Tivon and KTFA Members "News and Veiws" 8-3-2022


Samson:  Al-Kazemi’s advisor: Stabilizing contracts and appointing health professionals and higher certificates are not linked to the budget

3rd August, 2022

The technical advisor to the Prime Minister, Haitham al-Jubouri, confirmed today, Wednesday, that there is no government direction to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar, and while he acknowledged the difficulty of approving the 2022 budget, he made it clear that fixing contracts and appointing health professionals and holders of higher degrees is not linked to its approval.

Al-Jubouri said, to the official agency I followed (the first news), that "the revenues generated by the rise in oil prices are temporary and cannot be relied upon in drawing up long-term economic plans, as they fall within the ebb and flow during the current time, which depends on global demand and supply." 

He added, "Real stability lies within non-oil revenues, as they are fixed and can be controlled according to internal legislation and have nothing to do with international prices, which represent collection, improving the tax base and what the state obtains from customs, in addition to encouraging investment," noting that "these things can create economic stability in the country and an increase in the revenues generated.”

 He pointed out that "oil revenues have actually increased and can be invested in some development projects, but they cannot be relied upon for long."

On approving the budget law and decreasing the exchange rate, al-Jubouri stressed that “the federal budget for 2022 is difficult to decide during the current year,” explaining that “fixing contracts for those who have actual service for two years and appointing health and medical professionals for cadres covered by the medical gradation and holders of higher degrees are available even if The budget has not been approved.

He pointed out that "the provision of job grades absolutely is a matter that needs and depends on approving the budget and providing sufficient financial liquidity to provide these degrees." He pointed out that "the government does not have any direction to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar."  LINK


Tivon:  This is actually  amazing. Is he telling on the GOI? He is basically saying that Al-Kazemi may be the only possible avenue to address the dollar exchange rate through the EFSL.

Given the fact that he already adjusted the contracts regarding the salary and wages through the ministries. Because approving the budget I am sure lies upon the one for next year. Because A job grade is a grouping that encompasses positions with the same or similar values in order to assign compensation rates and structures.

 It codes down to living wages, median wages, and prevailing wages. So I can understand the long-term value of this statement from Al-Jubouri. Because I said the EFSL is only for this year.

So don't be dismayed by this info. It's just a standard thing. Because he tells you that services, contracts, and medical graduate are taken care of without a 2022 budget.

 Because they always talk about short term and long term. The EFSL is for short term. So this is very enlightening to hear as Al-Kazemi wants to reduce the dollar exchange rate without relying on the givers to do so.

Which is why the demonstrators are taking to the streets because they realize the government are the ones in the way. Imo


Samson:  Al-Anbar Movement: We Stand With Legitimate Demands As Long As We Do Not Offend State Institutions

3rd August, 2022

The Popular movement in Anbar Governorate affirmed, on Wednesday, that it stands firmly with any legitimate demands calling for reform, provided that state institutions are not abused and public property is tampered with, noting that the call to form an interim government must be in accordance with the constitutional entitlements.

The leader of the movement, Muhammad Daham al-Dulaimi, said in a statement to / the information /, that “the movement stands with the call for reform, but it must be conditional or under any political agenda or a specific political party, or harms state institutions and tampering with public and private property.”

Al-Dulaimi added, “The call to form an interim government must be in accordance with the constitutional entitlements, but if it is by agreement within the dome of Parliament and by the agreement of all, it does not harm that.”

And the representative of the State of Law coalition, Aref Al-Hamami, considered in a previous statement to "The Information", that the calls to dissolve the Iraqi parliament are tantamount to sabotaging the political process, indicating that the indications are that the solution is coming.


BlaqueBeauty: They said “The Popular movement in Anbar Governorate affirmed, on Wednesday, that it stands firmly with any legitimate demands calling for reform, provided that state institutions are not abused and public property is tampered with, noting that the call to form an interim government must be in accordance with the constitutional entitlements. “ 

Tivon:  Thank you for pointing thus out. We are almost out of the woods. What a week we have before us. Imo

Are you guys reading this? Interim Government? You guys know an interim government has emergency powers right?

What is the current emergency now? Wages. Salaries. Inflation. Food. Etc. What is the EFSL again? Al-Jubouri already came out and said the government will not raise the IQD. So who dies that leave us with? The Interim Government to enact everything while the transition period moves towards early elections. 

Interim Government: A provisional government, also called an interim government, an emergency government, or a transitional government, is an emergency governmental authority set up to manage a political transition generally in the cases of new nations or following the collapse of the previous governing administration.

Samson:  Al-Sadr directs the protesters to stay in the green and calls for the dissolution of Parliament and the holding of early elections

3rd August, 2022

The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, demanded, on Wednesday, the dissolution of the current parliament and the holding of early elections, while stressing that he has not decided yet to run in the elections or not.

Al-Sadr said in a televised speech, which was followed by / Mawazine News /: "Do not let them delude you that the revolution is a struggle for power," noting that "he has not decided to contest the new elections or not."  He added, "The malicious lawsuits obstructed the formation of the majority government," noting that "there is no benefit from dialogue with them."

Al-Sadr indicated that "reform does not come without sacrifice, and I am fully prepared to testify for reform." He continued, "The revolution began as a Sadrist, and they are part of the people," explaining that "the revolution will not exclude the corrupt from the Sadrist movement."

Al-Sadr indicated that he "never and will never be satisfied with bloodshed," noting that "most of the people are tired of the entire ruling class."

Al-Sadr assured the Iraqis: "They took advantage of my presence to end corruption," calling for early elections after the current parliament was dissolved. He pointed out that "the revolutionaries and the sit-in must stay and continue," and directed his thanks to the security forces and supporters of the revolution.   LINK

Tivon:  What more do you guys want? How long have we been trying to get this across? You are looking at it now. As I said I don't think the citizens will have to wait for the elections and the formation of the GOI to see purchasing power. Because Al-Kazemi as an interim government will have the neccessary powers to give that to them now. This is what the EFSL is for because it covers what again? All Contracts & Procedures. Which includes what?  Wages & Salaries that have already been adjusted and is waiting for the HOR approval. Because the news coming out now supports a immediate change to take place with reforms so it can have some wheels. I'll share more once I gather more information. Imo





Samson:  United Nations: Iraq desperately needs economic reform

3rd August, 2022

On Wednesday, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq welcomed calls for a national dialogue, while stressing the need for political leaders to prioritize national interests to find urgent solutions to the crisis

The UN mission stated in a statement, "The meaningful dialogue between all Iraqi parties is now more urgent than ever, as recent events have shown the danger of a rapid escalation in this tense political climate

"Iraqi parties stress the importance of democratic fundamentals such as constitutional compliance and respect for state institutions, but these are increasingly not observed, as their failure to move forward has had a clear negative impact on public confidence," she added

And the UN mission continued: “No party or group can claim that the crisis does not enter them or affect them. The need to find solutions through a comprehensive dialogue is clear,” adding: “In its absence, the State of Iraq will continue to be dominated by competing interests, which leads to more of instability with the people paying the price, such a scenario is simply intolerable

The mission reiterated its welcome to the "recent calls for a national dialogue, and commends the expression of support from all political spectrum", at the same time appealing to all actors to "commit, actively participate, and agree on solutions without delay. And she stressed that "the transition from words to deeds has become an urgent necessity, Iraq cannot go to another national dialogue in vain

The UN mission concluded, “Iraq faces a wide list of outstanding internal issues, as it is in dire need of economic reform, effective public services delivery, as well as a federal budget, and it is time for political stakeholders to assume their responsibilities and act in the national interest    LINK


Samson:  Embezzlement of 70 million dinars in Baghdad traffic departments

3rd August, 2022

The Integrity Commission announced, on Wednesday, August 3, 2022, details of the seizure of 70 million dinars in the Baghdad traffic departments.

The Department of Prevention stated in a statement received by the obelisk, that “the Agency of the Ministry of Interior for Police Affairs instructed the General Traffic Directorate in coordination with the Follow-up Directorate and Committees Committee in the agency regarding the proposal to form a committee of accounting, auditing and legal officers at traffic sites; To audit the accounting receipts, fines and checks,” noting that “the receipts are daily authenticated by the site manager and sent to the directorate’s headquarters; To photograph and archive it with a special calculator for daily auditing and follow-up.”

The department added that "all the arrested suspects were transferred out of the registration sites after detecting fraud and embezzlement of about (70,000,000) million dinars in the accounting receipts for collection by the account treasurer, as well as referring them to the Internal Security Forces Court - the third region; Based on the provisions of Article (316) of the Penal Code and in the meaning of Articles (289-298) of it, and placing them in detention until a judgment is issued.”

She explained that “administrative orders were issued periodically to the fund’s trustees,” pointing to “the conversion of most of them from military owners to civilian owners, after the authority’s report issued on 9/26-2021 indicated its demand to set appropriate conditions and controls for selecting the trustees in traffic locations from whom They are characterized by integrity, good conduct and behavior, and are financially guarantor and are periodically evaluated.”

The department confirmed that “the General Traffic Directorate is studying the possibility of adding the instrument numbers within the entry station and checking them within the payment station and (piment), indicating that it is currently inserting the chassis number of the modern vehicle registered on the back of the instrument and archiving it with the transaction, provided that the data entry is before An exclusive officer.  LINK


News, Rumors and Opinions Wednesday Afternoon 8-3-2022


"Coffee With MarkZ" Wednesday Morning Chat 8-3-2022