Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-19-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 8-19-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday August 19th and you’re listening to the Big Call – thanks everybody for tuning in – yet again –

Let’s go and talk about where we are from an intel point of view – of course – as I’ve said before – we are tracking a moving target – just when we think it’s about ready for us to start with information that suggests that we are going to be notified and get started by setting appointments we find another obstacle or something else needs to be done - 

Today is no exception – so where we are now is ---- a couple of things – one – we found out that Afghanistan there is a lot of noise about there and most of what you’re seeing if you do watch the news – which I don’t – what you’re seeing is fabricated – made up – not real – don’t worry about it –

We do know that there’s a new manager of the Central Bank of Afghanistan put in place just to verify and to make sure that they are fully – totally connected to the QFS – to me it’s seemed like when I first heard it  it was just an excuse – nothing that was a major issue – and then what I’ve heard this evening before the call was that there are approximately 600,000 retail businesses  and I don’t know if this is with any US or possibly globally -  that need to be connected to the QFS –

Why would a retail business have to be on the QFS? Because they are processing credit cards as part of their check out – yes they do need to be integrated with the QF System –

Now – 50,000 or more were integrated today and it is expected that the remaining approximate 600,000 will be fully connected by tomorrow night – I had heard earlier that we should be notified today - BUT ---- the newest and latest information is putting this further out because of what is happening with more clean up – more arrests are taking place and they’re really busy at getting this knocked out – getting this done –

We understand that the Trump rally on Saturday is a very big thing and a good thing and we feel like what we’re hearing is things may come to a head with some of the media right after that rally - I look for a very effective weekend to take place -THIS weekend –

Now – I would say that the information we’re getting from the banks is talking about – and this is several sources – plus additional sources – not bank - are talking about us getting notified Monday and starting Tuesday – this is the Monday/Tuesday scenario we find ourselves in –

The bond holders many of which have access to funds now – some are still being processed and will be made liquid tomorrow and maybe some actually can move their funds – these are large transactions – can start moving on Monday –

So – it’s good to hear what tier 3 bondholders are active and receiving their funds and moving them and getting ready to wire those as they need – but realistically from our perspective well when is it our turn?

Now there is a thing called Zimbabwe bond platforms – these are trading platforms that people have put some zim into – limited amounts – still turns into quite a bit – and the information that we’re getting is saying that some of those platforms are notifying their platform people – individuals that are involved in this this coming Wednesday  and what is significant about that is for them to do that and to send out contracts to these participants they do that after tier 4A & 4B have already gone – already started – so that is something  almost like a back stop –  as far as what we’re hearing we should be underway with notifications Monday and exchanges starting either Monday afternoon or Tuesday – that is the latest

I wish I could say we could start tomorrow or Saturday but at this point most of the information is pointing towards early next week

Now we did get some updates on dinar – the rate is well over $20 – ha ha – it’s an amazing thing to see so don’t even think about or worrying about rates at all – just forget it – it’s not worth talking about –

We are all in great shape and hopefully Afghanistan is getting their act together with the Central Bank  new manager – and they will be back in the first basket with the Afghanistan  -- so let’s hope so – there are other obviously 21 currencies is what we had that are going up in value – some tremendous and we’re thrilled that everything is in position to get started – we thought it would get started today – but we did have a few other things – I think they did need to get some of these businesses connected and that is what is happening

Everything else is moving forward and that is all we can do is say ok I am tired of saying funds are moving and all of that – I know that doesn’t mean much to us unless they are moving into “our” accounts – but the fact that we’ve been patient this long – our patience is going to be rewarded - very soon –

All we need to do is hang in there until it manifests and I feel good about what we’re hearing even though I was to be honest – disappointed that we didn’t get started today – But I feel like it is right around the corner and if we can just stay positive and stay in faith and believing for this it will manifest in short order


Bruce’s Big Call Replay LINK  Intel Begins 1:19:05


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