Zig’s Place Chat and News Sunday AM 3-28-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Sunday AM 3-28-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Xyz  Kanani confirms that the government has taken the decision to change the exchange rate of the dollar after the approval of all political blocs https://www.dijlah.tv/index.php?page=article&id=281033

Xyz  @Kaperoni is that a flotation change or sudden overnight RV?

butterfly  The Presidency of the House of Representatives decided to postpone holding today's session to vote on the budget bill until seven in the evening due to the continuing discussions of the political blocs and forces with the relevant ministries on the law.

butterfly  The parliamentary blocs announced that the Kurdish delegation headed by Qubad Talabani, deputy head of the regional government, stipulated that no proposed text should be drafted alternative to Article 11 related to the Kurdistan region’s share, and other contentious articles in the General Budget Law 2021, without his direct presence in joint meetings with members of the committee Parliamentary finance and leaders of political blocs.

butterfly  President of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, Arshad Al-Salhi, decided to abandon the presidency of the front and devote himself to parliamentary and political work.

This came during Al-Salhi’s presidency, an extraordinary meeting of the front’s executive body in the city of Kirkuk, during which changes took place in a number of its leaders .

butterfly  Advisor to the Prime Minister for Financial Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, said: The agreement with China extends to the end of 2038 and is still valid.

He told the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) that: When the government submitted the draft federal budget bill 2021, it referred to the funding for the Iraqi-Chinese agreement, and the state of the legislation will become the practical entry point for the implementation of the agreement.

Saleh added that: The agreement includes the start of the projects that will be undertaken by the Chinese executing authorities and according to the desire of Iraq and the priorities of its investment projects in construction and reconstruction ..

Iraq signed in October of 2019 an agreement with China extending for twenty years of its paragraphs to build a thousand schools throughout the country

Zig  :Thankyou: Dinar Recaps! https://dinarrecaps.com/our-blog/zigs-place-chat-and-news-saturday-am-3-27-21

Sheila  3/27/2021, Redemption Process: https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/03/27/03-27-2021-redemption-process/

Sheila  3/27/2021, Podcast of Redemption Process: https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-qmkgr-ff012e -- this link for RV/GCR Process located @ https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/03/27/03-27-2021-podcast-of-redemption-process/

Sheila  3/27/2021, Update: https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/03/27/03-27-2021-update/

Sheila  3/27/2021, Podcast Update: https://nicksintel.wordpress.com/2021/03/27/03-27-2021-podcast-update/

Zig  sheila : Do you believe what that @Nick says?

Sheila  Zig Thinking his military connections should not be dismissed. Anything is possible.

Zig  Okay

Butterfly   2021-03-28 03:00  Shafaq News/ Today, Sunday, March 28, 2021, the Dinar/Dollar exchange rates surged in the Iraqi market.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent said that Al-Kifah Central Exchange is trading the 100 US dollar at 144,600 Iraqi dinars, compared to 144,500 dinars on Thursday, earlier this week.

Our correspondent added that today's selling and buying prices in the local markets rose to 145,000 and 144,000 dinars per 100 dollars.

butterfly  2021-03-28 06:15  Shafaq News/ The Central Bank of Iraq sales of hard currency tremendously ebbed today, Sunday.

Shafaq News Agency correspondent reported that CBI sales at the Foreign Exchange Auctions registered an 83.33% decline in its sales to settle at 13.082million dollars, compared to 78.418million dollars on Thursday. The weighted average rate of the dinar to the U.S. dollar amounted to 1460.

Our correspondent explained that no cash purchases were made, while all the sales went to boost funds abroad in the form of transfers and credits, with three banks meeting those requests.

butterfly  The Parliamentary Finance Committee held a new deliberative meeting to complete the final formulations of the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, prior to the House of Representatives session devoted to voting on it this evening.

The Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ) learned that "the meeting discussed preparing the proposed version presented by the Kurdish delegation and leaders of the political blocs of the controversial texts in the draft law, including Article 11 related to the share of the Kurdistan region."

Butterfly  xyz I remember a few years back when a friend told me to buy just "one" Zim and I would be a multi-millionaire.

Zig  butterfly : LOL

Butterfly   Zig Same story with the dinar.

Butterfly  People have to realize that this is a vote on the "draft general budget"

Butterfly  How long will it take to vote on the "general budget"?

Sheila  butterfly friend of friend from Texas told me buy Zim couple of years ago. Started buying 10T and 50T notes because 100T were bit costly. He is very happy for me and mine. Did not spend a lot for those notes.

Sheila   @Zig don't you just love the 6 degrees of separation?

butterfly  M sheila my friend "still" has his "one" zim tucked away.

Sheila  butterfly Well, if what Nick posted on March 27 is true, then that one note, with no strings attached, might be worth 11 million, on the low end. Outstanding lottery ticket he's holding.

Zig  Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people on average are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. As a result, a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. It is also known as the six handshakes rule.

Sheila  butterfly maybe all this is knee-jerk reactions to vote tampering/election fraud from the last election. trying to convince voters their "vote" is safe and secure. lolol

Butterfly  sheila Thanks for the laugh

Sheila  @Zig - do you have Zim? Because if you do then this is some good stuff to consider: https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/03/nick-fleming-redemption-process-3-27-21.html

Zig  sheila : No...I only have Dinar and some Dong...but thanks anyway....

butterfly  US: Dominion Voting sues Fox News for defamation

The voting systems company says it was subject of a misinformation campaign by Trump and allies over the 2020 election. Dominion Voting Systems has filed a $1.6bn defamation lawsuit against Fox News, arguing the United States cable news giant falsely claimed in an effort to boost faltering ratings that the voting company had rigged the 2020 presidential election.

It is the first defamation suit filed against a media outlet by the voting company, which was a target of misleading, false and bizarre claims spread by former President Donald Trump and his allies in the aftermath of Trump’s election loss to President Joe Biden.


butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=895771

Parliament presidency joins the meeting of the Finance Committee to discuss the completion of the budget law

Sunday 28, March 2021 17:29 Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi and his first deputy, Hassan al-Kaabi, joined the meeting of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, which is currently taking place at the Guest House building of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, to discuss the completion of the requirements of the legislation of the Federal Budget Law for the fiscal year 2021.

Butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=895773

A parliamentary request to amend paragraphs in the budget bill

Sunday 28, March 2021 17:44 Member of the Parliamentary Legal Committee, Hussein Al-Oqabi, renewed his demand to amend some paragraphs in the draft General Budget Law 2021, and to address violations to achieve the principle of social justice and to lift the injustice of citizens, especially those with limited income.

Al-Aqabi indicated, in a press conference, to: "The necessity to amend a number of points in the draft budget, including reducing the exchange rate of the dollar and returning it to its previous price, after the absence of all the justifications presented by the government previously to justify this wrong action, which Parliament must take a historic position to confirm its authority. Constitutional, and if necessary, amending the Central Bank Law, and not approving the new foreign loans included in the draft budget, which amount to more than (8.5) billion dollars. "

A member of the Parliament warned against the foreign borrowing policy and its burdensome sovereign and economic effects, indicating: "Many of the projects proposed to allocate these loans to them do not represent a priority in the government investment approach," stressing the refusal to authorize the Minister of Finance to issue sovereign guarantees.

butterfly  He continued: "It is also necessary to cancel the articles that allow the privatization of all production and service sectors of the state and allow the participation of investors and contractors in ownership of oil and gas fields, power stations, Iraqi Airways aircraft and government banks, as well as materials that allow the sale of state-owned agricultural lands to the right to dispose of much less than "Their realistic value, in addition to the materials that allow the sale of the state's financial assets, including industrial, infrastructure, etc."

He also pointed out: "The need to cancel the articles that give the Kurdistan region unjustified privileges at the expense of other provinces."

He said, "We suggest that Article (11) include the following text (the region is obligated to deliver (460) thousand barrels in full and all that is in excess to SOMO and hand over all its non-oil revenues to the public treasury. Legal responsibility for that) .

Xyz   Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have reportedly sold $19 billion worth of shares in Chinese tech and US media companies. Traders are now wondering what caused the unusually massive move and whether it will continue next week. https://www.rt.com/business/519419-wall-street-banks-block-trades/

Butterfly   Minister of Planning and Finance arrive in Parliament

Sunday 28, March 2021 18:08 Minister of Planning, Khaled Battal and Finance, Ali Allawi, arrived this evening at the House of Representatives building.

The correspondent of the Iraqi National News Agency / said that a new meeting will be held after an hour in the Constitutional Hall with the leaders of the blocs and the Presidency of Parliament to complete the discussion of the final version of the General Budget Law.

butterfly  The Ministry of Foreign Affairs delivers a new batch to Kuwait from the Kuwaiti archive

Sunday 28, March 2021 18:10 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has delivered a new batch of Kuwaiti archives to the State of Kuwait.

A statement by the Foreign Ministry stated: The Foreign Ministry delegation headed by Ambassador Dr. Qahtan Al-Janabi, Undersecretary for Legal Affairs and Multilateral Bilateral Relations, Ambassador Nasser Al-Hain, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Organizations Affairs, handed this morning a new batch from the Kuwaiti archive at the Sheikh Saud Al-Nasser Institute for Diplomatic Studies, where books belonging to a number of Kuwaiti colleges and institutes were handed over, as well as Large numbers of videos belonging to the Ministry of Information, Dr.

The handover report was signed by the United Nations representative in the State of Kuwait, Ambassador Tariq Al-Sheikh.

butterfly  The head of the State of Law coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, affirmed that the state’s weapons should not be allowed outside the framework of the state

. Al-Maliki said during his attendance at the Al-Bashaer Movement celebration: that security and restoring the prestige of the state is the responsibility of the government, political forces and society, calling on the government to create the appropriate atmosphere for holding elections.

He llo, World!

He explained that the proliferation of uncontrolled weapons and the lack of security instability make us reject holding elections because they will inevitably be held.

Al-Maliki said the government should take care of the youth, absorb them and meet their requirements.

He stressed that the youth demonstrations were a demand, but they were penetrated by the abusers and they tried to distort its image through burning, vandalism, and attacks on public and private property.

He continued: We are the children of the state, and our faith in its institutions must be absolute, even if we have observations about the performance of some of them.

Al-Maliki pointed out that the economic crisis left by the Corona pandemic was great, and the government should take into consideration the effects that negatively affected the lives of citizens and the poor in particular, stressing that raising the currency exchange rate should not affect the livelihood of citizens, but unfortunately what we have witnessed today is that changing the exchange rate has an effect. This is what we do not allow...................Al-Maliki

butterfly  6:44 PM  Sunday, March 28, 2021 (GMT+3)  Time in Iraq

butterfly  Parliamentary Finance reveals the agreement on the share of the Kurdistan region in the general budget

Sunday 28, March 2021 18:50 The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the agreement to formulate Article 11 related to the share of the Kurdistan region in the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, which will be submitted to a vote in the upcoming session of the House of Representatives this evening, Sunday.

butterfly  Parliamentary Finance by / NINA /: This is the formula for agreeing on the Kurdistan region’s share in the general budget

Sunday 28, March 2021 18:59 The Parliamentary Finance Committee revealed the agreement to formulate Article 11 related to the share of the Kurdistan region in the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, which will be submitted to a vote in the upcoming session of the House of Representatives this evening, Sunday.

According to the decision of the committee MP Ahmed al - Saffar, told the National Iraqi News Agency / Nina / " The agreement includes the government to adopt the text itself article 11 with the amendment of some phrases and to add a paragraph to cram the parties, and the delivery of non - oil revenues for the region at a rate of 50% to the federal government."

He added that "some of the expressions that were mentioned in the content of Article 11 have been changed to oblige the government and the region to implement the oil agreement," indicating that "Paragraph 2 / e stipulates that the two parties must abide by the terms of the agreement in Article 11 regarding the delivery of oil and non-oil revenues to the region in exchange for the government's commitment to pay The region’s share of the general budget. "

He explained that "the amended text of Article 11, paragraph 2 / e, includes that the oil produced in the region at a rate of 460 thousand barrels per day excludes the costs of production, operation, transportation, domestic consumption and petrodollars, and the remainder is no less than 250 thousand barrels per day delivered to the government by the price of the SOMO company. Patriotism.

Dave  butterfly 7.09 Baghdad time.........

butterfly  YUP and hopefully they will agree on this dang draft.

Dave  having some hopium aint a bad thing......

butterfly  The end of the parliamentary meeting to discuss the budget outside parliament

Sunday 28, March 2021 19:11 The Parliamentary Finance Committee has completed its joint deliberative meeting with the Presidency of the House of Representatives in the Guest House building, to complete the final drafts of the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, ahead of the House of Representatives session designated for voting on it this evening, Sunday.

The correspondent of the Iraqi National News Agency monitored the return of members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee successively to the Parliament building this evening, in conjunction with the arrival of other representatives from representatives of political blocs.

Dave  drum roll..........tick tick tick......

butterfly  Will they OR Won't they

Dave  no reports of shoe fights yet...l

butterfly  They have already expressed they wanted "more" revisions.

Dave  butterfly 14 yrs to make revisions.......

butterfly  Dave LOL they are still looking for the last ones they forgot they revised.

Sheila  Dave they will go when they get the nod from USA.

Dave  bet anyone a coffee that it aint going down......

butterfly  sheila they already have the nod.

Dave  sheila ?

Sheila  butterfly agreed, then it's all about timing...

Dave  Thouight it was about the Kurds....agreeing?????

Dave  14 yrs.....no agreements

Sheila  Dave stall tactic that plays well in the press

Dave  14 yrs of stalling

butterfly  Dave there is more involved than what is being posted. BUT Iraq is the only country holding it up.

Dave  particularly the Kurds

butterfly  Al-Halbousi receives the Russian and Turkish ambassadors and discusses with them bilateral relations and ways to strengthen them

Sunday 28, March 2021 19:25 Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi received today, Sunday, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation Maxim Maximov and Turkish Ambassador Fatih Yildiz, during two separate meetings on the occasion of the end of their work assignments in Iraq.

Al-Halbousi expressed his appreciation for the efforts made during their tenure, wishing them success in their new assignments.

During the two meetings, they discussed bilateral relations, strengthening means of cooperation in accordance with mutual interests, and a number of issues of common interest were discussed.

butterfly  Dave Just enjoy the ride.

Dave dang long ride......

Dave  think we would be here if the ride was over

Sheila  Dave so they tell the world that there's no agreements. And yes, 14 years, the propaganda war machine can control the narrative.

Dave  sheila had passed some traffic laws.......

Sheila  butterfly truly hope today is the day

butterfly  sheila I am not holding my breath. It is all in Iraq's hands, no one else's hands.

Dave  sheila will match Zigs pledge on that fer 10% for today..1 day offer!

Butterfly  Dave Iraq has total control right now in what - if - might happen.

Dave  my thoughts as well

Sheila  Dave you're sweet. I am still hoping for today, yet believe RV to happen by April 6.

Butterfly  BIGGER than the RV.......much BIGGER

Dave  i have hope......little belief

Sheila  butterfly agreed, that's why I hope by April 6. they need few more days to execute 11.3 and 11.4 of Defense War Manual.

Dave  War Manual...missed that boat.......

Sheila Dave USA has been under war powers act since 2001.

Dave  sheila not sure if Iraq could sustain a RV.......

Sheila  Dave then why have dinar?

Dave  over 10 yrs we were so close.....

Dave  no closer today........

Dave Brilliant theatric choreography then if done done done......

Dave  See No Oscars yet.....sadly

Dave  sheila I have dinar Iraq having wealth in resources had a pre sanction rate.......was coming out of UN imposed sanctions and could resume trade with the rest of the World with the restoration of the IQD according to Shab's delete 3 zero program....

Dave  sounded terrific at that time.....

Dave  Along came Maliki..........

butterfly  A new parliamentary meeting in Parliament to resolve public budget disputes

Sunday 28, March 2021 19:40 The Presidency of the House of Representatives held a new deliberative meeting with the heads of parliamentary blocs and members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee this evening, Sunday, to complete the final formulations of the draft Federal Budget Law 2021, ahead of the House of Representatives session designated for voting on it later today.

butterfly  Representatives of Kurdish blocs to / NINA /: It was agreed to pass the budget, and the vote will be by the majority

Sunday 28, March 2021 19:58 Representatives of the Kurdish blocs announced the agreement to pass the draft general budget law after resolving the outstanding disputes, including the Kurdistan region’s share, confirming that the vote in the session scheduled to be held this evening, Sunday, will proceed by the majority.

Dave  wow it takes along time to count votes

butterfly  Dave have you ever seen how the citizens vote?

Dave  stick upn

Dave  raise your hand?

butterfly  No....finger print with purple ink and then ballot dropped in a plastic container to be counted.

Dave  butterfly thought you meant Parliament

butterfly  sorry lol

Dave  butterfly Maliki must have a monoply on purple ink

Dave  butterfly  Representatives from the Al-Fateh Alliance to / Nina /: Do not vote on the budget before agreeing on the provincial shares and changing the price of the dollar

Sunday 28, March 2021 20:07 Representatives from the Al-Fateh Alliance bloc revealed the continuation of the pending differences in the draft federal budget law 2021, related to the governorates' shares, including Article 11 concerning the share of the Kurdistan region, and the change of the exchange rate of the dollar in the draft law, which will affect the date of the voting session scheduled to be held this evening Sunday.

Dave  less than 4 hrs it will be tomorrow......tick tick tick

butterfly  Dave I know and I have to laugh to think they will complete anything.

Sheila  Dave COL 1:13... For he has rescued us from dominion.

Dave  They actually voted there then???????

Dave  possibly used an abacus......if they did........bad programming?

Sheila  Dave dominion - rule, control, power over

Dave  sheila Professor Dinard ......just a name?

Dave  God gave us Dominion over the World?

butterfly  Representatives of various blocs to / NINA /: Political disputes over 3 new paragraphs in the general budget

Sunday 28, March 2021 20:15 | Deputies of various blocs disclosed political differences in the draft federal budget law 2021, which is scheduled to be submitted to the vote in the upcoming session of the House of Representatives this evening, Sunday, including the job grades for the return of their contracts withheld, the compensation for the absentees, the foreign loans and investment in projects Energy, and it is a set of new proposals adopted by the parliamentary blocs.

Dave  Lots to do in under 4 hrs......lol

Dave   sheila Controlled voting.....????

butterfly  Parliamentary Finance / NINA /: Controversies and objections regarding external borrowing and the investment budget

Sunday 28, March 2021 20:30 The Parliamentary Finance Committee expected that the vote on the draft General Budget Law 2021 will pass in the evening session scheduled for Sunday.

A member of the committee, Deputy Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, stated in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / that "there are differences and objections about the new government external borrowing, as well as an alternative text that if the borrowing is not passed, these projects will be transformed into financial abundance."

She explained, "The Ministers of Finance and Planning presented a government summary on foreign loans, and the investment budget, which is the subject of other disagreements."

She added, "The Parliamentary Finance Committee voted by agreement on all the articles included in the draft general budget," indicating that "

The Presidency of the House of Representatives decided that the voting session on the draft budget law will take place on Sunday evening, in view of the continuing discussions on the draft budget law and the need for final formulations of the articles of the budget bill.

Dave  Part of the 4 amigos....

Dave  voting now postponed till 9.0 https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/

butterfly  The parliamentary meeting is still going on and the political blocs are discussing the new version of Article 11

Sunday 28, March 2021 20:46 reporter said Nina joint that the meeting Deliberative for the presidency of parliament and members of the Finance Committee and the heads of parliamentary blocs held on Sunday evening is still going on so far, while the Finance Committee presented the new version of article 11 relating to the share of the Kurdistan region on the political blocs to discuss ./anthy5

butterfly  Assigning Hassan Turan to head the Iraqi Turkmen Front, succeeding Arshad Al-Salhi

Sunday 28, March 2021 21:02 The Iraqi Turkmen Front announced an assignment, Hassan Turan, to head the front, succeeding Arshad Al-Salhi.

The front stated in a statement that the front held a meeting of the executive body of the Iraqi Turkmen Front in the city of Kirkuk, in which the overall political developments in Iraq were discussed, stressing the importance of making changes within the leadership of the Iraqi Turkmen Front, and paving the way for youth cadres to assume responsibilities within the hierarchy of leadership.

The meeting decided that Arshad al-Salihi would devote himself to political work and communicate with the political forces, and negotiate in the name of the Turkmen component to obtain the Turkmen entitlements before, during and after the upcoming elections in Iraq, and the deputy head of the front, Hassan Turan, will assume the presidency of the Turkmen Front.

It was also decided to assign Hisham Bayraktar to the position of Vice President of the Front instead of Haider Kassab, in addition to assigning Haitham Hashem Mukhtaroglu to the position of Vice President of the Turkmen Front instead of Hassan Turan.

butterfly  Al-Bakhati confirms: The budget has become a demand of the political blocs

Sunday 28, March 2021 21:22 Member of the Parliamentary Services Committee, Jasim Al-Bakhati, affirmed: "The budget has become a demanding budget for political blocs."

Al-Bakhti said in a televised statement: "Until now, there are differences between the large political blocs on some of the budget paragraphs, including the region’s share and contracts in the Ministry of Electricity and those whose contracts were canceled in the Popular Mobilization Forces, as well as on reducing the dollar exchange rate to 1,350 dinars per dollar."


 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


"Coffee with MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 3-29-2021


More Iraqi News Sunday PM 3-28-21