News, Rumors and Opinions Tuesday AM 3-16-2021

RV Excerpts from the  Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 16 March 2021

Compiled Tues. 16 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Our Military Intel Contact has gone silent and would not be sending out any more updates. The last he reported:

Tues. 16 March onward Tier 3-4A, B notification emails and calls to obtain appointments for Zim redemption and foreign currency exchanges at the special rates.

Wed. 17 March St. Patrick’s Day: St. Patrick’s Day was named after the patron saint of Ireland Patrick, the Christian missionary who supposedly rid Ireland of snakes during the fifth century A.D. Patrick believed the Shamrock represented the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

These three upcoming events could possibly relate to Wed. 17 March 2021:

1. The Global Currency Reset: Everything was pointing toward Tier 4B beginning exchanges/ redemption on Wed. 17 March. The government was sending out Stimulus monies that activated in accounts on Wed. 17 March.

New Global Currency Reset Rates (as I understand them – and I could be wrong) as reported by our Military Intel Contact. These were put out so Zim redeemers could decide prior to their appointment, whether they wanted the default rates or to present a project and negotiate a rate. There would be no holds, no caps and no tax on redemption/ exchanges.

The Zim Default Rate you received was dependent on amount you had, long term payout time frame and your investment in international humanitarian projects = $.11 to $.33 (a 100 Trillion Dollar Note would be worth $11 million to $33 million). There would be no restrictions on how you used the monies.

Zim Contract Rate only awarded if you had a long term humanitarian project put on a long term payout = $.94. The monies would be tracked to insure it was dedicated to humanitarian work. You would receive interest on your money left in the bank during your long term payout period. That interest was your own, would be taxable and determined by how much Zim you had, plus the longevity of you long term payout.

Dinar International Rate = $3.71

Dinar Default Rate = $16.00

Dinar Contract Rate if you have no Zim and dedicate 30% to humanitarian = $22.00

Dong International Rate = $.47

Dong Default Rate = $15.00

Dong Contract Rate if you have no Zim and dedicate 30% to humanitarian = $20.00


Overnight Sun 14 March the QFS, which has been fully integrated with Forex, was trading all USN pegged global currencies.

Mon 15 March some exchanges/ redemptions.

Mon 15 March NESARA protocols implemented through (1) gold-backed USN currency notes released through Redemption Centers and (2) the $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill $1,400 direct deposits & checks would go out as cover for exchanges.

Thurs. 25 March and no later than Wed. 31 March Tier 4B exchange appointments were expected to be FINISHED.

Thurs. 1 April Announcement of the Global Currency Reset

Thurs. 1 April NESARA / GESARA Debt Jubilee

Thurs. 1 April was the beginning of the fiscal year for the new gold/ asset-backed US Treasury Note.

Thurs. 1 April the General Public Tier 5 foreign currency exchanges at the new international rates would go forward.

Read full post here:



Samson:  Jiyad: The Federal Oil and Gas Law in Iraq

15th March, 2021

The Federal Oil and Gas Law in Iraq:

A sudden alarming move that calls for caution and readiness to encounter

In a very surprising and sudden move it was announced that the "Opinion Board" (Hayaatul raay  هيئة الرأي) of the Ministry of Oil (MoO) discussed and approved the final version of the Federal Oil and Gas Law (FOGL) at its meeting on Wednesday, February 24, 2021.

In a statement by Ministry's Press Office, Minister of Oil Ihsan A. Ismail confirms this final version will be referred to the Council of Ministers (CoM) for approval after it was reviewed by the "concerned authorities in the Ministry", and then CoM will review this text, and in turn refer it to the House of Representatives (HoR) to enact it as law.

The Press Office did not provide, in its brief statement, any important or new information about the components and contents of this final version of the bill, or on its similarity to any of the previously presented drafts (a minimum of three), or to what prompted the Ministry to take this action at this particular timing in this way!!

The real reasons behind this "suddenness" at this particular time could be explained by or related to many issues or events that are dominating the current political environment. It could be linked to the stalled approval of 2021 budget law, or to the ongoing back and forth dialogue between the federal government and KRG (including efforts by some politicians and heads of some politico-religious groups), or with the end of the current government's mandate and the HoR term, as the national election is rescheduled from June to October this year, or with the current debate at HoR regarding the 15 year old Federal Supreme Court Law (FSCL), or with the coordination efforts (covert or overt) between the announcement of this bill and the proposed first amendment to the Iraqi National Oil Company (INOC law), which seems to be expedited by the Head of the Oil and Energy Committee in the House of Representatives (Haybat Al-Halbousi) ... or all of these ... or a combination of them ... or maybe even others.

Each of the previously presented versions of FOGL is complex, incoherent, long and highly politicized; all has been under consideration for more than fifteen years, and much was written about the law throughout that period.

Because of the urgency, importance and necessity for discussing this "final version" of the law seriously and professionally to protect the country's hydrocarbon wealth in serving the Iraq interest and the rights of future generations, I find it imperative to make very brief assessment on the background and what has been revealed on this abrupt move.

Click here to download the full report in pdf format.

Mr Jiyad is an independent development consultant, scholar and Associate with the former Centre for Global Energy Studies (CGES), London.    LINK

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   I told you to add 90 days to a Sunday after December 20th when they devalued it [the dinar].  It takes you to Sunday March 21st.  As we're approaching March 21st you can clearly see all Iraq's news is right on par - how they're completing the budget, adjusting the exchange rate and everything's right at the cusp of happening exactly at the 21st.  I mean it's a no brainer...

Footforward   For those who have eyes to see and ears to hear, you know what the rate is already.  For newer people, my opinion, that is not financial or investment advice, my opinion is the rate will be at least 3.50 and more likely 5.00.


Keiser Report | Fed Gets Its Wish | E1671

Mar 16, 2021

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the tumbling purchase power of the dollar as the central bank gets its wish.

In the second half, Max interviews Nick Giambruno, an independent geopolitical analyst, about lackluster gold in an age of excessive money printing.


"Coffee With MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat 3-16-2021


"Tidbits From TNT" Tuesday Morning 3-16-2021