Wednesday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 9-14-22

Wednesday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 9-14-22

The Rule Of Law Reveals The Date Of Forming The Government

Policy   2022-09-13 | 14:32  Source:  Sumerian   13,898 views   Today, Tuesday, a member of the State of Law coalition, Abbas Al-Shabki, revealed the date of forming the new government, while confirming the insistence on the nomination of Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani for the position of prime minister.

Al-Shabki said to the twenty program broadcast by the channel Sumerian The satellite channel, that "Parliament will resume its sessions, and the government will be formed after the visit of the forty," noting that "there is a near-final agreement on the Kurds to resolve the differences of the presidential candidate."

He added, "The House of Representatives will be dissolved after the formation of the government," wondering: "Why did the current not dissolve parliament when it had 73 seats without bloodshed and the closure of institutions?"

He pointed out that "the framework insists on passing Al-Sudani to the prime ministership, after resolving the file of the President of the Republic."    LINK

The Full Decisions Of The Council Of Ministers During Today's Session

Policy   2022-09-13 | 11:42   13,516 views   Today, Tuesday, the Council of Ministers held its thirty-third regular session, headed by Parliament Speaker Mustafa Al-Kazemi, while issuing four new decisions.

Al-Kazemi's office said in a statement received by  Alsumaria news  The latter "presided over the thirty-third regular session of the  Council of Ministers During which the overall general situation in the country was discussed, and the most important service, economic and development files were discussed, in addition to discussing the topics on the agenda.

At the beginning of its session, the council reviewed the "plan of the visit to commemorate the forty days of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) with its security and service aspects, which is directly supervised by the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces."

Al-Kazemi directed, according to the statement, "all state ministries and their various formations to be in a state of maximum alert, and to harness all the capabilities required of the mechanisms to transport visitors heading to the city of Karbala holy places and their return, providing them with services, ensuring the smooth flow of their transportation, and securing their movement.”

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The Cabinet session comes out with six new decisions

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10:10 | 2022-04-5   The Minister of the Interior gave a detailed explanation of the course of the fortieth visit, the mechanism for the entry of foreign visitors to Iraq with a high flow, and the necessary protection for all visitors coming from all over the country and heading towards the city of Karbala Holy".

In this regard, Al-Kazemi stressed "the necessity of exerting maximum efforts for the success of the security plan, securing the visit, and protecting the crowds of visitors who celebrate the Arbaeen ceremonies and their processions." The Minister of Water Resources reviewed "the country's water situation, the major problems facing the ministry, treatments, and preparations to address them and mitigate their effects on Iraq. The irrigation plan for the agricultural season and the mechanism for overcoming the obstacles encountered were reviewed."

Continue Council of Ministers  His session discussed the topics prepared on the agenda, including those related to the water file, and the challenges facing Iraq in this regard.

The council also discussed, according to the statement, “measures Ministry of Water Resources  In the face of climate changes, and the challenges posed by the dry season, and agreed to approve the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Energy (32 for the year 2022) regarding updating the strategic study of water and land resources in Iraq, in the face of climate changes according to indicators.

Council of Ministers  Other topics on its agenda, issued the following decisions:

First / The Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works / General Directorate of Sewers referred the project of preparing, implementing and operating the main and subsidiary lines of rainwater and heavy water sewer networks with the right side lifting stations / governorate Nineveh is for the executing company with the best bid, as far as the financial authority is concerned, and that the Ministry of Construction, Housing, Municipalities and Public Works bears the validity of the legal procedures in the assignment and contracting.

Second / Approval of the recommendation of the Ministerial Council for Human Development (16 for the year 2021) as follows:

1- Approval of adding (500,000,000) dinars, only five hundred million dinars as a maximum of profitable oil companies for each of the oil sports clubs, as an exception to the decisions  Council of Ministers  (25 for the year 2021); For its participation in external tournaments, provided that the amount is added to the approved budget, and the Ministry of Oil has the discretionary power to determine the amount to be disbursed for each case as part of social services within the amount of distributable net profit, based on the provisions of Article (11/Fourth/4) of the Law Public companies (22 for the year 1997) amended.

2- Increasing the financial allocation to  Al-Zawraa Sports Club  And the  port sports club  In the amount of (1,000,000) dinars, only one billion dinars for the year 2022 from the social services account of the General Company for Ports of Iraq, based on the provisions of Article (11/4/4) of the amended Public Companies Law (22 of 1997).

Third / Approval of the following:

1- Authorization of the chief  National Investment Commission  The power to negotiate and sign a draft investment promotion and protection agreement between the government of  The Republic of Iraq  And the Government of the State of Qatar, as amended by the State Council, based on the provisions of Article (80/sixth) of the Constitution.

2- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs prepares the necessary authorization document on behalf of the government  The Republic of Iraq to the head  National Investment Commission, according to the approved contexts, and submit it to the General Secretariat of the  Council of Ministers  To obtain the signature of Mr. President  Council of Ministers.

Fourth / Approval of the establishment of a grain marketing center (silo) in Wasit Governorate, to enhance food and national security from allocations  Ministry of Commerce.   LINK

A Tripartite Delegation Is Preparing To Visit Al-Hanana.. Will The Chest Melt The Ice Of The Blockage?

Sumerian special  2022-09-13 | 06:48   Source:  Alsumaria news   11,521 views   Alsumaria News - Politics

The political and popular circles have been preoccupied over the past two days with the meetings of Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi and the head of the Sovereignty Alliance Khamis al-Khanjar with Kurdistan Democratic Party Chairman Massoud Barzani and Kurdistan Regional Government Prime Minister Masrour Barzani, and the subsequent statement that was interpreted as abandoning the alliance with al-Sadr.

* New visits

on the impact of these interpretations, political sources revealed, a visit will be made by a joint delegation from the Alliances of Sovereignty and Al-Fateh, and the President of the Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani, to the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, in the coming days.

member says  Kurdistan Democratic Party  Mahdi Abdul Karim "This visit was proposed several days ago, and a tripartite committee was formed between Al-Fateh, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Sovereignty Alliance to arrange a joint delegation's visit to Al-Hanana and meet Al-Sadr." political analyst

* Al-Sadr’s conditions,Abbas Al-Jubouri, select today, Tuesday, conditions leader Sadrist Movement Muqtada al-Sadr To accept the formation of the next government and the road map or initiative carried by the tripartite delegation.

Al-Jubouri said in an interview with Alsumaria, "The parties of the tripartite delegation that are preparing to visit Al-Hanana and meet a leader  Sadrist Movement  All of them are acceptable to Al-Sadr," noting that "Al-Sadr will agree to form the next government if the tripartite delegation is able to put forward a realistic and real mechanism to form a government for a period of one year and prepare for early elections, because he does not want clashes and new blood, but rather wants a real reform," stressing that: 'No agreement with   Muqtada al-Sadr There will never be a future government."

Yesterday, Sunday, the Speaker of the House of Representatives discussed  Mohammed Al-Halbousi, with the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, and President  Kurdistan Democratic Party Masoud Barzani  political developments.

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The media office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives said in a statement that "the meetings emphasized the importance of holding early elections after preparing the legal requirements and requirements in accordance with the constitutional mechanisms, preceded by the formation of a government that enjoys full authority and enjoys the confidence and reassurance of all with an agreed government program, with an emphasis on the need for the House of Representatives to continue its work until The date of the elections,” noting that “the participants expressed their readiness to contribute constructively to the convergence of views between all parties, and to adopt any step that serves the national interest, contributes to societal peace, and preserves the security and interests of citizens.”

Regarding these meetings, al-Jubouri stressed, "The recent step of the Sovereignty Alliance and the Democratic Party was with the knowledge and consultation of the Sadrists so that they could not let them down from an understanding with them in the past."

And about the idea of ​​a solution  Iraqi parliament  The political analyst continued, "Dissolving Parliament is an idea, but it must be in accordance with constitutional frameworks, and the Sadrist bloc must be convinced of the concept of establishing a government that takes on a new program, amending the electoral law, agreed upon by all political parties, approving a budget and the decision of the Electoral Commission, and then starting early elections."

"Protests and clashes do not solve the political problem at all, and these political conflicts have led the Iraqi people to be lost," noting that "the coordinating framework is thinking in agreement with the Sadrist bloc before the parliamentary session on forming the government."

And Al-Jubouri added, "The resignation of the Sadrist bloc from the  Iraqi parliament  It has many legal problems, the first of which is that the House of Representatives does not vote on their resignations.” And while he stated that “according to the constitutional mechanisms, the matter for their return is very possible,” he saw that, “If early elections are held, the Sadrist bloc will also win.”   LINK

Coordinating Framework: We Adhere To Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani As A Candidate For Prime Minister

Iraq   12:22 - 09-14 2022   The State of Law coalition confirmed today, Wednesday, that the coordinating framework is still committed to the nomination of Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani to head the government, considering that changing it at the present time will eliminate the role of the active framework.

The leader of the coalition, Jassim Muhammad Jaafar, said that what is rumored that the coordination framework will replace a female candidate for prime minister, Muhammad Shi`a al-Sudani, is out of the question for the forces of the coordination framework, noting that “the coordination framework is still sticking to al-Sudani.”

He added that “the presence of a number of tweets by some personalities The differences regarding the possibility of replacing Al-Sudani, perhaps, I appreciate messages that want harmony with Mr. Al-Sadr's claim, but it is difficult at this time to replace Al-Sudani because he needs a new consensus, and this will take a long time.


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