News, Rumors and Opinions Thursday Morning 3-11-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 11 March 2021

Compiled Thurs. 11 March 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Tues. 9 March our Military Intel Contact said that although for security reasons he could not be specific, he felt that Tier 4B notification was this week.

Bond payouts began on Mon. 8 March, while on Tues. 9 March all liquidity was released. From Wed. 10 March onward ZIM bond redemptions were being paid out and that would continue through Sun. 14 March.

On Wed. 10 March the Stimulus Bill was passed, which our Military Intel Contact said would provide cover for the Tiers exchanges/redemption.

The Tier 5 general public exchanges of gold/asset-backed foreign currencies at the new international rates were scheduled to start on Mon-Tues 15-16 March.

Also on Mon-Tues 15-16 March the debt jubilee NESARA / GESARA debt repayment packages would begin paying off all past federal debt classes in the US and internationally in multiple countries.

What We Think We Know on Exchanges/ Redemption as of Thurs. 11 March:

Final rates were not yet locked in. The below were estimated amounts and could easily change:

Those who do not exchange/ redeem at official Redemption Centers would be awarded the lower default rates.

Zim default rate: $ .11 to $.33

Zim rates were negotiable if you had a humanitarian project (30 hundred Zim T Notes have been redeemed at $.94).

Dinar International rate: $3.71, Contract rate if you had no Zim and dedicated 30% to humanitarian: (114 million Dinar have been exchanged at $16)

Dong International rate: $0.47, Contract rate if you had no Zim and dedicated 30% to humanitarian: (1 billion Dong have been exchanged at $15)

International rates: Afghani $2.39, Rupiah $1.08, Rial $3.22

There were no holds or caps, no matter the amount exchanged.

Within 15 days the party exchanging must return with bank account information on their corporations/ trust vehicles they would use to manage these amounts, after which all monies would be transferred into that account.

There were three Disclosure forms to sign that established KYC (Know Your Client).

Nothing over ten million $ could be spent in the first 15 days, though recipients could make any purchase they wished, place a deposit and provide the seller with a guarantee of payment.

A tax free, clear, clean funds letter would be provided.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  The meetings that we told you about between the FAB 4 before they raise the value...are really picking up the pace.  It's really moving the last meeting Saturday they talked about the small category notes.  They also talked about the Real Effective Exchange Rate...regarding the meeting about the new small category notes - that one is done.  Regarding the meeting about the new exchange rate - that one is done...

Walkingstick  [via Frank26]  The HCL is being pushed dramatically right now.  I mean it's being shoved.  It's being pushed though and it's extremely important for us to understand the value of that because the HCL is going to allow the new exchange rate to come out...pushing the HCL is telling you and me as investors that they are very very close...

Footforward    [I believe you said in the past it has to come out min at 3.50$ right?]  that is my opinion yes.

Is The Stimulus Really "Showering Money On Americans & Sharply Cutting Poverty" Or...

Silver Report Uncut:  Mar 11, 2021

The media has lost it with their reporting on the economy and this $1.9 trillion spending bill

The stimulus package includes $360 billion in relief for state, local, and territorial governments. That is almost 20% of the entire allocation of capital in this measure.

While $360 billion may sound small, the total cost of the stimulus checks would be $245 billion if we gave a $1,400 stimulus check to each of the 175 million who make less than $75,000 a year.

Add in $300 unemployment insurance per week for the 10 million Americans who are out of work and you could fund the $3 billion of unemployment insurance for almost 10 months before you had given more money to the people, rather than to local and state governments.

So overall there is less money going to the regular people are more money flowing to state and local governments. It's crazy they always describe stimulus as a positive and never discuss the drawbacks of insane sovereign debt.


March 5, 2021

Intel and opinions start at about minute 5:00….News about the Fed, Silver and more………

My first impression with the Federal Reserve outage is they did an important stage with the reset and it got sabotaged by the banker cabal…….as time passed…..I got more perspectives from others who say this might have been the good guys instead…..trapping some cabal members….



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