Zig’s Place Chat and News Sunday PM 3-14-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Sunday PM 3-14-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

butterfly  This question kind of says it all.....remember dictatorship.......this applies jmo:

Has Iraq reached this level of weakness in order to be used in this way?

butterfly  AGAIN I will report this:

butterfly the House of Representatives: No date has been set for a vote on the budget bill yet

Sunday 14, March 2021 20:39    The Patriotic Union of Kurdistan bloc in the House of Representatives announced that the Shiite blocs have not yet sent any draft on the share of the Kurds' share in the draft budget law to the Finance Committee, indicating that no date has been set for a vote on the draft budget law yet.

Bakhtiar Shaways, a spokesman for the National Union Bloc in the House of Representatives, said in press statements that the House of Representatives session scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, includes the completion of the vote on the draft Federal Court bill, indicating that the session does not include a vote on the draft Federal Budget Law for 2021.

butterfly  On the Kurds ’share in the draft budget law, Shaways explained that the draft bill sent by the federal government includes sending the regional government 250,000 barrels of oil on a daily basis, in addition to sending 50% of the internal revenues to Baghdad, indicating that the political parties sent another draft The Kurdistan Regional Government is calling for sending 460,000 barrels of oil, including the disbursement of companies' dues and transporting crude oil, adding that this draft is also unofficial and was not included in the draft general budget bill.

He pointed out that it is not known until this moment, will the government project and the Kurds ’share of it be passed, or is there another alternative to the project by the political parties in the House of Representatives for the Kurds’ share, stressing that it is not known how the draft budget will be until a special meeting on this issue is held. ./is over    https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893452

Dave  Corruption greed and diplomatic Immunity work well together there

Dave  share of the disputed territories.........same old same old

Dave Kurd will never give that up

butterfly These people have been wanting total control while the other one says NO I want the control.

butterfly I don't know why people can't see this simple little tidbit.

Dave plenty of oil around Kirkuk

butterfly  Hold on I have something that makes one shake their head:

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=885485

The Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / reveals the scenes of the negotiations at the guest house ... and the parliament awaits the approval of the budget and the end of its legislative session.

Tuesday 02, February 2021 17:06

butterfly  Notice the datee

butterfly  Report ... Youssef Salman: A few hours separate us from setting the date of the House of Representatives session scheduled to vote on the approval of the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, which are the same hours with which the legal extension limit for the work of the legislative term will end by midnight tomorrow, Wednesday .

Members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee spoke for the representative of the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA/, "The main obstacle that still obstructs the agreement on drafting the final amendments to the draft federal budget bill 2021 relates to the Kurdistan region’s share, as the representatives of the Al-Fatah Alliance and the State of Law and Sairon Alliance insist on handing all oil export revenues to the Kurdistan region to the federal government, which "More than 500 thousand barrels of oil per day, in addition to the revenues of the border ports and airports, in exchange for paying the region’s share of the budget in full, without decrease."

butterfly  The deputies added that "the Kurdish blocs want to return to the previous oil agreement by handing over 250 thousand barrels of oil exports to the federal government, with the revenues of the border crossings being settled as of this January, in exchange for the federal government's commitment to the region's share of the general budget."

But other lawmakers said that "the Iraqi Forces Alliance blocs support the Shiite position by voting to pass the draft general budget bill by a majority along the lines of the 2018-2019 budgets, but they do not want to lose their alliances with the Kurdish forces."

Meanwhile, the majority of the representatives of the central and southern governorates are present in the capital Baghdad these days, in preparation for attending the House of Representatives session scheduled to vote on the draft general budget bill, amid heated parliamentary debate in conjunction with the end of the official extension ceiling for the current legislative term scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday.

butterfly  Commenting on this, members of the Parliamentary Legal Committee declared to the representative of the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA /, that "the House of Representatives adopts in its bylaws the original legal text related to the continuation of the legislative separation sessions until the approval of the General Budget Law, and this has nothing to do with the extension or adjournment of the sessions."

The Presidency of the House of Representatives announced the arrival of the draft federal budget bill for 2021 to the House of Representatives officially on December 29 last, where the Presidency decided to extend the current legislative term for a period of one month.

The negotiating table is still in the guest house building, looking for political solutions to ensure the passage of the draft general budget bill, which was subjected to a series of fundamental amendments and changes under the supervision of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, the most prominent of which was the reduction of expenditures to 127 trillion dinars instead of 164 trillion dinars, with the adoption of The price of a barrel of oil is $ 45, raising revenues to more than 5 trillion dinars.

butterfly  However, the draft budget is free of new jobs, except for the degrees of job deletion and creation that apply exclusively to service departments. The main turning point in resolving the controversy over the appointments file was that the Parliamentary Finance Committee announced that the implementation of Resolution 315 was not included in the 2021 budget, and said it was considering transferring from the chapters.

The budget to cover the expenses of Resolution 315 and others, as she confirmed that "the appointments are subject to the availability of financial liquidity within the budget that will provide financial grants for journalists and artists."

The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, at the beginning of this week, the addition of a text in the draft federal budget bill for the year 2021, which includes the establishment of a special petro-dollar fund for the provinces producing oil and gas to implement projects and provide services.

The House of Representatives decided to lift its open session that it resumed the week before last, to continue discussion of the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, before the Presidency of Parliament announced the evening of the same day at that time the end of the discussions of the draft budget, while the Parliamentary Finance Committee continues its daily meetings in the guesthouse to study the draft general budget law

butterfly  Typical from all governments......

butterfly  If we were in a job and was told you must come to a conclusion on the project that was given to you, you had to meet that conclusion or you would be looking for another job.

Dave  um......Only jobs in the Govt/public sector......

Dave  Uncle Ahmed knows someone......

butterfly Yup and the tax payers pay for those luxuries they get.

Dave  luxuries.....single TP......?  single ply......   no WTO.......

Dave Need to get a handle on CV and get those Demonstrators back on the streets in Force like they did previously

Dave  White paper ...still that.....Blank......

butterfly Remember the White Hats and the Black Hats? Lordy that gave me a good laugh.

butterfly Back in October the Nesara/Gesara was going to take over. Lordy the things that are put out there.

Dave butterfly GCR for yrs and yrs....we still wait

Dave  whats the hold up on that?

butterfly  AND the wait will be a lot longer.

butterfly Dave been nice chatting but I have to leave for a while. Maybe I will be back later, who knows LOL.

Dave butterfly GO GCR!!!!

Dave  Zig Chin up....you will save money on postage.....you should be able to wire transfer Shelia 1 M IQD soon

Spectra  https://youtu.be/x0asvsZscA4  Farewell' to pandemic | 24m 'Corona caste' torched in Maslenitsa celebration

Spectra  Russians torch a giant 24-meter (78 feet) 'castle' as part of the Maslenitsa week celebration. The burning of the giant 'Castle of the cannibal corona' symbolized a hopeful goodbye to the COVID-19 pandemic

Sheila  Zig Yes, I am looking forward to sending you my mailing location for that 1M Dinar. LOLOL LOLOL

Zig And I would look forward to sending it but unfortunately I do not think @Jeff will be right about his prediction of a rate change a week from now...silly to make date/rate predictions IMO....but people continue to do it....and then have to come up with excuses as to why it did not occur.....

Sheila Zig My prediction was on or before April 6, 2021.

Zig sheila : I know that

Sheila Zig More of reminder for myself than for you... lolol

Zig Using @Jeff as an example...he gets people all worked up...I have seen it too many times before...then comes the MAJOR disappointment and depression for many people...

Zig I know we are not responsible for other people but it is just not right IMO....okay I am done....lol

Sheila Zig Yes some people are on a roller coaster. Jeff, nor anyone else, controls my ups and downs on this. I am totally responsible for those feelings, regardless of what they say.

Zig  Now don't get me wrong: I hope the rate does go up this month...but highly unlikely IMO...nobody knows if/when this will occur....just guessing...and yes, some are more intelligent GUESSES based on analyzing different things...researching, etc....and I admit to listening a bit...lol....an addiction going back years now....but I have learned to never get excited by anyone's predictions, etc....took a long time.....

Professor Dinard  I predict it wont happen for 10 years. And that's being hopefull. Will be gradual though

Sheila Professor Dinard I believe days now, not weeks, months nor years. Hey, that's just me talking.

Sheila Professor Dinard Thinking this is more a big bang approach... I am being contrary today. lolol

Sam I Am  I got off the roller coaster ten years ago

Professor Dinard  sheila anything specific that points to that or just being super hopefull? Lol

Sheila  Professor Dinard friends of friends whispering in the winds

Professor Dinard  sheila top secret stuff huh?

Sheila  just reading blog posts from Nicks Intel. Nick Fleming has strong military connections.

Professor Dinard  sheila I have a strong connection with jesus

Professor Dinard And when I prayed to him he told me 10 years

Professor Dinard He then told me to quit whoring around lol

Sheila  Professor Dinard that's nice. thanks for sharing. I do believe this is godwink.

Sheila  Rates are a bit out there, yet hey, if you're going to dream, then dream big. Nicks Intel, March 14, 2021 -- https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/03/14/03-14-2021-update/


 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


Iraqi News Iraqi News Monday AM 3-15-21


News, Rumors and Opinions Monday 3-15-2021