"Tidbits From TNT" Monday 5-16-2022


CandyKisses:  The leader of the Sadrist movement in a strict tone: We will not ally with the blocking third

Baghdad / Obelisk: The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, confirmed on Monday, May 16, 2022, that he will not allow a return to square one.

Al-Sadr said in a statement received by the obelisk, "The Iraqi people suffer from poverty and we will not allow it to return to square one."

Talking to the coordinating framework, he added, "What excuse do you make for disrupting the people's summit?"

Al-Sadr added in his speech that "the people are boiling, and for how long will corruption remain?"

Tishwash:  An urgent meeting of the coordination framework and its allies to discuss developments in Al-Sadr's position

The office of the head of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki, announced on Monday that an "urgent" meeting was held for the Shiite coordination framework and its allies to discuss the speech of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, and his recent positions regarding the political blockage.  link


RVAlreadyI think friends of Maliki are trying to squash the food law, so that the RV does not happen, and they can continue to steal money from the auctions. They have to be running scared to have Parliament and the federal court both working to kill the food law. It is all becoming painfully obvious. Maliki might get prosecuted over this.

CharlieOK:  You're probably right rv. I can't wait to see if a scenario of a CG (Caretaker government) running Iraq off of the already enacted and approved budget, is good enough for the CBI. If not, the can look like it has been kicked.

Fuze:  The thing that puzzles me about the Supreme Court decision is "why so much surprise"? Well over a month ago there was concerns about the CG not having the authority to send the food law. Now the Supreme Court has spoken and given a road map. Parliament can do a majority vote 1/2 + 1 and grant the CG authority and past the law the same or next day. Np… That S Court decision presents a road map on how to do it without an appeal opportunity...sweet… Sadr block has a comfortable 1/2 + 35

Annie68:  Exactly!! Hope this is the confusion of the end!!!

Kaseyko1:  I'm with you as well, Annie, that we're seeing smoke & mirrors. From my reading everything I can find, it appears that the Independents' initiative may be accepted by Sadr. If so, they should be able to have a majority to vote on the pres & pm positions. The Iraqi people & us can only hope. The ongoing demonstrations should help this cause.

Yada:  Agreed Kaseyko with the movement of the 50 independents. They stated they are going toward the majority vote which is what Sadr is promoting. Interestingly, the Framework stated they will support the candidate the Independents present for PM.

Kaseyko1:  Annie, to answer your question, the demonstrations by the people will push the PTB to get their acts together with their govt & give the people the money so they richly deserve.

Yada: So, if they were going to do the Food service law, the rate would of been released and on the other side, with the independents coming to Sadr's side, voting on the President before the PM will also get the rate released by the cbi…… So, President voted in, PM is declared BUT the rate can and should be released once the President is appointed by the CBI.

Skinman:  You all think by the end of the month?

Annie68:  We were told the 19th to the end of the month is the time frame. We shall see!!!


CandyKisses:  The Iraqi Stock Exchange is trading shares worth 43 billion dinars in a week

Shafaq News/ The Iraq Stock Exchange announced today, Monday, that it traded shares with a financial value of more than 43 billion dinars during the past week.

The market said in a report seen by Shafak News Agency, "The number of companies whose shares were traded during the past week amounted to 56 joint-stock companies, while the shares of 33 companies were not traded due to the lack of convergence of the prices of purchase orders with sales orders, while 15 companies continue to stop for not providing disclosure from Out of 103 companies listed on the market.

He added that "the number of traded shares amounted to 52 billion and 617 million and 097 thousand shares, with a financial value of 43 billion and 867 million and 396 thousand dinars, through the implementation of 3410 deals," noting that "the traded price index ISX60 closed at 583.47 points, recording a decrease of 1.19% from its closing." in the previous session.

He pointed out that the number of shares purchased from non-Iraqi investors for the past week amounted to 287 million shares, with a financial value of 497 million dinars, through the implementation of 62 deals, while the number of shares sold from non-Iraqi investors reached 325 million shares, with a financial value of 966 million dinars, through the implementation of 380 Deal.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi Stock Exchange organizes five trading sessions per week from Sunday to Thursday, and includes 103 Iraqi joint stock companies representing the sectors of banking, telecommunications, industry, agriculture, insurance, financial investment, tourism and hotels.


CandyKisses:  Al-Sadr threatens the “obstructing third”: the insolence has reached the disabling of laws that benefit the people

Shafaq News/ The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, launched on Monday a stinging attack on the Iraqi judiciary, accusing it of keeping pace with the "disgraceful" actions of the blocking third, threatening at the same time the "blocking third".

Al-Sadr said in a speech addressed to the Iraqi people, followed by Shafak News Agency, that "the people suffer from poverty, as there is no new majority government that may benefit them, nor the current government that can serve and benefit them." ?". Referring to the judiciary's decision to repeal the Food Security Law.

He added, "They target the people and reject their subjugation, and the most amazing thing is that the judiciary is keeping pace with the disgraceful acts of the blocking third in terms of knowing or not knowing," noting that "the authority blinded them to the weight, fear and shortage of money and lives, militias' domination, dependency, and fears of normalization and epidemics."

Al-Sadr continued, "I was not surprised even an iota of the blocking third was obstructing the formation of the majority government."

Al-Sadr waved to the coordination framework with the street paper and said, "The oppressed have a roar from which you will not be safe."

Yesterday, Sunday, the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, announced the trend towards the opposition, after the failure of the political parties, including his Sadrist bloc, to form the Iraqi government, months after the legislative elections in the country.

Al-Sadr called on the parties and parliamentary blocs, including "the Sovereignty and the Democratic Party) to form a government.

It is noteworthy that the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, launched two initiatives to form the federal government, one of which announced its failure, which he granted to the coordination framework at the beginning of last April, and the other he launched to independent deputies on the third of this month, giving them 15 days to carry out the task of forming the government in cooperation with allies in The Triple Alliance (Save a Homeland) from the Kurds and Sunnis without representing the Sadrist bloc as ministers.

Mot: ... Gots to Love Mowing Daze! ~~~

Mot:  The Perfect Couple! ~~~~


"Coffee With MarkZ" Monday Morning Chat 5-16-2022


Holly, Wolverine, MilitiaMan and More...Monday Morning 5-16-2022