"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 4-12-2022


Tishwash:  Parliament will ask the government to send the 2022 budget  link

Tishwash:  Al-Kazemi: We have a financial surplus, but we need a budget

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi affirmed that bold decisions were taken in the Council of Ministers to protect citizens from transitional and post-election conditions, as well as the repercussions of the situation in Russia and Ukraine on the economy and standard of living for all countries of the world.

This came during Al-Kazemi’s participation in the breakfast table with the staff of the Dora refinery in Baghdad, and his tour of the Central Oil Refineries Company and its facilities, according to a statement issued by his media office, and received by Noon News Agency.

Al-Kazemi said, according to the statement, "We submitted the food security bill, and we must all cooperate as government and parliamentarians, and bear the responsibility for passing this law in order to continue to cover the state's expenses."

He added that "there is a financial surplus, but it needs a budget and its law," adding that "the food security law will provide the daily management of the state's affairs, as well as electricity, services, health, education and food resources that the Iraqi citizen needs."

Al-Kazemi pointed out that "international crises have reflected on all economies of the world without exception," calling on Parliament to "pass the emergency law for food security, to protect the citizen link


Tishwash:  Increasing calls to dissolve Parliament... and the tripartite alliance may present Al-Kazemi's name as a settlement solution after the deadline

There have been calls on the Iraqi political scene to dissolve Parliament due to the current situation and the ongoing conflict between the winning forces in the elections over the formation of the new government. 

And looming political parties that the dissolution of Parliament may be the best option to get out of the crisis that prevents the formation of the government.

On the other hand, there is talk inside the political corridors that the current Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi is the expected and best option to continue to lead the government until the next elections.

According to high-ranking political sources, the Sadrist movement and the parties allied with it, such as the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the "Sovereignty Alliance" may put forward Al-Kazemi's name as a settlement solution after the deadline given by Al-Sadr to the "coordinating framework" to form the government has passed.

The Supreme Judicial Council had expressed its opinion on the issue of dissolving the House of Representatives last February.

He stated that the treatment of political problems is carried out in accordance with the constitutional provisions, and no party, whether judicial or otherwise, may impose a solution to the political blockage except in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, stressing that the mechanisms for dissolving Parliament are restricted by the text of Article 64 of the Constitution. The leader of the "Sovereignty Alliance" Mishaan al-Jubouri said: The option of dissolving the House of Representatives exists in light of the political impasse in the country and the failure to form the federal government, despite the passage of several months since the early legislative elections.

Al-Jubouri said in a tweet on Twitter: "We are aware of the great burdens that will be imposed on the Electoral Commission and the entire state if Parliament votes to dissolve itself and call for new elections."

He added, "Our talk about it is not a maneuver or a vacuum, but it is the inevitable option if the political impasse continues." The Kurdistan Democratic Party considered the calls to dissolve parliament as "premature." A member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Dilshad Shaaban, said: "The dissolution of parliament is still early, despite the state of political impasse we are living in at the present time, in light of the failure to reach agreements on forming the next government."

He added, "It is logical at the present time to open the door to negotiations with the aim of reaching a solution that will get us out of the crisis, and to make the other party concessions in the national interest," noting that the dissolution of Parliament will harm the Iraqi people. link


Tishwash:  The rise in fuel and food prices in Iraq... and Parliament: negatively affected citizens

The First Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, Hakim Al-Zamili, said that the Oil Ministry’s decision to raise fuel prices, coinciding with the rise in food prices, negatively affected the lives of citizens, burdening them and leading to a significant increase in unemployment rates due to the cessation of factories.

Al-Zamli stressed - in a statement to Al-Zamili's media office, which was reported by the Iraqi "Alsumaria News" today, Sunday - the need to reach thoughtful solutions that satisfy the citizen and factory owners and relieve the state of popular congestion.

Al-Zamili had met a group of demonstrators in front of the Dora refinery in the Iraqi capital (Baghdad), who came from various governorates to demonstrate against the Oil Ministry's decision to raise fuel prices   link


Tishwash: After Saudi Arabia raised crude prices to Asia, China seeks to buy immediate Iraqi crude

China's crude oil imports rebounded in March, but are unlikely to grow much more for a while - fuel demand is fading amid COVID-19 lockdowns and price hikes.

China, the world's largest crude importer, imported 10.88 million bpd in March, up from a four-month low of 9.51 million bpd in February, but still well below the 11.54 million bpd in January.

The jump last month can be largely attributed to increased demand from refineries as pollution restrictions were lifted after the Beijing Winter Olympics in February, and with increased demand for fuel after the Lunar New Year holiday.

However, it should be noted that China lowered export quotas in its first allocation of 2022, cutting them by 56% to 13 million tons, as part of efforts to reduce pollution and ensure domestic supplies.

Saudi Arabia’s decision to raise the official selling price (OSP) for shipments loaded in May to Asia to a record premium compared to the Oman/Dubai regional benchmark is likely to act as an additional obstacle to China’s imports, causing some Chinese refineries to order smaller quantities in May from Saudi Arabia. , the largest supplier of crude to China, the record Saudi official sale for the month of May will encourage refiners in Asia to take as little as possible from Saudi oil and seek to buy alternatives in the spot market.

Chinese refiners may seek more Middle Eastern crude from spot sellers such as Iraq and Oman, but they can also buy from the United States and West Africa because the spreads make these grades more competitive   link

Mot: .... Siigggggghhhhhhh!! - Already astarted it has! ~~~~marbles

Mot:   I Say!! - At This Point! - Willing to Try Anything I Am! ~money garden


News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 4-12-2022


Zig’s Place Chatroom News Monday Afternoon 4-11-22