Zig’s Place Chat and News Friday AM 4-2-21

Zig’s Place Chat and News Friday AM 4-2-21

Zig:  Welcome to zig's place, a chat room for dinar speculators and others....discuss any topic that you wish here

Xyz  Abu Al-Joun added, "Today, after the budget has passed, this matter does not mean that the exchange rate has become a thing of the past and will not be reduced. Rather, we will work continuously to pressure the executive authority and the Central Bank to reduce it and take immediate measures to address the economic crisis and the rise in prices in the market,"

pointing out that "" And within the first steps, the Presidency of the House of Representatives is required to hold an emergency session as soon as possible in the presence of the governor of the Central Bank devoted to discussing the exchange rate and the reasons for the central bank’s insistence not to reduce it.

He stressed that, "In the event that the governor refrains from attending the session or his answer is not convincing, then we will work to pressure to question him, and the national forces within the parliament must stand with the Iraqi people and not with the parties benefiting from the central bank’s confusion, and the oath is preserved and moral and legal responsibility is not shied away." ".   LINK

xyz  Iraq participates in the meeting of the International Monetary Fund

His Excellency the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mr. Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, representing Iraq, participated in the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund,

and during his speech at the meeting, His Excellency the Governor confirmed that Iraq is continuing to implement its reform plans towards fiscal and monetary policy.

Noting that the Corona pandemic was and still is one of the obstacles facing the Iraqi economy despite the proactive measures that the central bank or the government worked on.

Stressing the country's keenness on international and regional openness to serve Iraq's economic and financial interests. LINK

Butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896798

Oil prices continue to rise after the OPEC + decision on production

Friday 02, April 2021 16:35 Oil prices continued to rise today, Friday, despite news that the "OPEC +" group reached an agreement to gradually reduce production cuts, starting next May.

US crude "West Texas Intermediate" rose by 3.87% to $ 61.45 a barrel, and the crude closed yesterday, up 3.9%.

Brent crude rose 2.12% to $ 64.86 a barrel, and crude ended Thursday's trading with a 3.4% increase, according to Bloomberg data.

The "OPEC +" group, which is made up of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries "OPEC", Russia and allied producers, agreed to ease production restrictions by 350,000 barrels per day in May, the same in June, and then by 400,000 barrels per day next July.

Under today's agreement, the applied OPEC + cuts will be only slightly higher than 6.5 million barrels per day from next May.

The cuts were about seven million barrels per day before that, in addition to another million barrels that Saudi Arabia volunteered to reduce its production.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896781

Economist: The agreements with Saudi Arabia may be met with skepticism and war

Friday 02, April 2021 15:11 Economist Saleh Al-Hamashi expected that the agreements with Saudi Arabia may be met with skepticism and war.

Al-Hamashi said in a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ): "The agreements with Saudi Arabia may be met with skepticism and war, but the economic situation requires everyone to submit to the status quo, especially since these agreements differed in terms of the size of the investment amounting to 3 billion dollars in several areas and Its head is the stalled energy sector, which needs money to complete its projects. "

He added, "The country's economic conditions do not tolerate controversies and quarrels, especially since the friends of regional countries such as Iran and Turkey are in an embarrassing situation, since the country needs the entry of investors in all fields, especially service ones."

An Iraqi delegation headed by Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi signed a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding with the Saudi side yesterday, Wednesday, during an official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

It was agreed to establish a joint Iraqi-Saudi fund, whose capital is estimated at three billion dollars, and the two sides also agreed to complete the electrical interconnection project.

Butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896782

The State of Law bloc denies its requirement to obtain special degrees to atte nd the budget voting session

Friday 02, April 2021 14:56 The Parliamentary State of Law bloc denied its requirement to grant it a number of special degrees to attend the parliament session for voting on the budget.

In a statement, the bloc was surprised at: "the pathetic attempts to reverse the facts and the abuse of its principled position in not attending the session to vote on the budget by claiming that it stipulated that it be granted a number of special grades in exchange for attending the session."

And she emphasized: "These fabricated and false statements, altogether, are an attempt to diminish the rule of law bloc after the public turn-around for its clear positions in support of the demands, issues and defense of the Iraqi people."

It demanded the person who made the false statement "who made himself a reporter at a meeting at which he was not present" to present evidence of his claim or prepare to face court.

The bloc confirmed that these attempts to defame them with various lies and fabrications will not have any effect, and that the Iraqi people possess awareness and ability to discern those who stand with them honestly and sincerely, and remember the brave positions of the state of law, and these allegations will not deceive him.

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=896762

Via the Internet .. The start of the meeting of the countries of the Iranian nuclear agreement

Friday 02, April 2021 11:54 The signatories to the Iran nuclear deal (Russia, Iran, China, France, Germany and Britain) began a meeting on Friday, via the Internet, to discuss the nuclear agreement and ensure its implementation.

According to a statement issued by the European Union: The meeting will discuss how to ensure the full and effective implementation of the agreement by all parties.

After the European Union announced the meeting, yesterday, Thursday, the US State Department welcomed this step and considered it ... positive.

Butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896795

A demonstration in Al-Kut calling for a review of some of the budget's provisions

Friday 02, April 2021 16:10 Today afternoon, the city of Kut witnessed a demonstration in which dozens of citizens and from various social strata participated, to demand reconsideration of some paragraphs of the state's financial budget, which were voted on by the House of Representatives.

A member of the Coordinating Committee for the Demonstrations, Sajjad Salem al-Quraishi, told the correspondent of the Iraqi National News Agency / NINA / that: "The demonstrators in Kut chose Al-Amel Square in the city center to be the new protest platform for Wasit revolutionaries and a revolutionary mobilization in the Kut market, where the masses and the toilers."

He added: "We have witnessed a significant increase in the prices of basic foodstuffs after the approval of the state's general budget, which targeted many of its paragraphs of the poor social segments of earners, workers and small employees, which will negatively affect their living conditions, indicating that the most important demands of the demonstrators are to restore the exchange rate of the dollar against The dinar, along with improving the ration card items and keeping the parties away from drawing the country's economic policy, with the prosecution of high-ranking thieves, and the return of the stolen money to the public treasury. "

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896803

Economic expert for / NINA /: Exemption of Jordanian industrial products from customs duties is a death sentence for Iraqi industries

Friday 02, April 2021 16:48 | The expert in economic affairs, Malaz Al-Amin, confirmed that the Cabinet’s decision to exempt Jordanian industrial products from customs duties is a negative decision that condemns Iraqi industries to death.

In a statement to the Iraqi National News Agency ( NINA ), the Secretary said, "The Iraqi national industries received a fatal, painful and devastating blow by a decision issued by the Council of Ministers to exempt Jordanian industrial products from customs duties.

He pointed out that" this agreement with Jordan does not kill Iraqi industries only, but rather Agricultural products are also inconsistent with the White Paper on Supporting the Iraqi Economy and Employment of Manpower. ”

A member of the Government Execution Monitoring Committee (Kazem Finjan Al-Hamami) warned against opening the gates of Trebil crossing in a way that allows the flow of foreign goods from all sides.

butterfly  If you did not see this last night, here it is again:  Can I trade the Iraqi Dinar (IQD)?

At this time, FOREX.com does not offer trading in the Iraqi Dinar (IQD). However, we do offer forex trading in over 80 currency pairs in addition to silver and gold trading.

butterfly  Interesting.......... https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/IMF-says-rich-countries-could-use-taxes-to-reduce-inequalities

IMF says rich countries could use taxes to reduce inequalities 2021-04-02 03:55

Shafaq News / The International Monetary Fund on Thursday said advanced economies could use more progressive income taxes, inheritance and property taxes, and taxes on “excess” corporate profits to help reduce inequalities exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, Reuters reported.

The IMF’s Fiscal Monitor said the pandemic had exacerbated pre-existing inequalities in access to health care, education and digital infrastructure, which could cause income gaps to persist generation after generation.

Most countries would need additional revenues to ensure access to COVID-19 vaccines and improve services, while interrupting a “vicious cycle” of mutually reinforcing inequalities, it said.

To change course, countries should focus on better investment in education, health and early childhood development, and strengthen social safety nets, it said.

To muster the necessary resources, advanced economies could increase progressivity of income taxation and boost reliance on inheritance/gift taxes and property taxation, the IMF said.

“COVID-19 recovery contributions and ‘excess’ corporate profits taxes could be considered,” it said, adding that wealth taxes were another option if other measures did not suffice.

Emerging market and developing economies should focus on strengthening tax capacity to fund more social spending, it said.

Oxfam welcomed the IMF’s backing for taxing of excess corporate profits and top income levels, and urged the IMF to back away from its own

Butterfly  Nothing really to post. Same old information, killing of ISIS, finding their hiding places, Covid is hitting them heavily, rise in the oil, on and on, we are back to nothing happening, just another year of hopium.

butterfly Iraq records about 6 thousand new cases of corona today

Friday 02, April 2021 16:33   Parliamentary Crisis Cell: The comprehensive ban during Ramadan will remain in its current state

Friday 02, April 2021 15:21 The Parliamentary Crisis Cell announced that the comprehensive ban during Ramadan will remain in its current state.

Cell member Salman Al-Gharibawi said in a press statement: "The comprehensive ban will remain as usual, two days a week, during the month of Ramadan, and there is no current possibility to raise it due to the high daily infection rates that range from 5-6 thousand injuries per day, which are among the highest. Rates recorded in the Arab region. "

And he stressed: The need to expedite the taking of anti-virus vaccines in the Ministry of Health centers spread in Baghdad and other governorates because they constitute an important preventive framework that helps reduce the severity of injuries and deaths.

butterfly   Al-Rasheed Bank: Issuing a (Nakheel) card for employees of Wasit Police Command

Friday 02, April 2021 12:49 Al Rasheed Bank announced that it will continue to issue (Nakheel) cards and deliver them to entities that signed a contract with the bank.

A statement by the bank stated that: The work team assigned to reach all departments and military units in their places of residence issued (Nakheel) cards to the employees of Wasit Police Command, in the presence of the police chief and officers from accounts and information technology.

He added: Work continues to reach all concerned parties to issue the cards without any review of the bank.\\\

Butterfly  Dave did you see where I posted about forex and nada with the IQD.

Dave   IQD never been traded on Forex......?

Dave  Checked some Govt websites.......Iraq still listed UN chapter 7 sanctions

butterfly  No BUT that has been the "info" that they have and with the "new" rate.....OMG I can't type anymore of the nonsense LOL

butterfly  Yes and they still have not paid their 2 B.

Dave  butterfly yeppers!   CBI 10 Billion richer since that devaluation too!

butterfly  I will say this again until people get it, the IMF stated that they "think" Iraq should be more stable by 2024. (paraphrasing)

Dave  butterfly all up to CBI

butterfly  E X A C T L Y    As it is with every country..........it is up to the CBI of that country.

Dave  when this hits we will know in a heart beat

butterfly  Yes and a lot won't have a heart beat, they will be gone.

Dave  then i will check CBI to verify

butterfly  Well as all were saying, waiting, biting fingernails..........things were going to pop after the budget..........

butterfly  How can people live with themselves with all the lies, misinformation, hopium, etc.

Zig  butterfly : No conscience....

Dave  butterfly dont read the news from Iraq just hopium from the Gurus?

Dave  https://cbi.iq/

butterfly  Dave I checked it yesterday and nothing.

Dave  have not checked it fer over 1 yr .....no reason......!

Butterfly   https://www.shafaq.com/en/Iraq-News/The-budget-betrayed-unpaid-lecturers-MP-says  The budget betrayed unpaid lecturers, MP says 2021-04-02 10:28

Shafaq News/ A member of the Iraqi Parliament said on Friday that the 2021 budget did not award unpaid lecturers any contracts, on contrary to the Media propaganda.

MP of Taqadum Party, Nahida al-Daini, said in a statement to Shafaq News Agency, "the budget law assassinated the rights of the unpaid lecturers. It did not include any contracts, except for particular segments according to particular mechanisms. It only gave them financial grants for a year."

Al-Daini denounced "this diversion against the lecturers by some Parliamentary parties," warning of the widespread uncontainable repercussions of this deed."

Al-Daini considered the lecturers, "a major asset and a major asset to the educational process, and for their efforts in addressing vacancies in scientific specializations and the success of the examination process in all primary and secondary stages."

Furthermore, al-Daini affirmed that she boycotted the voting session on the budget law after the political forces disavowed their obligations towards large segments, and the amendments that were added to the budget. She also called the parliamentary blocs to be frank with the people about what was approved in the budget and what will be actually implemented.

Several MPs stated through their social media accounts that lecturers' contracts were included in the budget after the budget law's approval. However, parliamentary parties denied this, which sparked public discontent and anger amid calls for massive demonstrations and sit-ins of free lecturers in all governorates.

butterfly  On Wednesday, the Iraqi Parliament voted on the 2021 Federal Budget Law, with a deficit of more than 28 trillion dinars.

The general budget revenues amounted to more than 101 trillion Iraqi dinars, while expenditures were estimated at 129 trillion dinars.

The price of an oil barrel was calculated in the budget at $ 45 instead of the Iraqi dinar, and the government's proposed price for the dollar was fixed at 1450 dinars per dollar, a member of the Finance Committee, Muhammad al-Shabaki, told Shafaq News agency.

butterfly  ............................government's proposed price for the dollar was fixed at 1450 dinars per dollar

butterfly   "fixed"

butterfly  Words matter

Dave  perfect...no reinstatement then.....

Dave  cbi makes more mulla

Dave  pips dont cut it

Dave  KAP where are you?

EYEGUY  IMO maybe just maybe $1.45 ........dont ask me why

EYEGUY  Dont ask

Dave id take a nickel


Dave been holding out to get a new car.........11 yrs........cant wait no more......

Dave  wanna a porsche gts........have to settle fer a Hyundai genesis

Butterfly  https://www.shafaq.com/en/Economy/Oil-rose-about-3-after-the-OPEC-alliance-agreement

 Oil rose about 3% after the OPEC+ alliance agreement 2021-04-01 13:01   Shafaq News/ Oil rose about 3% after the OPEC+ alliance agreed to increase oil production gradually over the next three months.  Reuters reported that U.S. Brent crude exceeded $ 64 a barrel, and U.S. West Texas Intermediate is above $ 60.

Earlier, OPEC+ has reached a preliminary deal to gradually ease production cuts from May, two OPEC+ sources said on Thursday.   The group was still debating exact figures, sources said.

Two sources had said earlier that OPEC+ was considering increasing output by 350,000 barrels per day in May, 350,000 bpd in June and 400,000 bpd in July.

butterfly  Get ready for higher gas prices. Ugh!

Dave  yet Iraq settles fer 45.oo?

Sheila  @butterfly>; Since Budget was passed on March 31, 2021, would that be Published in Saturday's Gazette? Do you think that Rate/s will be made public, finally?

EYEGUY  Get ready IMO

Dave  hmmm.....

Dave EYEGUY READY fer what?




Dave aint going to announce that in advance

butterfly  Interesting information here: Do the Rothschilds own the Bank of Canada?

The bank operates as a closed partnership, all its shares held by the Rothschild family. ... The bank's basement is packed with historic archives and at least one stack of evidence that the Rothschilds have been studying Canada for a long time: copies of The Financial Post dating back to 1910.

butterfly  Who really owns the Federal Reserve?

The Federal Reserve System is not "owned" by anyone. The Federal Reserve was created in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act to serve as the nation's central bank. The Board of Governors in Washington, D.C., is an agency of the federal government and reports to and is directly accountable to the Congress.

butterfly  Does China have a Rothschild central bank?

By 2001, only seven nations in the world -- China, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Sudan, Cuba, and Libya -- did not have Rothschild-controlled central banks.

butterfly Is there a central bank in Iraq?

The Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) (Arabic: البنك المركزي العراقي‎) is the central bank of Iraq.

Dave  butterfly ...and USA is a registered Corp in Puerto Rico

butterfly  Dave YUP

butterfly  What was the highest value of Iraqi dinar?

Historically, the Iraqi Dinar reached an all time high of 1460 in December of 2020. Iraqi Dinar - data, forecasts, historical chart - was last updated on April of 2021.

butterfly  I will leave this here, have to step away again: https://tradingeconomics.com/iraq/currency

EYEGUY  something going on at Capital

butterfly  Before I step away, I remember the 1164 for Iraq, sometimes it would go up to 1166.

Sheila  https://xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From=USD&To=IQD

Dave  need to maintain 2% spread....every 90 days

Dave  IMF compliance rules

EYEGUY  Come on CBI!!!!!!! we got things to do

EYEGUY  Ya think they are hearing me ?

Dave  EYEGUY only 20-30% of Iraqis have bank accounts until recently

EYEGUY    Hey sometimes I think things are safer in my mattress

Dave  CBI makes large on writing loans......  fractional banking.....    get 7-9 % of the top

EYEGUY  Im hungry

Dave  so are the poor in Iraq   hopefully getting very pissed off

EYEGUY sad there is hunger in to many places

Dave  EYEGUY even more so in one of the wealthiest nations in the world

Dave yet they have all that dinar stuffed in mattresses.....

EYEGUY eternal struggle

Sheila  Zig and that's why keto is my paradigm shift. Now ready for the RV... cause I need another paradigm shift!!! lolol lolol

Zig  Well I hope we get an RV on April 7th....lol

EYEGUY  or by 4/26th

Sheila  Zig hearing this is going by April 6 just this morning... repeating: thinking I want that 10% in 1 ounce gold American Eagles

sheila  Zig Are you having that proverbial "aw *" moment? Realization that this just might go by April 6, especially since Iraq passed their Budget on March 31? lolol lolol

Zig  sheila : Been in this too long to listen to anyone or anything regarding the Dinar...so I just wait....I would be thrilled to pay you....lol....but as I said, please don't count on it happening any time SOON...

Sheila  Zig All good. and that's the point. Dinar RV has go on too long. Iraq needs to set at the big boy table (ME countries). And they cannot do that without internationally traded currency on par with Saudi, Qatar, Kuwait...etc... they will not be able to get onto the secret KUNA Currency basket without revaluation back to at least 3.22 or better. You can thank Dinar Investor Jeff for that

Zig  Many people are not very happy these days with @Jeff Wow have people turned on him....that's what you get for making any predictions publicly.......

butterfly  https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=896850

Iraq and Lebanon sign an agreement that includes oil in exchange for medical services

Friday 02, April 2021 21:43 Minister of Health and Environment Hassan Al-Tamimi and his Lebanese counterpart Hamad Hassan signed in Beirut a framework agreement between the two countries, including oil in exchange for medical and hospital services.

The two parties have identified cooperation priorities in the next phase in addition to what was previously agreed upon according to the memoranda of understanding signed between them. We include: cooperation in the field of medical tourism, medical evacuation and recruitment, and cooperation in the field of modern hospital management in the Republic of Iraq by Lebanese experts and specialized medical teams.

Congratulations. The Iraqi people, with wise and rational management, have the right to build 11 university hospitals and 5 medical cities within this year, and Lebanese cadres will have the honor to assist in managing these institutions.

And cooperation in controlling the performance, quality and reliability standards in which Lebanon is distinguished, and which are carried out by the Ministry of Health, accompanied by the heads of directorates and departments in the Ministry of Public Health.

butterfly  The Lebanese minister announced that "the two parties have agreed to form a joint technical committee to cooperate and implement the signed agreements, in addition to preparing a cooperative program project according to the needs, to be discussed during my expected visit soon through a Lebanese government delegation headed by President Diab, or exceptionally bilateral, to conclude the agreement and start its implementation, in preparation for it To approve the necessary implementation frameworks or to sign new agreements in the interest of both countries. Here we refer to the principle of oil in exchange for services. "

He also announced that "the two parties have appointed the technical representative of the Iraqi Ministry of Health, Dr. Hani Musa Badr and the lawyer, Dr. Hussein Ali Muhaidli (from Lebanon) as coordinators for the joint committee that will complete its work very soon, and within weeks we will complete this agreement and enter into force."

For his part, Minister Hassan Al-Tamimi explained that “the delivery of aid to the Lebanese people to support the Ministry of Public Health is under the direction of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to confront the Corona pandemic,” and that “the visit witnessed tireless work by the Ministry of Health teams in the two countries and the seriousness of work by the two teams at the level of experts. ".

butterfly  He stressed that "there is a great interest from the Iraqi administration in supporting the Lebanese people," noting that there is "a great interest from the three presidents in Lebanon in concluding agreements and proceeding with joint action in all fields."

He expressed his hope that the program would be implemented urgently, announcing that the Lebanese and Iraqi teams of experts would communicate daily and around the clock in order to implement the agreements, and we are awaiting the arrival of Minister Hassan and the rest of the ministers to Baghdad to activate the oil memorandum in exchange for the health and medical services that have been agreed upon.

Sheila  Zig did try to discuss that point. Jeff will survive okay.

Sheila @Zig I don't have predictions -- just strong amount of hope!

 Zig   If you access this chat via https://my.cbox.ws/ZIGPLACE   You can make the box much bigger by clicking this link  ZIGPLACE - Cbox


Iraqi News Friday AM 4-2-21


Bruce’s Big Call Intel Thursday 4-1-21