Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-3-22

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 2-3-22

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it’s Thursday February 3rd  and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks everybody for tuning in yet again everybody – We welcome you from all over the globe

A pastor was curious as to why do we need a presentation? Well if you remember in the old days – back 17 years ago when I first got into the currencies blah blah blah --- what happens is we found out about the dinar – that was the first thing – then we learned about the dong – and then  we learned about other currencies and then all of a sudden the zim came along – the Zimbabwe dollar – it’s important because the zim has huge intrinsic value because of the denominations of what we have and because what we have is a bearer bond –and a bearer bond is payable to the bearer and that’s what makes those bonds – the zim bonds that we have so valuable

The theory is – and this is much more than a theory - that the zim is going to provide so much liquidity because of the denominations of the notes – okay – that’s – yeah – you just can’t think oh well I’ll just create this one little healing center – or I’ll just put this one little pastoral retreat area together - come on - this thing – God gave us this thing because he is the God of more than we think – this is trying to scale up projects to the point where they can be national – or international – fully global – not just used for one or two buildings or one or two things – I mean – these – if you have looked at your zim – and I know there are some notes that are lower in the 50 million – 50 billion denominations -  and they creep up and they go to the top – which is 100 trillion – and that’s in dollars – and that is really a tremendous amount

Yes there is a great value in those notes – so knowing that – we talked about getting projects together – I think oh golly it’s been at least 5 or 6 years ago - we started talking about Rebuilding America - before that was the veterans retreat network and the pastoral retreat network - 2 networks that will help veterans / families / and then the pastoral network would help pastors and ministers and missionaries and their families and so on –

Skip to 1:11:40 – Now let’s talk about what’s been happening from an intel point of view- No# 1 Bankers and a lot of these are investment bankers –for the lead banks – have just received today a latest version – new non-disclosure agreement that they read and signed and sent back to corporate –

This is the final NDA we’re expecting and when they said this final NDA would appear we would be within days of the event – meaning the release of the toll free numbers through the emails ad so on

I told you last week that they were getting everything complete as far as the email listings that the redemption center staff had actually gone through a lot of that with their computers to eliminate any that might not have looked right or duplicated or whatever – so they went through that last weekend – and then now the situation where there has been additional clean  up on the lists that has taken place in the last couple of days – that have put the emails and numbers and names – all of that in a situation where it is anticipated that we would be getting our notifications in a few days – that is how it was said –

We would receive our notifications - that’s email notifications with the toll free numbers in a few days – that was as of today – and I think with the people I’ve talked to – the sources that we have – it puts the weekend in play – it could put the weekend in play – we might get there Saturday or Sunday – or who knows maybe Monday

But--- BUT I’m excited because I am seeing some forward progress in that area now and I need – we need to see what’s happening –

Now when it comes to the bond holders – the latest piece of information that we have is yes final bond holders are waiting for the emails to come out giving them access to the funds they can see in their accounts – ok – and even as last as this evening we heard that the liquidity – meaning the liquidity for the bond holders  - the liquidity is going to start seeping out – overnight tonight and tomorrow –

Now – seeping out we know it does not sound like a lot of money movement – it may be just a start – a little bit coming out – seeping out - but then normally when something seeps out it increases in volume once it gets started – and I think that’s probably what will happen in the next couple of days for the bond holders –

The seeping out will turn into major money flows – we’ll see how that works – and we’ll see if we get confirmation on that – but I feel that we are close – we’re a few days according to what we’ve heard as far as notifications go – that would be emails from Wells Fargo Servers to us – and remember the latest version of that number  it may be completely higher or lower now - the number was at 2.585 million – that’s a lot of emails and those would come out in batches not to exceed 1 million per batch but they can do batches of emails and the theory is they would come out in the Eastern Time Zone – Central Time Zone – Pacific Time Zone and Mountain Time Zone and Hawaii and Alaska – all of those would come out at approximately the same time in each time zone

So not a whole lot of intel - let me add this – we did get word that Iraq will be  -..  they have their government basically seated – their Parliament seated -  President and Prime Minister good to go -  but the announcement of that government is forthcoming in the next few days – I think they even – with that would be the rate change they would want to be seen on their golden dinar in and throughout Iraq and the Middle East –

So I have been told by Iraqi that our contacts that they don’t even want the Iraqi’s to know exactly when this is going to happen – okay – well I can see that

So is this set up as a weekend even? Maybe – could very well be – remember Iraqis themselves are seeing on big screen TV’s and this was yesterday I got this – that they would have their new government seated and their new rates put out within 72 hours – so that was 3 days and that was  yesterday – so there’s only a couple more days before that would probably happen – I think Iraq is an important part in all of this and they should be

We know that everything has been done forever and a day – but we also know that we want that rate to be seen not only here but in the Middle East – and I think we’re going to be in great shape – don’t worry about the rates – they are superb – the ones we hear about from time to time are going to be just fine – its absolutely the least of our concerns


Bruce’s Big Call  REPLAY LINK   Intel Begins 1:03:20


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