Lynette Zang, The Nomad Economist and Mike Maloney 6-16-2021

Lynette Zang: Silver Squeeze could start The Currency Reset: You Won't Believe What's Happening Next

I Love Prosperity:  Jun 16, 2021

Lynette Zang: Prepare Yourself For The Currency Collapse

In this video, I share one of my favorite clips of my recent interview with Lynette Zang from ITM Trading. Lynette talks about Gold, Silver and what is really going on with the global financial system.

Lynette says we're in the early stages of a global currency collapse, the likes of which we've never seen on such magnitude.

 In this video, she breaks down what she believe is happening, and what is coming next.

With Reverse Repos, The Fed Is Now Trying to Clean up Its Own Mess

The Nomad Economist:  Premiered 14 hours ago

This spring Scott Pelley of 60 Minutes asked Fed chair Jerome Powell, “And you believe the system, because of the oversight of the Fed, has the wherewithal to stand a significant shock to the markets?”

After pointing out that the markets survived a 25 percent drop in GDP and the loss of 30 million jobs last covid spring, Powell admitted that “some parts of the financial system had to be bailed out again.

These were really, though, nonbank places like money market funds and things like that, where we had to step in again and provide liquidity.”

Money market funds (MMF) are what most investors consider cash. How could anything go wrong with cash? One wonders why the Fed would be forced to provide liquidity to shore up liquidity.

Silver's Coming Reversal will Be Shocking - Mike Maloney & Jeff Clark

Jun 16, 2021

Join Mike Maloney and Jeff Clark as they investigate the potential returns of silver, measured against the stock market.


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