Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-15-21

Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 7-15-21

Call Transcribed by WiserNow Emailed to Recaps

Welcome everybody to the Big Call tonight – it is Thursday July 15th and you’re listening to the Big Call I appreciate everyone tuning in all over the globe whether you’re live or listening to the replay – we are glad to have you and hopefully we can get some clarity on what is going on now

I want you to realize that we have intel that we get and sometimes it’s a little bit unclear and then we have to try and dig down and try to clarify and get more confirmations of what we’re hearing – so I am going to give this to you with a caveat – and I’ll tell you what the caveat is toward the end – alright?

Number one – there is activity going on behind the scenes – and this is the 15th of July which is considered the first day that NESARA – google it – look it up -  and GESARA  - NESARA is the National Economic Strategic and Recovery Act – and GESARA  is the same thing on a global scale – they both were to kick off in some form or fashion today - TODAY – and they have – and the first and I think most significant piece of NESARA for  America is we do have the USN the new United States Note – as a 3 letter designation for our currency -  here on the Forex and on the front bank screens – designated as USN – previously as USD

Remember – the fiat currency that we had the USD – is only backed by the full faith and credit of the US Government – that is all under the old US corporation ok – which is defunked which I will not get into – that is why we have a new structured Treasury which has absorbed the IRS and also absorbed the Federal Reserve – all absorbed into the US Treasury Department

There has been a lot of clean up on aisle 3 -4 -5 -6 – etc – as  you can imagine and there has been quite a bit of it - and that’s the primary reason that our start has been delayed –

However  I think they finally have it managed to a point where ( no it is not all done yet ) – enough has been completed where I believe we can move forward with tier 4 exchanges and redemption of zim –

Now here’s the thing – what is happening with the USN – we are just so you get the big picture – we have 23 currencies that are currently on the Forex that are from countries that the currency is going up in value - some of it is going up a lot – a whole heck of a lot – some of it is going up some – it’s all part of this Global Currency Reset – GCR -  and that GCR is taking place to level the playing field for trade from one country to another country to another around the globe –

This is the start of making 3rd and 4th world countries that have value in their in ground assets and above ground assets – to make a relative comparison to their values of their currency whereby they can trade more EVENLY – without one country having a currency that’s virtually worthless compared to another country like the US where 1 dollar $1 means something –

Now 1 USN  or actually US Treasury Note  USTN is what is on our new currency – our NEW money – that you put in your pocket – that new money is coming out very soon - both at the banks and redemption centers –

We thought we knew when it was coming out but I don’t think we know exactly at this point –

So what has been happening this week is major movement on the paying out of the Fines and Penalties – finally they were paid out from paymasters to those individuals or recipients – we believe those have been completed -  at least we had confirmation they had –

The next thing we got was that there are other groups that are being paid out like so called CMKX that was an adjudicated settlement – ad that we understand has at least started – if not completed its payout – to those recipients – in that particular suit –

The next group we hear about were so called sovereigns – I believe these sovereigns could have been individual countries – yes sovereign nations – but I believe it was also referring to people like the Native Americans – you know they had a  - they were to receive funds and compensation  - alright – so it could be them –

The other was the so called church group – don’t know how many – or which ones – but the church groups were paid out as well - and there may have been other adjudicated settlements that were paid that I did not include -  the Farm Claims for example - there might be another one – These are in process – either have completed or are about to be -  

This brings us up to bond holders or  previous bond holders that are no longer holding the bonds because they’ve already been hypothecated and then the bond sellers are going to be receiving compensation for those bonds - Now – what we’re hearing is some bond holders have already been paid today - this morning

Some are set to have payday tomorrow – we’re hearing the term “ value day” or “value date” and we have heard from some sources that date – the value date is tomorrow (Friday) - what does it mean? I do not like the term “value date” – never liked it - I like “access to funds” or “liquidity” meaning the funds are liquid and available!!  They’re in the account and you can access them and spend them –

That is what “value date” is referring to – now the so called value date is tentatively set for tomorrow Friday – today was the first day of NESARA/GESARA – and the currencies we were referring to are all fully lit up on the Forex and on the bank screens – and are tradeable – in fact – the USN was on the screens yesterday morning and tradeable – and so we know that’s occurring and that’s a very very positive step forward for us

Ok so we’ve made it up to the bondholders - now – here’s my caveat – Late tonight – before the call – like 15 minutes before the call – I hear there may be some of the real large bond holders  - the big players – that they still have to do review on their transactions based on their genealogy – that is something that could take 2-3 days to complete –

So on the one hand – we’ve got a value date scheduled for tomorrow whereby we are supposed to be notified in our tier 4A&B group – and yet I also got information saying that may not happen because certain bond holders still need to authenticate genealogy and work through those – go back through some of them – especially these super duper heavy players

So faced with that – it takes a little bit of the delight out of the concept of tomorrow – and puts it more in the realm of “maybe” tomorrow – we’ll see -  or “maybe” it’s another 2-3 days and we’re looking at early next week – Monday / Tuesday - -

I hate bringing this information in this way but I have to be real – I’ve got to be honest and share what I’m getting and that’s what I’ve done for 10 years on the Big Call –

Ok – I don’t make anything up – I don’t copy other people’s intel – and I generally get and glean or make the big attempt to glean the truth out of what I receive from several sources – this one threw a monkey wrench in the works because it could delay us for another 2-3 or so days – before we start but I know that everything is basically lined up to go –

We did hear something from the treasury late that indicated that this could be something that would hold us up for a few days as they go through those – I’m hoping it won’t slow us down but I have to be honest and say it could – it very much could -

Now what else is going on that I can tell you about – ok – here’s where it is – and I’m trying to get confirmation on this – I know for sure at least one major tier 1 bank is working diligently to put together email accounts for United States account holders of said bank that are citizens – that are due to receive rebates or refunds on the interest that they have paid for loans as part of the debt relief of NESARA –

Now the debt relief I know is supposed to include interest paid on credit cards  - car loans – mortgages – and anything else – and student loans -  so does it include the entire balance of the loan – balance of the mortgage etc?? that I cannot say – it is not clear to me – yet – but I know the interest paid in is being accumulated and they have the totals - and those they are working on at least 4-5 days – they are supposed to go out by direct deposit like folks getting social security - they could start receiving those as early as tomorrow - but it is supposed to pay out at least over a five day period of Friday – Saturday – Sunday – Monday - Tuesday  -

Now that gets some liquidity from these past debts and go all the way back as young as you were for those born in the 1940”s – any debt that you had from then on – that is a nice piece of change – that we will get – it is obviously dwarfed by any of the currency that we have – but it is something that is on its way

Now here’s my theory – not proven but I have a theory – we know of one bank that is doing this – for their account holders – I believe all the banks are doing this for all of the account holders across the country – you know – it makes sense – if one bank is doing it then the others should be doing it – these funds are coming from the Treasury and the Treasury knows the amounts – they know the social security numbers – and the people are working to put these in by completing the transactions – going out by direct deposit –

So  you get the idea alright – that is part of NESARA and its supposed to start as early as tomorrow – if you don’t get anything tomorrow don’t sweat it - theoretically you’re getting all those by Tuesday – alright – just a little something you may not know about –

Otherwise – I believe we are on sort of a moment by moment basis – we have heard that authorization was there to distribute emails and toll free numbers – I have not received those  yet – I hope I get them tomorrow but I don’t know that – I don’t know that at all – but I know this much – when I do receive it – I will post on the web site –

Anyone who has bought currency through any authorized dealer/seller  they have that information – they have the emails and that’s why Wells Fargo has about 2 million emails on their servers that are getting ready to be distributed - that is exciting – those should be going out and perhaps they will go out tomorrow

Other information that I said had a caveat is making it look like we may have another 3-4 days  I hate to say that but that is what I’m getting and want to be honest with you


Bruce’s Big Call  Replay LINK   Intel Begins 1:10:00


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