Wednesday Afternoon Iraq Parliament News Highlights 7-27-22

Wednesday Afternoon Iraq Parliament News Highlights 7-27-22

Barzani Meets The British Ambassador And Spreads His Table With "Fatal Problems" Concerning The Country

Policy   2022-07-27 | 04:58    816 views   The statement continued, "The upcoming elections and the importance of the unity of the political parties in the region Kurdistan, modes Sinjar, Relations Iraq and territory Kurdistan With the neighboring countries, the latest developments in the Syrian file and a set of issues of common interest to both sides occupied another topic of the meeting that he attended. David Hunt British Consul General in the Territory Kurdistan".  LINK

Iraq Calls On The Security Council To Pass A Resolution Obligating Turkey To Withdraw Its Forces[/Size]

Policy   2022-07-26 | 17:17    Source:  Alsumaria news   7,497 views   On Wednesday, Iraq demanded that the Security Council pass a resolution obligating Turkey to withdraw its forces from its territory, considering that the Turkish aggression constitutes a military aggression against Iraq's sovereignty.

Foreign Minister said Fouad Hussein In his speech during the Security Council session on the recent Turkish attack on Iraq, that "Iraq Welcomes the statement of the Security Council condemning the blatant Turkish aggression.

He added, "The Turkish aggression constitutes a military aggression against the sovereignty of the country Iraq And a threat to regional and international peace and security," he explained, "We collected evidence from the site of the attack, and it included fragments of heavy artillery projectiles used by the Turkish army."

Hussein pointed out, "We directed toTurkey296 protest memorandums against its violations,” calling on the council to “exercise its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security.”

The Minister of Foreign Affairs affirmed that “Turkey Invokes unfounded arguments related to an internal problem related to Kurdistan workers' party He added, "The government rejects the approach ofTurkeyin exporting its internal problems to Iraq The Minister of Foreign Affairs called on the Security Council to "form an independent international team to investigate this act of aggression," and also called for "issuing a resolution that obligates Turkey Withdrawing its military forces from all Iraqi territory.

He continued that "Iraq Expresses its full readiness to work with the countries concerned to expel the Labor Party from Iraq"The presence of the Kurdistan Workers' Party causes destabilization of security and creates instability in the region," he said Iraq".

On Wednesday (July 20, 2022), one of the tourist resorts in Dohuk Governorate was subjected to a Turkish bombardment, leaving many victims.

And then presented Iraq, I have a complaint against Turkey summoning its ambassador in Baghdad and informing him of the condemnation, withdrawing the Iraqi charge d’affaires from Ankara, and postponing sending a new ambassador to Turkey.   LINK

Blackshart: Iraq Demands The Withdrawal Of Turkish Forces From Its Territory

Policy  2022-07-26 | 17:04   Source:   Alsumaria news   3,871 views   The United Nations representative, Jenin Plaschaert, said, on Wednesday, that Iraq is demanding the withdrawal of Turkish forces from its territory.

During the UN Security Council session on the Turkish attack, Plasschaert confirmed that "Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi has formed a committee to investigate the attack on Dohuk."

She added that "the government of Iraq attributed the bombing in Dohuk to the Turkish forces," noting that "the Workers' Party denied responsibility for the bombing in Dohuk."

And Blackshart pointed out that "the Iraqi government said that it would escalate the issue of the Turkish bombing to the Security Council," stressing that "Iraq demands the withdrawal of Turkish forces from its territory."

On Wednesday (July 20, 2022), one of the tourist resorts in Dohuk Governorate was subjected to a Turkish bombardment, leaving many victims.

After that, Iraq submitted a complaint to the UN Security Council against Turkey, summoning its ambassador in Baghdad and informing him of the condemnation, withdrawing the Iraqi Chargé d'Affairs from Ankara, and postponing sending a new ambassador to Turkey.   LINK

Al-Jubouri: 28 Corruption Files Against The Industry Were Handed Over To Integrity.. The Prime Minister Is Negligent

Sumerian special   2022-07-26 | 14:57   Source:   Sumerian   6,868 views  Today, Tuesday, the representative of the Azm Alliance, Ahmed Al-Jubouri, said that the nomination of Muhammad Shia Al-Sudani for prime minister was a "shock" to revive the moribund political process, while talking about the corruption of the Ministry of Industry.

Al-Jubouri said during his speech to the program “Twenty” broadcast by Alsumaria, “The Sudanese was previously nominated before Mustafa Al-Kazemi But he refused the assignment because of the interference in the government booth," noting that "for 10 months the political process has been moribund, and Al-Sudani's nomination was a shock to reviving this process."

He added, "Next Saturday will witness the passage of the President of the Republic, who in turn chooses the candidate of the largest parliamentary bloc to assign him to head the government."

He explained, "The withdrawal of the Sadrist bloc from parliament is a loss, but the popular oversight of the movement is greater than the parliamentary oversight, and this is a guarantee for the functioning of the new government according to what the people want, not according to what the mullahs want in the ministries."

And on corruption in The Ministry of Industry Al-Jubouri indicated that he “handed over 28 corruption files to the Federal Integrity Commission, and initial statements were recorded, but no one was brought to justice,” noting that “part of the important contracts, including the clinker contract, were arrested,” stressing that “the Prime Minister is not interested in this aspect.” There is a fault on his part."   LINK

Verbatim Text Of The Foreign Minister's Speech During The Emergency Session Of The Security Council

Iraq    11:46 - 07-27-2022   The literal text of the speech of Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein during the emergency session of the Security Council regarding the aggression on Dohuk Governorate,

Honorable President of the Security Council,

Honorable members of the Security Council.

Ladies and gentlemen, greetings,

it is a great honor to be in this council, to address its members with thanks and gratitude for convening this emergency session. He took this opportunity to congratulate Ambassador Ronaldo Costa Filho, Permanent Representative of Brazil, on his country's assumption of the presidency of the Security Council for this month, and for his great and transparent efforts in organizing the work of the Council.

I would like to welcome the briefing of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Iraq, Head of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), Ms. Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, on the topic of the Council's emergency meeting. The Government of the Republic of Iraq welcomes the statement issued by the Council on Monday, 25 July, condemning this blatant attack.

Mr. President,    On Wednesday, July 20, 2022, at 13:50, the Turkish army committed an aggression against the lands and sovereignty of Iraq and the lives of its citizens, by violent artillery bombardment on Iraqi families while they were in Barkh resort in Dohuk governorate, which resulted in the death of 9 civilians, including one girl. 33 unarmed civilians were injured, civil facilities were damaged, and material losses were caused. We have informed your esteemed Council, in the letter dated July 21, 2022, with the details of the incident.

Iraq condemns in the strongest terms this blatant aggression perpetrated by the Turkish army against innocent civilians and civilian property, which constitutes a military aggression against the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Iraq, a breach and threat to regional and international peace and security, and is a violation of the provisions of the rules of international law, international humanitarian law and the principles of good neighbourliness. to the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and the objectives for which the Organization was established.

Following the military attack on Iraqi territory, a national committee was formed by the Iraqi government under our leadership to investigate the circumstances of this attack, which collected evidence from the site of the attack, including fragments of 155 mm heavy artillery projectiles used by the Turkish army in the area around the resort. This committee will also carry out the tasks of setting the general guidelines for managing this crisis.

Mr president, This aggression is tangible evidence before the Council that Turkey continues to ignore Iraq’s demands to stop its continuous military violations of Iraqi sovereignty, and to withdraw its military forces from Iraqi territory, for example, but not limited to, since 2018, (296) (two hundred and ninety-six) official memoranda Bilateral issued by the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs to its Turkish counterpart, to protest these violations, which totaled 22,742 violations so far, documented by the identical letters (😎 (eight) identical letters addressed from the permanent representative of the Republic of Iraq to both the President of the Security Council and the Secretary-General of the United Nations, issued as official documents of the Security Council, the last of which was the document issued with the symbol S / 2022/500 on 06/23/2022, and Iraq has also previously resorted to your esteemed council to hold its session No. 7589 in 2015, regarding the Turkish military incursion into its territory.

However, in this case, we went directly to your esteemed council to file a complaint and document a crime against humanity committed by the Turkish army in broad daylight and in an area free of any illegal armed manifestations.

We denounce before the international community once again the illegal presence of the Turkish military forces in Iraqi territory, and warn against the continuation of the aggressive behavior of the Turkish army, which may push matters to unimaginable consequences, amid a state of popular anger that is sweeping Iraq from south to north in Iraqi Kurdistan.

We also renew our condemnation of the Turkish Parliament's decision taken in October 2021 to extend the authorization for the presence of its forces in Iraq for a period of two years, and we stress that this approach will only cause a loss of security for all.

The Government of Iraq affirms its adherence to an approach that calls for resolving the accumulated differences through diplomatic channels, dialogue, building interests and joint cooperation, and on this basis we call on the Council, under Article 35 of the Charter of the United Nations, to exercise its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security,

by issuing an urgent decision obligating Turkey to withdraw its forces The occupying military from the entire Iraqi territory, under the full supervision of the Council, and bearing the consequences of rejecting that, to end the suffering of the Iraqi people from the continuous Turkish attacks on the airspace, lands and sovereignty of Iraq.

We also call on the Council to add the item on the situation between Iraq and Turkey on the agenda of the Security Council, given the repeated Turkish violations of Iraqi lands and airspace for several years, which cause continuous casualties of defenseless Iraqi civilians, and to expand the number and area of ​​its illegal military presence on Iraqi soil.

Mr president,   We will undoubtedly hear from the Turkish side today and later, several illegal justifications regarding the presence of his country’s military forces inside Iraqi territory, citing baseless arguments, related to a Turkish internal problem related to the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party, and allegations of an agreement with Iraq that allows the Turkish military presence inside Iraqi territory To address this Turkish problem, he will also repeat his illegal use of Article 51 of the United Nations Charter to justify his country’s actions in violation of Iraqi sovereignty, which this same article requires, that Turkey inform the Security Council of its military violations inside Iraqi territory, which is not It does, and therefore does not implement the article you are using, but rather violates the Charter of the United Nations.

Because of this situation, we affirm before the entire international community and through the esteemed Council, that there is no security agreement between Iraq and Turkey regarding allowing Turkish forces to penetrate Iraqi territory to hunt down the Turkish Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), in return for Turkey’s insistence on the existence of such an agreement, as We recall that the Turkish side is the cause of this crisis in the first place, through Ankara’s initiative with the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) in 2013, which included in one of its paragraphs a demand for the party’s militants to withdraw from Turkey into Iraqi territory, completely ignoring our security concerns and our sovereign right on our lands.

The Iraqi government confirmed that this measure constitutes a threat to security and peace in Iraq and the region, and the Council was informed of this by a letter from the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iraq to the President of the Security Council in May 2013, and later documented as an official document of the Security Council, and we called on the Council to stand against such behavior.

Mr. President, and in this regard, the Iraqi government rejects Turkey's approach in exporting its internal problems to Iraq, and that the settlement of its problems should not be at the expense of Iraq. At the same time, my country’s government confirms that the federal security authorities, whose tasks are to maintain border security, coordinate with the security authorities and the Peshmerga forces in the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq to take the necessary measures to combat armed and terrorist organizations, as the Iraqi constitution states in Article 7, that the state is obligated to fight terrorism. In all its forms, it works to protect its lands from being a headquarters, corridor or arena for its activities.    

Iraq raises this issue before the Security Council because of its utmost importance, and our firm belief in the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations, which affirms our common commitment to “practice tolerance and live together in peace and good neighbourliness” as well as “to unite our forces to maintain international peace and security.”

It is our hope that the Security Council realizes the seriousness of the situation and assumes its responsibility to maintain international peace and security, and to express Iraq's sincere political will and goodwill, we ask the Security Council to form an independent international team to investigate this act of aggression. Hence, we summarize before you Iraq’s demands from the Security Council as follows:

1. Issuing a resolution obligating Turkey to withdraw its military forces from all Iraqi lands, as the presence of these forces is illegal and was not at the request of the Iraqi government, and there is no military or security agreement or agreement with this Especially, and that its presence will destabilize the security situation and create instability.

2. Directing a strong condemnation of this aggression, and working to ensure accountability for the perpetrators of this heinous act that targeted civilians, as a threat to Iraqi national security, and to regional and international peace and security, by forming an independent international team to investigate this act of aggression.

3. We demand the inclusion of the item on the situation between Iraq and Turkey on the agenda of the Security Council, given the repeated Turkish violations of Iraqi lands and airspace for several years, which caused casualties among defenseless Iraqis.

4. Obliging the Turkish government to pay compensation for the losses caused to unarmed civilians, and the resulting halt in economic and tourism activities as a result of this Turkish artillery bombardment.

On the other hand, Iraq affirms its responsibility in a transparent manner, and the soundness of its position towards the consolidation of regional and international security and stability. Iraq expresses its full readiness to work with the United Nations and other concerned countries in order to expel the elements of the Turkish Kurdistan Workers Party from Iraqi territory because their presence causes destabilization and creation The state of instability in Iraq.

The people of Iraq are following the deliberations of this session today with great interest and great hopes, and consider the United Nations, and this distinguished Council, as guarantors of international peace and security, and are confident that this Council will work with all effort and sincerity to protect and preserve peace, and take great care when the rights of the people are exposed. countries threatened. He looks forward to a decisive and effective role for the Council in finding the necessary solutions and preventing any future repercussions of this crisis.

In conclusion, the Government of the Republic of Iraq affirms that it is working hard to contribute positively to resolving conflicts in the region and expanding areas of understanding between neighboring countries through peaceful means, and categorically rejects turning Iraq into a theater for implementing the agendas and interests of countries.    Thank you, Mr. President


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