Wednesday Evening News With MarkZ "Things are Happening" 7-27-2022

Wednesday Evening News with MarkZ 07/27/2022

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member:  Everyone…sure sounds like we’re in for an exciting finish this week

MZ: We are going to need to be calm….things are happening….this may take a few days to roll out to you and I….

MZ: In iraq I don’t think they meant for things to move forward like this….I don’t think they expected people to be this excited about the changes ….to storm palaces and parliament like that…..(Mark plays video clips from Iraq)

MZ:  These are not upset folks….they are partying and laughing and dancing..…very excited….in all the parliament, CBI, government buildings…It has turned into quite an event in Iraq.

Member: I just heard Charlie say on PPN that all 209 countries have signed off to gold back

Member:  I sure hope this is what We the People have been waiting for

Member:  Nadar says the dinar rate was announced but not public yet too

​Member:  Nader from the mid east made a video on YouTube saying that the dinar revalued

MZ: We are hearing very positive things…Nader just did 2 videos. He posted these about the same time I found out things had started.   He posted that a revolution has started in Iraq and close afterward he posted they had released a rate…….be sure to watch his videos.

MZ: All credit goes to Nader……be sure to find him..thank him and watch his reports.

Member: Could Nader be wrong?

MZ: No he’s pretty much spot on…give it a few days to roll out .Buckle up……I am told it could take a few days before we get our changes in value…or redemptions.

MZ: Iraq did not expect it to leak the way it did. To roll out of country the way it did. My guess is this will force things to happen quickly now guys.

MZ: We do not know how long it will take to play our right now….but, that it is playing out now should have you excited. I was told it could take up to 10 days to get to our level……worse case….but I expect it much sooner.

Member:   Watch that decimal point on that "Exchange Rate" guys !!! Is it $11.90 or 1190 ???

MZ: Now is the time to be ready, have your plans and know what you are going to do. This has gotten exciting as we watch it play out.

Member:  Frank26 is saying that he is wearing a green suit tonight... does anyone know what that means?

Member: Hopefully it is “Green means go” or green for money???

Member: I’m suddenly excited again……have the rates changed lately?

Member:  ** Estimated: Dong - $2.25-$4.00???, Dinar - $6.00-$11.00???, Zim - .30 (per million) without projects, higher rate with projects only for projects, Indo Rupiah $1.47, Rial - $3.30 ******

IQD have been changed no one knows the rate yay   Nader in the Mid East:  7-27-2022

Revolution has begun –Iraq   Nader in the Mid East:  7-27-2022

Member:  This seems to be the storm we have been awaiting. Let’s all keep calm and collective. Keep up the good vibe. We still need to give it the 24 hr and sniff test. Calm calm. Oh heck come on with it!!

Member:  Things are all inline. Things happening. Way to many countries going gold backed not to see it all coming to fruition....

Member:  My spidey sense is tingling… I think we are close

Member:  ​Oh yes, we are close.

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

The next stream is tomorrow at 10Am est……..


Special KTFA CC With Frank26: "Kazemi Tells The Citizens" 7-27-2022


Iraqi News Wednesday Afternoon 7-27-22