Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-19-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-19-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in – yet again –

Let’s go and talk about where we are from an intel point of view – of course – as I’ve said before – we are tracking a moving target – just when we think it’s about ready for us to start with information that suggests that we are going to be notified and get started by setting appointments we find another obstacle or something else needs to be done -

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-19-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in – yet again –

Let’s go and talk about where we are from an intel point of view – of course – as I’ve said before – we are tracking a moving target – just when we think it’s about ready for us to start with information that suggests that we are going to be notified and get started by setting appointments we find another obstacle or something else needs to be done - 

Today is no exception – so where we are now is ---- a couple of things – one – we found out that Afghanistan there is a lot of noise about there and most of what you’re seeing if you do watch the news – which I don’t – what you’re seeing is fabricated – made up – not real – don’t worry about it –

We do know that there’s a new manager of the Central Bank of Afghanistan put in place just to verify and to make sure that they are fully – totally connected to the QFS – to me it’s seemed like when I first heard it  it was just an excuse – nothing that was a major issue – and then what I’ve heard this evening before the call was that there are approximately 600,000 retail businesses  and I don’t know if this is with any US or possibly globally -  that need to be connected to the QFS –

Why would a retail business have to be on the QFS? Because they are processing credit cards as part of their check out – yes they do need to be integrated with the QF System –

Now – 50,000 or more were integrated today and it is expected that the remaining approximate 600,000 will be fully connected by tomorrow night – I had heard earlier that we should be notified today - BUT ---- the newest and latest information is putting this further out because of what is happening with more clean up – more arrests are taking place and they’re really busy at getting this knocked out – getting this done –

We understand that the Trump rally on Saturday is a very big thing and a good thing and we feel like what we’re hearing is things may come to a head with some of the media right after that rally - I look for a very effective weekend to take place -THIS weekend –

Now – I would say that the information we’re getting from the banks is talking about – and this is several sources – plus additional sources – not bank - are talking about us getting notified Monday and starting Tuesday – this is the Monday/Tuesday scenario we find ourselves in –

The bond holders many of which have access to funds now – some are still being processed and will be made liquid tomorrow and maybe some actually can move their funds – these are large transactions – can start moving on Monday –

So – it’s good to hear what tier 3 bondholders are active and receiving their funds and moving them and getting ready to wire those as they need – but realistically from our perspective well when is it our turn?

Now there is a thing called Zimbabwe bond platforms – these are trading platforms that people have put some zim into – limited amounts – still turns into quite a bit – and the information that we’re getting is saying that some of those platforms are notifying their platform people – individuals that are involved in this this coming Wednesday  and what is significant about that is for them to do that and to send out contracts to these participants they do that after tier 4A & 4B have already gone – already started – so that is something  almost like a back stop –  as far as what we’re hearing we should be underway with notifications Monday and exchanges starting either Monday afternoon or Tuesday – that is the latest

I wish I could say we could start tomorrow or Saturday but at this point most of the information is pointing towards early next week

Now we did get some updates on dinar – the rate is well over $20 – ha ha – it’s an amazing thing to see so don’t even think about or worrying about rates at all – just forget it – it’s not worth talking about –

We are all in great shape and hopefully Afghanistan is getting their act together with the Central Bank  new manager – and they will be back in the first basket with the Afghanistan  -- so let’s hope so – there are other obviously 21 currencies is what we had that are going up in value – some tremendous and we’re thrilled that everything is in position to get started – we thought it would get started today – but we did have a few other things – I think they did need to get some of these businesses connected and that is what is happening

Everything else is moving forward and that is all we can do is say ok I am tired of saying funds are moving and all of that – I know that doesn’t mean much to us unless they are moving into “our” accounts – but the fact that we’ve been patient this long – our patience is going to be rewarded - very soon –

All we need to do is hang in there until it manifests and I feel good about what we’re hearing even though I was to be honest – disappointed that we didn’t get started today – But I feel like it is right around the corner and if we can just stay positive and stay in faith and believing for this it will manifest in short order


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:19:05

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-17-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-17-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight - it is Tuesday August 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for coming in everybody – glad to have you back – We are going to have a really good call tonight and we’ve got a lot of good information to share with you so stayed tuned –

Let’s get into some intel – you know – what we’re getting right now – I know many of you are reading what’s out there on line – and a lot of it is coming in finally with some information – that is pretty accurate – for the most part I think – Let’s see if I can make some sense of a few things that might be out there and tell you what I’m getting from several sources –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-17-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight  - it is Tuesday August 17th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks for coming in everybody – glad to have you back – We are going to have a really  good call tonight and we’ve got a lot of good information to share with you so stayed tuned –

Let’s get into some intel – you know – what we’re getting right now – I know many of you are reading what’s out there on line – and a lot of it is coming in finally with some information – that is pretty accurate – for the most part I think – Let’s see if I can make some sense of a few things that might be out there and tell you what I’m getting from several sources –

Let’s start with first of all – obviously we did the call on Thursday – and then on Saturday – this is interesting – we know a particular bank that is the lead bank by the way – that had normal office hours on Saturday – until 1 PM – and when the bank closed they did a large training and fed their employees and told them a lot of positive things about their future from a financial point of view and it was well received –

What was really fascinating – just after 1 PM till about 4:30 PM all of these individuals – and these were people that attended one meeting from several branches of the lead bank – they all were brought up to speed on “everything” – the RV – the GCR – the QFS – the currencies that were going up in value – the USN – our new US Dollar – which we call USTN – etc etc etc etc – the rates that were -  you know that are going to be talked about and so on and so on –

What was cool about it is this went from the top wealth managers all the way down to the teller level – the people that just do normal teller functions at the bank – so this was “everybody” – that works – they were “all” FINALLY brought up to speed on this situation – came at the last minute – but at least they did and now these people know a lot of what about “not everything” but a lot of what we know –

What’s cool about that is that now even those tellers and so on that we talk to in passing – maybe we didn’t – some of the bank people maybe we asked them questions and acted like we had 3 heads – you know -  all of that  NOW they can say OK  now I see why all these people thought that about the dinar – now I see what the interest was in this - in other words can you see the revelation on their face when they realize that even the information that was put out by the banks for YEARS  denying this was actually happening – and real – and now

So I just think we can applaud ourselves for having sustained that type of rhetoric over the last 17 years in my case – and what’s cool is the information was so good to these people because they did get some good news for their own financial remuneration and what’s cool is that we were getting very little communication because some bank still are because they have all been told to be quiet -  the “quiet” is out there – some of these are under NDA’s – some of these people are under hush orders – a lot of it is just there for their protection – and they just do not want it to get out yet – but of course we are able to glean a little information here and there and find that we’re in pretty good shape –

Now – realize this – so that occurred last Saturday – what else occurred last Saturday?? Iraq did an official re-instatement of their dinar – or the so called RI – the reinstated strength of the dinar could have been the rate that the Iraqi dinar – the old one – was before the US came in and crashed their currency – and before the new Iraqi dinar – which is what we have – the new Iraqi dinar was printed in 2003 – for the first time –

The thousands and thousands of notes – believe it or not they exist  - 5000 – 10,000 and 25,000 dinar notes most of you have the 25,000 notes – please do not say 25,000 dinar dollar – there’s NO dollar – it’s DINAR – just think of dinar as their dollar – ok

Now that we know this for 17 years – this finally has taken place last Saturday – now – for years we’ve known the theory that the re-instated or RI’d  dinar would revalue or come up with a new value in 72 hours from the reinstatement – which took place on Saturday -  “officially” – and now as of last night or today – we have a revalued dinar and many of you heard me talk years ago even about what Dr Shabibi the head of the CBI at the time – said that the dinar – the rate in US dollars that the dinar could support – at the United Chamber of Commerce meeting in Washington DC back in 2012 - and he said the dinar would support a $16 rate -

Now my understanding is that it’s a little closer to $20 – so we have not seen that rate personally on screen yet – however – I believe that we’re in for a very strong dinar and dong rate and other rates as well – and the information that we’re getting from our sources – one in the Middle East is talking about the revalued currency being exchanged in Japan tonight - meaning our time tonight their morning tomorrow – so they could actually be doing that now as we are broadcasting this call live –

That is what we anticipate is happening and then you have all heard the expression East to West it’s coming East to West and what I’m hearing from several sources is that it should be here for us tomorrow (Wednesday) – at least for our notifications – maybe for our exchanges and certainly for our notifications and possible appointments to be set to go Thursday – possibly Wednesday but I’m believing right now they may wait for extra time to set appointments and start on Thursday –

So anybody that has a birthday or anniversary for tomorrow the 18th of August I think you’re probably going to be in the celebration mode – so – congratulations –

The other thing is – what we have heard is that we have good proof of this – as well – that people that have been ready to receive their bond money has come through in the last couple of days – from Saturday all the way through today and really going through Thursday – and these are large amounts that have been received but not the full 1.2 to1.5 % of their total balance – but the understanding is that amount of the 1.5% would be added to their accounts and available to them in about 36 hours from today – which would be Thursday –

So things are being paid – fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements and all of those are they complete??  I don’t believe so – my understanding is if they’re 65% complete – it’s enough for us to keep going and go for our exchanges – I am sure so is at that level or beyond and some may not be – but we know that we’re in very good standing right now with what we’re hearing about the good possibility of us to go – notifications tomorrow

Now – I don’t know about you but when I get either the email or the toll free number or both that to me is “golden” - that’s “golden”  because we know we will be able to set our appointments and go in a day or whatever time -  that is what I wanted to bring to you tonight – the proximity of this – don’t sweat the rates – they are excellent – even the bond holders got higher consideration  rates on their bonds than they anticipated

I think everything is moving very quickly – funds are definitely rolling out – yes it has been a slow roll out for us – yes we’ve waited week after week after week – I know I sounded like a broken record – BUT – there have been things happening behind the scenes – we did have completion of the Pro-Link System – Star Link System – the financial people call it Star Link and the military call it the Pro Link – it’s the same system –

Satellites sent up last week to complete everything with the QFS – the Blockchain technology that’s being used for the FinTech and everything – so – we’re really in a great place to take advantage of this – I think we’ve got a lot of new great announcements coming up later on this weekend – and I believe we’ll have a lot for ourselves moving forward to be very excited about –  So I know that we’re almost there but we need to continue to lift this up and pray it in all the way –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins: 1:05:13

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-12-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-12-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in –

What we have been hearing - as you know by now – this has definitely been a moving target for us – the intel that I received a couple days ago – even Tuesday – has changed already today - what I heard yesterday – for today to occur today did NOT occur today – and so the target was moved again –

So ----- I want everybody to understand that this is a situation that is occurring almost on a daily basis with new intel coming in changing what it is that we are about to receive and the timing – in which we are about to receive it –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-12-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 12th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in –

What we have been hearing - as you know by now – this has definitely been a moving target for us – the intel that I received a couple days ago – even Tuesday – has changed already today - what I heard yesterday – for today to occur today did NOT occur today – and so the target was moved again –

So ----- I want everybody to understand that this is a situation that is occurring almost on a daily basis with new intel coming in changing what it is that we are about to receive and the timing – in which we are about to receive it –

I want you to realize this roller coaster type motion affects all of us – it affects us all slightly differently – I/ve been around for 17 years with this so because of what I‘m hearing – and I get let down when something doesn’t occur – or the notifications don’t come in – as anticipated – I want you to know that Sue is affected – I’m affected – Bob is affected – we’re all affected by this activity of expectation one minute and not manifesting the next –So just be aware of that

What I’m doing is the best I can do to bring you the information we call “intel”  - the information that I’m hearing from the best sources that we have – so sometimes it’s really good and sometimes it’s a little bit lacking – it could be a little better – we would like to have more clarity – I would like to have another confirmation -  you know – that kind of thing –

But ---- overall – we know this thing is moving along – and here’s why – the NESARA / GESARA – has already started in one form or another – around August 1st - We know we have a USN – a new gold backed dollar – should be announced finally announced – between Saturday the 14th and Sunday the 15th  - Could be Saturday afternoon / evening – could be Sunday – I don’t know  - it’s Saturday to Sunday – Should have it  announced by Treasury Secretary Mnuchin and or with Judy Shelton -  

Now we have been told there would be announcements many - many times with very little evidence that anything is actually been announced - we know some of it has been announced behind the scenes  to the banking establishments – to these different individuals – it’s not something you’re going to see – and they don’t want it to be seen by main stream media – you know that – main stream media is not responsible / not good at responding / reporting truth – we all know that –

So ----- what is happening is ----- we know that the Fines & Penalties – finally – it appears were completed - we had that yesterday – they – had been paid – the adjudicated settlements started and my understanding is may not have completed yet - but they may complete over the weekend –

Now – that may also be the case with some of the other farm claims and etc – unless we throw all of those in with the adjudicated settlements - the bond holders or bond sellers - since they are no longer holding the bonds- the bond sellers are to be receiving their funds and right now it is between 1.2 – 1.5 % of their total - so that has been up from 1% to 1.2% to 1.5% which is small but in the amounts that they are talking about it is still quite large – in most cases I think into the millions to billions of dollars - They are to receive access and deposit slips for those payments to their account Saturday morning before lunch –

We are supposed to be notified any time from Friday after the markets close  all the way through Sunday – any time in that 2 ½ day period – Friday after 4PM – Saturday or Sunday we could be notified with our email and 800 numbers - so that ------ we can set appointments for exchanges to start sometime Monday –

I know ------ Monday has never been a day for anything to happen at the banks – but this is redemption centers  - we know for example the last few days – 3 days – redemption centers staff has been off  - but they have been on call – needing to stay on alert with 45 – 60 mins notice to be seated at desk in the redemption center –

My thinking is that will probably stay the same so that they are put in positions they need to be in the redemption centers to set our appointments – remember – if you are a zim holder and we will all use the call center with toll free number and then once you call in if you are a zim holder – you will be routed to the center that is closest to your zip code – and you will be speaking to someone at that center who will finish and give additional information needed about redemption –

If you have Dinar or Dong or other currency you may set the entire appointment through the computer system – through the telephone system – without speaking to anyone – we don’t know that exactly – but the call centers are set up to receive those calls and to set appointments for you – so that is going to be very interesting –

Now – my understanding before was they would send a non-disclosure agreement – by email – that is not the case – the NDA that  you get will be at the redemption center or at the tier 1 bank and you’ll sign it and witness it with them –

As far as anything additional – we do have the ability to negotiate an interest rate – not a currency rate – just a little over 8% - that has changed many times but I think they settled on the during a conference call a few days ago – because they were still having 2-3 hr conference calls up until the last couple of days – and they still may have more between now and Monday

So that is where we are and when it comes to anything else that is pertinent for us right now the main thing is they do have a contract rate for dinar but not for dong – and if you’re a zim holder you should just receive whatever they offer you – you will not be able to receive those contract or super high negotiated rates –

Now --- Iraq is supposed to again put a new rate together on Saturday – now they have already done that last week -  last Saturday / Sunday – we had a new rate and I still don’t know if whether we in the United States have seen this rate or not – I know what it was supposed to be but not what it is now – and we are not supposed to do rates anyway  - so what I’m going to say is we need to concentrate on projects – leveling the playing field – etc basically helping humanity –

I am going to say I can’t urge you enough to stay with your plan A until these numbers manifest - We are hoping and believing and praying that they do come in based on this intel over the weekend between Friday afternoon and Sunday night -  That is what we are believing in -  Thanks everybody for listening


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins:  45:45

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-10-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-10-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday August 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in – yet once again all over the globe – North – East – South and West – glad you’re here - We’re looking forward to having a really nice call for us tonight – very powerful and I’m excited about it –

I am excited about where we are – this is going to be one world of a week for us!! It will be a big week for us and in several ways – not the least of which being our beginning for what you and I and everybody else have been waiting for –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-10-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday August 10th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in – yet once again all over the globe – North – East – South and West – glad you’re here -  We’re looking forward to having a really nice call for us tonight – very powerful and I’m excited about it –

I am excited about where we are – this is going to be one world of a week for us!! It will be a big week for us and in several ways – not the least of which being our beginning for what you and I and everybody else have been waiting for –

Ok let’s get into what we want to talk about in terms of our intel – Here it is  Tuesday night – lets recap what’s been happening since last Saturday – It was kind of a big day – we had had two of the 31 satellites that make up the remaining satellites in the Pro Link Satellite System – went up last Thursday maybe before - so that meant we had 29 more satellites to go and those I believe were launched on Saturday – and they went up to complete the Pro Link’s satellite system – they were aligned and set up so they could be communicated with by ground support in the United States and we had our ground support alignment with these satellites which are an iatrical part of the QFS – we had ours synced and aligned with ground support by 4:30 pm Monday

Now – just when we thought things could happen for us – today we had to find out – wait a minute – what about the rest of the world – It’s fine they are all set for us in the United States but what about the rest of the world – and we came to find out they needed to be aligned with ground support in South America – Africa – the UK – and Hong Kong and those 3 areas/ 4 areas of the world were to be connected by Thursday night –

Then we found out fortunately this morning – that things were moving along a little faster than that and all Nations of the world that need to be connected to the Pro Link System are set to be completed by tomorrow night – Wednesday night – That is a very positive move to save us that one extra day of connection to the Pro Link System

So that gives us where we thought we had a start that might be Thursday at the earliest – if not Friday  - now what we are hearing from our upper end number 1 bank personnel is more of tomorrow or Thursday

Now the particular individuals that we’re speaking to are not necessarily connected to the email release – so they were really talking more about the idea of the start for us - which would mean our redemptions and our exchanges

So any way we slice it – it appears we’re moving forward to where we could get notified and maybe starting exchanges tomorrow – Usually – even if we don’t have a time – we don’t have a specific time - the sentiment is that we could be notified before lunch tomorrow (Wednesday) and start in the mid afternoon

Now it may not be tomorrow – it could be Thursday – either way is a win - and we will take either one – so let’s see what happens in terms of that

In other news what we’re looking for is up to 8 announcements over the next 2-3 days – and these are things that should be game changers for all of us – not only in the United States but globally and we don’t know what these announcements are – if we think we know – we might guess something in along those lines – but we really don’t have that – it is nothing that is known or put out to be known and to be honest I do not know how to find out about these announcements but I believe they will come  to us

I don’t anticipate us having a call on Thursday night –based on the information that I’ve just given you  but if for some reason we are not notified by Thursday and don’t have our toll free numbers or emails we will be on the call -  but I don’t think  - so we’ll see – we’ve all been wrong before – we are always doing our best not to call it – and that is not what I’m doing -  I am giving you the information that I’m getting – so that you’re getting what I’m getting - 

I am excited about this possibility of this week – we know NESARA and also GESARA really started on August 1st  so we are 10 days into that already  - so there will be more coming – some of these announcements could be relative to the Gold Standard – we do have a gold backed currency we call the USN – for purposes of trade -  with other countries on the Forex – and on bank screens – and we also know that the United States Treasury Note – the USTN si with our new currency – our new money is called – we know they are going to bring these out as hundreds / fifties / and I think twenties will take a little longer –

The fact that we are in this position right now is a very positive thing for us moving forward from here on out – there is still no change as we have it on using the call centers to call whenever the 800 numbers are made available – the emails will have them – and I will have them to put out on the website –

Remember one 800 number is for zim if you have it – and one 800 number is for those who do not have zim but have other currencies like  dinar / dong /rupiah / etc  - there are 21 currencies that are going up in value – it’s a great opportunity for all of us to heal the world –

I am excited – there are more things that we did not know about until we found out about the satellite Pro Link System – it is tied with the Fintec and the QFS using blockchain technology  - it is all designed so that we can not only use the QFS in its fullness but I believe it’s also there so that we’ll be testing it with the EBS as well as the emergency alert system  - I thought that might start today  -

I don’t know that  it may start tomorrow – whenever it does – pay attention because we may be getting the start of what should be maybe -  3 days 5 days – 10 days – of disclosure – we could be starting shortly after or as part of the testing of the emergency alert or the emergency broadcasting system –

Is there going to be any 10 days of darkness?  No - not in the way that you have heard – we expect no disruption of the internet – we expect no disruption of cell service – we expect no cutting off of electricity – we expect none of the gas supply to be diminished – in other words all of the fear mongering that you have heard is not coming from the White House Good Guys -  if anything it’s from the deep state – cabal -  etc Look forward I believe to a wonderful week this week – let’s see how that manifests for us


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  51:10

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-5-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-5-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in –

Well – let’s see what we have in the way of intel tonight - there has been some talk on line – as many of you are looking at blogs and reading what’s out there about some interference that there has been some blockage – if you will - this has been ready to go – we really believed – and many of us that talk – believed this had been ready to go yesterday – if not – Tuesday – but there were forces in the Deep State that were doing their best to try to stop this from happening for us –

Those forces are out there even though there is clean-up taking place on an ongoing basis and it’s very successful but to get the very last of that is an ongoing practice that could take another month to complete

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-5-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 5th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in –

Well – let’s see what we have in the way of intel tonight  - there has been some talk on line – as many of you are looking at blogs and reading what’s out there  about some interference that there has been some blockage – if you will -  this has been ready to go – we really believed – and many of us that talk – believed this had been ready to go yesterday – if not – Tuesday – but there were forces in the Deep State that were doing their best to try to stop this from happening for us –

Those forces are out there even though there is clean-up taking place on an ongoing basis and it’s very successful but to get the very last of that is an ongoing practice that could take another month to complete

Now – in saying that I’m not saying we won’t go pretty quickly – because I believe we will – but there has been some people as far as part of the Federal reserve through the FDIC and so on that did have some influence in slowing this process down – or what we would call a “block”

Now – I believe that is being handled and is being worked on – maybe not completely solved today but the feeling we were getting was that it would be very very soon – and it could be completely handled by now –

So what we are hearing though that points toward what you and I want to know about is where do we stand in this process  - we know that certain bond holders were to be paid today and I don’t believe – and I mean the 1.2% of their total bond assets – and we’re looking for further confirmation on that –

However – we do know that – let’s talk about first of all – Iraq – Iraq did have – and we got this directly  from a couple special forces in Iraq – that we know – that they did have a new Dinar rate – to show up Saturday morning -  this past Saturday – that’s what we were told would happen – that’s what happened –

Now – that rate may still not be seen today on the screens although there were 21 currencies that were going up for the most part – a few down – on the bank screens today for about 3 ½ hours – and after that time – the screens went dark and messages were put out talking about a pending status the currencies were in – until tomorrows date – of 8-6-21 –

So that is telling us that these rates on 21 different currencies are fluctuating - they will lock in overnight tonight – the rates will lock in – and when they lock in – it’s usually for the purpose of us using those rates for exchange – because when we go in we don’t want to have rates all over the place up/down – up/down  -

The banks want and redemption centers want us to have stable – locked in rates – that they can use to do our exchanges – ok – so that is what is happening tonight – so I believe those are supposed to happen over night tonight – we did hear that the Fines & Penalties were to have been paid out today  -

Some of the other things that we also need to be paid may also have started but my gut on this is that a lot of that will happen overnight tonight –

We’re being told by 2 of our bank sources the lead bank and secondary bank – that we should be receivingour notifications late morning tomorrow or early afternoon tomorrow-

Now it doesn’t mean necessarily that we would start exchanging tomorrow but it’s possible – depending on when we get notified – and if we do -------before lunch -------------it’s possible that we would exchange starting tomorrow – otherwise it’s more likely that we would start on Saturday – if we get notified tomorrow afternoon

Now – that is what we’re getting as well as the schedule for people that are working this staff in the redemption center – everyone was off today – tomorrow is a different story – they are on the regular schedule which allows them to be there to set our appointments from morning until late evening possibly night time – depending on the demand in those markets –

We still believe we are going to get emails released from the Wells Fargo servers in five blocks and those blocks are based on time zones  - first is eastern time – then central time – then mountain time – pacific time – and then there’s Alaska & Hawaii  contingent – that will go as a fifth block

So – this is what we’re hearing  - now – we’ll see – right – we’ll see – and we hope that we are at the end where we can be notified and get started setting our appointments and going for our exchanges –

So we’re just going to have to let this play out as you know -  but we are going to have to let it play out as we believe with all of this in this community that this WILL happen and that we will get this done in God’s perfect timing –

Don’t worry about rates – they will be fine – they are going to lock in tonight -  overnight so they should be solid on the screens tomorrow morning (Friday)  the USN is tradeable as our new note on the Forex – as well as the bank screens – that is why they were fluctuating up and down today – and I think that since the World Court case was honored and signatures were made to take care of that – I believe that for the most part everything has been ready and should be still ready now that the blockage that stopped this from moving forward – is out of the way – and now we can move forward – from what we know now –

You realize this has been a moving target – the intel that we have will all day long get modified – something will change - something added -  you know how this is -  this is a moving target as I said and we will do our best to track it -  and follow it for you – and I feel confident that we’re just about there –

Now are we absolutely there? It’s hard to say – they don’t want us to know – lot of places are under NDA – a lot of our sources are not able to freely communicate at all and we’re having to do the very best we can to glean the very best out of what we do have –

So – I feel like we are in a very good position for this to roll and move forward – and uh –so we will see -  we will see how this comes together for us -  I feel good about it –

Ok so that is what I wanted to bring to you tonight – we are on the precipice of this going from what we’re hearing – and I’m going to believe we all just need to continue to have the faith to press in believe for this to happen for  us in this time frame – get ready for really incredible week next week between the EBS being tested on Wednesday the 11th  possibly sooner – and a lot of activity following – so next week could be very interesting


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:04:45

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-3-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-3-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday August 3rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in – yet once again for the Big Call

Ok let’s talk a little bit about what the latest information is – regarding our futures – they’re looking very very bright right now – I can tell you that –

Let’s start from … the most important information that we’re getting right now has to do with the World Court had – and of course they always have a number of cases and a case that was relative to us getting started tier 4B – more or less the RV starting in the United States –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 8-3-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday August 3rd and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in – yet once again for the Big Call  

Ok let’s talk a little bit about what the latest information is – regarding our futures – they’re looking very very bright right now – I can tell you that –

Let’s start from … the most important information that we’re getting right now has to do with the World Court had – and of course they always have a number of cases and a case that was relative to us getting started tier 4B – more or less the RV starting in the United States –

The good news is that last night at 8PM President Trump received the paper work to approve and sign and then he added some addendums to it to send back to the World Court - which he did – and that was received with his signature and it was gone through in about a 2 hour period and so basically by midnight last night he had a final signature on this case that allowed for the United States to move forward with the valuation of the currencies and the Global Currency Reset  occurring for us here in the United States – that was a milestone – HUGE -  very important that was accomplished

There have been so many things that have come through that needed to be addressed – a lot of it – I am going to say a majority of it – was dealing with cleanup – certain number of people had to be eliminated from the scene – all of that was taking place and is still taking place – but it’s very important that it occurred -                                                                                                                                                  the cleanup –

Now – the bondholders have been paid some money – ad some were supposed to be paid  up to their 1.2% totals – some did get that last Friday – others were told that they will have it yesterday – (Monday)  afternoon  - that did not happen yet but they are expecting that to change – tomorrow morning

So – everything has been moving forward and they’re trying to get this thing completed – I think now the paperwork is completed – especially with the World Court Case – is to move forward and get this thing done –

Now – I’m hearing from 2 distinctively different sources – the timing for us to get started – we are hearing that there is a possibility to receive notifications for late morning tomorrow (Wed) – I want to say also afternoon -  and we believe the information that we’re getting out of Zurich – is pointing towards a full /total release globally – and this would be to bondholders – and everybody else – somewhere around 8 am  Thursday –

So we have a timeline that is moving forward with some urgency now – to where even Charlie Ward said on his broadcast Monday – that this week would be the week that everything goes – and you know that’s a phrase I really don’t care for – but the way he said it – gave it very strong credibility – And I think we’re finally – finally in that last stretch - I think way beyond the eleventh hour – somewhere around11 hrs 55 -57 minutes – we’re just about at the midnight hour –

The other information I think that I find very revealing – and very beautiful – is the fact that more of our satellites through our space force are going up  Thursday and Saturday – that will complete the pro-link system of satellites  - the pro-link – and allow for internet – cell phone – and all that coverage to be satellite based and that is going to be very good for us to have – and we’re expecting the emergency broadcasting system – to be tested somewhere around the morning of the 11th of Aug -            

So that testing should take 8-10 hours and then we’re looking for some other things to occur before the 13th and 14th  and possibly the 15th  - and so that’s really interesting and important times for us – I’d say starting with the 11th  - we should in all aspects be underway – with the John Q Public tier 5 – basically going at the same time that we go –

The difference is when we call – when we get our notifications – to set appointments -  if you are a zim holder you have to have an appointment – because you will be going to a Wells Fargo or Chase Redemption Center – and if you are a currency holder you would just go to a normal – you would be sent and routed to a tier 1 possibly tier 2 bank for exchange

The public who doesn’t know to make a call unless they have been told – they do not know to use that system -  if they walk will nilly in – to a tier 1 bank to do an exchange they will get greeted with a teller  / currency teller – that will handle the exchange using the front screen rate – which is fine – They really want us to go in that type of timing so that the tier 5 will go when we go –

I’m sure there is more to what is happening that is about to happen – suffice it to say – we have gone about as far as we need to go – all we need now is to prepare for these exchanges – those that have zim are going to be for the most part – doing projects – which I think is very exciting because not only will be improving our lives and family – and close friends but we can also affect people we have not even met yet around the globe –

We don’t know exactly when we’re starting -  but we could start possibly as early as tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon – or Thursday is looking good right now – both of those days are looking very good -  Like I said we’ve got information from 1 very strong source that suggests a late morning notification tomorrow (Wed) and another source  that is talking more about tomorrow afternoon or evening –

So whatever it is – if we’re notified – we get the toll free numbers – which I will get – you will get from me – and a few others - 2 others will get it besides me – only the 3 of us will get the toll free number – and we will put it out – but the emails – which numbers about 2 million – have been processed again and again with a fine toothed comb – to try to pull out any bad apples – in the barrel –

So that is what they have been doing yesterday – hopefully that’s – now that President Trump has completely signed off on everything – with the World Court – I think everything is set to go – and let’s just believe that’s exactly going to happen


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins:  1:03:00

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-29-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-29-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 29th and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks for tuning in – I appreciate everybody tuning in

Ok let’s talk a little bit about what I can talk about - I did receive explicit instructions about what NOT to talk about tonight – that has not happened in a long long time - What I can say is we are looking very very good – between now and the end of the month – which is Saturday – I really believe – from what I am hearing that everything is moving forward - in the direction that we want –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-29-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 29th   and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks for tuning in – I appreciate everybody tuning in

Ok let’s talk a little bit about what I can talk about - I did receive explicit instructions about what NOT to talk about tonight – that has not happened in a long long time  - What I can say is we are looking very very good – between now and the end of the month – which is Saturday – I really believe – from what I am hearing that everything is moving forward - in the direction that we want –

I will say one tiny little piece that I got from Iraq this evening before the call – we heard that the Iraqi Dinar  will have a new rate that will be posted Saturday morning – Iraq time - which is late late tomorrow night (Friday  - I do have more information but not at liberty to share anything personal – there are new ears listening and we have to be very careful what we say -   I am not going to get anybody in trouble – including myself –

I really believe that finally we are approaching the finish line – that is why the comment tonight and Bob played the lead in music tonight with “after midnight” interesting – Yes – Eric Clapton – and then when he played the Doors sound “Break On Through” - Yes and it is a break through – and the third one of course “Crossfire” Yeah – we are going to be in the midst –

That is a really cool trilogy – three of my favorite songs – (Bruce laughing) coming into the call tonight – so what I wanted to say was that I’ve really enjoyed doing this call for 10 years

It’s kind of like coming to the end of the ride – and you’re just about ready to lift the bar as the roller coaster comes in to its final stop – it stops and you go whewww wow that was quite a ride – that’s pretty much how I feel right now – I think it was wonderful that we had unity for the most part together and was unified in our concept and in our mind – and I just love the fact that we’re all working to better humanity – not only here in the United States but globally as well

Everything we do here for our own planet – some of that gets taken outside of our planetary realm into new areas – We’ve got 320 new technologies that are just about ready to be released  that have been suppressed  - and starting Sunday – August 1st  we have GESARA starting officially – that is something to watch out for – and we could actually get an announcement about that – which is interesting –

Our program, NESARA – already started around the first of Jul – and in some forms or fashion – you may have seen some things already come through that are a part of NESARA – they have not announced it publically – but I think that will come shortly

And, it’s very possible that the tier 5 – John Q Public may start in that first week of August – so it won’t be a problem but it is what I am hearing 0  so  let’s see how that goes – let’s see what happens – I would say keep an eye on your emails  closely over the next couple of days -  and let’s see what develops –

I am feeling very confident on what we’re hearing –about what it is we’re waiting for -



Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:10:55

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-27-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-27-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody once again for tuning in – glad to have you here live –

Bob let’s talk about something that you mentioned to me you had an email of a listener that even though he’s been in the currency for about as long as we’ve had the Big Call he still has some questions and I thought for this part of the intel segment we would go ahead and address some of those questions – so why don’t you fire away and we will hit them one at a time

Bob: ok sure Bruce – so these are really good questions – TD: how can I access the back screen of the banks that have the new rates?

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-27-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 27th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody once again for tuning in – glad to have you here live –

Bob let’s talk about something that you mentioned to me you had an email of a listener that even though he’s been in the currency for about as long as we’ve had the Big Call he still has some questions and I thought for this part of the intel segment we would go ahead and address some of those questions – so why don’t you fire away and we will hit them one at a time

Bob: ok sure Bruce – so these are really good questions – TD: how can I access the back screen of the banks that have the new rates?

Bruce: Ok good question – how can you? The answer is you can’t – however if you know that there are back screen rates sometimes they’re called rates sometimes it’s just a different color screen – the redemption center staff – will have access to those if in fact they exist –

By that I mean we know that rates show up on the front screens – and would be visible – and we “think” certain rates may appear on back screens but it is for qualified wealth management type people – who are doing these exchanges and working with the zim to redeem it – that is what they would tell you – the only thing you can do – is to say  my understanding is – or I understand that – that there may be higher rates on a so called back screen and maybe a contract rate or may not be a contract rate – but I would like to know if we could have a possible access to that to see those rates – and sometimes they may turn the screen around so that you can actually – physically see it – otherwise they may say – ok let’s see and blah blah blah  --   It’s probably going to depend on your projects or do they even go there

Bruce:  ok Bob next question

Bob:   next question is – how can I verify there were 7 zeros worth of money being transferred to the world Bank?

Bruce: - yeah well they weren’t transferred to the world bank but were transferred and these were sometimes 81 zero numbers – 83  zeros – crazy huge numbers that we don’t even have – I mean there is a name that would qualify for that large of a number but I could not tell you –  you can’t know that – and it is not in your will house to know it  - it does not matter - 

The point is – all of these large tranches of funds – large transfer of funds taking place for quite a while now – from various large trust funds like the Rodriguez fund – St Germaine Trust and so many of these – so there are several of them and they tend to go to large banks that are new and hopefully are working to  ….. uh … they are like new replacement central banks – not like the old central banks under the Federal reserve System but under a new bank that takes these funds and disperses this to the country’s own banks – and of course we’ve had quite a bit of it go to our Treasury and then from our Treasury to wells Fargo and other tier 1 banks to get ready for them to have the money that we need for our exchanges -

Hopefully that answers the question – basically don’t worry about it –

Bob: ok so the next one is How will I know if I’m going to get an email and 800 # for the redemption center

Bruce: ok good question and probably the most important so far -  when we purchased currencies – we used bonafide currency sellers that were approved by the US Treasury – these were banks some cases sold dinar like Chase for example – most banks had dong – that they could get for you – you have some places that are no longer in business -  now those sellers  submitted information about the currency buyers and the currency bought – and even I believe the amount of currency purchased – and the emails that were used at the time you bought the currency –

Now we know emails have changed – we know physical home addresses have changed – but the point is they have accumulated this information and have it so they know quite a bit about us – they don’t know everything about us or the currency and I will get into that a little bit when we talk about cards – debit cards – we are going to clarify that whole mess –

So how will you know – first of all – these approximate 2 million emails of what we call tier 4B the internet group – have all been loaded on Wells Fargo server and will be released in blocks based on the time zones – eastern is in one block – Central is another block – Mountain time zone is another block and Pacific is the 4th  block – and they have combined Alaska and Hawaii – which are on 2 different time zones to the 5th block

So you’ve got 5 blocks that theoretically - in theory the last time we heard about it – would all be released at the same time in each time zone – so let’s say for example – it released at 11 am Eastern time – it would get released at 11 Central 11 Mountain etc – so that everyone would get it at the same time in their time zone – a theory I had and has proved to be correct –

So the toll free numbers – this is sort of where I come in – a little bit – because ….. so where we stand on this  is – those toll free numbers I will get a notification on – and be able to have Bob put those numbers on our website Big Call Universe  and we’ll also send out – 2 numbers – 1 for zim holders and 1 for people that have other currencies but NOT zim – and we will also send out emails to those registered on our website –

The toll free numbers will be to 4 -6 call centers and you will set up your appointments with those numbers – If a zim holder you will actually get to someone at the redemption center who may be one that will be working with you at the time of appointment –

If y ou are not a zim holder but have other currency – you may do the entire call computerized – where you literally just have it by phone to set appointment – non zim holders can also when they call – use the toll free number – they should be routed to a tier 1 bank NOT to a redemption center – we call them exchange locations – these would be like a Wells Fargo bank – a Chase bank – Bank of America – Citi bank –

I think it will primarily be Wells Fargo and Chase Bank handling the zim – and the other 2 possibly in some capacity –

Bruce:  Bob any other questions?

Bob:  you know Bruce there were a couple other questions but as you talked you answered them as well –

Bruce:  ok Bob thank you for helping with that – now I am going to talk a little about where we stand right now – I have to be careful because I do get information and then get excited myself and then something changes –

We had thought that we would be notified by yesterday – there was info coming from 3 solid lead banks or sources – they were all pointing to us being notified yesterday  - and then we find out yesterday that there was some activity  - additional clean up  based on all the high tech info out there – and release of info – that had taken place and turned into a global operation with 6 countries dong clean up of quite a large number – It’s a Heinz 57  of different people – a wide variety of people and I understand it approximately complete - not totally complete yet but I believe we’re at the point where they’re doing will not influence us now – at this point

So where does that put us? It should and I keep sayIng should – it should put us in a position that I’ve been told where we should receive the entire thing tomorrow -  that would mean notifications – 800 #s – emails – setting of appointments and actually starting our exchanges and zim redemption – TOMORROW

Now ---- I do not have a time for when that will all take place – we’ll have to see how that unfolds – it’s exciting – it should be Christmas in July for us – and we’ve heard that and let’s see if that actually takes place –

This has been a huge moving target – the target itself seems to have changed - and the movement of it – Everytime we think it’s absolute and going to happen – something has come up to delay it – 48 hours here – a couple more days there and so on and so on –

You guys know – you know it – but now let’s cover something because I’ve told you roughly when I hope that it takes place – based on what I’m hearing – from people that are over the redemption centers -

Now – the other thing is – there’s been that confusion – about the debit card – I think it has gotten somewhat clarified - yesterday - but let me clarify it further – when I heard that – I told you last Thursday I wasn’t buying – not for us -  and my understanding is that is true – it is not for us – we will get the debit cards – guess when?

When we go into the redemption centers – that is a novel idea – let’s see – having a debit card that we can punch out for this customer – this client coming in and doing an exchange of currency or a redemption of zim and have it there and punched out with the proper name and everything – and issue it then - OR – send out 2 million debit cards by courier or Fed X  or something and we don’t even have everybody’s current address – they haven’t ponied up their funds – we don’t really know as some have been gifted – it was a ridiculous idea – and I knew it at the time and I mentioned it on Thursday –

Here’s where the debit cards have come in – and where people have received them – former bond holders – that have ponied up their bonds – traded the bonds – and if they had currency at the time – a lot of them have done bonds and currency together - those individuals have received the debit card with an amount on them or with an amount they could take the card to a bank and this is how they had to do it by the way –

They had to take it to a specific bank  - mostly Wells Fargo and activate that card there at the bank – and then they find out do they have access to the funds and if so – how much? Of do they have to wait a little longer until we go in tier 4B until we start – in which case they would get access to their 1% of their total – 1% because they don’t want all of this money going out to everybody all at once and just crushing the economy with inflation and everything else –

So – who received the debit cards? People that have done previous bond work – Is it appropriate for the admirals group for example?  Yes because those guys already ponied up their dinar – dong – zim – and other currencies 6-8 years ago – so they would be appropriate candidates – will they use those debit cards for them? I would think they would but I don’t know that – it is not absolute but they could certainly send out – they have the addresses for these individuals – they have already done the KYC info on them at least twice – and it may be if you are in one of the admirals groups that you would receive the debit card with your funding info on it –

People that already have received their debit card also received the 2 ½ page NDA one copy signed and kept – once copy signed and sent back – and there was also a listing of the assets they had valued each one brought  with a total – so there was a total accounting given – was included in the mailing that was delivered by special courier – so hopefully that clarifies we will get a debit card but it won’t be until we go in and do our exchanges and redemption of zim -    I hope against hope that this is it and our final call

Bruces Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins: 1:10:15

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-22-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-22-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 22nd and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks for tuning in – it’s good to have you here – Let’s see what we know from the intel – what we’re getting is kind of lean - it’s a little bit lean out there – Most of the banks out there that we talk to have gone almost silent – every once in a while you’ll get a little surprise – we’ll get to talk to somebody - get a text – from one of our contacts that will give us something to look forward to –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-22-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 22nd  and you’re listening to the Big Call –Thanks for tuning in – it’s good to have you here –   Let’s see what we know from the intel – what we’re getting is kind of lean - it’s a little bit lean out there – Most of the banks out there that we talk to have gone almost silent – every once in a while you’ll get a little surprise – we’ll get to talk to somebody - get a text – from one of our contacts that will give us something to look forward to –

Now from where we stand with the sources that I have most of what we’re getting is talking about something taking place over the weekend – meaning there’s a possibility thought not guaranteed – we don’t have it confirmed – that we would get notified tomorrow and start on Saturday – it is conceivable that we could get notified on Saturday and start Saturday – if we do get the start on a Saturday – and we have several things that do make it look that is doable –

We would power rate (?) through Sunday and go right through the weekend and continue through next week – now obviously if we don’t get notified tomorrow or Saturday we would jump right over Sunday and start possibly be right back in the old Monday / Tuesday scenario – Again –

We thought we would be here this week – we still think if you count Saturday as this week which we sort of do – then it is still a possibility – that we would get started - this week –

However – we just don’t have that confirmed - they don’t want us to know – when exactly – they want us to keep guessing – and we know part of the reason is that the number of clean up arrests and so on that are taking place is ongoing – and it’s ok because what we understand is that process is gone far enough where now we feel we could be notified and get started that most of that is behind us – most of the cleanup is behind us – done

Now there’s another aspect to what we heard which was that yesterday is going to be an important day - and I believe it was but it wasn’t important for  us as much as it was for the bond holders  - the sellers of the bonds -  were paid out yesterday after 11 oclock – the green light was given to pay them out and actually to pay out a variety of their people – such as fines and penalties – adjudicated settlements – sovereigns – farm claims and so on and so forth –

All of those adjudicated settlements were to start yesterday – pretty close to 11 or noon – we got some confirmation of that but we also got confirmation that in one of the bankers that we did get to talk to – he called it a “taste” of what they were going to receive - they would receive a taste of it – and that’s not even the 1% not even the so called emergency funds – maybe – but just a taste –

So that seems to have been received by a variety of these various people that were about to be paid – that they might have only received a taste –

Now the remaining – and I think it’s such that when the pay outs do take place – in a larger capacity – at least the 1% - which is still a lot of money - got to realize that 1% for the bond holders for some it is more than millions of dollars -    What it can means is – they are trying to line us all up so that we do end up with what would be seen as a shotgun start - of some kind – emergency funds have gone out to bond holders - so called healing funds -  this “taste” of funds has gone out and I think they are jockeying for position to where the starting gate we would all go almost together in a shotgun start – so we’ll see how that – if that takes place and we do get notified tomorrow then of course we are golden and start to set our appointments –

I know there’s chatter out there that I’m familiar with that’s talking about this being done in a different way using a website and so on – I have with all of the bank contacts I have – the sources that I have and have had for many years – I have not heard that – I don’t believe necessarily that’s going to happen as it’s been outlined – I’m going to say in these last days – waiting for this to go –there has been enormous amount of chaos / confusion –and that is what I would call it –

I would say – as far as we know –from our sources at redemption centers and at Wells Fargo and Chase – we see us going just as we’ve talked about – using a toll free number to set appointments through a very secure phone system and with the lines encrypted so they can’t be listened into – all of that has been carefully thought out – if there’s any change to that I don’t know it –

So .. I want to tell you that until I am absolutely confirmed of that type of a change I don’t buy it –but I am going with just what we know that we’re getting from various top redemption center personnel as well as some of the top lead bank personnel leaning us to believe that we are going as planned with the call centers which there are at least 4 maybe 5 – that the emails will start to come out – in groupings or blocks of East Coast – Eastern Time zone – Central Time zone – Mountain Time zone – Pacific Time zone – and some possibly combined time for Alaska and Hawaii  who are on different time zones – but with 5 blocks they are going to be grouping Alaska and Hawaii together –

So my understanding is that it’s still coming out – now I’m going to say this – when it comes to our registry – they have your email – if you haven’t changed it – which some may have – obviously over many years that we’ve been waiting for this to manifest - many of you that were in the Wells Fargo group – there was a small remnant from that – use to be in the vicinity of 20 – 30,000 people then carved down to 1/10 of that amount –

Wells has everyone’s email from when they bought currency from a bonafide seller and so they have that info entered - yes they do know some things about us – they do know for example how much currency we bought from a registered seller – they know an email at the time we bought it – whether you are still using that email or not – they have some basic info –

However I am going to say – if they are going to require us to do something totally different than what we’ve known for years now I just have to see it to believe that – I just don’t see it – I think what we’re going to do is use the call centers when we get the numbers – set appointments – and go

We use the term redemption center for zim okay and we use the term exchange center for the other currencies – now if you don’t have zim - but dong / dinar etc – one of the other 23 that are changing value – what you are going to do is use the call – the toll free number to call in to set your appointment – they will not route you to a redemption center but to a tier 1 or tier 2 bank –

I will say this if you walk in a willy nilly in the bank you are not likely to get the same type of treatment that would if you had an appointment set with the toll free number - we are assuming it is an 800 number - it could be a toll free number with a different prefix than 800 – so we’ll see -- I don’t have them yet – I am supposed to get them – and we’ll see how that goes –


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:03:50

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-20-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-20-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in

Well…. Let’s talk about what we are all looking forward to and try to get some information about where we stand right now with these currencies – I have to say the last couple of days have been very – very quiet overall – we do get a few things that come in here and there – but as far as the contact that we were getting from some of our top bank sources – that seems to have shut down temporarily – and I don’t know if that’s just a matter of NDA or just a matter of the way that they are trying to put a hush on the information - they don’t really want us to know when it is supposed to start for us –

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Tuesday 7-20-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Tuesday July 20th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in

Well…. Let’s talk about what we are all looking forward to and  try to get some information about where we stand right now with these currencies – I have to say the last couple of days have been very – very quiet overall – we do get a few things that come in here and there – but as far as the contact that we were getting from some of our top bank sources – that seems to have shut down temporarily – and I don’t know if that’s just a matter of NDA or just a matter of the way that they are trying to put a hush on the information - they don’t really want us to know when it is supposed to start for us –

However…. We know that the last time we talked – I think the 16th of July – last Thursday – we know that NESARA was kicked off on the 15th and the 16th showed the USN as a gold backed currency on the Forex – trading as well as on the bank screens as a USN and no longer as USD –that is a very positive thing – that was the first thing that we saw that was indicative of NESARA here which is our restructuring of the financial system

In terms of what has happened globally with GESARA – it appears that it is moving along a little more quickly – and rollout is going a little more aggressively globally whereas here NESARA is out but slow – a slow go –

For example – we knew that the adjudicated settlements – fines and penalties – CMKX – farm claims – etc - all of those were in position where the monies had gone to the paymasters and we were looking for them to move on to the recipients – my understanding today is – yesterday some of those adjudicated settlements and CMKX and so on – were waiting for the green light – to pay those out – and those were to be moved from yesterday (Monday) to today

Now I can’t tell you as of this call tonight whether or not those have moved forward in any reasonable way – whether or not those groups and payouts and so on have taken place – from the bond point of view we know that the so called “emergency fund”  which are still significant to get monies but not very large in terms of the percentage of the bond revenue that is due the bond sellers – those emergency funds did go out last Thursday and Friday – I am sure there are more that are continuing to go out – especially with the larger bond holders – the really big players –

So has that green light been given by the Treasury for those to go out today?  I don’t know – could they go out over night? Quite possibly – Yes – and they could go out and be seen in their accounts through an email from the bank that they have a certain amount of funds that they have access to – xxxx number of dollars $$

Then we’re hearing also that for us the Treasury has wanted our tier 4A & tier 4B to be notified by tomorrow – now we weren’t notified yet today and it’s getting late – I think we’re done for the day – but I think tomorrow is looking very good – for us to be notified

Now….. if the notifications happen to come out in the morning could we get started in the afternoon with exchanges and redemption of zim? Yes, I believe so – but – if the notifications come out in the afternoon or later in the afternoon tomorrow – it is more likely that we would set out appointments on the phone with the toll free numbers and we would be setting them for hopefully Thursday -  

Now one thing I learned today that I really was not aware of was - from my understanding the Treasury may have always wanted this to start for us meaning our exchanges – start on Thursday – if that’s true then it’s looking very good for us to get notified tomorrow and maybe start exchanges on Thursday –

Obviously we would like to get started tomorrow if the numbers come out early enough – so we shall see – we shall see what actually occurs –

Now there has been a little controversy on line and you have probably read it talking about the redemption centers are fully operational right now or in a hiatus - have the funds been pulled to operate them – I am understanding they are still actively ready to go – even though they may be a little bit more on their own as far as paying for the redemption center staff to be in for the redemptions – if in fact we are not going yet –

If something happens and we don’t get notified tomorrow or get started by Thursday then we have a different situation – we’ve got something not familiar with yet - but I’m sure like everything else after I do this call tonight I will probably get more information that I wish I would have had 2 hrs ago –

This has typically been the case on Tuesday nights – and sometimes it’s the same thing on Thursday nights- so we have to go with the best information we’ve had in the last couple of days – including today which is pointing to the green light being turned on if you will by Treasury – if in fact they want it to go by Wednesday then they have the power to do that – to release this to us and let it go by tomorrow - we’ll see

The other thing is we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that a lot of the reasons we’ve had a delay or a slow roll out – has to do with the clean-up – we’ve had a lot of arrests that have taken place and are ongoing – we’re privy to some of that information but obviously not all and it’s just fascinating to think of what really is happening behind the scenes to get the people in the deep state – the cabal – to be less of an influence and they have been to minimize their influence so that we can go forward with this – we know that once that switch is pulled and the 800 numbers are released – we know that it’s all over for the cabal – we know that and they know that –

So let’s all just believe and pray together that this does happen as we indicated tonight and it does come through and we do get the results that we are looking for with this blessing -

We don’t know everything that we could know but they are doing that to keep us in the dark – we’ve been in the dark before but yet we’ve had glitzes (?) of information come in or something in that would give us an idea of where we stand – I believe we are in a good place for this to go – this week – but obviously we can’t see the end from the beginning of this in this case -


Bruce’s Big Call Repay LINK   Intel Begins  1:00:30

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Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-15-21

.Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-15-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 15th and you’re listening to the Big Call I appreciate everyone tuning in all over the globe whether you’re live or listening to the replay – we are glad to have you and hopefully we can get some clarity on what is going on now

I want you to realize that we have intel that we get and sometimes it’s a little bit unclear and then we have to try and dig down and try to clarify and get more confirmations of what we’re hearing – so I am going to give this to you with a caveat – and I’ll tell you what the caveat is toward the end – alright?

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-15-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 15th and you’re listening to the Big Call I appreciate everyone tuning in all over the globe whether you’re live or listening to the replay – we are glad to have you and hopefully we can get some clarity on what is going on now

I want you to realize that we have intel that we get and sometimes it’s a little bit unclear and then we have to try and dig down and try to clarify and get more confirmations of what we’re hearing – so I am going to give this to you with a caveat – and I’ll tell you what the caveat is toward the end – alright?

Number one – there is activity going on behind the scenes – and this is the 15th of July which is considered the first day that NESARA – google it – look it up -  and GESARA  - NESARA is the National Economic Strategic and Recovery Act – and GESARA  is the same thing on a global scale – they both were to kick off in some form or fashion today - TODAY – and they have – and the first and I think most significant piece of NESARA for  America is we do have the USN the new United States Note – as a 3 letter designation for our currency -  here on the Forex and on the front bank screens – designated as USN – previously as USD

Remember – the fiat currency that we had the USD – is only backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government – that is all under the old US corporation ok – which is defunked which I will not get into – that is why we have a new structured Treasury which has absorbed the IRS and also absorbed the Federal Reserve – all absorbed into the US Treasury Department

There has been a lot of clean up on aisle 3 -4 -5 -6 – etc – as  you can imagine and there has been quite a bit of it - and that’s the primary reason that our start has been delayed –

However  I think they finally have it managed to a point where ( no it is not all done yet ) – enough has been completed where I believe we can move forward with tier 4 exchanges and redemption of zim –

Now here’s the thing – what is happening with the USN – we are just so you get the big picture – we have 23 currencies that are currently on the Forex that are from countries that the currency is going up in value - some of it is going up a lot – a whole heck of a lot – some of it is going up some – it’s all part of this Global Currency Reset – GCR -  and that GCR is taking place to level the playing field for trade from one country to another country to another around the globe –

This is the start of making 3rd and 4th world countries that have value in their in ground assets and above ground assets – to make a relative comparison to their values of their currency whereby they can trade more EVENLY – without one country having a currency that’s virtually worthless compared to another country like the US where 1 dollar $1 means something –

Now 1 USN  or actually US Treasury Note  USTN is what is on our new currency – our NEW money – that you put in your pocket – that new money is coming out very soon - both at the banks and redemption centers –

We thought we knew when it was coming out but I don’t think we know exactly at this point –

So what has been happening this week is major movement on the paying out of the Fines and Penalties – finally they were paid out from paymasters to those individuals or recipients – we believe those have been completed -  at least we had confirmation they had –

The next thing we got was that there are other groups that are being paid out like so called CMKX that was an adjudicated settlement – ad that we understand has at least started – if not completed its payout – to those recipients – in that particular suit –

The next group we hear about were so called sovereigns – I believe these sovereigns could have been individual countries – yes sovereign nations – but I believe it was also referring to people like the Native Americans – you know they had a  - they were to receive funds and compensation  - alright – so it could be them –

The other was the so called church group – don’t know how many – or which ones – but the church groups were paid out as well - and there may have been other adjudicated settlements that were paid that I did not include -  the Farm Claims for example - there might be another one – These are in process – either have completed or are about to be -  

This brings us up to bond holders or  previous bond holders that are no longer holding the bonds because they’ve already been hypothecated and then the bond sellers are going to be receiving compensation for those bonds - Now – what we’re hearing is some bond holders have already been paid today - this morning

Some are set to have payday tomorrow – we’re hearing the term “ value day” or “value date” and we have heard from some sources that date – the value date is tomorrow (Friday) - what does it mean? I do not like the term “value date” – never liked it - I like “access to funds” or “liquidity” meaning the funds are liquid and available!!  They’re in the account and you can access them and spend them –

That is what “value date” is referring to – now the so called value date is tentatively set for tomorrow Friday – today was the first day of NESARA/GESARA – and the currencies we were referring to are all fully lit up on the Forex and on the bank screens – and are tradeable – in fact – the USN was on the screens yesterday morning and tradeable – and so we know that’s occurring and that’s a very very positive step forward for us

Ok so we’ve made it up to the bondholders - now – here’s my caveat – Late tonight – before the call – like 15 minutes before the call – I hear there may be some of the real large bond holders  - the big players – that they still have to do review on their transactions based on their genealogy – that is something that could take 2-3 days to complete –

So on the one hand – we’ve got a value date scheduled for tomorrow whereby we are supposed to be notified in our tier 4A&B group – and yet I also got information saying that may not happen because certain bond holders still need to authenticate genealogy and work through those – go back through some of them – especially these super duper heavy players

So faced with that – it takes a little bit of the delight out of the concept of tomorrow – and puts it more in the realm of “maybe” tomorrow – we’ll see -  or “maybe” it’s another 2-3 days and we’re looking at early next week – Monday / Tuesday - -

I hate bringing this information in this way but I have to be real – I’ve got to be honest and share what I’m getting and that’s what I’ve done for 10 years on the Big Call –

Ok – I don’t make anything up – I don’t copy other people’s intel – and I generally get and glean or make the big attempt to glean the truth out of what I receive from several sources – this one threw a monkey wrench in the works because it could delay us for another 2-3 or so days – before we start but I know that everything is basically lined up to go –

We did hear something from the treasury late that indicated that this could be something that would hold us up for a few days as they go through those – I’m hoping it won’t slow us down but I have to be honest and say it could – it very much could -

Now what else is going on that I can tell you about – ok – here’s where it is – and I’m trying to get confirmation on this – I know for sure at least one major tier 1 bank is working diligently to put together email accounts for United States account holders of said bank that are citizens – that are due to receive rebates or refunds on the interest that they have paid for loans as part of the debt relief of NESARA –

Now the debt relief I know is supposed to include interest paid on credit cards  - car loans – mortgages – and anything else – and student loans -  so does it include the entire balance of the loan – balance of the mortgage etc?? that I cannot say – it is not clear to me – yet – but I know the interest paid in is being accumulated and they have the totals - and those they are working on at least 4-5 days – they are supposed to go out by direct deposit like folks getting social security - they could start receiving those as early as tomorrow - but it is supposed to pay out at least over a five day period of Friday – Saturday – Sunday – Monday - Tuesday  -

Now that gets some liquidity from these past debts and go all the way back as young as you were for those born in the 1940”s – any debt that you had from then on – that is a nice piece of change – that we will get – it is obviously dwarfed by any of the currency that we have – but it is something that is on its way

Now here’s my theory – not proven but I have a theory – we know of one bank that is doing this – for their account holders – I believe all the banks are doing this for all of the account holders across the country – you know – it makes sense – if one bank is doing it then the others should be doing it – these funds are coming from the Treasury and the Treasury knows the amounts – they know the social security numbers – and the people are working to put these in by completing the transactions – going out by direct deposit –

So  you get the idea alright – that is part of NESARA and its supposed to start as early as tomorrow – if you don’t get anything tomorrow don’t sweat it - theoretically you’re getting all those by Tuesday – alright – just a little something you may not know about –

Otherwise – I believe we are on sort of a moment by moment basis – we have heard that authorization was there to distribute emails and toll free numbers – I have not received those  yet – I hope I get them tomorrow but I don’t know that – I don’t know that at all – but I know this much – when I do receive it – I will post on the web site –

Anyone who has bought currency through any authorized dealer/seller  they have that information – they have the emails and that’s why Wells Fargo has about 2 million emails on their servers that are getting ready to be distributed - that is exciting – those should be going out and perhaps they will go out tomorrow

Other information that I said had a caveat is making it look like we may have another 3-4 days  I hate to say that but that is what I’m getting and want to be honest with you


Bruce’s Big Call  Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:10:00

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