Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday AM 4-10-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Saturday AM 4-10-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Butterfly   I believe this is the first............... The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, approved the members of the Federal Court.

Butterfly  Another day and it appears the excitement from last night has gone. Same as it has been year after year. Up........then............Down. Repeat over and over every year.

Sparky  ... hope is alive and well ...  ... it's fun to dream of future riches ...

Sparky  ... what would I do if I became an instant, overnight millionaire ?   give it all to charity ? Buy a bigger house on the ocean ? Travel to the ends of the world ?   ... or, just carry on with my life ...... I probably will figure it out as I go, post " RV " ...... I think sometimes the journey is the most fun ...... prolly be nice to be rich though ...

butterfly   I have worked for many "rich" people and they don't seem to be that happy, always looking for the next richness they can find to fill their pockets. I found that they ignored those that did not have the wealth they had, just finding the next thing to fill their pockets.

Sheila   butterfly Guess best thing for us is not become people like that?

Sparky   ... compassion is wealth ...

butterfly  Sparky What I have been exposed to in my long life, I have learned not to be like them.

Sparky  ... more money will simply exemplify what you already are ...

Sparky  ... wow, that's a scary thought for me ... hahahahaha ...... but, I have checked out Alux.com many times, and read many, many books on wealth creation ...my favorite being " Think and Grow Rich " ... by Napoleon Hill ...

Butterfly   Just diverling food to some gives me a big reward.

Sparky   ... but, I find the real riches, are in friendships and relationships that you acquire as we travel through each day

butterfly Exactly!

Sparky butterfly ...yup, excellent, now that's good stuff ! ... being a servant is the key, as I am finding out ..... if everyone helped someone every day, this world will be a better place to be ...... even a smile helps .... made Bezo a gazzillionaire ... although I think Jeff now has an obligation to re-pave every street in america ...

Butterfly   Everything is back wards and we have to turn that around to get things repaired. Enough of the greed that has made its way into our world.

Sparky   butterfly ... small steps in unity add up to great things ...

xyz   The arrival of the president of the Kurdistan region to Baghdad to meet the three presidencies

Time: 04/10/2021 12:18:03   (Baghdad: Al Furat News) A high-level delegation from the Kurdistan region headed by Nechirvan Barzani arrived in Baghdad today, Saturday, and will meet with the three presidencies and a number of political party leaders.

The Media Office of the Presidency of the Kurdistan Region stated, in a statement, that the Euphrates News received a copy of it, that “Nechirvan Barzani will meet, during his visit, with the Prime Minister, the President of the Republic, the Speaker of Parliament, the President of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations in Iraq, leaders and senior political officials in the country. "

According to the statement, Barzani will discuss with the Iraqi leaders and political parties the latest developments and the situation in Iraq, the Erbil-Baghdad relations, the situation in the region and the means of joint action and multi-faceted coordination in order to achieve security and stability in Iraq and the region.

Nechirvan Barzani announced in a press conference held in Paris that he "will visit Baghdad and discuss the content of the topics that he discussed with the French President with Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and Iraqi President Barham Salih and the parties."    LINK

Sparky   xyz ... security, stability, and a fully seated government ... as per Shabs ... CBI Governor at the time, and VP Mohamed Saleh ... ( the appearance of ) ... now, influencer to the PM ...

butterfly  NOW this is something I like to read and keeping fingers crossed AND hoppe they mean it: .............. The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, and the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, stressed the importance of implementing the provisions of the budget to ensure that the needs of all citizens are secured.

A presidential statement stated: "During the meeting, the need for convergence and dialogue between all parties was emphasized in order to support stability and ensure the security of all citizens and meet their daily needs, and the importance of implementing the provisions of the budget to ensure that the needs of all citizens are secured," a presidential statement said.

Saleh said, "The approval of the budget is a good step towards resolving the outstanding issues between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government in accordance with the constitution and in a manner that preserves the rights of all citizens.

Dave Al-Kazemi stresses the need to strengthen security integration between Baghdad and Erbil in a manner that achieves internal stability

April 10, 2021 Walter   Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi stressed the need to enhance security integration between Baghdad and Erbil in a manner that achieves internal stability. The media office of the Prime Minister stated: “Al-Kazemi met today, Saturday, the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani. Combating terrorism and organized crime and cooperation in Sinjar between the federal government and the regional government,

“in addition to the health situation related to the Corona pandemic and the escalation of injuries, and the great efforts aimed at providing health services to the injured and providing vaccines …

The Prime Minister praised the progress made in the field of establishing the internal constitutional mechanisms, citing the agreement on the Federal Court, and the House of Representatives was able to pass the federal budget, expressing his hope that it would be applied accurately, and not to engage in jurisprudence and interpretations that contradict the provision of service to the Iraqi citizen, and in accordance with the principle Equity in the distribution of wealth.

Al-Kazemi stressed the need to strengthen security integration between Baghdad and Erbil in a way that achieves internal stability and prevents any gap that could be exploited by terrorism or organized crime, in the disputed areas or elsewhere.

He also stressed that the repeated visits of the President of the region to Baghdad sends correct messages to all Iraqis, contributes to building confidence, indicates goodwill, stimulates a spirit of joint cooperation and coordination in all fields for the benefit of the country, and referred to his upcoming visit to the Kurdistan region.

The President of the Kurdistan Region expressed his gratitude for the warm reception, praising the efforts of the Prime Minister politically, economically and diplomatically, as he stressed that the Iraqi diplomatic effort in the past period, and the visits and meetings interspersed with it, highlighted the due status o

Dave   The President of the Kurdistan Region expressed his gratitude for the warm reception, praising the efforts of the Prime Minister politically, economically and diplomatically, as he stressed that the Iraqi diplomatic effort in the past period, and the visits and meetings interspersed with it, highlighted the due status of Iraq as a whole, and restored its natural role regionally and internationally.

He also praised the wisdom approach in dealing with internal issues, the high level of security coordination, and the need to develop it, expressing his support for the government and the strengthening of the state’s status in a way that enables it to address its challenges. Barzani praised the House of Representatives passing the budget law, stressing that resolving the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil paves the way for more stability and progress for Iraq.

He also praised the wisdom approach in dealing with internal issues, the high level of security coordination, and the need to develop it, expressing his support for the government and the strengthening of the state’s status in a way that enables it to address its challenges. Barzani praised the House of Representatives passing the budget law, stressing that resolving the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil paves the way for more stability and progress for Iraq.

He also praised the wisdom approach in dealing with internal issues, the high level of security coordination, and the need to develop it, expressing his support for the government and the strengthening of the state’s status in a way that enables it to address its challenges. Barzani praised the House of Representatives passing the budget law, stressing that resolving the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil paves the way for more stability and progress for Iraq.


Sparky   ... A presidential statement stated: "During the meeting, the need for convergence and dialogue between all parties was emphasized in order to support stability and ensure the security of all citizens and meet their daily needs, and the importance of implementing the provisions of the budget to ensure that the needs of all citizens are secured," a presidential statement said ...

Sparky  ... thanks Butterfly for that ...... I like " Convergence " ...

butterfly Sparky I hope with every ounce in me, they mean it. If they do, things will start to change.

Sparky   butterfly ... things are looking up ...

Dave  butterfly looking aint doing?

Dave  oops Sparky i meant

Sparky   ... if they can get past 104 ... we be rollin' ...a few billion to Kuwait is pocket change ...

Sparky Dave ... yessir, deeds, not words ...

Dave Sparky 140 terms could be within that white paper reforms...Kurds HAPPY

Dave never heard Kurds being Happy with Baghdad before

Sparky  ... meetings to discuss a future meeting to discuss a future meeting ... on and on it goes ... past tense ...

Dave Ch7 banking freeze......2,4 billion done like dinner

Dave  Private Banking Laws....to protect foreign investments naybe within that convoluted budget

Sparky  ... paying off Kuwait will get them out of CH7 ... if they disclose the whereabouts of the dead soldiers ...

Sparky  ... Maliki has several underground prisons ...

Dave UMM..Maliki appealling the Budget to Federal court

Dave Maliki’s coalition appeals the budget to the Federal Court and indicates 6 violations

Dave Shafaq News / The State of Law coalition headed by Nuri al-Maliki decided on Friday to appeal the General Budget Law for 2021 to the Federal Supreme Court.

The coalition said in a statement received by Shafaq News, that “we were surprised that the budget came out in many of its articles contrary to all that we sought to be guarantor in a fair and balanced manner and maintain the minimum level of achieving the requirements and rights of many classes and segments of our Iraqi people, which we declared our rejection.”

We have decided to file an appeal with the Federal Court over many of its paragraphs that have been procrastinated and the budget was stripped of them despite the promises that we had hoped that the Finance Committee, members of Parliament and partners in the political process would adhere to defending it in The framework of the supreme interests of the country and our common interests. ”

The coalition wondered about “the reasons that led to the failure to include the issue of the lecturers in the budget after waiting and bearing from them for long years in which they provided the educational institution with their efforts free of charge and made huge sacrifices in it and the budget came to let them down again, and the margin of promises to postpone the resolution of their suffering for other months is not justified to address their case in a manner. Urgently”.

He added, “We have always objected and emphasized that the increase in the dollar’s exchange rate was not a deliberate step and caused great damage to the citizens, and the economic crisis could not be addressed at the expense of their living conditions, especially the poor segments of them.

“The shortage of state resources from other outlets, which are many, have not been addressed. We renew our objection to the dollar exchange rate as I passed the budget, and our demand that it be reduced in light of the improvement in the selling price of the national oil product globally.”

Dave   The statement stressed, “It has become necessary and necessary for us in the State of Law coalition to stand firmly and frankly and in accordance with the legal path justified by the constitution to challenge many of the budget articles in order to defend the sacrifices and rights of the Iraqi people, and our endeavor will not stop at the limits of the budget. It damages their interests and does not take into account them in the future. ”   LINK

Dave  GOOD ole Maliki....

Sparky  ... State of Law coalition ...

Dave postpone and delay...tactics

Sparky ... a fair and balanced manner ...10 Apr 21, 12:13 PM Sparky  ... maintain the minimum level of achieving the requirements and rights of many classes and segments of our Iraqi people, ...... * raqi power mongers ...

Sparky ... maybe 2024 ... if we're lucky .. I think that was within context of the statement above .... context and content

butterfly  Sparky the IMF stated 2024

Sparky butterfly ... and, we wait ...

Dave   LINK

butterfly   These are good steps they are taking:.....................The Arab Parliament concluded today, Saturday, its fourth and fifth sessions of its third session chaired by Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al-Asoumi in the Egyptian capital Cairo to respond to the lawsuits related to responding to the systematic campaign to target Arab countries under calls for the protection of human rights in addition to voting on a number of decisions that Concerning Arab issues.

A statement by the Media Department of the House of Representatives stated that, with the participation of Deputy Zafer Al-Ani, a representative of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, the Arab Parliament concluded its fourth and fifth sessions of the third session headed by Adel bin Abdul Rahman Al-Asoumi, Speaker of the Arab Parliament, who stressed at the beginning of the fourth session held at the headquarters of the Arab League, that The moves of the Iraqi prime minister is an important step in strengthening the Arab incubator for Iraq. "

Al-Osoumi affirmed in his speech the support and support of the Arab Parliament for the moves that the Prime Minister is taking in the Republic of Iraq to strengthen Iraq's relations with the Arab countries, including his recent tour that included the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. ”

butterfly  Al-Asoumi noted that this represents an important step towards Strengthening the Arab incubator for Iraq and supporting Arab coordination and solidarity.

The President of the Arab Parliament touched on the situation in Syria, Palestine, Libya, Yemen and a number of important issues in the Arab countries. ”

The session also included reading the report of the Arab Observatory for Human Rights, in which he stressed the rejection of the politicization of the file by some international bodies, as well as presenting the observations of the Arab Observatory for Human Rights about Reports, decisions and statements that were issued on the human rights situation in some Arab countries.

In turn , MP Tarek Radwan stressed the Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights in the Egyptian Parliament in hosting the session on the fact that the Arab Parliament represents a custodian and political umbrella of the Arab parliaments as well as being one of the most important tributaries of the work of the Arab common in dire need of a time when the Arab nation is to unite her. "

MP Radwan criticized some parties launching void campaigns targeting some Arab countries, rejecting the politicization of human rights files and making them a tool of blackmail in order to protect the stability of Arab countries, stressing the importance of adherence to United Nations standards by international organizations towards Arab countries, calling on Arab parliaments to clarify the true picture of human rights and expand Circle of dialogue and discussion with the West.

Sparky  ... no time like the present ...

butterfly  The interventions of members of the Arab Parliament focused on the importance of dealing seriously with the malicious campaign against some Arab countries and refuting it, and working to activate human rights mechanisms in the Arab League and to establish teams that include activists and to stop any friendship agreements concluded with parliaments that attack Arab countries and the initiative to issue statements on the status of Arab human rights and communities.

Arab countries in the West and that the reports are not reactions, but rather affect the prevailing situation with transparency and take their way to the media, in addition to holding virtual or direct meetings with members of the European Parliament.

”Al- Ani noted the great efforts that the Iraqi government is changing in the field of human rights and the improvement in the performance of the Iraqi judiciary compared to Over the past years, they urged that more serious work be done to raise the level of work of all state institutions and to restrict weapons to the hands of the state. "

MP Dhafer Al-Ani, in his intervention during the session, addressed the importance of strengthening the human rights situation in Iraq and addressing issues of a nature Humane. "

butterfly  At the beginning of the fifth session, the Arab Parliament Speaker, Adel welcomed Al-Osoumi, in the presence of Ahmed Al-Jarwan, President of the International Council for Tolerance and Peace and former President of the Arab Parliament, to the session that witnessed the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Arab Parliament and the World Council for Tolerance and Peace.

In his speech, Al-Jarwan stressed the importance of completing joint Arab action to promote the values ​​of tolerance and peace, indicating his readiness to adopt any initiative by parliamentarians and representatives of the Arab people to serve Arabs in international forums. ”

During the session, a number of representatives were sworn in as new members of the Arab Parliament and the minutes were ratified. Last third session. "

The session witnessed the presentation of Deputy Dhafer Al-Ani, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign, Political and National Security Affairs, a report on the work of the Committee in addition to responding to the interventions of the representatives on the Arab issues that are the focus of discussion, in addition to the presentation of the heads of the Legislative, Legal and Human Rights Committee, the Social, Educational, Cultural, Women and Youth Affairs Committee, and the Committee Foreign and Political Affairs, National Security, and the Economic and Financial Affairs Committee for the reports submitted to the plenary session that were voted on, in addition to the reading of a report on Palestine. ”

butterfly  The Arab Parliament voted to approve the proposal of its President, Adel Al-Asoumi regarding the request for the Arab Observatory for Human Rights to obtain an observer status in the affiliated Human Rights Council To the United Nations. "

Parliament agreed to form a joint committee on the unification of Arab legislation in accordance with the mechanism adopted by the Parliament in its last addition to the formation of the Joint Commission on Sustainable Development. " It

was a review of the current Arab situation in light of the crises and challenges and developments experienced by the Arab countries, and to discuss the parliament 's efforts Arab support work Joint Arab and facing the dangers and threats facing Arab national security .

butterfly   Sparky that is just one article............good info..........going in the right direction.........finally.

butterfly   SparkyI think they are finally getting it. lol

Dave  butterfly Starting to at least grin now?

Sparky   Dave ... baby steps ...


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Zig’s Place Chat and News Late Saturday PM 4-10-21


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