Iraq Economic News and Points To Ponder Late Saturday Evening 9-28-24

Washington And Baghdad Announce The End Of The Coalition's Military Mission In Iraq

Ali Mohsen Radhi2722024-09-27  Baghdad and Washington announced today, Friday, the end date of the international coalition's military mission in Iraq.

According to a joint statement by Baghdad and Washington, “Iraq and the United States of America have a strategic relationship, and as a result of consultations and discussions with the leadership of the international coalition to defeat ISIS and friendly member states, and intensive discussions within the US-Iraq Supreme Military Committee, which has worked diligently and professionally in intensive meetings over the past nine months, and after studying and evaluating the military and security situation in Iraq and the region, it announces the following:

First: Ending the coalition’s military mission in Iraq within the next twelve months, and no later than the end of September 2025, and moving to bilateral security partnerships that support Iraqi forces and maintain pressure on ISIS.

Second: Since Iraq is a key member of the coalition, and in order to prevent the return of the terrorist threat of ISIS from northeastern Syria, and depending on field conditions and consultations between Iraq, the United States, and coalition members, the coalition’s military mission operating in Syria from a platform to be determined by the Supreme Military Council will continue until September 2026.

Third: The Supreme Military Authority is committed to formulating the necessary procedures to achieve what is stated in the above paragraphs, and the timing and mechanisms for their implementation, including procedures to ensure the physical protection of coalition advisors present in Iraq during the transitional period, in accordance with the Iraqi constitution and laws. Practical steps to implement these obligations have begun.

Iraq thanks the coalition for the support and assistance it provided to the Iraqi security forces to confront this common threat and secure the defeat of ISIS on the ground in Iraq, and at the forefront of these countries is the United States of America, which stood with Iraq in difficult circumstances.

The coalition appreciates the role of Iraq and the great sacrifices made by all Iraqi security forces in fighting this terrorist organization that posed a threat to the entire world, and stresses the need to continue all efforts to ensure that the threat from this terrorist organization does not return in any form.

We look forward to strengthening relations between Iraq and the United States, as both countries seek to enhance security assistance and cooperation based on mutual respect, consistent with the U.S.-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement and the Iraqi Constitution, and to advance an enduring bilateral partnership consistent with the U.S.-Iraq Joint Statement issued during Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani’s visit to Washington, D.C., on April 15-16, 2024, and the U.S.-Iraq Joint Statement following the Second U.S.-Iraq Joint Security Cooperation Dialogue held in Washington, D.C., on July 22-23, 2024.

This historic transition marks a decade since the formation of the coalition military mission in Iraq, and Iraq continues to cooperate with the United States and other coalition members to establish bilateral security relationships where appropriate.

In order to facilitate the safe and orderly conclusion of the international coalition's military mission, the Government of Iraq affirms its commitment, in line with its international obligations, to protect international advisers present in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi Government.

Al-Rafidain: Continuing To Update Data And Information To Ensure Safety From Suspicions Of Money Laundering
Friday 27 September 2024 09:34 | Economical     Number of readings: 334 Baghdad / NINA / Al-Rafidain Bank announced, today, Friday, the continued updating of data and information to ensure safety from suspicions of money laundering.  A statement from the bank stated, “In implementation of government directives and instructions from the Central Bank of Iraq/Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Office, the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Reporting Department at Al-Rafidain Bank
     conducted field visits to the bank’s branches in Baghdad and the governorates,” pointing to
     “introducing the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing.” And
     mechanisms for combating them,
     reporting suspicious transactions and
     monitoring them using available means and methods.” He added,
"The visits resulted in auditing the work of the liaison officers and following up on updating the (KYCform, which guarantees the safety of customers' funds and accounts from any suspicions of money laundering," noting that
"due diligence measures were taken for companies and customers in accordance with the
Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law." /End2   

The Sudanese Advisor Indicates A Major Development In Iraq’s Financial Capabilities During 2024
    September 28 13:32  Information/Baghdad... Today, Saturday, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, economic affairs advisor to Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani, highlighted the development of Iraqi financial capabilities during 2024. Saleh said in a statement to the Al-Ma’louma Agency,
 “The semi-annual oil revenues for the year 2023 amounted to 53.88 trillion dinars, while they rose during 2024 to more than 58.80 trillion dinars.” He added,
"Non-oil revenues amounted to approximately 0.42 trillion dinars during the six months of the year 2023, and at the end of the first half of the year 2024 they reached 7.18 trillion dinars." Saleh pointed out that
"there is a significant development in public financial capabilities during the year 2024 by maximizing Iraq's resources from non-oil sources."
On Monday, June 12, 2023, the House of Representatives approved the financial budget law for the three years 2023, 2024, and 2025, as the budget approved more expenditures and investments as a direct result of the increase in oil revenues, which constitute 90% of the country’s revenues at a price of $70 per barrel. Ended / 25 Qمستشار-السوداني-يؤشر-تطورا-كبيرا-بقدرات-العراق-المالية-خلال   

Specialist: The Iraqi Private Sector Is Capable Of Managing The National Economy
September 28, 2024 Last updated: September 28, 2024  The Independent/- Economic affairs specialist Hawraa Nouri Al-Qassab confirmed that the private sector is now capable of managing important aspects within the Iraqi economy.
Al-Qassab said that the past years have left behind accumulations of experience in the Iraqi private sector, enabling it to develop the reality of the national economy, which seeks qualitative performance that enhances all its production and service aspects.

She added that  the Iraqi constitution gives the private sector a wide space in managing the national economy and moving it to a better stage than it was before. She pointed out that  Iraqi human resources are the smartest in the region, which has made them gain experience faster.مختصالقطاع-الخاص-العراقي-قادر-على-ادا/   

Iraq confirms its readiness to ensure the success of its mission to chair the Group of 77 and China for 2025
September 28, 2024
Baghdad / Iraq Observer
Today, Saturday, Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein affirmed Iraq’s readiness to cooperate with everyone to ensure the success of its mission to chair the Group of 77 and China for the year 2025.
A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, “Iraq achieved an important diplomatic achievement today by being officially elected to chair the Group of 77 and China for the year 2025 during the forty-eighth annual meeting held at the United Nations headquarters in New York on September 27, 2024.”

The statement added that   “Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein participated in the meeting in the presence of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, and the President of the seventy-ninth session of the General Assembly, Philman Yang,” noting that
“the Foreign Minister delivered a speech in which he expressed his thanks and appreciation for the trust.” Which member states granted to Iraq.”

Hussein stressed that  “Iraq will assume this role with seriousness and commitment to enhance solidarity among developing countries and achieve sustainable development goals,” stressing
“Iraq’s readiness to cooperate closely with all delegations and partners to ensure the success of its mission in the coming year and coordination to achieve the interests of member states and confront common challenges.”
Hussein expressed his “aspiration to work with all parties to achieve the group’s visions and enhance the active role of developing countries on the international scene, especially in light of the current global circumstances that require strengthening partnership and cooperation to achieve sustainable development and build a better future for all.”  

The statement added,  “This election reflects the confidence that the international community has given to Iraq and strengthens its leadership role on the international arena,” noting that
“the Foreign Minister’s speech was widely welcomed by the member states, as many countries extended their congratulations to Iraq and expressed their full support for his leadership of the group.” The participants pointed out the importance of strengthening cooperation.العراق-يؤكد-استعداده-لضمان-نجاح-مهمته/

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