Sunday PM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-26-22

Sunday PM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-26-22

Al-Kazemi And Bin Salman Confirm A Number Of Issues Concerning Iraq, Saudi Arabia And Iran

Shafaq News/ Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi met the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Prince Muhammad bin Salman Al Saud, at the start of his official visit to the kingdom, which he arrived earlier yesterday, Saturday.

A statement issued by the Iraqi government stated that during the meeting, they discussed bilateral relations between the two countries, and the importance of developing them in a way that achieves the interests of the peoples of the two countries. The two sides also discussed a number of regional and international issues of common interest, and efforts to consolidate peace and calm in the region.

The statement added that the meeting witnessed an emphasis on strengthening economic integration and inter-regional cooperation in a way that promotes sustainable development in the region and strengthens bilateral efforts to confront economic crises.

The two sides stressed the prominent role of Iraq in bringing the views of the region closer and advancing calm efforts and constructive dialogues forward, according to the statement.

The Saudi royal court had announced earlier that US President Joe Biden would visit Saudi Arabia in mid-July to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the visit schedule includes a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and Jordan's King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein.

And on Friday, a number of members of the Iraqi parliament collected signatures asking Al-Kazemi not to sign any agreement or treaty while attending the Saudi meeting in the presence of the American president.

And Baghdad embraced negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia with the aim of calming the two sides, reopening embassies between Riyadh and Tehran, and ending regional crises, especially in Yemen.

It is noteworthy that Riyadh severed relations with Tehran in 2016 after Iranian protesters stormed the Saudi embassy in the Iranian capital to protest the execution of a Shiite cleric in Saudi Arabia.  LINK

The Framework Sends A Message To Al-Kazemi Regarding The Visit To Iran: There Is No Second Term, No Matter What The Pressures

Posted On2022-06-25 By Sotaliraq  Today, Saturday, the coordination framework, which includes Shiite forces, renewed its position on renewing the current Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, for a second term, by assuming the presidency of the next federal government.

This came in a comment by the leader in the framework, Ayed Al-Hilali, about Al-Kazemi’s scheduled visit to Iran in the coming hours, and its matter of renewing his second term during the next stage.

Al-Hilali said, “The coordinating framework forces will not renew Al-Kazemi’s second term, and this matter is agreed upon by all the framework forces,” adding that “the framework does not have any pressure from any party, even the Iranian, and this is with the testimony of the leader of the Sadrist movement Muqtada al-Sadr in his last statement.”

He added, "Iran may not have any reservation about renewing Al-Kazemi's second term, but perhaps even support this matter, due to Al-Kazemi's closeness to the views between Tehran and Riyadh and between Tehran and the rest of the world and the disbursement of financial dues and other files," adding that "this matter does not mean The framework has something, and it is not possible to accept the renewal of the mandate, even if there are Iranian or other pressures on this file, although it does not exist until now.”

An informed political source had revealed, earlier today, that the caretaker prime minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, would visit Iran before heading to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi royal court had announced earlier that US President Joe Biden would visit Saudi Arabia in mid-July to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and the visit schedule includes a meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and Jordan's King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein.

And yesterday, Friday, a number of members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives collected signatures asking Al-Kazemi not to sign any agreement or treaty while attending the Saudi meeting in the presence of the American president.

It is noteworthy that the political blocs agreed in the parliament session that took place the day before yesterday, Thursday, to proceed with the formation of the new federal government, according to the principle of “partnership, balance, and consensus,” which are the conditions announced by Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani.

This agreement came after the breakdown of the tripartite alliance between the Kurdistan Democratic Party led by Masoud Barzani, the Sovereignty Alliance headed by Khamis al-Khanjar, and the Sadrist movement led by Muqtada al-Sadr following the resignation of the Sadrist bloc’s deputies, and the current’s withdrawal from the political process by order of al-Sadr.

Yesterday, Friday, a parliamentary source disclosed the formation of the new government after the Eid al-Adha holiday, and indicated that it would be a “component quota” government, stressing the anticipation of the political blocs outside the Shiite house of the ministries of the Sadrist movement after the resignation of its deputies and their non-participation in the next government.   LINK

Iranian diplomat: Al-Kazemi holds more than 4 files during his visit to Tehran

Article at link

The "Coordination" Agreed To All The Conditions Of The "Allies Of Al-Sadr" Without Objection In Order To Head The Government

Posted On2022-06-26 By Sotaliraq   Baghdad / Tamim Al-Hassan    The coordinating framework made concessions to his former opponents - which the Sadrist movement had faulted before his retirement - in order to form a government.

The "Coordination Committee" must withdraw the militants of its allies within the Shiite bloc from areas in the vicinity of Kurdistan responsible for the bombing of the missiles.

He may also take the same measure in the "Sunni" areas, and alienate some factions that until recently were threatening Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi.

And the coordinating framework hastened the replacement of the Sadrist representatives in Parliament, to get rid of the "worry" of the return of the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, once again to the political scene.

The "ghost of al-Sadr" surrounded the Shiite forces that rejected the results of the recent elections, for several weeks as they marched to form the government, although the assumptions of the street's movement against them are still high.

According to informed sources, the coordinating framework retracted the ceiling of its demands that appeared in the meeting that took place on the eve of the last (emergency) parliament session.

Al-Mada had revealed part of what happened in the meeting held in Al-Halbousi's office in Baghdad last Monday evening, and the withdrawal of the "framework" due to the demands of the Democratic Party and "sovereignty."

However, according to the sources, the 48 hours that separated the day of the meeting and the holding of the session witnessed "acceptance of the framework with all conditions."

Accordingly, the "Coordination Council" must expel all the factions accused of targeting Erbil and the oil refinery in Kirkuk (bombing again 24 hours after the agreement).

According to the sources, the most prominent factions in the vicinity of Kurdistan are affiliated with Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq and Brigade 30 (Shabak).

Before that, Erbil had accused, for the first time publicly, the Hezbollah Brigades of bombing Erbil last month, through a booby-trapped march.

It seems that the agreement that took place before the session, which witnessed the chanting of the replacements of the Sadrist parliament, the constitutional oath, has caused the announcement of the rights movement - the political umbrella of the Hezbollah Brigades - to resign from Parliament.

The Secretary-General of the Human Rights Movement, Hussein Mounis, said Thursday (shortly after the session), "We will not be substitutes for the brothers in the Sadrist movement, although we support the formation of the new government."

And on Friday, hours after the end of the emergency session, the "Kormor" gas field in the Chamchamal district of the Sulaymaniyah governorate was bombarded with missiles, which could embarrass the "coordinating framework" that seeks to please the Kurds.

The field near the borders of the Kurdistan region is being invested by two Emirati companies that specialize in energy, "Dana Gas" and "Hilal Company".

Two days earlier, the Anti-Terrorism Service in Sulaymaniyah province announced, in a statement, that a Katyusha missile had targeted the same field, without causing material damage or injuries.

Early last month, a similar missile attack targeted Kar Refinery in Erbil, which resulted in a fire in one of its tanks and it was brought under control.

And the anti-terrorism authorities in the Kurdistan region announced that six missiles landed near the refinery, adding that they were launched from Nineveh Governorate.

The security forces said that they found a launch pad packed with four missiles in the Nineveh Plain after the attack, and that they were able to neutralize it.

Three missiles fell near the same refinery on April 6, without causing any casualties or damage.

On March 13, a house in Erbil belonging to a Kurdish businessman working in the energy field was bombed, which was claimed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, with "12 ballistic missiles."

[size=45]Shakhwan Abdullah, a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the second deputy speaker of parliament, had revealed that his party had emphasized, during negotiations with the "Coordination", "the issue of arms and confining them to the hands of the state, and ending the presence of forces outside the administration of the official forces," referring to "the presence of unofficial forces." In Kirkuk, Tuz Khurmatu and Mosul as well, and they cause concern for the residents of those areas.”

In a statement to Kurdish media, Abdullah said that the factions that targeted in the areas of the (Kalak) oil refinery, the house of Kurdish businessman Baz Raouf Barzanji, the Kormur gas field, another force in the Dibs area, and a Shabak force (whose location was not mentioned): “It does not belong to In any way, the Iraqi political references receive orders from other parties.”

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament also confirmed that it was agreed with the "Coordination" on: "legislating a new oil and gas law in Parliament, where the draft law is being prepared with the consent and participation of the two governments in Erbil and Baghdad, to be sent to Parliament for discussion."

Abdullah confirmed that the statement issued after Thursday’s emergency session, “was put forward by the Kurdistan Democratic Party as a precondition for its participation in the next government, especially the three principles: balance, consensus, and partnership,” noting that “the coordination framework rejects those proposals related to the security aspect.” Oil and politics.

The joint statement after the session stated: "The political blocs are committed to working hard and urgently to form a national service government that fulfills the wishes and needs of our citizens in accordance with the principle of balance, consensus, partnership and commitment to the constitution."

The recent negotiations took place jointly with the Sovereignty Alliance, to which the “coordinating framework” made concessions that also allowed Muhammad al-Halbousi to fully control the presidency of the parliament unchallenged. The former competed with his former deputy, Hakim al-Zamili.

The Coordinator agreed to add a paragraph to the agenda of Thursday's session, which remained vague and unknown until a short time before the start of the session, which witnessed the participation of more than 200 deputies.

In contrast to the paragraph «alternatives of the Sadrists» in the agenda, put a paragraph preceded by it as a condition before proceeding with the replacement of deputies, by amending the rules of procedure of Parliament to abolish the «presidency» and transformed into a «president and two deputies».

The session was initially held in accordance with a request submitted by 50 deputies, whose names have not been published so far, under the pretext of discussing the Turkish bombing, which was not put on the agenda of the session.

According to the leaks, there are demands from the «sovereignty» for «the removal of armed factions from the Sunni cities, part of which had organized more than one parade in Anbar within the pressure on the Speaker of Parliament during the period of his alliance with the Sadrists».

Chest Ghost!

According to identical sources, "the coordinating framework had rushed the meeting and accepted the conditions to get rid of the anxiety of the return of the Sadrists, and in return is trying to satisfy the leader of the movement in some positions."

It seems that this prompted "Al-Sadr" to issue a statement on the page of what is known as "Minister Leader" Salih Muhammad al-Iraqi, in which he warned of what he called a "malicious idea" in the efforts to form the new Iraqi government.

Al-Iraqi indicated in a tweet on "Twitter" that the idea is: "Involve a Sadrist minister from the current, a dissident, expelled or sympathetic in the government they want to form."

In the task of searching for a former prime minister, the "Coordination Committee" is trying to choose a character that "does not provoke al-Sadr", and began to put forward the names of former Sadrists such as Ali Shukri and Qusay al-Suhail.

Al-Iraqi threatened that: "Our response will be unexpected if you try to tarnish our reputation by involving us with you in terms of whether we know or do not know, or delude people into this."

On the other hand, the leader of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq called for a "rerun of the elections," in references that were understood as continuing differences within the coordination framework and the annoyance of some of its parties over the recent agreement with the political forces following the "absence of al-Sadr."

Khazali said in a video interview, commenting on the resignation of the Sadrist bloc's deputies, that "the defect is now deeper and more complex, and it is not possible to form a government in conditions that are not calm and it can succeed."

He added, "I call for a political agreement to repeat the elections after amending the electoral law, canceling electronic voting and making important changes in the commission."   LINK

A Parliamentarian Sends An Invitation To The Government Regarding The Smuggled Antiquities From Nineveh[/Size]

Policy   2022-06-26 | 07:03   Source:   Alsumaria news   408 views  Baghdad/ Alsumaria News, Representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc, Ikhlas Al-Dulaimi, called on the government to strive hard to recover antiquities smuggled from the province to European museums at a time when the terrorist groups ISIS controlled the province.

Al-Dulaimi said in an interview with Alsumaria News, "The archaeological monuments, mosques and churches in the province ofMosulIt was subjected to great destruction as a result of the terrorist groups’ invasion of the governorate.”

She added that “there are simple prosthetic treatments, but unfortunately they do not rise to the level of real treatments, but we cannot demand greater internal solutions as a result of the weakness of previous governments in dealing with such important files,” indicating that we “ And through coordination with international bodies and civil society organizations, we seek to provide allocations and efforts for the reconstruction of these monuments, churches, mosques and archaeological infrastructure.

Al-Dulaimi pointed out, “Within the recent period, we have found large-scale operations to reconstruct a good number of these archaeological monuments. We hope through the allocations that have been made within the development of the regions, whether in 2021 or in the recent allocations, which amounted to nearly 900 billion dinars as a share.” provinceNinevehThat we witness a major reconstruction campaign for these buildings destroyed by ISIS.”

She added, “What we hope from the government is to move more broadly in order to recover the antiquities that were smuggled to European museums by terrorist groups and merchants cooperating with them.” LINK


Iraqi News Sunday PM 6-26-22


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