News, Rumors and Opinion Tuesday 6-7-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 7 June 2022

Compiled Tues. 7 June 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset Reminder: No one, and I mean Absolutely No One knows the exact time and date that the Global Currency Reset would be finalized, with codes entered for notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) to set redemption/ exchange appointments – it dependent upon a life changing, earth shattering Event or Events that would eventually implode the global economy. That deadline would be decided by the Military out of calculations of their Quantum Computer and based upon concerns for safety of The People. Trust the Plan.

Charlie Ward was told by both the DOJ and DOD that there would be QFS silence for two weeks (or to mid-June).

Last week Ward said the GCR would be liquid sometime in the beginning of June and then he confirmed that German Bonds were liquidated on Thurs. 2 June, with people paid out.

The gold-backed Chinese Yuan has replaced the fiat US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency A few days later the King Pin of the GCR – the Iraqi Dinar – was removed from an International Sanction’s List and Iraq was told they could revalue their Dinar at any time. According to Ward, on Fri. 20 May the GCR Tokens were issued, with certain qualifying banks given liquidity in the new financial system. On Mon. 30 May the Sovereign Gold Bonds went live.

All currencies of the 209 nations participating in the gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset have been determined to be ISO 200022 compliant and hooked up to the new financial system.

Special Forces Intel: Game Over for the Cabal: The Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z:

Real News Headlines for Mon. 6 June 2022:

“The matrix is broken. They lost all their money machines. No country accepts old fiat currencies except in public areas. The BRICS countries have expanded significantly – all of them are now activating their currencies backed by gold and precious metals in the new QFS. Deep State has lost Ukraine. The only way they exist now is to steal and siphon money from the population – only if we allow them to. Fabricated inflation is one of the tools. Record fuel prices are part of it. The more we disconnect from the matrix, the faster it collapses, and the new system is ready for installation. Now the expectation falls solely on the general public.” …Anon

Fulford: High-level talks between the elders of Asia and the West to usher in a new golden age for humanity are progressing well. The main agreement provides for the complete cancellation of all public and private debts, a one-time redistribution of assets, and a massive campaign to eradicate poverty, stop environmental degradation and colonize the universe with earthly life. This plan is backed by the Western Committee of 300, the Indian government, and Asian secret societies that control China, Asia, Korea and Japan, among others.

BRICS is now “BRICS Plus” which includes Turkey, Argentina, Egypt, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Thailand, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan will be soon included.

Global Financial Crisis:

What does Evergrande default mean? Here’s what it COULD mean: Lots of Evergrande Bonds have been used for collateral by banks/hedge funds. Now that collateral is worthless, meaning they will need to come up with more collateral. Liquidity (available cash) will dry up meaning costs/fees to borrow money for hedge funds etc will increase more. All bad news for hedge funds.

Read full post here:


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground TV report] FIREFLY:  The CBI governor is on TV...he's talking about the CBI's willingness to open channels with the international world.  This is exciting for us...because we know exactly what this means for our currency...

Pimpy  Article:  "MiB Securities:  USD/VND exchange rate may increase slightly in 2022". There's going to be a slight increase in the value of the Vietnam dong compared to the US dollar but it really is small...It's a half to one percent...

Iraqi Dinar update for 06/06/22 - Have to do better

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

The Global Economy is now a QE Addict

The Survival Economist:  6-6-2022

If it smells like QE, if it sounds like QE, if it looks like QE, it is QE. Trying to solve a debt problem by creating more debt.

 Economist Mohamed A. El-Erian calls it QE Lite. The Federal Government has grown so large that it is sucking the liquidity out of the system. They sell Treasuries, and to replace the liquidity sopped up, and the Fed has to go buy them back. It's that simple.

This Ponzi scheme can go on for only so long. The longer it lasts, the harder the crash. The amount of theft going on behind the scenes in the last ten years has to be mind-blowing. Free money for the banks. Get back to work, Serfs! Pay those loans! Pay them taxes! Modern slaves are not in chains; they are in debt.

Today the Primary Dealers needed and took another $73.5 billion in Fed overnight repos and $30.65 billion in 14-day term repos for a total of $104.5 billion in Temporary Open Market Operations.

 Meanwhile, $96.5 billion in repos expired. So the total Fed repos outstanding rose to a new record of $205.7 billion. It's QE forever, a permanent QE.


Tivon and MilitiaMan Thoughts on the "Food Security Law" 6-7-2022


"Coffee With MarkZ" Tuesday Morning Chat 6-7-2022