My Mama Always Told Me – You Better Have Your Own Money

My Mama Always Told Me – You Better Have Your Own Money

MadMoney Monster

Warning: This post recounts a tale of hardcore MOM advice from yesteryear.

Moms, they’re funny creatures, aren’t they? They lecture us about not getting enough sleep, they threaten to not babysit when we ignore them for too long, they give us constant unsolicited advice on parenting, marriage, and cooking. And yet, no one in the world loves us more.

Recently, I’ve been thinking about all of the advice my mom gave me as I was growing up. Looking back on it, that advice certainly did shape my thoughts and the way in which I operate in this world. Today, I’m going to share a piece of pillar advice I heard from my mom over and over again – “Always have your own money!” 

First, let me preface this by saying, I completely understand that not everyone lives this way. And that’s okay. The purpose of this post is to enlighten and entertain. I am in no way suggesting that EVERYONE should always have their own money because my mom said so. Now, with that said, let’s dig into why my mom told me that and how it has affected my life in a positive way. Here we go!


 So just what did my mom mean by telling me to always have my own money? She meant exactly that – Always Have Your Own Money. In other words, I should strive to always be able to support myself, regardless of what circumstance life decides to throw my way. And regardless of what circumstances I get myself into.

Parents always have their children’s best interests at heart. They want their children to Do More and Be More. Their wish is for their children to always be happy, healthy, and never experience discomfort. And, they hope their children have plenty of money and enter into solid, well-suited relationships. But let’s face it, all these hopes and dreams and wishes don’t always take shape. And when they don’t, it’s nice to have, you guessed it…Money.

Money obviously isn’t a cure-all, but it sure does offer up some wonderful options when life throws you a curveball. With money, you can endure the emotional stresses of a difficult time without having to worry about how you’re going to pay the mortgage or buy groceries. With money, you have the luxury of taking a breather and contemplating your next move. This is something my mother never had.



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