  I said –

Guess what?  It’s still true – and guess what’s going to happen alongside that?  Those of us in tier 4A & 4B will go with the public – no way ahead like we thought maybe but we’re going virtually simultaneously – and I’ll tell you why in a minute – and that’s interesting because what we’re getting from the lead bank is this information that points to us being notified and we’ve got two other banks besides the lead bank that came with information today that clarifies this even further –

It talks about us being notified on Tuesday the 22nd and as far as we know we would set appointments that day and go for our exchanges starting Wednesday the 23rd –

So we had two different banks very high up lead banks – talk to us about a possibility of the 22nd  or 23rd for that – actually they said the 22nd and then out of contacting and getting information from a couple of our other banks we eliminated Monday the 21st  as a possibility for notification because memos had gone out to these other 2 banks about us being notified on Tuesday the 22nd –

To back that up we know redemption center staff is in from early morning till late afternoon to do what? Set appointments – the other piece of it - that’s very important is that when we set these appointments there was a slight clarification in what I said on Tuesday’s call about the two #800 numbers  - there might be only ONE toll free number that when you call and they determine you are a zim holder you would get – you would be given another toll free number to call or be directly routed or connected to the redemption center that you indicate by entering your zip code as part of your dialing in process

So we may just have the one number and then when they say what currencies do you have and you tell them not the amounts but the currency and you mention the zim they know then to route you directly – and if you are a zim holder you should get routed directly to the redemption center that will handle you and speak to a person there that may be handling you in person – should be – they are creating that connection with you as you dial in and whether you dial a second number or you get routed through the switching unit to that redemption center one way or another you will be connected – That’s another thing that I am glad I could clarify – tonight -

Okay here we go -  the timing  for this – what is the reason for this happening when it is going to happen – Tier 2 3 and 4 banks – NOT the banks we’re going to use for redemption of zim – that’s tier 1 only and Wells Fargo is the lead bank wherever the redemption center is they’ve taken over the control of it – Wells is in charge in the United States -  I talked about that Tuesday –

Tier 2 – 3 and 4 banks need to become connected compliant with the QFS Blockchain protocols – and they have – tier 2 – 3 and 4 banks have until Monday to do this – that is President’s Day - to have that done – if they’re not done by then and fully connected to the Blockchain protocol for the QFS and Zelle – another aspect of this technology – if not connected by Monday – guess what?  They are not allowed to open their doors on Tuesday

Now that’s a pretty strong thing that they have to do that they’re under – do tier 2 – 3 – 4 banks have been part of the reason but not all of the reasons that we have been held back let’s say from going –

Alright let’s talk about the bond holders – we usually lead off with that - or Iraq – The bond holders outside of the United States citizenship - in other words bond holders that are international – they have been paid and will continue to be paid through Saturday – they should e done by Saturday –

Our US citizen bond holders will start being paid Saturday afternoon - Sunday and Monday – and they should be complete by Monday – they will have access to their funds – they will get those emails and they will be good to go –

So do we have a shotgun start?  Not exactly – we are going on the heels of the bond holders being paid – ok – so Monday is a bank holiday – President’s Day – as far as I have learned the redemption centers are dark – banks are dark – and we will start on Tuesday with notifications and we should – this is what I’m being told – this is as close as I can get  without calling it – alright – I’m giving you what I’m getting – really strong this time – really strong – very specific – They’ve got that 3 day weekend they’ve talked about for years and years –

We are looking good – Iraq is ready to rock and roll – they are really excited – I don’t know exactly when Iraq’s dinar will be internationally known – my gut is it might be Sunday – their first business day - maybe sooner than that – maybe it’s a little earlier than that – It’s a very big thing and guess what? –

Remember when we talked about the golden dinar being utilized between Iraq and Kuwait – guess what?  The golden dinar will be a currency used throughout the Middle East as  a form of payment as  a regional currency – the golden dinar coming from the Iraqi dinar –

So I’m excited about what that says – President Trump put together a wonderful trade agreement inside of the Middle East – that is going to be honored and it’s really a good plan – for everything that we’re looking at

I’m excited about where we  stand right now more than I have ever  been – you can tell –because this is the first opportunity where we see an “end date” - We see what is projected to happen and this came from multiple sources yesterday and confirmed today – I believe we are totally in the clear now for this to happen

Another cool thing – the World Bank Contract – however long it was 100 years or whatever – it is over – at midnight on the 21st - That is another good thing –

You are going to lose the World Bank – the Bank of International Settlements Gone – the Federal Reserve is already down to 113 people – that’s being absorbed into the US Treasury – I believe the UN is on its way out  - there’s a lot of things / organizations that are going bye bye – ok and that’s a good thing for us – a very good thing –

Iraq is going to do their thing – they don’t need anybody else to tell them what to do – they are out of Chapter Vll sanctions with the UN – they are free and sovereign and they are excited about celebrating that – now – it’s been 20 years – 21 years – So – they are certainly ready to go – as far as that goes –

The other thing is – when we talk about the QFS and we talk about it integrating with the banking system with the StarLink Satellite System and everything that’s fully integrated technologically we know that – that system – the new banking system QFS - will be fully activated and in place at midnight Pacific Standard time – West Coast time – on the 21st – So midnight that night on the 21st the system is fully integrated - that’s 3 am in the morning on the 22nd East Coast time –

So that is pointing to completion as well and activation – full activation – of that system and I am excited – I have given you the end date - I feel very confident about it - I had someone to tell me tonight that they would wager a trillion dollars that this is it on the 22nd and 23rd - 22nd for notifications – 23rd for exchanges – that’s a pretty good wager – I would take it –I think it’s wonderful –

I think this is it - we have gone the distance – we’re finishing the race –we’re coming in that last 100 meters of this marathon and we’re just about to break the tape – We’ve got to finish strong – this is like coming up to the wall after a 200 meter breast stroke – and you come up to the wall and you just come close and no you kick hard and stroke hard to get to that wall – you do not just coast in - 

There is still a lot of clean up going on and that is a good thing – and it will probably continue for a while but I think we are at the point that all of the intel from major bank sources over the last 2 days I feel very good about what I brought tonight

I believe this will be our last call - for one and number two – I believe we can begin a pre celebration but we’ve got to stay with it – we’ve got to fight a good fight -  we’ve got to finish the race that is set before us – right – and that’s what we will do together – I think we are where we need to be so hang in there for the next five days


 Bruce’s Big Call  REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:18:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-15-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-15-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

0Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 15th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we are excited to have you here and we’re looking forward to having a really good call

Well let’s talk about where we are intel wise and we tend to go back to Iraq – we talk about bond holders so let’s do that - What I understand about what’s happened in Iraq even though it’s not been brought forward here yet – to us – we understand that they have done what they said they were going to do with their government – they’ve got a current Prime Minister in place – they are going to keep I think – for right now anyway – and they have a rate that is out and tradeable but we and supposed to make the Forex I think tonight

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-15-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

0Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 15th   and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we are excited to have  you here and we’re looking forward to having a really good call

Well let’s talk about where we are  intel wise and we tend to go back to Iraq – we talk about bond holders so let’s do that - What I understand about what’s happened in Iraq even though it’s not been brought forward here yet – to us – we understand that they have done what they said they were going to do with their government – they’ve got a current Prime Minister in place – they are going to keep I think – for right now anyway – and they have a rate that is out and tradeable but we and supposed to make the Forex I think tonight

But was it traded in the market Sunday night at 9-9:30 when the markets opened – Eastern time – when the markets opened in China and the other eastern markets – I can’t tell you that answer – but we know that Iraq has said they are ready to move forward – they are saying they are not paying attention at this point – the IMF – the World Bank – and even the UN are on their way out – and so is the Bank of International Settlements – We will call them on their way out – saying that in the nicest way we can –

That is all good news and I’m sure Iraq’s sovereignty is coming in to play if not already cleared we thought years ago - but they were out of UN sanctions and Chapter Vll – so I think that they are sovereign – they had declared that before now and they are only waiting to put that rate out publicly when everything is ready for us to start –

Now – when we talk about the bond holders – I found out this evening that bond holders outside of the United States - and this is bond funds that have been released – in other words the bond holders have a green light to access their funds – this happened Singapore – South Africa – somewhere in the UAE and in various other places but not here yet – but I think it is moving forward to where we should see our bond holders here in the United States get their emails where they are green lighted to move into a liquidity stage and have access to their funds

Now they get access – this is a theory – they get access to all of their funds but they are limited on how much they can spend in the first 6 months – but it is still in the billions - it is not going to hamper them too much – and that is what we thought they would get this evening was that email that gave them full access

Now – could it happen overnight – tomorrow morning? Yes it could happen anytime – so it is mooooooving – I hate to say the old East to West – but it is moving East to West on the bond holders

Now let’s talk about what is going on in the Redemption Centers – yesterday they had 3 separate conference calls – the first in the morning an hour and 15 minutes – next one around lunch time 1 ½  hrs and the final call was with the lead bank for about 2 hrs 10 minutes –

Now we don’t really have anything that came out of those calls as the banks are being very good on staying quiet – keeping that information in house - the only thing we know is that schedules were created – apparently regionally – by certain states that are in region where they could tell on the video conference call – what that schedule was and when it was going to start and we don’t have that information – we don’t know it – would be nice if we did - but guess what? They don’t want us to know –

Alright – we know that the banks are under new NDA’s – we know they are staying quiet – very tight lipped – and we just acknowledge that –

So the next piece of information comes out of the Texas Gold Depository and we have a contact there and is saying that …. You remember we talked about tier 4A & tier 4B - and that Wells Fargo refers to them as simply tier 4 – they do not designate A and B like we do or I do – but they’ve also talked about – we have talked about tier 5 and that’s been the term we use for Good John Q Public – The public that’s not part of the internet group

They’re not paying attention – they are not watching us- they are not listening to the Big Call - these are people who have been gifted or bought currency a long time ago – popped it in a drawer and forgot about it essentially – that tier 5 the public – is supposed to start on the 22nd or 23rd  of this month – Now – that is next Tuesday/Wednesday – if they are supposed to go then - when would we start? The answer is – according to the source – we could go - two different ways to look at it – they need to start ASAP meaning for us – ASAP – as soon as possible – and then we’ve also heard the term this could go at any second

Both of those suggest a proximity – a time – obviously this could go at any second – if we take that literally – that means this could go at any  second – To me it means – here we’re doing the Big Call – I don’t have the numbers – no emails out -  but what about tomorrow – does tomorrow have hope for notifications – if this could go at any second - I think it does – does not mean that it will definitely go but it means that we’re lining it up to where it “could” – we “could” get notified

And you know what - maybe we get notified tomorrow and maybe we don’t start exchanges until Thursday – who knows – we don’t know that - “yet” -

So we will see if I get more information or not before our call on Thursday which may not happen –

So we’ve got the proximity of the bond holders – which have already started getting paid but in other countries – and when I say being paid – they are getting access to their funds –

We’ve got our people in the United States  monitoring that are waiting – were told they would have access to funds yesterday – or today  (Tuesday) – it didn’t happen – so they are waiting just like we are – and I really think we are getting ready for  almost a shotgun start – won’t be maybe exact same time – but close –

The bond holders here have not been green lighted to have access to their funds yet – oh they can see them in their accounts but cannot touch them –

So that is coming for them and I believe it is also coming for us and will they hold – will they maintain the 22nd and 23rd for the John Q Public / tier 5 – well we’ll see - obviously they could move that date – you know – that’s nothing to push the public back – they have done it time and time again just like we have – but I believe the difference is things are happening behind the scenes

I believe the USN – we do not have it confirmed – as being out and tradeable yet - we thought it would be by now but I don’t have it confirmed – and part of the problem might  have been a so called emergency meeting of the Federal Reserve yesterday –

I think that emergency meeting was an opportunity to remove certain people from that organization – and I believe that was successful and they did that ---- Enough Said –

So we are looking forward to moving forward with this and I believe we are on the precipice of this – I hope and I’ve been told you know that this week is still golden for us – so we’ll see how that manifests -  how that comes through for us –


Bruces’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:12:45

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-10-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-10-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we are excited to have you here and we’re looking forward to having a really good call

Let’s go into what we have for intel tonight – this is an interesting time for us because we are getting a little bit here and a little bit there but let’s just go right into it –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-10-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 10th  and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we are excited to have  you here and we’re looking forward to having a really good call

Let’s go into what we have for intel tonight – this is an interesting time for us because we are getting a little bit here and a little bit there but let’s just go right into it –

The bondholders received emails that went out at 0400 which is 4 AM to you and me – and unfortunately they did not contain the timing that would indicate when they would have access to their funds so I think this email at 4 AM is a little bit of a dud –

They are expecting to get one after 4 PM tomorrow (Wed) – after the markets close in New York on Friday – they do some after work training for an half hour or so – somewhere in that 4-5 range bond holders should receive their email that gives them either (A) – access to funds or (B) – a time when they will have access to their funds – remember they can see their funds in their account – what they need usually in this last email is an access “code” to enter in – usually it is a new code – to enter into the systems and then they can gain access to the funds that they have exchanged for with their bonds –

Now – what is significant about that and why do I keep bringing up the bond holders? Most of us are not bond holders except for the fact that we have Zim – which the Zim is a bearer bond - - now outside of that – what it means is – when the bond holders finally gain access to their funds – even if it’s only for the first 90 days they get a certain amount and then they get the remaining amount – what it means is when they get that email – We are next

And it means that the system has gone and it’s working and everything is flowing and the money is moving in the direction that we need it to move – it’s not just moving to the bank – it’s moving to the people that have accounts at the banks – and that is what we are looking for – that is exactly what we need to happen because even though it may not be an actual shotgun start – it could be close – and we might get notified shortly after they get access to funds –

Now let’s go back and recoup that – remember on Tuesday’s call we told you that we had at least a 48 hour time frame where the bank systems were down and were getting set for a restart – a reset – like you do on your phone – ok – but much more complicated –

The bank systems are to work and be fully coordinated with the QFS and the StarLink System – of course we know that – but yesterday evening right before it’s time to leave the bank certain individuals at the redemption center were able to put in access codes and sure enough the system was back up – it had been down for – I am going to calculate.. for about 56 hours with no access no accessibility –

So it came back up and now it’s back up and fully integrated – I believe – now we have not had it verified to me yet but I believe that time down – and that system restart was to fully integrate the USN – our brand new currency – asset backed currency – into the QFS – remember other currencies have already announced that they are asset backed – like China – and Russia –

We are running last but that’s okay – we’re doing the timing I’m sure for a reason – so the system up and running and that’s a very positive thing –

Iraq has said that they have a new Iraqi dinar and a new rate – they are going to bring that information out as well as their new government – their new Prime Minister and President – on Saturday – they are going to “quote” “unquote” announce their new structured government – their new dinar and new rate - all of that on Saturday – two days away –

Now – they typically bring something like this right after Morning Prayer and I think First Morning Prayer could be anywhere from 5:30 am – 6:15 am – somewhere in that range – So right after that First Morning Prayer – which I think Iraq is 8 hours ahead of us – something to that effect - you do the math – that’s kind of late tomorrow night - Friday night –

Now – what does that mean for us?  Because if Iraq does that thing – they bring out their Dinar  - announce their government - they are ready to go boom boom boom – they are trading internationally - now – everything like that --- they would probably start their trading on Sunday – their first business day –

We have been told from two separate sources unrelated – that we should receive our notifications for Tier 4 over the weekend – Now tomorrow is sort of the weekend – I don’t know that I’m going to put a whole lot of possibility into tomorrow because we are kind of waiting on Iraq to do everything on Saturday – so Friday would be a really??? I am not going to put any percentage into tomorrow – But Saturday is a new game –

Saturday/Sunday  is how we have always talked about the weekend – we always said Saturday/Sunday was the weekend --- but what will happen as far as our notifications – if we got notified Saturday – could we start our exchanges on Saturday?  Could we set our appointments and start Saturday? Possibly –

If we got our notifications Sunday and we actually start setting our appointments we would probably start our exchanges on Monday – so without calling it – that’s what I’ve been told –

Remember I am only bringing information that we’re getting and I’m trying to do the best job I can to bring accurate information to you –

Some of you may have heard or read - that the Emergency Alert System will kick in after the Super Bowl – I seriously doubt that - anything is possible but are they really going to start that out at 10:30 / 11:00 at night on a Sunday night?? East Coast time??  I don’t know –

I do know that is the biggest television event of the year and a lot of people like to watch it – so I would say “doubtful” –

Now the Emergency Alert System is tested and ready to go at a moment’s notice – but they will probably only use it as needed – and I tell you one thing there’s a lot of change going on at even CNN – I can’t go into much detail – there’s a lot of things happening – probably there and with some of the other networks that may make them more conducive to bringing out the truth – and that is what we are looking forward to

Now – how soon can some of these things come out? I don’t know that I am going to look before the Olympics are over and I don’t know that I would look for it maybe after the Super Bowl over Sunday night –

I do not believe and I’ve been told this many times – we will not lose the internet – we will not lose cell service – and yes if the EAS comes on they use it to broadcast messages over the phone and TV - if they use it for TV – which they will – yeah we would be out some programming – they would supersede the programming that we might be use to watching – yeah - but our phone systems will not go down and neither will the internet –

Some of that happened already – to the Cabal – they took out their phones – their internet capability – that was designed for us – I don’t understand that – now – there’s probably a lot more behind the scenes than I can talk about – but realistically - what’s important to us is the idea of being notified over the weekend – if that holds up we are golden – even if it means we start Monday – we are all good with that – I’m good with that – and I think we’re all good with that

Isn’t Monday Valentine’s Day? So beware of that – Valentine’s Day Monday the 14th - so I am excited about the possibility of this weekend – and what that looks like for us – I want these bond holders to get their emails after 4PM tomorrow to tell them they have some liquidity – hopefully it’s right away having access to funds – I am excited for them and that moving forward and I’m excited for us and us moving forward -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:   41:54

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-8-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-8-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 8th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we are excited to have you here and we’re looking forward to having a really good call

Intel – Intel let’s get into it – What’s been going on? It’s Tuesday – we should be going right now – right? We should be there – Not so fast ……… We find ourselves now right smack in the middle of a restart of the banking system that started yesterday morning when certain bankers and redemption center staff were not able to get their personal codes entered which would allow them access – let’s just call them “access codes” to their computer systems so they could get on and see the rates and see whatever they need to see ok –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-8-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 8th  and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in again tonight wherever you are – all over the globe – we are excited to have  you here and we’re looking forward to having a really good call

Intel – Intel let’s get into it – What’s been going on? It’s Tuesday – we should be going right now – right? We should be there – Not so fast ……… We find ourselves now right smack in the middle of a restart of the banking system that started yesterday morning when certain bankers and redemption center staff were not able to get their personal codes entered which would allow them access – let’s just call them “access codes” to their computer systems so they could get on and see the rates and see whatever they need to see ok –

Guess what??  They did not take – and at 10 AM yesterday (Monday) they found that they were under a restart of the banking system and it was because it may take up to 48 hours from then – is what they were told – t – our new to complete the restart of …. I’m going to call it…….. - the integration of the banking systems with the QFS –

Now why would that be something that would take 48 hours and why would it take 48 hours at this time?

Guess what else is about to come out? That’s right – the USN – our new dollar backed by gold and other precious metals/assets and the USTN currency - United States Treasury Notes is what our new money will say – it will no longer say  “Federal Reserve Note”  - and so that is to come out

We had heard a few days ago – probably over the weekend – the possibility of those coming out on Wednesday – so this is only an opinion ---- but IF ----- the USN is to be launched and the USTN is to be launched at the redemption centers in the drawers at the bank which it has been in the banks for a while – but NOT in the drawers – teller drawers –

If it is ready to be loaded into the ATM machines we would have our new USTN on Wednesday – IF that is the day they have selected – remember this is the news we had probably Saturday – maybe Sunday - okay – so if that is still is in play for tomorrow – quite possibly –

Now – what is the other part to this – Where does Iraq fit into this thing – they are still a kingpin in this whole revaluation / redemption thing –

Iraq has set up their Parliament – they are trying to elect their .. they have already elected – they are trying to essentially get Parliament to agree on who was elected as Prime Minister and the only thing really we heard about Iraq was that they were going to announce the new Parliament  and President /  Prime Minister of Iraq after morning prayer Wednesday morning –

Morning Prayer is somewhere in the vicinity of 6:00 - 6:15 in the morning - that is when first Morning Prayer would be – maybe earlier – but that is what is supposed to be announced in Iraq – which is not that far from right now – really

So – will that happen?? Will we find a new international rate on the dinar that is tradeable – that is put out and known throughout not only the Middle East but the rest of the trade world -  Let’s see when they do it – Let’s see if that is part of it – because it should be –

Now realize we’ve got almost 2 days of black out – if you will -  from yesterday and today -  they tried to renter the codes today – even this afternoon – and no luck – they would not take -  that means the system is NOT ready for it –

Will it take 48 hours? Could be – Will it take more?  I hope not – 48 hours would be us at 10 am in the morning – I know this lady who try to reload the codes  - at 9:30 we’ll see if they take – if they take I’ll find out – blah blah blah ---

But here’s the thing -- this is the old “if” statement – “IF”  the old banking system in conjunction with the QFS – with StarLink  with the new USN in place – that was the goal – if that was the goal –to get that done and they hit that tomorrow – within the 48 hours -  then I think we are golden

I would think that if they get the computers to come back up – they can enter their new access codes – everything is sweet - I would think we could very well get notified tomorrow which is Wednesday

Now  this is a theory – IF the numbers were to come out early enough in the day – between 10 am and noon – then we could quite [possibly not only set our appointments but maybe start Wednesday afternoon – Wednesday evening –

Remember – a lot of these redemption centers are opened from 8 am to 11pm at night – some are not going to go that late – so the idea of doing an evening or night exchange is not out of the realm of possibility

So let’s say we get this tomorrow and it’s not in the morning – let’s say we get it in the afternoon – are we setting appointments?  Yes but we are setting them “to start” on Thursday could very well be the case – let’s just “believe” that they get these current banking systems up and integrated with whatever it is – which I think has to --- the only thing that makes sense to me at this point is that the USN would be the currency for the United States

We no longer have fiat currency being printed illegally by the way -  we no longer have that problem and so I think that what’s going to happen is this would put an end to the fiat dollar out there being utilized by the cabal to do whatever it is they are trying to do –

It’s one thing for us to use the money we have – that we are still getting at the bank and so forth for cash - it’s one thing for  us to use that and have the ability to exchange that back at the banks or just plain spend it out in 90 days to 6 months – I don’t think we are going to have a whole lot of time to  switch over to  the new USTN – I think it’s going to come – we should have an announcement with it – Let’s face it --- it should come from the bank but we should have some form of an announcement about this new currency-

Now whether they go super deep on returning the gold standard – gold back currency – asset backed currency – whether they do all of that at the same time – that is part of NESARA – that’s part of NESARA and GESARA  and we are bringing up the rear in terms of announcing a new gold backed currency – Russia’s got it – China’s got it -  I could go on and on – there are already a lot of countries that have gold backed currency / asset backed currencies

So we need to get on the step and bring that up to speed and that is what I believe they have been doing over the last 48 hours or so - let’s believe that and hope that’s the case –

We are in a situation where the bankers  - and we know a lot of them – have been issued brand new NDA’s over the last few days and that is one reason everything is so quiet – this is a time when we have to really go inside and reflect and know that there are things happening behind the scenes – we can’t see – even I can’t see them but I know generally what’s happening to bring this to fruition and you know – we don’t know exactly “when” this is going to go -  but guess what? They don’t want us to know when this is going to go – even the Treasury I think is keeping a little bit of what’s going on away from the bankers - I mean the top dogs  with Wells – Chase – Citi – and Bank of America -


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins: 55:55

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-3-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-3-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 3rd and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again everybody – We welcome you from all over the globe

A pastor was curious as to why do we need a presentation? Well if you remember in the old days – back 17 years ago when I first got into the currencies blah blah blah --- what happens is we found out about the dinar – that was the first thing – then we learned about the dong – and then we learned about other currencies and then all of a sudden the zim came along – the Zimbabwe dollar – it’s important because the zim has huge intrinsic value because of the denominations of what we have and because what we have is a bearer bond –and a bearer bond is payable to the bearer and that’s what makes those bonds – the zim bonds that we have so valuable

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-3-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 3rd  and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again everybody – We welcome you from all over the globe

A pastor was curious as to why do we need a presentation? Well if you remember in the old days – back 17 years ago when I first got into the currencies blah blah blah --- what happens is we found out about the dinar – that was the first thing – then we learned about the dong – and then  we learned about other currencies and then all of a sudden the zim came along – the Zimbabwe dollar – it’s important because the zim has huge intrinsic value because of the denominations of what we have and because what we have is a bearer bond –and a bearer bond is payable to the bearer and that’s what makes those bonds – the zim bonds that we have so valuable

The theory is – and this is much more than a theory - that the zim is going to provide so much liquidity because of the denominations of the notes – okay – that’s – yeah – you just can’t think oh well I’ll just create this one little healing center – or I’ll just put this one little pastoral retreat area together - come on - this thing – God gave us this thing because he is the God of more than we think – this is trying to scale up projects to the point where they can be national – or international – fully global – not just used for one or two buildings or one or two things – I mean – these – if you have looked at your zim – and I know there are some notes that are lower in the 50 million – 50 billion denominations -  and they creep up and they go to the top – which is 100 trillion – and that’s in dollars – and that is really a tremendous amount

Yes there is a great value in those notes – so knowing that – we talked about getting projects together – I think oh golly it’s been at least 5 or 6 years ago - we started talking about Rebuilding America - before that was the veterans retreat network and the pastoral retreat network - 2 networks that will help veterans / families / and then the pastoral network would help pastors and ministers and missionaries and their families and so on –

Skip to 1:11:40 – Now let’s talk about what’s been happening from an intel point of view- No# 1 Bankers and a lot of these are investment bankers –for the lead banks – have just received today a latest version – new non-disclosure agreement that they read and signed and sent back to corporate –

This is the final NDA we’re expecting and when they said this final NDA would appear we would be within days of the event – meaning the release of the toll free numbers through the emails ad so on

I told you last week that they were getting everything complete as far as the email listings that the redemption center staff had actually gone through a lot of that with their computers to eliminate any that might not have looked right or duplicated or whatever – so they went through that last weekend – and then now the situation where there has been additional clean  up on the lists that has taken place in the last couple of days – that have put the emails and numbers and names – all of that in a situation where it is anticipated that we would be getting our notifications in a few days – that is how it was said –

We would receive our notifications - that’s email notifications with the toll free numbers in a few days – that was as of today – and I think with the people I’ve talked to – the sources that we have – it puts the weekend in play – it could put the weekend in play – we might get there Saturday or Sunday – or who knows maybe Monday

But--- BUT I’m excited because I am seeing some forward progress in that area now and I need – we need to see what’s happening –

Now when it comes to the bond holders – the latest piece of information that we have is yes final bond holders are waiting for the emails to come out giving them access to the funds they can see in their accounts – ok – and even as last as this evening we heard that the liquidity – meaning the liquidity for the bond holders  - the liquidity is going to start seeping out – overnight tonight and tomorrow –

Now – seeping out we know it does not sound like a lot of money movement – it may be just a start – a little bit coming out – seeping out - but then normally when something seeps out it increases in volume once it gets started – and I think that’s probably what will happen in the next couple of days for the bond holders –

The seeping out will turn into major money flows – we’ll see how that works – and we’ll see if we get confirmation on that – but I feel that we are close – we’re a few days according to what we’ve heard as far as notifications go – that would be emails from Wells Fargo Servers to us – and remember the latest version of that number  it may be completely higher or lower now - the number was at 2.585 million – that’s a lot of emails and those would come out in batches not to exceed 1 million per batch but they can do batches of emails and the theory is they would come out in the Eastern Time Zone – Central Time Zone – Pacific Time Zone and Mountain Time Zone and Hawaii and Alaska – all of those would come out at approximately the same time in each time zone

So not a whole lot of intel - let me add this – we did get word that Iraq will be  -..  they have their government basically seated – their Parliament seated -  President and Prime Minister good to go -  but the announcement of that government is forthcoming in the next few days – I think they even – with that would be the rate change they would want to be seen on their golden dinar in and throughout Iraq and the Middle East –

So I have been told by Iraqi that our contacts that they don’t even want the Iraqi’s to know exactly when this is going to happen – okay – well I can see that

So is this set up as a weekend even? Maybe – could very well be – remember Iraqis themselves are seeing on big screen TV’s and this was yesterday I got this – that they would have their new government seated and their new rates put out within 72 hours – so that was 3 days and that was  yesterday – so there’s only a couple more days before that would probably happen – I think Iraq is an important part in all of this and they should be

We know that everything has been done forever and a day – but we also know that we want that rate to be seen not only here but in the Middle East – and I think we’re going to be in great shape – don’t worry about the rates – they are superb – the ones we hear about from time to time are going to be just fine – its absolutely the least of our concerns


Bruce’s Big Call  REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:03:20

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-1-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-1-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 1st and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again everybody - Here we are – (chuckle) We’re back - (chuckle) – and we’re looking forward to having a great call tonight – I’ve got some good information to share with you – We’re going to have a really neat call so thanks for warming up and tuning in and we look forward to sharing with you

Alright let’s get our intel going and let’s talk about what we have heard – Now we’ve been trying to track different aspects of this and one of the things we’re tracking is what about tier 3 bond holders – we know that they can see the funds in their accounts but we also know they are in a “pending” status –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-1-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 1st and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again everybody - Here we are – (chuckle) We’re back - (chuckle) – and we’re looking forward to having a great call tonight – I’ve got some good information to share with you – We’re going to have a really neat call so thanks for warming up and tuning in and we look forward to sharing with you

Alright let’s get our intel going and let’s talk about what we have heard – Now we’ve been trying to track different aspects of this and one of the things we’re tracking is what about tier 3 bond holders – we know that they can see the funds in their accounts but we also know they are in a “pending” status –

We know they are waiting to receive an email giving them access to their funds – and usually that email will contain a new password that needs to be entered to go into their account to be able to get access to those funds and that’s where we stand right now – without the movement of those emails – which was to occur between late last night and early this morning – and we have a number of contacts from the lead bank that were coming up empty when it came to the information that they were to receive about those emails and about the fact we are waiting for that type of communication for us as well

The latest piece of information which is only an hour or two old - that I received from some very  good top sources that we have – was indicating that the emails that are expected to be received – that would give the bondholders – let’s call them tier 3 bond holders – access to funds are supposed to arrive the latest information is between 11:00 and 2:30 afternoon tomorrow (Wednesday) – Eastern Standard time – the suggested time for those emails to come out –

So remember that is sort of a time frame that if we are to be on the shotgun start that we have talked about and that was the language that was used today in this communication was that we who are in tier 4A and 4B should be looking for emails around that time as well – 11:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Standard

Listen – they may generate those at the same time in each time zone – that’s what we had heard months ago that was an idea that I had that I think they are still going to adhere to – so that everybody in each time zone is notified at approximately the same time

So that’s a piece that we should be looking for tomorrow (Wednesday) and it may very well be that we are notified and we set up our appointments and we may not start our exchanges though until Thursday the next day - that would be perfectly okay with me – but that is what we’re looking at – that is what we are getting –

Now – here’s some other information - I think will support this – we have been saying that the SWIFT Financial System which has been used for a long time to wire money or send money from bank to bank – country to country - We were told that the SWIFT System would be going away on the 1st day of February – which is today –

Now the time frame we had for that was between midnight last night (Monday) and 3 am this morning (Tuesday) – then we find out then no that is not the case – we are not totally off of the SWIFT Financial System – there are still a couple countries that are working through the issues – don’t know which ones – at least I don’t know which ones - and those are trying to be in an area where they can get those handled – and quite possibly the information  I received earlier today about that was suggesting that could be complete somewhere pretty close to midnight Easter Standard time tonight

Now if it does drag – it may drag beyond midnight tonight but whatever does happen we do want to make a smooth transition from the SWIFT System which is the one everybody used the fiat currency and Deep State and everybody’s been using -  for quite a while – and then once that transitions and goes away – is completely shut down -  then the QFS which is working beautifully – and flawlessly – as far as we understand then it could obviously take over and work all the financial transactions that we will do and so on through that StarLink Satellite System –

So I am feeling very good about that piece  and especially about the emails are to come out in the time frame that I mentioned tomorrow – so hopefully ours will come out similar to that and that we will have a true shotgun start – we are going to have to watch and see if that is the case

Other information is out there – a lot of stuff out there - some negativity out there but that’s to be expected toward the end of this ride – we’ve known that for years – many years

I believe Iraq is ready – I believe their Parliament is seated – I believe they do have their President and their leadership in check totally ready to go – just going to have to see how that manifests – We know that – gosh it’s been a week ago maybe a little longer – that Iraq sent the money up to Kurdistan and took care of their back pay and everything’s going well with that and I think we’re looking good –

We were looking for a new rate to come out this past Sunday for Iraq – and I think now it could be any day that would manifest – could be tomorrow – the next day  and Iraq would have their dinar at a true international rate that would be seen throughout the middle east and possibly the rest of the world  and I think the dinar has another expression which is the golden dinar – is the currency they’re using to describe the Iraqi dinar – the new Iraqi dinar and to have it to be a currency that might be shared with Iran – Iraq – and possibly other countries near to Iraq in the Middle East – for trading purposes – the golden dinar – they nicknamed that –

Now will it be completely regional throughout the Middle East or limited to a few countries?? We will have to wait and see how that comes out –

We are looking for since today is the 1st of February the United States new currency – the USN was to be completed and in place by this morning – we don’t know exactly if it’s there – or available to be traded – if it’s just finishing up some last minute things – which is what my idea is probably happening – but today could kick off with the USN - the beginnings of NESARA and also in conjunction with GESARA – which is the global economic strategic and reformation act –

So we are looking for some very positive news to start coming out this week as a result of NSARA – we may see some things on debt forgiveness – we may see some things - it’s just very hard for me to say how soon that some of this information will present itself – but I feel like we are right there in the heart of it –

There is good news coming – I don’t know if the Emergency Alert System is to be used right away or whether they will delay that a little bit – I’m thinking they might with the winter Olympics in Beijing China – starting Thursday – maybe there is a reprieve for certain things and we don’t have the EAS in full use and so on for a couple weeks – we’ll see

We are looking for things to happen that will be positive changes for our country and we are just going to have to wait and see how the timing is going to work out on these –

My understanding is that we are ready to go with our global currency reset and with our revaluation of these currencies and that we would be starting our exchanges here this week – and if the information that I got later today holds up we could very well look to receive these emails and our toll free numbers as early as tomorrow afternoon and then possibly set our appointments to start on Thursday – we’ll see

There is always something that they’re trying to figure out and complete that we don’t necessarily know until after we hear it – but I feel good about the information that I got this evening – I feel like it answered some questions for us and I feel like we should take it under advisement and move forward accordingly -  because we are looking forward to our new asset backed and gold backed currency and looking to the end of the fiat dollar and the beginning of a global currency reset and so many things along those lines for us

I think there is reason for us to be in a celebrating mood – we hope we do not have to go on continuously too much longer – this has taken much longer than we thought to get to this point – but this is a complicated world system that’s being fully integrated with QFS – the StarLink Satellite System - with 209 nations -  and it’s not been easy – and we have had resistance from certain individuals as  you can imagine all the way through –

So let’s just believe that is about to be done away with and that we can move forward in an area where we would all benefit and the rest of the world will benefit


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begin:  1:08:18

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-27-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-27-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday January 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again – Thanks for listening whether it’s live or on the replay – I’m excited and let’s have a great call tonight

There has been a lot of things happening and a lot of things that are going to happen here in the next few days or so let’s try to capitalize this and put this out where everybody gets an idea of what is really going on

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-27-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday January 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again – Thanks for listening whether it’s live or on the replay – I’m excited and let’s have a great call tonight

There has been a lot of things happening and a lot of things that are going to happen here in the next few days or so let’s try to capitalize this and put this out where everybody gets an idea of what is really going on

First of all we know that – remember when we had 1.424 million emails that were going to go out through the Wells Fargo Servers – then that number got increased to 2.61 million – then that number got reduced to about 2.585 million emails and just most recently in the last several days Redemption Centers staff was brought in to go through somewhere in the vicinity of 1200-1400 emails each – and just go through those for duplicates – to find if there were any problems anything considered not a “good” email

The staff of the redemption centers all across the country were going through this and determining if they could find any improper or negative emails – something that was going to throw it out – they’ve got that narrowed down I think they cleared up 20-30,000 emails that really weren’t supposed to be there   I thought ok finally that’s done –

Now – right now there’s a lot of little pieces that are starting to show up and come together to make everything happen for  us – First of all we have the concept of – and we’ve been looking for this for a long time – we’ve been looking at the possibility  of the United States Treasury Note – our new money -  USN – ok – and for that to show up we need to go back to the gold standard - we need to have an asset backed dollar instead of the fiat dollar that we currently have in our pockets –

So that is in the process of happening and I believe they have made sure that certain things aren’t in the way of that happening – are no longer going to be an issue and between I am going to say  between now or tomorrow  - because I really think we’re looking at after an hour after the markets close tomorrow- on Friday – the USN – our gold backed currency will start to make progress and it should occur between that time tomorrow – markets close at 4 – after trading till 4:30 – so let’s say an hour after 4 s- 5 PM Friday – all the way to – oh guess what?

The first of February is Tuesday – I think it is going to be significant and I believe they’re going to try to see if they can get the USN to be a live currency for the United States by the morning of Tuesday February 1st

That is one of the things that needs to happen – that is a part of NESARA – it’s also in a larger sense a part of GESARA – as well  and I believe that is a major -  major deal that is going to happen –

Let’s go a little further to where we are with the fiat dollar – you know we’ve got a non-asset back dollar we’ve been using for so many years now and that fiat dollar is being used less and less globally but it will  -

We have a system where we’re using the SWIFT System – remember that? For sending bank wires – that SWIFT is “almost” but not completely done away with - and there are some reasons why they continue to have it in use and South and Central America but the primary reason is in vogue right now is just to be able to catch anybody that is trying to abuse the system and steal from that system – That should be going away by Monday night –

The SWIFT System is to go away in its entirety by Monday night and that would be the 31st of January – This coming Monday night –

Now let’s talk about the bond holders- some have been receiving emails – giving them access to funds in the last day or so – and they are getting access to 5% with the remaining 15%  - total 20%  by or on Tuesday the 1st

So they are finally seeing something come through in their emails –and there will be more emails going out to them overnight tonight and tomorrow night – so everything is sort of linking for position to get those emails out to those individuals – the tier three bond holders –

Alright – then there’s us Tier 4A and tier 4B – remember Wells Fargo is considering us the same as tier 4A for their purposes – even though the internet group is a completely different animal than the Admiral’s Group –

But we will see activity and we should see these emails coming to us on Monday sometime – in which case – when the emails come out Monday the 31st – we should be setting our appointments for Tuesday the 1st of February -  remember we should have a new asset backed dollar – we should have our emails coming to us where we can set those appointments and so that  - even though we know this is digital -  we know that it’s you know – not going to matter  as much but we want – just like the bond holders want to be paid in USN – we also want to be paid in USN when we go in for our exchanges – and we have our appointments – so we should be able to set our appointments on Monday to start Tuesday – That‘s what I was getting this afternoon and that’s a compilation of a lot of different information that came through to make that happen for us –

Now there should be a really exciting weekend this weekend coming on – and let’s just leave it at that – we’re going to get some pretty interesting information coming out I believe we’ll see something Saturday – it could be very interesting for us to witness and we should see actually the start of the Emergency Alert System starting sometime next week  - might be included in that form of disclosure and that could be very interesting for all of us to witness that –

I am still hearing that there will not be a disruption of internet or cell phone service  for us – Will NOT – Will the television service be disrupted with the EBS? Quite possibly it would be – we’ll just have to wait and see how it goes – I don’t have any idea how many days it would go how long it would go – what would be included??  What would be contained?  It’s just something we have to see it when we get it   

But this is the culmination of everything we have waited for and it seems like it’s finally coming to fruition – starting this weekend and we should see a good result by Monday night for numbers for our exchanges

So this is looking like we’ve got a few more days to go before Tuesday – and with what I’m hearing I don’t expect to have  a call  - If we get numbers on Monday we will set our appointments for Tuesday  - Everything is coming together in terms of what Iraq has done – Iraq plans to have their government in place and announce that on Sunday – I think everything is lining up in that perspective – Beautifully –

We know we’ve got several countries out there that have their currencies asset backed – primarily gold backed – we’re sort of coming up behind a little bit in terms of getting ours out there – but we’ve had some issues  and I think we’re finally catching up to China – Russia -  India – to the other Brics nations -  etc etc

Everything is coming together – nobody is going around us – or anything like that – we’re just making sure that everything that we have is solid – it’s all good and I would say – stay tuned for an interesting Saturday and possibly Sunday as well – let’s see what manifests that way for us –

I’m excited about where we are now finally – I think I wasn’t really sure until yesterday and then now today it all makes much more sense to me – the timing – the dates – everything we’ve been looking for – I think we’re really finally apparently there –

So everybody stay in faith for the manifestation of this to come from the weekend to next Tuesday – cause that’s where I believe we’re going to notice the numbers on Monday and set our appointments – and start on Tuesday – That so far at this juncture – as of this afternoon – that’s what we’re hearing – so let’s just believe on that and thank God for everything happening -


Bruce’s Big Call  REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins:  1:03:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-20-22

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-20-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday January 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in all over this beautiful marble globe – Thanks for listening whether it’s live or on the replay – I’m excited and let’s have a great call tonight

We don’t know if this will be our last call – sometimes it feels like it is – you know the drill – it is either Tuesday and Thursday night – so we will see what happens by next Tuesday – but I feel really good about where we are so let’s talk a little bit about where we are and where we’ve been over the last couple of days from an intel point of view

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 1-20-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday January 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in all over this beautiful marble globe – Thanks for listening whether it’s live or on the replay – I’m excited and let’s have a great call tonight

We don’t know if this will be our last call – sometimes it feels like it is – you know the drill – it is either Tuesday and Thursday night – so we will see what happens by next Tuesday – but I feel really good about where we are so let’s talk a little bit about where we are and where we’ve been over the last couple of days from an intel point of view

Tonight is Thursday night – we’ve been hearing about – let’s start with the bond holders – we’ve been hearing that they we to receive an email today or tomorrow that would give them access to their funds – remember they can “see” the funds in their account but they can’t get to it –and spend it yet –

This is the first – if they do receive it over the next few days – and it may take the whole weekend for them to get access to it – then they are off and running and that will be 20% of their total that they receive from their bond transactions ok – so they get access to 20% and get access to the remaining 80% in about 90 days – it could be 6 months in some cases- but they are certainly  going to have no problem for the next 60-90 days – 6 months with 20% of their totals – because it is significant – they are in really good shape –

Now when it comes to “us” we have heard some things in the last day or so that are pointing towards this whole thing going down – in the next several days – I don’t know how quickly it will go but we know that it is close to being released

There are some things going on out there – I’ll tell you right now – the Military is in very strong movement capability all over the country – we have forces in places in all 50 states – there is something major getting ready to happen – some of you may be aware of it – I have not used the Big Call as a platform to discuss some of the political aspects of what is going on – but – cause I don’t want to get off our central track here –

But I think we’re going to see the possibility of the Emergency Alert System (EBS) being activated very quickly – in fact we thought it could be used today – I think it is going to be within a day or so it could be used and we should be under as of today or tomorrow under constitutional law – not only constitutional law but instead of Martial Law - ok which is why Military is actively engaged in all 50 states – active and reserve military –

They are there to take advantage of what we call Military Law – NOT Martial Law anymore – they don’t use that term any longer – so let’s see what that looks like – I think over this weekend – we could get a few surprises – some things may come our way – and we’ll see how that manifests

It’s one of these things where all of these pieces are coming together globally – the QFS is lining up – we’ve heard even yesterday that certain countries are all connected and ready to go from a readiness point of view – the QFS and with the StarLink System – we know that Iraq is ready to roll with what they are doing with their currency and they did start trading it –

You know a long time ago – now Sunday a week ago it started to come out and I believe that the numbers that we have heard on where the Dinar is now – has an in country rate and is in really good shape and really for us we will have a different higher rate – we don’t talk about it in the actual numbers but you know we have discussed it in the past in terms of what Dr Shabibi had projected way back in 2012 - 9-10 years ago now – 10 years ago he projected that – it’s amazing and I think with what’s been going on it’s going to be that high or much higher actually –than he said –

You know – it’s really a good thing that we can share what we can knowing this  that some things we cannot get close to – there’s some things that are just seemingly private – we’ve heard some really good things about what is happening out West –

We’ve heard really good things about bond holders in and the fact that they’re about ready to receive their funds out of Miami – Reno – Zurich and we know what we are hearing is pointing towards this going in pretty short order

Now I don’t know if we’re going to get anything for us – I’m hearing the possibility of Saturday being very strong for us – to be notified and hopefully started – it could be an early morning type notification – I know they were cleaning up the email notifications that Wells Fargo has – trying to just clean those emails up as best as they could - they may not find everybody but they surely will after the appointments are made –

So I highly recommend everybody stay in faith this coming – I think we’re going to see some really positive things happen over this weekend – I don’t know if it means we would get started as early as  Saturday – but I think it is possible we could –

Let’s make sure our Plan A is still intact and Plan B is ready to supersede it

Thanks everybody for listening


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  48:08

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