Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-1-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 2-1-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Tuesday February 1st and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again everybody - Here we are – (chuckle) We’re back - (chuckle) – and we’re looking forward to having a great call tonight – I’ve got some good information to share with you – We’re going to have a really neat call so thanks for warming up and tuning in and we look forward to sharing with you

Alright let’s get our intel going and let’s talk about what we have heard – Now we’ve been trying to track different aspects of this and one of the things we’re tracking is what about tier 3 bond holders – we know that they can see the funds in their accounts but we also know they are in a “pending” status –

We know they are waiting to receive an email giving them access to their funds – and usually that email will contain a new password that needs to be entered to go into their account to be able to get access to those funds and that’s where we stand right now – without the movement of those emails – which was to occur between late last night and early this morning – and we have a number of contacts from the lead bank that were coming up empty when it came to the information that they were to receive about those emails and about the fact we are waiting for that type of communication for us as well

The latest piece of information which is only an hour or two old - that I received from some very  good top sources that we have – was indicating that the emails that are expected to be received – that would give the bondholders – let’s call them tier 3 bond holders – access to funds are supposed to arrive the latest information is between 11:00 and 2:30 afternoon tomorrow (Wednesday) – Eastern Standard time – the suggested time for those emails to come out –

So remember that is sort of a time frame that if we are to be on the shotgun start that we have talked about and that was the language that was used today in this communication was that we who are in tier 4A and 4B should be looking for emails around that time as well – 11:00 – 2:30 PM Eastern Standard

Listen – they may generate those at the same time in each time zone – that’s what we had heard months ago that was an idea that I had that I think they are still going to adhere to – so that everybody in each time zone is notified at approximately the same time

So that’s a piece that we should be looking for tomorrow (Wednesday) and it may very well be that we are notified and we set up our appointments and we may not start our exchanges though until Thursday the next day - that would be perfectly okay with me – but that is what we’re looking at – that is what we are getting –

Now – here’s some other information - I think will support this – we have been saying that the SWIFT Financial System which has been used for a long time to wire money or send money from bank to bank – country to country - We were told that the SWIFT System would be going away on the 1st day of February – which is today –

Now the time frame we had for that was between midnight last night (Monday) and 3 am this morning (Tuesday) – then we find out then no that is not the case – we are not totally off of the SWIFT Financial System – there are still a couple countries that are working through the issues – don’t know which ones – at least I don’t know which ones - and those are trying to be in an area where they can get those handled – and quite possibly the information  I received earlier today about that was suggesting that could be complete somewhere pretty close to midnight Easter Standard time tonight

Now if it does drag – it may drag beyond midnight tonight but whatever does happen we do want to make a smooth transition from the SWIFT System which is the one everybody used the fiat currency and Deep State and everybody’s been using -  for quite a while – and then once that transitions and goes away – is completely shut down -  then the QFS which is working beautifully – and flawlessly – as far as we understand then it could obviously take over and work all the financial transactions that we will do and so on through that StarLink Satellite System –

So I am feeling very good about that piece  and especially about the emails are to come out in the time frame that I mentioned tomorrow – so hopefully ours will come out similar to that and that we will have a true shotgun start – we are going to have to watch and see if that is the case

Other information is out there – a lot of stuff out there - some negativity out there but that’s to be expected toward the end of this ride – we’ve known that for years – many years

I believe Iraq is ready – I believe their Parliament is seated – I believe they do have their President and their leadership in check totally ready to go – just going to have to see how that manifests – We know that – gosh it’s been a week ago maybe a little longer – that Iraq sent the money up to Kurdistan and took care of their back pay and everything’s going well with that and I think we’re looking good –

We were looking for a new rate to come out this past Sunday for Iraq – and I think now it could be any day that would manifest – could be tomorrow – the next day  and Iraq would have their dinar at a true international rate that would be seen throughout the middle east and possibly the rest of the world  and I think the dinar has another expression which is the golden dinar – is the currency they’re using to describe the Iraqi dinar – the new Iraqi dinar and to have it to be a currency that might be shared with Iran – Iraq – and possibly other countries near to Iraq in the Middle East – for trading purposes – the golden dinar – they nicknamed that –

Now will it be completely regional throughout the Middle East or limited to a few countries?? We will have to wait and see how that comes out –

We are looking for since today is the 1st of February the United States new currency – the USN was to be completed and in place by this morning – we don’t know exactly if it’s there – or available to be traded – if it’s just finishing up some last minute things – which is what my idea is probably happening – but today could kick off with the USN - the beginnings of NESARA and also in conjunction with GESARA – which is the global economic strategic and reformation act –

So we are looking for some very positive news to start coming out this week as a result of NSARA – we may see some things on debt forgiveness – we may see some things - it’s just very hard for me to say how soon that some of this information will present itself – but I feel like we are right there in the heart of it –

There is good news coming – I don’t know if the Emergency Alert System is to be used right away or whether they will delay that a little bit – I’m thinking they might with the winter Olympics in Beijing China – starting Thursday – maybe there is a reprieve for certain things and we don’t have the EAS in full use and so on for a couple weeks – we’ll see

We are looking for things to happen that will be positive changes for our country and we are just going to have to wait and see how the timing is going to work out on these –

My understanding is that we are ready to go with our global currency reset and with our revaluation of these currencies and that we would be starting our exchanges here this week – and if the information that I got later today holds up we could very well look to receive these emails and our toll free numbers as early as tomorrow afternoon and then possibly set our appointments to start on Thursday – we’ll see

There is always something that they’re trying to figure out and complete that we don’t necessarily know until after we hear it – but I feel good about the information that I got this evening – I feel like it answered some questions for us and I feel like we should take it under advisement and move forward accordingly -  because we are looking forward to our new asset backed and gold backed currency and looking to the end of the fiat dollar and the beginning of a global currency reset and so many things along those lines for us

I think there is reason for us to be in a celebrating mood – we hope we do not have to go on continuously too much longer – this has taken much longer than we thought to get to this point – but this is a complicated world system that’s being fully integrated with QFS – the StarLink Satellite System - with 209 nations -  and it’s not been easy – and we have had resistance from certain individuals as  you can imagine all the way through –

So let’s just believe that is about to be done away with and that we can move forward in an area where we would all benefit and the rest of the world will benefit


Bruce’s Big Call REPLAY LINK   Intel Begin:  1:08:18


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