Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Introducing the Official Gold-Backed Currency That Will Change Everything

Introducing the Official Gold-Backed Currency That Will Change Everything

On June 21, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Will the new BRICS+ gold-backed currency spark a global currency reset (GCR) and revaluation (RV) of currencies? Here’s its revolutionary design and purpose.

In This Article

Introduction to the new gold-backed UNT

Monetary Framework: A basket of currencies and gold

Stability and Resilience

Blockchain Integration and Future Developments

Introducing the Official Gold-Backed Currency That Will Change Everything

On June 21, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Will the new BRICS+ gold-backed currency spark a global currency reset (GCR) and revaluation (RV) of currencies? Here’s its revolutionary design and purpose.

In This Article

  1. Introduction to the new gold-backed UNT

  2. Monetary Framework: A basket of currencies and gold

  3. Stability and Resilience

  4. Blockchain Integration and Future Developments

The pending release of the UNT, a new gold-backed BRICS+ currency, promises to transform the global fiat currency system dramatically.

Keep Watching

The UNT aims to provide a stable and resilient global currency alternative, free from political influence, ensuring long-term purchasing power stability.

The UNT is not a cryptocurrency, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), or a stablecoin.

The UNT is backed by a basket of underlying assets, including gold, making it a unique and trustworthy currency system alternative that will shake today’s fiat currency financial landscape to it’s core.

Introduction to the new gold-backed UNT

The UNT, proposed with the ISO global currency code, is designed to be an apolitical currency, free from political interference, ensuring its neutrality in international trade and reserves.

Unlike traditional fiat currencies influenced by political and economic conditions, the UNT offers a more stable option. It will be exchangeable into and out of fiat currencies like the US Dollar, Euro, and more, facilitating a level playing field for international trade and transactions that will foster global economic stability.

The creation of the UNT addresses the need for a stable, resilient currency amidst the flaws of the post-Bretton-Woods financial system.

This new currency is expected to initiate a global currency revaluation (RV), significantly impacting exchange rates, especially against pure fiat currencies.

The gold-backed component of the UNT ensures strong purchasing power, making it a robust alternative to existing fiat currencies.

Also Read: Checkmate (Part 1) – How the BRICS Gold Currency will Force USA/Europe to an RV/GCR

Monetary Framework: A basket of currencies and gold

The UNT ecosystem operates on a fractal monetary framework, where each UNT token is backed by a basket of underlying assets, including a significant portion in gold (40%).

This structure promotes stability and reduces the reliance on any single national currency. By diversifying its asset base, the UNT aims to offer a more balanced and resilient global monetary system.

This framework allows for a new financial system that will operate independently of national currencies.

The UNT is not a cryptocurrency or a stablecoin. Instead, its value is linked to a basket of assets, and its market value will be influenced by supply and demand over time. This unique characteristic sets the UNT apart from other digital and fiat currencies.

Stability and Resilience

Designed to be more stable and resilient than national currencies, the UNT’s value will be less volatile than the components of its reserve basket. This stability is crucial for maintaining long-term purchasing power and trust in the currency.

The UNT provides a hedge against the volatility and political influences that affect fiat currencies.

The introduction of the UNT will create a significant revaluation of exchange rates (RV), especially against fiat currencies. This revaluation will lead to a global currency reset (GCR) for BRICS+ member nations adopting the UNT in global trade.

The UNT’s strong purchasing power will provide economic sovereignty and stability, making it a preferred currency for international transactions and reserves.

Blockchain Integration and Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)

The UNT ecosystem leverages blockchain technology for node synchronization, reducing the costs and risks associated with rebalancing gold holdings.

This integration ensures that UNT tokens are free from capital controls and price manipulation, providing a secure and transparent system for international trade and finance.

The UNT is managed by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), which operates without central authority, ensuring democratic governance and transparency.

A DAO is an organization represented by rules encoded as a computer program, controlled by organization members, and not influenced by a central government.

This decentralized governance model ensures that the UNT remains apolitical and transparent, adhering to the governance rules without constant issuer coordination.

Future Developments

The UNT ecosystem plans to include mercantile and capital stock exchanges, with commodities and financial instruments priced in UNT tokens.

These developments will enhance the UNT’s role as a stable store of value, investment, and reserve currency. The UNT payment protocol will support secure transactions, adhering to the governance rule-book, making it a reliable currency for international trade and cross-border payments.

The implementation of the UNT into the existing financial infrastructure will support essential financial functions such as electronic payments, trade finance, and credit origination.

This seamless integration will address trust issues in the global financial system and protect participants’ financial sovereignty from political interference.

The Bottom Line

The introduction of the UNT represents a significant shift in the global currency landscape.

By offering a gold-backed, politically neutral currency, the UNT aims to provide stability and resilience in international trade and finance.

As the UNT ecosystem continues to develop, it promises to bring about a major currency revaluation and a global currency reset, positively impacting economies worldwide.

Stay tuned for future parts of this Ultimate Guide to the BRICS UNT Currency, where we will dig much deeper into its various aspects and global financial implications.

Also Read: Zimbabwe’s Golden History, BRICS, and A New Gold-Backed Currency

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Malaysian Currency Now On RV Path in BRICS Gold-Backed Alliance

Malaysian Currency Now On RV Path in BRICS Gold-Backed Alliance

On June 18, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

Prime Minister Declares Strategic Intention to Join BRICS Alliance which would lead to a significant RV of the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).

In This Article

Malaysia’s Formal Bid to Join BRICS

The Anticipated Revaluation of the Malaysian Ringgit

BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Currency and Its Implications

Malaysia’s Strong Economic Contributions to BRICS

Malaysian Currency Now On RV Path in BRICS Gold-Backed Alliance

On June 18, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

Prime Minister Declares Strategic Intention to Join BRICS Alliance which would lead to a significant RV of the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).

In This Article

  • Malaysia’s Formal Bid to Join BRICS

  • The Anticipated Revaluation of the Malaysian Ringgit

  • BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Currency and Its Implications

  • Malaysia’s Strong Economic Contributions to BRICS

Malaysia’s strategic decision to join the BRICS economic bloc has sparked significant discussions regarding the future of the Malaysian Ringgit (MYR).

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s announcement highlights Malaysia’s intent to align with BRICS, potentially leading to the revaluation (RV) of the Ringgit through the bloc’s gold-backed common trade currency which will be composed of 40% gold-backing.

Malaysia’s Formal Bid to Join BRICS

Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s recent declaration signifies a pivotal moment for Malaysia’s economic and diplomatic strategy. In an interview with Chinese news outlet Guancha, aired ahead of Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s visit, Anwar confirmed Malaysia’s intention to join BRICS, marking a crucial step towards diversifying its strategic relationships.

“We have indicated, as a policy, that we are joining,” said Datuk Seri Anwar. “We have made a decision. We are placing the formal procedures soon.” This move aligns Malaysia with a group of nations collectively challenging the Western-dominated global order, potentially reshaping the economic landscape.

The Anticipated Revaluation of the Malaysian Ringgit

One of the most significant implications of Malaysia joining BRICS is the potential revaluation of the Malaysian Ringgit.

The BRICS bloc plans to implement a gold-backed common trade currency. Inclusion of the Ringgit in this currency basket could significantly enhance its purchasing power and exchange rate, especially against fiat currencies like the US Dollar.

The revaluation of the MYR would not only strengthen Malaysia’s financial stability but also boost its attractiveness for foreign investments. This economic shift is expected to elevate Malaysia’s status in the global market, offering new opportunities for growth and development.

BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Currency and Its Implications

The BRICS bloc’s move towards a gold-backed trade currency is a strategic effort to reduce dependency on the US Dollar and foster economic sovereignty among member nations. For Malaysia, participating in this initiative means aligning the Ringgit with a stable and valuable currency system, enhancing its global economic influence.

This new currency system aims to facilitate smoother and more secure trade among BRICS nations, providing a robust alternative to the existing fiat currency system.

The anticipated revaluation of the Ringgit under this gold-backed regime is poised to offer Malaysia greater economic leverage and improved terms of trade.

Malaysia’s Strong Economic Contributions to BRICS

Malaysia’s decision to join BRICS is underpinned by its strong economic indicators and potential contributions to the bloc.

In 2024, Malaysia’s GDP is estimated to reach $445 billion USD, with substantial exports in key sectors such as digital/electronic devices, electrical machinery, mineral fuels, and industrial machinery. These economic strengths position Malaysia as a valuable member of the BRICS alliance.

Malaysia’s top export destinations in 2023 included major economies such as Singapore, China, and the USA, highlighting its significant role in global trade.

The nation’s diverse export portfolio, comprising electrical machinery, mineral oils, and animal or vegetable fats, among others, showcases its capacity to contribute effectively to a diverse BRICS economic bloc.

Experts, such as Datuk Prof Dr. Mohd Faiz Abdullah of Malaysia’s Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS), emphasize the importance of Malaysia’s participation in BRICS. “Building our ties with these key countries will make our economy more resilient,” he noted, underscoring the strategic benefits of Malaysia’s move.

The Bottom Line

Malaysia’s formal intention to join BRICS represents a strategic maneuver with far-reaching economic implications.

The potential revaluation of the Malaysian Ringgit, driven by the adoption of a BRICS gold-backed common trade currency, positions Malaysia for enhanced financial stability and global economic influence.

Coupled with Malaysia’s robust economic contributions, this move promises to solidify the nation’s standing within the BRICS alliance, fostering new opportunities for growth and collaboration in the evolving global landscape.

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RV UNLEASHED: How the Indian Rupee will RV by 4,708% in the New Gold-based Currency System

RV UNLEASHED: How the Indian Rupee will RV by 4,708% in the New Gold-based Currency System

On June 15, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

It is strongly recommended that you read two of my previous articles on the gold-based BRICS Currency that I call the CTCU (Common Trade Currency Unit).

This article assumes that you already have a good understanding of the foundation and composition of the new BRICS CTCU gold-based common trade currency.

Here are my two previous articles explaining the BRICS CTCU:

RV UNLEASHED: How the Indian Rupee will RV by 4,708% in the New Gold-based Currency System

On June 15, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

It is strongly recommended that you read two of my previous articles on the gold-based BRICS Currency that I call the CTCU (Common Trade Currency Unit).

This article assumes that you already have a good understanding of the foundation and composition of the new BRICS CTCU gold-based common trade currency.

Here are my two previous articles explaining the BRICS CTCU:

1. Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway
2. A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency

This is going to be a lot to digest. But that’s ok. It took me months to figure out what you’re about to read.


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About the CTCU and Currency RVs

As the BRICS Alliance continues expanding and move closer to the introduction of their gold-backed Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU), the global financial landscape is poised for a transformative shift.

This new system, aimed at countering the dominance of traditional fiat currencies like the US Dollar and the Euro, promises to significantly revalue the currencies of countries within the BRICS alliance.

This article explores the incredible implications of this new financial paradigm, detailing the process and calculations behind the anticipated revaluation.

Using the variables and formulas explained (in detail) further down in this article, this is how the Indian Rupee RVs against the US Dollar once the BRICS CTCU gold-based currency comes online.

Here are the basic assumptions used to determine the RV’d exchange rate:

  • Price of Gold in US Dollars on the SGE (Shanghai Gold Exchange) This price per gram is assumed at the time the BRICS CTCU comes online but it could be higher: $80/gram or $2,500/ounce. Note: The price has already hit $78.86/gram on May 20th this year on the SGE.

  • Gold backing of the CTCU: 40% or 0.4 grams per CTCU. This gold percentage has been mentioned repeatedly by the really smart folks planning the structure of the CTCU.

  • The native currency component of the INR withing the new CTCU: 60%

  • The Pre-CTCU exchange rate of the INR to the US Dollar: 83.58 INR per USD or 1.2 cents per INR (this is the most recent rate)

  • The RV’d exchange rate of the INR to USD after the gold-based CTCU is in place and operational: 1.73 INR per USD or 57.7 cents per INR.

Meaning the Indian Rupee exchange rate will RV from it’s current 1.2 US cents/INR to 57.7 US cents/INR in US Dollar terms. This is a 4,708.33% percent increase in the Rupee’s exchange rate against the US Fiat Dollar.

This is just one currency example based on the calculations and variable defined below.

In my next article, I will do the calculations for the Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong (VND) and a few other currencies.

There are a few more variables involved for these currencies since they are artificially depressed and will go through a process of removing the zeros from their current note denominations.

Here are all the details you need to know to understand how I calculated this RV rate for the INR.

Understanding the Variables Needed to Calculate the New RV’d Gold-based Exchange Rate for any Currency

To help you understand how to calculate the change in exchange rates when a new gold-backed currency system is introduced, let’s break down the key variables you need to consider in simple terms:

1. Gold Price: This is the current price of gold per gram from the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE). Think of it as the store of value of a small piece of gold, like a gram.

2. Gold Component in CTCU: This is the amount of gold included in one unit of the new currency (CTCU). It represents the gold value in each unit of the new currency.

3. Currency Component in CTCU: This is the portion of the new currency that comes from the local money of a BRICS country, like the Indian Rupee.

4. Pre-CTCU Exchange Rate: This is the exchange rate of the local money to the US Dollar before the new gold-backed currency system is introduced. It shows how much local money you need to get one US Dollar before any gold-based currency system changes.

5. Post-CTCU Exchange Rate: This is the new exchange rate of the local money to the US Dollar after the new system is in place. It indicates how much local money will be needed to get one US Dollar after the revaluation.

6. Amount of Local Currency Held: This is how much of a specific country’s currency you have in your possession before the new system is introduced.

Putting It All Together

When the new gold-backed currency system is introduced, these variables determine how much your specific currency holdings will be worth compared to the US Dollar.

The price of gold from the Shanghai Gold Exchange and the amount of gold in the new currency set a base value for each unit of the new currency.

The portion of the new currency made up of local money combines the gold value with the local currency value. The old exchange rate shows the local money’s worth compared to the US Dollar before the change, while the new exchange rate shows its worth after the change.

Knowing how much country currency you have helps you understand how its value changes with the new gold-based system.

By considering these factors, you can see how the introduction of a new gold-backed currency would significantly increase the value of local money compared to major fiat currencies like the US Dollar.

This helps illustrate the potential financial impact and the revaluation (RV) that is on its way.

The Bottom Line

The planned introduction of the BRICS CTCU has the potential to revolutionize the global economic system, creating a multi-polar financial landscape where traditional fiat currencies and gold-backed CTCUs coexist. For countries within the BRICS alliance, this shift promises significant currency revaluation and enhanced economic stability.

As the BRICS nations prepare for this monumental change, the world watches closely, anticipating a new era of financial innovation and economic rebalancing. Holders of BRICS currencies should stay informed and consider the potential implications of this transformative development on their financial strategies and investments.

Detailed Math for Readers Who Want to Go Deep into the Calculations in Determining the New RV Exchange Rates

The CTCU is designed as a hybrid currency backed by tangible assets, primarily gold. Each CTCU unit consists of a specific amount of gold and the remaining value derived from the currencies of BRICS nations.

You can create a simple spreadsheet using these variables and formulas to play around with the numbers.

I realize these variables and formulas appear small on mobile devices. However, simply click on any of the mathematical or equation images below to get a larger view.

It’s best to view these calculations and equations on a laptop or desktop PC with a larger screen.

Pre-CTCU Exchange Rates and Initial Holdings

Post-CTCU Revaluation: Hypothetical Scenario

Summary of all the Variables Need to Calculate the RV’d Exchange Rate of Any Currency

All Calculations Needed to Arrive at the New RV’d Exchange Rate


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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency

A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency

On June 14, 2024   By Awake-In-3D

This is the structure for a substantial RV of globally weaker currencies against the US Dollar, Euro, Yen and other major Fiat Debt System currencies.

The long-term stability of the BRICS Alliance’s financial vision hinges on the successful implementation of the Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU).

Any currency backed by and a part of the CTCU infrastructure would essentially RV upwards against the Dollar and other major fiat debt currencies.

This innovative currency aims to provide a stable, reliable alternative to the US Dollar, backed by tangible assets including gold.

The CTCU is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

A Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency

On June 14, 2024   By Awake-In-3D

This is the structure for a substantial RV of globally weaker currencies against the US Dollar, Euro, Yen and other major Fiat Debt System currencies.

The long-term stability of the BRICS Alliance’s financial vision hinges on the successful implementation of the Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU).

Any currency backed by and a part of the CTCU infrastructure would essentially RV upwards against the Dollar and other major fiat debt currencies.

This innovative currency aims to provide a stable, reliable alternative to the US Dollar, backed by tangible assets including gold.

The CTCU is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

Also ReadRealizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway to learn about the path for this new gold-based currency to succeed as a powerful alternative the US Dollar and the Global Fiat Currency Debt System.

Understanding the CTCU

The CTCU operates within a decentralized ecosystem facilitated by a blockchain platform. Each authorized node within this ecosystem can issue settlement and payment units denominated in CTCUs. These units serve as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value for cross-border transactions among BRICS nations.

The CTCU is pegged to a basket of assets to ensure stability and trust. Specifically, it is anchored to 1 gram of gold, with the remaining value equally divided between two currencies from BRICS countries.

This hybrid backing provides a robust foundation for the CTCU, mitigating the volatility inflationary devaluation typically associated with fiat currencies.

Example: Brazil’s Economic Transformation with the CTCU

Consider Brazil, a key member of the BRICS Alliance. By adopting the CTCU, Brazil can streamline its international trade processes and stabilize its economy.

Here’s how the CTCU can provide substantial value to Brazil and RV their currency:

1. Enhanced Trade Efficiency:
Brazil imports a significant amount of goods from China. Using the CTCU, Brazilian importers can bypass the complexities and costs associated with currency conversion and fluctuating exchange rates. The CTCU provides a stable and predictable medium of exchange, reducing transaction costs and increasing trade efficiency.

2. Stable Value Retention:
The CTCU’s value, pegged to gold and a basket of BRICS currencies, offers greater stability compared to the Brazilian Real, which can be subject to inflation and economic volatility. Brazilian businesses and individuals can hold CTCUs as a more reliable store of value, protecting their wealth from domestic economic fluctuations.

3. Improved Investment Climate:
The introduction of a CTCU-based bond market can attract foreign investment into Brazil. Investors seeking stable returns can purchase CTCU-denominated bonds, providing Brazil with an influx of capital for infrastructure and development projects. This increased investment can spur economic growth and development.

4. Facilitation of Sanctioned Trade:
In scenarios where Brazilian companies face trade restrictions with certain countries, the CTCU offers a viable alternative. Transactions conducted in CTCUs can circumvent traditional banking systems that are subject to international sanctions, allowing Brazil to maintain vital trade relationships without geopolitical constraints.

Any currency backed by and a part of the CTCU infrastructure would essentially RV upwards against the Dollar and other major fiat debt currencies.

Operational Mechanism

To utilize the CTCU, Brazilian companies would convert their local currency (Real) into CTCUs through authorized financial institutions. These CTCUs can then be used to conduct trade with other BRICS nations. For example, a Brazilian company importing electronics from China would pay the Chinese exporter in CTCUs. The Chinese exporter can then use the CTCUs to purchase raw materials from South Africa or invest in Russian energy projects, creating a seamless and efficient trade network.

Trust and Transparency

The decentralized nature of the CTCU ecosystem, supported by blockchain technology, ensures transparency and security. Each transaction is recorded on an immutable ledger, providing a clear and auditable trail of all CTCU movements. This transparency builds trust among BRICS nations and global investors, reinforcing the credibility and stability of the CTCU.

The Bottom Line

The CTCU represents a transformative leap towards a more stable and equitable global financial system. By addressing key economic challenges and providing a reliable alternative to fiat currencies, the CTCU can significantly enhance the long-term financial stability of BRICS nations. As Brazil’s example illustrates, the CTCU has the potential to revolutionize trade, investment, and economic growth within the BRICS Alliance, heralding a new era of financial freedom and prosperity.

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway

Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway

On June 14, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

Exploring the Revolutionary RV Potential of the BRICS Alliance’s New Gold-Backed Currency and Releasing a Global Financial Reset

In This Article:

Introduction to the BRICS Alliance’s Bold Ambition

Key Ingredients for the Success of a BRICS Gold-Based Currency

Overcoming Challenges and Real-World Implications

Overview of the New Gold-based Currency Structure

The Transformative Impact on Global Trade and Sanctions

Realizing Humanity’s Financial Freedom: The Rise of a New Gold-Based Currency is Underway

On June 14, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

Exploring the Revolutionary RV Potential of the BRICS Alliance’s New Gold-Backed Currency and Releasing a Global Financial Reset

In This Article:

  • Introduction to the BRICS Alliance’s Bold Ambition

  • Key Ingredients for the Success of a BRICS Gold-Based Currency

  • Overcoming Challenges and Real-World Implications

  • Overview of the New Gold-based Currency Structure

  • The Transformative Impact on Global Trade and Sanctions

The BRICS Alliance is on the cusp of a financial currency and system infrastructure revolution.

They aim to disrupt the US Dollar-dominated fiat currency system with a groundbreaking gold-backed currency.

The new gold-based currency is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

This initiative promises to reset the global financial order, offering a beacon of hope for a debt-free future. This article addresses the vital elements required for the success of this new gold-based currency, the challenges it faces, and its transformative potential on global trade and sanctions.

Introduction to the BRICS Alliance’s Bold Ambition

The BRICS Alliance represents a dynamic coalition of emerging economies determined to create a fairer, more balanced global financial system.

Their proposed gold-backed currency, has no name or currency symbol at this time, so for now I will continue to refer to it as the CTCU (for common trade currency unit).

With its introduction, the world will witness a shift towards financial freedom, trade equality and renewed prosperity.

Key Ingredients for the Success of a BRICS Gold-Based Currency

1. Ensuring Currency Stability and Free-Floating Mechanism

For the CTCU to thrive, it must be allowed to float freely in the global market. Currently, the Chinese Yuan does not meet this criterion, limiting its potential as a reserve currency. A freely floating CTCU, supported by stable and transparent economic policies from all BRICS nations, is essential for success.

2. Establishing the CTCU as a Genuine Reserve Currency

A successful CTCU would be recognized and accepted as a reserve currency by central banks worldwide. This involves building trust in the currency’s stability and reliability, backed by the economic strength and resources of the BRICS nations.

3. Development of a CTCU-Based Bond Market

A functioning bond market is crucial for the widespread use of the CTCU. It provides a mechanism for investing and lending, offering returns on CTCU holdings and enhancing its appeal to global investors.

4. Widespread Acceptance and Willingness to Trade in CTCUs

For the CTCU to succeed, businesses and individuals must be willing to trade and accept Bricks over local currencies or the US Dollar. This requires significant shifts in trading practices and confidence in the new currency.

5. Overcoming Export Mercantilism

China’s current export mercantilism—prioritizing trade surpluses and accumulating foreign reserves—must be addressed. Without changes in this policy, the CTCU would face similar challenges as the Yuan in becoming a global reserve currency.

6. Building Trust

Trust is a fundamental component of any currency’s success. The BRICS nations must demonstrate a commitment to maintaining the CTCU’s value, backed by tangible assets like gold, and ensure transparency in their financial practices.

Overcoming Challenges and Real-World Implications

Export Mercantilism and Trade Imbalances

China’s historical trade surpluses have led to the accumulation of US Dollar reserves. For the CTCU to succeed, there must be a shift towards balanced trade practices. This change would involve significant economic reforms and a willingness to move away from mercantilist policies.

Trade Dynamics and Practical Challenges

Global trade operates at the individual and business level, rather than between nations. A Brazilian business, for example, would need to convert local currency to CTCUs, engage in transactions, and ultimately manage the CTCU holdings. The lack of a CTCU-based bond market and other financial instruments complicates this process, reducing the currency’s attractiveness.

Case Study: Saudi Aramco and Brick Transactions

Consider a scenario where Saudi Arabia’s Aramco sells oil in CTCUs. The company would need to convert CTCUs to other currencies or financial instruments to utilize its earnings. Without a developed CTCU financial ecosystem, this process remains cumbersome and impractical.

The Transformative Impact on Global Trade and Sanctions

Sanction Avoidance and Digital Currencies

While the CTCU faces significant challenges as a global reserve currency, it holds promise for sanction avoidance. Countries and individuals subject to US sanctions could use the CTCU to conduct transactions beyond the reach of US financial systems.

The development of digital currencies further facilitates this process, offering a more covert means of trade.

US Sanctions and Global Retaliation

The US has extensively used sanctions as a foreign policy tool. The proliferation of a BRICS gold-based currency, coupled with decentralized digital ledger technology, would undermine this strategy by providing alternative transaction mechanisms.

This shift may not dethrone the US Dollar completely, but could significantly limit the US’s ability to enforce sanctions globally.

Long-Term Financial Stability

In the long run, a successful CTCU would contribute to a more diversified and stable global financial system.

However, this requires overcoming significant economic, political, and trust barriers. The establishment of the BRICS Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU) and its potential gold backing illustrates ongoing efforts to achieve these goals.

Overview of the CTCU Currency Structure

The long-term stability of the BRICS Alliance’s financial vision hinges on the successful implementation of the Common Trade Currency Unit (CTCU).

This innovative currency aims to provide a stable, reliable alternative to the US Dollar, backed by tangible assets including gold. The CTCU is designed to enhance trade efficiency, foster economic stability, and reduce dependency on traditional fiat currencies.

The CTCU operates within a decentralized ecosystem facilitated by a blockchain platform. Each authorized node within this ecosystem can issue settlement and payment units denominated in CTCUs.

These units serve as a medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value for cross-border transactions among BRICS nations.

The CTCU is pegged to a basket of assets to ensure stability and trust.

Specifically, it is anchored to 1 gram of gold, with the remaining value equally divided between two currencies from BRICS countries.

This hybrid backing provides a robust foundation for the CTCU, mitigating the volatility typically associated with fiat currencies.

Also ReadA Look Under the Hood of the Gold-backed BRICS Currency to understand how the new BRICS gold-based currency unit will RV smaller country currencies upwards against the major fiat debt currencies (such as the USD and EURO).

The Bottom Line

The BRICS Alliance’s pursuit of a gold-backed currency represents a bold move towards reshaping the global financial landscape.

While the path to success is fraught with challenges—ranging from establishing trust to developing robust financial markets—the potential benefits are substantial.

A successful CTCU would facilitate sanction avoidance, promote economic stability, and provide a meaningful alternative to the US Dollar-dominated system.

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Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Awake-In-3D, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

RV/GCR Heading to the Launchpad: Prepare for a Currency Reset

RV/GCR Heading to the Launchpad: Prepare for a Currency Reset

On June 10, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

BRICS’ new currency will launch a global REVALUATION and challenge RESET the financial system once and for all.

The fiat currency financial landscape stands on the edge of a major shift with the potential for a significant revaluation (RV) and a global currency reset (GCR).

This transformative change is closely tied to the ongoing initiative by the BRICS Alliance to introduce a new gold-backed common trade currency.

RV/GCR Heading to the Launchpad: Prepare for a Currency Reset

On June 10, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

BRICS’ new currency will launch a global REVALUATION and challenge RESET the financial system once and for all.

The fiat currency financial landscape stands on the edge of a major shift with the potential for a significant revaluation (RV) and a global currency reset (GCR).

This transformative change is closely tied to the ongoing initiative by the BRICS Alliance to introduce a new gold-backed common trade currency.

ALSO READ: BRICS Now Dominates Global Oil, Gold and Energy Supplies

The BRICS bloc is increasingly seeking to reduce its reliance on Western G7 currencies, particularly the US dollar, for international trade. The quest for economic sovereignty and financial stability drives these nations to consider a common trade currency.

A significant revaluation of currencies will be a key result of this initiative, profoundly impacting the global financial system.

In This Article

  • Reducing Reliance on G7 Currencies

  • The Inadequacy of Existing BRICS Currencies

  • The Need for a Globally Acceptable Currency

  • Integration into the Forex Market

  • Benefits of Gold Backing

Reducing Reliance on G7 Currencies

The dominance of the US dollar and the euro in international trade presents significant challenges for BRICS nations.

Dependence on these currencies exposes BRICS economies to the monetary policies and economic fluctuations of Western nations. This dependence often results in economic instability, as decisions made by the Federal Reserve or the European Central Bank can have far-reaching, negative effects on BRICS economies.

For instance, interest rate hikes in the US can lead to capital outflows from BRICS nations, causing currency devaluations and economic turmoil.

A common trade currency would mitigate these vulnerabilities, providing BRICS members with greater control over their economic destinies and reducing the influence of G7 monetary policies on their economies.

The Inadequacy of Existing BRICS Currencies

None of the individual BRICS currencies—the Chinese yuan, Russian ruble, Indian rupee, Brazilian real, or South African rand—have the global acceptance or liquidity of the US dollar or euro. Each of these currencies has its own set of challenges, including limited international use, lower levels of liquidity, and susceptibility to domestic economic issues.

Relying solely on a basket of these currencies would not solve the problem, as these currencies lack the widespread use and trust needed for efficient international trade.

Additionally, the volatility and varying economic policies of the BRICS nations can lead to instability in the value of these currencies, making them less reliable for international transactions.

The Need for a Globally Acceptable Currency

For BRICS to enhance trade efficiency and efficacy, a new, globally acceptable currency is essential.

This common trade currency (CTC) would be used by all BRICS members for trade among themselves and potentially accepted by many non-BRICS countries, promoting smoother and more reliable cross-border transactions. The CTC would serve as a stable and reliable medium of exchange, reducing transaction costs and exchange rate risks associated with using multiple currencies.

This stability would encourage more countries to engage in trade with BRICS nations, fostering economic growth and cooperation.

Establishing a New Central Bank and Clearing House

To manage the new currency, BRICS would need to establish a central bank facility dedicated to the CTC. This institution would oversee the issuance and regulation of the currency, ensuring its stability and trustworthiness.

The central bank would implement monetary policies to maintain the value of the CTC and manage its reserves of gold and BRICS currencies.

Additionally, a central clearing house similar to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) would be necessary to facilitate efficient and secure transactions. This clearing house would act as a financial intermediary, ensuring that cross-border transactions are settled smoothly and reducing the risk of fraud and financial mismanagement.

The Structure of the Common Trade Currency

To ensure high fungibility and acceptance, the proposed CTC would be backed by 40% gold and a basket of major BRICS member currencies. This backing would lend stability and credibility to the CTC, making it an attractive option for international trade partners.

Gold, a universally recognized store of value, would enhance the currency’s stability, while the inclusion of BRICS currencies would reflect the economic strengths of the member nations.

The 40% gold backing would provide a solid foundation for the CTC, reducing the risk of inflation and currency devaluation.

The remaining 60% would be backed by a diversified basket of BRICS currencies, ensuring that the CTC reflects the collective economic power of the member nations.

Attracting Non-Member Nations

The gold-backed CTC would appeal to many countries outside the BRICS bloc, except for G7 nations like the US, EU, England, and Canada, which may resist such a shift.

The stability and value offered by gold backing would make the CTC an attractive medium for trade, enhancing its acceptance and use worldwide.

Non-member nations, particularly those in developing regions, would find the CTC to be a reliable alternative to the volatile G7 currencies, fostering economic ties with BRICS nations and reducing their reliance on Western financial systems.

Integration into Forex Markets

The CTC would soon find its way into the Forex market, further solidifying its acceptance and convertibility.

As a stable and reliable currency, it would offer an alternative to the volatile and inflation-prone fiat currencies of the G7 nations.

The integration of the CTC into Forex markets would provide traders and investors with a new instrument for hedging and investment, increasing its liquidity and global acceptance.

Over time, the CTC would become a significant player in the global currency market, challenging the dominance of the US dollar and euro.

Benefits of Gold Backing

Backing the CTC with gold would provide significant advantages.

Gold is a stable store of value, which would reduce inflation and offer superior stability compared to major G7 fiat currencies. The gold backing would make the CTC a reliable hedge against economic uncertainty, attracting international confidence and FDI (Foreign Direct Investment).

Historically, gold has been seen as a safe haven asset during times of economic turmoil. By backing the CTC with gold, BRICS nations can ensure that their currency remains stable and retains its value even during global financial crises.

Stronger BRICS Member Currencies Drives the RV/GCR

A crucial benefit of the Common Trade Currency (CTC) is the significant revaluation (RV) and global currency reset (GCR) it would trigger for BRICS member currencies.

By linking their currencies to a gold-backed CTC, BRICS nations would experience a substantial appreciation (RV) in their exchange rates against G7 fiat currencies.

This revaluation would be driven by the intrinsic value and stability provided by the gold backing, enhancing the global standing of BRICS currencies.

The RV and GCR process would logically unfold as follows:

  1. Gold-Backed Stability: The gold component would provide a stable foundation, reducing inflation and increasing confidence in BRICS currencies. Investors and global markets would recognize the inherent value of a currency backed by a tangible asset like gold.

  2. Increased Demand: As the CTC gains acceptance in international trade, demand for BRICS currencies would rise. This increased demand would naturally lead to an appreciation of their values.

  3. Market Adjustments: Forex markets would adjust to the new reality of a stable, gold-backed currency. Traders and investors would shift their portfolios to include more BRICS currencies, further driving up their values.

  4. Global Acceptance: The widespread acceptance of the CTC would reduce the dominance of the US dollar and euro. As more countries and businesses start using the CTC, the reliance on G7 currencies would diminish, causing a shift in global currency dynamics.

  5. Economic Benefits: The strengthened exchange rates would lead to lower import costs for BRICS nations. This reduction in costs would increase the purchasing power of BRICS citizens and businesses, fostering economic growth and development.

  6. Long-Term Stability: The consistent value provided by the gold backing would ensure long-term stability for BRICS currencies. This stability would attract further investment and trade, reinforcing the positive cycle of currency revaluation and economic growth.

Overall, the introduction of a gold-backed CTC would not only stabilize and strengthen BRICS currencies but also initiate a broader RV and GCR across the global financial system against all purely fiat currencies.

ALSO READ: BRICS Now Dominates Global Oil, Gold and Energy Supplies

This strategic move would reduce dependence on G7 fiat currencies, enhance the economic sovereignty of BRICS nations, and contribute to a more balanced and multipolar global economy.

The Bottom Line

Introducing a common trade currency backed by 40% gold and a basket of BRICS member currencies is a strategic move that could transform international trade for BRICS nations. It would provide economic stability, reduce reliance on G7 currencies, and enhance the global standing of BRICS economies.

The creation of this new currency, supported by robust financial institutions, would mark a significant step towards a more balanced and multipolar global financial system.

The resulting RV of BRICS currencies would have far-reaching implications, including the rapid adoption of gold-backed currencies and the hyperinflation of any remaining fiat currencies – a planet wide GCR.

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Will Texas Exit the United States and Join BRICS? Awake-In-3D

Will Texas Exit the United States and Join BRICS?

On June 9, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Could Texas and BRICS Create A Gold-Backed Financial Future Beyond the Fiat Currency System?

If Texas were to secede, an intriguing possibility is that it might only accept gold-backed dollars for cross-border trade, rejecting fiat currency – including the US Dollar – entirely.

This stance could align Texas with the BRICS Alliance, which is currently developing a new gold-backed common trade currency and sovereign financial system.

Will Texas Exit the United States and Join BRICS?

On June 9, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Could Texas and BRICS Create A Gold-Backed Financial Future Beyond the Fiat Currency System?

If Texas were to secede, an intriguing possibility is that it might only accept gold-backed dollars for cross-border trade, rejecting fiat currency – including the US Dollar – entirely.

This stance could align Texas with the BRICS Alliance, which is currently developing a new gold-backed common trade currency and sovereign financial system.

Also Read: Texas Takes the Lead: A Gold-Backed Future for Sovereign Digital Currency

Joining the BRICS Alliance could bolster Texas’ economic independence and offer a robust alternative to traditional financial systems dominated by fiat currencies.

This potential alignment with BRICS nations would significantly impact global geopolitics and economics, positioning Texas as a key player in a shifting international monetary landscape.

In This Article

  • Texas GOP’s call for a secession vote and state sovereignty

  • Historical context of Texas’ independence movement

  • Key arguments and criticisms of the TEXIT movement

  • Economic and political implications of potential secession

The Texas Republican Party’s recent convention has reignited discussions about the state’s potential secession from the United States.

With the adoption of platform planks advocating for a secession referendum and stronger resistance to federal overreach, the question of Texas’ independence is gaining renewed attention.

Texas GOP Advocates for State Sovereignty

At the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Convention in San Antonio, the party adopted two significant platform planks.

The first asserts that the federal government has overstepped its bounds, infringing on powers reserved to the states. It calls for the Texas government to oppose, refuse, and nullify unwarranted federal laws, affirming Texas’ right to secede. The second plank directs the Texas Legislature to schedule a secession referendum for the next general election.

“This historic vote at the 2024 Republican Party of Texas Convention represents a substantial shift towards enhancing state sovereignty and exploring the potential for Texas to operate as an independent nation,” stated the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM).

Historical Context of Texas’ Independence Movement

The location of the convention, San Antonio, holds historical significance as the site of the Alamo, a key chapter in Texas’ fight for independence from Mexico.

The 1836 Battle of the Alamo, though a setback, played a crucial role in Texas becoming a self-governing republic. From 1836 to 1845, Texas was an independent nation before joining the United States.

The first plank of the new platform cites Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, claiming federal government actions have impaired Texas’ right to local self-government. It calls for a referendum on secession and the passing of the Texas Sovereignty Act.

Arguments and Criticisms of the TEXIT Movement

Supporters of the TEXIT movement argue that secession would protect Texas’ rights against federal overreach.

They believe that greater autonomy would allow Texas to better manage its resources and address its residents’ needs without federal interference. The Texas Nationalist Movement’s Nate Smith defended the platform at the convention, countering claims of treason and emphasizing the right to self-determination.

Critics, however, argue that secession is unconstitutional and impractical.

They point to the Pledge of Allegiance’s reference to “one nation…indivisible” as evidence against the legitimacy of secession.

Brian McGlinchey, in making a case against the pledge, argues that the concept of indivisibility contradicts the foundational human right to political divisibility, as demonstrated by the United States’ own secession from the British Empire.

Economic and Political Implications

Texas’ potential secession poses significant economic and political implications.

As the largest oil producer in the United States, Texas accounts for 42% of American production, with extensive agriculture, deep-water ports, and a burgeoning high-tech industry. These resources position Texas well for economic independence.

Also Read: Calls for Gold-backed Dollar on the Rise Across USA

The recent decision by BlackRock, Citadel Securities, and other investors to back the Texas Stock Exchange further underscores the state’s economic potential. Rising dissatisfaction with federal regulations and compliance costs has fueled this move, highlighting Texas’ attractiveness as an independent economic entity.

The Bottom Line

The Texas GOP’s call for a secession vote and increased state sovereignty marks a significant shift in the state’s political landscape.

While the TEXIT movement faces substantial legal and practical challenges, its growing support reflects a deepening desire for autonomy and local governance.

As Texans continue to explore the growing desire for sovereign independence, the question of whether it will actually secede from the United States remains open, with significant implications that could reshape the state’s future and its relationship within the global financial and geopolitical landscape.

Supporting article:  

Full text of Texas HB 384 Texas Sovereignty Act:

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Central Bank Gold RV Accounts Are Real: What Are They Planning?: Awake-In-3D

Central Bank Gold RV Accounts Are Real: What Are They Planning?

On June 6, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

Discover the Secret Tool Central Banks Might Use to Avert Financial Collapse. Perhaps Even a Total Money Reset.

The question remains: will a dramatic revaluation of gold really solve the fiat currency debt system death trap? In the case of the United States, a practical scenario would not only require a sky-high revaluation of gold but also utilizing gold to outright back the ever-devaluing dollar.

This hypothetical approach raises several issues.

First, the price of gold would need to soar to unprecedented levels to cover the national debt, as shown by the required valuation of over $133,000 per ounce (as explained below).

Central Bank Gold RV Accounts Are Real: What Are They Planning?

On June 6, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

Discover the Secret Tool Central Banks Might Use to Avert Financial Collapse. Perhaps Even a Total Money Reset.

The question remains: will a dramatic revaluation of gold really solve the fiat currency debt system death trap? In the case of the United States, a practical scenario would not only require a sky-high revaluation of gold but also utilizing gold to outright back the ever-devaluing dollar.

This hypothetical approach raises several issues.

First, the price of gold would need to soar to unprecedented levels to cover the national debt, as shown by the required valuation of over $133,000 per ounce (as explained below).

Such a leap would fundamentally alter the global economic landscape and could undermine trust in the existing financial system. Additionally, backing the dollar with gold would necessitate a complete overhaul of current monetary policies and financial practices, potentially leading to significant economic upheaval.

This scenario forces us to confront the limitations of relying on fiat currency and question whether a return to a gold standard could truly provide a stable solution or merely shift the nature of economic challenges faced by modern economies.

In This Article:

  1. What Are Gold Revaluation Accounts?

  2. How GRAs Work for Central Banks

  3. Using GRAs to Turn Gold Value into Money

  4. How GRAs Can Help Cancel Government Debt

  5. The Impact of U.S. Debt on Gold Prices

Gold Revaluation Accounts (GRAs) might sound complex, but they play an essential role in the financial strategies of central banks. They record the increase in the value of a country’s gold reserves as gold prices go up. This article will explain what GRAs are and how they can help countries like the United States reset their monetary systems and reduce their debt.

What Are Gold Revaluation Accounts?

A Gold Revaluation Account (GRA) is a special account used by central banks to track the increased value of their gold reserves over time.

When the price of gold rises, the GRA records these unrealized gains. For instance, if a central bank bought gold years ago at a lower price and the price of gold increases today, the difference in value is recorded in the GRA.

How GRAs Work for Central Banks

Let’s take the United States as an example. The US Treasury has 261,498,926 troy ounces of gold.

Originally, this gold was valued at $11,041,059,958. However, with today’s gold price at $2,400 per ounce, the value has increased significantly.

To calculate the current value of the US gold reserves:

  • Current Gold Value: 261,498,926 ounces × $2,400 per ounce = $627,597,422,400

The difference between the original book value and the current value is:

  • Unrealized Gain: $627,597,422,400 (current value) – $11,041,059,958 (original value) = $616,556,362,442

This $616 billion gain is recorded in the GRA, reflecting the increased value of the US gold reserves.

Using GRAs to Turn Gold Value into Money

Central banks can use the unrealized gains in their GRAs to improve their financial situation. They can move some of these gains to their capital accounts, essentially turning this “paper gain” into usable money without selling any gold.

For example, if the US Treasury needed funds, it could transfer part of the $616 billion gain from the GRA to cover expenses or increase its financial buffers.

This process involves adjusting the accounting records, not physically moving any gold.

How GRAs Can Help Cancel Government Debt

GRAs can also help reduce government debt. Central banks can use the gains in the GRA to pay off government bonds. This method reduces the debt without creating new money.

For instance, the US could use the $616 billion gain to cancel some of its outstanding government bonds. By doing this, the government reduces its debt burden, easing financial pressure without increasing the money supply.

The Impact of U.S. Debt on Gold Prices

The U.S. national debt currently stands at approximately $35 trillion. To understand the magnitude of this debt, consider the gold reserves of the U.S. Treasury and what would be required to pay off this debt using those reserves.

Currently, the U.S. has 261,498,926 troy ounces of gold. At the present gold price of $2,400 per ounce, the total value of the U.S. gold reserves is about $627.6 billion. This is a small fraction of the $35 trillion debt.

To pay off the entire $35 trillion debt with gold, the value of gold would need to rise dramatically. Specifically, each ounce of gold would need to be valued at around $133,837. This means that the price of gold would need to increase by over 55 times its current value to cover the national debt with the existing gold reserves.

This enormous required increase in gold prices highlights the severity of the U.S. debt situation. It shows just how far the financial system would need to stretch to resolve the debt through gold revaluation alone. The drastic measures required to achieve this highlight the scale of financial challenges faced by the government.

The Bottom Line

Gold Revaluation Accounts offer a practical way for countries to handle financial challenges. By using the increased value of their gold reserves, central banks can support government budgets and reduce debt.

For the United States, leveraging the $616 billion in unrealized gains from its gold reserves could provide significant financial relief.

However, the requirement for gold to be valued at $133,837 per ounce to cover the national debt highlights the catastrophic level of debt and the drastic measures needed to address it. This approach shows how gold, beyond being a precious metal, plays a vital role in modern financial management.

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GCR Proof: Gold Replacing US Dollar in One Chart: AWake-In-3D

GCR Proof: Gold Replacing US Dollar in One Chart

On June 4, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this chart is worth exactly that.

If one subscribes to the thesis that the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and the revaluations of currencies (RV) employs gold at its very foundation, than this chart is proof of that.

This chart below shows the different currencies and gold being held globally as international reserves from 1900 to 2023.

GCR Proof: Gold Replacing US Dollar in One Chart

On June 4, 2024  By Awake-In-3D

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this chart is worth exactly that.

If one subscribes to the thesis that the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and the revaluations of currencies (RV) employs gold at its very foundation, than this chart is proof of that.

This chart below shows the different currencies and gold being held globally as international reserves from 1900 to 2023.

There are several key takeaways in the chart and I will break it down here, one piece at a time.

Bretton Woods: The Beginning of Global Dollar Domination

Before WW2, countries worldwide held physical gold as their primary monetary reserve. However, the 1945 Bretton Woods Agreements changed all that.

The black rectangle in the chart below highlights the dramatic sell-off of gold in favor of countries loading up on US Dollars.

It is important to remember that the Dollar was on the Gold Standard back then. Since the Dollar was backed by gold, holding Dollars as a Reserve was the same as holding gold.

The end of WW2 and the Bretton Woods Agreements begin the era of a global King Dollar

But then, the USA abandoned the Gold Standard officially in 1971. This caused a modest resurgence in buying gold once again as a Reserve asset.

Rise of the PetroDollar and EuroDollar Market

However, beginning in the late 1970’s, the PetroDollar and the offshore EuroDollar Market became the dominant, Dollar-denominated financial force worldwide.

The chart below highlights the rise of the PetroDollar and EuroDollar Market. Notice the dramatic expansion of the Dollar (red bars in the chart) and contraction of gold (gold bars in the chart) as a percentage of global international reserves.

The Great Global Fiat Currency Experiment begins: The PetroDollar and EuroDollar System create the largest expansion and global adoption of a single fiat currency (US Dollar) in global history.

Reversing Course: Dollars Now Being Sold to Buy Gold

Moving forward in the chart from 2014 to 2023, we see a complete reversal in gold vs. Dollar holdings as a percentage of global international reserves.

Notice in the highlighted area of the chart below how the US Dollar (red bars) have been contracting while physical gold holdings (gold bars) are increasing significantly as a percentage of global international reserves.

As the Great Global Fiat Currency Experiment reaches its logical conclusion, the replacement of Dollars for Gold as international reserves paves the way for the RV/GCR.

Furthermore, preliminary indications are showing that gold purchases for international reserves are continuing to accelerate in 2024. US Dollars are being sold to purchase more and more physical gold.

What is this Telling Us?

The bottom line is that the world is very aware that the Great Global Fiat Currency Experiment has run its course and the era of King Dollar is reaching its logical conclusion.

The RV/GCR is coming.

It will be based on a complete revaluation of Gold and once again, anchoring national currencies to a single Monetary UNIT of value. The Monetary Unit will be gold.

This is exactly what the BRICS Alliance is doing regarding their new Common Trade Currency and the new BRICS Monetary UNIT.

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Zimbabwe’s New Gold-Backed ZiG Currency: A Record Financial Turnaround

Zimbabwe’s New Gold-Backed ZiG Currency: A Record Financial Turnaround

On June 3, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Rapid improvement in Zimbabwe’s currency stability thanks to the new gold-backed ZiG currency.

In This Article

The Troubled History of Zimbabwe’s Currency

Introduction of the Gold-Backed ZiG Currency

How the ZiG Currency Stabilized the Economy

Future Prospects for Zimbabwe’s Financial Stability

Zimbabwe’s New Gold-Backed ZiG Currency: A Record Financial Turnaround

On June 3, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

Rapid improvement in Zimbabwe’s currency stability thanks to the new gold-backed ZiG currency.

In This Article

  1. The Troubled History of Zimbabwe’s Currency

  2. Introduction of the Gold-Backed ZiG Currency

  3. How the ZiG Currency Stabilized the Economy

  4. Future Prospects for Zimbabwe’s Financial Stability

Zimbabwe has faced one of the most turbulent currency crises in history.

The introduction of the ZiG currency, backed by gold, has brought a surprising and rapid turnaround, stabilizing the economy and reducing inflation.

The Troubled History of Zimbabwe’s Currency

Zimbabwe’s currency woes began in the early 1980s.

The Zimbabwe dollar replaced the Rhodesian dollar but started losing value significantly in the 1990s. By 2006, hyperinflation forced the government to redenominate the currency at an exchange rate of 1,000 to one.

The situation worsened in 2008 when the currency was redenominated again at 10 billion to one. By 2015, a U.S. dollar equaled 35 quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars.

In 2016, bond notes backed by U.S. dollars were introduced but failed to stabilize the currency due to excessive printing. Inflation soared, and foreign currencies became the main medium for transactions.

Introduction of the Gold-Backed ZiG Currency

In a bold move, Zimbabwe introduced the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency, converting domestic dollar balances into ZiG balances.

This currency is backed by significant gold reserves, a shift from highly inflated fiat money to a more stable, specie-backed currency. The central bank recalibrated the main interest rate to 20%, down from 130%.

Central Bank Governor John Mushayavanhu highlighted the reserves, including 1.1 tons of gold stored domestically and another 1.5 tons abroad. This reserve-backed approach aimed to restore confidence in the local currency.

How the ZiG Currency Stabilized the Economy

The immediate impact of the ZiG currency was significant. Consumer prices dropped by 2.4% in May, a month after the ZiG was introduced.

This deflation marked a stark contrast to the hyperinflation that had plagued Zimbabwe for years. The ZiG currency appreciated by 1.9% against the U.S. dollar within a month of its launch, reflecting newfound stability.

The ZiG currency was issued in various denominations, ensuring ease of use in daily transactions. By converting old currency to ZiG, the government aimed to curtail inflation and stabilize the economy. The introduction of ZiG coins helped address the shortage of small change in the market.

Future Prospects for Zimbabwe’s Financial Stability

The introduction of the ZiG currency has set Zimbabwe on a path to financial stability.

With inflation rates expected to stabilize between 2% and 5% by year-end, the economic outlook is promising. This turnaround is attributed to the disciplined approach of backing the currency with tangible assets like gold.

Economists emphasize the need for continued discipline and prudent financial management to sustain this positive trend. The gold-backed ZiG currency serves as a foundation for rebuilding trust in Zimbabwe’s monetary system.

The Bottom Line

Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed ZiG currency has brought remarkable improvement to a country long marred by hyperinflation and currency instability.

By anchoring the currency with gold reserves and implementing stringent monetary policies, Zimbabwe has achieved a rare and rapid economic stabilization.

The future looks hopeful as the country embraces this new era of financial stability.

Zimbabwe’s Currency History in a Nutshell

  1. 1980: Zimbabwe dollar replaced the Rhodesian dollar at par.

  2. 2006: Currency redenominated at 1,000 to one.

  3. 2008: Further redenomination at 10 billion to one.

  4. 2009: 12 zeroes removed from bank notes; foreign currencies legalized.

  5. 2015: $1 USD = 35 quadrillion Zimbabwe dollars.

  6. 2016: Introduction of bond notes backed by U.S. dollars.

  7. April 2024: Introduction of ZiG (Zimbabwe Gold) currency.

  8. April 2024: ZiG currency appreciated by 1.9% against the USD within one month.

  9. May 2024: Consumer prices dropped by 2.4%.

  10. Projected 2024: Inflation expected to stabilize between 2% and 5%.

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Could the Government Confiscate Your Gold when the Financial System Crashes?

Could the Government Confiscate Your Gold when the Financial System Crashes?

On June 2, 2024   By Awake-In-3D

Historical Precedents and Current Implications of Gold Confiscation Explained

The idea of gold confiscation by the government creates significant debate within the RV/GCR community, especially in the context of a potential collapse of the fiat currency system.

Could a scenario similar to the 1933 Executive Order 6102, which required the surrender of privately held gold, happen again today?

To answer this question, let’s examine the historical context of EO 6102, its actual impact, and whether such drastic measures could be realistically implemented in the modern financial landscape.

Could the Government Confiscate Your Gold when the Financial System Crashes?

On June 2, 2024   By Awake-In-3D

Historical Precedents and Current Implications of Gold Confiscation Explained

The idea of gold confiscation by the government creates significant debate within the RV/GCR community, especially in the context of a potential collapse of the fiat currency system.

Could a scenario similar to the 1933 Executive Order 6102, which required the surrender of privately held gold, happen again today?

To answer this question, let’s examine the historical context of EO 6102, its actual impact, and whether such drastic measures could be realistically implemented in the modern financial landscape.

In This Article

  • Historical Analysis of Executive Order 6102

  • Mechanics and Enforcement of the Order

  • Potential for Modern-Day Gold Confiscation

  • Comparative Legal and Economic Perspectives

In 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102, which mandated the surrender of most privately held gold to the U.S. government.

Historical Analysis of Executive Order 6102

Executive Order 6102 was issued during the Great Depression to address severe economic instability and a lack of confidence in paper currency.

Under the authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act of 1917, as amended by the Emergency Banking Act in March 1933, EO 6102 aimed to prevent the hoarding of gold, which was seen as a barrier to economic recovery.

The order required citizens to surrender gold coins, gold bullion, and gold certificates to the Federal Reserve by May 1, 1933.

Exceptions included up to $100 in gold coins and gold for industrial, professional, or artistic uses, as well as rare and collectible coins. In return, individuals received paper currency valued at $20.67 per ounce of gold.

Mechanics and Enforcement of the Order

EO 6102 is often described as a gold confiscation order, but it was more accurately a nationalization of gold.

The government offered compensation for surrendered gold, thus avoiding outright confiscation without remuneration. The public’s compliance was largely voluntary, driven by trust in the government, patriotism, and fear of penalties.

Despite the order, enforcement was relatively minimal.

Economist Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz estimated that only 20-25% of private gold was surrendered. The government did not aggressively pursue those who ignored the order, focusing instead on achieving compliance through public cooperation.

Potential for Modern-Day Gold Confiscation

Given the historical precedent set by EO 6102, could a similar order be issued today if the fiat currency debt system collapses? While it is theoretically possible, several factors make it less likely:

  1. Legal and Political Climate: The current legal framework and political environment differ significantly from those in 1933. Any attempt to confiscate gold would face substantial legal challenges and political opposition.

  2. Public Reaction and Compliance: Today’s public is more informed and potentially more resistant to such measures. Trust in government institutions is generally lower, making voluntary compliance less likely.

  3. Economic Alternatives: Modern economies have diverse financial instruments and mechanisms to address monetary crises. Measures such as quantitative easing and other monetary policies can be employed without resorting to gold confiscation.

  4. Global Financial System: The global financial system is more interconnected and complex. The impact of a unilateral gold confiscation by one country could have broader international repercussions, making it a less viable option.

Comparative Legal and Economic Perspectives

The legal basis for gold confiscation today would require substantial legislative action.

The original EO 6102 was supported by amendments to existing laws that granted extraordinary powers during a national emergency. Replicating such a framework today would necessitate new legislation or amendments to current laws, which could be a contentious process.

The Bottom Line

Executive Order 6102 did mandate the surrender of most privately held gold in 1933, but it was not an outright confiscation without compensation.

The context of the Great Depression and the legal framework at the time facilitated this extraordinary measure. In today’s complex and interconnected financial environment, a similar gold confiscation order is unlikely.

The potential for such an action would face significant legal, political, and public resistance, making it an improbable solution to a fiat currency debt collapse.

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