Zig’s Place Chat and News Friday Late PM 4-16-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Friday Late PM 4-16-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

butterfly   BINGO......................Al-Kazemi: We will challenge some provisions of the budget, and there are those who are betting on entering a civil war

04/15/2021 18:01:44    Al-Kazemi - We will challenge some provisions of the budget and there are those who are betting on entering a civil warThe Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, announced that the government intends to challenge some paragraphs of the Federal Budget Law for 2021.

During his meeting with a group of tribal sheikhs and notables from Muthanna Governorate, Al-Kazemi said in the host of Sheikh Jaffat Al-Shaalan, “We are honored today to meet our people in Muthanna, and here in this well-known divan in the history of Iraq, we recall the contribution of Sheikh Shaalan Abu Al-Jun in establishing the Iraqi state and supporting the reference.”

He added, “History repeated itself here, when our clans came out in response to the Marjaiya’s call of His Eminence Al-Sistani, may God protect him, and thwarted the terrorist plot of ISIS gangs.”

And Al-Kazemi said, “Since my assignment, I have confirmed that I will only be a servant of the people. I mentioned Al-Rumaitha in my first conversation because it is dear to the heart, and I see her people as my family.”

And continued ”  He stressed, “We have taken difficult measures for reform, and in order to protect the country financially and economically,” adding, “We will file an appeal with some provisions of the budget with the Federal Court, because there are clauses that will affect the electricity sector, the health sector and others.”

butterfly   He explained, “Our problems first need correct management and an honesty approach in order to solve them, and we have embarked on a campaign of relations with neighboring countries in order to bring investments to serve our country and its people. I will personally follow up the conditions of the Muthanna Governorate, as well as any demands of its people.”

Al-Kazemi stressed, “We must not underestimate the citizens’ blood, and their lives, blood, and property are precious to us.”    alforatnews.com

Doug_W   butterfly ty

butterfly Doug_W did you see where there will be a "challange" to the budget?

Doug_W   yes

Butterfly   EYEGUY you did not see what I posted about the budget?

Butterfly   the government intends to challenge some paragraphs of the Federal Budget Law for 2021.

EYEGUY   let me look

EYEGUY  the challenging

butterfly   yuppers

EYEGUY  I`d say that was to be expected Malicki I presume .......where is the lone RTanger when we need him Hi HO Silver

butterfly   also about taxing the citizens..........some say no, some say yes..........more discourse.

EYEGUY   sounds like America

butterfly   LOL Bingo

EYEGUY  I`d say its :Blabla: :Blabla: :Blabla:

EYEGUY   I`m so happy

butterfly   delay delay delay

Dave   Got a Federal Court now to render decisions?

EYEGUY  I`m keeping an eye on this Dinar Saga but not putting my life on hold

Butterfly  Here is some more on taxing the people: .................................. Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Bashir Khalil Al-Haddad, criticized the Minister of Finance's proposal to the Council of Ministers and the recommendation to implement income tax for employees and cancel Cabinet Decision No. (156) on 7/6/2016 and return to direct tax deductions from employee salaries in accordance with Financial Instructions No. (1) For the year 2007.


He indicated in a statement that the Ministry of Finance’s proposal is an explicit legal violation of the articles and texts of the 2021 Federal Budget Law, which the Iraqi Parliament voted on 3/31/2021.

Al-Haddad added, "The Ministry of Finance should search for maximizing state resources instead of tax deductions for employees and retirees, who are an important segment and working groups, and their monthly income should not be affected."

He stressed the importance of searching for solutions and solutions to economic problems and the effects of the exchange rate and the resulting rise in prices, which added a new burden on the shoulders of the Iraqi citizen, including the employee segment.

Dave  ......Dang Taxes.....

Dave  Al-Kazemi stressed, “We must not underestimate the citizens’ blood, and their lives, blood, and property are precious to us.”

Dave  was he not appointed to satisfy Demonstrators demands?

Dave     #1 being corruption?

Dave  just hope those Judges were not set up by Maliki et-al

butterfly  If they go by the law, it does not matter, just like McConnell put a lot of judges in and they have gone against everything that the trump people thought they had the protection.

Dave   SCOTUS revealed INTERGRITY.......

Dave ?

Dave       ..doubt Maliki going down without a fight

Dave   ...Just wonder how long for the federal Court to render a decisions on the Govts list of appeals???

Dave   taken this long just to have a legit Federal Court.......LOL

Butterfly   The State of Law bloc confirmed once again that the government's economic and financial policies are useless, but harmful to the Iraqi citizen, the last of which is the Finance Ministry’s request to impose deductions on employees ’salaries in an unacceptable circumvention of what is in the budget law 2021.

The block said in a statement received by the Iraqi National Agency For the news / Nina / a copy of it: "At a time when it is the responsibility of any government to facilitate the lives of people and run it smoothly, we find that the Ministry of Finance is working to complicate and make the lives of citizens difficult and put difficulties before them."

he added: "The performance of the Ministry of Finance and its Minister is not convincing, logical, unresponsive and not sensitive to the needs and suffering of citizens, and what is the effect of surprise and wonder at its request from the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers to apply the tax on employees based on an article in the 2021 budget that included the abolition of tax and customs exemptions on goods and goods Exempted by a decision of the Council of Ministers !!

butterfly  He continued: "This insistence on harming citizens and employees by the Ministry of Finance and the manner in which it deals with vital issues related to public affairs and the issuance of statements in which it prejudges any reaction or vote to confront its decisions as bids is also unacceptable and does not respect the will of the legislator nor the aspiration of citizens in life. Decent in light of economic conditions, the severity of government measures has increased .

butterfly   The President of the Republic, Dr. Barham Salih, made a phone call with the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz, King of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during which they exchanged congratulations on the advent of the blessed month of Ramadan, calling on the Almighty to repeat this occasion to the two peoples and the two brother countries with goodness Security, stability and progress.

A presidential statement received by the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / a copy of it stated: “During the phone call, bilateral relations between the two countries were discussed and strengthened in various fields in a way that serves the interests of the two peoples, and to support the establishment of security and peace in the region, and cooperation in the face of various challenges. Referring to the successful visit of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to the Kingdom, and its importance in strengthening the bonds of joint relations between the two brotherly countries .

Butterfly   The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, said in a televised interview tonight that Sulaymaniyah is the city of political movement and the capital of Kurdish culture.

Dave   butterfly butterfly Aint that part of the disputed territory?

butterfly  2021-04-16 10:33    Shafaq News / The Iraqi Ministry of Communications announced that it will cooperate with French companies to develop the telecommunications sector in the country.

According to a statement by the Ministry, this came during a meeting with the Iraqi Minister of Communications, Arkan Shihab Ahmed Al-Shibani, and the head of the economic department at the French embassy.

The statement said that the two sides discussed, "developing the communication field, forming a joint group with French telecommunications companies, and establishing development projects with major specialized companies."

Al-Shibani emphasized the necessity of cooperation with the major and advanced international companies in modern technology, Internet, and communications, calling for holding a meeting with the companies affiliated to the Ministry of Communications to study all procedures and complete the plans with the Ministries of Planning and Finance.

For his part, the head of the economic department at the French embassy expressed his country's readiness to assist Iraq in the fields mentioned above.

"We will work to enhance this cooperation, and I invite the specialized French companies to invest in Iraq, especially in the field of communications", he said.

butterfly  Iraq confiscates $1.6 million from Daesh in Mosul

Money, gold were hidden in plastic barrels, buried at depth of 3 meters underground

Ali Jawad |16.04.2021 BAGHDAD   An Iraqi court on Friday confiscated $1.6 million and gold bars from Daesh.

According to the Nineveh Court, “$1.6 million, gold and silver coins and gold bars were found in the Old City of Mosul while carrying out works to remove the rubble of the destroyed houses."

"The funds and the mentioned materials were hidden in plastic barrels and buried at a depth of 3 meters underground [...] Daesh was using the sums to finance its terrorist operations,” the court said.

In June 2014, the Daesh/ISIS terrorist group captured Mosul, Salahuddin and Anbar provinces and parts of Diyala and Kirkuk which were recaptured by Iraqi forces in late 2017 with support from a US-led coalition.

The Iraqi army continues to carry out frequent operations against Daesh/ISIS in these parts of the country where the terror group recently mobilized its sleeper cells in rural areas.

Butterfly   The National Interest magazine draws parallels between Ilham Aliyev and Saddam Hussein https://armenpress.am/eng/news/1049341.html 21:40, 16 April, 2021

YEREVAN, APRIL 16, ARMENPRESS. The National Interest magazine has published an article about Azerbaijani president Olham Aliyev and the ''park-museum'' opened in Baku at his initiative. ARMENPRESS reports the author of the article Michael Rubin compared Ilahm Aliyev with former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and the ''park-museum'' of Baku with Baghdad's “Victory Arch,” known to locals as the Swords of Qadisiyah.

''Aliyev, who never served in the military even as his peers fought in the first Nagorno-Karabakh War, strolls around in military fatigues showing off captured Armenian equipment and wax models of Armenian soldiers before addressing assembled troops.

The centerpiece of the “Park of Trophies” is an arch made from the helmets of killed and captured Armenian soldiers. That Azerbaijan continues to hold illegally 260 prisoners of war (POWs) and kidnapped civilians, some of whom it might have killed in captivity, underscores the tastelessness of the display'', reads the article.

butterfly  Commissioned in 1985 and opened four years later, Swords of Qadisiyah, which stands taller than the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, consisted of forearms molded from Saddam Hussein’s own and fists holding crossed swords made from steel derived from the melted weaponry of fallen Iraqi soldiers.

Five thousand Iranian helmets taken off the battlefield completed the monument. Hussein’s speech initiating its construction was little different from Aliyev’s: “Brave Iraqis have recorded the most legendary exploits in defense of their land and holy beliefs,” Hussein declared on April 22, 1985.

“We have chosen that Iraqis will pass under their fluttering flag protected by their swords which have cut through the necks of the aggressors.” Aliyev, for his part, declared at the park's inaguration on Monday, “Everyone who visits the park of military trophies will see the strength of our army, will see our willpower, and how hard it was to achieve victory.”

Dave   Civil Rights Bridge in Selma Is Named After Reputed KKK Leader...sounds similar?


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News, Rumors and Opinions Saturday 4-17-2021


Iraqi News Friday AM 4-16-21