Zig’s Place Chat and News Monday AM 3-15-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Monday AM 3-15-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

butterfly  Talabani: Discussions to form a federal oil marketing company that includes the Kurdistan region

Monday 15, March 2021 12:55  The Vice President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Qubad Talabani, revealed the latest developments in the agreement with the federal government regarding the region's share in the 2021 budget, while clarifying the issue of the region’s agreement with Turkey on oil.

Talabani said in a statement, "We have a prior agreement with the Iraqi government, and this agreement was included in the draft budget, and after that the entire project was sent to the Iraqi parliament, pointing to discussions with the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives in this regard.

" Until the moment, there is no alternative proposal to the proposal. "Which was included in the draft budget by the federal government, and as a result the law must be implemented by the federal government and the regional government."

butterfly He continued: "We have also stressed repeatedly that to direct the economic and financial situation of the federal government towards the right path, the law must be implementable, and in this regard we consider that the text that we agreed upon with the Iraqi government is the best text that can be implemented by the two governments."

And on the accusation of the region of pledging its oil to Turkey for a period of 50 years, Talabani asserted, "There is no truth to what is said about selling the region's oil for a period of 50 years to Turkey, and all that exists is an agreement to transport and market oil across Turkish territory, as is the case with the federal government like this agreement." .

He explained, "In the discussions with the Federal Oil Minister, we requested the establishment of a federal marketing company that includes all components, and within this formation there will be representatives of the region in the event that the region's oil is marketed through the SOMO company."  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893520

butterfly   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893517

The launch of the national consultations for the preparation of the second voluntary report on sustainable development

Monday 15, March 2021 12:39  The Ministry of Planning has launched the national consultations on the preparation of the second voluntary report on sustainable development, which Iraq will present during its participation in the high-level political forum of the United Nations during the month of July.

And participate in these consultations, representatives of local governments, the private sector, civil society and university professors, in seven governorates, namely, Baghdad, Nineveh, Basra, Dhi Qar, Sulaymaniyah, Anbar and Holy Karbala.

At the opening of the consultations, Minister of Planning, Khaled Battal Al-Najm said, "Iraq aspires, with the support of international partners represented by the United Nations Development Program, ESCWA and local stakeholders, to present a national report through which it can draw a true picture of the national efforts to achieve development goals. Sustainable development, within the 2030 vision, "noting that there are great challenges facing the goals of achieving development, including the existence of severe development gaps and societal fragility, as a result of the country being affected by the Corona pandemic and the drop in oil prices, which led to high indicators of poverty and unemployment, as well as the displaced who are still facing Difficult circumstances. ”

butterfly He revealed the ministry completion of the preparation of the document responsive to address the implications of the pandemic and economic problems that accompanied the spread of the epidemic, and the impact of the youth social movement experienced by Iraq during the years 2019 and 2020. "

Al-Najm stressed "hard work to achieve human development, which is the basis for sustainable development, and how to manage these resources, in order to be able to face the challenges facing development."

For her part, the resident representative of the United Nations Development Program in Iraq, Zeina Ali Ahmed, praised the level of commitment shown by Iraq to achieve the sustainable development goals, noting that there is great cooperation between the Ministry of Planning and the Development Program, regarding the preparation of the second voluntary report, which will represent a good opportunity for Iraq to draw the attention of the international community to the challenges facing development, as a result of the country being affected by different circumstances.

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893502

A deputy warns of the effects of high food prices and the absence of a government role

Monday 15, March 2021 11:32   MP for the Alliance of Saeroun Muzaffar Ismail Al-Fadl warned of: "A hungry revolution is looming on the horizon due to the large increase in the prices of commodities and foodstuffs, which in turn has burdened the Iraqi citizen."

Al-Fadl stated in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA /: “The poor class in society was more affected by the increase in the dollar’s ​​exchange rate and its negative consequences, with the rise in commodity and food prices by 14%, which constitutes a serious threat to national food security and doubles poverty levels. Declared in Iraq, which requires intervention by the government and the Ministry of Trade to reduce these negative effects.

He called on the government to take its role in this field and to contribute to lowering prices by providing the ration card items.

Al-Fadl stressed the need for the government to deal seriously and professionally with the report of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), which indicated the imbalance of unexamined governmental procedures and their impact on the market and the standard of living.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893498

Private Banking Association: Bank loans increased by 15.5% over the past year

Monday 15, March 2021 11:02  The Iraqi Private Banks Association announced that the percentage of loans provided by banks to citizens and companies increased by 15.5% during the year 2020 compared to the year 2019, indicating that this increase is due to the recent policy of the Central Bank of Iraq, which increased the various lending products and contributed to supporting banks and increasing Credit Portfolio.

The Executive Director of the Iraqi Private Banking Association, Ali Tariq, said in a press release: “Despite the difficult circumstances that Iraq went through during the past year, as a result of the financial crisis and the complete closure of the country due to the Corona virus, which affected economic and commercial activity, the banking indicators increased compared to years. Past. "

He added that "the capital of banks increased during the past year, by 8.5%, to become 16.76 trillion dinars, and this is due to some banks increasing their capital as well as opening new banks," noting that most of the growth in banks' capital was in private banks.

butterfly   And that "deposits of the banking sector increased by 3.13% to become 84.75 trillion dinars, after it was 82.1 trillion dinars in the year 2019, and this growth is simple due to the crises that affected the economic situation throughout the country during the past year."

He stressed that "the pledge credit, grew by about 2%, as it became 25.77 trillion dinars, and this limited growth is due to the decrease in the establishment of new projects in the country."

He noted that "the cash credit provided by banks to citizens increased by 15.5%, as it increased from 42 trillion dinars in the year 2019 to 49.75 trillion dinars in the year 2020, and this increase is caused by the policy of the Central Bank of Iraq recently and the initiatives it launched in recent months, which contributed to Banks increase lending to citizens and enterprises. "

He pointed out that "the bad debts of citizens rose by 6.47% to become 4.43 trillion dinars, which is a very large number owed by borrowers to the banking sector."

He continued, "The increase in bad debt growth may force banks to impose more measures in exchange for granting the loan, which is a very worrying indicator that affects the work of the development banking sector."

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893478

Global foreign exchange rates, gold and oil, on Monday

Monday 15, March 2021 10:48 The Iraqi Political Economic Center announced the global rates of foreign currencies, gold and oil today, Monday.

The selling price of the dollar on the local stock exchange was 146,000 dinars per hundred dollars, and the purchase price was 145,000 dinars per hundred dollars.

The price of 100 euros was 119.30 dollars,  100 pounds 139,000 dollars, equivalent to 100 dollars 761.70 Turkish liras , while the global price of an ounce of gold recorded 1723.18 dollars, while the price of a barrel of Brent crude oil recorded 69.58 dollars, and the price of a barrel of American crude oil 66.00 $. / Finished 8

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893542

Al-Halbousi holds a meeting with the heads of political blocs to agree on the articles of the Federal Court law

Monday 15, March 2021 14:45 Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi held a meeting with the heads of political blocs to agree on the articles of the Federal Court law inside the headquarters of the Parliamentary Wisdom Bloc.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893560

Al-Kazemi: We opened up to all regional and international powers, which created a positive impression about Iraq, its political stability, and the major historical opportunities for it / expanded.

Monday 15, March 2021 15:59  Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi said, "We opened up towards all regional and international powers, which created a positive impression about Iraq, its political stability, and the great historical opportunities for it."

Al-Kazemi added during his visit today, Monday, to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: "I thank the brothers in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs who were unidentified soldiers who played an important role in the success of the visit of His Holiness to Iraq."

He added, "It was agreed that soft power should run its course. The weapons that Iraq possessed did not lead it to anything but destruction, futile wars and hostilities."

He continued: "Diplomacy and dialogue are the real strength to protect people and keep away from wars, and it is our only opportunity to get out of the cycle of conflicts, and the alternative to it is nothing but the madness of wars and the devastation that this country has suffered from for decades."

butterfly  He stressed that effective diplomacy requires a great effort on various parties, and this is the role of our embassies, diplomats and international organizations, and the activation of various tools and means of dialogue that guarantee the country's interests and direct it towards permanent solutions.

He pointed out that today in our society, unfortunately, we see continuous phenomena from the buried Baath era until after 2003, the phenomenon of the militarization of society and the armed phenomena. We leave this stage and diplomacy is the solution to dealing with problems.

And he stated: "We are in the Iraqi situation facing complex and complex crises of political, economic, social and cultural dimensions, and we must make the most of our international relations and international support to help overcome them and mitigate many of the effects of the circumstances that Iraq has gone through."

butterfly    He continued: "We must all create a unified national discourse, from which we proceed to a wider dialogue at the regional level to secure the interests of our people and regional peace and stability, indicating that we have succeeded in developing active diplomacy during the period of this government, as we activated the strategic dialogue with the United States, and we moved towards focusing on Economic, diplomatic and cultural cooperation, and we succeeded in reducing the number of foreign forces by sixty percent. "

He pointed out that Iraqi diplomacy also helped Iraq out of the economic crisis, as the Economic Communication Group was formed at our invitation, which stood by Iraq in its economic crisis and is still providing support for us in the path of economic reform and the implementation of the White Paper.

butterfly  He said we were open to all regional and international powers, which created a positive impression about Iraq, its political stability, and great historical opportunities for it, and the visit of His Holiness, the Pope, came within these efforts, to provide great moral support to Iraq, and a message to everyone that Iraq is an environment for the convergence of religions and civilizations, and that it transcends the ordeal of war and destruction. Caused by ISIS, and that the Iraqi people are a peace-loving people who are proud of their religious, social and political diversity.

He noted: "We have several memoranda of understanding and agreements that we have worked on during this period with all our Arab, Iranian and Turkish neighbors, despite all the differences between these forces, and we have put forward the idea of ​​the new East and are working to implement them through the creation of broad common interests between Iraq, Jordan and Egypt, of which it will To create a prosperous economic zone from which all powers in the region benefit and in which Iraq plays a major role.

butterfly He said, "We have various relations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and all other Gulf countries, and are proceeding with several investments in various agricultural, industrial and energy sectors, indicating that we have completed the railway linkage agreement between Iraq and Iran, which will link Iraq with northern China and create wide economic opportunities for it."

He called on political and societal forces to read models of success among other peoples, to see how Rwanda transformed from one of the worst experiences of ethnic cleansing to a prosperous country in the continent of Africa, and how South Africa succeeded in crossing from one of the worst experiences of racism to a successful country by applying a correct approach to transitional justice, as well as Singapore, the Balkan Peninsula, and other major conflict areas in the world.

He explained: "There are great potentials for building peace and creating new opportunities for all the peoples of the region, and Iraq must take an active role in this path, and you in the Iraqi diplomatic apparatus are the soldiers of this comprehensive and lasting peace for us and for all the peoples of the region."

butterfly  He concluded his visit by saying: “You are at the various levels of your work, whether at the Ministry’s headquarters in Baghdad or in our embassies abroad. You are all ambassadors and ambassadors, each one and one of you is a mobile Iraq, and this is a major responsibility, and I see that you are up to the responsibility.”

Sheila @butterfly So much good stuff. Most pointing in good direction. Thank you!

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893553

The political blocs agree on two articles and a new meeting before the evening session to resolve the remaining article of the Federal Court law

Monday 15, March 2021 15:21   The Presidency of the House of Representatives ended its joint meeting with the heads of political blocs by agreeing to pass Articles 2 to 3 of the Federal Court Law, while the dispute continues over Article 12 related to the majority or two-thirds or unanimous vote by the members of the court in cases and controversial claims between the region and the government Federal.

And informed the Iraqi National News Agency, / NINA / that "a new meeting of heads of political blocs will be held this evening before the start of the parliament session to agree on Article 12."

Last Monday, the House of Representatives voted on three of the six remaining articles in the Federal Court bill that had not been voted on in the week before last, as the session at that time witnessed an imbalance of the quorum with the withdrawal of minority representatives from the vote.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893557

Al-Kazemi: The Iraqi case in the face of complex and complex crises of political, economic, social and cultural dimensions

Monday 15, March 2021 15:19  During his visit today, Monday, to the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi said that we are in the Iraqi situation facing complex and complex crises of political, economic, social and cultural dimensions, and we should make the most of our international relations and international support to help overcome them and mitigate many of the effects. Because of the circumstances that Iraq went through.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893552

Hisham Al-Suhail announces the agreement to pass two articles of the Federal Court Law

Monday 15, March 2021 15:13  Representative Hisham Al-Suhail announced the agreement to pass two articles of the Federal Court Law.

He said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ), today: "It was agreed to pass Articles 2 and 3 of the Federal Court Law and is awaiting agreement on Article 12 before the scheduled session this evening."

Al-Suhail added: "The remaining Article 12 relates to voting in controversial cases and lawsuits between the Kurdistan region and the federal government, and the other two articles are about the quorum of the court and the nomination of Sharia scholars and legal experts."

butterfly https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893547

A closed meeting of the Kurdish blocs to discuss the dispute in the Federal Court law

Monday 15, March 2021 14:54     The Kurdish blocs began a closed meeting in the presence of the Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Bashir Haddad, to discuss their position on the dispute over the remaining three articles in the Federal Court Law.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893541

A parliamentary committee reveals to Nina the pending controversial paragraph in the Federal Court Law

Monday 15, March 2021 14:45  The follow-up committee for the implementation of the government program and the parliamentary strategic planning revealed the controversial paragraph pending in the draft Federal Court bill, which is to be completed by voting on it in the parliament session this evening, Monday.

The head of the committee, Deputy Hazem Al-Khalidi, stated, in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA /, that "the only controversial paragraph remaining today in the draft Federal Court law relates to voting in contentious issues between the region and the federal authority."

He added, "There are two opinions, the first is adopted by the Kurdish blocs, that the decisions of the Federal Court are passed by consensus," indicating that "the second opinion is adopted by the other alliances, which is to proceed to the agreement and unanimity in the event that a consensus is achieved by this, otherwise we go to vote by two-thirds or by a majority of the members of the Federal Court." .

Last Monday, the House of Representatives voted on three of the six remaining articles in the Federal Court bill that had not been voted on in the week before last, as the session at that time witnessed an imbalance of the quorum with the withdrawal of minority representatives from voting on the law.

butterfly  The political blocs informed their representatives in the House of Representatives that it was agreed to postpone the three remaining articles of the Federal Court Law to the next sessions, and the articles are 2-3-12.

The Presidency of Parliament announced, last Sunday, the agreement on 4 of the six postponed articles It was not voted on in the session on Thursday before last.

butterfly  This should explain: The Presidency of the House of Representatives decided to hold a session this Monday, March 15th, at seven in the evening. ................. so we wait again.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=893530

A Parliamentary Committee for / Nina /: The vote on the budget will remain open and its approval by a majority is the master of the situation

Monday 15, March 2021 14:10  The Parliamentary Economic and Investment Affairs Committee revealed that the inclusion of the vote on the General Budget Law 2021 within the agenda of the House of Representatives session will remain in place in each session.

Committee member, Deputy Nada Jawdat, stated in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / that "the inclusion of the vote on the budget in the agenda will be with the approval of the Presidency of Parliament, because there is an official request for the signatures of more than 150 deputies from different blocs to speed up the approval of the vote on the general budget and its inclusion in the schedule The proceedings of the House of Representatives session. "

She explained that "the presidency of the parliament is waiting for the political agreement for the meetings of the leaders of the blocs and the Kurdish delegation to resolve differences over the share of the Kurdistan region, and then proceed to view the vote on the budget."

butterfly  And she added, "There is a controversy related to the different numbers of the general budget, due to the change in the dollar exchange rates and the rise in global oil prices, which means a reassessment and discussion of the budget numbers in detail to be appropriate with the current prices," indicating that "passing the general budget by the majority is the most acceptable approach within the House of Representatives In light of the continuing pending differences over the share of the Kurdistan region.

The House of Representatives is scheduled to hold its regular session today, Monday, whose agenda tops the completion of voting on the three remaining articles in the draft Federal Court bill, while the Parliamentary Finance Committee confirmed the removal of the paragraph on voting on the draft General Budget Law 2021 from the agenda.

butterfly  The fighting and disagreements continue..................sound familiar

butterfly  https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/03/15/iraqi-e-commerce-store-gets-new-funding/ 

 Iraqi e-Commerce Store gets New Funding 15th March 2021 Orisdi, a leading e-commerce store in Iraq, has successfully raised a six-figure bridge round.

Iraqi Innovators reports that the round was led by Innovest Middle East VC and a group of angel investors including Amar Shubar, Partner at Management Partners Consulting, and Omar Al-Handal, Managing director of Al Handal International Group.

Orsidi was founded in February 2019 by Ahmed Al Kiremli, Hussain Ali and Azer Al Akaish. It focuses on providing customers with a wide range of products and a unique customer experience. The three founders bootstrapped the e-commerce startup that has now reached an impressive seven figures in net sales.

With over 30,000 products, Orsidi is the fastest-growing e-commerce store in Iraq. Orisdi's compound monthly growth rate since launching has been 23%, with a plan to grow an additional 15% month by month.

Prior to the bridge funding round, Orisdi received a seven-figure valuation by raising a six-figure seed round led by local and international angel investors. The investors included Nour Sabri from IBM, Mohammed Shaikley, Kerem Danish from Mr Usta, Ammar Jaafer from Colors, and Ahmed Emad from ITC.

butterfly https://www.iraq-businessnews.com/2021/03/15/jiyad-the-federal-oil-and-gas-law-in-iraq/   

 Jiyad: The Federal Oil and Gas Law in Iraq 15th March 2021 The Federal Oil and Gas Law in Iraq:

A sudden alarming move that calls for caution and readiness to encounter

In a very surprising and sudden move it was announced that the "Opinion Board" (Hayaatul raay هيئة الرأي) of the Ministry of Oil (MoO) discussed and approved the final version of the Federal Oil and Gas Law (FOGL) at its meeting on Wednesday, February 24, 2021.

In a statement by Ministry's Press Office, Minister of Oil Ihsan A. Ismail confirms this final version will be referred to the Council of Ministers (CoM) for approval after it was reviewed by the "concerned authorities in the Ministry", and then CoM will review this text, and in turn refer it to the House of Representatives (HoR) to enact it as law.

The Press Office did not provide, in its brief statement, any important or new information about the components and contents of this final version of the bill, or on its similarity to any of the previously presented drafts (a minimum of three), or to what prompted the Ministry to take this action at this particular timing in this way!!

butterfly  The real reasons behind this "suddenness" at this particular time could be explained by or related to many issues or events that are dominating the current political environment. It could be linked to the stalled approval of 2021 budget law, or to the ongoing back and forth dialogue between the federal government and KRG (including efforts by some politicians and heads of some politico-religious groups), or with the end of the current government's mandate and the HoR term, as the national election is rescheduled from June to October this year, or with the current debate at HoR regarding the 15 year old Federal Supreme Court Law (FSCL), or with the coordination efforts (covert or overt) between the announcement of this bill and the proposed first amendment to the Iraqi National Oil Company (INOC law), which seems to be expedited by the Head of the Oil and Energy Committee in the House of Representatives (Haybat Al-Halbousi) ... or all of these ... or a combination of them ... or maybe even others.

Each of the previously presented versions of FOGL is complex, incoherent, long and highly politicized; all has been under consideration for more than fifteen years, and much was written about the law throughout that period.

Because of the urgency, importance and necessity for discussing this "final version" of the law seriously and professionally to protect the country's hydrocarbon wealth in serving the Iraq interest and the rights of future generations, I find it imperative to make very brief assessment on the background and what has been revealed on this abrupt move.

2021-03-15 02:34   Shafaq News / The dollar exchange rates stabilized in the Iraqi market today, Monday (March 15, 2021).

• The Kifah Stock Exchange recorded 145,500 dinars, for $ 100.

• The Al-Harthiya Stock Exchange recorded 145,500 dinars for 100 dollars.

In Baghdad  Selling prices in the banking stores in the local markets

•Sale price: 146,000 dinars for $ 100  • Purchase price: 145,000 dinars for $ 100

In Erbil  Selling prices in the banking stores in the local markets

•Sale price: 145,600 dinars for $ 100  • Purchase price: 145,300 dinars for $ 100

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Iraqi-Parliament-agreed-on-two-of-three-disputed-provisions-of-the-Federal-court-bill

butterfly  Iraqi Parliament agreed on two of three disputed provisions of the Federal court bill

2021-03-15 09:15  Shafaq News/ The Iraqi Parliament is only one step short of achieving consensus over the Federal Supreme Court bill after resolving the differences over two out of three unsettled provisions.

A Parliamentary source told Shafaq News Agency that the political blocs in the Council of Representatives reached an agreement upon articles 2 and 3, indicating that negotiations are still underway over the 21st article related to the voting procedure (by majority, two thirds, or consensus).

The source said that if the ongoing negotiations hit an impasse, the parliament will pass the two agreed on articles and table the 21st article to another session.

Earlier today, the Presidium of the Parliament adjourned the session dedicated for voting on the bill until today at 0700 pm, after failing to secure the required quorum in the session scheduled earlier today at 1100 am.

The meeting of the Presidium with the heads of the parliamentary bloc, held at noon, came to nought after the discussions over the remaining three provisions broke down.

A Parliamentary source revealed that many MPs boycotted the session for enlisting the voting on the bill on its agenda, with the differences still unsettled.

The Parliament Speaker, Muhammad al-Halbousi, convened again with the heads of the blocs at the office of al-Hikmah (Wisdom) bloc.

The Independent MP, Amer al-Fayez, confirmed to Shafaq News Agency that the differences over the provisions 2,3, and 12 are not resolved yet, adding, "the Presidium is holding another meeting with parliamentary blocs speakers."

Al-Fayez continued, "the disagreements over the remaining provisions are substantial," ruling out the possibility of approving the law at 0700 pm's session.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/Parliamentary-Discussions-over-the-Federal-Supreme-Court-bill-fails-apart-and-Al-Halbousi-intervenes

butterfly Parliamentary Discussions over the Federal Supreme Court bill fails apart, and Al-Halbousi intervenes

2021-03-15 07:35   Shafaq News/The Parliamentary blocs in the Iraqi Parliament failed to settle the differences over the remaining provisions of the Federal Supreme Court bill.

The Presidium of the Parliament adjourned the session dedicated for voting on the bill until today at 0700 pm, after failing to secure the required quorum in the session scheduled earlier today at 1100 am.

The meeting of the Presidium with the heads of the parliamentary bloc, held at noon, came to nought after the discussions over the remaining three provisions broke down.

A Parliamentary source revealed that many MPs boycotted the session for enlisting the voting on the bill on its agenda, with the differences still unsettled.

The Parliament Speaker, Muhammad al-Halbousi, convened again with the heads of the blocs at the office of al-Hikmah (Wisdom) bloc.

The Independent MP, Amer al-Fayez, confirmed to Shafaq News Agency that the differences over the provisions 2,3, and 12 are not resolved yet, adding, "the Presidium is holding another meeting with parliamentary blocs speakers."

Al-Fayez continued, "the disagreements over the remaining provisions are substantial," ruling out the possibility of approving the law at 0700 pm's session.

butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Kurdistan/NFK-rejects-the-current-formula-of-the-Federal-Supreme-Court-bill

butterfly  NFK rejects the current formula of the Federal Supreme Court bill

2021-03-15 05:02  Shafaq News/ Network Factions Kurdistan (NFK) dissented the Federal Supreme Court bill currently proposed in the Iraqi Parliament, deeming it a violation of the constitution and civil rights.

The Coordinator-General of the network, the head of Soraya foundation, Nawzad Polis Hakim, said in a press conference held in the Independent Commission for Human Rights headquarters in Erbil that the approval of the Federal Supreme Court bill requires a wide acceptance inside and outside the Parliament, as well as experts' opinion.

"In light of this tense political atmosphere and early elections, we believe that it is not appropriate to approve the law because political bids and deals are being hatched to ratify the law."

Hakim added, "We also demand that when any vacancy occurs, a replacement is appointed only after consulting the members of the Federal Court, the Supreme Judicial Council, and the Judicial Council in Kurdistan."

He noted that adding non-judges to the Federal Court contradicts the Iraqi constitution and human rights in reference to Islamic Jurisprudence experts.

Hakim stressed that the Federal Supreme Court law should be legislated and amended by inspiring the Iraqi constitution's spirit and the civil principles.


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More Iraqi News Iraqi News Monday PM 3-15-21