More News, Rumors and Opinions Sunday Evening 7-31-2022


CandyKisses:  Independent Politician: There Is Still A Regional And International Will To Keep Al-Kazemi

The independent politician Saad Al-Mutalibi confirmed, on Sunday, that the regional and international will is still working to keep the caretaker Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, noting that the dialogue will be “a framework chest.”

Al-Mutalibi said in a statement to "Information", that "the picture of resolving the crisis between the brothers within the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement was not clear, despite the former's official announcement of his call for dialogue and the resolution of all differences between the two parties."

He added, “The next dialogue should be direct between the Sadrists and the frameworkists, and prevent the interference of any party or mediator, because when the Sunnis chose their representative in the House of Representatives, they did not consult the Shiite component. Also, the Kurds to this day have not allowed any party to interfere in solving the crisis of choosing the president of the republic. Therefore, the Shiites will not They allow the interference of any party or mediator.”

Al-Muttalibi pointed out that "the regional and international will is still working to keep Al-Kazemi as president of the House of Representatives, and it is working in various ways to deepen the political crisis." 


Jambie67:  Happy last day of July. Tomorrow, we welcome a brand new month and, hopefully, a brand new life where we step into our season all together! To be clear, I’m okay with our season arriving TODAY! Lol,


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  We're down to a small little window of time for them to revalue the currency.  They could do it anytime within the next few weeks...We're very close right now to the rate does not appear to be that far away.  Remember this investment is very hard to gauge and pin down because...what we're looking for if for them to form the government...

Tivon   Article:  "Customs announces the start of the electronic customs declaration"  Yesssssssssssss...They are ready for the big leagues. Now they are 100% confident in their new electronic fingerprint. The CBI has already given their deadline. SWIFT gave their deadline. Total, their deadline. This is pretty much a done deal...



 Charles Hugh Smith - It’s Time To End The Fed & Return To A Decentralized Currency  

Published July 30, 2022

Charles begins the conversation talking about the Green New Deal. We cannot move from a fossil fuel world directly into a green energy world, we are not ready for this and the infrastructure is not there. The inflation is going to destroy the economy and it is time to move back to a decentralized currency.​and-return-to-a-decentralized-cu.html


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Iraqi Dinar update for 07/31/22 - Could Sadr be chosen as Iraq leader

Pimpy’s Investment Chat

MARKETS A LOOK AHEAD: It Has Already Begun! Bail-outs/Bail-ins ARE THE SYSTEM FAILSAFE.

Greg Mannarino:  7-31-2022


Sunday Night "Humor While We Wait...and Wait...and Wait Some More......."


Iraqi News Sunday AM 7-31-22